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Automating Ship Confirm Notes :

Parameter Usage Type Required Value

p_api_version_number IN Number Yes 1.0
p_init_msg_list IN Varchar2 - p_msg_index => I

p_encoded => F

p_data => 1_message

p_msg_index_out => 1_msg_index_out

where 1_message and 1_msg_index_out are local variables of types
Varchar2(2000) and Number respectively.
Default Value: FND_API.G_FALSE
x_return_status OUT Varchar2 -  Success: FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
x_msg_count OUT Number - Indicates number of error messages API has encountered.

x_msg_data OUT Varchar2 - Returns error message text. If the x_msg_count is equal to 1, then this
contains the actual message.
p_action_code IN Varchar2 Yes Specifies which of the actions of PLAN, UNPLAN, CONFIRM, RE-OPEN,
PICK RELEASE, DELETE the API should perform.
**Value to use is CONFIRM
p_delivery_id IN Number - Delivery ID on which actions need to be performed.
Default Value: NULL.
p_delivery_name IN Varchar2 - Name of delivery on which actions need to be performed

p_asg_trip_id IN Number Yes Trip identifier for assignment of trip to delivery. Used when
assigning and un-assigning a delivery to a trip.
Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_trip_name IN Varchar2 - Stop ID for pickup assignment. Used when assigning a trip.
Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_pickup_stop_id IN Number - Stop location for pickup assignment. Used when assigning a trip.
Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_pickup_loc_id IN Number - Stop location code for pickup assignment. Used when assigning a trip.

p_asg_pickup_loc_code IN Varchar2 - Stop location code for pickup assignment. Used when assigning a

Default Value: NULL.

p_asg_pickup_arr_date IN Date - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_pickup_dep_date IN Number - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_dropoff_stop_id IN Number - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_dropoff_loc_id IN Number - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_dropoff_loc_code IN Varchar2 - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_dropoff_arr_date IN Date - Default Value: NULL.
p_asg_dropoff_dep_date IN Date - Default Value: NULL.
p_sc_action_flag IN Varchar2 - Ship Confirm option - S, B, T, A, C. Used when ship confirming a
delivery.Default Value: S
p_sc_close_trip_flag IN Varchar2 - Default Value: N

p_sc_create_bol_flag IN Varchar2 - Default Value: N

p_sc_stage_del_flag IN Varchar2 - Default Value: Y.

p_sc_trip_ship_method IN Varchar2 - Default Value: Null.

p_sc_actual_dep_date IN Varchar2 - Default Value: Null.

p_sc_report_set_id IN Number -
p_sc_report_set_name IN Varchar2 -
p_sc_rule_id IN Number - Default Value: Null.

p_sc_rule_name IN Varchar2 - Default Value: Null.

p_sc_defer_interface_flag IN Varchar2 - Default Value: Y.

p_wv_override_flag IN Varchar2 - Default Value: N

x_trip_id OUT Varchar2 - ID of autocreated trip.

x_trip_name OUT Varchar2 - Name of autocreated trip.

p_actual_date IN Date -

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