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HLSA Training Centre

ONGC School –Mehsana 2005

Book 4 Resistivity

Resistivity Training

Name: _____________________________

© 2003 by HLS Asia Limited.

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
photocopying, electronic, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.

Version: 2.0 Prepared by: Bandy

Date: May 2005 Approved by:
File: Page 1 of 2
HLSA Training Centre
ONGC School –Mehsana 2005
Book 4 Resistivity


All information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary property of HLS
Asia Limited, a joint-venture with Halliburton Energy Services, a division of Halliburton
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©Copyright 2003, HLS Asia Limited
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1.0 May 03 Initial Manual put together

2.0 June 05 Updated

© 2003 by HLS Asia Limited.

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Version: 2.0 Prepared by: Bandy

Date: May 2005 Approved by:
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Formation X-


Factors Influencing the Conductive Measurement.................................................5

Geometric Factor


Skin Effect And The Formation X-



Multicoil Sondes....................................................................................................15

Factors Influencing the Depth Of Investigation.....................................................16

Analysis Of The Environmental Effects..................................................................17


Bed Thickness Effect - Shoulder Bed


Invasion Effect - Depth of


08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL i


The digitally focused Log


Measurement Principles of the


DFL Response





The most widely used log, the induction log, provides information that's indispensable for
locating hydrocarbon-bearing formations and estimating reserves. By measuring the
electrical conductivity of downhole formations and fluids, an induction tool can distinguish
between hydrocarbon-bearing formations (non-conductive) and water-bearing formations
(usually conductive).

Induction logging evolved out of the principles utilized by a jeep-mounted mine detector
that Henri Doll developed for the U.S. War Department during World War II. The
detector was composed of two wire coils mounted horizontally on a wooden boom slung
ahead of the jeep. Alternating current passing through one coil created a magnetic field
and induced eddy currents in the earth. The second coil detected the secondary magnetic
field created by the eddy currents. Because mines were metallic and conductive, they
caused larger than usual eddy currents. Doll's detector sensed this effect and
automatically applied the jeep's brakes.

After the war, Doll adapted the technique to log boreholes. He recognized his approach
might permit measuring formation conductivity in wells drilled with oil-base (non-
conductive) mud, which precludes use of resistivity measuring devices. In 1949, three
years after the first experimental induction log was run in Texas, Doll unveiled induction
logging to the industry.

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To understand induction principles, we look at a simple two coil induction tools as
depicted in figure (1).

FIG: 1 Induction Principles

A transmitter coil, with an alternating current passing through it, sets up an alternating
magnetic field. “Faraday's law” predicts this time-varying field will establish an emf in the
formation. The emf causes eddy currents to flow in circular paths around the tool (coaxial
with the borehole) in areas of formation known as "ground loops." The eddy currents are
90° out of phase with the transmitter currents. Their magnitude depends on the
surrounding formation's conductivity. “Ampere's law” predicts that these eddy currents
will produce their own magnetic fields. These fields cut through the receiver coil and
induce an alternating voltage at the receiver that is proportional to the strength of the
secondary magnetic field and therefore related to formation conductivity.


The receiver voltage reflects not only the electromagnetic fields produced by the eddy
currents, but also other contributions that do not reflect formation conductivity (i.e.,
direct mutual inductance between coils). Due to the fact that each voltage component has
a specified phase relationship to the transmitter current, the induced signals can be
separated and the unwanted one eliminated.

The voltage components are classified in one of two groups depending on their phase
relationship to the transmitter current. These components are termed the R-signal and the

The R-signal is 180° out of phase with the transmitter current and reflects formation
conductivity. It's phase relationship to the transmitter current is as follows: The magnetic
lines of flux (BT) produced by the transmitter is in phase with the transmitter current.
Voltage induced into the formation by BT produces an eddy current (IL) that lags the
transmitter current by 90°. Secondary magnetic lines of flux (BL), in phase with the
formation current, surround the ground loops. BLcauses a voltage (R-signal) to be
induced into the receiver that lags the formation current by 90°. Thus, the total phase
differential between the transmitter current and the R-signal is 180°. This is demonstrated
in figure (2).

FIG: 2 Induction Principle Phase Relationship

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 3


The X-signal (or quadrature signal) is 90° out of phase with the transmitter current. This
signal is from direct mutual induction between the transmitter and receiver coils.
Magnetic lines of flux, produced by the transmitter induce a voltage directly into the
receiver coil that is 90° out of phase with the transmitter current (see Figure 2).

The X-signal usually larger than the R-signal, (often as high as several thousands
millimhos) therefore its contribution to the total receiver signal must be eliminated, leaving
only the R-signal.

Formation X-Signal
A departure from the above theory occurs in highly conductive formations. There the
primary eddy currents generate an EMF in the formation that leads to secondary eddy
current (secondary ground loops). Because these secondary eddy currents are delayed by
an additional 90° phase shift, they effectively induce another quadrature signal in the
receiver coil. Unlike the mutual coupling signal, this formation X-signal does reflect
formation conductivity, and as can be seen in the Figure 3, it is out of phase with the
transmitter current by 270°.

FIG: 3 Formation X Signal


We will discuss later how this formation X-signal utilize by the HRI to give an improved
conductivity response.

Sonde Error
The primary method of eliminating the undesirable X-signal is with the use of a multicoil
sonde. Modern induction tools combine multiple transmitter coils and receivers coil
wound and counter wound to try to eliminate this signal. These so called “mutually
balanced sondes” practically eliminates the mutual coupling X-signal component. For
such sondes, the residual coupling signal between the transmitter and receiver is known as
sonde error. In theory, the sonde error should be only an X (quadrature) component, but
because copper cables and wires have a finite conductivity, the sonde error exhibits both
(albeit small) X-signal and R-signal components. These are shown in the bottom half of
figure 3. Sonde error can be eliminated by proper calibrations.

Factors Influencing The Conductive Measurement

The induction tool voltage response for the R-signal (VR) can be explained by considering
three contributions:

• Geometric factors

• Skin effect

• Equipment constant

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 5



Considering a two coil sonde in a homogenous, infinitely thick medium, mathematicians
J.H. Moran and K.S. Kunz derived exact expressions for the induced voltage components.

 2  L 2  L 3 
2-1. −VR = Kσ 1 −   +   + ......
 3  δ  15  δ  

δ 2 2  L  1  L  2 
2-2. VX = Kσ  2 −   +   + ......
 L 3  δ  2  δ  

For a multicoil sonde the above equations are directly extended by combining linearly all
transmitter-receiver pairs.

σ = formation conductivity

δ = (2/ωµσ)½ = skin depth

ω = tool frequency

K = tool constant (but dependent on µ, the magnetic permeability of the

formation, which is considered constant for the range of conductivity,
measured by induction tools).

VR = magnitude of the voltage component that is 180° out of phase with the
transmitter current.

VX = magnitude of the voltage component that is 90° out of phase with the
transmitter current.

µ = formation magnetic permeability

L = spacing between transmitter and receiver


The skin depth, δ, comes from plane wave theory and gives the order of magnitude of the
penetration depth of an electromagnetic field in a conductor. At the depth δ, the field
drops to 1/e (i.e., 0.3679) of it value at the conductor's surface*.

For the actual wave propagation in the borehole and, as a first approach, we look at limits
of very low formation conductivity. We therefore let σ → 0. For this case:

δ → ∞, → 0, and (1) becomes:

2-3. -VR = K σ ( 1) = K σ {low conductivity}

We see for low conductivity, the induction response is linear with formation conductivity.
If we divide the equation by K, the tool constant, we obtain the magnitude of the apparent
conductivity (as seen by the tool).

2-4. σa = =σ
We see for an infinitely thick, homogenous bed, the tool voltage response, VR, divided by
the tool constant K will give the true bed conductivity (here we assume the borehole
region is part of the homogenous formation).

Removing the restriction of an infinitely thick bed, and assuming a conductive borehole
region different from the formation with a borehole fluid that penetrates the formation, the
Geometrical Factor Theory state that the apparent conductivity is a linear function of the
different conductivity of all areas surrounding the sonde and their geometric relationship
to the transmitter and receiver coil. The geometrical factor (G) of a volume having a
specific geometrical orientation with the tool is a fraction of the total signal that would
originate if that volume was an infinite homogenous medium. Considering the logging
environment of Figure (4), the Geometrical Factor Theory predicts:

2-5. σa = Gbhσbh + Gsσs + Gxoσxo + Gtσt

*NOTE: It should be noted that in induction phenomenon σ always appears as ωµσ. Therefore, any
change in the magnetic permeability will affect the computed value of conductivity.
Fortunately, µ = µo (µo = 4π x 10-7 newton/amp²) is a very good approximation in sedimentary

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 7


Borehole Flushed Zone

Shoulder Bed

G bh G xo
Bed Gt
Virgin Zone
Thickness σ bh σ xo σt

Shoulder Bed

FIG: 4 Areas Surrounding The Sonde

σa = apparent conductivity

σbh = conductivity of the borehole region

Gbh = geometrical factor of the borehole region

σxo = conductivity of the invaded zone

Gxo = geometrical factor of the invaded zone

σt = conductivity of the virgin zone

Gt = geometrical factor of the virgin zone

σs = conductivity of the shoulder bed

Gs = geometrical factor of the shoulder bed

The total G's add up to unit by definition.

2-6. G total = ∑ G i = 1


Notice it is necessary to assume that the volumes conform to symmetry of rotation about
the tool. This assumption makes the computation of geometrical factors practical.

Equation 2-5 states that the sum of the products of the individual conductivity and
geometrical factors of all volumes in the range of the tool yields the total magnitude of the
tool signal. The volume of space is defined only by its relationship to the tool and, thus,
has a fixed and computable geometrical factor. The main significance of the geometrical
factor concept is that it permits the construction of mathematically sound correction
factors to account for the effect of borehole fluid, invasion, and adjacent beds. Whereas
equation 2-5 involves all contributing regions, its usually customary to divide G into its
radial and vertical components. The vertical geometrical factor is used to investigate the
tools vertical resolution, whereas the radial geometrical factor similarly reveals what
fraction of the measured signal comes from a specific radial distance from the tool (see
figure 5 and 6).

FIG: 5

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 9


FIG: 6

The "geometrical factor" theory describes only a portion of the total formation/tool
response in induction logging. Equation 2-5 holds for the special case of very low
formation conductivity. In the general sense the receiver voltage, VR, is less than that
predicted by the geometrical factor theory. Referring to equation 2-1 and 2-2 we remove
the restriction of low conductivity and take the first two terms of the expansions.

  2  L   2   L
2-7. − VR = Kσ 1 −      = Kσ −     Kσ *
  3  δ    3  δ 

δ 2  2   L   2K  2   L 
2-8. VX = Kσ  2 −      = −     Kσ
 L  3  δ   ωµL2  3   δ 

*NOTE: For a multi-coil induction sonde, the R-signal and X-signal components are directly derived
from equations (7) and (8) by combining linearly all voltages from all the elementary


transmitter-receiver pairs. In particular, the first terms of vx, namely 2k/ωµL² add up to zero
in a balanced multi-coil induction sonde.

We first look at equation 2-7. Solving for σ we obtain:

− VR
σ =
2-9.   2 L 
K 1 -     
  3  δ  

For small values of (L/δ), the expression [1 - (2 / 3) (L / δ )] can be replaced by
[1+(2/3)(L/δ)]. Therefore the magnitude of the formation conductivity (for an infinitely
thick, non-invaded, homogenous bed) is given by:

VR   2 L    2 L 
2-10. σ = 1 +  3   δ   = σ a 1 +  3   δ  
K    

The term (2/3)(L/δ) is the skin effect correction to the apparent tool reading. Although
equation (2-10) was derived for an infinitely thick, homogenous uninvaded bed, skin
effect, it was discovered, reduced the apparent voltage in all realistic, physical
environments. Only when conductivity is very low does the skin effect disappears and the
geometrical factor theory work. Since δ = (2/ωµσ)½, we see that skin effect increases
with the square root of operating frequency and directly with the transmitter/receiver

We now look at the physical meaning f the skin effect term. Referring to the induced
ground loops, it cannot be assumed that the individual ground loops are independent
systems. There are additional voltages produced in the formation by linkage of each
ground loop with its own magnetic field (self induction), and with the magnetic fields of
the other nearby ground loops (mutual induction between different ground loops). In
addition, a progressive phase shift of the voltage induced into the ground loops will occur
with increasing distance from the transmitter, (usually negligible at low conductivity’s)
thus causing a portion of the signal that reflects formation conductivity to be rejected as an

Because of these effects, the resulting ground loop currents will not be as strong as
expected. This results in a reduction of the receiver-coil signal, which in turn causes a
reduction in the apparent conductivity (see Equation 2-4). This reduction in the
apparent conductivity reading is commonly termed skin effect

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At the present time the Dual Induction uphole software corrects for skin effect by
boosting the apparent conductivity by an amount dependent on formation conductivity.
Skin effect has an exponentially increasing affect on the apparent conductivity, such that
total receiver signal reduction caused by skin effect will be greatest at high formation
conductivity. Figure 7 illustrates the correction scheme made by the surface
instrumentation for various apparent conductivity.

FIG: 7 Correction To The Apparent Conductivity


Skin Effect And The Formation X-Signal

The latest version of the induction tool, the HRI, utilizes the formation X-signal to
dynamically correct for skin effect while logging. Equation 2-8 shows why this is
possible. We see to a good approximation (we used 2 terms of the expansion) the
quadrature component of the received signal. V has two contributions. The first term is
independent of formation conductivity and is identified as the unwanted coupling signal.
As previously mentioned, this signal is essentially eliminated by specific coil arrangement
and windings. The second term is seen as the formation X-signal. Whereas the Dual
Induction tool is designed to eliminated any quadrature component, the HRI will use this
formation X-signal for skin effect corrections and to provide, in general, improved
apparent conductivity values. Comparing equations 2-7 and 2-8 we see how a skin effect
correction is possible. Notice the magnitude of this formation X-signal is equal to the skin
effect correction to VR. Therefore, a first order correction can be performed dynamically
by using this quadrature component.

The HRI combines VR and the formation component V ′ through a complex agorithm.
In invaded formations, this combination yields a more nearly correct measurement than the
traditional approach used by the dual induction tools (which only use VR). VR and V ′ are
complementary in several ways. x

• In a homogenous conductive formation, the formation X-signal represents almost

exactly that portion of the R-signal lost due to skin effect, as indicated above.

• In a highly conductive formation the depth of investigation of the R-signal is decreased

due to skin effect. The formation X-signal being inherently deeper helps restore the
depth of investigation of the coil array.

• In presence of bedding, the formation X-signal, being more diffuse that the R-signal,
has a significantly poor inherent bed definition. The primary resolution of the coil
array is preserved by the R-signal.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 13


The magnitude of the R-signal induced into the receiver coil has thus far been described
(after eliminating the unwanted X-signal) as a function of formation conductivity,
geometrical factor, and skin effect. Other factors that partially determine the receiver
signal magnitude are:

1. Transmitter signal strength

2. Receiver sensitivity

These two factors, known as the tool constant K of equations (2-1) and (2-2), consist of
several sub-factors, all but on of which are a result of the equipment's effect on induction

µ 2 ω2 I T N T A T N R A R *
2-11. K=∑
K = tool constant

µ = magnetic permeability of the formation **

ω = tool frequency

NT = number of turns in the transmitter coil

NR = number of turns in the receiver coil

AT = cross sectional area of the transmitter coil

AR = cross sectional area of the receiver coil

L = coil spacing

IT = total transmitter current

* The summation is taken over all transmitter-receiver pairs.

**Here we note that magnetic permeability is not a function of the tool design, but is considered to be a
constant for the range of conductivity’s measured by the induction tools. Induction tools are calibrated
to eliminate the effect of different tool constants.


Multicoil Sondes
Although our induction theory so far has only involved a two coil system, as has been
previouslymentioned, modern induction tools consist of multicoil sondes (multiple
transmitter coils and multiple receiver coils). These coils are wound in a precise manner
and spaced at specific locations along the sonde. The coil system, or “coil array," provide
the following advantages over the simple two coil system:
• Improvement of the vertical resolution by suppression of the shoulder bed response.
• Improvement of the investigational depth by suppression of the borehole fluid
• Minimization of the direct coupling (X-signal)
The first two improvements will be analyzed in another section. Multicoil sonde
designations are described in terms of the number of coils used, the type of focusing and
the distance between the main transmitter and main receiver coil. The deep induction
conductivity measurement (from which we obtain RILD) is designated 6FF40.
This configuration has:
• "6" - coils (3 for the receiver and 3 for the transmitter)
• "FF" - fixed focusing (horizontal and vertical)
• "40" - inches between main transmitter and receiver coils.



Processing R2 Main
Section Spacing

Phase Sensitive T1
R3 Oscillator

FIG: 8 Schematic Diagram Of The Deep Induction Logging System

Similarly the medium conductivity measurement is designated 8FF34*. Here, the 8 coils
are arranged with 3 coils used for the transmitter and 5 used for the receiver. The coil
configuration for the HRI is proprietary information and will not be covered in this manual

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 15


Factors Influencing The Depth Of Investigation

Two depths of investigation are made by the dual induction tool, and HRI coil systems.

• Induction log deep ( R ILD , R HRD )

• Induction log medium ( R ILM , R HRM )

Depth of investigation is determined by:

1. Transmitter/receiver coil spacing
2. Coil array
3. Conductivity of the areas surrounding the induction tool.

For the simple two coil sonde surrounded by a homogenous medium, it was discovered
that when the transmitter and receiver coil spacing remained constant, the radial
geometrical factor decreased significantly for ground loops whose radii are more or less
than 1/2 the coil spacing. This, of course, indicated that the largest percentage of receiver
signal came from this region of the formation. For the multi-coil sonde a similar
relationship holds that shows that the depth of investigation is directly related to
transmitter/receiver coil spacing, and the coil configuration.

The preceding discussion suggests that the depth of investigation is constant as determined
by the coil spacing and coil array. The investigational depth however, remains constant
only in a homogenous isotropic medium, but is different for every conductivity value. The
factors that cause investigational depth to change proportionally with conductivity are:
1. The signal is attenuated with distance from the transmitter (i.e. ,dissipation of
transmitter energy by eddy currents in the medium near the borehole).
2. Shielding of the transmitter's magnetic field by the nulling effect of the secondary
electromagnetic fields produced by the eddy currents.
3. Progressive phase shift of the voltages induced into the ground loops with increasing
distance from the transmitter.

Areas of formation near the tool with high conductivity then, reduce the depth of
investigation from that which would normally be expected considering only the
transmitter/receiver coil spacing and coil array.

*NOTE: The 8FF34 designation is for the W-series DIL medium measurement. The G-series DIL
medium measurement is designated 7FF34 with 3 transmitter coils and 4 receiver coils.

Analysis Of The Environmental Effects

For the skin-effect corrected apparent conductivity, the geometrical factor equation (2-5)
can be used to analyze the different contributions to the received signal.


2-12. σ a-Skin = G bh σ bh + G s σ s + G xo σ xo + G t σ t

Realizing that the conductivity is the inverse of resistivity equation (2-12) can be rewritten

1 G G G G
2-13. = bh
+ s
+ xo
+ t
R a -S k i n R bh R s R xo R t

This equation shows that the induction tool "sees" the different regions as adding in
parallel. Therefore, the more resistive regions contribute less to the overall signal. An
equivalent electrical circuit is shown for this type of response in the below figure.

αbh Rbh αbh = 1 , etc.

β xo R xo

γs R s

δ t Rt

Measured as :

FIG: 9 Equivalent Induction Circuit

*NOTE: Although some sources omit the shoulder bed contribution, for mathematical completeness we
here include this contribution in our parallel circuit analogy.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 17


As has been discussed, the induction tool uses coil located on the mandrel to suppress the
borehole contribution to the received signal. Nevertheless, given a conductive borehole
fluid, a portion of the total signal will be due to the borehole fluid. The magnitude of this
signal is a function of the hole size, the standoff device, and the borehole fluid resistivity
(conductivity). For proper logging interpretation of a skin effect corrected log, the
borehole signal must be eliminated. This is usually accomplished by the use of charts that
provide a value for σabh = Gbh σbh. Here σabh is that portion of the apparent
conductivity due to just the borehole fluid contribution. σabh is subtracted from. σ
a-Skin corr The borehole correction chart for the Dual Induction and HRI is shown in
figures 10 and 11.

FIG: 10 Dual Induction-Short Guard Borehole Corrections


Halliburton Researchers have found that borehole effects are minimized up to a borehole
geometrical value of approximately 0.001. Comparing the Dual Induction with the HRI,
figures 10 and 11, with 1.5 inch standoff, we see the R ILD has minimal borehole effect up
to a borehole diameter of about 13 inches, and R ILM up to about 9 inches. The R HRD
on the other hand has much less of an error signal than the R ILD with negligible borehole
effects up to 17 inches in diameter, while the R HRM is essentially the same as the R ILM
(approximately 9 inches).

FIG: 11 HRI Borehole Corrections

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Another purpose of the multi-coil sonde is to improve the vertical resolution of the
induction tool. Still though, when designing an induction tool, a trade-off is made
between deep depth of investigation and good vertical resolution. Good bed resolution
can easily be obtained with closely spaced transmitter and receiver coils; but closer spacing
also reduces the depth of investigation. The 6FF40 devices (as well as the 8FF34 and
7FF34) are design for “deep” investigation and therefore have mediocre vertical
resolution, especially in beds less than 30 ft. thick. In these cases, the signal received is a
mixture from points both above and below the horizon being measured. This can cause
real problems when the shoulders' bed is much more conductive than the bed of interest.
An example is a 10 ft. thick hydrocarbon-bearing low porosity limestone sandwich
between two shells.

The sensitivity of the deep and medium measurements to horizontal slices of formation
above and below the measure point is quantified by the Vertical Geometric Factor (VGF).
VGF is a measure of both the vertical resolution and the adjacent bed effect of a coil array.
A low VGF indicates little or no effect on the measurement from formations at this point.
Figure 12 and 13 show the VGFs for the DIL and HRI. Note that the vertical resolution
of the Induction deep is about 5 ft. and the Induction medium is about 4.5 ft. Whereas for
the HRI, both deep and medium have identical responses and a vertical resolution of 2 ft.
Because the response is identical, the HRI curves will overlay in the absence of invasion,
thus not giving a false effect of invasion as is often the case with the Dual Induction.



As mentioned before, bed thickness effects are very serious problem in zones less than 30
ft. thick. A set of charts: figure 14 and 15 is used to correct for these cases. The symbols
RS refers to the resistivity of the beds immediately above and below the zone. Notice the
bed thickness is plotted against R ILD − CORR or R HRD-CORR , and the lines on the charts
represent the values of the apparent log reading, R ILD or R HRD (Already corrected for
borehole effects). As an example, for R ILD = R HRD = 13Ω-m, with a bed thickness of
13 ft., and R S =1.2Ω-m, R ILD − CORR will give a value of 22Ω-m while the
R HRD-CORR will be 11.5Ω-m.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 21


FIG: 14


FIG: 15

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 23



As a rule, the ratio R mf / R w should be greater than 2.5, and the diameter of invasion no
greater than 100 inches for optimum R t determination from induction logs. This means
that the induction log must be used with some caution where salt muds are used in drilling
the hole. In such a case, the invaded zone may be more conductive than the virgin zone.
From equation (2-12) we know the induction tool responds to the more conductive (less
resistive) zones.
We can take a more in-depth, quantitative approach to invasion effects by using the skin
effect corrected equation (2-13). After correcting the log initially for the borehole effect,
and secondly for the shoulder bed (bed thickness) effect, we are left with an apparent
resistivity that has only two contributions:

1 G xo G t
= +
R a R xo R t
since ∑ G i = 1
equation (2-14) becomes:

1 Gxo (1 − Gxo )
2-15. = +
Ra Rxo Rt
Gxo is called the Integrated Radial Geometrical Factor (IRGF). The IRGF gives the
response of the tool to a cylindrical region of formation, and provides a means of
quantifying the invasion response of different tool arrays. The point where the IRGF is
equal to 50% is traditionally taken as the depth of investigation of the tools. Figures 16
and 17 show the IRGF for the Dual Induction and the HRI. Notice for the R ILD the 50%
point is at a diameter of 130 inches. The depth (or radius) of investigation is then 130/2
or 65 inches, which is 5.4ft. The R ILM like wise is 58/2 = 29 inches or about 2.5ft. On
the other hand, the R HRD has a depth of investigation of 182/2 = 91 inches or 7.58ft.,
and the R HRM is 78/2 = 39 inches or 3.25 ft.


FIG: 16

FIG: 17

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Returning to the invasion effect, figure 18 illustrates a typical invasion profile with high
filtrate saturation in the invaded zone and low connate water saturation in the uninvaded

FIG: 18 Invasion Effect

For most logging applications, R t , R xo and d i are crucial for proper interpretation. In
order to determine these three unknowns, three equations are obviously required. Since
the IRGF for the medium induction log is different from the deep for the same diameter of
invasion, Equation 2-15 provides two separate equations:

1 G (1 − G D )
2-16. = D +
R D R xo Rt

1 G (1 − G M )
2-17. = M +
R M R xo Rt

Here R D = corrected log deep reading, R M = corrected log medium reading, G D = deep
geometric factor, G M = medium geometric factor. A third equation is provided by a
shallow measuring device. This could be the Short Guard, the Laterolog-3,
Microspherically Focused log (MSFL), or the Digitally Focused log (DFL). Which ever
one is used, we can say,

2-18. R SHALLOW = f (R t , R xo , d i )

The solution to these three equations is provided graphically in Figures 19 and 20 for the Dual
Induction/Short Guard and the HRI/DFL. With these charts R t , R xo and d i are calculated
from the corrected (borehole, bed thickness, mudcake) log values of the deep medium and
shallow measurements.


FIG: 19

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 27


FIG: 20


The Digitally Focused Log (DFL)

The DFL is an electrode system that is physically a part of the HRI tool. It is designed to
provide a shallow measurement. The electrode configuration of the tool is the same as the
SFL (Spherically Focused Logging Tool) and the MSFL (Microspherically Focused
logging tool). These electrodes are positioned on the HRI outer sleeve to match in depth
the coil arrays of the R HRD and the R HRM . Figures 21 and 22 show the arrangement
of the various electrodes. The array is symmetrical about the central electrode A o from
which flow both the survey currents I measure and the focusing current I buck . The survey
current returns to a remote electrode B, while the focusing current returns at the nearby
A 1 , electrode pair (upper and lower). The main measuring voltage electrodes M o are
located between A o and A 1 , the monitoring electrodes M 1 and M 2 are outside the
focusing current loops. Figure 21 shows the current patterns.

FIG: 21 DFL Array





FIG: 22 DFL Electrode Array

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 29


Measurement Principles of the DFL

Traditional focused resistivity tools such as the MSFL relies on a feed-back system to
keep the survey current dynamically focused. The DFL on the contrary, avoids all stability
problems associated with such designs, simply by recomputing in real time the response of
the electrode array from a series of highly accurate elementary measurements. More
specifically, to achieve spherical focusing, the MSFL must continuously monitor the
difference of potential between monitor electrodes M 1 and M 2 and control I measure to
keep this difference of potential at virtually zero volts. The digital focusing, on the
contrary, simply sequentially sends up the measured values of I measure and I buck . During
each processing cycle, the difference of potential between monitor electrodes
M 1 and M 2 is also sent to the surface, along with the M o values. From these
elementary measurements, the surface computer determines directly what ratio of
I measure / I buck would keep the tool in focus. This ratio is determined accurately
without having the tool actually achieve the focused state.
The resistive computed from the DFL measurement has the same from as that from any
electrode tool.
2-19. R a = Kρ *
Here K is a tool constant in units of meters. and ρ* is a resistance in units of ohms. The
ρ* is a function of the measured values Imeasure , Ibuck, VMOU , VMOL , VM1U , VM2U , VM2L .
The exact expression for ρ* is given in the appendix.

DFL Response Characteristics

The DFL has a two foot bed resolution similar to the that of the HRI. The borehole
effect is quite minimal particularly for low contrasts of R t / R m where focused laterologs
are significantly affected by the mud, and in the high resistivity contrasts, even when the
tool is run excentered with a simple 1.5 inch standoff. Some borehole correction charts
are shown in the figure 23. As stated previously, in combination with the HRI, the DFL,
helps resolve the invasion profile through the tornado chart (figure 20).


FIG: 23 Borehole Correction

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 31


Log example one (figure 24) shows the DILT/Short Guard with the standard scales of 0.2
to 2000 Ohm-m across tracks 2 and 3. Log example two (figure 25) shows a comparison
between the Dual Induction and HRI in an oil based mud (no Short Guard or DFL
curves). Notice the better response and thin bed resolution of the HRI. Also, note the
false invasion indicators (curve separation) at different depths for the Dual Induction that
are not indicated by the HRI.

FIG: 24 Log Example One


FIG: 25 Log Example Two


08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 33


1. Moran, J.H., and K.S. Kunz, "Basic Theory of Induction Logging and Application to
Study of Two Coil Sonde", Geophysics, December 1962
2. Bateman, Richard M., Open-Hole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation, IHROC,
Boston, 1985
3. Dewan, John T., Essentials of Moden Open-Hole Log Interpretation, Penn Well
Publishing Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1983
4. Weidner, Richard T., and Robert L. Sells, Elementary Classical Physics, Volume 2,
Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston
5. Stratton, Julius Adams, Electromagnetic Theory, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York
6. Welex Log Interpretation Charts, 1985
7. Schlumberger, Log Interpretation Principles, 1972

High Resolution Induction
Block Diagram
High Resolution Induction Block Diagram

Table of Contents
TOOL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 3

ANALOG MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 4

High Resolution Induction ......................................................................................................................... 4
Digitally Focused Laterolog ....................................................................................................................... 7

SP/AUXILIARY MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................................................... 10
Auxiliary Measurements.......................................................................................................................... 10
HRI Digital SP......................................................................................................................................... 10
HRI Analog SP ........................................................................................................................................ 10

TOOL STATES ............................................................................................................................................ 13

A to D CONVERSION ................................................................................................................................. 15

HRI COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................................... 17

Tool Communication ............................................................................................................................... 17
HRI/DFL Data Transmission Format ....................................................................................................... 17
RTU Status .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Adjective Word........................................................................................................................................ 17
TSRQ/TSRB (Tool State ReQuested/Tool State Read Back)..................................................................... 18
Tick Wraps.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Events ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Ticks ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Tool Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Table of Figures
Figure 1: HRI Toolstring ................................................................................................................................. 1
Figure 2: HRI Block Diagram (Tool State “22”) .............................................................................................. 5
Figure 3: HRI Block Diagram (Tool State "DD") ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 4: DFL Block Diagram (Tool State "22")............................................................................................. 8
Figure 5: DFL Block Diagram (Tool State "DD") ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 6: HRI Digital SP and Auxiliary Signal Block Diagram...................................................................... 11
Figure 7: HRI Analog SP Block Diagram ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: HRI Tool State Timing Diagram..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: Ratiometric A/D Converter Block Diagram .................................................................................... 16

List of Tables
Table 1: Dimensions and Ratings .................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Hardware Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 1
Table 3: Electrical Specifications..................................................................................................................... 1
Table 4: Physical Strengths * ........................................................................................................................... 1
Table 5: HRI and DFL Tool State Map .......................................................................................................... 14
Table 6: DITS HRI Telemetry Frame............................................................................................................. 19
Table 7: HRI Tool Mode Commands ............................................................................................................. 20

13-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools i

High Resolution Induction Block Diagram


p Explain the data flow at block level within the HRI.

p Explain the data flow at block level within the DFL.

p Explain the data flow at block level of the SP.

p Describe the DFL Electrode Array and list function of individual electrodes.

p Describe the purpose and function of each section of the HRI tool.

Resistivity Tools I
High Resolution Induction Block Diagram


Table 1: Dimensions and Ratings

Max Temp: 350 °F (177 °C)
Max Pressure: 20,000 psi (137,900 kpa)
MAX Tool OD: 3.625 in (9.2 cm)
Min Hole Size: 4.5 in (12.0 cm)
(9.2 cm) Max Hole Size: 24 in (60.0 cm)
Tool Length: 394.1 in (1001.1 cm)
143.375" Instrument Tool Weight: 455 lbs (207 kgs)
(364.2 cm) Section

Table 2: Hardware Characteristics

Source Type HRI: 20-kHz Transmitter Coil
Sensor Type HRI: Coil Arrays
Source Type DFL: 1.25-kHz Source Electrode
Sensor Type DFL: Monitor Electrodes
Sensor Spacing: Proprietary
Firing Rate: N/A
No. of Windows: N/A
Full Spectrum: N/A
Assembly Telemetry System: DITS (Requires 25 words / frame)
Compatibility: DITS Compatible
(1001.1 cm)
Table 3: Electrical Specifications
Cable Head Voltage: 120 ± 18 Vac @ 60 Hz
Instrument Current: 95 ma
Instrument Power Mode: W5

250.75" Auxiliary Power: N/A

(636.9 cm)
Auxiliary Power Mode: N/A

Assembly *
Table 4: Physical Strengths
Tension Compression Torque
DITS Joint 130,000 lbs 130,000 lbs 600 ftlbs
58,915 kgs 58,915 kgs 815 nm
HRI Sonde 25,000 lbs 23,00 lbs N/A
Joint 11,350 kgs 10,430 kgs
Physical Strengths apply to new tools
at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 0 psi.


Figure 1: HRI Toolstring

Resistivity Tools 1
High Resolution Induction

2 13-Dec-96
Block Diagram

The high resolution induction tool [HRI] is a dual induction tool that offers superior vertical
resolution and significantly greater depth of investigation than a standard dual induction tool
that is based on the 6FF40 coil array. The HRD can resolve beds as thin as two feet and is
accurate in beds thicker than three feet while reading 40% deeper than the ILD. The new coil
arrays with matched vertical resolution and a new signal processing scheme ensures that the
HRD and the HRM will overlay in the absence of invasion. This matched response makes it
easier for the analyst to interpret invasion than with the unmatched vertical response of the
conventional ILD and ILM. The HRD has much less borehole effect than the ILD and is less
sensitive to variations in eccentering. The signal processing scheme uses both the R- and the X-
components of the received signals to produce logs that are fully corrected for adjacent bed
effect and skin effect.
The HRI tool also has a third resistivity measurement called the digitally focused laterolog, thus
named DFL. The DFL is similar in spatial response to the SFL-E. Instead of focusing the
measure current out in the formation as the traditional analog focusing technique, the DFL
computes the resistivity from the voltages and currents as measured from the monitor electrodes
and current emitting electrodes respectively, and extrapolate the voltages and currents that
would be observed if the tool was in a balanced focused condition. With its vertical response
matched to that of the HRD and the HRM, its shallow depth of investigation of 17 inches
allows invasion profiling with much improved accuracy. All three measurements are made at
the same point so that depth shifting errors are eliminated. The DFL borehole correction is
significantly less severe compared to the LL-3 borehole corrections, especially when Ra/Rm <
The HRI measurement is divided into three parts: the analog measurement, the data acquisition,
and the uphole computation of the data. Each part plays an integral role in achieving a correct
log of the formation. The analog measurement is achieved in the HRI sonde assembly. The
data acquisition is performed in the upper electronics assembly, with the data being transmitted
by the RTU on the 1553 tool buss to the DSTU. The uphole computation of the data is
achieved by the surface computer system.

Resistivity Tools 3
High Resolution Induction


High Resolution Induction

The analog measurement of the HRI signals consist of the medium and deep transmitters
alternately driving their individual transmitter coils and the induced current in the formation
being received by the receiver coils, and amplified to where the signals can be measured. Every
55 mseconds the HRI tool alternates between a medium induction measurement and a deep
induction measurement. At the moment the deep induction measurement is taking place, the
medium transmitter is off and medium receiver input is switched to a open condition, refer to
Figure 2. At the moment the medium induction measurement is taking place, the deep
transmitter is off and deep receiver input is switched to a open condition, refer to Figure 3.
Each measurement cycle, lasting 55 mseconds, measures two different signals and is processed
by two amplifier chains. One amplifier chain measures the received signal while the other
amplifier chain either measures the calibration signal which is proportional to the transmitter
current or measures a zero signal condition which occurs when the front end amplifier is shorted
to ground. Each amplifier chain has its own phase sensitive detectors which splits the received
signal into an in phase signal with the transmitter current [commonly referred to as the 'R'
signal], and the 90 degree signal with respect to the transmitter current [commonly referred to
as the 'X' signal]. The PSD rectifies the 'R' and the 'X' signal into a DC Voltage. This DC
Voltage passes through a 7 pole low pass filter and is converted into a frequency by the V to F
converter. Therefore, four HRI measurements are present at the input to the data acquisition
system every 55 mseconds in the form of frequency counts.
The deep transmitter coils and the medium transmitter coils are each driven by their own power
amplifier, but has a common 20k hertz signal source. The signal source is switched between
the deep and medium transmitter to achieve a 50% duty cycle. The deep transmitter current is
1.25 Amperes RMS flowing through its coils while the medium transmitter current is 366 MA
RMS flowing through its coils. Each transmitter's coils has a current transformer secondary
winding in series to sample the magnitude of the transmitter current. This current is converted
into a calibration voltage to become one of the multiplexed signals measured at the front end of
the two amplifier chains. This calibration voltage is either a deep calibration voltage as
measured when the deep transmitter is active or its a medium calibration voltage as measured
when the medium transmitter is active. The medium calibration voltage is slightly larger than
the deep calibration voltage because the medium secondary turns ratio is four times the turns
ratio of the deep secondary current transformer.

4 13-Dec-96

Generator 8088
20 Khz UProcessor

Magnetic Switch


CAL Start Conversion


Figure 2: HRI Block Diagram (Tool State “22”)

Resistivity Tools
φ + 90

A / D Ch 0
A / D Ch 1

A / D Ch 2
A / D Ch 3

Block Diagram

High Resolution Induction

Waveform 8088
MEDIUM Generator RTU
20 Khz UProcessor

Magnetic Switch


CAL Start Conversion

φ + 90


Figure 3: HRI Block Diagram (Tool State "DD")

A / D Ch 0
A / D Ch 1

A / D Ch 2
A / D Ch 3
Block Diagram

Digitally Focused Laterolog

The analog measurement of the DFL signals consist of the measure and buck transmitter
alternately driving the A0 electrode which sends either a measure current into the formation or a
bucking current into the formation, but never at the same time. The measure current flows
through the formation and returns to a B electrode located at the top of the upper electronic
assembly right above the mass isolator, refer to Figure 4. The B electrode is electrically
connected to the armor of the wire line. The HRI tool can be run with a standard cable head
and does not require a bridle cable. The B electrode is located a sufficient physical distance
away from the sonde to represent an equal potential surface and not degrade adjacent bed
boundaries nor degrade the geometrical K factor of the tool significantly. The bucking current
is emitted from the A0 electrode and returns to the A1 upper and lower electrodes, refer to
Figure 5. The voltage monitor electrodes are in the same configuration as a SFL electrode
array with all the electrodes being carefully positioned on the HRI sonde cover sleeve as to not
induce any sonde error with a conductive loop. Two monitor voltages are processed during
each measurement cycle: M0 voltage and the M1-M2 voltage. Like the HRI measurement
cycle, each DFL cycle is 55 mseconds in duration. With every measurement point in the
formation, one requires both the monitor voltages and current acquired during a measure
current and a bucking current condition.
Every DFL measurement cycle measures the emitting current, the M0 voltage, the M1-M2
voltage, and a channel zero measurement or a reference voltage. This is accomplished by
having four measurements signals in a measurement cycle multiplexed on to four separate
measurement channels. The zero crossing of the emitting current triggers a comparator and
derives the PSD control drive for the phase sensitive detectors in each of the four measurement
channels. Since the PSD control drive is exactly in phase with the emitting current, the PSD
circuit gives a DC Voltage proportional to the measured signal with no phase error. The DC
Signal from the PSD circuit goes through a 7 pole low pass filter and is converted to a
frequency by a V to F converter. Therefore, four DFL measurements are present at the input to
the data acquisition system every 55 mseconds in the form of frequency counts.
The measure current transmitter, and the bucking current transmitter each have a common
signal source of 1.25K hertz. The signal is switched between measure current transmitter and
the bucking current transmitter to achieve a 50% duty cycle. If the measure current transmitter
is on, the bucking current transmitter is turned off to a high impedance state. Therefore, the
measure current can not flow to the A1 electrodes and must flow back to the B electrode.
Conversely, if the bucking current transmitter is on, the measure current transmitter is switched
off to a high impedance state, and the bucking current flows to the A1 electrodes, and not the B

Resistivity Tools 7

I MEASURE Waveform
Generator 8088
High Resolution Induction

1.25 Khz UProcessor
Cal / Zero Select
+/- Vref

A0 Start Conversion
PSD Reference

Figure 4: DFL Block Diagram (Tool State "22")
A / D Ch 0

M0 A / D Ch 1

A / D Ch 2
M1 +
A / D Ch 3

Generator 8088
1.25 Khz UProcessor
Cal / Zero Select
I BUCK +/- Vref

A0 Start Conversion
PSD Reference

Resistivity Tools
Figure 5: DFL Block Diagram (Tool State "DD")
A/D Ch 0

M0 A/D Ch 1

A/D Ch 2

M1 +
A/D Ch 3
M2 _

Block Diagram
High Resolution Induction


Auxiliary Measurements
The HRI digital SP/Auxiliary measurements consist of 10 different voltage measurements.
The digital SP measurements consists of a VSP voltage and a VFISH voltage, these are
explained in following section. The Auxiliary measurements performed by the HRI electronics
are temperature, ground, +10 volts, +/- 60 volts, +/- 15 volts, and +5 volts. Each of these DC
Voltages are multiplexed to the input to a V to F converter. Therefore, one SP or auxiliary
measurement is present at the input to the data acquisition system every 55 mseconds in the
form of frequency counts.
A block diagram of the Auxiliary measurement system can be seen in either Figure 6 or Figure

HRI Digital SP
The HRI digital SP measurement is divided into two DC Voltage measurements; the voltage
between the A0 and the B electrode (armor) [VSP measurement] and the voltage between the B
electrode and the surface fish electrode [VFISH measurement]. A block diagram of the HRI
digital SP measurement system can be seen in Figure 6. Since the SP measurement consist of
two separate voltage measurements, different degrees of filtering can be applied to reduce the
noise on the SP. The voltage measurement between the B electrode and the Fish has 7 poles of
active filtering which rejects the noise that can be caused by circulating currents near the rig.
The voltage measured between the A0 electrode and the B electrode is lightly filtered to present
the SP dynamic response with bed boundaries. Line 7 of the wire line is connected to surface
fish through a choke in the Cable Interface Panel and is brought down to the HRI tool to an
input of a differential amplifier. The two measurements of VSP and VFISH are combined by
the software to produce the actual spontaneous potential of the formation and is presented as
such on the log.

HRI Analog SP
DITS HRI tools can be converted from a digital SP signal processing to analog signal. This
procedure was recommended in (OEB-95/026). This modification simply routes the analog SP
signal from the HRI sonde to the surface for standard analog SP processing. A block diagram
of the HRI analog SP measurement system can be seen in Figure 7.

10 13-Dec-96
Cond 7


Surface Panels
Dits Pin 9


Resistivity Tools

Start Conversion

Figure 6: HRI Digital SP and Auxiliary Signal Block Diagram

A/D Ch 5

+/- Vref
+10 v
+50 v
-50 v
+15 v
-15 v
+5 v

Block Diagram

Analog SP Signal

Cond 7

High Resolution Induction

Dits Pin 9

Figure 7: HRI Analog SP Block Diagram


Start Conversion


A/D Ch 5

+/- Vref
+10 v
+50 v
-50 v
+15 v
-15 v
+5 v
Block Diagram

The HRI/DFL tool has many different measurements to be acquired over time. Since all these
measurements can not be measured at the same time, a time multiplex data acquisition scheme
had to be installed. There are eight control lines from the peripheral interface device on the
HRI's ratiometric P.C. Board going to the Analog Sonde Assembly. These control lines are
labeled A0 through A7, where A7 is the most significant bit. These control lines define the tool
state and changes every 55 mseconds. The A to D conversion takes 40 mseconds. [35
mseconds for the gating and 5 mseconds for a waiting period.] After the 5 mseconds waiting
period, the CPU reads the data an then changes tool state. There is a 15 mseconds settling time
before the A to D conversion takes place. This allows all the switching action, active filters and
transmitters to reach steady state conditions before the A to D conversion starts. [See timing
diagram,Figure 8.] Each tool state is defined in Table 5. From the Analog Sonde Assembly,
there are 9 channels of data acquired: 4 HRI channels, 4 DFL channels and 1 SP/Aux. Channel.
The CPU firmware cycles through all 16 different tool states continuously.
The sixteen tool states as shown in Table 5 are stored in the firmware of the CPU which are
continuously cycled. The CPU addresses the peripheral interface device on the HRI's
ratiometric assembly and outputs the tool state on the 8 control lines. The tool state is then read
back to the CPU to verify that the correct tool state was sent to the analog sonde assembly. The
DFL's ratiometric assembly also has a peripheral interface device but is not used at this time.
The HRI's ratiometric assembly processes the four HRI channels and the SP/Aux. Channel.
The DFL's ratiometric assembly processes the four DFL channels.


15 ms


35 msec


5 ms


Figure 8: HRI Tool State Timing Diagram

Resistivity Tools 13
High Resolution Induction

Table 5: HRI and DFL Tool State Map

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3
5 78 CR CX DR DX -15v MC CAL M0V M12V
7 68 CX CR DX DR +5v MC Z M0V M12V
9 B6 DR DX ZR ZX -50v M12V MC CAL M0V
11 A6 DX DR ZX ZR +15 M12V MC Z M0V
15 E9 ZX ZR DX DR +50v M0V M12V MC Z

Table Legend
D Deep Receiver Signal M Measure Current Signals
M Medium Receiver Signal B Bucking Current Signals
C Calibrate Signals
Z Instrument Zero Signals 0V Voltage between M0 & M12
12V Voltage between M1 & M2
C A0 Current flow

R Real Signal Component CAL Calibrate Signal

X Imaginary Signal Component Z Instrument Zero Signal

14 13-Dec-96
Block Diagram

The A to D conversion uses a ratiometric counting scheme where two counters are employed,
one to count an integer amount of events in a given time period and the other counter counts a
very high reference frequency during the same period referred to as ticks. The ratio of both
counters events over ticks times the reference frequency clock gives a very precise frequency of
the events. See Figure 9. On the ratiometric P.C. Board Assembly there is a programmable
interval counter which gates the D input of a D flip flop with a 35 mseconds active low pulse.
On the next falling edge of the VCO frequency output, this causes the D flip flop to change
state and enable both the event counter and the tick counter. At the end of the 35 mseconds gate
period, the next falling edge of the VCO frequency causes the D flip flop to change state and
disable the event and tick counters. Therefore, for an integer amount of events in a sample
period, one would count approximately 200,000 ticks with an error of +/- 1 tick resulting in a
very accurate frequency measurement.

On each ratiometric P.C. Board, there is an interrupt controller, which acts as a slave controller
to the master interrupt controller on the CPU P.C. Board. Every A to D converter has its own
interrupt line, IR2 through IR6. When each line goes high, it tells the interrupt controller that it
has an end of convert on each counter. When the interval counter controlling the gating of all
the counters completes its 35 mseconds gate time, it has another 5 mseconds interval wait
period before it activates the IR1 interrupt line to inform the CPU that data is available for

Resistivity Tools 15
High Resolution Induction

OSC 5 Mhz 16 BIT



35 ms 5 ms


35-40 ms

Figure 9: Ratiometric A/D Converter Block Diagram

16 13-Dec-96
Block Diagram


Tool Communication
The tool communication system consist of the RTU assembly, the RTU interface assembly and
the HRI/DFL CPU assembly. The tool communication with the DSTU is a half duplex system
that is designed to be a command-response type system with a 1553 type communication link.
The Manchester Code is transmitted up and down the 1553 buss. A command for data and a
data response occurs every 50 mseconds. Therefore, every 11 transmission for the HRI/DFL
will give an empty buffer since the HRI/DFL acquires data every 55 mseconds.

HRI/DFL Data Transmission Format

The data stored in the FIFO on the RTU Interface board assembly ready to be sent uphole to
the surface system has a fixed data protocol format unique to the HRI/DFL tool. As was stated
earlier, the HRI has four channels of information, the DFL has four channels of information,
and the SP/AUX has one channel of information. Each channel of information has the number
of events and ticks counted during a specific tool state. Therefore, a data protocol was
developed for the HRI/DFL tool to detect transmission errors and to help the surface system tag
the data to the correct tool state. Since the data gathered is time related going uphole, the
surface system has to correlate this information to depth related information. With every block
of data transmitted by the DSTU, there is a block of words that needs to be identified uphole;
therefore, the second word in the block of data will be a 16 bit word defining what channels of
information are being sent which will be called an adjective. The third word if present will be a
sixteen bit word divided up between tool state requested and tool state read back. The fourth
word will be a sixteen bit word defining the Global Tick wraps. All words thereafter will
represent the events and ticks of each channel requested respectively.

RTU Status
The RTU status word is part of the DITS telemetry architecture. The RTU status is the first
word transmitted by the HRI RTU upon receipt of the data request command from the DSTU.
When the system is operating correctly this status should always be “0200”. This signifies the
proper address of the HRI with not reported error conditions from the RTU.

Adjective Word
The adjective word may take one of two forms. Since the data collection rate of the tool is
slower than the DITS frame rate, the tool CPU is sometimes required to give words to the
SRTU to transmit uphole even though there is no data ready. In this case, the adjective word
will be 4542 Hex, for "Empty Buffer". All other data will be zeroes, and the entire frame
should be ignored.
In all other situations, the adjective word is a bit map that indicates which channels are
functioning. The adjective word is created when 8000 Hex OR's bitwise with a bit map
indicating which acquisition channels are providing data to the uplink frame. A one in a bit

Resistivity Tools 17
High Resolution Induction
position indicated that the corresponding channel is providing data. Some examples are given

83FF All Channels OK (Mud, AUX, DFL, and HRI)

81FF All Channels except Mud Cell OK (AUX, DFL, and HRI)
81F7 All Channels except Mud Cell and HRI Channel 3 OK
801F All Channels except Mud Cell and DFL Channels OK

If the bit in the adjective word corresponding to a given channel is zero, then the event and tick
data for that channel are not transmitted. Subsequent data is shifted upward to occupy the
frame positions vacated by the omission of the defective channel’s data, and zero’s are
transmitted to fill complete the data frame. This is why the third column in Table 6 is labeled
“default channels”. This treatment of “missing or invalid” channels is a carryover from the
original Mux HRI tool, which transmitted a variable number of words, determined by the tool
CPU. In the DITS system, a fixed number of words are transmitted each frame. The packing of
good data to the beginning of the frame was maintained to minimize changes to uphole
application software, and the frame is padded with zeroes to fill out the fixed-length frame.

TSRQ/TSRB (Tool State ReQuested/Tool State Read Back)

The second word of the frame indicates the current tool state as requested by the tool CPU, and
as read back by the CPU from the tool state port further downhole. The upper byte is the
requested tool state, and the lower byte is the read back state. Any disagreement between these
two bytes indicates an error in the tool. If these are in agreement, either byte may be used to
determine what measurements are being made by the measurement channels. Refer to,Table 5:
HRI and DFL Tool State Map.

Tick Wraps
Refer to the A to D conversion section for an explanation of the ratiometric converters used in
the HRI tool. One 16 bit word is insufficient to count the number of ticks during the integration
period, and all of the ratiometric measurement channels produce approximately the same
number of ticks, so the uppermost bits of the tick count are indicated by this word. Any
measurement channel which does not produce tick counts including these bits will be marked as
bad in the adjective word as discussed above. The DITS, HRI, as of this writing, produces tick
wraps equal to 2, rather than three as produced by the original HRI/DFL tool. The integration
time set by the tool CPU firmware was reduced from 45 to 35 ms to increase the ratio of valid
data frames to empty frames.

The Events for each of the ratiometric A to D converters is a 16 bit word representing the
number of events recorded by the converter from the corresponding channels VCO during the
acquisition cycle.

18 13-Dec-96
Block Diagram
The Ticks for each of the ratiometric A to D converters is the lower 16 bits of the word
representing the number of ticks (oscillator cycles) recorded by the converter during the
acquisition cycle. The events and ticks for a given measurement channel, along with the global
tick wraps, are used to calculate the VCO frequency for that channel

Table 6: DITS HRI Telemetry Frame

Dits Data Type Typical Value

Word #
0 RTU Status 0200
1 Adjective varies
2 TSRQ/TSRB varies
3 Tick Wraps 2 (generally)
4 Events HRI Channel 0
5 Ticks (Adj Bit 0)
6 Events HRI Channel 1
7 Ticks (Adj Bit 1)
8 Events HRI Channel 2
9 Ticks (Adj Bit 2)
10 Events HRI Channel 3
11 Ticks (Adj Bit 3)
12 Events AUX Channel
13 Ticks (Adj Bit 4)
14 Events DFL Channel 0
15 Ticks (Adj Bit 5)
16 Events DFL Channel 1
17 Ticks (Adj Bit 6)
18 Events DFL Channel 2
19 Ticks (Adj Bit 7)
20 Events DFL Channel 3
21 Ticks (Adj Bit 8)
22 Events MUD Cell Channel
23 Ticks (Adj Bit 9)
24 Block Status (generated by DSTU)

Resistivity Tools 19
High Resolution Induction

Tool Commands
The address assigned to this tool for DITS communication is “2”. Regardless of the number of
words requested from the tool through the SRTU, the number of meaningful data words
transmitted is indicated by the adjective word, as discussed above. The maximum number of
words, when the mud measurement option is used, and all channels are active, is 23.
Groups of measurement channels may be disabled by a configuration command, which is a
Receive Mode + Data type command. The least significant nibble of the data word sent to the
tool is a bit map indicating which groups should be made active. Bits 3, 2, 1, 0 enable HRI,
DFL, AUX, Mud respectively. All combinations are summarized in Table 7.

Table 7: HRI Tool Mode Commands

Mode Command Response

Tool Reset 82E7 Resets the HRI’s Microprocessor
All Signals Off 02FF xxx0 HRI, DFL, SP, and Mud Cell NOT Transmitted
Mud Cell 02FF xxx1 Mud Cell ONLY Transmitted
SP 02FF xxx2 SP ONLY Transmitted
SP, Mud Cell 02FF xxx3 ONLY SP and Mud Cell Transmitted
DFL 02FF xxx4 DFL ONLY Transmitted
DFL, Mud Cell 02FF xxx5 ONLY DFL and Mud Cell Transmitted
DFL, SP 02FF xxx6 ONLY DFL and SP Transmitted
DFL, SP, Mud Cell 02FF xxx7 ONLY DFL, SP, and Mud Cell Transmitted
HRI 02FF xxx8 HRI ONLY Transmitted
HRI, Mud Cell 02FF xxx9 ONLY HRI and Mud Cell Transmitted
HRI, SP 02FF xxxA ONLY HRI and SP Transmitted
HRI, SP, Mud Cell 02FF xxxB ONLY HRI, SP, and Mud Cell Transmitted
HRI, DFL 02FF xxxC ONLY HRI and DFL Transmitted
HRI, DFL, Mud Cell 02FF xxxD ONLY HRI, DFL, and Mud Cell Transmitted
HRI, DFL, SP 02FF xxxE ONLY HRI, DFL, and SP Transmitted
HRI, DFL, SP, Mud Cell 02FF xxxF HRI, DFL, SP, and Mud Cell Transmitted

NOTE: Only the measurement is disabled, not the tool state. For example, if the DFL
measurement is disabled by a mode code, the DFL transmitter still operates, and the
channel input multiplexers still switch according to the pattern determined by the tool
state byte. The ratiometric counters are just not gated on when the channel is

20 13-Dec-96
High Resolution Induction
Shop Calibration Procedures
High Resolution Induction Shop Calibration Procedures

Table of Contents
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................I

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................... II

TOOL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 1

SAFETY.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
High Voltages............................................................................................................................................ 2
Heavy Equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Equipment Hazards ................................................................................................................................... 2

HARDWARE PREPARATION..................................................................................................................... 3
Toolstring Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 3
Tool Power Up Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 3

SOFTWARE PREPARATION ...................................................................................................................... 4

Logging Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Service Selection and Tool Configuration .................................................................................................. 5
Tool Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 6

HRI SHOP CALIBRATION.......................................................................................................................... 7

Preparation ................................................................................................................................................ 8
HRI Calibration Stand ........................................................................................................................ 8
Calibration Loop and Resistor............................................................................................................. 8
Step 1: Free Air ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Step 2: Loop ........................................................................................................................................... 12
HRI Shop Calibration Summary .............................................................................................................. 14
Saving the HRI Shop Calibration............................................................................................................. 18

Table of Figures
Figure 1: HRI Toolstring ................................................................................................................................. 1
Figure 2: HRI Calibration Setup (Free Air).................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: HRI Calibration Setup (Loop)......................................................................................................... 12

List of Tables
Table 1: Dimensions and Ratings .................................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: Hardware Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 1
Table 3: Measurement ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Table 4: Electrical Specifications..................................................................................................................... 1
Table 5: Steps of HRI Shop Calibration ........................................................................................................... 7

9-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools i

High Resolution Induction Shop Calibration Procedures


p Prepare the HRI toolstring for Shop Calibration

p Select and Configure the HRI service

p Perform the HRI Shop Calibration

Resistivity Tools I
High Resolution Induction Shop Calibration Procedures


Surface Equipment

m EXCELL - 2000 System

Downhole Equipment

m DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (DSTU)

m DITS HRI Instrument Section

m HRI Sonde

Auxiliary Equipment

m Induction Calibration Loop

m HRI Calibration Resistor

p HRI Calibration facilities

Resistivity Tools II
High Resolution Induction Shop Calibration Procedures

Table 1: Dimensions and Ratings
Max Temp: 350 °F (177 °C)
Max Pressure: 20,000 psi (137,900 kpa)
MAX Tool OD: 3.625 in (9.2 cm)
Min Hole Size: 4.5 in (12.0 cm)
Max Hole Size: 24 in (60.0 cm)
Tool Length: 394.1 in (1001.0 cm)
INSTRUMENT Tool Weight: 455 lbs (207 kgs)

Table 2: Hardware Characteristics

Source Type: 20-kHz Transmitter Coil
Sensor Type: Coil Arrays
Sensor Spacing: Proprietary
Firing Rate: N/A
No. of Windows: N/A
Full Spectrum: N/A
Telemetry System: DITS (Requires 25 words / frame)
STANDOFF Compatibility: DITS Compatible

Table 3: Measurement
(1001.1cm) Principle: EM Induction EM Induction Laterolog
Range: 0.2 - 2000 ohmm
Vertical Resolution: 24 in (61 cm) 24 in (61 cm) <17 in (43 cm)
Depth of Investigation: 91 in (231 cm) 39 in (99 cm) 17 in (43 cm)
Sensitivity: ± 0.25 mmho ± 0.25 mmho ± 0.20 ohmm
Accuracy, High: ± 1 mmho. ± 1 mmho. ± 5%
DFL Accuracy, Low: ± 1 mmho. ± 1 mmho. ± 5%
250.75" MED Primary Curves: DFL, HRD, HRM
(636.9cm) DEEP
SONDE Secondary Curves: SP

Table 4: Electrical Specifications

Cable Head Voltage: 120 ± 18 Vac @ 60 Hz
Instrument Current: 95 ma
8.73' Instrument Power Mode: W5
2.66m Auxiliary Power: N/A
104.76" Auxiliary Power Mode: N/A


Figure 1: HRI Toolstring

Resistivity Tools 1
High Resolution Induction


High Voltages
The HRI requires a continuous supply of 120 Volts AC electrical power to operate. Make
sure the power is off before connecting or disconnecting any portion of the Toolstring.

Heavy Equipment
The HRI weights 455lbs, (206kg) and is heavy enough to require two or more persons to lift or
carry the section. Observe proper techniques for lifting and handling heavy equipment. Lift
with your legs, not your back.

WARNING: Individuals should be cautious of pinch areas while installing or removing the
transport sleeve from the HRI sonde.

Equipment Hazards
Do not over power the HRI. Correct operating voltage is 120 Volts AC. Handle the HRI
carefully. Attempt to minimize the mechanical shock the tool experiences during routine
handling, DO NOT DROP. If the electronic chassis is removed DO NOT forcibly rotate the
electronics chassis within the housing. Rotation can damage the chassis and can cause
unnecessary replacement.

2 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


For Surface Equipment Hardware Setup See The Appropriate

Appendix For Your System

Toolstring Assembly
BEFORE assembling the toolstring perform a PM 1 (See PM Manual) and check the wireline
insulation and continuity.
Assemble the HRI in the order given below.
1. Connect the HRI instrument section to the HRI Sonde.

2. Connect the DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit to the top of the HRI Instrument Section.

3. Connect the DITS Cablehead to the top of the DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (DSTU).

Tool Power Up Procedure

Monitor the INST. NULL meter and POWER STATUS indicators on the PCP as power is
being applied to the Toolstring. The POWER STATUS should indicate the 60 Hz is being
applied to the “W5” mode. If not, STOP and verify the switch settings on the Tool Power
Supply. As the power increases, the INST NULL meter should deflect slightly right from zero,
then full scale to the left, and return to back to zero when the Toolstring is correctly powered.

Resistivity Tools 3
High Resolution Induction


Logging Setup

After selecting logging setup from the CLASS MAIN MENU, the next screen to be displayed
is the LOGGING SETUP MENU shown above.
The logging setup menu provides direct support to accomplish the logging task. The menu is
designed to take the engineer through the steps necessary to begin a logging run.


4 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Service Selection and Tool Configuration

When the Service & Tool Configuration screen appears enter 2113 (default HRI service) and
press ENTER

Modify the service configuration to match your toolstring:

1. Verify telemetry Sub type is correct (D2TS or DSTU).

2. Tool serial numbers can be changed here or during shop calibration.

When modifications are complete exit the service configuration screen.

Resistivity Tools 5
High Resolution Induction

Tool Calibration
The purpose of calibration is to convert the data gathered (or measured) by the tool into
standard engineering units useful to the customer.

With the toolstring powered-up and communicating properly the shop calibration can be
initiated. To activate the tool calibration screen:


6 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


Shop calibration is the initial calibration performed on a tool and is the most detailed. It
produces the coefficients (gains and offsets) that “adjust” tool output to standard engineering

NOTE: Shop calibration should be performed every 30 days additionally it is also

required if a major repair is executed, or a new software logging program is
being used. When the tool is calibrated the first time, or a new software version
is released or previous calibration records are not available: CALIBRATE

The entire shop calibration procedure will take approximately 10 minutes to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. It’s important to follow the hardware preparation recommendations to
ensure an accurate and quick calibration.

The HRI uses a two point calibration, one point is the zero conductivity environment (Free Air)
and the second a known standard (Calibration Loop and Resistor). The Free Air reading of the
zero conductivity environment is measured to permit the determination of the Sonde Error
(Induction Measurement Offset).
The HRI shop calibration consists of 2 steps.

Table 5: Steps of HRI Shop Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. FREE AIR Used to determine the Sonde Error of the HRI, for each of the
16 tool states. The software assumes that during this step the
tool is in a non-conductive environment. Consequently all the
signal detected by the receivers would be mutual coupling
directly from the transmitter coils to the receiver coils.

Tool Position: 20 feet above ground

Environment: Non-Conductive
Loop Position: OFF

2. LOOP Used to compute the gain of the HRI, for each of the 16 tool
states. To convert raw receiver signal into conductivity

Tool Position: 20 feet above the ground

Environment: Non-Conductive
Loop Position: ON
Loop Circuit: Closed w/HRI calibration resistor

Resistivity Tools 7
High Resolution Induction


HRI Calibration Stand

The recommended fixture to

hoist the HRI is two fiberglass
cradles slung from two poles by
a series of ropes and pulleys.
This is a permanent fixture that
is located outside in an area at
least thirty feet from all other
metal obstructions. Since the
fixture is constantly subjected to
the elements (rain, snow, ice,
wind, and sun) the ropes and
poles are subject to deterioration.
calibration fixture prior to
conducting the calibration is

1. Place the HRI in the fiberglass hoisting cradles of the calibration stands.

2. Position the sonde in a manner that the tool will rest level once hoisted. Make sure the
cradles will not interfere with the placement of the calibration loop when centered over the
Ao electrode. The Ao electrode is the center electrode of the HRI sonde assembly.

3. Do Not install the calibration loop at this time

Calibration Loop and Resistor

1. Inspect the calibration loop and resistor connectors for damage, dirt, and corrosion.

2. Clean the connectors prior to each usage to ensure calibration integrity. Use an electrical
cleaner and a soft rag to clean the connectors. No abrasive should be used on the

3. Verify the integrity of the calibration loop security strap, before placing it and hoisting the
tool into the air.

8 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

All tool calibrations (shop, field, and post) can be performed from the EXCELL 2000 tool
calibration screen. To perform the HRI shop calibration:
1. Change “TYPE” to SHOP.

2. Verify the serial number for the tool being calibrated appears in the SERIAL NO. column.

NOTE: Before starting the shop calibration print out a hardcopy of the last shop
calibrations so you will be able to compare values and specified tolerances.


Resistivity Tools 9
High Resolution Induction

Step 1: Free Air

1. Balance the HRI in the two fiberglass cradles, ensuring that A0 electrode extends beyond
the edge of the lower cradle. This is to permit proper positioning of the Calibration Loop
during Step 2.

2. Carefully hoist the HRI (without the Calibration Loop) to a height of twenty (20) feet.

3. Allow the HRI tool to warm-up approximately thirty minutes with power applied to permit
the electronics to stabilize. Monitor the HRI system temperature is should stabilize a few
degrees above the ambient temperature.

A0 Electrode

20 Feet

Figure 2: HRI Calibration Setup (Free Air)

10 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

4. Select FREE SPACE, and press ENTER.

5. Press any key to start the 110 second acquisition.

Resistivity Tools 11
High Resolution Induction

Step 2: Loop
1. Carefully lower the HRI from the calibration height to ground level.

2. Position the Calibration Loop directly over the center of the A0 electrode on the HRI
sonde. There is an alignment mark formed into the fiberglass sleeve of the sonde three (3)
inches from A0. The edge of this mark indicates the proper placement for the edge of the
Calibration Loop.

3. Close the Calibration Loop with the HRI calibration resistor.

4. Secure the Calibration Loop to the sonde with the attached straps or Non-Conductive

5. Carefully hoist the HRI (with the Calibration Loop) to a height of twenty (20) feet.


Centered Over A0

20 Feet

Figure 3: HRI Calibration Setup (Loop)

12 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

6. Select LOOP, and press ENTER.

7. Press any key to start the 110 second acquisition.

Resistivity Tools 13
High Resolution Induction

HRI Shop Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the HRI Shop Calibration the software will display three (3) screens
summarizing the calibration results.
The first screen shown above presents a summary of the tool response during the calibration.
This report is divided into three areas, each of the areas present the Deep (HRD) and Medium
(HRM) induction data in two (2) columns.
1. Test Loop Closed {LOOP}

Measured Signal- The computed HRD and HRM conductivity of the calibration loop.
This Closed Loop response is automatically adjusted by the calibration
process of the software to match exactly the reported nominal value.
This data is presented in the vector form “R” (real) and “X”
(imaginary) component.
Nominal- The HRD and HRM conductivity of the loop entered into the INPUT
SIGNAL REFERENCE field during the calibration. This data is also
presented in vector form.
2. Test Loop Off (Sonde Error) {FREE AIR}

Measured Signal- The computed HRD and HRM sonde error conductivity form the
FREE AIR calibration step. This data is presented in the vector form
“R” (real) and “X” (imaginary) component.
Nominal- The acceptable range of HRD and HRM sonde error. This data is also
presented in vector form.

14 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures
3. Electronics Relative Gain

Measured Signal- The calculated electronic gain necessary to correct the HRD and HRM
raw response to the calibration loop to the nominal value of the loop.
For convenience, the gain of the electronics is reported as a magnitude
and phase, normalized to a nominal gain value which was built into the
tool design. Refer to Equation 1 to Equation 4.
Nominal- The acceptable range of HRD and HRM electronic gain. This data is
also presented as a magnitude and phase.

For the HRD:

( KDr 2 + KDx 2 )
Equation 1: Magnitude HRD =

Equation 2: Phase HRD = tan −1 ( KDx KDr )

and for the HRM:

( KMr 2 + KMx 2 )
Equation 3: Magnitude HRM =

Equation 4: Phase HRM = tan −1 ( KMx KMr )

Each of the KDr , KDx , KMr , and KMx is the average of the eight (8) corresponding
values presented on the next screen.

Resistivity Tools 15
High Resolution Induction

This screen presents the eight (8) gains (K’s) for each of the measurements. The screen is
divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant represents one (1) of the four (4) induction
measurements performed by the tool HRDr, HRDx, HRMr, and HRMx. Each quadrant
presents the gains of all four (4) electronic channels of the tool. Two gains of each channel are
reported in two (2) columns.
ZERO- This is the gain of the corresponding electronic channel whenever the opposing
electronic measurement chain was recording instrument zero. Channels one (1)
and two (2) comprise measurement chain “A”, while channels three (3) and
four (4) make-up measurement chain “B”.
CAL- This is the gain of the corresponding electronic channel whenever the opposing
electronic measurement chain was recording the internal calibration signal.
The third column in each quadrant provides the acceptable range and tolerance for each of the
gains reported.

16 9-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

This screen presents the eight (8) Sonde Errors (SE’s) for each of the measurements. The screen
is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant represents one (1) of the four (4) induction
measurements performed by the tool HRDr, HRDx, HRMr, and HRMx. Each quadrant
presents the Sonde Error of all four (4) electronic channels of the tool. Two Sonde Errors are
reported for each channel in two (2) columns.
ZERO- This is the Sonde Error of the corresponding electronic channel whenever the
opposing electronic measurement chain was recording instrument zero.
Channels one (1) and two (2) comprise measurement chain “A”, while channels
three (3) and four (4) make-up measurement chain “B”.
CAL- This is the Sonde Error of the corresponding electronic channel whenever the
opposing electronic measurement chain was recording the internal calibration
The third column in each quadrant provides the acceptable range and tolerance for each of the
Sonde Errors reported.

Resistivity Tools 17
High Resolution Induction

Saving the HRI Shop Calibration

Upon completion of HRI shop calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current shop calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

18 9-Dec-96
High Resolution Induction
Logging Procedures
High Resolution Induction Logging Procedures

Table of Contents
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................I

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................... II

TOOLSTRING PREPARATION .................................................................................................................. 1

Tool Position Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 1
Toolstring Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 2
Unit Preparation ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Tool Power Up Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 2
Depth System Initialization........................................................................................................................ 2

SOFTWARE PREPARATION ...................................................................................................................... 3

Logging Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Service Selection and Tool Configuration .................................................................................................. 4
DITS Telemetry Synchronization............................................................................................................... 5
Data Sub Directory .................................................................................................................................... 5

PLOTTER PRESENTATION........................................................................................................................ 6
HRI Presentation Configuration................................................................................................................. 8
HRI Curve Mnemonics .............................................................................................................................. 9
Standard Curve Plot Editor ...................................................................................................................... 10
Shading Control ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Depth Scales and Matts ........................................................................................................................... 12

LOGGING OPERATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 13
Depth Control.......................................................................................................................................... 14
Log Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 15
Initiate Logging Pass ............................................................................................................................... 18
Log Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 19
HRI Tool Modes ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Log Quality Control................................................................................................................................. 21
Log Header Information........................................................................................................................... 22
Halting the Log........................................................................................................................................ 23

Table of Figures
Figure 1: HRI Presentation .............................................................................................................................. 8

List of Tables
Table 1: HRI Log Parameters......................................................................................................................... 15
Table 2: HRI Tool Mode Commands ............................................................................................................. 20
Table 3: HRI Log Heading Information ......................................................................................................... 22

9-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools i

High Resolution Induction Logging Procedures


p Select and Configure the HRI Service

p Configure the HRI toolstring for logging

p Setup a HRI Plotter configuration

p Perform the logging run

Resistivity Tools I
High Resolution Induction Logging Procedures


Surface Equipment

m EXCELL - 2000 System

Downhole Equipment

m DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (DSTU)

m DITS Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGRT) {Optional}

m DITS HRI Instrument Section

m HRI Sonde

Auxiliary Equipment

m HRI Stand-Offs

m Thorium Blanket (required for NGRT calibration)

Resistivity Tools II
High Resolution Induction Logging Procedures


Tool Position Hardware

In boreholes larger than 6.25” diameter, centralization or stand-off of this tool is mandatory. If
tool positioning hardware cannot be run, the client should be informed that the log quality may
be compromised. To accurately perform borehole corrections the tool position within the
borehole must be controlled, either with centralizers or stand-offs. Use the following table to
determine the appropriate stand-off size for various borehole sizes.


4.75 in. to 7.00 in. No Stand-Off

7.00 in. to 14.0 in. 1 1/2 in. Stand-Off

14.0 in. to 18.0 in. 2 1/2 in. Stand-Off with Decentralizer

18.0 in. to 22.0 in. 3 1/2 in. Stand-Off with Decentralizer

22.0 in. and Larger 4 1/2 in. Stand-Off with Decentralizer

When stand-offs and/or centralizers are used they should be placed above and below the HRI
induction sonde. Do Not place any stand-offs or centralizers on the induction sonde fiberglass

Resistivity Tools 1
High Resolution Induction
Toolstring Assembly
Assemble the toolstring using vertical makeup procedures. Hoist the tool
sections individually otherwise the induction sonde can be damaged when
placed under a side load (bending). Assemble the toolstring as directed DSTU

1. Connect the HRI instrument section to the HRI Sonde.

2. Connect the DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit and NGRT to the top
of the HRI Instrument Section.

3. Connect the DITS Cablehead to the top of the DITS Subsurface

Telemetry Unit (DSTU).

Unit Preparation
1. Place the SP surface reference electrode (fish) in a location that will
provide earth ground reference (i.e. mud pit, drilling fluid filled hole,

2. Connect the reference electrode cable (SP) from the truck to the (SP
fish) spool center. Section

Tool Power Up Procedure

Monitor the INST. NULL meter and POWER STATUS indicators on
the PCP as power is being applied to the Toolstring. The POWER
STATUS should indicate the 60 Hz is being applied to the “W5” mode.
If not, STOP and verify the switch settings on the Tool Power Supply.
As the power increases, the INST NULL meter should deflect slightly Standoff
right from zero, then full scale to the left, and return to back to zero when
the Toolstring is correctly powered.

Depth System Initialization

After the entire toolstring is assembled in the well and the cable head
attached, zero the top of the tool at the proper reference point (drill floor,
ground level). Then set the system depth to reflect the total length of the Sonde

NOTE: When the HRI is used in combination with other tools

it may not be practical to hoist the toolstring from the
well to zero the depth counters at the bottom of the
toolstring. In this case the engineer can easily zero the
tool at the cable head and offset the depth counters to
reflect the overall length of the toolstring from the
cablehead to the bottom of the toolstring Assembly

2 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


Logging Setup

After selecting logging setup from the CLASS MAIN MENU, the next screen to be displayed
is the LOGGING SETUP MENU shown above.
The logging setup menu provides direct support to accomplish the logging task. The menu is
designed to take the engineer through the steps necessary to begin a logging run.


Resistivity Tools 3
High Resolution Induction

Service Selection and Tool Configuration

When the Service & Tool Configuration screen appears enter 2113 (default HRI service) and
press ENTER.

Modify the service configuration to match your toolstring:

1. Verify telemetry Sub type is correct (D2TS or DSTU).

2. Tool serial numbers can be changed here or during shop calibration.

When modifications are complete exit the service configuration screen.

4 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

DITS Telemetry Synchronization

After successful completion and proper exiting of the “SERVICE CONFIGURATION” screen,
the system should synchronize with the toolstring telemetry. However, in the event that
synchronization does not occur correctly, synchronization can be initiated from the “CLI
Command Line”.
Establishing synchronization with the DITS telemetry.
1. Press “F12” or click the DO command button on button bar.

2. Decrease “W5” variac on the Tool Power Supply to zero.

3. Increase “W5” variac on the Tool Power Supply until the “INST NULL” meter on the
Power Configuration Panel indicates proper top of tool power.

4. Type “IT” on the CLI command line and press ENTER.

5. Observe that the UL and SYNC indicators on the D2MP are illuminated, as a complete
check observes the telemetry screen on the TDU for proper tool operation.

Data Sub Directory

The Data Sub Directory is automatically created by the CLASS software in the current selected
Data Directory (i.e. DATA2, DATA1, or DATA0).

NOTE: The DO command ″DIS″ can be used to verify and/or change the current default
field_data directory.

The data sub-directory is named by the CLASS software using the following convention:

• MM is the month.

• DD is the day.

• hh is the hour the sub-directory was created.

• mm is the minute of the hour the sub-directory was created.

• s stands for real-time service.

• xxxx is the default service ID number.

Class will record all service configuration files, plotter configuration files, tool calibrations, log
parameters, events, and CLS database files into this sub-directory. From this sub-directory you
will be able to replay, relog, and modify or analyze the log date in Desktop Petrophysics.

Resistivity Tools 5
High Resolution Induction


To select, modify, or create a plotter configuration the engineer will select the DGR/DISPLAY
SETUP. This procedure controls how data will be displayed during logging on both the plotter
and on the screen in the Camera Monitor pop-up window, the data collected downhole will be
displayed on the log, and how the log “matte” will be plotted.

6 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

When you select DGR/DISPLAY SETUP for the first time during a CLASS session, the Depth
Drive Plot Configuration menu will appear. All functions required to control how depth drive
data will be displayed are accessed through this menu.
The engineer has several options:
1. Accept the default selection

2. Reselect from a list of plotter configurations saved under the current base service
configuration ID number (select a software default or locally saved configuration)

3. Select a plotter configuration from another service (must know the service configuration
ID number)

4. Modify any of the previous selections to meet the current plotting requirements.

Select a procedure that most closely suits your needs

Any of these options can accomplish the goal of the DGR configuration menu, that being to
provide a plotter configuration to be used by the RWS to format the log data presentation.
Covering all options of selecting and modifying the plotter is beyond the intended scope of this
screens are provided with the correct data entries to generate a typical presentation.

Resistivity Tools 7
High Resolution Induction

HRI Presentation Configuration

The format that is used to present the log data for the customer is set by the local work area
management or by individual customer requests. Explaining all the possibly log configurations
is far beyond the scope of this manual. Instead a description of the possibly result curve
mnemonics that can be selected to plot are listed. Also, the completed ‘XYZ Standard Plot
Editor’ and ‘Depth Scales and Matts’ screens are provided used to create a typical HRI
presentation shown below.

Figure 1: HRI Presentation

8 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

HRI Curve Mnemonics

The following are the more common HRI result’s curves that can be plotted by the engineer
using CLASS software. There are several other curves available for the HRI that are not
included in this condensed list.

DFL The DFL resistivity in ohmm’s.

HDCN The HRI Deep formation conductivity in mmho’s.

HDRS The HRI Deep formation resistivity in ohmm’s.

HMCN The HRI Medium formation conductivity in mmho’s.

HMRS The HRI Medium formation resistivity in ohmm’s.

SP The HRI Spontaneous Potential, either digital or analog depending on the “SP”
parameter choice.

STEM The HRI Sonde Temperature.

Resistivity Tools 9
High Resolution Induction

Standard Curve Plot Editor

From the Standard Curve Plot Editor you can control the following:

• Select curves to be plotted

• Select curve scales

• Select trace patterns

• Set track assignments

• Control trace width

• Control rebase values

• Enter track insert names and units

• Activate curve shading

This screen illustrates the entries required to produce the HRI log example in Figure 1: HRI

10 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures
Shading Control

In CLASS software curve shading is accomplished by selecting a shading pattern, and entering
the reference when the shading should be displayed.
This reference can be either another curve in the same track, a percentage of the track, or a
curve value.
Also the curve shading can be displayed whenever the curve is greater than (>) or less than (<)
the reference. The Pattern Control screen above shows a typical HRI shading routine where the
following choices are made:

• Shade the gamma ray “Shale” (SHLE), whenever the gamma ray curve is greater (>) than
150 GAPI.
This screen illustrates the entries required to produce the HRI log example in Figure 1: HRI

Resistivity Tools 11
High Resolution Induction

Depth Scales and Matts

To plot the HRI presentation as shown in this manual, the WRITING UNIT
CONFIGURATION screen should be completed as above. Where the following choices are
1. Plot Writing Unit #1 Presentation to Plotter (DGR) #1

2. Full Scale Plot

3. Depth Scale of 5” of film equals 100’ of borehole

4. Annotate depth every 100’

5. matt

• Track 1: Linear
• Track 2: log (2 cycle logarithmic)
• Track 3: log (2 cycle logarithmic)
Completing the XYZ Standard plot editor and Depth Scales Matts & Tracks screen as
presented in this manual will generate a log presentation as shown in .
When the plotter configuration is completed save the configuration and exit the
DGR/DISPLAY SETUP menu back to the LOGGING SETUP menu.

12 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


When all the perquisites for logging the HRI have been satisfied.
1. Service Configuration selected and downloaded

2. Tool communication established

3. Before Survey Calibrations completed

4. Plotter configuration selected/modified

5. Data Directory created (created automatically by CLASS)

The system in configured to start the logging run.

Select LOG-PREVIEW-TEST and press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 13
High Resolution Induction
The LOG BEGIN menu allows the engineer to start and halt logging passes. At this point the
engineers interest turns away from service configuration and is more centered around proper
depth control, tool operation, and log quality.

Depth Control
When the tool approaches the TD of the well the engineer should prepare to initiate the UPLOG
for the repeat section. Before beginning the first UPLOG of the repeat section the engineer
should verify the current depth and perform any additional stretch corrections necessary. The
procedure for calculating and modifying depth stretch corrections is beyond the scope of this
manual. Please refer to the manual on depth control specific to the depth system in use.
The SET DEPTH menu option only resets the depth to the entered value, all depth control and
stretch correction is actually performed at the depth panel or XLFE depth window depending on
the system configuration. For example, the SET DEPTH option permits the engineer to correct
the system depth after performing stretch corrections on a DADS depth panel.

14 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Log Parameters
Log parameters can be viewed and modified at anytime from the “DO” command line, using the
“FLASH” command. The parameters are discussed at this point to make you the aware of the
HRI parameters prior to the first logging pass.

The above screen displays the logging parameters that affect the HRI openhole service.

Table 1: HRI Log Parameters


HRI_OK Calculation flag, is the HRI operational and should the CLASS software
continue to use resources to calculated the HRI results data.

DFL_OK Calculation flag, is the DFL operational and should the CLASS software
continue to use resources to calculated the DFL results data.

PYRITE Calculation flag, highly conductive beds, i.e. Pyrite, can affect the
deconvolution calculations on the surrounding shoulder beds. The pyrite
switch restarts the deconvolution calculations over again when the
resistivity exceeds 0.1 ohmm. This flag can be activated at anytime or

Resistivity Tools 15
High Resolution Induction

CASING Calculation flag, the anticipated depth of the casing shoe. The HRI software
uses a 94.6 foot deconvolution filter, 47.3 feet above and below the tool
depth to calculate the induction curves. The casing depth parameter must be
entered to permit the software to disallow the entry of the casing signal into
the deconvolution filter. Thus outputting a more accurate resistivity for the
47.3 feet of borehole directly below the casing point. The HRI calculations
are then terminated at this depth.

HRIDSP Calculation flag, the type of HRI de-spiking filter to be employed during
real-time and re-log applications. There are currently three choices for the
HRI de-spiking filter:

DELT Delta this is the most common de-spiking filter applied. This is a
general spike reduction filter designed to remove spikes created by
the HRI’s large depth of investigation in dipping beds. The HRI
vertical resolution is not hindered by the application if the Delta
filter. Generally recommended to be run at all times as the default
filter choice.

CAVE Cave correction is a more radical spike reduction filter. The Cave
filter was designed to reduce spikes created by conductive drilling
fluids in large washouts (caves). This correction uses the DFL
response to estimate the washout diameter. The HRI vertical
resolution can be degraded under certain conditions by the
application of the Cave filter. Because the Cave filter uses the DFL
in the algorithm, cave correction should not be applied when the
DFL is not working properly.

NONE No de-spiking filter will be used.

16 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

HRITC Calculation flag, activates the HRI temperature correction and selects the
temperature source to be used in the determination of the correction. The
HRI sonde temperature coefficients must have been entered during the shop
calibration prior to enabling this temperature correction. The HRI sonde
temperature coefficients are determine at special request by manufacturing
for a sonde. These sonde temperature coefficients permit the software to
correct the induction readings for the thermal expansion of the sonde. There
are several available sources to use for the sonde temperature for this

NONE No temperature correction will be applied (default).

CONT HRI temperature correction is enabled and a constant temperature

(parameter) will be used as the temperature source for the

GRAD HRI temperature correction is enabled and a temperature gradient

will be used as the temperature source for the calculations.

TOOL HRI temperature correction is enabled and the HRI temperature

will be used as the temperature source.

DSTU HRI temperature correction is enabled and the DSTU temperature

will be used as the temperature source in the calculations.

CTEM Calculation Parameter, The Constant Temperature to be used for HRI

temperature corrections when the HRITC parameter is set to CONT.

BHT Calculation Parameter, The Bottom Hole Temperature to be used in the

calculation of the temperature gradient when the HRITC parameter is set to

TSURF Calculation parameter, The Surface Temperature to be used in the

calculation of the temperature gradient when HRITC parameter is set to

BHD Calculation parameter, The Bottom Hole Depth to be used in the calculation
of the temperature gradient when HRITC parameter is set to GRAD.

SP Calculation Flag, to select the type of SP processing to be used with the


Yes When the HRI is transmitting the SP signal to surface in the DITS
digital telemetry. This is called the Digital SP.

No When the HRI has been modified to transmit the SP signal to

surface has a discrete analog voltage. This voltage is then digitized
by the surface system. This is called the Analog SP.

Resistivity Tools 17
High Resolution Induction

Initiate Logging Pass

After performing any required depth corrections and selecting the proper logging parameters the
engineer should be ready to initiate the logging pass. To do so the engineer needs to select the
type of logging Acquisition to be performed from the following options:

UPLOG Collect uplog depth - sampled data

DOWNLOG Collect downlog depth - sampled data.

PREVIEW Preview depth logging (no data saved to database).

TIME DRIVE Collect stationary, time - sampled data.

STOP CHECK Set up and collect data for Stop Check reports.

Select “Acquisition Type” and press ENTER.

After selecting the type of logging pass the PRINT TO LOG menu is displayed. From this
menu the engineer can print numerous screens of data prior to starting the log pass. Also the
engineer can either start or abort the log pass from this menu. To start the log pass:
Select EXIT ONLY and press ENTER.

18 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Log Screen

During logging the logging screen menu can be activated by either clicking on the MENU
button on the button bar or entering the “MENU” command on the DO command line. From the
logging screen menu the engineer can initiate several useful options.

Parameters activates the log parameter screen for the current depth. From this screen
the log parameters can be modified and activated upon exit or depth queued
for execution later during the logging run. The log parameter screen can
also be activated from the DO command line by typing “FLASH”.

DGR Rescale activates the Rescale screen. From this screen the active curves being
plotted can be rescaled or deactivated (turned off). The rescale activation
can be either upon exit or depth queued for execution later during the
logging run. The Rescale screen can also be activated from the DO
command line by typing “RESCALE”

Edit API Header activates the API data entry field allowing the engineer to complete the API
log header during logging.

Edit Next DGR Allows the engineer to edit the DGR configuration that will be used by the
CLASS software after the current log is halted and the next log section is

Log Halt Halts the current logging run. The log halt can also be activated by clicking
on the halt button on the button bar or from the DO command line by typing

Resistivity Tools 19
High Resolution Induction
HRI Tool Modes

The tool control screen can be activated during logging from the DO command line by entering

Table 2: HRI Tool Mode Commands

HRI DFL SP MUD Normal tool mode for logging, data from all sensors are
processed and transmitted to surface.

HRI DFL SP Only data from the HRI, DFL, and SP are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The MUD Cell data channel is not processed by
the HRI instrument.

HRI DFL MUD Only data from the HRI, DFL, and MUD are processed by the
HRI microprocessor. The SP data channel is not processed by the
HRI instrument.

HRI DFL Only data from the HRI and DFL are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The SP and MUD Cell data channels are not
processed by the HRI instrument.

HRI SP MUD Only data from the HRI, SP, and MUD are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The DFL data channels are not processed by the
HRI instrument.

HRI SP Only data from the HRI and SP are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The DFL and MUD Cell data channels are not
processed by the HRI instrument.

HRI MUD Only data from the HRI and MUD are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The DFL and SP data channels are not processed
by the HRI instrument.

HRI Only data from the HRI are processed by the HRI
microprocessor. The DFL, SP, and MUD Cell data channels are
not processed by the HRI instrument.

RESET HRI hardware reset. RESET’s the HRI microprocessor and re-
initializes the data acquisition program..

NOTE: When data channels are selected not to be processed based on the HRI tool
mode selection the HRI microprocessor does not process the selected data
channel(s). However, invalid data is transmitted to surface in the DITS frame
for the disabled channel(s). The HRI adjective word is changed to indicate the
data for the disabled channel(s) is invalid and should not be used in

20 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Log Quality Control

Ensure the response is in agreement with the expected for the formations being logged..
Log a repeat section showing 200 feet of valid tool response after pick-up and sensor delays.
Verify that the main log section is in good agreement with the repeat section allowing for
statistical variations. Remember to verify proper depth control between the repeat and main log
Verify that the log is on depth with any prior base log that may have been run on the well.
The HRI response should be similar to the Dual Induction, with improved vertical resolution
and depth of investigation.
Formation resistivities vary over a wide range, from less than 1 ohmm in some salt water
saturated reservoir rocks to effectively infinity (>10,000 ohmm) in evaporites such as anhydrite.
The HRI measurements are most accurate in low resistivity formations, the tool becomes only
qualitative above approximately 500 ohmm. Best accuracy of the deep and medium curves is
between 0.2 ohmm and 200 ohmm. The DFL will read accurately from 0.2 ohmm to 2,000
In non-porous rocks (anhydrite, salt) or low porosity formations (typically limestone or
dolomites), the log reading may be in excess of 2,000 ohmm.
In homogeneous shales, all three curves can be expected to overlay, typically in the resistivity
range of 1 to 10 ohmm.
In reservoir rocks, an invasion profile will be observed which depends on the contrast of fluid
resistivities in the flushed, invaded, or transition, and uninvaded zones. In typical non-
permeable zones, all three resistivity curves should be overlaying each other within reason.
The HRI curves should be fairly smooth in character. Any spikes may be due to highly
conductive fluids in washouts (caves).
The SP should be smooth response with no sudden changes. It should be monitored for noise or
anomalous response. Normal baseline drift is expected. It should also react to lithology and
invasion within known values. SP shale baseline should be seven (7) to nine (9) divisions from
the left of the track.
In large bore hole or when stand-offs are not run due to hole conditions, the medium will
sometimes drop below the deep induction. This is a normal borehole affect and the chart book
should be consulted for borehole corrections.

Resistivity Tools 21
High Resolution Induction

Log Header Information

Table 3: HRI Log Heading Information

High Resolution Induction
Run Number One, Two, etc.
Tool Type & Serial Number HRI-B012
Pad Type N/A
Tool Position Centralized, 1.5” stand-offs, etc.

Type of Fluid in Hole WBM, OBM, Salt Water, etc.
Density Viscosity 9.4 44
Ph Fluid Loss 8.3 6.0
Source of Sample Flowline or Mud Pit
Rm @ Measured Temp. 0.28 @ 75 DegF
Rmf @ Measured Temp. 0.20 @ 75 DegF
Rmc @ Measured Temp. 0.41 @ 75 DegF
Source of Rmf | Rmc Meas. or Calc.
Rm @ BHT 0.091 @ 245 DegF
Rmf @ BHT 0.065 @ 245 DegF
Rmc @ BHT 0.133 @ 245 DegF
Time Since Circulation 6:45 hours
Time on Bottom 20:25 hours
Maximum Recorded Temp. 245 DegF @ TD

22 9-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Halting the Log

Upon completion of the log pass “HALT” to logging run. This can be accomplished in anyone
of several ways:
1. “DO” command Halt

2. Halt button on CLASS Button Bar

3. Log Screen Menu Log Halt

Resistivity Tools 23


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................i,



History Of Resistivity

Evaluation Of








One Dimensional, Planar Flow - Mud Cup Analysis...........................................17

Spherical Current Flow -Unfocused


Cylindrical Current Flow - Guarded


08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL i



Defining the Tool - Resistivity vs Conductivity...................................................24


Unfocused Devices (ES




Problems Associated with the ES


Focused Devices (Laterolog



Dual Laterolog Tool


Depth Of

Radial Resistivity


Spherical Focused logging Tool (SFL).................................................................42

Micro-Spherical Focusing (MSFL


Microguard Tool

Invasion Effects - The Butterfly Chart.................................................................49

Dual Laterolog “Fingerprints”..............................................................................51

The Microlog



In 1942 G. E. Archie of Shell developed the following equation that is known as ARCHIE


Sw = c Rw / Rt / φ

Where c = 1.0 for carbonates and 0.90 for sands.

This is the basic equation of log interpretation. The whole well-logging industry is built
upon this equation.

The equation shows that hydrocarbons in place can be evaluated if there are sufficient logs
to give interstitial water resistivity ( R w ), formation resistivity ( R t ), and Porosity (φ). In
practice Rw is obtained either from applying the equation in a nearby water sand ( S w = 1)
or from the SP log or from catalogs or water sample measurements; and φ is obtained
from porosity logs (Density, Neutron, or Sonic). R t is obtained from deep resistivity
readings (Induction or Laterolog).

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL iii



History of Resistivity Logging
The history of resistivity logging is the history of electrical wireline logging. Wireline
logging started with a resistivity device connected to a rubber insulated copper wire and
suspended in a borehole drilled to 1,500 feet. The well, the Diefenback 2905 was owned
by the Pechelbronn Company in Pechelbronn France.

The date was September 5, 1927. Using the principle's first conceived and later put into
practical use by Conrad Schlumberger for surface electrical prospecting. Henri Georges
Doll designed the "sonde,” and with the aid of two assistants produced the first electrical
"log." At the time Doll, with a B.S. degree from the University of Lyon, France, was a
research Engineer for the Schlumberger Company. The first sonde consisted of four
electrodes wired into an insulating mandrel made of Bakelite. By weighting the sonde
down with lead pellets, and descending to the bottom of the well and slowly pulling
upward, a resistivity profile of the subsurface formations was obtained. This first
operation was not a thing of beauty. In his own words, Doll explains some of the

“We had no collector, instead, we had a plug, much like a common wall
plug, at the side of the winch flange. When the winch had to be turned,
the cable connection to the potentiometer was unplugged so the turn
could be made. Then the cable was plugged back in so that we could
make the reading. We began making our measurement. Someone had
to unplug the connector, someone else turned the winch, someone had
to run on the rig floor to look at the counter on the sheave...there was a
lot of running back and forth. I wrote down the measurements on a
pad, together with the depth reading. Then it was unplug, roll up one
meter to the next station, and plug back in. Make the next reading, and
so on, one meter at a time”

The primary aim of this first log was merely to define the geological (lithology) cross
sections, not locate the hydrocarbon-bearing zones. The idea was to use this wireline tool
as an "electrical coring device" to compensate for the shortcomings of mechanical (drill
test) coring

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 1


FIG: 1 The First Logging Operations (Pechelbronn 1927)

2 TRAINING MANUAL 08/27/2001


After the initial operation, which was

considered successful, Doll plotted his
measurements on a strip of graph paper
and drew the first of the typical diagrams
that were to become familiar to the
petroleum industry. This figure shows the
first “log."

After logging a number of wells in

the Pechelbronn field in the weeks
to follow, positive conclusions
were drawn. Hard formation layers
appeared on the diagrams as peaks
contrasting clearly with the soft and
conductive marls (sands). When
the log results were confirmed by
actual physical core samples,
electrical coring was firmly
established as a valuable tool for
geological surveys

FIG 2 The First Resistivity Log (Pechelbronn


08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 3


During the logging operations at Pechelbronn, Doll and his associates observed that even
with no current emitted in the borehole by their tool, a potential difference was measured
across a pair of monitor electrodes on the sonde. After integrating this self potential
[called the Spontaneous Potential (SP)] over depth, one of the logs runs at Pechelbronn in
1931 was the first to demonstrate that the SP could clearly delineate shales from
permeable formations. With the additional permeability and lithology information
provided by the SP log, the basic electrical coring log in the mid 1930s provided enough
resistivity, porosity, lithology and permeability information that (in most cases)
hydrocarbon-bearing formations could be distinguished from hard, low permeability zones.
Thus the initial electrical coring diagrams were subsequently replaced by the less
restrictive "electric survey logs" that included the SP curve. Well logging, as we know it
today, had begun.

FIG 3 Electric Coring Operations (California 1932)

4 TRAINING MANUAL 08/27/2001


Evaluation of Hydrocarbons
The manner in which the presence of hydrocarbons in pore space is sensed is through the
electrical resistance of the formation. The formation consists of rock matrix and pore
space occupied by fluid. The resistivity of this combination of matrix and fluid is termed
“true resistivity," R t . For normal logging situations, the rock matrix is considered a
perfect insulator; it conducts no electricity, therefore, the formation’s conductivity is only
a function of the fluid in the pores.

At depths below 2,000 feet, the water found in formation pores is generally saline, which
makes it quite conductive. The conductive (resistive) property of water is a function of
the salinity (number of ions' present) and temperature. The higher these two variables, the
more conductive the water and the lower the resistivity of the formation that contains the
water. The illustration on the next page shows the relationship between the fluid resistivity
and salinity and temperature.

Note that at constant temperature, the greater the salinity, the lower the resistivity. Also,
at constant salinity, the greater the temperature the lower the resistivity. Remember that
resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity. The resistivity of the formation water is
termed R w .

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 5


FIG 4 Resistivity Salinity Temperature Of Aqueous NaCl Solutions

6 TRAINING MANUAL 08/27/2001


What happens when some of the saline pore water is replaced by hydrocarbons? We have
already mentioned that the rock matrix is an insulator. We should note, as can be seen
from the table below, Hydrocarbons (oil or gas) are also insulators. Our resistivity
measurement can not distinguish one insulator from another. Since these hydrocarbon
fluids do not conduct electricity, their presence means there is less pore fluid available for
conduction. We can say that the resisitivity of a sedimentary formation with hydrocarbons
depends primarily on the resistivity of the water in the pores and the quantity of water
present. This resistivity; to a lesser extent, will also depend on the formation texture
(grain size, distribution of pores, etc.), clay content, and lithology.

Table 1



Marble 5 x 10
→ 10

Quartz 10
→ 3 x 10

Petroleum 2 x 10

Distilled Water 5 x 10


Clay/Shale 2 → 10

Salt-Water Sand 0.5 → 10

Oil Sand 5 → 10 3

“Tight” Limestone 3

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 7


Invasion Profile
The formation resisitivity, R t , that we have been discussing is for the virginal zone. This
is to say, R t is assumed to be the resistivity of the undisturbed reservoir beyond any

FIG: 5 Idealized Invasion Profile

8 TRAINING MANUAL 08/27/2001


In the borehole you have the drilling mud of resistivity ( R m ). The effect of this drilling
mud on permeable formations causes mudcake of resistivity ( R mc ) to build on the
borehole wall and invasion of these formations by mud filtrate. There are two
components of the invaded zone, one fully “flushed” by mud filtrate and the other a
“transition” between fully flushed and uninvaded. The transition zone is neglected, and
the diameter of invasion ( d i ) is measured to the edge of the flushed zone. The resistivity
of the zone, whose pore space contains only mud filtrate of resistivity ( R mf ) and residual
hydrocarbons if present in the formation, is denoted as ( R xo ). The associated water
saturation is S xo . Beyond that zone is the undisturbed formation with resistivity
( R t ),interstitial water resistivity ( R w ), and water saturation ( S w ).

The existence of invasion has forced the development of resistivity logging tools that make
deep measurements in an effort to read R t uninfluenced by mud filtrate. However no
tool has been developed that can read deeply enough under all circumstances and still
maintain good vertical resolution. Consequently, the standard is to run three resistivity
curves simultaneously with three difference depths of investigation:

• Deep resistivity curve.

• Medium resistivity curve.

• Shallow resistivity curve.

The reading of the deep investigation curve can be corrected for invasion effects to
provide the R t value. The flushed zone resistivity and the diameter of invasion can also
be estimated, using the three measurements in a set of simultaneous equations with three
unknowns ( R t , R xo , and d i ).

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 9



As a starting point for resistivity theory considers the cylinder below. Suppose that a
potential difference is established between the two ends of the conductor of length L and
cross-sectional area A. For a given material, experiment shows that the resistance for this
simple geometrical configuration is directly proportional to the length and inversely
proportional to the cross sectional area.

FIG: 6 Resistivity Of A Cylindrical Conductor

Here V = Voltage

I = Current

L = Length

A = Cross Sectional Area

In an equation form, we can write the resistivity as:

1-1. ρ=R , ρ = resistance

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 11


Where R is the resistivity. It is a property of the material of which the conductor is made,
but does not depend on the conductor's physical shape. Resistivity has the units of ohm-
m2/m (or ohm-m) and is affected by temperature; exact resistivity values are always stated
along with the corresponding value of temperature.

The resisitivity values for two metal conductors are:

copper = 1.7 x 10-8 ohm-m at 20° C

nickel = 6.8 x 10-8 ohm-m at 20° C

If we define:

1-2. A/L = K

1-3. R = Kρ
K can therefore be considered the constant of proportionality that converts resistance to
resistivity. K has the units of length. From Ohm's law we know:

1-4. V = Iρ.
By combining equations 1-3 and 1-4 we obtain the general resistivity equation:

1-5. R = K

Resistivity can be computed if the voltage drop and current are known. The K constant is
only a function of the geometry of current flow (which is controlled by the specific shape
and arrangement of electrodes for a current emitting resistivity device in the wellbore).
The geometry of current flow defines the shape of the equipotential surfaces associated
with the flow. Since an understanding of the idea of equipotential surfaces is necessary for
deriving the resistivity equations for more complicated flow patterns, we need to review
some basic electromagnetic ideas.


Absolute Potential
The absolute potential at a point in space is the work done against electrical forces in
carrying a unit positive charge from infinity to that point. Hence for the geometry defined
below, the absolute potential at "r" is the work done in bringing a unit positive charge
from infinity (∞) to r. The potential at ∞ is considered to be zero.

FIG: 7 The Position Vector

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 13


Potential Difference
The potential difference from point 2, to point 1, is the work done against electrical forces
in carrying a unit positive charge from 2 to 1. See below.

FIG: 8 The Potential Difference Between Two Points


The potential difference (V1 - V2) is therefore defined as a work/charge. This ratio has the
specific units of Joule/coulomb and is called the volt.

Potential Difference is defined by the line integral equation:

r1 r1
1-6. V1 - V2 = - ∫ r2
E • dr = - ∫ r2
E dr Cos Θ

In this case E is the electric field vector, and dr is an element of length along the current
flow, and Θ is the angle between E and dr. The minus sign arises because the potential is
defined as the work done "against" the field E. For all practical cases, E and dr are
parallel and Equation 6 reduces to the scalar form.
1-7. V1 - V2 = - ∫r 2
E dr

By definition you are able to choose V = 0 for an infinitely distant point (say, point 2),
Equation 1-7 becomes:

1-8. V = -∫ E dr

Where V is now the absolute potential at the point r.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 15


Equipotential Surfaces
Consider a simple case of a spherical current source electrode of radius ( r o ) in an infinite,
homogenous, and isotropic medium centered at the origin (see below).

FIG: 9 Spherical Current Source

If the potential on the surface of the electrode is maintained constant with the current
emanating from the electrode to infinity, then the electric field is radial and the potential at
any point where r > ro will depends on the distance [V = V(r)]. Therefore, on a given
radial distance of r, all points of the sphere of radius r will have the same potential. This
therefore defines an equipotential surface. Indeed, we can imagine the electrode to be
surrounded by an infinite number of concentric spherical surfaces, each point on a given
sphere having the same potential, and each spherical equipotential surface differing from
its neighboring surfaces in potential by a constant amount. The electric force lines,
radially outward from the positive current source, are perpendicular to the equipotential
surfaces. It should be understood that the electric force lines must be perpendicular to the
equipotential surfaces. If this was otherwise, a component of the electric field (E) would
be tangent (parallel) to the surface and current would be able to flow on the surface. If
the current is flowing on the surface, the entire surface cannot be at the same potential
(current flows from a higher to a lower potential). Therefore, if the surface is
equipotential, only radial current flow is possible and the electric force lines must be
perpendicular to the surface.


Current Density
The magnitude of the current divided by the unit cross-sectional area of current flow
(defined by the flow geometry) is called the current density. To take into account the
direction of the flow, this current density must be a vector quantity.

1-9. I
J= n
In this case n is a unit vector along the direction of current flow, “I” is the current and A is
the cross sectional area. The magnitude of J is simply:

I *

It has been found that throughout a wide range of conditions, in solids and liquids, the
relationship between J and the electric field E is a linear one.

1-11. E = RJ

Here R is the resistivity. Equation 1-11 is the microscopical equation of Ohm's law, and
holds true for any point within a conductor of any shape. It should be obvious from
Equation 1-10 that the exact expression for J is a function of the current flow pattern,
which is dictated by the equipotential surfaces defined by the shape of the current source
(and the spacing of the return electrode).

* NOTE: The current density “J” is not to be confused with the pseudo geometrical factor “J” in the of
Radial Resistivity Profile Section.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 17



One Dimensional, Planar Flow - Mud Cup Analysis
Referring to figure 6 , we can apply Equation 1-6 and the microscopical form of Ohm's
law (Equation 1-11) to obtain the expression for the resistivity of the cylinder. We may
assume that the configuration obeys the coordinates as shown below:

FIG: 10 One Dimensional Planar Flow

Since the equipotential surfaces are circular planes, the area and current density are given

1-12. A = πlo2 = constant, J = Io /πlo2

The vectors J and E are parallel. And an element of current flow length dr is parallel to E
and J.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 18


From Equations 1-6 and 1-11:

E • dr = - ∫
1-13. V0 - VL = - ∫ L L RJ • dr
Since J and dr are parallel, the dot product J • dr becomes just the scalar product Jdr and
Equation 13 reduces to:

0 0 I0
V0 - VL = - R ∫ Jdr = - R ∫ dr

I0 R L I0 R L
V0 - VL = ∫0 dr =
πl20 πl20

defining Vo - VL as V:

V =
πl 20

or in terms of the resistivity

V π l 20 A
R = K , K = =
I0 L L

these are just equations 1-5 and 1-2 respectively.

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A practical use of the previous Equations is made by the measurement of resistivity in the
"mud tester" on the logging truck. This tester is a cylindrical shaped hollow container in
which fluid is drawn. A d.c. potential is maintained across the ends of the tester and
current flows through the fluid within. Resistivity is computed from Equations 5 and 2.
As an example, suppose a mud tester with a cylinder of 0.5 inches and a length of 4 inches
is filled with mud filtrate. The voltage across the sample is 10 volts with the current equal
to 0.5 Amps. The resistivity of the fluid is easily computed as follows:

A πlo2 (3.14) (0.00635)2 m2

K= = = = 0.00127 m
L L 0.10 m

V 10V
R =K = (0.00127 m) = 0.0253 ohm-m
I 0.5A


NOTE: The dimensions in inches had to be converted into meters in the above equations to keep K and
R in the correct units.

Spherical Current Flow - Unfocused Devices

The downhole formation resistivities are not so easily computed as the direct
measurements made by a mud tester. Still the approach to obtaining “apparent”
resistivities of the formation again uses equation 1-5. The earliest popular resistivity
devices (by their unfocused nature) approximated the case of a spherical electrode
emitting constant current I o radially in an infinite, isotropic and homogenous medium.
For the spherical current flow shown below, we want to obtain an expression for the
resistivity between two concentric equipotential surfaces whose radii are greater than the
source electrode radius ( r o ).

FIG: 11 Two Concentric Equipotential Spheres

The radius of the inner surface is AM, and that of the other surface is AN. Here A is the
origin. From our definition of the potential difference, the potential difference between the
two equipotential surfaces is just the work done in moving a positive charge from the
surface N (the outer surface) to the surface M (the inner surface)

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1-14. V - VN = - E • dr

For the spherical geometry, the surface area and current density are given by:

1-15. A = 4πr2, J = Io / 4πr2

As before, J and dr are parallel and our dot product with E = RJ becomes a scalar product.

I 0 dr
VM - VN = - R ∫ AN J • dr = - R ∫ AN J dr = - R ∫ AN

4πr 2

I R dr I0R  1 

VM - VN = - 0 = - - r
4π 4π
AN r2

I0R 1 AM  I0R  1 1 
VMN = VM - VN = +  r  = -
4 π  AM AN 


In terms of R,

1-17. K (VM - VN)


Where K is given by

1-18 K=
1 1
( - )

We see that if the potential at the two equipotential surfaces can be measured, and the
distances AM and AN is known along with the constant current output Io, “R” can be
calculated from Equations 1-17 and 1-18. The "Lateral" and "Normal" unfocused resistivity


devices with approximate spherical current patterns obey this equation. They will be
discussed in a later section.

Cylindrical Current Flow - Guarded Devices

If a resistivity device is designed to maintain lateral current flow around a cylindrical
source electrode emitting a constant current Io, cylindrical equipotential surfaces exist in
the ideal case of a homogenous and isotropic medium. See Figure 12 below.

FIG: 12 Cylindrical Current Flow

For this geometry the surface area and current density are:

A = 2πrh , J = Io /2πrh

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 23


We want to find the resistivity between the source surface of radius ro and some
equipotential surface a distant L from the center. The absolute potential at the surface of
the source electrode is VO and the absolute potential at our reference surface is VL. As
before, E, J, and dr are parallel and we use Equation 6.

V0 - VL = - ∫ L
E • dr

ro ro ro I 0 dr
V0 - VL = - ∫ E dr = - R ∫ J dr = - R ∫
L L L 2πrh

r dr = - 0 1nr ro
0 0
V0 - VL = - = 1nr
2πh 2πh 2πh

I 0R
1-19 V0 - VL = - 1n ( L / r0 )
2 πh
In terms of R,

Vo - VL
Where K is now given by

K =
ln L/ro

If L is chosen at a sufficiently large distance (not ∞) the potential at L is negligible (VL ≈

0). In this case:

K Vo
R =


We see that for this type of device, “R” can be computed from the tool current flow
pattern, the current, and the absolute potential at the source electrode (i.e., the potential
difference between a surface ground and the source electrode).


Defining the Tool - Resistivity vs Conductivity
Equation 1-5 holds for all types of electrode tool systems in which current is emitted from
the tool into the borehole. Obviously, electrode tools do not work in non-conductive
borehole fluids such as oil base muds, or air-filled boreholes. The definitions of these
tools as either resistivity or conductivity is determined by the measured parameter. If the
measured parameter is voltage, with the current held constant, Equation 1-5 can be
R = K
Here Vm is the measured voltage. It is directly proportional to R, (resistivity). This type
of device is designated as a resistivity tool.

If the measured parameter is the current with voltage being constant, then Equation 5 can
be written:
1 Im
1-23. =σ =K -1

R Vo
Here Im is the measured current. It is inversely proportional to R and therefore directly
proportional to σ, (conductivity). This type of device is designated as a conductivity tool.

If there is variation in current and voltage, then Equation 1-5 can be written:
1-24. R=K = K ratm
This type of device is referred to as a resistivity tool; the more correct term might be
“resistivity/conductivity” tool or simply “ratio” tool

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 25


Unfocused Devices (ES Tools)
Lateral Tool
The early unfocused resistivity devices, called ES (Electrical Survey) tools, actually
incorporated a four electrode system. The tools were not actually placed in an infinite,
homogenous, and isotropic medium because (1) a borehole is required and (2) no
formation is infinite, homogenous, or isotropic. Of the four electrodes, two were used as
current electrodes (one transmitted current and the other received the current), and the
other two were used as monitor electrodes (they measured the potential at different
locations). The illustration below is one ES type tool. It is called a Lateral Tool.

FIG: 13 Lateral Tool

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Current is emitted from the source electrode A to the return electrode B (on the surface).
The potential difference between M and N is measured. The distance between M and N is
small compared to the spacing between A and the midpoint of M and N (the point O in the
illustration). Originally, the distance MN was 32 inches and the spacing AO was 18 feet
and 8 inches. The spacing AO defines the investigational region. With this large spacing,
the lateral tool could record the resistivity of the uninvaded (virginal) zone. Because of its
unfocused nature, the current flow pattern exhibits approximately spherical symmetry and
therefore the equipotential surfaces are somewhat spherical in shape. We can use
Equations 1-17 and 1-18.

K (VM - VN) 4π
R= K=
I0 1 1
( - )


Normal Tool
Another unfocused ES is a Normal Tool. Constant current is passed between the source
electrode A and returns electrode B (at the surface). The measured voltage (potential
difference) appears between electrodes M and N.

FIG: 14 Normal Tool

From the illustration we see that the N electrode is sufficiently far from the source
electrode A (i.e. AN → ∞) that VN is negligible (i.e. VN ≈ 0). Equations 1-17 and 1-18
are applicable for these types of devices (producing approximately Spherically symmetric
current patterns) and for a normal tool configured as in the above Figure, the equations
reduce to:

R= , K = 4πAM

The remaining distance AM is called the spacing, and determines the depth of
investigation. Originally for the Short Normal device a shallow investigation was achieved
by having AM = 16". The Long Normal investigated deeper and had AM = 64".

For both lateral and normal tools, “R” as computed from equation 1-17 and 1-18 is
reasonably accurate provided the formation is sufficiently thick and homogenous and
borehole effects are negligible.

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Problems Associated With The ES Tools

Prior to 1950, resistivity logging consisted of running simultaneously a Short Normal, a
Long Normal, and a Lateral tool. With this combination, three different depths of
investigation were possible, with the deepest being provided by the lateral tool. Although
used very extensively for a number of years (approximately 20 years) the ES tools
produced logs that were difficult, sometimes almost impossible to interpret. Extensive
charts were required to correct for borehole, bed thickness, and adjacent-bed resistivity
effects. It was found that the curves were relatively useless for bed thickness less than 1.5
times the spacing, i.e. 28 ft. for the Lateral and 8 ft. for the Long Normal. The Short
Normal curve was the most usable, but it was severely affected by invasion. The basic
problem with the ES logs was that the direction of the survey current was not controlled.
This current took the path of least resistance, favoring conductive mud and conductive
shoulder beds over resistive beds at the level of the tool.

FIG: 15 Unfocussed Tool - Possible Current Path

As a result of all the problems, the Normal and Lateral curves was replaced in the 1950s
by focused logs in which the path of the survey current was controlled. The focusing
minimized borehole and adjacent bed effects and provided good bed resolution. Two
types of focused tools were introduced. One was the Induction tool that works by
inducing (not injecting) a current flow of closed loops concentric with the tool axis in the
formation. This tool works best in non-conductive or low conductivity borehole
environments (oil based muds, air filled boreholes or fresh mud systems). The other tool
was the laterolog device. This is an electrode type "Guard" tool that works well in very
conductive boreholes (i.e. salt mud systems). The Induction tool is fully discussed in the
Induction Training Notes.


Focused Devices (Laterolog Tools)

Laterolog systems utilize a multiple electrode array to force survey current to travel
laterally across the mud and into the adjacent formation. The advantages of this technique
are the ability to operate in very salty mud, while providing excellent bed definition,
independent of neighboring bed resistivities.

There are two basic types of focused-electrode laterolog arrays. One is the 3-electrode
system commonly called guard log or LL3 and the other is the 7 to 13 electrode system,
with designation LL7, LL8, and dual laterolog (with 9 to 13 electrodes). Both systems
operate on much the same principle, as illustrated below showing the LL7 and LL3.

FIG: 16 Laterolog 3 (LL3)

FIG: 17 Laterolog 7 (LL7)

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For an understanding of the focusing feature we will take an in-depth look at the laterolog
7 devices. These types of logging tools are designed in such a way that the source current
is kept from flowing up and down in the drilling fluid. This is accomplished by placing
focusing electrodes on both sides of a centrally located source electrode as seen in the
LL7 representation. All of the electrodes are maintained (essentially) at the same potential
and send currents out in the same sense (i.e. all currents have the same phase).

Since like charges repel and unlike charges attract, the current flowing out of the upper
and lower guard electrodes (A1U and A1L) tends to repel the current flowing out of the
center electrode (AO). The center current pattern (i.e. the survey current) is therefore kept
from flowing upward toward A1U or down toward A1L. The survey current Io is forced to
flow in a horizontal layer at right angles to the borehole before it begins to flow toward
the return electrode.

To keep the Ao, A1U and A1L electrodes at approximately the same potential, (which keeps
Io focused) as the tool moves upward through the successive formation beds during
logging, two sets of monitor electrodes are used. If a potential difference is sensed across
a set of monitor electrodes (either across M1U and M2U or across M1L and M2L), indicating
that the survey current lateral pattern is not being maintained, the potential of the guard
electrodes (A1U and A1L) is increased or decreased to maintain the focused cylindrical (disc
shape) path of survey current Io into the formation. Increasing the potential of the guard
electrodes tends to "push" the survey pattern away from the electrodes. Decreasing the
potential of the guard electrodes tends to "pull" the survey pattern toward the electrodes.

This push or pull feature is essential in maintaining the correct vertical resolution. As an
example, a very thin resistive bed across from Ao surrounded by conductive beds would
require the system to "push" the survey current into the resistive bed since the current
would separate and migrate above and below the bed. A very conductive bed whose
thickness is less than the required disc thickness (usually 2 feet) surrounded by resistive
beds will require the electrodes to "pull" the survey current pattern toward the electrodes,
thus increasing the disc height. This is illustrated below.

FIG: 18 Thin Bed Effect


The resistivity of the formation is computed from the physics of the measurement
assuming cylindrical equipotential surfaces. If we assume that the monitor electrodes are
maintaining lateral survey flow, the current distribution pattern (ideally) is a uniform
cylindrical disc as shown below.

FIG: 19 Ideal Current Pattern For Laterolog Tools

The resistivity is computed from Equations 21 and 22 respectfully:

2πh *
K =
ln L/r0
Here h is the thickness of the cylindrical disc, L is the length and is dependent on the radial
distance this disc shape is maintained, and r0 is the radius of the cylindrical source
electrode. Equations 1-21 and 1-22 are applicable for all laterolog (guard) tools.

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* NOTE: The above equation only provides an approximated K value for laterolog tools. A more
correct expression is obtained by computer, mathematical modeling with real borehole
formation effects considered

The original laterolog-7 (LL7) differed from the original laterolog-3 (LL3), in that it used
small guard electrodes, while the LL3 used long guard electrodes (5-6 feet) and the LL7
used monitor electrodes to ensure lateral flow. At present, a shortened guard version of
the LL3 (less than 18") is used for a shallow Rxo (invaded zone resistivity). The length of
a guard defines, to a great extent, the depth of investigation (we must also consider the
return path).

The Dual Laterolog Tool system was introduced in the 1970’s. The system provided
simultaneous deep and medium curves produced from a dual focusing electrode array of
up to 13 electrodes. The focusing feature produces two cylindrical current discs of
different radial lengths (L) but with the same thickness (h). The resistivity for both the
shallow and medium system is again computed from Equations 1-21 and 1-22 with the
appropriate input constants and measured parameters.



Dual Laterolog Tool Principles
The dual laterolog system uses both small and large guard electrodes. The operational
aspect of this tool is the same as the LL7, except now we have both a deep and shallow
system working simultaneously. This is the dual aspect of that tool. For both systems,
horizontal cylindrical discs are maintained by the action of the guard and monitor
electrodes. The systems, using the same electrodes, operate at different frequencies and
have different depths of investigation. Both systems maintain the same vertical resolution
of 2 feet (disc thickness).

The deep tool needs long guards and remote current return, while for the shallow it is
necessary for the guards to be short and the return relatively near (on the tool). Figures 20
and 21 shows the electrode arrangement and current patterns.

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The shallow (LLS) current layer (disc) starts to spread after a short distance into the
formation. The reason is the focusing currents are emitted from electrodes A1U and A1L
and the returns are the nearby A2U and A2L electrodes. To keep the survey current
focused, the shallow system monitors the values of the Electrodes M1 and M2 upper and
lower. From these measurements, the system will control the upper and lower focusing
routine, with each one (upper or lower) being controlled independently.

The designations of the electrodes used here are for illustrative purposed and are
different from those in the DLLT Manual.

FIG: 20 Dual Laterolog Tool Shallow Current Pattern


The deep laterolog measurement requires a long guard system.

The focusing above A0 is accomplished by combining the outputs from the A1U and A2U
electrodes. Below A0, the outputs from the A1L and A2L electrodes are combined. The
return for the deep pattern is an electrode approximately 75 feet away from A0. The
combination of long guards and the remote return, causes the layer of logging current to
hold its horizontal thickness far into the formation. To keep this deep system focused,
monitor electrodes M1, M3, and M4 (upper and lower are utilized).

FIG: 21

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Different frequencies are used by the different systems. For the shallow measurement a
frequency of 1050 Hz is used; whereas for the deep (which requires a lower frequency),
131 Hz is used. Because each system is sensitive to its own frequency, continuous
recording of data is attained. The tool measure's values of v o and I o and using Equations
1-21 and 1-22, two resistivity values are determined. Two different K values are required
for the resistivity computations, due to the different radial investigations (this changes the
value of L in equation 1-21).

Depth of Investigation And Vertical Resolution

For any specific arrangement of electrodes, the distance into the formation for which the
current maintains its lateral (disc shaped) pattern is the depth of investigation associated
with that specific arrangement (see below). This is true because as the current lines begin
to spread, the cross sectional area of the current path increases, which effectively makes
the resistance associated with that region of space negligible. The vertical resolution is
approximately the height of the disc. Figure 22 depicts this, and shows that for the Dual
Laterolog, the deep measures approximately 5-7 ft. into the formation; whereas, the
shallow is 2-3 ft. The vertical resolution is approximately 2 ft. for both.

Deep Deep
5 - 7 ft 5 - 7 ft

Shallow Shallow
2 - 3 ft 2 - 3

2 ft


FIG: 22 DLLT Depth Of Investigation And Vertical Resolution


Radial Resistivity Profile

When using a dual laterolog, under normal ideal conditions, the radial profile of
resistivities is as shown below (i.e. Rm < Rxo < Rt). Between the invaded (flushed) zone
and the undisturbed formation, there is a transition zone that has a resistivity value
between the values of Rt and Rxo. Figure (24) is a diagram showing a plane view of a
horizontal slice made through the tool and the formation that surrounds it. This figure
shows current flowing radially outward from the tool and passing through the mud, the
invaded zone, and the undisturbed formation before arriving at the return electrode.

FIG: 23 Radial Distribution Of Resistivities

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FIG: 24 Laterolog Current Paths

If held constant, the current will then develop a series of voltage drops across each zone
encountered. The relationship between these voltages can be simplistically written as:

1-26. Vtotal = Vmud + Vinvaded + Vundisturbed

Each voltage drop is proportional to the product of the current, the resistivity of the zone,
and some relative weight function, Ji, that gives the percentage that zone contributes to
the total signal.


1-27. Vtotal = Jm (IRm) + Jxo (IRxo) + Jt (IRt)

Here Vmud = Jm (IRm),
Vinvaded = Jxo (IRxo),
Vundisturbed = Jt (IRt)
Vtotal is related to the measured current I and the resistivity (RLL) measured by the tool

Vtotal = IRLL
Thus, the equation for resistivity measured by the laterolog (RLL) can be written as:

1-28. RLL = Jm Rm + Jxo Rxo + Jt Rt

Logically, Jm will depend on the hole size, while Jxo and Jt will depend on the invasion
diameter (di) and on the contrast between Rt and Rxo. The sum Σ Ji must be one by
definition. An equivalent electrical circuit for a laterolog measurement is shown below.

FIG: 25 Equivalent Electrical Circuit For Laterolog Measurement

We see that in the laterolog tool the zones add in series. The tool therefore responds
primarily to the most resistive zone. This is in contrast to an induction tool that sees
zones surrounding the tool (including the shoulder bed) as adding in parallel and thus
responds to the most conductive zone (conductivity device).

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Referring to Equation 1-28, usually the mud column contributes a small signal and in most
cases can be ignored (Jm ≈ 0). The usual exception is in large boreholes, in which case
borehole correction charts are available to correct for this effect. Figure 26 shows the
correction charts used for the laterolog deep reading. Therefore, after correcting for the
mud effect, the laterolog response in an invaded formation is described by the pseudo
geometrical factors, Jxo and Jt. The term "pseudo" refers to the fact that, as previously
mentioned, Jxo and Jt are not only a function of the invasion diameter, but they also depend
on the contrast between Rt and Rxo. From Equation 28 we now write:

1-29. RLL = Jxo Rxo + Jt Rt

Since Σi Ji = 1, Jxo + Jt = 1
RLL = Jxo Rxo + (1 - Jxo) Rt
Dropping the subscript on Jxo, J is called the pseudo radial geometrical factor, and
Equation 29 takes the final form:

1-30. RLL = JRxo + (1 - J) Rt *

J is a variable with a value between 0 and 1; at di = 0, J = 0; at di = ∞, J = 1. Each of the

two laterolog measurements (deep and shallow) has its own J-di relationship as shown in
figure 27.


*NOTE: In practice, along with the borehole correction, a bed thickness correction is also applied to
the log before invasion corrections are applied.

FIG: 26 Deep Laterolog Borehole Correction

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FIG: 27 Pseudo Geometrical Factor

Spherically Focused Logging Tool (SFL)
We have already discussed the problems associated with the early electric survey tools.
The main problem being that the direction of the survey current was not controlled but
took the more conductive (less resistive) path (see Figure 15). The laterolog devices
improved the situation by forcing the survey currents to flow in a lateral, disc shaped
pattern by introducing guard electrodes above and below the center current emitting
electrodes (see Figure 17). Another focusing method was introduced by Schlumberger (as
a replacement for the short normal) that forces the survey current to produce a spherical
flow pattern into the formation. The tool was called an SFL (Spherically Focused Log),
and was designed to make a shallow measurement (primarily influenced by R xo ).

If a tool system is maintaining a truly spherical current flow pattern in the formation,
equipotential surfaces are spheres. For this case, the geometry associated with the flow
will be that of Figure 11, and the associated equation for the potential difference (voltage)
between two equipotential surfaces M and N is given by the lateral equation.

FIG: 28 Two Concentric Equipotential Spheres


1-31. VM − VN =
I0 R
4 π AM AN
] {same as Equation 16}

Which as before reduces to:

1-32. K ( VM − VN )
R = {same as Equation 17}

or in terms of conductivity

K -1 I 0
1-33. σ =
( VM − VN )

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 49


The SFL was designed to measure the conductivity of a region of formation just outside
the borehole and extending vertically a short distance either side of the A o electrode.
The actual electrode placement on the sonde along with the ideal current distribution
pattern is shown below.

Figure 29 Current Pattern

To achieve the pattern above, two current systems are required. The bucking current I b
leaves the A o electrode and returns to A 1 and A 1′ by traveling through the borehole.
The survey current I o leaves A o and is returned to the remote electrodes (Cable Armor
and lower tool body). The combined effect is that I o is forced into the formation since
I b creates a barrier in the borehole (i.e. I o cannot cross I b ).


Micro-Spherical Focusing (MSFL Theory)

Even though the results with the SFL tool were far better than the short normal, the
spherical focusing deteriorates under very high R t R m contrast because very large
bucking currents are required to flow in the mud since I b is responsible for the
maintenance of the equipotential shells inside the borehole.

The next logical step was to produce a pad-type miniature version of the SFL, to eliminate
borehole effects and achieves superior shallow investigation. The result was the Micro-
Spherically Focused Tool (MSFL). The MSFL is the state-of-the-art in R xo (flushed
zone resistivity) measurements. It provides good results under a wide range of invasion
and mudcake thickness. The MSFL electrode arrangement is shown in figure 30. Notice
the number and geometrical distribution of electrodes, as well as the resulting current flow
patterns, is the same as the SFL.

FIG: 30 MSFL Pad And Current Patterns

The actual physical description of the pad face is shown in the lower left corner. The
electrodes are rectangular, metal strips concentrically molded into the rubber pad body.
The electrodes are recessed in the rubber surface.

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In a manner "identical" to the SFL, the MSFL provides spherical focusing and a value for
the flushed zone conductivity. In describing the specifics of the tool operation, we can
first start by simply explaining the functions of the two current loops produced from the
two separate, but interacting, current feedback systems. I b (the bucking current) is
responsible for (1) preventing I o from flowing through the mudcake, and (2) establishing
and maintaining (by interacting with I o ) the constant potential difference across the
spherical shell. I o is responsible for (1) preventing I b from flowing across the monitor
electrode pair, M 1 - M 2 (this keeps I b essentially traveling vertically through the
mudcake to A 1 and A 1′ ), and (2) providing the measurement proportional to flushed
zone resistivity. Now we can provide a little more detail.

The current leaving the central electrode A o is I T . I T consist of the two components:

bucking current and the two components surveys (measure) current.

Here I b and I o represent both the upper and lower components, (it would probably be
more correct to refer to the bucking and survey currents as 2 I b and 2 I o , respectively).
The bucking currents return to symmetrical electrodes A 1 and A 1′ . I b , which is
restrained to essentially flow in the mudcake due to the very small spacing of the
electrodes and its interaction with I o , establishes a current barrier for I o . I o is forced to
flow deeper into the formation by the "bucking action" of the I b current lines (i.e. like
currents repel). I o is returned to a remote electrode that is the mandrel body

The resulting equipotential surfaces due to the combined current paths are approximately
concentric spheres (or to be more exact, hemi-spheres) as shown by the dashed lines in
Figure 30.

The I o current system is driven by the potential difference between the M 1 - M 2

electrode pair. The I o current is adjusted continuously and automatically to make this
difference zero (i.e. v M1 - v M2 = 0).

The effect of this is to create an equipotential barrier between M 1 - M 2 which further

confines I b in the vertical direction. The potential difference being zero insures the
bucking current will not flow across the pair (current flows only across a potential

The MSFL resistivity is computed across the spherical shell of thickness M o M 1 (to be
exact the shell thickness is between the M electrode and the M 1 M 2 center tap) using
Equation (17). Halliburton has two versions of the MSFL. The G-series tool maintains
the potential across the shell at a constant reference value, v R . This makes this a
conductivity tool. On the other hand, the W-series (DITS) allows both the current and
voltage to vary, measuring both. This is a ratio tool.


The actual pad size and electrode spacing determine where in space the spherical shell is
located (i.e. the investigational region). The pad dimensions are such that this shell is deep
enough to avoid the mudcake, but not too deep as to be significantly influenced by the
uninvaded zone. The MSFL external pad system is shown in figure 31.

FIG: 31 MSFL Sonde

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 53


Microguard Tool (MG)

The W-series Dual Laterolog Tool (depending on the version) can be run with the MSFL
or another type microresistivity device called the Microguard or (MG). This tool is also
sometimes referred to as the FORXO (as in “for R xo ”). To make its measurement, the
Microguard uses a pad that contains a central “button” electrode that is encircled by a
guard ring electrode. The current from the guard ring provides the focusing feature.
Figure 32 below shows the features of the Microguards and current flow patterns. Notice
that a side view of the current flow pattern shows the Microguard to be like a pad type

FIG: 32 Microguard Current Flow

Operationally, current from the guard ring focuses the survey current, the current from the
central electrode, by forcing this current to only flow radially away from the tool. This
current flows into the first few inches of the formation (the flushed zone) and returns to
the Microguard Mandrel housing.

Invasion Effects - The Butterfly Chart

Since the dual laterolog provides two resistivity values at different radial depths, Equation
1-30 can be broken into the deep and shallow components (after borehole corrections).

1-34. RLLD = JD Rxo + (1 - JD ) Rt

1-35. RLLS = JS Rxo + (1 - JS) Rt
Where JD = JD (di), JS = JS (di)

The dual laterolog is usually combined with some kind of very shallow investigation
device. This is usually one of the pad micro-resistivity system such as the MSFL (or MG)
which allows us to determine a value for Rxo. When this resistivity is also borehole
corrected, we obtain two equations and two unknowns. With the borehole corrected
MSFL resistivity assumed equal to Rxo, (as a first approximation) Equation 1-34 and 1-35
shows the unknowns is Rt and di. Note that JD and JS are a function of the same diameter
of invasion. The Butterfly Chart (figure 31) is used for invasion effects. It graphically
solves our two equations. The chart plots RLLD/Rxo vs RLLD/RLLS. From the chart,
correct values for Rt and di are obtained, as well as a more correct value for Rxo.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 55


FIG: 33 Laterolog Invasion Correction Chart



Dual Laterolog “Fingerprints”

The behavior of the dual laterolog-MSFL (or the Dual Laterolog-MG) in zones with
movable hydrocarbons permits simple quick-look interpretation. One good rule-of-thumb
is the hydrocarbons are indicated where R LLD > R LLS > R MSFL . Conversely, the
pattern R MSFL > R LLS > R LLD is a good indication that the zone is wet (100% water
saturation). The log example of figure (34) demonstrates these features.

FIG: 34 Finger Print Log

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 57


The Microlog Tool

The Microlog tool is a simple three-electrode, non-focused electrical logging device. It
was originally used to indicate porosity. When that use was supplanted by modern
porosity devices such as the density, neutron, and sonic logs, use of the microlog fell off
dramatically. It has seen increasing use, however, since the mid-1980’s. The tool is
valuable because it offers a superb means to identify mud cake and, therefore, permeable
zones. The Microlog is normally run as a separate tool, but Halliburton has also combined
this resistivity measurement with the density tool by placing a Microlog pad on the density
caliper arm. This combination, of course, has the added advantage of indicating mud cake
(and therefore confirming the Microlog measurement) when the caliper reads less than
drill bit size. The electrode configuration on the pad is shown below.

FIG: 35 Electrode Configuration



Operationally, a constant survey current is emitted from the lower button. This current
flows through the mud cake, formation, and borehole before returning to the tool case. A
Micronormal resistivity curve is recorded by measuring the potential between the upper or
middle button and tool case. Similarly a Microlateral (also called a microinverse) is
recorded by measuring the potential between the middle and upper buttons. For this tool,
the depth of investigation of the Micronormal is approximately twice the spacing between
A o and the other button that is used. For the upper button, this gives a depth of
investigation of 4 inches. Using the measurement from the middle button we obtain a 2
inch depth of investigation. For the Microlateral, the depth of investigation is
approximately equal to the spacing between A o and the measure point (the mid point of
the upper and middle electrodes). This gives a value of 1.5 inch.

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 59


Using the 2 inch Micronormal (with 4 inch depth of investigation) and the Microlateral,
when no mud cake is present, as in impermeable zones, both curves should read the same
value (i.e., they overlay). Thus the curves overlay in shales or in impermeable sands or
carbonates if resistivity is not too high. The presence of mud cake will cause the curves to
separate. The mud cake generally has lower resistivity than the flushed zone. Since the
Microlateral measurement has the shallowest depth of investigation, it should respond
primarily to the mud cake, and read a lower resistivity than the Micronormal. The
presence of mud cake (permeability) is indicated by a positive separation between the
Micronormal and Microlateral curves (Micronormal > Microlateral) and the Microlateral
reads close to R mc . The Log example below shows this effect.




1. Bateman, Richard M., Open-Hole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation,
IHROL, Boston, 1985

2. Dewan, John T., Essentials of Modern Open-Hole Log Interpretation, Penn Well
Publishing Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1983

3. Study Guide-Dual Laterolog, Gearhart Publications

4. Formation Evaluation Chart Book, Gearhart Publications

5. Pirson, Sylvain, Handbook of Well Log Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood

Cliffs, N.J., 1963

6. Houston Chapter-SPWLA, The Art of Ancient Log Analysis, Houston, Texas,


7. Martin, Maurice H., and Louis A. Allaud, Schlumberger, The History of a

Technique, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977

8. Bueche, Fredrick J., College Physics, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, 1979

9. Sears, Francis W. and Mark W. Zemansky, University Physics, Addison-Wesley

Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., 1977

10. Stratton, Julius Adams, Electromagnetic Theory, McGraw-Hill Book

Company, New York, 1941

11. Thomas, George B., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Reading, Mass., 1969

12. Weidner, Richard T., and Robert Sells, Elementary Classical Physics, Allyn and
Bacon, Inc., Boston, 1965

13. Study Guide-Micro Resistivity, Gearhart Publications

08/27/2001 TRAINING MANUAL 61

Block Diagram

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................3
DLLT-A or DLLT-B .............................................................................................................................6
Deep Laterolog ........................................................................................................................................6
Shallow Laterolog....................................................................................................................................8
Power and Telemetry Section................................................................................................................. 10
Measurement Section............................................................................................................................. 12
Monitor Loops (Deep Laterolog)............................................................................................................ 13
Monitor Loop (Shallow Laterolog)......................................................................................................... 15
I0 Measurement...................................................................................................................................... 17
V0 Measurement..................................................................................................................................... 17
Electrode Sonde Construction ................................................................................................................ 22
MSFL Theory........................................................................................................................................ 23
MSFL Focus Controller ......................................................................................................................... 23
MSFL Measurement .............................................................................................................................. 24
MSFL Tool Modes ................................................................................................................................ 24
Mandrel Motor Control.......................................................................................................................... 28
Caliper Measurement............................................................................................................................. 28
DLLT Communication........................................................................................................................... 31
Tool Communication.......................................................................................................................... 31
RTU Status ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Auxiliary Status ................................................................................................................................. 31
DLLT Telemetry Frame ..................................................................................................................... 32
Tool Commands................................................................................................................................. 33

Halliburton 1 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Dual Laterolog Electrode Array ............................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Deep Laterolog Array .............................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3: Shallow Laterolog Array.......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Power and Telemetry Section ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 5: Deep Laterolog Focus Monitor Loops .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6: Shallow Laterolog Focus Monitor Loops................................................................................................ 16
Figure 7: Dual Laterolog Log Mode...................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 8: Dual Laterolog LLS Internal Calibrate Mode ......................................................................................... 19
Figure 9: Dual Laterolog LLD Internal Calibrate Mode......................................................................................... 20
Figure 10: Dual Laterolog Internal Zero Mode...................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11: MSFL Log Mode................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 12: MSFL Internal Calibrate Mode ............................................................................................................ 26
Figure 13: MSFL Internal Zero Mode ................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 14: Dual Laterolog Motor Control Circuit.................................................................................................. 29
Figure 15: Dual Laterolog Caliper Measurement................................................................................................... 30

Table 1: DLLT Auxiliary Status ........................................................................................................................... 31

Table 2: DLLT Telemetry Frame.......................................................................................................................... 32
Table 3: DLLT Tool Commands........................................................................................................................... 33

Halliburton 2 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram

Introduction CR

Most formations logged for oil and gas are made up of rocks which, when dry do
not conduct electric currents. This physical property of the formation that impedes
(resists) the flow of current is called resistivity. It is the inverse of conductivity, the
physical property of the formation that is a measure of its ability to conduct current.
Current flows through a formation that contains interstitial water (water in the pore
space) that has been made conductive by salts in solution.
A laterolog tool investigates formation resistivity by directly measuring the effects
of currents focused into the formation surrounding the borehole. Figure 1 shows a A4+
typical deep laterolog electrode array. Currents flowing out of electrodes A0, A3+,
A3-, A4+, and A4- cause a potential difference (the survey voltage) between the
electrode array and a current return electrode (B). The survey voltage (termed V0 )
is measured by a voltage measuring circuit placed between a surface voltage
reference electrode (N) and a downhole monitor electrode (M2-) on the sonde. The
output of this voltage measuring circuit is called V0. The survey current (termed A*+
I0) is sent through the formation via source electrode A0 and is measured by a
current measuring circuit. The apparent resisitivity of the formation is calculated A3+
by dividing V0 and I0 and then multiplying by a tool constant (a number
mathematically derived from the geometry of the electrode array). The result is
the apparent formation resistivity indicated by the tool, which yields the true
formation resisitivity when corrected for invasion and non-standard borehole size,
and when borehole resistivities are small. The equation for apparent resisitivity is: M2+

R = K (V0/I0)
R = Formation resistivity
K = Tool constant M1-

V0 = A measure of the survey voltage M2-

I0 = A measure of the survey current M3-

The process is complicated by the presence of the borehole in the formation. The
survey current is emitted from the source electrode through conductive borehole A3-
drilling fluid into the formation and back to return electrodes mounted along the
toolstring. To minimize the influence of the highly conductive drilling fluid
within the borehole on the measured formation resistivity, guard electrodes focus A*-
the path of the survey current into the formation.


Figure 1: Dual Laterolog Electrode Array

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Block Diagram

The DLLT performs resistivity measurements with two different depths of investigation
into the formation. When equipped with the optional MSFL the DLLT toolstring makes
a third resisitivity measurement. These three resistivities are used to obtain true
formation resistivity (Rt) and the invasion diameter (di). The three depths of investigation
Deep Laterolog:Approximately 5 – 7 feet into the formation.
Shallow Laterolog: Approximately 2 – 3 feet into the formation.
MSFL: Flushed zone (Rxo), a few inches into the formation.

The deep laterolog (LLD) and shallow laterolog (LLS) investigations are performed
simultaneously, using common electrodes. The LLD and LLS share some of their
electrodes on a common sonde, but are electrically operated to minimize the effects of
one upon the other. The circuits of the deep investigation operate at a frequency of
131.25 Hz, while the circuits of the shallow investigation operate at a frequency of 1050
Hz. Operating the electrodes at different frequencies allows non-interacting
measurements of the relatively deep and shallow resisitivities. Harmonically related
measurement frequencies provide voltage or current measurement extraction at each
separate frequency from a composite two-tone waveform.

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Block Diagram

After completing this section, you should be able to

• Properly identify all the electrodes of the Dual Laterolog

• List the Focus Electrodes for the Deep and Shallow Measurement

• List the Monitor Electrodes used to control the Deep and Shallow focus current

• List the operating frequencies of the Deep and Shallow Laterolog

• Identify the DITS pin assignment for the Deep Laterolog Current Return

• Identify the cable conductors assigned to the DLLT reference electrode

• Sketch the Deep and Shallow Laterolog survey and focus current flow

• Properly identify the tool sections that comprise the DLLT

• List the tool sections in the order required to for proper assembly including all
sections of the rigid bridle

• Properly identify all the electrodes of the MSFL

• List the operating frequency of the MSFL

• Sketch the MSFL survey and focus current flow

• List the steps required to perform an emergency caliper close operation on the

Halliburton 5 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram

The Deep and Shallow Laterolog instrumentation is the same for the two generations of
tools that exist at the present. The only major difference is the type of Rxo device and its
associated electronics employed by the tools, the DLLT-A was equipped with a
Microguard device and the DLLT-B is equipped with a MSFL device. The electronics
for the Microguard device were in the measurement section of the DLLT-A. The
mandrel service sub at the bottom of the DLLT-A sonde is replaced with a pressure
housing that is approximately 6 inches longer and is used to house the MSFL electronics
in the DLLT-B.

Deep Laterolog
Figure 2 illustrates how the laterolog electrode array prevents the deep (LLD) survey
current from following the path of least resistance up and/or down the borehole fluid, by
focusing this current into the formation.

 An 131.25 Hz ac voltage (VA0) applied across the central electrode (A0) and a
remote current return electrode (B) causes survey current I0 to flow through the
formation toward the return electrode.

 Similarly, an ac voltage VA4+ is applied between the upper focusing electrode

(A4+) and the remote current return electrode (B).

 Finally, an ac voltage (VA4-) is applied between the lower focusing electrode (A4-)
and the remote current return electrode (B).
The three voltages at A0, A4+, and A4- are applied in phase and have approximately the
same magnitude. Since the voltages are in phase, the focusing currents repel the survey
current from the A0 electrode, forcing it to flow in a relatively thin horizontal layer
(approximately 2-feet thick) at right angles to the borehole before it begins to flow
toward the remote current-return electrode (B).
Electrodes A3+ and A3- are also used to focus current into the formation. An additional
voltage is applied to A3+ with respect to A4+, keeping these two electrodes at
approximately the same potential. Similarly, an additional voltage is applied to A3- with
respect to A4-, keeping these two electrodes at the same potential.
To keep electrodes A3+, A3-, A4+, and A4- at the correct potentials (those potentials which
keep IO focused as a relatively thin horizontal layer) as the tool moves upward through
the successive formation beds during logging, sets of monitor electrodes are used,
positioned as shown in Figure 2. If a potential difference is sensed across a set of
monitor electrodes (M1/M3 or A4/A*), it indicates that current is straying up or down the
borehole. The potential of the guard electrodes is increased or decreased to maintain the
focused path of survey current IO into the formation, maintaining essentially a zero
voltage drop (or gradient) across each of the four pairs of monitor electrodes. If IO starts

Halliburton 6 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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© 2001, Halliburton

Figure 2: Deep Laterolog Array



A3+ A*+

A0 A4

131.25 Hz A0





Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
Block Diagram

to flow up toward A3+, the voltage at electrode M1+ becomes larger than the voltage at
electrodes M3+. In this case, the A* Controller increases the voltage applied to A3+ and
A4+. These increased potentials tend to push the survey current down, restoring to zero
the potential difference at the M1+/M3+ pair.
If I0 starts to flow down toward A3-, the voltage at electrode M3- becomes smaller than the
voltage at electrode M1-. In this case, the A* Controller increases the potential at A4- and
A3- until zero gradient is restored at the M1-/M3- pairs.

If a potential difference is sensed at the A*/A4+ electrode pair, the A3 Controller adjusts
the relative potential difference between A4+ and A3+. Any necessary adjustment of the
A4+ and A3+ potential, to keep M1+/M3+ at zero, is simultaneously performed by the A*
Similarly, if a potential difference is sensed at the A*- and A4- electrode pair, the A3
Controller adjusts the relative potential difference between the A4-/ A3- electrodes.
Simultaneous adjustment, if necessary, is made by the A* Controller to regulate the M1-
/M3- potential difference to zero.
The survey voltage, VO, between a downhole electrode (M2-) and a remote surface
electrode (N) is measured to calculate the resistivity. The voltage is not measured with
respect to B because the potential at B, relative to N, is influenced by the resistivity of the
bed opposite B (e.g. Delaware Gradient effect), the proximity of casing, and the mud
The survey current (IO) from the current transformer is emitted from the A0 electrode and
is measured by the IO amplifier.

Shallow Laterolog
The previous discussion relates the operation of the LLD, and how dynamic focusing is
accomplished to regulate four focusing-electrode potentials at A3+, A3-, A4+, and A4-.

 An 1050 Hz ac voltage (VA0) applied across the central electrode (A0) and the
outermost deep guard electrode (A4+) causes survey current I0 to flow through
the formation toward the A4+ electrode.

 Similarly, an ac voltage VA3+ is applied between the upper center focusing

electrode (A3+) and the outermost upper deep guard electrode (A4+).

 Finally, an ac voltage (VA3-) is applied between the lower center focusing

electrode (A3-) and the outermost lower deep guard electrode (A4-).
The shallow investigation functions are similar to the deep, but uses two guard electrodes
instead of four (see Figure 3). The outermost deep guard electrodes (A4+/ A4-) are
utilized as close-spaced return electrodes for the shallow investigation. The three
voltages at A0, A3+, and A3- are applied in phase and have approximately the same
magnitude. Since the voltages are in phase, the focusing currents repel the survey current
from the A0 electrode, forcing it to flow a relatively thin horizontal layer at right angles
to the borehole before it begins to flow toward the outermost deep guard electrodes (A4+,

Halliburton 8 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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© 2001, Halliburton

Figure 3: Shallow Laterolog Array

A3+ A*+

A0 A3+

1050 Hz A0





Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
Block Diagram

The potential at the two LLS guard electrodes A3+ and A3- are controlled by the A3
Controller so that the M1/M2 potential differences at 1050 Hz are regulated to zero. The
LLS currents from A0 and the A3 electrodes return to the A4 electrodes. Since the return
electrodes are relatively close to the A0 electrode, less focusing distance into the
formation is achieved. The reduction in the guard electrode length for the LLS, as
compared to LLD, produces a shallower investigation.
The use of voltage monitoring electrodes (which do not emit current and separate current-
emitting electrodes), in combination with the precision feedback control, minimizes the
adverse effects due to electro-chemical reaction at the electrode surfaces. This electro-
chemical reaction can deteriorate simpler guard tools. The shallow investigation is
performed by moving the current return close to the guard electrodes. This arrangement
retains borehole guarding to a greater degree than can be obtained with a shallow guard
measurement system where the degree of focusing alone is decreased to provide a
shallow means of investigation.

Power and Telemetry Section

The Power and Telemetry (P&T) Section (Figure 4) of the DLLT provides low-voltage
power to the measurement section of the tool string. The P&T section also contains
signal digitizing circuitry, an RTU, and a 400 Hz control circuit (for the MSFL mandrel).
60 Hz instrument power from the logging unit is applied to the toolstring on conductors
1, 2, 4, and 5 of the 7-conductor cable. The 60 Hz power is applied to conductor 1 with
respect to 2 and conductor 4 with respect to conductor 5. 400 Hz auxiliary power to run
the mandrel is applied to the tool by driving conductors 1 and 2 with respect to
conductors 4 and 5. The P&T section provides two independent ±15 Vdc supplies and a
+5 Vdc supply for operation of the measurement section. An unregulated 40-Vdc supply
is used to energize all relays in the Power and Telemetry sections. Unregulated +15 Vdc
energizes measurement section relays.
Communications between the D4TG and the DLLT is accomplished with a standard RTU
over a serial-data 1553 Bus. Analog data from the measurement section is digitized by
the RTU Analog Interface. Digitized data is stored by the RTU Logic Interface, which
transmits data to the RTU upon request.
The RTU Logic Interface contains a control register, which stores the last word received
by the DLLT from the D4TG. This data word is utilized by the DLLT-A to determine the
desired mode of operation for the tool (LOG, OPEN MANDREL, etc.).
Cable conductors 3 and 6 are coupled together in the P&T section through capacitors to
form a VO reference conductor for the measurement section.

Halliburton 10 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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1553 BUSS + MSFL Ia

© 2001, Halliburton
(2) 1553 BUSS - RTU LLS Ia
(4) 1553 BUSS GND. LLD Ia



Figure 4: Power and Telemetry Section


(19) (1)
COMMON #1 (2)
(16) DUAL -15 VOLT #1 (3)
+/- 15 VOLT
POWER +15 VOLT #2 (4)
(14) SUPPLY COMMON #2 (5)
(13) (6)



(18) (12)


(11) (13)

Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
Block Diagram

Measurement Section
The Measurement Section contains a majority of the signal processing and measurement
circuitry for the Deep Laterolog (LLD) and Shallow Laterolog (LLS) investigations. The
measurement section is also the location of the power amplifiers required to drive the
survey and focus current into the formation. Along with the focus control circuitry.
The A0 Controller board establishes an A0 electrode drive signal, composed of constant-
amplitude 131.25 Hz and 1050 Hz components, to be applied to the A0 Power Amplifier.
The drive level component amplitudes are changed when the DLLT is switched from
LOG mode to CAL mode.
Survey current emitted by the A0 electrode into the formation is sensed and measured by
the I0 Measurement board. The I0 Measurement board employs a current transformer to
measure the 131.25 Hz and 1050 Hz current in the conductor carrying current to the A0
electrode from the A0 Power Amplifier. The I0 Measurement board employs band-pass
filters and PSD circuitry to perform separate measurements of the 131.25 Hz (LLD)
survey current and 1050 Hz (LLS) survey current.
The V0 Measurement board measures the laterolog survey potential between the Remote
Surface Reference Electrode (N) and the M2- electrode. The V0 Measurement board uses
band-pass filters and PSDs to separate and independently measure the 131.25 Hz and
1050 Hz components of the laterolog survey voltage V0. The filters and the PSD circuits
also reduce the interfering effects of the telemetry signals appearing on the cable
Outputs from the I0 Measurement board and V0 Measurement board, representative of the
LLD and LLS Survey currents and voltages, are conducted to the P&T section. The
current and voltage signals are digitized and sent uphole to the surface equipment, which
computes the measured resistivities.
The Measurement Section contains five Power Amplifiers that drive the A0, A3, and A4
electrodes. The power amplifiers are configured to form current supplies for the
electrodes. Transformers T1 – T5 couple the Power Amplifier outputs to the various
A telemetry filter connected to the D2TS line-drive output, located in the bridle head (or
current return sub on rigid bridle), and attenuates the telemetry signal in the vicinity of
the laterolog shallow investigation frequency. This unwanted harmonic could couple
from conductor #7 to the surface reference conductors (#3 and #6) and be amplified by
the V0 Measurement board.

Halliburton 12 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram

Monitor Loops (Deep Laterolog)

The LLD circuitry uses two monitor loops, the Dual Monitor and the Auxiliary Monitor
Amplifiers, as shown in Figure 5. Two Dual Monitor amplifier boards are used in the
DLLT. One board senses the upper voltage gradients associated with sonde electrodes
M1+, M2+, and M3+. The second board senses the lower voltage gradients associated with
sonde electrodes M1-, M2-, and M3-. The function of the two Dual Monitor boards are
identical except one controls the upper electrodes and the other controls the lower
electrodes, to simplify this document only the upper control loops will be discussed. The
Dual Monitor Amplifier receives two ac signals from the DLLT electrode sonde
preamplifiers as inputs. To determine if a 131.25 Hz voltage gradient exists above the A0
electrode, a sonde preamp senses the differential voltage across the upper M1/M3
electrode pair. The preamplifier output for the M1/M3 error controls the 131.25 Hz
(LLD) drive applied to the A4+ electrode. The Dual Monitor Amplifier converts the ac
sonde preamplifier outputs into dc levels indicative of the voltage gradient or error at the
monitoring electrodes.
The DEEP gradient error outputs from both of the Dual Monitor Amplifiers are applied to
the A* Controller, which in turn controls the 131.25 Hz drive to the A4+ and A4-
electrodes. The A* Controller board has no effect on the operation of the shallow (LLS)
investigation. The function of the A* Controller board is to determine and establish the
131.25 Hz drive level to be applied to the A4+ and A4- electrodes for proper deep (LLD)
operation. Primary inputs to the board are the dc signals from the Dual Monitor
indicative of the deep gradient errors at the sonde electrode M1/M3 pairs. Outputs from
the A* Controller are the 131.25 Hz variable-amplitude sinusoid which are amplified by
the A4 Power Amplifiers to supply excitation current to electrodes A4+ (Measurement
Section Housing) and A4- (MSFL Mandrel Housing) with respect to current return (B).
The second monitor loop used by the LLD is comprised of the Auxiliary Monitor board
and the A3 Controller. The Auxiliary Monitor board receives an ac signal from the DLLT
electrode sonde preamplifiers as input. To determine if a voltage gradient exists between
the A3 and A4 electrodes, a sonde preamplifier senses the differential voltage across the
upper A*/ A4 electrode pairs. The Auxiliary Monitor Amplifier converts the ac sonde
preamplifier output into dc levels indicative of the voltage gradient or error at the
monitoring electrodes. The output of the Auxiliary Monitor is applied to the A3
Controller, which in turn controls the 131.25 Hz drive to the A3 electrodes.
For the LLD, the A3 Controller looks at dc error signals originating from the Auxiliary
Monitor Amplifier board. The Controller increases or decreases the 131.25 Hz
components on the A3+ and A3- electrodes. If the error is a positive dc voltage, the
control circuit continually increases the drive level going to the power amplifier. If the
error is a negative dc voltage, the control circuit continually decreases the drive level
going to the power amplifier. If the error is zero, the control circuit does not make any
adjustment of the drive level.
Both the A* and A3 controllers are operating in a mode designed to maintain the 131.25
Hz voltage along the sonde at the same potential of A0.

Halliburton 13 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram



A*+ A3+




Figure 5: Deep Laterolog Focus Monitor Loops

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Block Diagram

Monitor Loop (Shallow Laterolog)

The shallow laterolog uses only one monitor loop as shown in Figure 6. Again there is an
upper and lower monitor loop that operate identically so only the upper will be discussed.
The LLS portion of the Dual Monitor Amplifier receives an ac signal from the DLLT
electrode sonde preamplifiers as input. To determine if a 1050 Hz voltage gradient exists
above the A0 electrode, a sonde preamp senses the differential voltage across the upper
M1/M2 electrode pair. The preamplifier output for the M1/M2 error controls the 1050 Hz
LLS drive applied to the A3+ electrode. The Dual Monitor Amplifier converts the ac
sonde preamplifier outputs into dc levels indicative of the upper shallow voltage gradient
or error at the monitoring electrodes. The shallow gradient error measurements from the
Dual Monitor Amplifier is applied to the A3 Controller to regulate the 1050 Hz drive
levels applied to the A3+ electrode. For the LLS, the A3 Controller looks at dc error
signals originating from the Dual Monitor Amplifier board. The Controller increases or
decreases the 1050 Hz components on the A3+ electrode. If the error is a positive dc
voltage, the control circuit continually increases the drive level going to the power
amplifier. If the error is a negative dc voltage, the control circuit continually decreases
the drive level going to the power amplifier. If the error is zero, the control circuit does
not make any adjustment of the drive level.
The A3 controller is operating in a mode designed to maintain the 1050 Hz voltage along
the sonde at the same potential as A0.

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Block Diagram











Figure 6: Shallow Laterolog Focus Monitor Loops

Halliburton 16 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram

I0 Measurement
Figure 7 is the block diagram of the I0 measurement circuitry, which measures the
magnitude of the survey current for the deep investigation and for the shallow
investigation. The major component of this circuit is the I0 Measurement board, which
measures the secondary current of the A0 coupling power transformer. This measurement
is separated into the deep and shallow components by band-pass filters. The separate ac
measurements are then sent to Phase Sensitive Detectors (PSDs) for rectification. The
rectified measurements are filtered and form the deep (Iod) and shallow (Ios) survey
signals that are sent to the RTU in the POWER & TELEMETRY section for transmission
to the surface. These signals, representative of currents, are used in measuring the deep
and shallow formation resistivities.

V0 Measurement
Figure 7 also includes the block diagram of the V0 Measurement board. It measures the
survey formation potential for the deep and shallow investigations.
The V0 Measurement board determines the survey potential for both the shallow and deep
investigations across sonde electrode M2- and the surface reference electrode (N). The
signal across these two locations is sensed by an instrumentation amplifier and is band-
pass filtered into the shallow and deep components. The separate ac components are then
sent to phase sensitive detectors (PSDs) for synchronous rectification. The dc outputs
from the PSDs are filtered by low-pass filters to obtain the deep (Vod) and shallow (Vos)
survey signals, which are transferred to the RTU in the Power & Telemetry section for
transmission to the surface equipment. Figure 10 shows the DLLT measurement section
in the internal zero position. While Figure 8 and Figure 9 shows the measurement section
in the shallow and deep internal calibration mode respectively.

Halliburton 17 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram


2 Ohm





K1 K3 1050Hz

M2+ T1
100 Ohm
A0 T5



K1 Voltage
A3- 1050Hz

A*- Vo Reference LLD



Figure 7: Dual Laterolog Log Mode

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Block Diagram


2 Ohm





K1 K3 1050Hz

M2+ T1
Ohm T5



Voltage CAL K1 Voltage
A3- 1050Hz
Current Return
A*- Vo Reference LLD


Figure 8: Dual Laterolog LLS Internal Calibrate Mode

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Block Diagram


2 Ohm





K1 K3 1050Hz

M2+ T1
100 Ohm
A0 T5



Voltage CAL K1 Voltage
A3- 1050Hz
Current Return
A*- Vo Reference LLD


Figure 9: Dual Laterolog LLD Internal Calibrate Mode

Halliburton 20 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

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Block Diagram


2 Ohm





K1 K3 1050Hz

M2+ T1
100 Ohm
A0 T5



Voltage CAL K1 Voltage
A3- 1050Hz
Current Return
A*- Vo Reference LLD


Figure 10: Dual Laterolog Internal Zero Mode

Halliburton 21 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Block Diagram

Electrode Sonde Construction

The DLLT Electrode Sonde is constructed of insulating fiberglass upon which the 13 (A0,
A*, A3, A4, M1, M2, and M3) electrodes are mounted. Interior to the DLLT-B sonde are a
pair of pressure balanced bellows, the two Dual Sonde Preamplifier Boards, and the
MSFL Electronics. The sonde is filled with an insulating silicone oil to minimize
volumetric contraction of the bellows under hydrostatic loading of the sonde, and to
prevent borehole fluid contamination of the electrode wiring.
The monitor electrodes are connected to two Dual Sonde Preamplifier boards located
inside the DLLT electrode sonde (under the A0 electrode). One of the preamplifier
boards amplifies the potential difference at the sondes upper monitor electrodes (M1+/M2+
and M1+/M3+) while the second preamplifier board amplifies the potential difference of
the sondes lower monitor electrodes (M1-/M2- and M1-/M3-). The outputs of the Dual
Sonde Preamplifiers are connected to the Dual Monitor amplifiers in the measurement

Halliburton 22 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Block Diagram

MSFL Theory
The MSFL (Micro-Spherically Focused Log) investigation is made by pad-mounted
electrodes to achieve a spherically focussed survey current that is dynamically
maintained. The MSFL measurement involves only the first few inches of the formation
immediately adjacent to the borehole, the flushed zone (Rxo), in which drilling fluid has
displaced all formation fluids. The MSFL log provides a measurement of the flushed
zone resistivity with low mudcake correction. The electrodes for the MSFL device are
mounted on a pad-mounted array located on a powered caliper arm at the bottom of the

The MSFL measurement electrode array consists of a survey current electrode (A0), a
voltage monitor electrode (M0), a focusing current electrode (A1), and two focus monitor
electrodes (M1 and M2), refer to Figure 11. These electrodes are configured as
concentric, rectangular rings on the pad. When the flexible pad is pressed against the
borehole wall (to minimize borehole effects on the resistivity measurement), the A0
electrode emits current directly into the formation, returning to the mandrel body (survey
current return) the survey current of the MSFL has a frequency of 960 Hz. To ensure the
survey current is flowing through the RXO region of the formation. The focus current (960
Hz) flows from A0 and returns to the A1 electrode of the MSFL pad. Only the survey
current (IS) is measured, although the focusing current (IF) is also emitted from A0
(returning to A1). Any potential difference between monitors M1 and M2 is detected and
adjusts the drive amplitude to the A1 electrode to correct for the error, this dynamically
focusing the survey current around the monitor pair. The focusing monitors (M1 and M2)
are located outside the focusing ring (A1), between the A1 electrode and the current
return (mandrel body). The measured voltage between the M0 electrode and the M1 / M2
transformer center-tap are on surfaces of equal potential which approximate hemi-
spherical shape. This voltage measurement excludes the region immediately adjacent to
the A0 electrode, thus minimizing borehole fluid and mudcake influences in the resistivity

MSFL Focus Controller

The Focus Controller takes the error signal from the MSFL preamp and processes it into
a drive signal for the A1 Power Amp. Whenever the focus current is too low the survey
current creates a voltage drop (error signal) across M1/M2 electrodes. This error signal
causes the focus controller to increase the focus current in an attempt to force the survey
current away from the borehole into the RXO region. Vise versa whenever the focus
current is too high the focus current creates a voltage drop (error signal) across M1/M2
electrodes. This error signal causes the focus controller to decrease the focus current in
an attempt to pull the survey current closer to the borehole into the RXO region.

Halliburton 23 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Block Diagram

MSFL Measurement
The Measurement board measures both the survey potential (V0) and the survey current
(I0) of the MSFL. The V0 measurement is made across the M0 electrode and the M1 / M2
transformer center-tap (located in the MSFL Preamp). This potential is sensed by an
instrumentation amplifier, band-pass filtered into its ac component, synchronously
rectified by the phase sensitive detector (PSD), and filtered by the low pass filter to
produce a dc voltage that is sent to the RTU and transferred to the surface equipment.
The I0 measurement is made by the current transformer in series with the secondary of
the A0 drive transformer, after the Swing Resistor but before the addition of A1 focusing

MSFL Tool Modes

The MSFL operates in three different modes: LOG, INTERNAL CAL, and ZERO mode.
All three modes of operation are shown in block diagram form on the following pages.
In LOG mode all the relays on the focus controller and measurement board are in the
non-activated state and the circuit functions as described above.
When place in INTERNAL CAL mode K1 relay on the focus controller is activated
reducing the output of the integrators to near zero. This results in no focusing current IF,
being applied to the A1 electrode. Simultaneously the K1 and K2 relays on the
Measurement board are activated. Relay K1 switches the input of the V0 amplifier from
the M1 and M2 electrodes to the internal reference resistor. Relay K2 switches the I0
current from the A0 electrode through the K3 to the internal reference resistor. During
the INTERNAL CAL mode the V0 and I0 measurements are the voltage across and the
current through the internal reference resistor.
When placed in the ZERO mode all the relays activated during INTERNAL CAL mode
remain set and relay K3 on the Measurement board is also activated. Relay K3 interrupts
the current path to the internal reference resistor, resulting in V0 and I0 internal zero

Halliburton 24 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
A0 ( Mandrel Body )

© 2001, Halliburton


Figure 11: MSFL Log Mode



K2 A0




M+ M1

( To RTU I/F ) 960Hz

M1 / M2

Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
A0 ( Mandrel Body )

© 2001, Halliburton



K2 A0

Figure 12: MSFL Internal Calibrate Mode




M+ M1

( To RTU I/F ) 960Hz

M1 / M2

Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
A0 ( Mandrel Body )

© 2001, Halliburton



Figure 13: MSFL Internal Zero Mode

K2 A0




M+ M1

( To RTU I/F ) 960Hz

M1 / M2

Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
Block Diagram

Mandrel Motor Control

In the DLLT-B the motor control circuitry consists of two relays and a 400 Hz over-
voltage protection. The two relays are located in the P&T section of the DLLT-B. One
relay activates/deactivates the mandrel power while the second relay controls the
open/close functions of the mandrel. The a 400 Hz over-voltage protection consists of a
saturable reactor (also located in the P&T), which limits the 400 Hz voltage amplitude
present on the logging cable and tool conductors when the MSFL motor switches out of
the circuit at the end of travel.

Caliper Measurement
Figure 15 is the block diagram for the Caliper Measurement board located in the
measurement section of the DLLT-B. The caliper sensor, located inside the lower
housing of the MSFL Mandrel, is a 10K-ohm linear potentiometer which senses the
distance between the MSFL Pad and the wear shoe. The Caliper Measurement board
provides a dc output voltage indicative of the potentiometer wiper position. A +6.2 Vdc
reference voltage from the MSFL electronics is applied to the top of the potentiometer.
The bottom end of the potentiometer is connected to circuit ground. The Amplifier
senses and amplifies the wiper voltage. The caliper signal output from the amplifier is
sent to the Power and Telemetry section, where it is digitized for transmission to the
Note the 6.2 Vdc reference voltage supply used during logging (MSFL electronics) and
the 6.2 Vdc voltage supply used during internal caliper calibration (Caliper Measurement
board) are two separate supplies.

Halliburton 28 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton


© 2001, Halliburton


Figure 14: Dual Laterolog Motor Control Circuit


K2 9 2 OPEN 2
400 Hz M
8 5 CLOSE 3




Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
24 7


© 2001, Halliburton
10K Ohm
K1 23 8
( To P&T ) 15.0 V

15.0 V

6.2 V

Figure 15: Dual Laterolog Caliper Measurement

6.2 V


Dual Laterolog/MSFL
Block Diagram
Block Diagram

DLLT Communication

Tool Communication

The tool communication system consists of the RTU assembly and the RTU interface.
The tool communication with the D4TG is a half-duplex system that is designed to be a
command-response type system with a 1553 type communication link. The Manchester
Code is transmitted up and down the 1553 buss. A command for data and a data response
occurs every 50 milli-seconds.

RTU Status

The RTU status word is part of the DITS telemetry architecture. The RTU status is the
first word transmitted by the HRI RTU upon receipt of the data request command from
the D4TG. When the system is operating correctly this status should always be “0400”.
This signifies the proper address of the DLLT with no reported error conditions from the

Auxiliary Status

The auxiliary status word is an output from the DLLT. The DLLT changes the value of
the auxiliary status word depending upon the current state of Tool Mode operation.
Commonly displayed values are listed below:

Table 1: DLLT Auxiliary Status

Mode of Operation Auxiliary Status

Log Mode (LLD, LLS, MSFL, Caliper) 1

Open Mandrel 145
Close Mandrel 17
Deep Internal Calibrate and MSFL Internal Calibrate 241
Shallow Internal Calibrate and MSFL Internal Calibrate 225
Zero Internal Calibrate and Caliper Low Internal Calibrate 177
Caliper High Internal Calibrate 193

Halliburton 31 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Block Diagram

DLLT Telemetry Frame

Table 2: DLLT Telemetry Frame

Word Data

0 RTU Status “0400”

1 Auxiliary Status
2 Zero Reference x 1
3 Zero Reference x 8
4 Zero Reference x 64
5 Caliper x 1
6 Caliper x 8
7 Caliper x 64
8 MSFL Survey Voltage x 1
9 MSFL Survey Voltage x 8
10 MSFL Survey Voltage x 64
11 MSFL Survey Current x 1
12 MSFL Survey Current x 8
13 MSFL Survey Current x 64
14 Shallow Laterolog Survey Voltage x 1
15 Shallow Laterolog Survey Voltage x 8
16 Shallow Laterolog Survey Voltage x 64
17 Shallow Laterolog Survey Current x 1
18 Shallow Laterolog Survey Current x 8
19 Shallow Laterolog Survey Current x 64
20 Deep Laterolog Survey Voltage x 1
21 Deep Laterolog Survey Voltage x 8
22 Deep Laterolog Survey Voltage x 64
23 Deep Laterolog Survey Current x 1
24 Deep Laterolog Survey Current x 8
25 Deep Laterolog Survey Current x 64
26 10 Volt Power Supply x 1
27 10 Volt Power Supply x 8
28 10 Volt Power Supply x 64
29 BCU Block Status Word

Halliburton 32 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Block Diagram

Tool Commands

The address assigned to the DLLT for DITS communication is “4”. The tool commands
for the DLLT are summarized in the following table.

Table 3: DLLT Tool Commands

Mode of Operation Command

Log Mode (LLD, LLS, MSFL, Caliper) 04FF 0001

Open Mandrel 04FF 0091
Close Mandrel 04FF 0011

Deep Internal Calibrate and MSFL Internal Calibrate 04FF 00F1

Shallow Internal Calibrate and MSFL Internal Calibrate 04FF 00E1
Zero Internal Calibrate and Caliper Low Internal Calibrate 04FF 00B1
Caliper High Internal Calibrate 04FF 00C1

Halliburton 33 Dual Laterolog/MSFL

© 2001, Halliburton
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Shop Calibration Procedures
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Shop Calibration Procedures

Table of Contents
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................I

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................... II

DLLT OPERATING LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................... 1

MSFL OPERATING LIMITATIONS........................................................................................................... 2

SAFETY.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
High Voltages............................................................................................................................................ 3
Heavy Equipment ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Equipment Hazards ................................................................................................................................... 3

HARDWARE PREPARATION..................................................................................................................... 4
Toolstring Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 4
Tool Power Up Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 6
Calibration Guidelines................................................................................................................................. 6

SOFTWARE PREPARATION ...................................................................................................................... 7

Logging Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Service Selection And Tool Configuration ................................................................................................. 8
Tool Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 9

DLLT SHOP CALIBRATION..................................................................................................................... 11

Preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Step 1: Ext. Point # 1.............................................................................................................................. 14
Step 2: Ext. Point # 2.............................................................................................................................. 15
Step 3: Ext. Point # 3.............................................................................................................................. 16
Step 4: Ext. Point # 4.............................................................................................................................. 17
Step 5: VE Zero...................................................................................................................................... 18
Step 6: IA Zero ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Step 7: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 20
DLLT Shop Calibration Summary ........................................................................................................... 21
Saving The DLLT Calibration ................................................................................................................. 26

MSFL SHOP CAlIBRATION...................................................................................................................... 27

Preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Step 1: Ext. Point #1............................................................................................................................... 29
Step 2: Ext. Point #2............................................................................................................................... 30
Step 3: Ext. Point #3............................................................................................................................... 31
Step 4: VE Zero....................................................................................................................................... 32
Step 5: IA Zero ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Step 6: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 34
MSFL Calibration Summary.................................................................................................................... 35
Saving the MSFL Calibration .................................................................................................................. 37

11-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools i

Dual Laterolog / MSFL Shop Calibration Procedures

CALIPER SHOP CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................. 38

Procedures ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Step 1: Ring #1....................................................................................................................................... 40
Opening The Caliper ........................................................................................................................ 41
Ring # 1 Data Acquisition................................................................................................................. 42
Closing The Caliper.......................................................................................................................... 43
Step 2: Ring #2....................................................................................................................................... 44
Ring # 2 Data Acquisition................................................................................................................. 45
Step 3: LO Internal................................................................................................................................. 46
Step 4: HI Internal .................................................................................................................................. 47
Caliper Calibration Summary .................................................................................................................. 48
Saving The Caliper Calibration ............................................................................................................... 50

Table of Figures
Figure 1: DLLT Toolstring .............................................................................................................................. 1
Figure 2: MSFL Toolstring (Standalone) ......................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3: DLLT Toolstring .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 4: DLLT Formation Simulator Connections.......................................................................................... 5

List of Tables
Table 1: DLLT Dimensions and Ratings......................................................................................................... 1
Table 2: DLLT Hardware Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 1
Table 3: DLLT Measurement.......................................................................................................................... 1
Table 4: DLLT Electrical Specifications ......................................................................................................... 1
Table 5: MSFL Dimensions and Ratings.......................................................................................................... 2
Table 6: MSFL Hardware Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 2
Table 7: MSFL Measurement .......................................................................................................................... 2
Table 8: MSFL Electrical Specifications .......................................................................................................... 2
Table 9: Steps of DLLT Shop Calibration ...................................................................................................... 11
Table 10: Steps of MSFL Shop Calibration.................................................................................................... 27
Table 11: Steps of Caliper Shop Calibration .................................................................................................. 38

11-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools ii

Dual Laterolog / MSFL Shop Calibration Procedures


p Prepare the DLLT toolstring for shop calibration

p Select and configure the DLLT service

p Perform the DLLT shop calibration

p Perform the MSFL shop calibration

p Perform the Caliper shop calibration

Resistivity Tools I
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Shop Calibration Procedures


Surface Equipment

m EXCELL - 2000 System

Downhole Equipment

m DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (D2TS or DSTU)

m Dual Laterolog Bridle (flexible or rigid)

m Dual Laterolog Tool (DLLT - A or DLLT - B)

m Reference Electrode (DLLT Fish)

m Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGRT-A) --Optional

m Micro-Spherically Focused Tool (Mandrel Only)

Auxiliary Equipment

m Caliper Calibration Rings

m DLLT Formation Simulator Set (Four Boxes and Appropriate cables)

m MSFL Calibration Box (DITS Modified)

m 19 pin DITS jumper cables

Resistivity Tools II
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Shop Calibration Procedures


Table 1: DLLT Dimensions and Ratings

Max. Temp: 350 °F (177 °C)
Max. Press: 20,000 psi (137,900 kpa)
Max. OD: 3.625 in (9.2 cm)
Min. Hole: 4.5 in (11.5 cm)
Max. Hole: 24.0 in (61 cm)
Length: 404.5 in (1027.5 cm)
Weight: 571 lb. (260 kgs)
Without MSFL Mandrel

Table 2: DLLT Hardware Characteristics

Source Type: Current Emitting and Two Sets of
Focusing Electrodes
Sensor Type: Monitor Electrodes
Sensor Spacing: Proprietary
Firing Rate: N/A
No. Windows: N/A
Full Spectrum: N/A
Telemetry System: DITS (Requires 30 words/frame)
Compatibility: DITS Compatible

Table 3: DLLT Measurement

Principle: Focused Resistivity
Range: 0.2 to 40,000 ohmm
Vertical Resolution: 24 in. (60 cm)
Depth of Investigation: LLD: 60 - 84 in. (150 - 215 cm)
LLS: 24 - 36 in. (60 - 90 cm)
Sensitivity: 1 % of reading
Accuracy, High: ±5%
Accuracy, Low: ±5%
Primary Curves: LLD and LLS
Secondary Curves: SP

Table 4: DLLT Electrical Specifications

Cable Head Voltage: 120 ± 18 Vac @ 60 Hz
Instrument Current: 620 ma
Instrument Power W5
Auxiliary Power: N/A
Auxiliary Power Mode: N/A

Figure 1: DLLT Toolstring

Resistivity Tools 1
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


Table 5: MSFL Dimensions and Ratings
Max. Temp: 350 °F (177 °C)
Max. Pressure: 20,000 psi (137,900 kpa)
Max. Tool OD: 5.0 in (12.7 cm)
Min Hole Size: 6.0 in (15.24 cm)
Max. Hole Size: 20.0 in (50.8 cm)
Tool Length: 221.0 in (561.4 cm)
Tool Weight: 379 lb. (170.6 kgs)

Table 6: MSFL Hardware Characteristics

Source Type: Current Emitting and Focusing
Sensor Type: Monitor Electrodes
Sensor Spacing: Proprietary
Firing Rate: N/A
No. Windows: N/A
Full Spectrum: N/A
Telemetry System: DITS (Requires 11 words/frame)
Compatibility: DITS Compatible

Table 7: MSFL Measurement

Principle: Focused Micro Resistivity
Range: 0.2 to 2,000 ohmm
Vertical Resolution:. 3 in
Depth of Investigation:. 1 to 4 in
Sensitivity: 1 % of reading
Accuracy, High: ±5%
Accuracy, Low: ± 5%
Primary Curves: MSFL
Secondary Curves: CALIPER

Table 8: MSFL Electrical Specifications

Cable Head Voltage: 120 ± 18 Vac @ 60 Hz
Instrument Current: 420 ma
Instrument Power Mode: W5
Auxiliary Power: 115 Vac @ 400 Hz
Auxiliary Power Mode: W2

Figure 2: MSFL Toolstring (Standalone)

2 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


High Voltages
The DLLT requires a continuous supply of 120 Volts AC electrical power to operate. Make
sure the power is off before connecting or disconnecting any portion of the Toolstring.

Heavy Equipment
The DLLT consists of four sections, each section is heavy enough to require two or more
persons to lift or carry the section. The weight of the each section is 150 pounds (68 Kg) or
more. Observe proper techniques for lifting and handling heavy equipment. Lift with your
legs, not your back.

CAUTION: While handling and operating the MSFL mandrel there are many areas that can pinch.

Equipment Hazards
Do not over power the DLLT. Correct operating voltage is 120 Volts AC. Handle the DLLT
carefully. Attempt to minimize the mechanical shock the tool experiences during routine
handling, DO NOT DROP. If the electronic chassis is removed DO NOT forcibly rotate the
electronics chassis within the housing. Rotation can damage the chassis and can cause
unnecessary replacement.

Resistivity Tools 3
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


Tool Jumper

For Surface Equipment Hardware Setup See the

Appropriate Appendix For Your System

Toolstring Assembly

BEFORE assembling the toolstring perform a PM1 (See PM
Manual) and check the wireline insulation and continuity.
Assemble the toolstring as directed below. (refer to figure 1)
1. Connect the Power and Telemetry Section to the Isolation

Sub, Measurement Section, Electrode Sonde, and the MSFL.
DO NOT use jumper cables between any of these sections to
run a shop calibration.



2. Connect the DSTU and NGRT to the top of the DLLT Power
and Telemetry Section.

3. Position the bridle for convenient attachment to the DSTU and

current return to formation simulators.

4. Connect the DITS Cablehead to the top of the DLL Bridle. If

the bridle has not been updated to include a filter, insert a filter

sub between the bridle and the DSTU. Omitting the filter will
induce noise on the shallow measurement at low resistivity

5. Connect the DLLT Bridle to the top of the DSTU using a

jumper if necessary.

CAUTION: While assembling the toolstring insure that SONDE


the proper tool is connected in the correct

order. The DLLT Power/Telemetry section,
and the DLLT - Measurement section are
similar in size and shape DO NOT get them
switched. Assembling the toolstring in the
wrong order can cause damage to the

MSFL Mandrel


Figure 3: DLLT Toolstring

4 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures









A* -


Figure 4: DLLT Formation Simulator Connections

Resistivity Tools 5
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Tool Power Up Procedure
Monitor the INST. NULL meter and POWER STATUS indicators on the PCP as power is
being applied to the Toolstring. The POWER STATUS should indicate the 60 Hz is being
applied to the “W5” mode. If not, STOP!! and verify the switch settings on the Tool Power
Supply. As the power increases, the INST NULL meter should deflect slightly right from zero,
then full scale to the left, and return back to zero when the toolstring is correctly powered.

Calibration Guidelines
1. Allow the toolstring to warm-up approximately 20 minutes with power applied prior to
beginning the calibration procedure.

2. Calibrate the DLLT assembled in the complete toolstring that will be run with the DLLT.

If the DLLT is to be logged in combination with other tools, then the other tools should be
physically included in the toolstring when performing the shop calibration. The low resistivity
response will be adversely effected if this guideline is not followed.

6 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


Logging Setup

After selecting logging setup from the CLASS MAIN MENU, the next screen to be displayed
is the LOGGING SETUP MENU shown above.
The logging setup menu provides direct support to accomplish the logging task. The menu is
designed to take the engineer through the steps necessary to begin a logging run.

Resistivity Tools 7
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Service Selection And Tool Configuration

When the Service & Tool Configuration screen appears enter 2700 (default DLLT service) and
press ENTER.

Modify the service configuration to match your toolstring:

1. Verify the bridle type is correct.

2. Verify telemetry Sub type is correct (D2TS or DSTU).

3. Verify correct Rxo device is included (MSFLM or MCGRD).

4. Tool serial numbers can be changed here or during shop calibration.

When modifications are complete exit the service configuration screen.

8 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Tool Calibration
The purpose of calibration is to convert the data gathered (or measured) by the tool into
standard engineering units useful to the customer.

With the toolstring powered-up and communicating properly the shop calibration can be
initiated. To activate the tool calibration screen:
\\FTWRBDC003\DATA$\WRKGRP\EVERYONE\JIM_V\L&P Course Materials\DLLT Operations\Shop

Resistivity Tools 9
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

\\FTWRBDC003\DATA$\WRKGRP\EVERYONE\JIM_V\L&P Course Materials\DLLT Operations\Shop

\\FTWRBDC003\DATA$\WRKGRP\EVERYONE\JIM_V\L&P Course Materials\DLLT Operations\Shop

10 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


Shop calibration is the initial calibration performed on a tool and is the most detailed. It
produces the coefficients (gains and offsets) that “adjust” tool output to standard engineering

NOTE: Shop calibration should be performed every 30 days additionally it is also required if a
major repair is executed, or a new software logging program is being used. When the
tool is calibrated the first time, or a new software version is released or previous
calibration records are not available: CALIBRATE THE TOOL TWICE.

The entire shop calibration procedure will take approximately 10 minutes to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. It’s important to follow the hardware preparation recommendations to
ensure an accurate and quick calibration. The DLLT formation simulators are resistor
networks designed to simulate a 8 inch borehole containing a 0.1 ohm-m fluid in a homogeneous

The DLLT uses a three point calibration. The formation simulators are available in 1 ohm-m,
100 ohm-m, 1,000 ohm-m and 10,000 ohm-m values. For best results, use the 1 ohm-m, 100
ohm-m and 10,000 ohm-m box’s. This selection will extend the accuracy range of the tool.
The Dual Laterolog shop calibration consists of 7 steps.

Table 9: Steps of DLLT Shop Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. EXT. POINT #1
2. EXT. POINT #2 Used to compute the shop calibration gains and offsets.
3. EXT. POINT #3 to convert raw data to engineering units.
4. EXT. POINT #4 Verification of shop calibration accuracy.
5. VE ZERO Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of gains and
6. IA ZERO Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of gains and
7. INTERNAL POS Deep and Shallow Internal Reference used during field and post

Resistivity Tools 11
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

The DLLT tool MUST either be turned OFF or switched into an INTERNAL REFERENCE
or INTERNAL ZERO position before connecting the formation simulator cables. Failure to
do so will result potential tool damage.
1. Inspect the formation simulator set, cable leads, and clamps for damage, dirt, and
corrosion. The male and female connectors must be cleaned before each usage to ensure
the calibration integrity. (Use spray cleaner and a soft rag -NO ABRASIVE.)

2. Clean and dry the electrode sonde prior to calibration.

3. Clean the armor of surface corrosion at the point the reference clamp is attached to
provide a satisfactory electrical connection for Vo reference.

4. Verify all electrode clamps are tight around the sonde electrodes. (A loose or poor
mechanical connection will provide an unsatisfactory electrical connection.)

5. Electrically isolate all the DLLT cases and electrodes below the Isolation Sub from each
other and from armor by placing an insulating material such as dry cardboard between the
exposed metal and the tool stands

6. Connect the DLLT surface reference electrode (fish) to ½of the armor/ref “Y” cable from
the formation simulators. Connect the (DLLT surface) reference electrode (W2 Ref) cable
from to the truck to the spool center.

7. Never move formation simulator cables from box to box when the DLLT is in LOG
MODE (A0 current On), the tool can be damaged. Whenever the formation simulator
boxes are changed, disconnect A0 first and after moving all the other cables re-connect A0

8. Calibrate the DLLT assembled in the complete toolstring that will be run with the DLLT.

If the DLLT is to be logged in combination with other tools, then the other tools should be
physically included in the toolstring when performing the shop calibration. The low resistivity
response will be adversely effected if this guideline is not followed.

12 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

All tool calibrations (shop, field, and post) can be performed from the EXCELL 2000 tool
calibration screen. To perform the DLLT shop calibration:
1. Change “TYPE” to shop.

2. Verify the serial number for the tool being calibrated appears in the SERIAL NO. column.

NOTE: Before starting the shop calibration print out a hardcopy of the last shop
calibrations so you will be able to compare values and specified tolerances.

1. Select DITS DUAL LATEROLOG and press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 13
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 1: Ext. Point # 1

At the Input signal references column, you may:

1. Enter the appropriate value for the formation simulator box.

NOTE: You must change values for both deep and shallow

1. Select EXT. POINT #1. Software switches the tool into Internal Reference.

2. Verify that the box is connected correctly.

3. Press any key to continue, software switches the tool into the Log mode.

4. Wait for the data to stabilize.

5. Press any key to start the 5 second acquisition.

Upon completion of the data acquisition, software automatically switches the tool into Deep
Internal Reference position.

14 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures
Step 2: Ext. Point # 2

NOTE: Tool damage can result if the formation simulator box is changed in LOG

1. Verify the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCES correctly matches the value of the formation
simulator box being used for EXT. POINT #2.

NOTE: Check the TDU to verify the tool is in Internal Reference mode.

2. Disconnect box 1 and connect box 2.

• As a precaution, always remove A0 first.

• Move all other cables from box 1 to box 2.
• Insert plug A0 last into box 2.
3. Press ENTER with the cursor on EXT. POINT #2.

4. Press any key to continue, software will switch the tool into the log mode.

5. Wait for the data to stabilize after the mode change.

6. Press any key to start the data acquisition.

Upon completion of the data acquisition, software automatically switches the tool into Deep
Internal Reference position.

Resistivity Tools 15
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Step 3: Ext. Point # 3

NOTE: Tool damage could result if the formation simulator box is changed in LOG

1. Verify the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCES correctly matches the value of the formation
simulator box being used for EXT. POINT #3.

NOTE: Check the TDU to verify the tool is in Internal Reference mode.
2. Disconnect box 2 and connect box 3.

• As a precaution, always remove A0 first.

• Move all other cables from box 2 to box 3.
• Insert plug A0 last into box 3.
3. Press ENTER with the cursor on EXT. POINT #3.

4. Press any key to continue, software will switch the tool into the log mode.

5. Wait for the data to stabilize after the mode change.

6. Press any key to start the data acquisition.

Upon completion of the data acquisition, software automatically switches the tool into Deep
Internal Reference position.

16 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures
Step 4: Ext. Point # 4

At the completion of box three, the DLLT gains and offsets are calculated. The fourth box is
simply a check to ensure that the calculated gains and offsets are OK.

NOTE: Tool damage could result if the formation simulator box is changed in LOG
1. Verify the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCES correctly matches the value of the formation
simulator box being used for EXT. POINT #4.

NOTE: Check the TDU to verify the tool is in Internal Reference mode.

2. Disconnect box 3 and connect box 4.

• As a precaution, always remove A0 first.

• Move all other cables from box 3 to box 4.
• Insert plug A0 last into box 4.
3. Press ENTER with the cursor on EXT. POINT #4

4. Press any key to continue, software will switch the tool into the log mode.

5. Wait for the data to stabilize after the mode change.

6. Press any key to start the data acquisition.

Upon completion of the data acquisition, software automatically switches the tool into Deep
Internal Reference position.

Resistivity Tools 17
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Step 5: VE Zero

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on VE ZERO, software switches the DLLT into “Internal

2. Remove A0 cable from the formation simulator boxes.

3. Press any key to begin the data acquisition.

18 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Step 6: IA Zero
Upon completion of the internal zero sampling, the DLLT is switched into Log Mode to sample
the IA in air (zero current flow) signal. The A0 electrode cable must be disconnected.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on IA ZERO.

2. Ensure the A0 cable has been removed.

3. Press any key to continue, software switches the DLLT into Log Mode.

4. Wait for the data to stabilize.

5. Press any key to start data acquisition.

Resistivity Tools 19
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 7: Internal Pos

Upon completion of the IA in air sampling, the DLLT switches into Deep Internal Reference
Mode to sample the Deep Internal Reference signal. This step determines the value of the Deep
and Shallow Laterolog internal reference for use during the field calibration.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on INTERNAL POS, software switches the DLLT into
Deep Internal Mode.

2. Press any key to continue.

3. After completing the Deep INTERNAL POS acquisition the software switches the DLLT
into Shallow Internal Mode.

4. Press any key to continue.

Upon completion of the Shallow INTERNAL POS acquisition, the DLLT Shop Calibration is

20 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

DLLT Shop Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the DLLT Shop Calibration the software will display four screens
summarizing the calibration data.

The above screen presents the Deep VE & IA mean values and standard deviation for each
calibration step. These values are raw count rates. Also displayed are the computed Deep VE
& IA gains and offsets.

Quality Checks:
1. Low standard deviations, due to the small statistical variations of the resistivity
2. Deep VE gain should be near 90.0.

Resistivity Tools 21
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

This screen presents the Shallow VE & IA mean values and standard deviation for each
calibration step. These values are RAW count rates. Also displayed are the computed Shallow
VE & IA gains and offsets.

Quality Checks:
1. Low standard deviations, due to the small statistical variations of the resistivity
2. Shallow VE gain should be near 120.0.

22 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

This screen presents the Deep and Shallow resisitivity values for each of the four formation
simulator boxes. The data for each box is presented in five columns.
Box Value - The nominal value entered into the input signal reference field for each box.
Measured - The computed apparent resistivity of each box using the gains & offsets from the
previous shop calibration applied to the raw count rates from this shop
Calibrated - The apparent resistivity used to compute the current shop calibration gains &
offsets for the nominal box value entered into the input signal reference field.
Note that the Dual Laterolog does not read the boxes at their nominal value (the formation
resistivity simulated by the resistor network). While logging the DLLT uses a remote surface
electrode (fish) from which the survey voltage, Vo, is measured. This surface electrode is
effectively at an infinite distance from the DLLT Sonde while logging.

Resistivity Tools 23
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
During shop calibration, to simplify the formation simulator box resistor networks, the LLD
current return on the bridle is used as the survey voltage, Vo, reference. The effect of using the
LLD current return as the survey voltage reference instead of the surface electrode, raises the
apparent resistivity for the formation simulator box above its nominal value. Notice the overall
effect for the shallow is minimal compared to the large difference between the Deep apparent
and nominal values.
Difference - The difference between the measure and calibrated value for each box.
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the measured and calibrated values
calculated during the shop calibration.

24 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

This screen presents the DLLT shop calibration summary, including the Deep and Shallow
resistivity values for each of the four formation simulator boxes and the Internal Reference.

Quality Checks:
1. Internal Reference for Shallow and Deep should be near 20.0.

Resistivity Tools 25
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Saving The DLLT Calibration

Upon completion of DLLT shop calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current shop calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

26 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures


The entire shop calibration procedure will take approximately 2 minutes to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. It’s important to follow the hardware preparation recommendations to
ensure an accurate and quick calibration.
The MSFL uses a three point calibration. The formation simulators are available in 0.2 ohm-m,
2.0 ohm-m, 20.0 ohm-m, 200.0 ohm-m and 2,000 ohm-m values. For best results, use the 0.2
ohm-m, 20 ohm-m and 2,000 ohm-m box’s. This selection will extend the accuracy range of
the tool.
The MSFL shop calibration consists of 6 steps.

Table 10: Steps of MSFL Shop Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. EXT. POINT #1
2. EXT. POINT #2 Used to compute the shop calibration gains and offsets.
3. EXT. POINT #3 to convert raw data to engineering units.
4. VE ZERO Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of gains and
5. IA ZERO Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of gains and
6. INTERNAL POS MSFL Internal Reference used during field and post checks.

1. Partially open the caliper (refer to page 41) to permit attachment of the MSFL calibration

2. Clean all MSFL electrodes where contacted by the MSFL calibration jig with emery cloth
to remove oxidation and then rinse with an electrical contact cleaner.

3. Firmly attach the MSFL calibration jig to the pad assemble. Ensure the jig contacts are
in physical contact with the electrode rings.

4. Connect the current return clamp to the mandrel body. DO NOT connect the clamp to the
caliper linkage.

5. Connect the cable from the MSFL formation simulator to the calibration jig.

6. If the formation simulator is equipped with an Ao switch, ensure that the Ao is closed.

7. Switch the formation simulator to the 20 ohm-m position. With the DLLT in log mode
check the MSFL VE (x1) and IA(x1) ramps on the TDU. If the calibration setup is correct
@ 20 ohm-m VE ≈ IA, since the MSFL gain is ≈ 20.

Resistivity Tools 27
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

To initiate the MSFL shop calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to SHOP.


3. Press ENTER.

28 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Step 1: Ext. Point #1

1. Enter the Input Signal Reference value for the first external resistance. This should be 0.2

2. Verify the MSFL calibrator box is set to 0.2 ohm-m.

3. Press ENTER with the cursor on EXT. POINT #1.

4. Press any key to gather data

Resistivity Tools 29
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 2: Ext. Point #2

1. Switch the MSFL calibrator to the next resistance values, 20 ohm-m

2. Enter the value for EXT. POINT #2 in the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE field.

3. Select EXT. POINT #2 and Press ENTER.

4. Press any key to gather data

30 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Step 3: Ext. Point #3

The gains and offsets are determined at the completion of the third calibration box
1. Switch the calibrator to the next resistance value, 2000.0 ohm-m

2. Enter the value for EXT. POINT #3 in the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE field.

3. Select EXT. POINT #3 and Press ENTER.

4. Press any key to gather data

Resistivity Tools 31
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 4: VE Zero

1. Disconnect the MSFL calibrator from the tool using one of the following methods.

• Switch the calibrator to Ao open (3.01209).

• Disconnect the cable from the MSFL calibration fixture.
• Remove the MSFL calibration fixture from the Pad.
2. Select VE ZERO and press ENTER.

3. Press any key to gather data.

32 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Step 5: IA Zero

1. The engineer should ensure that the calibrator has been removed from the MSFL pad, as
outlined in step 4: VE ZERO.

2. Select IA ZERO and Press ENTER the system will switch the tool into the log mode.

3. Wait for the data to stabilize.

4. Press any key to gather data.

Resistivity Tools 33
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 6: Internal Pos

The MSFL has an internal calibration reference that will allow the engineer to perform a field
check on the tool without the need of external resistor boxes. The value of the internal reference
is calculated using the gains offsets obtained during the shop calibration from the external
resistivity boxes.
1. Select INTERNAL POS and Press ENTER and the tool will switch to Internal reference

2. Wait for the data to Stabilize.

3. Press any key to gather data.

34 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

MSFL Calibration Summary

Following the completion of the MSFL shop the software will display the calibration summary.
The MSFL calibration summary is displayed on two screens. The first screen shown above
provides a summary of the RAW tool values (CPS) recorded during the calibration for VE and
IA. These values should be compared to previous calibration to identify changes in tool
measurement electronics.
The Calculated gains and offsets for the MSFL calibration are also displayed for your review.

Quality Checks:
1. EXT POINT #2 VE ≈IA (if 20 ohm box was used).
2. VE gain should be very near 20.

Resistivity Tools 35
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

The second screen of the calibration summary shown above provides a comparison of this
calibration to the previous calibration. The data displayed is in engineering units (ohm-m).
Measured - The computed resistivity of each box using the gains & offsets from the previous
shop calibration applied to the raw count rates from this shop calibration.
Calibrated - The resistivity of each box entered in the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE field
during the calibration and the computed value of the INTERNAL REFERENCE.
The calibrated INTERNAL REFERENCE value is computed using the gains and
offsets derived during this calibration.
Upon completion of the calibration the software checks that the measured and calibrated data
are within a specified tolerance.
The Calibration tolerances for the three external resistivity boxes and the internal reference are
as follows:

• External Cal Point #1 0.20 ± .08 ohm-m

• External Cal Point #2 20.00 ± 0.8 ohm-m

• External Cal Point #3 2000.00 ± 80. ohm-m

• Internal Calibration 20.00 ± 0.8 ohm-m

36 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures
Saving the MSFL Calibration

Upon completion of the MSFL shop calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current shop calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

Resistivity Tools 37
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


The Caliper calibration is a two point linear calibration using two rings of known diameters.
Select calibration ring sizes so that the expected hole sizes to be logged are within the
calibration rings range.
The Dual Laterolog/MSFL Caliper shop calibration consists of 4 steps.

Table 11: Steps of Caliper Shop Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. RING #1 Used to compute the shop calibration gains and offsets
2. RING #2 to convert raw data to engineering units.
3. LO INTERNAL Internal Reference used during field and Post checks.
4. HI INTERNAL Internal Reference used during field and Post checks.

1. Always lubricate the caliper linkage before calibration to ensure free movement of the
caliper arms.

2. During steps 1 and 2 ensure the caliper arms are extended completely and the mandrel
motor has reached End - Of - Travel. This should provide repeatable pressure during the
calibration and logging operations.

3. Rotate the tool to allow the caliper arms to extend parallel to the surface (to the sides of
the mandrel, not up and down). This reduces the effect the weight of the caliper ring has
on the calibration.

WARNING: Keep hands away from the caliper during motoring operations. The caliper arms
are capable of crushing fingers and hands if caught in the caliper or calibration

38 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

To initiate the MSFL shop calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to SHOP.


3. Press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 39
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 1: Ring #1

1. Enter the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE for RING #1, the Internal diameter of the small

2. Select RING #1 and press ENTER.

3. Place RING #1 around the MSFL caliper arms.

4. Press any key to activate the DLL tool control menu.

40 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Opening The Caliper

The system will bring up the tool control menu automatically. Open the mandrel and continue
with the calibration.
1. Increase W2 power to ≈10%, with the Elgar frequency set to 400Hz.

2. Select option 6 ”OPEN MANDREL”, this will send the open caliper command to the

NOTE: When the tool switches, W2 volts will decrease.

3. Increase W2 voltage to read 90-100 volts in the tool control menu or TDU.

4. Observe W2 Volts when the Caliper motor reaches the end of travel (full open) the voltage
will increase to approximately 130 volts.

5. Turn W2 power OFF.

6. Rotate Ring to ensure arms are fully open and the pad extends against the ring.

7. Select option 1 “GO TO LOG MODE”, this will switch the DLLT to log mode.

8. Esc from the DLLT tool control menu.

Resistivity Tools 41
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Ring # 1 Data Acquisition

1. Wait for the data to stabilize.

2. Press any key to gather data.

Upon completion of Ring #1 data acquisition, the software will pop-up the DLLT Tool Control

42 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Closing The Caliper

Upon completing the first ring, close the mandrel to facilitate changing the rings.
1. Increase W2 power to ≈10%, with the Elgar frequency set to 400 Hz.

2. Select option 7 “CLOSE MANDREL”, this will send the close caliper command to

NOTE: When the too switches, W2 volts will decrease.

3. Increase W2 voltage to read 90-100 volts in the tool control menu or TDU.

4. Observe W2 volts when the caliper motor reaches the end of travel (full closed) the voltage
will increase to approximately 130 volts.

5. Turn W2 power off.

6. Esc from the DLLT Tool Control Menu.

Resistivity Tools 43
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 2: Ring #2

1. Enter the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE for Ring #2, the internal diameter of the large

2. Select RING #2 and press ENTER.

3. Place RING #2 around the MSFL caliper arms.

4. Press any key to activate the DLLT Tool Control Menu.

5. Open the caliper, refer to page 41 for procedure.

44 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures
Ring # 2 Data Acquisition

1. Wait for the data to stabilize.

2. Press any key to gather data.

Upon completion of RING #2 data acquisition, the software will pop-up the DLLT Tool
Control Menu. Close the mandrel and remove the ring refer to page 43 for procedure.

Resistivity Tools 45
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 3: LO Internal

Upon completion of the rings the values of the caliper internal references are determined for use
during the field and post checks.
1. Select LO INTERNAL, and press ENTER. The software will switch the DLLT into LO
INTERNAL caliper reference.

2. Wait for the data to stabilize.

3. Press any key to gather data.

46 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

Step 4: HI Internal

1. Select HI INTERNAL, and press ENTER. The software will switch the DLLT into HI
INTERNAL caliper reference.

2. Wait for the data to stabilize.

3. Press any key to gather data.

Resistivity Tools 47
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Caliper Calibration Summary

Following the completion of the caliper shop calibration the software will display the calibration
summary. The caliper calibration summary is displayed on two screens. The first screen
shown above provides a comparison of this calibration to the previous calibration. The data is
in engineering units (inches).
Measured - The computed diameter of each ring using the gains & offsets from the previous
shop calibration applied to the raw count rates from this shop calibration.
Calibrated - The diameter of each ring entered in the INPUT SIGNAL REFERENCE field
during the calibration and the computed values of the LO and HI INTERNAL
REFERENCES. The calibrated INTERNAL REFERENCE values are computed
using the gains and offsets derived during this calibration.
Upon completion of the calibration the software checks that the measured and calibrated data
are within a specified tolerance. If the difference between the measured and calibrated data
exceeds the assigned tolerance the calibration is assumed bad.
The calibration tolerance for the two rings and the internal references are all the same as

• Caliper tolerance ±0.5 inches

48 11-Dec-96
Shop Calibration Procedures

The second screen of the calibration summary shown above provides a summary of the RAW
tool values (counts) recorded during the calibration.
These values should be compared to previous calibrations to identify changes in tool
electronics, caliper potentiometer, or linkage wear. The calculated gains and offsets for the
caliper calibration are also displayed for your review.

Resistivity Tools 49
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Saving The Caliper Calibration

Upon completion of the Caliper shop calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current shop calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

50 11-Dec-96
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Logging Procedures
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Logging Procedures

Table of Contents
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................I

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................... II

TOOLSTRING PREPARATION .................................................................................................................. 1

Tool Position Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 1
Toolstring Assembly.................................................................................................................................. 2
Unit Preparation ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Tool Power Up Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 3
Depth System Initialization........................................................................................................................ 3

SOFTWARE PREPARATION ...................................................................................................................... 4

Logging Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Service Selection and Tool configuration ................................................................................................... 5
DITS Telemetry Synchronization............................................................................................................... 6
Data Sub Directory .................................................................................................................................... 6
Tool Calibration ........................................................................................................................................ 7

DLLT BEFORE SURVEY CALIBRATION................................................................................................. 8

Step 1: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 10
DLLT Field Calibration Summary ........................................................................................................... 11
Saving the DLLT Field Calibration.......................................................................................................... 13

MSFL BEFORE SURVEY CALIBRATION .............................................................................................. 14

Step 1: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 16
MSFL Field Calibration Summary ........................................................................................................... 17
Saving the MSFL Field Calibration ......................................................................................................... 18

CALIPER BEFORE SURVEY CALIBRATION ........................................................................................ 19

Step 1: Internal ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Caliper Field Calibration Summary ......................................................................................................... 22
Saving the Caliper Field Calibration........................................................................................................ 23

LOGGING PREPARATION ....................................................................................................................... 24

PLOTTER PRESENTATION...................................................................................................................... 25
DLLT Presentation Configuration............................................................................................................ 27
DLLT Curve Mnemonics......................................................................................................................... 28
Standard Curve Plot Editor ...................................................................................................................... 29
Shading Control ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Depth Scales and Matts ........................................................................................................................... 31

12-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools i

Dual Laterolog / MSFL Logging Procedures

LOGGING OPERATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 32
Depth Control.......................................................................................................................................... 33
Log Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 34
Open the caliper ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Initiate Logging Pass ............................................................................................................................... 37
Log Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 38
DLLT Tool Modes................................................................................................................................... 39
Log Quality Control................................................................................................................................. 40
Log Header Information........................................................................................................................... 41
Halting the Log........................................................................................................................................ 42
Close Caliper........................................................................................................................................... 42

DLLT AFTER SURVEY CALIBRATION.................................................................................................. 43

Step 1: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 45
DLLT Post Calibration Summary............................................................................................................. 46
Saving the DLLT Post Calibration ........................................................................................................... 48

MSFL AFTER SURVEY CALIBRATION ................................................................................................. 49

Step 1: Internal Pos................................................................................................................................. 51
MSFL Post Calibration Summary ............................................................................................................ 52
Saving the MSFL Post Calibration........................................................................................................... 53

CALIPER AFTER SURVEY CALIBRATION........................................................................................... 54

Step 1: Internal ....................................................................................................................................... 56
Caliper Post Calibration Summary........................................................................................................... 57
Saving the Caliper Post Calibration ......................................................................................................... 58

Table of Figures
Figure 1: DLLT Toolstring ............................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Standard DLLT Presentation ........................................................................................................... 27

List of Tables
Table 1: Steps of DLLT Before Survey Calibration .......................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Steps of MSFL Before Survey Calibration ........................................................................................ 14
Table 3: Steps of MSFL Caliper Before Survey Calibration............................................................................ 19
Table 4: DLLT Log Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5: DLLT Tool Mode Commands .......................................................................................................... 39
Table 6: DLLT Log Header Information ........................................................................................................ 41
Table 7: Steps of DLLT After Survey Calibration .......................................................................................... 43
Table 8: Steps of MSFL After Survey Calibration .......................................................................................... 49
Table 9: Steps of MSFL Caliper After Survey Calibration.............................................................................. 54

12-Dec-96 Resistivity Tools ii

Dual Laterolog / MSFL Logging Procedures


p Select and Configure the DLLT Service

p Prepare a DLLT Plotter configuration.

p Configure the DLLT toolstring for logging

p Perform the Before Survey verifications.

p Perform the logging run.

p Perform the after survey verifications.

Resistivity Tools I
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Logging Procedures


Surface Equipment

m EXCELL - 2000 System

Downhole Equipment

m Dual Laterolog Bridle (flexible or rigid)

m DITS Subsurface Telemetry Unit (D2TS or DSTU)

m Natural Gamma Ray Tool (NGRT-A) --Optional

m Dual Laterolog Tool (DLLT - A or DLLT - B)

m Power & Telemetry

m Isolations Sub

m Measurement Section

m Electrode Sonde

m Micro-Spherically Focused Tool (Mandrel Only)

Auxiliary Equipment

m Reference Electrode (DLLT Fish)

m Thorium Blanket (if NGRT is used)

Resistivity Tools II
Dual Laterolog / MSFL Logging Procedures


Tool Position Hardware

In boreholes larger than 6.25” diameter, centralization or stand-off of this tool is mandatory. If
tool positioning hardware cannot be run, the client should be informed that the log quality may
be compromised. To accurately perform borehole corrections the tool position within the
borehole must be controlled, either with centralizers or stand-offs.
The MSFL mandrel with a standard pad is used in boreholes greater than 6.25”. In boreholes
less than 6.25” diameter the DLLT is normally run without centralizers or stand-offs and the
standard pad of the MSFL mandrel is replaced with the slim hole pad. If the MSFL is run with
the standard pad in small diameter boreholes, improper pad contact can result due the pad width
and difference in radius of curvature. This can also result in premature pad failure.
When centralizers and/or stand-offs are used they should be placed above and below the DLLT
electrode sonde. Do Not place any centralizers or stand-offs on the electrode sonde between A*-
and A*+.
If the DLLT is run without an MSFL, the mandrel must be replaced with an empty tool housing
of the same length to establish the correct length for the A4- electrode.

Resistivity Tools 1
Dual Laterolog / MSFL
Toolstring Assembly Cable Head

Assemble the toolstring using vertical makeup procedures. Hoist

the tool sections individually otherwise the isolation sub and
electrode sonde can be damaged when placed under a side load

(bending). Assemble the toolstring as directed below. (refer to
Figure 1)
1. Assemble the Power and Telemetry section, Isolation Sub,

Measurement section, DLLT Electrode Sonde, and the MSFL
mandrel, in the well. Hoist the tools one section at a time to

minimize the risk of damage to the sonde and isolation sub.

2. Connect the DSTU and NGRT to the top of the Power and
Telemetry section. If any other tools are being run they should

be inserted between the NGRT and the Power and Telemetry



3. Connect the DLLT bridle to the top of the DSTU. If the bridle
has not been updated to include a filter, insert a filter sub
between the bridle and the DSTU. Omitting the filter will
induce noise on the shallow measurement at low resistivities.

4. Connect the wireline to the top of the bridle.

Caution Ensure that the DLLT toolstring is connected in the correct

order. The DLLT Power and Telemetry and the DLLT -

Measurement section are similar in size and shape DO NOT
get them switched. Assembling the toolstring in the wrong
order can cause damage to the equipment.

Unit Preparation
1. Place the DLLT surface reference electrode (fish) in a location
that will provide earth ground reference (i.e. mud pit, drilling
fluid filled hole, etc.).
SP Sub

2. Connect the reference electrode cable (W2 Ref) from the truck
to the (DLLT fish) spool center.

3. Place the SP surface reference electrode (fish) in a location


that will provide earth ground reference (i.e. mud pit, drilling
fluid filled hole, etc.), if recording an SP.
MSFL Mandrel

4. Connect the reference electrode cable (SP) from the truck to

the (SP fish) spool center, if recording and SP.

Figure 1: DLLT Toolstring

2 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures
Tool Power Up Procedure
Monitor the INST. NULL meter and POWER STATUS indicators on the PCP as power is
being applied to the Toolstring. The POWER STATUS should indicate the 60 Hz is being
applied to the “W5” mode. If not, STOP and verify the switch settings on the Tool Power
Supply. As the power increases, the INST NULL meter should deflect slightly right from zero,
then full scale to the left, and return to back to zero when the Toolstring is correctly powered.

Depth System Initialization

After the entire toolstring is assembled in the well and the cable head attached, zero the top of
the tool at the proper reference point (drill floor, ground level). Then set the system depth to
reflect the total length of the toolstring.

NOTE: When the DLLT is used it is not practical to hoist the toolstring from the well to
zero the depth counters at the bottom of the toolstring. In this case the engineer
can easily zero the tool at the cable head and offset the depth counters to reflect
the overall length of the toolstring from the cablehead to the bottom of the

Resistivity Tools 3
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


Logging Setup

After selecting logging setup from the CLASS MAIN MENU, the next screen to be displayed
is the LOGGING SETUP MENU shown above.
The logging setup menu provides direct support to accomplish the logging task. The menu is
designed to take the engineer through the steps necessary to begin a logging run.

4 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Service Selection and Tool configuration

When the Service & Tool Configuration screen appears enter 2700 (default DLLT service) and
press ENTER

Modify the service configuration to match your toolstring:

1. Verify the bridle type is correct.

2. Verify telemetry Sub type is correct (D2TS or DSTU).

3. Verify correct Rxo device is included (MSFLM or MCGRD).

4. Tool serial numbers can be changed here or during calibration.

When modifications are complete exit the service configuration screen.

Resistivity Tools 5
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

DITS Telemetry Synchronization

After successful completion and proper exiting of the “SERVICE CONFIGURATION” screen,
the system should synchronize with the toolstring telemetry. However, in the event that
synchronization does not occur correctly, synchronization can be initiated from the “CLI
Command Line”.
Establishing synchronization with the DITS telemetry.
1. Press “F12” or click the DO command button on button bar.

2. Decrease “W5” variac on the Tool Power Supply to zero.

3. Increase “W5” variac on the Tool Power Supply until the “INST NULL” meter on the
Power Configuration Panel indicates proper top of tool power.

4. Type “IT” on the CLI command line and press ENTER.

5. Observe that the UL and SYNC indicators on the D2MP are illuminated, as a complete
check observes the telemetry screen on the TDU for proper tool operation.

Data Sub Directory

The Data Sub Directory is automatically created by the CLASS software in the current selected
Data Directory (i.e. DATA2, DATA1, or DATA0).

NOTE: The DO command ″DIS″ can be used to verify and/or change the current default
field_data directory.

The data sub-directory is named by the CLASS software using the following convention:
• MM is the month.
• DD is the day.
• hh is the hour the sub-directory was created.
• mm is the minute of the hour the sub-directory was created.
• s stands for real-time service.
• xxxx is the default service ID number.
Class will record all service configuration files, plotter configuration files, tool calibrations, log
parameters, events, and CLS database files into this sub-directory. From this sub-directory you
will be able to replay, relog, and modify or analyze the log date in Desktop Petrophysics.

6 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Tool Calibration
The purpose of calibration during shop calibrations is to convert the data gathered (or
measured) by the tool into standard engineering units useful to the customer. However, during
the logging sequence the purpose is to perform a check or verification to determine if the tool
instrumentation has changed beyond an acceptable tolerance since the last shop calibration or
start of the logging run.

With the toolstring powered-up and communicating properly the before survey calibration can
be initiated. To activate the tool calibration screen:

Resistivity Tools 7
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


The DLLT before (field) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The DLLT response to the internal reference during the field
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the shop calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.8 ohm-m). If the field calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted, and the shop calibration gains and offsets are used for logging.
If the field calibration is outside the tolerance then another tool is recommended.
The entire field calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. All the steps of the field can be performed while in casing. The field
calibration should be performed as soon as possible, after the toolstring is rigged up.
The Dual Laterolog field calibration consists of three (3) steps. However, the calibration only
requires one (1) step to be completed the other two (2) are skipped.

Table 1: Steps of DLLT Before Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL POS Deep and Shallow Internal Reference, value checked against
the shop calibration and post calibration results.

2. VE ZERO (SKIP) Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

3. IA ZERO (SKIP) Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

8 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

All tool calibrations (shop, field, and post) can be performed from the EXCELL 2000 tool
calibration screen. To perform the DLLT before survey calibration:
1. Change “TYPE” to FIELD.

2. Verify the serial number for the tool being calibrated appears in the SERIAL NO. column.

3. Select DITS DUAL LATEROLOG and press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 9
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 1: Internal Pos

This step determines the current value of the Deep and Shallow Laterolog internal reference for
comparison to the shop calibration value and later to the after survey calibration value.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on INTERNAL POS, software switches the DLLT into
Deep Internal Mode.

2. Press any key to continue.

3. After completing the Deep INTERNAL POS acquisition the software switches the DLLT
into Shallow Internal Mode. Software automatically starts the data acquisition of the
Shallow Internal mode.

Upon completion of the Shallow INTERNAL POS acquisition, the DLLT Field Calibration is

10 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

DLLT Field Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the DLLT Field Calibration the software will display two screens
summarizing the calibration data.
The above screen presents the Deep and Shallow VE & IA mean values and standard deviation
for each calibration step. These values are raw count rates. Also displayed are the Deep and
Shallow VE & IA gains and offsets, computed during the Shop Calibration.

Quality Checks:

1. Low standard deviations, due to the small statistical variations of the resistivity

Resistivity Tools 11
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering units to verify the
accuracy of the field check with respect to the shop calibration. The data is presented in four (4)
Shop - The value of the Internal Reference calculated during the Shop Calibration.
Field - The value of the Internal Reference using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this field calibration.
Difference - The difference between the shop and field value for the Deep and Shallow
Internal Reference.
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the shop and field values.
If the DLLT field verification falls outside the established control limits, verify the tool is
switching into the Internal Calibration position.
If the tool does not verify properly, then another tool is recommended.

12 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Saving the DLLT Field Calibration

Upon completion of DLLT field calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current field calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous field and post calibration file will be overwritten with the current

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous field and post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

Resistivity Tools 13
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


The MSFL before (field) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The MSFL response to the internal reference during the field
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the shop calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.8 ohm-m). If the field calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted, and the shop calibration gains and offsets are used for logging.
If the field calibration is outside the tolerance then another tool is recommended.
The entire field calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. All the steps of the field calibration can be performed while in casing.
The field calibration should be performed as soon as possible, after the toolstring is rigged up.
The MSFL field calibration consists of three (3) steps. However, the calibration only requires
one (1) step to be completed the other two (2) are skipped.

Table 2: Steps of MSFL Before Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL POS MSFL Internal Reference, value checked against the shop
calibration and post calibration results.

2. VE ZERO (SKIP) Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

3. IA ZERO (SKIP) Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

14 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

To initiate the MSFL field calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to FIELD.

2. Verify the correct serial number is entered.


4. Press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 15
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 1: Internal Pos

This step determines the current value of the MSFL internal reference for comparison to the
shop calibration value and later to the after survey calibration value.

1. Select INTERNAL POS and Press ENTER and the tool will switch to Internal reference

2. Wait for the data to Stabilize.

3. Press any key to gather data.

16 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

MSFL Field Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the MSFL field calibration the software will display the MSFL calibration
summary. This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering units to verify
the accuracy of the field check with respect to the shop calibration. The data is presented in four
(4) columns.
Shop - The value of the Internal Reference calculated during the Shop Calibration.
Field - The value of the Internal Reference using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this field calibration.
Difference - The difference between the shop and field value for the MSFL Internal
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the shop and field values.
If the MSFL field verification falls outside the established control limits, verify the tool is
switching into the Internal Calibration position.
If the tool does not verify properly, then another tool is recommended.

Resistivity Tools 17
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Saving the MSFL Field Calibration

Upon completion of MSFL field calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current field calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous field and post calibration file will be overwritten with the current

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous field and post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

18 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


The Caliper before (field) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The Caliper response to the internal reference during the field
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the shop calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.5 inches). If the field calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted, and the shop calibration gains and offsets are used for logging.
If the field calibration is outside the tolerance then another tool is recommended.
The entire field calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform once the
toolstring is assembled. All the steps of the field calibration can be performed while in casing.
The field calibration should be performed as soon as possible, after the toolstring is rigged up.
The Dual Laterolog/MSFL Caliper field calibration consists of one (1) step.

Table 3: Steps of MSFL Caliper Before Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL Caliper Internal Reference, value checked against the shop

calibration and post calibration results.

Resistivity Tools 19
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

To initiate the MSFL Caliper field calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to FIELD.

2. Ensure the serial number is correct for the toolstring.


4. Press ENTER.

20 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Step 1: Internal
This step determines the current value of the Caliper internal reference for comparison to the
shop calibration value and later to the after survey calibration value.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on INTERNAL, software switches the Caliper into Low
Internal Reference Mode.

2. Press any key to continue.

3. After completing the Low INTERNAL Reference acquisition the software switches the
Caliper into High INTERNAL Reference. Software automatically starts the data
acquisition of the Caliper High INTERNAL Reference mode.

Upon completion of the Caliper High INTERNAL POS acquisition, the Caliper Field
Calibration is complete.

Resistivity Tools 21
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Caliper Field Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the Caliper field calibration the software will display the Caliper
calibration summary. This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering
units to verify the accuracy of the field check with respect to the shop calibration. The data is
presented in four (4) columns.
Shop - The value of the Internal References calculated during the Shop Calibration.
Field - The value of the Internal References using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this filed calibration.
Difference - The difference between the shop and field value for the Caliper LO and HIGH
Internal Reference.
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the shop and field values.
If the Caliper field verification falls outside the established control limits, verify the tool is
switching into the Internal Calibration position.
If the tool does not verify properly, opening the caliper and performing a casing check is
recommended. If the tool fails to read the casing size within the acceptable tolerance (+0.5
inches), then another tool is recommended.

22 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Saving the Caliper Field Calibration

Upon completion of Caliper field calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current field calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous field and post calibration file will be overwritten with the current

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous field and post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:


\\FTWRBDC003\DATA$\WRKGRP\EVERYONE\JIM_V\L&P Course Materials\DLLT Operations\Logging
\\FTWRBDC003\DATA$\WRKGRP\EVERYONE\JIM_V\L&P Course Materials\DLLT Operations\Logging


Resistivity Tools 23
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

After completing the Before Survey Calibrations the engineer has the opportunity to perform
several tasks before the tool reaches the wells Total Depth (TD). The engineer should observe
the following:

• Verify that the tool is operating properly and the response is valid for the winch speed and
tool position (i.e. mandrels closed instead of open).

• Verify that the system is maintaining proper depth control.

• Verify that the camera presentation is correct before the first attempted logging run.
When the tool approaches the TD of the well the engineer should prepare to initiate the UPLOG
for the repeat section. Before beginning the first UPLOG of the repeat section the engineer
should verify the current depth and perform any additional stretch corrections if necessary. The
procedure for calculating and modifying depth stretch corrections is beyond the scope of this
manual. Please refer to the manual on depth control specific to the depth system in use.

24 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


To select, modify, or create a plotter configuration the engineer will select the DGR/DISPLAY
SETUP. This procedure controls how data will be displayed during logging on both the plotter
and on the screen in the Camera Monitor pop-up window, the data collected downhole will be
displayed on the log, and how the log “matte” will be plotted.

Resistivity Tools 25
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

When you select DGR/DISPLAY SETUP for the first time during a CLASS session, the Depth
Drive Plot Configuration menu will appear. All functions required to control how depth drive
data will be displayed are accessed through this menu.
The engineer has several options:
1. Accept the default selection

2. Reselect from a list of plotter configurations saved under the current base service
configuration ID number (select a software default or locally saved configuration)

3. Select a plotter configuration from another service (must know the service configuration
ID number)

4. Modify any of the previous selections to meet the current plotting requirements.

Select a procedure that most closely suits your needs

Any of these options can accomplish the goal of the DGR configuration menu, that being to
provide a plotter configuration to be used by the RWS to format the log data presentation.
Covering all options of selecting and modifying the plotter is beyond the intended scope of this
screens are provided with the correct data entries to generate a typical presentation.

26 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

DLLT Presentation Configuration

The format that is used to present the log data for the customer is set by the local work area
management or by individual customer requests. Explaining all the possibly log configurations
is far beyond the scope of this manual. Instead a description of the possibly result curve
mnemonics that can be selected to plot are listed. Also, the completed ‘XYZ Standard Plot
Editor’ and ‘Depth Scales and Matts’ screens are provided used to create a typical DLLT
presentation shown below.

Figure 2: Standard DLLT Presentation

Resistivity Tools 27
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

DLLT Curve Mnemonics

The following are the more common DLLT result’s curves that can be plotted by the engineer
using CLASS software. There are several other curves available for the DLLT that are not
included in this condensed list.

CALIP MSFL Caliper measurement of the borehole diameter in inches (or cm).

LLS The DLLT Shallow resistivity measurement in ohm-m. This is the raw Shallow
Resistivity measurement, CLASS software does not perform any real-time borehole
or invasion corrections.

LLD The DLLT Deep resistivity measurement in ohm-m. This is the raw Deep Resistivity
measurement, CLASS software does not perform any real-time borehole or invasion

MSFL The MSFL RXO resistivity measurement in ohm-m. This ids the raw RXO Resistivity
measurement, CLASS software does not perform any real-time borehole corrections.

CLLD The DLLT Deep conductivity calculation in mmho’s, This is the inverse of the Deep
Resistivity measurement (LLD).

BHV The computed Total Borehole Volume, using the CALIP measurement as the
borehole diameter.

AHV The calculated Annular Hole Volume, using the CALIP measurement as the borehole
diameter and the CASING OD parameter as the casing size. AHV is the volume
between the outside diameter of the casing and the borehole wall.

28 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Standard Curve Plot Editor

From the Standard Curve Plot Editor you can control the following:

• Select curves to be plotted

• Select curve scales

• Select trace patterns

• Set track assignments

• Control trace width

• Control rebase values

• Enter track insert names and units

• Activate curve shading

This screen illustrates the entries required to produce the DLLT log example in Figure 2:
Standard DLLT Presentation.

Resistivity Tools 29
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Shading Control

In CLASS software curve shading is accomplished by selecting a shading pattern, and entering
the reference when the shading should be displayed.
This reference can be either another curve in the same track, a percentage of the track, or a
curve value.
Also the curve shading can be displayed whenever the curve is greater than (>) or less than (<)
the reference. The Pattern Control screen above shows a typical DLLT shading routine where
the following choices are made:

• Shade the Deep Laterolog “White”, whenever the resistivity is greater (>) than 2000 ohm-

• Shade the gamma ray “Shale” (SHLE), whenever the gamma ray curve is greater (>) than
150 GAPI.

• Shade the Caliper “Sand”, whenever the caliper is less (<) than the Bit Size.
This screen illustrates the entries required to produce the DLLT log example in Figure 2:
Standard DLLT Presentation.

30 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Depth Scales and Matts

To plot the DLLT presentation as shown in this manual, the WRITING UNIT
CONFIGURATION screen should be completed as above. Where the following choices are
1. Plot Writing Unit #1 Presentation to Plotter (DGR) #1

2. Full Scale Plot

3. Depth Scale of 5” of film equals 100’ of borehole

4. Annotate depth every 100’

5. matt

• Track 1: Linear
• Track 2: 2 Cycle Logarithmic
• Track 3: 2 Cycle Logarithmic
Completing the XYZ Standard plot editor and Depth Scales Matts & Tracks screen as
presented in this manual will generate a log presentation as shown in Figure 2: Standard DLLT
When the plotter configuration is completed save the configuration and exit the
DGR/DISPLAY SETUP menu back to the LOGGING SETUP menu.

Resistivity Tools 31
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


When all the perquisites for logging the DLLT have been satisfied.
1. Service Configuration selected and downloaded

2. Tool communication established

3. Before Survey Calibrations completed

4. Plotter configuration selected/modified

5. Data Directory created (created automatically by CLASS)

The system in configured to start the logging run.

Select LOG-PREVIEW-TEST and press ENTER.

32 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures
The LOG BEGIN menu allows the engineer to start and halt logging passes. At this point the
engineers interest turns away from service configuration and is more centered around proper
depth control, tool operation, and log quality.

Depth Control
When the tool approaches the TD of the well the engineer should prepare to initiate the UPLOG
for the repeat section. Before beginning the first UPLOG of the repeat section the engineer
should verify the current depth and perform any additional stretch corrections necessary. The
procedure for calculating and modifying depth stretch corrections is beyond the scope of this
manual. Please refer to the manual on depth control specific to the depth system in use.
The SET DEPTH menu option only resets the depth to the entered value, all depth control and
stretch correction is actually performed at the depth panel or XLFE depth window depending on
the system configuration. For example, the SET DEPTH option permits the engineer to correct
the system depth after performing stretch corrections on a DADS depth panel.

Resistivity Tools 33
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Log Parameters
Log parameters can be viewed and modified at anytime from the “DO” command line, using the
“FLASH” command. The parameters are discussed at this point to make you the aware of the
DLLT parameters prior to the first logging pass.

The above screen displays the logging parameters that affect the DLLT service. Many of the
parameters in the flash table are for the NGRT, only those that effect the DLLT response are
discussed here.

Table 4: DLLT Log Parameters


CASED Calculation flag, if the toolstring is being logged through a well section
containing casing.

Should the CLASS software correct the gamma ray results data
(GRCO) for the influence of the casing upon the signal.

Should the CLASS software calculate the AHV using the Inner Casing
Size parameter, instead of the CASEOD parameter.

CASEOD Calculation Parameter, the casing outer diameter.

Used to correct the gamma ray results data (GRCO) when logged
through casing.

Used as casing size for AHV calculations, whenever the CASED flag is
set to “NO”.

34 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

DLLOK Calculation flag, is the DLLT operational and should CLASS software
continue to use resources to calculate the DLLT results data.

DLTDCF Correction Parameter (-1.5 to 1.5), LLD correction factor for gronegien
effect (under test), this requires a hardware modification that is not in
installed in production tools at this time.

MSFLOK Calculation flag, is the MSFL operational and should CLASS software
continue to use resources to calculate the MSFL results data.

SLIM Calculation flag, is the MSFL fitted with the slimhole or normal pad.
When using the slim hole pad the MSFL K factor is multiplied by

CAL6OK Calculation flag, is the MSFL Caliper operational and should CLASS
software continue to use resources to calculate the Caliper results data.

AHVOK Calculation flag, should CLASS software continue to use resources to

calculate the Annular Hole Volume.

Resistivity Tools 35
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Open the caliper

With the toolstring at TD and all depth corrections performed the MSFL mandrel must be
opened prior to logging. To open the caliper:
1. Activate the DLLT tool control menu, enter “DLLT” on the ‘DO” command line.

2. Increase W2 power to ≈10%, with the Elgar frequency set to 400Hz.

3. Select option 6 ”OPEN MANDREL”, this will send the open caliper command to the

NOTE: When the tool switches, w2 volts will decrease.

4. Increase W2 voltage to read 90-100 volts in the tool control menu or TDU.

5. Observe W2 Volts when the Caliper motor reaches the end of travel (full open) the voltage
will increase to approximately 130 volts.

6. Turn W2 power OFF.

7. Select option 1 “GO TO LOG MODE”, this will switch the DLLT to log mode.

8. Esc from the DLLT tool control menu.

36 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Initiate Logging Pass

After performing any required depth corrections and selecting the proper logging parameters the
engineer should be ready to initiate the logging pass. To do so the engineer needs to select the
type of logging Acquisition to be performed from the following options:

UPLOG Collect uplog depth - sampled data

DOWNLOG Collect downlog depth - sampled data.

PREVIEW Preview depth logging (no data saved to database).

TIME DRIVE Collect stationary, time - sampled data.

STOP CHECK Set up and collect data for Stop Check reports.

Select “Acquisition Type” and press ENTER.

After selecting the type of logging pass the PRINT TO LOG menu is displayed. From this
menu the engineer can print numerous screens of data prior to starting the log pass. Also the
engineer can either start or abort the log pass from this menu. To start the log pass:
Select EXIT ONLY and press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 37
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Log Screen

During logging the logging screen menu can be activated by either clicking on the MENU
button on the button bar or entering the “MENU” command on the DO command line. From the
logging screen menu the engineer can initiate several useful options.

Parameters activates the log parameter screen for the current depth. From this screen
the log parameters can be modified and activated upon exit or depth queued
for execution later during the logging run. The log parameter screen can
also be activated from the DO command line by typing “FLASH”.

DGR Rescale activates the Rescale screen. From this screen the active curves being
plotted can be rescaled or deactivated (turned off). The rescale activation
can be either upon exit or depth queued for execution later during the
logging run. The Rescale screen can also be activated from the DO
command line by typing “RESCALE”

Edit API Header activates the API data entry field allowing the engineer to complete the API
log header during logging.

Edit Next DGR Allows the engineer to edit the DGR configuration that will be used by the
CLASS software after the current log is halted and the next log section is

Log Halt Halts the current logging run. The log halt can also be activated by clicking
on the halt button on the button bar or from the DO command line by typing

38 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

DLLT Tool Modes

The DLLT tool control screen can be activated during logging from the DO command line by
entering “DLLT”.

Table 4: DLLT Tool Mode Commands

LOG Mode Normal tool mode for logging, all sensors are being processed
and transmitted to surface LLD, LLS, MSFL, and Caliper.

Zero, LO Int. Caliper The DLLT and MSFL are switched in to the VE zero mode and
the Caliper is placed into the LO Internal reference mode.

High Internal Caliper The Caliper is switched into the HI Internal reference mode.

Deep Calibrate The DLLT is switched into the LLD Internal Reference position.

Shallow Calibrate The DLLT is switched into the LLS Internal Reference position.

Open Mandrel The DLLT is switched into the motor operate “OPEN” position.
When the motor reaches End-Of-Travel (EOT), the DLLT
instrument remains in this position, the LOG mode command
must be sent prior to logging after opening the caliper.

Close Mandrel The DLLT is switched into the motor operate “CLOSE” position.

DLLT Log, MCGRD Cal The DLLT instrument is in LOG mode, however, the MSFL and
Caliper are in Internal Reference. This mode is used whenever the
DLLT is logged without a MSFL or MCGRD mandrel.

Resistivity Tools 39
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Log Quality Control

Log a repeat section showing 200 feet of valid tool response after pick-up and sensor delays.
Verify that the main log section is in good agreement with the repeat section. Remember to
verify proper depth control between the repeat and main log.
The LLD and LLS curves must repeat very well. The MSFL should repeat closely taking into
account the possibility of poor pad contact, (borehole rugosity) and the pad traveling a different
path in the borehole. The curves should be free of noise or spikes and saturation.
Formation resistivities vary over an extremely wide range, from less than 1 ohm-m in some salt
saturated reservoir rocks to effectively infinite (> 10,000 ohm-m) in evaporites such as
In non-porous rocks (commonly anhydrite and salt) or low porosity formations (typically
limestone’s or dolomites), the log readings may reach or exceed 2,000 ohm-m.
The DLLT should accurately read all formation resistivities from 0.2 ohm-m to saturation
(around 40,000 ohm-m). The MSFL will read in the range 0.2 ohm-m to 2,000 ohm-m.
Most real-time log quality control is based on the behavior of the three resistivity curves relative
to each other.
In a water zone, where Rmf ≅ Rw, the LLD, LLS, and MSFL are nearly the same. In an oil
zone, under similar conditions, the MSFL measures the zone containing mud filtrate, while
LLD and LLS are affected by the resistivity of the undisturbed oil bearing zone, causing the
curves to separate.
In homogeneous shale’s, all three curves (LLD, LLS, and MSFL) should nearly overlay,
typically in the resistivity range of 1 ohm-m to 10 ohm-m.
In reservoir rocks, an invasion profile will be observed which depends on the contrast of fluid
resistivities in the flushed, invaded or transition and uninvaded zones.
Verify that the log is on depth with any prior base log that may have been run on the well.
In deviated wells, erroneously low (and smooth) MSFL readings may be due to the tool lying on
its back-up arm and collapsing with the pad facing upwards. Check the caliper reading while
logging (it will consistently indicate less than Bit Size in this situation).

40 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Log Header Information

Note in the log header remarks section the size of casing used for the computation of the
Annular Hole Volume (AHV).

Table 5: DLLT Log Header Information

Dual Laterolog
Run Number One, Two, etc.
Tool Type & Serial Number DLLTB-B012
Pad Type N/A
Tool Position Centralized, 1.5” stand-offs, etc.

Micro-Spherically Focused Log

Run Number One, Two, etc.
Tool Type & Serial Number MSFLM-A012
Pad Type Slimhole or Normal
Tool Position N/A

Type of Fluid in Hole WBM, OBM, Salt Water, etc.
Density Viscosity 9.4 44
Ph Fluid Loss 8.3 6.0
Source of Sample Flowline or Mud Pit
Rm @ Measured Temp. 0.28 @ 75 DegF
Rmf @ Measured Temp. 0.20 @ 75 DegF
Rmc @ Measured Temp. 0.41 @ 75 DegF
Source of Rmf | Rmc Meas. or Calc.
Rm @ BHT 0.091 @ 245 DegF
Rmf @ BHT 0.065 @ 245 DegF
Rmc @ BHT 0.133 @ 245 DegF
Time Since Circulation 6:45 hours
Time on Bottom 20:25 hours
Maximum Recorded Temp. 245 DegF @ TD

Resistivity Tools 41
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Halting the Log

Upon completion of the log pass “HALT” to logging run. This can be accomplished in anyone
of several ways:
1. “DO” command Halt

2. Halt button on CLASS Button Bar

3. Log Screen Menu Log Halt

Close Caliper
With the logging pass halted the MSFL mandrel must be closed to return to TD of come out off
the well. To close the caliper:
1. Activate the DLLT tool control menu, enter “DLLT” on the ‘DO” command line.

2. Increase W2 power to ≈10%, with the Elgar frequency set to 400Hz.

3. Select option 7 ”CLOSE MANDREL”, this will send the close caliper command to the

NOTE: When the tool switches, w2 volts will decrease.

4. Increase W2 voltage to read 90-100 volts in the tool control menu or TDU.

5. Observe W2 Volts when the Caliper motor reaches the end of travel (full close) the voltage
will increase to approximately 130 volts.

6. Turn W2 power OFF.

7. Select option 1 “GO TO LOG MODE”, this will switch the DLLT to log mode.

8. Esc from the DLLT tool control menu.


42 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


The DLLT after (post) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The DLLT response to the internal reference during the post
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the field calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.8 ohm-m). If the post calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted during the log. If the post calibration is outside the tolerance
then the log quality is in question and the log may need to be re-run.
The entire post calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform. All the steps
of the post calibration can be performed while in casing. The post calibration should be
performed as soon as possible, after the completion of the log.
The Dual Laterolog post calibration consists of three (3) steps. However, the calibration only
requires one (1) step to be completed the other two (2) are skipped.

Table 6: Steps of DLLT After Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL POS Deep and Shallow Internal Reference, value checked against
the field calibration results.

2. VE ZERO (SKIP) Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

3. IA ZERO (SKIP) Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

Resistivity Tools 43
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

All tool calibrations (shop, field, and post) can be performed from the EXCELL 2000 tool
calibration screen. To perform the DLLT after survey calibration:
1. Change “TYPE” to POST.

2. Verify the serial number for the tool being calibrated appears in the SERIAL NO. column.

3. Select DITS DUAL LATEROLOG and press ENTER.

44 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Step 1: Internal Pos

This step determines the current value of the Deep and Shallow Laterolog internal reference for
comparison to the field calibration value.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on INTERNAL POS, software switches the DLLT into
Deep Internal Mode.

2. Press any key to continue.

3. After completing the Deep INTERNAL POS acquisition the software switches the DLLT
into Shallow Internal Mode. Software automatically starts the data acquisition of the
Shallow Internal mode.

Upon completion of the Shallow INTERNAL POS acquisition, the DLLT Post Calibration is

Resistivity Tools 45
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

DLLT Post Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the DLLT Post Calibration the software will display two screens
summarizing the calibration data.
The above screen presents the Deep and Shallow VE & IA mean values and standard deviation
for each calibration step. These values are raw count rates. Also displayed are the Deep and
Shallow VE & IA gains and offsets, computed during the Shop Calibration.

Quality Checks:

1. Low standard deviations, due to the small statistical variations of the resistivity

46 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering units to verify the
accuracy of the post (after) check with respect to the field (before) calibration. The data is
presented in four (4) columns.
Before - The value of the Internal Reference calculated during the Field Calibration.
After - The value of the Internal Reference using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this Post calibration.
Difference - The difference between the field and post value for the Deep and Shallow Internal
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the field and post values.
If the DLLT post verification falls outside the established control limits, check the tool to see if
is switching into the Internal Calibration position.
If the tool does not verify properly, then the log quality should be examined closely and the log
may need to be re-run.

Resistivity Tools 47
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Saving the DLLT Post Calibration

Upon completion of DLLT post calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current post calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous post calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

48 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures


The MSFL after (post) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The MSFL response to the internal reference during the post
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the field calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.8 ohm-m). If the post calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted during the logging run. If the post calibration is outside the
tolerance then the log quality should be examined and the log may need to be re-run.
The entire post calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform. All the steps
of the post calibration can be performed while in casing. The field calibration should be
performed as soon as possible, after the completion of the log.
The MSFL post calibration consists of three (3) steps. However, the calibration only requires
one (1) step to be completed the other two (2) are skipped.

Table 7: Steps of MSFL After Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL POS MSFL Internal Reference, value checked against the field
calibration results.

2. VE ZERO (SKIP) Check VE instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

3. IA ZERO (SKIP) Check IA instrument offset not used in calculation of

gains and offsets.

Resistivity Tools 49
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

To initiate the MSFL post calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to POST.

2. Verify the correct serial number is entered.


4. Press ENTER.

50 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Step 1: Internal Pos

This step determines the current value of the MSFL internal reference for comparison to the
field calibration value.

1. Select INTERNAL POS and Press ENTER and the tool will switch to Internal reference

2. Wait for the data to Stabilize.

3. Press any key to gather data.

Resistivity Tools 51
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

MSFL Post Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the MSFL post calibration the software will display the MSFL calibration
summary. This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering units to verify
the accuracy of the post check with respect to the field calibration. The data is presented in four
(4) columns.
Before - The value of the Internal Reference calculated during the Field Calibration.
After - The value of the Internal Reference using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this post calibration.
Difference - The difference between the field and post value for the MSFL Internal Reference.
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the field and post values.
If the MSFL post verification falls outside the established control limits, check the tool to see if
is switching into the Internal Calibration position.
If the tool does not verify properly, then the log quality should be examined closely and the log
may need to be re-run.

52 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Saving the MSFL Post Calibration

Upon completion of MSFL post calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current post calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous post calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

Resistivity Tools 53
Dual Laterolog / MSFL


The Caliper after (post) survey calibration, is a verification of the tool's response to a known
standard (Internal Reference). The Caliper response to the internal reference during the post
calibration is expected to agree with value determined during the field calibration, within a
specified tolerance (± 0.5 inches). If the post calibration is within the specified tolerance, the
instrumentation has not drifted during the logging run.. If the post calibration is outside the
tolerance then the log quality should be examined and the log may need to be re-run.
The entire post calibration procedure will take approximately 1 minute to perform. All the steps
of the post calibration can be performed while in casing. The post calibration should be
performed as soon as possible, after the completion of the log.
The Dual Laterolog/MSFL Caliper post calibration consists of one (1) step.

Table 8: Steps of MSFL Caliper After Survey Calibration

STEP Software Name Application

1. INTERNAL Caliper Internal Reference, value checked against the field

calibration results.

54 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

To initiate the MSFL post calibration:

1. Ensure the calibration type is set to POST.

2. Ensure the serial number is correct for the toolstring.


4. Press ENTER.

Resistivity Tools 55
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Step 1: Internal
This step determines the current value of the Caliper internal reference for comparison to the
field calibration value.

1. Press ENTER with the cursor on INTERNAL, software switches the Caliper into Low
Internal Reference Mode.

2. Press any key to continue.

3. After completing the Low INTERNAL Reference acquisition the software switches the
Caliper into High INTERNAL Reference. Software automatically starts the data
acquisition of the Caliper High INTERNAL Reference mode.

Upon completion of the Caliper High INTERNAL POS acquisition, the Caliper Post
Calibration is complete.

56 12-Dec-96
Logging Procedures

Caliper Post Calibration Summary

Upon completion of the Caliper post calibration the software will display the Caliper calibration
summary. This screen provides the value of the internal references in engineering units to verify
the accuracy of the post check with respect to the field calibration. The data is presented in four
(4) columns.
Before - The value of the Internal Reference calculated during the Field Calibration.
After - The value of the Internal Reference using the gains & offsets from the shop
calibration applied to the raw count rates from this post calibration.
Difference - The difference between the field and post value for the Caliper LO and HIGH
Internal Reference.
Tolerance - The maximum accepted difference between the field and post values.
If the Caliper post verification falls outside the established control limits, check the tool to see if
is switching into the Internal Calibration position. If the tool does not verify properly, opening
the caliper and performing a casing check is recommended. If the tool fails to read the casing
size within the acceptable tolerance (+0.5 inches), then the log quality should be examined
closely and the log may need to be re-run..

Resistivity Tools 57
Dual Laterolog / MSFL

Saving the Caliper Post Calibration

Upon completion of Caliper post calibration the engineer is provided the following options:
1. USE CALIBRATION/UPDATE SN - Saves the current post calibration to the system
hard drive. The previous post calibration file will be overwritten with the current data.

2. REDO ANY CALIBRATION STEP - Provides the option to repeat any of the calibration
steps and re-calculate the results.

3. ABORT THIS CALIBRATION - Aborts the current calibration and exits the calibration
routine. The previous post calibration file will NOT be overwritten.

4. USE CAL w/COMMENT UPDATE SN - Same as option #1 with the addition of a

comment record.

Make the proper selection based upon the calibration results. If the calibration was successful:

58 12-Dec-96

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