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Present Progressive

Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect

Modes Progressive
Present Present Present Present
Past Past Past Past
Future Future Future Future
Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional

 Utilisation du present progressive

Le present progressive exprime:

a) Une action qui se fait au moment où l'on parle (en train de).

Ex: I'm teaching you.

She is cooking.

Je suis en train de t'enseigner.

Elle est en train de faire à manger.

b) Une action temporaire (ce qui n'est pas une habitude).

Ex: I'm working on a new book.

She's taking English classes.

c) Des arrangements futurs.

Ex: I'm working tomorrow.

They are meeting John at 7:00.

d) Des situations évolutives.

Ex: The price of bread is increasing.

It is getting colder outside.

N.B. Le present progressive se traduit en français, comme le simple present, par le

présent de l'indicatif.

Subject Auxiliary Verb + ing Object

(to be, present)

I I'm am
Affirmations You You're are
He He's is
She She's is swimming in the pool.
It It's is
We We're are
You You're are
They They're are

Subject (to be, present) Not Verb + ing Object

Negations I am -
You are aren't not playing computer.
He is isn't
They are aren't

Auxiliary Subject Verb + ing Object

(to be, present)

Yes/no Am I teaching you?

questions Are you watching television?
Is she eating an apple?
Are we going to Montreal?

Question Auxiliary Subject Verb + ing Object

word (to be, present)
questions Why is she studying English?

 Mots clés: Now/right now/at this moment


A. Conjugate the verbs in the present progressive using the subject in brackets.

1. To swim (she)

2. To clean (you)

3. To study (I)

4. To create (we)

5. To think (she)

6. To behave (we)

7. To eat (it)

8. To watch (he)

9. To walk (I)

10. To act (he)

11. To use (we)

12. To pray (you)

13. To cook (they)

14. To talk (I)

15. To hope (they)

16. To swim (it)

17. To travel (you)

18. To water (she)

19. To sleep (you)

20. To whistle (I)


B. Conjugate the verbs in the present progressive.

1. I (to see) Paul tomorrow.

2. The kids (to grow up) .

3. When they (to play) soccer this week.?

4. Tony (to smoke, negation) . He has a bad cold.

5. Julia (to run) after the dog?

6. The boys (to sleep) right now.

7. Peter and Diane (to come, negation) this week.

8. Jackie (to work, negation) because she broke her leg

last week.

9. you (to go) to cinema this evening?

10. Jennifer (to get) married in a week.

11. Brian (to go, negation) to school this week.

12. That kid (to be) a real monster!

13. We (to have) problems with our car.

14. It (to rain) cats and dogs these days.

15. I (to watch) my favorite TV program. Stop calling me!

16. you (to try) to study?

17. They (to travel) in Asia.

18. Brian (to write) a letter to his girlfriend.

19. Where he (to go) ?

20. I (to watch, negation) T.V. tonight.


C. Translate the following sentences into French or English. Use the present

1. Dort-elle?

2. She is thinking.

3. Nous écoutons.

4. You're cooking.

5. What are you watching?

6. Is he sleeping?

7. Il mange (l'oiseau).

8. Est-ce qu'elles mangent?

9. I'm listening.

10. What are you thinking?

11. Je ne dors pas.

12. Écoutez-vous?

13. Why is she studying?

14. Est-ce que tu manges?

15. Il écoute.

16. Where are you going?

17. Regardez-vous la télévision?

18. I'm not sleeping.

19. Que lis-tu?

20. Je termine mes exercices.


21. Dave ne joue pas au hockey.

22. Je mange beaucoup cette semaine.

23. Is she studying?

24. Listen! The baby is crying.

25. Est-ce que je parle trop fort?

26. They' re not travelling this year.

27. Est-ce que Rick ne vient pas au party?

28. The Taylors are staying here.

29. I'm not eating dessert.

30. Il pleut.

31. Il est en train de courir après son chien?

32. Je suis en train de travailler à l'ordinateur.

33. Nathalie is reading a book..

34. Les chats dorment sur le lit.

35. Pourquoi ne mangent-il pas?

36. I'm listening to the teacher.

37. Elle est en train de se baigner.

38. Où va-t-elle?

39. The tree is falling.

40. We are having a lot of fun!



 Un Modal est un auxiliaire qui change la signification et le temps du verbe qui le suit.

Traduction et temps Utilisation Exemples

Possibilité/abileté I can go to cinema tonight.

Can Pouvoir  Présent I can swim one kilometer.
Permission Can I go to the party?
Aussi may (+poli) May I go home Mrs?

Pouvoir  Passé Possibilité/abileté I could swim at 5 years old.

Pouvoir Conditionnel Possibilité/abileté I could swim if I wanted.
Requête polie Could I go to the bathroom?

Conseil (advice) You should study more.

You should listen to me.
Should Devoir  Conditionnel
Attente (expectation) She should be here in 5 min.

Devoir  Présent Obligation You must obey your parents.

Besoin personnel I must see a doctor.

Subject Modal Verb (infinitive) Object

Affirmations can run very fast.

They could play outdoor last night.
should study if they want to succeed.
must finish their homework.

Subject Modal Not Verb Object


Negations can can't go outdoor today.

She could couldn't not sleep well last night.
should shouldn't smoke in bed.
must musn't watch tv tonight.

Modal Subject Verb Object

Yes/no Can watch tv tonight?
questions Could he
walk when he was 1 year old?
Should stop smoking?
Must go to bed before 8?

Question Modal Subject Verb Object

word (infinitive)
Information can watch tv tonight?
could play tennis?
questions Why he
should stop smoking?
must go to bed before 8?

A. Complete the sentences below with an appropriate modal.

1. You finish this work tonight. (obligation)

2. you go to the movies last weekend? (possibility)
3. You have your eyes checked. (advice)
4. They ski forty kilometers in one day. (ability)
5. She find her socks. (negative ability)
6. Brian smoke in bed. (negative advice)
7. I go home? (obligation)
8. I go home? (advice)
9. I go home? (possibility)
10. You smoke in this building. (negative obligation)
11. I go to your party tonight. (possibility)
12. They run for two hours. (ability)
13. Tell Diana I meet her because I was sick. (negative possibility)
14. I stay or I go. (expectation)
15. We leave because we have a meeting at 3 o'clock. (obligation)

B. Translate these sentences into French or English.

1. I can run the marathon.

2. They couldn't play hockey last night.

3. Les élèves devraient étudier davantage pour avoir de meilleurs résultats.

4. Can I turn off the lights?

5. Je ne peux pas te parler parce que je dois travailler.

6. Où dois-je aller?

7. He can't go to Montreal today.

8. Pourrais-tu me donner ton crayon?

9. Tu ne devrais pas manger de chocolat.

10. We couldn't finish the work on time.

11. L'autobus devrait être ici bientôt.

12. We should wait for it.

13. I'm on a diet. I must not eat dessert.

14. Pourriez-vous me dire où sont les toilettes?

15. Should I review my modals?


Past Progressive

Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect

Modes Progressive
Present Present Present Present
Past Past Past Past
Future Future Future Future
Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional

 Utilisation du past progressive

Le past progressive exprime:

a) Une action en train de se dérouler dans le passé. Par contre, le début et la

fin de l'action ne sont pas clairement définies.

Ex: At 7 o'clock ,they were playing hockey.

At this time last year, I was travelling in western Canada.

b) Une action progressive dans le passé pendant laquelle survient une action

Ex: I was taking a bath when the phone rang.

They were sleeping when the car hit the house.

Remarquez que dans une telle situation, une partie de la phrase est
au passée et doit obligatoirement se traduire par le passé composé.

N.B. Le past progressive se traduit en français par l'imparfait de l'indicatif.


Subject Auxiliary Verb + ing Object

(to be, past)
I was
You were
He was
She was sleeping when the phone
It was rang.
We were
You were
They were

Subject Auxiliary Not Verb + ing Object

(to be, past)
I was wasn't computer when
You were weren't not playing
you called.
He was wasn't
They were weren't

Auxiliary Subject Verb + ing Object

(to be, past)

Yes/no Was I sleeping when it rang?

questions Were you watching television when I called?
Was she eating when you left?
Were we going to Montreal?

Question Auxiliary Subject Verb + ing Object

word (to be, past)
questions Why was she watching television?

 Mots clés: When + past tense


A. Conjugate the verbs in the past progressive using the subject in brackets.

1. To read (she)

2. To write (I)

3. To jump (it)

4. To come (you)

5. To live (we)

6. To dance (he)

7. To try (they)

8. To swim (you)

9. To do (I)

10. To clean (they)

11. To study (you)

12. To shine (he)

13. To drive (we)

14. To draw (she)

15. To think (you)

16. To swim (it)

17. To travel (you)

18. To water (she)

19. To care (you)

20. To whistle (I)


B. Conjugate the verbs in the past progressive.

1. In 1977, she (to live) in Vancouver.

2. Why she (to try) to escape?

3. Jim and Janet (to study, negation) together yesterday


4. We (to eat) lunch when the earthquake began.

5. The stars (to shine) that night.

6. The car broke down while I (to go) to Montréal.

7. he (to wear) a black suit when he came in?

8. At that time, I (to work) as a secretary.

9. they (to watch) a movie yesterday afternoon?

10. We (to play, negation) with the children when you


11. Sarah (to read) when the thief came in.

12. We (to play, negation) golf when the rain started.

13. he (to train) the team that year?

14. At 6 o'clock last nignt, we (to prepare) diner.

15. They (to sleep, negation) when the phone


C. Translate the following sentences into French or English. Use the past progressive.

1. Parlait-elle?

2. Il courait (le chat).

3. Est-ce qu'elles lisaient?

4. Were we playing?

5. I was sleeping.

6. Nous écrivions.

7. Were you sleeping?

8. Dansiez-vous?

9. Were you skiing?

10. Est-ce que tu lisais?

11. We were crying.

12. Je ne dormais pas.

13. Est-ce que vous chantiez?

14. Was I eating?

15. You were drinking.

16. Je travaillais.

17. Est-ce que vous dormiez à 21h?

18. He wasn't reading when she arrived.

19 Was he sleeping at 9 o'clock?

20. I wasn't playing computer.


D. Supply the proper form - simple past or past progressive.

1. While I (to go) back home last night, I (to see) an


2. I (to read) the newspaper when you (to call) .

3. I (to wait) for the bus when one of my very good friend (to

come) with his car.

4. When I (to meet) Frank, he (to live)

in Chicoutimi.

5. Kathy slipped and (to fall) while she ( to play)


6. John (to play) hockey when he (to have)

a heart attack.

7. This time last year I (to live) in Vancouver.

8. I (to paint) outside when I (to fall)

and (to knock) my head.

9. She (to write) her exam when the bell (to ring) .

10. When Jason (to leave) home this morning, it (to

rain) a lot.

11. Kent (to be, negation) home when I (to call) .

12. While Brian (to eat) dinner, someone he knew (to

knock) at the door.

13. Simon (to help) his mother, when his very good friend (to arrive)

14. They (to play) soccer in the field near the park when

John (to fall) .

15. He (to get) sick while he (to travel)

in Europe.


Traduction Utilisation Exemples

This Ce Près (physiquement) This car is near us.

(singular) Cette Agréable (émotion) I like this thing.
Ceci Près (temps) This time of the year is great.

That Celui-ci Éloigné (physiquement) That car is far.

(singular) Celui-là Désagréable (émotion) I hate that bug.
Celle-ci Éloigné (temps) At that time, I was...

Ces Près (physiquement) These cars are near us.

Ceux-ci Agréable (émotion) These things I liked.
Ceux-là Près (temps) It's very hot these days.
Those Celles-ci Éloigné (physiquement) Those cars are far from us.
(plural) Celles-là Désagréable (émotion) Those bugs are biting me.
Éloigné (temps) In those years, there were no

A. Complete these sentences using this/that/these/those + these words:

Birds house plates postcards seat shoes


B. Describe these objects using this/that/these/those + these adjectives:


Some and Any

 Some et Any se placent devant des choses qu'on ne peut pas compter et se
traduisent généralement par de, du, des ou d'.

Sens Utilisation Exemples

Some Someone/body S'utilise principalement I think I have some milk.
Something dans des affirmations.

S'utilise principalement Sorry, I don't have any milk.
Any Anyone/body
dans des négations et Would you like any water?
dans des questions.

A. Complete the following sentences using some/any/someone/anyone/


1. Does mind if I smoke?

2. Would you like to eat?
3. Do you live near Jim?
4. The prisoners refused to eat .
5. There's at the door.
6. We slept in the park because we didn't have to stay.
7. Can I have milk in my coffee please?
8. Sue is very secretive. She never tells .
9. Why are you looking under your bed? Have you lost ?
10. You can cash these travellers checks at bank.
11. I haven't read of these books. But Tom has read .
12. He left the house without saying to .
13. Would you like more coffee?
14. The film is really great. You can ask who has seen it.
15. This is No Parking area. who parks here will have to pay a

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