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Title of the study:

EVSU General Maintenance System with SMS Notification

Joshua Abando
Harvey Buena
Karen R. Daa


Usage of android phone is rising exponentially. In real world scenarios, contacting
and getting a maintenance worker quickly during an emergency is a real challenge.
Searching for an available maintenance worker nearby has been one of the hustling factors
that is faced by the pace of a community in EVSU to do the requested task at hand and
monitoring them seems a bit tasky. This study uses the waterfall model to address the
needed process the proponents may take into account to accomplish it and one to include
it is the data gathering so problems may be identified wherein the proponent has
approached the respondent and ask queries about the existing system the Maintenance
Division of this University is adapting.
With this study entitled “EVSU General Maintenance with SMS Notification”
purpose is to help the communication and monitoring of the requested task between the
Admin and the Maintenance Division easier and faster through the use of computer or
android phone. It is concluded that the system is a great way to mitigate problems
encountered by the University specifically on requesting a Maintenance Worker and
processing a work-order since the process will be accessed using mobile phones or
computer through internet and when task is accomplished by an appropriate maintenance
work, a SMS is sent to notify the supervisors concerned for information of compliance.
This will be more efficient and more beneficial to the Administrative, Maintenance
Division, Academic & Non-Academic Unit who will request a work-order and do
monitoring of work online.
It is recommended on this study that transactions may include a GPS(General
Positioning System) functionality embedded on the system to do the monitoring of work
in real-time. Database back-up must be in real time streaming.

Maintenance Division, SMS Notification, Work-order, Monitor task, General


In recent decades, the necessity for ICTs in almost every aspects of life has been in an
increased acceleration. More significantly, ICTs has found more use in
communication, business transactions, data storage and management, securities,
aviation, military, education, engineering as well as in modern homes. More and more people are
now sorting to become computer literate in order to fit into a global economy of total
dependence on ICT.
ICT refers to the technologies that focuses on communication through internet, wireless
networks, cellphone and other communication mediums. The proposed study has a transaction in
which you can easily send data, data storage & management, securities to secure all accounts in
the system. (Techterms. com, 2010)
Every organization nowadays is composed of different general services such as Plumbing,
Electrical and computer services. Like in Eastern Visayas State University General Maintenance
the number one problem today in general services is the manual transaction of its operation, such
as monitoring of job taken for each workers. The proponents proposed this study to automate the
manual transaction of its operation between the office staff and maintenance division workers.
This would help the university to ease the access of the one handling General Maintenance
monitoring and the status report.
The main purpose of the study is to bring a solution to the manual transactions among the
employees and staff of this institution considering different transactions in General Maintenance
Division. Furthermore, this system will lessen the workload and effort when communicating
especially for the office concern when they have a request for work to consider and can save time
also. Design a system that request a service like client through SMS or over any devices with web
browser. The system records any kind of transaction especially the one made between the
Maintenance Division and Admin, then the concerned office who request for work.
EVSU General Maintenance with SMS Notification can also produce status reports and
documents giving details or summaries of the daily maintenance activities. The three divisions of
maintenance unit of EVSU-Main Campus are Plumbing, Electrical, and Carpentry are capable of
receiving Notifications from the Administrator of every Maintenance Division through SMS

The proposed study aims to bring a solution to the manual transactions being made under
General Maintenance Division among of this Division of its clientele under Academic Unit and
Non-Academic Unit.

Specifically, it attains the following objectives:

1. Design a user interface for effective and efficient transaction.

2. Provide statistical analysis for provision of office report/evaluation.

3. Develop a system to ease the transaction in the office.

4. Design a User interface that can monitor the work orders assigned to record all
maintenance related activities.
5. Generate work orders based on maintenance due or repair requests.
6. Create a function that will monitor the work order completion status from beginning to

7. Create a system that receive work request through SMS Notification.

8. Create a function that job request are queued that one worker finished the task at an
early time he/she can do the next job.
9. Design a monitoring function that will monitor the one who requested the job.


Software distribution and maintenance system and method

Chua, Marissa G. the author of this study, give an explanation of a number of sets of
software may be systematically distributed and maintained via a network connecting many users
of client/server software. A client program in a user computer detects when software subject to
maintenance is activated and transmits an inquiry over the network to the software vendor's
computer for information on the current version of the software. The server program compares
data in the inquiry with data relating to the latest version of the software and returns update
instruction information and updated software if appropriate. The client program automatically
updates the software to the latest version according to the update instruction information when it
is received. The client program can also send inquires at predetermined times, or in response to a
user command. The inquiry can include a request for purchase information in which case the server
checks qualifications of the user, processes the inquiry according to vendor management data and
returns the requested software, if appropriate. Other inquiries can also be made in response to user
commands or automatically, e.g., to obtain information on the most recent version and
transmission of data from client to server in response. (Chua, 2013)

Facilities maintenance management practices in large public schools, Texas

According to the Author

Sarel Lavy (Department of Construction Science, College of Architecture, Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas, USA) the purpose of this paper is to present previous
studies and reports which have shown that most school buildings in the USA suffer from
inadequate physical conditions. As American school buildings become “older”, it is essentia l
for every school district to have an effective facilities maintenance management plan of its
facilities. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to identify and analyze how facilities
maintenance is planned, managed and carried out by large public schools in the State of Texas,
USA. ( (Lavy, 2013)


The following are the proponent’s recommendations for future enhancements of the developed
EVSU General Maintenance System with SMS Notification.
1. Future researcher may develop a mobile app made of this content.
2. By having an additional feature like real-time monitoring through using GPS to
track work order request.
3. Future researcher may enhance the design of the system.


The proposed system is intended for Eastern Visayas State University – Main Campus use
only under General Maintenance division. The system is beneficial most specially in the
maintenance personnel, every Department or Unit of the school and every Maintenance Division.
The scope of the system will provide a security module, which will have three access such as the
Office of the Administrative, who manages the whole system, each unit of the Maintenance
Division specifically Plumbing, Electricity, Janitorial and Carpentry Unit and Maintenance
Workers, who does the work that provides an account that authorizes each user to access the use
of the system in which the admin has provided. This study provides convenient general
maintenance transaction for both academic unit and non-academic unit. The Vice President for
Administration and Finance can only view and monitor the working progress of each and every

Maintenance Division has three (4) modules: Plumbing, Electricity, Janitorial and
Carpentry module. Each of the modules displays the availability of the workers and may receive
notifications through SMS. It also has its following function:

Under Plumbing Division, the user is prompt to input the request job description which is
sent to notify the maintenance workers and to make it easier for them to know what to do in the
task assigned. Second, the Electricity Division has a module that is able to select or choose a
designated worker to perform the task same as to the Janitorial Division. Lastly, the Carpentry
Division shows an interface for the equipment’s/tools to be used for a specific repair job.

However, the users cannot communicate through a voice call just to confirm that the said
work order has been accomplished. It doesn’t cover the School District Map to locate the
Maintenance Workers.


EVSU General Maintenance System with SMS Notification is a useful maintenance online
based system that tends to help the communication between the Admin and the Maintenance
Division as well the requesting party making it easier and efficient during concerning the report
for work.
In addition, the system is a great way to mitigate problems encountered by the
University in terms with requesting a work order. Furthermore, the proponents concluded that the
proposed project is a software solution for the university as it allows its entire community to be
part of a centralized space where they could receive Work order information matters that may
concern them at any given time. And it allows the Administrative Officer to monitor the work
orders and maintenance workers.


First and foremost, the proponents would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the
following people who is part of the success of this study becomes both fruitful and useful for the
growth and development. Hence, the appreciation and indebtedness, to the following are extended.
To our family, who serves as one of our strength, for showing their love, appreciation,
encouragement that inspire us to successfully finished this project.
To our dearest classmates, friends and members of the groups for their efforts, moral
support, inspiration and to the people who secretly prayed for our success and strength to keep
To Ma’am Diane B. Remot, our thesis adviser, for her guidance, technical expertise,
encouragement and support given up to its completion.
To thesis committee leaded by Mr. Vienmar Ogrimen, Mr Jude Allan A. Urmeneta and
Mrs. Lyra K. Nuevas as members of panelist, who shared their knowledge, advices and valuable
suggestions that helped for the betterment of our project.
And most especially, to our Almighty God, for his unconditional love and never-ending
blessing that he has showed, in giving us strength for every sleepless rattled moments for the
wisdom and courage to overcome the difficulties we encountered in this study.

The Proponents

(2010, January 4). Retrieved from Techterms. com:
Chua, M. G. (2013). Software Distribution and Maintenance System and Method.
Lavy, S. (2013). Facilities Maintenance Management Practices in Large Public Schools, Texas.
Texas: Department of Costructions Science, College of Architecture, Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas, USA.

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