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Manila Innovation & Process Excellence Conference: ABSTRACT TEMPLATE

Author/s Names Carlo Alcantara Designation/s Content Quality Specialist

Business Group Estimates Manager Amit Bulbule
Category Quality Presentation Type Exhibit
Summary: In six sentences, briefly describe your project

I/B/E/S Global Aggregates is a derived data – i.e. aggregate data is calculated using data from other
sources and also means the quality of aggregate data is highly dependent on the quality of these
sources. Index shares/levels is one of the components of our aggregate data and this is sourced from
third-party vendors. The project is mainly a script that will generate a report on a weekly basis. The report
identifies companies wherein a split was missed to be applied or there are multiple splits/adjustments
applied to the index shares/levels. This project aims to correct all errors prior to the release of the data
across the different platforms. The main purpose of this project is to improve efficiency and accuracy of
data and to prevent future client queries.

Rationale: Why is this project important? This section should include the importance of your work, the
issue/concern addressed, and the impact it has shown.

We have received several escalations in the past from top clients concerning the quality of our data. The
project will help identify and fix the errors caused by missed application and multiple applications of splits
on the components on our aggregate data. It will allow the team to correct the index data before it is
released to the clients.
Problem Statement: What problem are you trying to address with this project? Why is this problem a
major concern for your business group? What is the problem’s impact on the business?

Due to limited resources, not all data items/measures are being checked due to prioritization. Errors
caused by the incorrect application of splits have been one of the weaknesses of our QC checks and this
has been escalated many times by our clients.
Methodology: Describe the approach that you took with your project to address the problem statement.
Mention key concepts, key terms, names, and make clear which aspects you will focus on specifically.

I came up with the idea of creating additional checks on items that are more often missed in our QC. I
have reviewed the different inquiries raised by our clients. I have analyzed how the third-party data was
utilized in our end (calculations pre/post aggregation) and came up with the script. The project aims to
improve the accuracy of our data and to prevent future queries by spotting the errors before they are seen
by the clients.

Results: What are the measurable impact of your project in terms of any of the following: quality, quantity,
performance, cost savings/avoidance, customer feedback

The creation of the report helped the team correct a lot of dubious data on time prior to the release of our
data across the products. We also received less client inquiries concerning issues related to splits. Since
the script grabs all companies that has not been split-adjusted and/or has been split-adjusted multiple
times, the analysts could focus more on other issues and

Why is this a Best Practice:

By running the report on a weekly basis, we can make certain that our data are thoroughly checked on a
certain level. With the creation of this additional check we get to improve efficiency and accuracy of our
data. This is one way of working smart because we get to correct more data by running the script. This
will also help lessen client queries and will ultimately make our clients happier and more confident in our

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