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Attendance Management

User Guide
• Installation
• Login
• File
 Machine Setup
 Company Master
 Department Master
 Category Master
 Designation Master
 Shift master
 Shift Pattern Master
 Leave Master
 Holiday Master
 Employee Master
 Upload Name in Machine

• Transaction
 Generate Shift
 Update Leave Register
 Transfer Leave Balance
 Manual Punching
 Manual Correction

• USB data Converter

 ZK Series

• Online Data Transfer


• Process
 Daily Process
 Daily Manual Process
 Monthly Process
• Report
 Daily Report
 Weekly Report
 Monthly Report
 Yearly Report
 Others Report

• Administration
 User Manage
 Assign Rights
 Change Password

• Utility
 Log viewer
Double Click on Setup.exe
Click On NEXT

Put User Name & Organization Name

Select Your Installation Location & Click on NEXT

Now Click On Install

Realsoft Installation Process (wait till Finish the Process)

Click On Finish

Installation Process has finished

Double Click on Realsoft Icon on Desktop ( Login window will come)

User Name rss

Password rss

Put User name & password and Press Login

Main Menu


1. Setup
(Setup Menu is Software Configuration it is already set don’t change anything in it)

2. Machine Setup (To Add Machine)

(We can add multiple Machines with different Make)
Process to Add Machine

 Click On Add Button

 Put Machine ID in 2 Digit (01, 02, 03 ………..!)
 Put Machine IP Address
(if have multiple Machine please keep IP Address & Machine Different)
 Put Password of machine (if any Password in your machine)
 Port will come it self when you will select Machine Type
 Now Click On Save Button After fill All Field

Your Machine add Process has complete

Company Master
 Process to Add Company
 Click On Add Button
 Put Company ID (Should be in 2 Digit)
 Put Company Name
 We can add up to 99 companies in Single software
 Other field is Optional
 Strength field is limit of Employee in One company
 Define salary heads(ex-Basic,Hra,Da,Ta etc.)You can define five heads of salary.
 Enter the Deduction details[ PF,FPF, ESI%](according to company policy)

After fill all field click on save Button

Company master has filled successfully

Department Master

Process to add Department Master

 Click on Add

 Put Department ID

 Department Name

 After fill Both Field Click on save

Department ID should be in 2 Digit

You Can Make up to 99 Department

Category Master
Purpose of category master

We can set different time of Late coming, early

Going for different staff.

Category ID – Should be in 2 Digit

Category Description – Put Category Name
(Like Staff & worker)
Suppose Staff can come 10 Min. Late
& worker can come 5 Min. Late.

Late Arrival Allowed – how much late can come of

this category employee
(Software will not mark late up to this time)

Early Departure Allowed – how much time before

Employee can go from office.

Early Arrival Ignore- how much early coming time

We want to ignore (to don’t mark Overtime)

Late Departure Ignore- How much extra working time we want to ignore (to don’t mark Overtime)

After Fill All Field Press save Button (Category Master has made successful)

Designation Master

Process to add Designation Master

 Click on Add

 Put Designation ID

 Designation Name

 After fill Both Field Click on save

Designation ID should be in 2 Digit

You Can Make up to 99 Designation.

Shift Master

Process to Make Shift Master

Shift Code - Can only 2 Digit (limit up to 99 Shift)

Night Shift - if it is a night shift then select Y
In Time - Fill Coming Time
Out Time - Fill Going Time of This Shift
Hrs. - Software will calculate total working hours of Shift it self

Rest Time

Out Time - fill Lunch Start Time

In Time - Fill Lunch End Time
Hrs. - Software will calculate total lunch Time & it will deduct from
Total Shift Hours

Half day

Start Time - if Employee is coming in half day (time to start Half day)
End Time - time to End Half day
Hrs. - Software will calculate Half day working Hours

Mark as absent for working hours less then (put hours or min.)
(If employee works less then this time software will make absent for that day)

Mark as half day present for working hours less then (put hours or min.)
(If employee works less then this time software will make half day that day)

Over Time Hours allowed – Should be 08:00 Hours (not more then 08:00 hours)

Week off

We can select week off day for staff in this shift

If we have any other week of we can select 2nd week off also

Saturday off

If we have alternate Saturday off you can select which Saturday we have off day

Saturday Half Day

If we have alternate Saturday half day you can select which Saturday we have Half day

Shift Pattern Master

Process to make pattern master

We can set Pattern if any employee coming

In different shift every week or every month
Or in 15 days

We can make 99 pattern like given image.

Leave Master

Process to Set Leave Code & Rule

Leave Code - Which we have in 2 Digit

Type of Leave - Full name of Leave

Paid (Y/N) - if paid select Y & if Not Select N

Balance(Y/N) - balance should be manage of not

Running / Working -

Running – if Saturday & Monday is leave then Sunday will count in leave
Working -- if Saturday & Monday is leave then Sunday will not be count in leave

En cash(Y/N) - if leave is paid then we can take money against

Balance leave or not
Holiday Master

We can add all holiday of whole year in this master

Software will show HL in report on these days

Employee Master
Employee Add Process
Employee Code - Can Use Any Code up to 10 Digit
Name - Any Name we can Use
Company ID - Select Company for this Employee
Dept. ID - Select Department for This Employee
Designation ID - Select Designation of this employee
Category ID - Select Category of this Employee
OT Allowed - This employee have Over time authorization or not
Card Number - Card Number or finger number which is coming on machine
screen (should be in 8 digits)
Entry Required - Must be 2 (in & out both)
Card Status - Active (can deactivate when employee left the company)
Shift Type - F (Fix) R (Rotational)
Shift Code - Select Shift Code for This Employee
These all field should be filled properly & must then Click on Save Button
Your Employee Master has made successfully

Upload Name in Machine

After Completing
Employee Master we can upload
all Name In machine when Employee will put Finger
Generate Shift - To Generate Employee Shift

 For All Employee - Generate All Employee Shift Automatically

 For Single Employee - Generate 1 Employee Shift Manually

Update Leave Register - To mark Leave for Employee

Transfer Leave Balance - To Transfer Previous Year Leave
Manual Punching - To fill employee Time manually
Manual Corrections - Correct Report Manually

Generate Shift (For All


Process to Generate Shift

Select Year & Month and click on

Generate Shift 1 Massage will come
Click on YES & shift will generate

Work of Generate Shift

It will assign shift Time to

Employee & calculate Late coming
& early going for this employee in
this month
Generate Shift (for Single Employee)

Process to Generate Shift for 1 Employee

 Select Employee Code
 Name will come in Name Box
 Select Year
 Select Month
 For A Day - for 1 date only

For whole Month –

it will open complete month chart
you can change any day or all day
for single employee shift time.
Leave register
This wizard is use to arrange the
leave of employee.

Open blance-
In this option we can manage the leave of

 In this option we can
transfer the balance
leave of employees in
next year


 By clicking on this
option we can
transfer all
employees balance
leave in next year.


 If you want to transfer

a single employee
leave to next year so
you have to select
this option.

Process Of Transferring Leave Balance

 Select the employee code

 Select the year
 Click on transfer button
In case machine does not work or
employee forgot the punch so you
can mark his/her attendance by this

Process of manual
 Select the
 Emp code will be appear
 Click on add button
 Select the date
 Enter the in time
 Click on save
 Clink on show manual
punches button
 Now you can see the manual
punching of that employee
If you want to correction
in your report.You can
use this wizard.
For exm- if you want to
change the
arrival/departure time
so you can change it
from this wizard.

Process of manual
 Select the
 Select the month
and date
 Click on get
 Now you can do
any change in
your report
Collect data from machine
 Select the
machine number
 Select the date
 Click on
download data
Usb data converter

If you want to collect the data

from USB port so you can get
that data from USB data
converter option.

Process of
generating dat file
 First you have to select
the Txt file(AGL file)
 Select the dat file path
 Click on create dat file
Processing of data
By this wizard you
will process the transfer data.

Steps of data
 Select options
 Data path should be
 Click on process
Daily report

 If you want to see daily report so you can see it from this wizard.

Process of generating daily report

 Select the date
 Select the department (for all department / for few department)
 Select employee (for all employee / for few employee)
 Click on performance

Report type

Arrival By clicking on this button you can see only arrival time
report of all employees
Performance Normally we use this button for seeing whole report.
Weekly report

By this wizard you can see the weekly


Report type

Attendance - By clicking on this

option you can see the
weekly attendance.

Late - By this you can see

the weekly late report

Performance- By clicking on this

option you can see
monthly whole report.
Monthly Report
By this option you can see the
monthly report.
In this wizard you will see some
different option. Like as date
performance,performance with
in/out times,monthly
performance,etc. So you have
different option for seeing
different types of report.

After clicking on any tab of

monthly report wizard you will
see this next wizard. Then
click on ok button.
Salary process

Process of salary report

 Click on process button

 Select the salary process option
 Select the month
 Select the employee (All employee)
 Click on process button
Your salary process is completed
Salary report

 Click on report button

 Select the salary report button
 Select the month (which month salary report you want to see)
 Select the company (if you have more then one company then you can
select any one or all)
 Select the department (for all/few department)
 Select employee (for all/few employee)
 Click on monthly statement
Monthly salary report
Pay slip report

You can create / delete the user

from this wizard.

 For creating any user

enter the name / pass of
 Level you can define
the use right

Delete user
 Enter the user name
which one you want to

change user name/pass

You can change the user/

password from this option.

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