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Syllabus for History of English and Literature

Lecturer: Inayatul Chusna

Description: This course offers students a critical and historical insight into salient literary trends
and movements from Anglo-Saxon to Postmodern Britain.

Objectives: Students will demonstrate:

a Knowledge of history of Britain and British Literature;
b Ability to relate a particular literary text with its context;
c ability to conduct literary research and write an essay focuses on text and its

Methods: lectures, discussion, analytical readings, assignments.

Course Outline:
No. Session Notes
Britain Literature
Sept 18 Introduction to the Course
600-1200: Old English (Anglo-
25 Anglo-Saxon Literature Beowulf
1200-1500: Middle English
(Norman Conquest)
Oct 2 Anglo-Norman Literature;
Geoffrey Chaucer
4 Middle English Literature
1500-1660: English
Humanist Era; Thomas More;
9 Renaissance
John Skelton
 Tudor
Edmund Spencer;
 Elizabethan High Renaissance;
11 Sir Philip Sidney;
William Shakespeare;
Mannerist Style; John Donne;
16  Jacobean Metaphysical Poets; George Herbert;
Devotional Poets; Emilia Lanyer
John Ford;
 Caroline
Baroque Style; John Milton;
18  The Commonwealth & The
Rococo Style Andrew Marvell;
Thomas Hobbes
23 Group 1 Presentation
1660-1800: Neoclassical Restoration Literature
25 Period John Dryden
 The Restoration
Augustan Age Alexander Pope;
30  The 18th Century Age of Sensibility Jonathan Swift;
Samuel Johnson
Nov 1 Group 2 Presentation
6 William Wordsworth;
S.T. Coleridge;
1785-1830: Romanticism Age of Revolution
8 Jane Austen;
the Brontës
13 Group 3 Presentation
15 Charles Dickens;
George Eliot;
1830-1901: Victorian Period
22 Robert Browning;
Alferd, Lord Tennyson
27 Group 4 Presentation
29 G.M. Hopkins;
H.G. Wells;
1901-1960: Modern Period James Joyce;
Dec 4 D.H. Lawrence;
T.S. Eliot
6 Group 5 Presentation
11 Ted Hughes;
Doris Lessing;
1960- : Postmodern and
John Fowles;
13 Contemporary Period
Don DeLili;
A.S. Byatt
18 Group 6 Presentation
20 How to write Literary Essay
27 Minggu Tekun
Jan 3 UAS
14 UAS

Assignments: a. Group Presentation. Each group presents its evaluation on one literary text in relation
to its context. The assigned literary text will be annouced in class. Once the group
finishes presenting its work, it will produce one essay explaining the assigned text.
The essay must be submitted a week after the presentation. The essay will be
regarded as midterm paper.
b. Group Project. Each group will create a video presenting the history of British
Literature. With 5 minutes duration and in .mp4 format, the video explains the
development of British literature related with the history of Britain in a particular era.
c. Final test. Each student will write an essay analyzing a literary text and relate it with
its context. The essay consists of Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion, in 6000
words. The essay should follow the MLA format.
d. LATE PAPERS: I will not accept late papers, unless student and I have agreed in
advance that special circumstances warrant an adjusted due date in student’s
particular case.

Attendance: You will be allowed to skip 4 sessions. A skip of class for any reason will be
considered absent. Any students who miss 5 sessions of class are automatically
dropped from the course.

Grades: Your final grade will be determined from:

a. Attendance + Contribution 20%
b. Group Presentation 15%
c. Group Project 20%
d. Midterm Paper 15%
e. Final Term Paper 30%

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