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FO Bunker Procedures

The Chief engineer should check the bunker delivery note prior to accepting delivery of

the bunkers.

Ensure that bunker delivery note contains all required information and barge quantity and

grade corresponds company nominated.

1. Vessel’s FO filling and transferring system diagram showing the vessel’s fuel transfer

piping system, including the location of each pump, each tank, including overflow tank

and each shut-off valve to be posted at bunkering manifold.

2. List of the personnel involved in bunker transfer operations with names, ranks and

duties to be posted and Bunkering Plan with bunkers to be transferred and tanks to be

loaded with corresponding final ullages, to be posted at bunkering manifold.

3. All fuel tanks are equipped with high level alarms which have to be adjusted to 95%

volume, when loading bunker. Fuel Overflow tank to be empty when commencing


4. Marine oil pollution or suspected marine oil pollution.

In the event this occurs the Chief Engineer or watch keeping/ duty officer will immediately

stop all bunker operations and then close all bunker system valves. There after he will

inform the Master and all parties concerned locally and assist with oil spill clean up
operations. The Master will notify all interested parties as required by the Vessel’s

Response Plan or Company Contingency Plan and Pollution Prevention Manual

SOPEP equipment together with fire fighting equipment to be deployed ready for use.

5. Procedure for operating Emergency Shut-down:

In case of any indication that the operation is running out of control immediately stop the

operation, close all valves until the present status is assessed and there is no risk to

continue the operation.

8. Establish procedures for effective communication:

 In English

 By Voice

 Walkie-talkies

8. Bunkering Safety Checklist request to Witness Sampling to be completed before and

after the operation and keep record to Engine Log Book.

9. Deck department is to ensure all scuppers are effectively plugged and that the barge

remains securely moored.

10. The Master is to be kept advised for commencement, progress and completion of the

bunker transfer operations and for any emergency which might arise by the officer on

LO Bunker Procedures

1. Vessel’s LO filling and transfer system drawing including the location of each pump, each

tank, and each shut-off valve to be posted at the LO receiving manifold

2. List of the personnel involved in bunker transfer operations with names, ranks and duties

to be posted and Bunkering Plan with bunkers to be transferred and tanks to be loaded

with corresponding final ullages, to be posted at bunkering manifold. ( SFOPS 69 )

3. LO Tank’s Volume List to be posted, showing soundings for 90% and 95% volume of each


4. Save-alls:

Capacity of Port & Stbd lub oil manifolds save-alls is 173 liters.

Save-alls are to be drained of any residual water prior to use and the drain plug securely

fitted. Any spillage experienced during connection or disconnection of transfer hoses will

be contained within the save-alls and emptied to the sludge tank after operation


5. Marine oil pollution or suspected marine oil pollution.

In the event this occurs the Chief Engineer or watch keeping/ duty officer will immediately

stop all bunker operations and then close all bunker system valves. There after he will
inform the Master and all parties concerned locally and assist with oil spill clean up

operations. The Master will notify all interested parties as required by the Vessel’s

Response Plan or Company Contingency Plan and Pollution Prevention Manual

SOPEP equipment together with fire fighting equipment to be deployed ready for use.

6. Procedure for operating Emergency Shut-down:

In case of any indication that the operation is running out of control immediately stop

the operation, close all valves until the present status is assessed and there is no risk to

continue the operation.

7. Establish procedures for effective communication:

- In English

- By Voice

- Walkie-talkies

8. SFOPS 69 Bunkering Safety Checklist to be completed before and after the operation and

keep record to Oil Record Book .

9. Deck department is to ensure that a proper watch is maintained at the cargo deck and the

barge remains securely moored.

10. The Master is to be kept advised about commencement, progress and completion of the

bunker operations and of any emergency which might arise through watch officer.

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