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Mitochondrion plays an important role in cellular respiration. Lungs transfer oxygen through
blood to the cells. It also a source of energy as ATP(adenosine triphosphate) through
oxidative phosphorylation.

Mitochondria affect in calcium homeostasis inside cells. The calcium is reserve in calcium
vesicles inside cells. One important function is cell production and multiplication. They
create a subtle network of tubules to increase protein synthesis.

Irregularity in mitochondria can lead to a lot of diseases like bipolar disorders,

neurodegeneration, heart problems, cancer etc.

2. Nucleus

It manages all the aspects and characteristics of an organism. It connects cellular metabolism
through controlling synthesis of appropriate enzymes. Protein synthesis controls cell division,
growth and differentiation.

It stores all material in a form of deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) strands. It also stores and
combine proteins and ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the nucleolus. The transcription process
send message to RNA(mRNA) are produced for the protein synthesis purposes.


They assemble amino acids to form specific proteins, proteins are essential to carry out
cellular activities. The process of production of proteins, the deoxyribonucleic acid
produces mRNA by the process of DNA transcription.

Amino acid helps create specific protein, Proteins helps maintain cellular activities.
Protein production process and deoxyribonucleic acid generate mRNA by the movement
of DNA transcription.

The sequences of protein assembly during protein synthesis are specified in the mRNA.
The mRNA is synthesized in the nucleus and is transported to the cytoplasm for further
process of protein synthesis.

The control arrangement protein during protein synthesis is described in mRNA. The
mRNA is synthesized inside the nucleus and transfers to the cytoplasm in addition to the
process of protein synthesis.

3. Lysosomes
Lysosomes abstract many complicate molecules e,g carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic
acids, than the cell convert for other resources. In the Hydrolysis process, molecule of water is
added to the substance, causing to separate. Like a human digestive system, where food breaks
down using enzymes, here lysosomes can be presented as “digestive system” of the cell because
it helps break down all the molecules using enzyme.

1. connective tissue

Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely distributed of the primary tissues. Connective
tissue has three main components: cells, fibers, and ground substance. Together the ground
substance and fibers make up the extracellular matrix.
Connective tissue is one of the most generous and widely spread the primary tissues. It has three
main parts: cells, fibers, and ground substances. And combined the ground substance and fivers
makes it extracellular matrix.

Few major functions of connective tissue are:

1. Binding and supporting.

2. Preserving
3. Insulating.
4. Stored reserve energy.
5. Transferring substances within the body.

2. Muscle tissue

Muscle is a soft tissue that is highly specialized for the production of tension which results in
the generation of force. Muscle cells, or myocytes, contain myofibrils comprised of actin and
myosin myofilaments which slide past each other producing tension that changes the shape
of the myocyte. Numerous myocytes make up muscle tissue and the controlled production of
tension in these cells can generate significant force.
Muscle is a delicate tissue that is profoundly particular for the creation of tension which results
in the force generation. Mycocytes ( Muscle Cells), have myofibrils that is consist of action and
myosin myofilaments which creates friction and produce tension that changes the face of the
myocyte. A large number of myocytes makes the muscle tissue and producing controlled
trension among these cells create force.

Types of Muscle Tissue

Skeletal tissue

Smooth tissue

Cardiac tissue

3. Epithelium tissue

Human bodies have four types of tissues, mainly epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous.

Epithelial tissues helps cover the body, combine cavities and build the glands.

Epithelia tissue creates edges between different environments, and almost all substances need to
pass from the epithelium. It’s an interface tissue, epithelium have many functions, such as:

1. Protecting other tissues from radiation, desiccation, toxins and physical trauma.
2. Absorb all the substances in the digestive system with specific modification.
3. Arrangement and Rejection of chemicals in between the underlying tissues and the body

4. skeletal Tissue

Skeletal muscle is a combination of muscle fibers created of muscle cells. All muscle cells
are long and multinucleated. At the ends of each skeletal muscle a hamstring connects the
muscle to the bone.

As an example of raising your arm requires muscles, and it send the signal to many nerves
and muscles. Every skeletal muscle gets the nervous signal at neuromuscular junctions

5. Goblet Cells
Goblet cells are glandular and form in simple columns of cells found in the epithelia in the
organisms. The unique name of goblet cells has an initiation from their “goblet-like shape” after
them disruption the mucin secretion.
Apart from the composure of the epithelial lining of different organs, producing a large amount
of glycoproteins and carbohydrates, the crucial function of goblet cells are the secretions of
mucus. This mucus substance is a greasy gel-like substance that consists of mainly in mucins,
glycoproteins, and carbohydrates.

6. musculoskeletal system

The musculoskeletal system gives support the body and provide humans an ability to get in
motion. The human body bones (the skeletal system), muscles (muscular system), cartilage,
hamstrings, ligaments, joints, and few other connective tissues that give support and bind tissues
and organs in a comprise way to the musculoskeletal system.

One important factor is the system itself provides support, balance and motion of the body. The
skeletal portion of a body presents as the main repository system for calcium an phosphorous. It
has complex components of the hematopoietic system,(blood cell production)

Cardiocascular Explanation

The heart contains large muscles that cause compression and relaxation of the heart and when
These muscles are the contract, then the blood passes through the closure separating the rooms
one room in another. There are two compartments to the right (right atrium and right ventricle)
copy blood to pump When this blood enters the lungs, it collects oxygen (enters the body during
breathing) and carbon dioxide emissions (period). New the oxygen blood returns to the left side
of the heart (left atrium and left ventricle) as it originated pumped into the aorta. Aorta separates
into the blood vessels of another body and spreads oxygen enriched blood.

Once the oxygen has been use by the cells, it replaces itself with carbon dioxide. The blood
circulates and collect from the blood vessels to the right side of the heart. From this point it will
recycle the whole process from the right side of the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood to the
lungs where it actually becomes oxygenated.

Anti Hemoglobin

Increasing hemoglobin levels will inevitably increase the superior oxygenation capacity of sugar,
but at the expense of blood samples. Therefore, for each individual, the value is optimal for
hemoglobin, which controls the oxygen load and prevents excessive circulation. In case of heart
failure, it is likely to be greater than 12.5 g / d
Lymphoid Organ

(a) Bone marrow

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is characterized by the failure of hematopoietic
hematopoiesiscausing abnormal claws and high cell proliferation (WB). Photocomptos is
responsible for large cells. Immune cells go to Specific T cells are responsible for immunization.
The use of BM and BM cells is poorly known Activity, such as BM aspiration, is often
contaminated with peripheral blood.

Kills T Cells In AIDS

Our immune system contains CD8 + T cells that protect us from various diseases such
as cancer and viruses. Some of them are specifically dedicated to the destruction of
HIV-infected cells. It has long been known that CD8 + T cells that want to target and kill
HIV will lose important measures; They will be free and will not be able to carry out their
Two transcription factors are particularly important for CD8 + T cells. They are known as
T-bet and Eome and act as the key to the host's immune system to ensure that CD8 +
is properly trained to fight certain diseases. In simple terms, the stimulating role of T-
erosion is to stimulate the division and development of CD8 + T cells. Eomes has more
regulatory functions and acts primarily against the memory of a completely improved
infection that is preparing for a new infection.

Alveoli Gas Exchange

Respiratory system causes gas exchange process. Pulmonary ventilation to the alveoli
plays an important role in gas exchange process. In the respiratory membrane, at this
point the capillary and alveolar walls meet, gas move around the membrane, in this
process oxygen entering the bloodstream and carbon dioxide exiting from it. Through
this process blood is oxygenated and carbon dioxide and all the waste in the cellular
respiratory system is flushed out from the body.

The gas is shown in two parts of the body: in the lungs where oxygen is released and
carbon dioxide rises in the airways and tissues, where oxygen is released and carbon
dioxide is generated. The external inspiration is to replace the gases by the external
environment in the case of pulmonary diseases. Internal respiration is the distribution
of gases inside that occurs in the tissues. The actual separation of the gas is due to a
simple distribution. Energy is not needed to transport oxygen or carbon dioxide through
molecules. Instead, these gases follow you to allow them to spread. Pulmonary anatomy
improves the distribution of gases: the respiratory membrane is very high for gases; The
capillaries and the blood are very thin; and there is a large area of lung.

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