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Industry 4.

0 and
Exploring the world of connected
Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

About the authors

Brenna Sniderman
Brenna Sniderman is a senior manager with Deloitte Services LP, affiliated with Deloitte’s Center
for Integrated Research. Her research focuses on issues related to the application of advanced tech-
nologies in manufacturing and their impact on business growth.

Monika Mahto
Monika Mahto is an assistant manager with Deloitte Services India Pvt. Ltd and a member of
Deloitte’s Eminence Center of Excellence. Over the last seven years, she has been involved in
research focused on the strategic implications of advanced technologies related to manufacturing
and consumer products industries.

Mark J. Cotteleer
Mark J. Cotteleer is a research director with Deloitte Services LP, affiliated with Deloitte’s Center for
Integrated Research. His research focuses on operational and financial performance improvement,
in particular, through the application of advanced technology.

The authors would like to thank Steve Shepley and Alan Brady, both of Deloitte Consulting LLP,
for their contributions to this article.

Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Supply Chain and Manufacturing Operations practice helps companies
understand and address opportunities to apply Industry 4.0 technologies in pursuit of their
business objectives. Our insights into additive manufacturing, IoT, and analytics enable us to help
organizations reassess their people, processes, and technologies in light of advanced manufacturing
practices that are evolving every day.
Exploring the world of connected enterprises


Introduction | 2

From the old world to the new | 4

Defining Industry 4.0

Integrating the digital and the physical to achieve business objectives | 9

Growing the business | 11

Applying Industry 4.0 to build revenue

Operating the business | 14

Using Industry 4.0 technologies to increase productivity and reduce risk

Looking ahead | 17

Conclusion | 19

Endnotes | 20

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems


“INDUSTRIE 4.0 connects embedded system production technologies and smart

production processes to pave the way to a new technological age which will
radically transform industry and production value chains and business models.”
—Germany Trade and Invest1

M ANUFACTURERS face changes on

multiple fronts. Advanced manufac-
turing—in the form of additive manufactur-
around advanced digital and physical tech-
nologies, many are not well-understood.5
Likewise, many stakeholders are unclear
ing, advanced materials, smart, automated as to what all this connectivity means for
machines, and other technologies—is usher- their companies—and for the broader
ing in a new age of physical production.2 At manufacturing ecosystem.6
the same time, increased connectivity and One thing is certain, however: It would be
ever more sophisticated data-gathering and folly to underestimate the crucial role the flow
analytics capabilities enabled by the Internet of information plays in the physical aspects
of Things (IoT) have led to a shift toward an of advanced manufacturing. In order to fully
information-based economy. With the IoT, realize the opportunities both of these domains
data, in addition to physical objects, are a present, it is crucial to integrate the two—use
source of value—and connectivity makes
it possible to build smarter supply chains,
manufacturing processes, and even end-to- While Deloitte refers to smart, connected
end ecosystems.3 manufacturing as Industry 4.0, several other
As these waves of change continue to shape commonly known terms may point to the same
the competitive landscape, manufacturers must phenomenon. These include:
decide how and where to invest in new tech-
nologies, and identify which ones will drive the • Industrial Internet
most benefit for their organizations. In addi-
• Connected Enterprise
tion to accurately assessing their current stra-
tegic positions, successful manufacturers need • SMART Manufacturing
a clear articulation of their business objectives,
identifying where to play in newly emerging • Smart Factory
technology ecosystems and (as important) • Manufacturing 4.0
what are the technologies, both physical and
digital, that they will deploy in pursuit of deci- • Internet of Everything
sions they make about how to win.4
The charge is perhaps easier to execute • Internet of Things for Manufacturing
in theory than in practice. Despite the hype

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

the digital information from many different (IVL). We then review the impact of the IVL
sources and locations to drive the physical act on the manufacturing value chain. In the
of manufacturing. In other words, integrate remainder of this article we will:
information technology (IT) and operations
technology (OT) to forge a stronger manu- • Explain the term “Industry 4.0,” its history,
facturing organization—a state that we and and the expanding breadth of the concept
others refer to as Industry 4.0.7 Also known
as SMART manufacturing or Manufacturing • Review the fundamentals of Deloitte’s IVL
4.0, Industry 4.0 is marked by a shift toward a framework and its relation to Industry 4.0
physical-to-digital-to-physical connection.
In this report, we offer a perspective to help • Identify two strategic areas—growing the
manufacturers navigate toward an Industry business and operating the business—and
4.0 future. We do so by examining the flow six transformational plays that encompass
of information in intelligent production and the core opportunities for manufacturers to
connected supply chains—that is, systems that create with Industry 4.0 technologies
inform and coordinate the manufacturing, dis-
tribution, and aftermarket process—through • Uncover key challenges for Industry
the lens of Deloitte’s Information Value Loop 4.0 deployments

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

From the old world to the new

Defining Industry 4.0

R OOTED in the notion that the swarm

of connected, smart technologies could
marry—and thus revolutionize—production,
trade fair, and was the subject of an Industry
4.0 working group established by the German
federal government.9 Germany Trade and
the term Industry 4.0 encompasses a promise Invest (GTAI) defines Industry 4.0 as:
of a new industrial revolution, the fourth such A paradigm shift . . . made possible by
transformation in the history of manufacturing technological advances which constitute
(see figure 1 for a summary of the industrial a reversal of conventional production
revolutions).8 process logic. Simply put, this means that
The definition for Industry 4.0 was first industrial production machinery no lon-
introduced in 2011 at the Hannover Messe ger simply “processes” the product, but

Figure 1. A history of industrial revolutions: Industry evolution with key developments

Late 18th century Beginning of 20th century 1970s–2000s 2010 onward

Fourth industrial revolution:

Smart automation

• Increasing use of
Third industrial revolution:
cyber-physical systems (CPS)
Electronic automation • In January 2011, Industry 4.0
was initiated as a “Future
Second industrial revolution: • Development of the first Project” by the German
Industrialization programmable logic controller federal government
(PLC) in 1969 • With the introduction of IPv6
• Introduction of the assembly • Growing application of in 2012, virtually unlimited
First industrial revolution: line in slaughterhouses in 1870 electronics and IT to automate addressing space becomes
Power generation • Electrification drives mass production processes available
production in a variety of • Governments, private
• Introduction of the power industries companies, and industry
loom in 1784 associations have been
• Mechanization of production focusing on Industry 4.0 and
facilities with water and making investments since
steam power the 2010s

Sources: Germany Trade & Invest, “INDUSTRIE 4.0—Smart manufacturing for the future,” July 1, 2014; National Academy of Science and
Engineering, “Securing the future of German manufacturing industry: Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative Industry 4.0,”
April 2013; Deloitte analysis.
Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

that the product communicates with the

machinery to tell it exactly what to do.10
GTAI further adds that Industry 4.0
represents “the technological evolution from
embedded systems to cyber-physical systems,”
an approach that “connects embedded pro-
duction technologies and smart production
processes.”11 In other words, Industry 4.0 is a
state in which manufacturing systems and the
objects they create are not simply connected,
drawing physical information into the digital
realm, but also communicate, analyze, and use
that information to drive further intelligent
action back in the physical world to execute a
physical-to-digital-to-physical transition.
To illuminate its concept of Industry 4.0,
GTAI invokes the concept of Cyber-Physical The value of the Industry 4.0 concept
Systems (CPS)—technologies that marry the can be enhanced through a clarification
digital and physical worlds,12 typically via sen-
sors affixed to physical devices and networking of the role played by technologies that
technologies that collect the resulting data.13 facilitate the physical manipulation
This concept is remarkably similar to the more
commonly referenced IoT.14 of objects.
Deloitte accepts the GTAI definition
and believes the value of the Industry 4.0 Connectivity, information,
concept can be enhanced through a clari-
and action: The Information
fication of the role played by technologies
that facilitate the physical manipulation of Value Loop and Industry 4.0
objects. Manufacturing leaders must under- Inherent within manufacturing is the
stand how both control systems in the factory process of information creation, communica-
and manufacturing execution systems—also tion, and action. While its output is a physical
known as operations technologies (OT)—and object, manufacturing inevitably begins with
general corporate function and capability that information: A design is created via drawing,
synchronizes across functional systems—also design software, or the scanning of a physi-
known as information technologies (IT)—are cal object, creating data.15 These data are then
co-evolving in ways that will bring profound communicated to machines that execute the
opportunity and change to their business. design, bringing it forth from the digital to the
Understanding how the various information physical realm. Ideally, data from the process
technologies interplay with the physical world of creation (and subsequent use) is further
to drive innovation is a good place to start. captured, sparking ongoing cycles between the

Deloitte has developed in-depth research and analysis focused on the impact of the Internet of
Things and the ways in which the flow of information can enable organizations to create and
capture value. Visit to read the full series,
learn more about the Information Value Loop, the functions of its various stages and value driv-
ers, and see examples of its application in various sectors and scenarios.

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

digital and physical realms. It is here that the become better understood.17 Currently, a
overlap between the concepts of Industry 4.0 host of connected technologies is advancing
and the IoT becomes apparent. rapidly, including high-quality sensors, more
The IoT is a crucial—perhaps the most reliable and powerful networks, high-perfor-
crucial—element of Industry 4.0.16 The IoT mance computing (HPC), robotics, artificial
concept has gained traction in recent years intelligence and cognitive technologies, and
as the importance of connectivity—both in augmented reality.18 Taken together, these
creating products and services and increasing technologies can change manufacturing in pro-
satisfaction among customers and clients—has found ways. Our analysis of the resulting flows
of information motivates a framework that
It is the leap from digital back to captures the series and sequence of activities
through which organizations create value from
physical—from connected, digital information: the IoT Information Value Loop
technologies to the creation of a (IVL) (see figure 2).
The IVL is initiated through an action.
physical object—that constitutes the
Measurement of the state or behavior of things
essence of the Industry 4.0 concept. in the physical world gives rise to (creates)

Figure 2. The Information Value Loop

Augmented ACT

Scope Scale Frequency
Security Reliability Accuracy

Augmented Latency Timeliness
intelligence Network



Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

Figure 3. The physical-to-digital-to-physical leap of Industry 4.0

physical link

Scope Scale Frequency
Security Reliability Accuracy

Latency Timeliness



Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

information that is subsequently commu- in creating and/or controlling the flows of

nicated, aggregated, and analyzed (passing information enabled by evolving digital tech-
through the stages in the IVL) in order to nologies. Here companies will always need to
inform future action. In general IoT contexts, decide where to play and how to win.
the value of information varies depending on The Industry 4.0 concept incorporates
attributes related to its magnitude, risk, and and extends the IoT at the nexus of the act
time.19 Thus, it is important to be strategic and create stages of the IVL—namely, the

For further information about these and other advanced, connected technologies, please visit the
Deloitte University Press series:

• Internet of Things:

• Additive manufacturing:

• Analytics:

• Cognitive technologies and artificial intelligence:


Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

physical-to-digital and digital-to-physical technologies, advanced materials, and aug-

leaps that are somewhat unique to manufac- mented reality,21 that complete the physical-to-
turing processes (figure 3). It is the leap from digital-to-physical cycle.
digital back to physical—from connected, Manufacturing leaders have the opportu-
digital technologies to the creation of a physi- nity to develop improved operations strategies
cal object—that constitutes the essence of the and to realize key business objectives based on
Industry 4.0 concept.20 It is here that we will the technologies they may choose to employ
focus our analysis. at various points in the manufacturing value
Industry 4.0 represents an integration of the chain. Some of the technologies that encapsu-
IoT and relevant physical technologies, includ- late the physical-to-digital-to-physical reach of
ing analytics, additive manufacturing, robot- Industry 4.0 are listed in table 1.
ics, HPC, artificial intelligence and cognitive

Table 1. Industry 4.0 technologies22

Product impact Potential IT/OT applications

• Sensors and controls

Physical digital • Wearables
• Augmented reality

• Signal aggregation
• Optimization and prediction
• Visualization and POU delivery
• Cognitive and high-performance computing

• Additive manufacturing
• Advanced materials
Digital physical
• Autonomous robotics
• Digital design and simulation

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

Integrating the digital and

the physical to achieve
business objectives

E VEN as we explore the ways in which

information creates value, it is important
to understand value creation in manufacturing
from an information perspective, a circular
feedback loop.
Throughout the manufacturing value
from the physical perspective. Creating value chain—from design and development to
in the form of products and services gave rise manufacture, sale, and service—business
to the notion of a manufacturing value chain: outcomes may emerge from the integration
the series and sequence of activities through of IT and OT. Broadly speaking, we identify
which an organization transforms inputs into two business imperatives for manufactur-
outputs, and ultimately sells, delivers, and con- ers: operating the business and growing the
tinues to support those outputs for customers. business. Within these imperatives exist four
Note that, in contrast to the IVL, the manufac- core business objectives: productivity, risk
turing value chain is generally perceived to be reduction, incremental revenue, and new
linear, befitting its focus on the production of revenue. Myriad sub-objectives can fall under
physical objects. We posit that by augmenting these categories (see, for example, table 2) that
the value chain with Industry 4.0 technologies, define the tactical approaches for managers to
information generated in various stages can deliver value. Some, as we will discuss, can be
inform other points, making the structure— addressed more readily through Industry 4.0
while still linear—far more dynamic and, technologies; others can be achieved via more
traditional methods.

Table 2. Industry 4.0 key business objectives, organized

• Maximizing asset utilization and minimizing downtime

• Driving direct and indirect labor efficiency
Productivity improvements
• Managing supply network costs and synchronization
• Ensuring schedule and plan stability and accuracy

• Ensuring raw material price and availability

BUSINESS Risk reduction • Managing warranty and recalls effectively
• Mitigating geographic risks

• Finding sources of growth for the core business

• Growing aftermarket revenue streams
Incremental revenue
• Deepening customer understanding and insights
• Strengthening customer integration and channels

• Creating new products and service offerings

BUSINESS New revenue • Expanding internationally and in emerging markets
• Indentifying attractive M&A opportunities

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

Figure 4. Industry 4.0 transformational plays and their stakeholders

PLANNING: Predicting changes and responding in real time

FACTORY: Creating a digital link between operations and

information technology
SUPPORT: Automating and scaling aftermarket operations

PRODUCTS: Creating or augmenting smart products and services

BUSINESS CUSTOMERS: Connecting and integrating in new ways


ENGINEERS: Accelerating innovation and design cycles

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Depending on where a manufacturer’s products and services. Stages at the middle

focus lies, it may pursue different opportunities of the value chain—planning, factories, and
within the manufacturing value chain. Indeed, support—can use Industry 4.0 technolo-
both operating and growing the business map gies to transform operations in various ways.
to different areas across the value chain. The Each of these uses of connected technologies
prioritization of operations versus growth can includes its own IVL, in which manufacturers
serve as a guide as to which areas of the value may encounter bottlenecks that may impede
chain merit the greatest attention. optimal outcomes. In these cases, it is impor-
For example, the first stage of the manu- tant to identify technology solutions that can
facturing value chain focuses on R&D and address each bottleneck, a topic we will explore
design, areas where Industry 4.0 technologies at length in subsequent research.
can accelerate and improve the design cycle, Figure 4 shows six of the transformational
reducing time to market, and linking design to plays that we have identified in our work
smarter products. Stakeholders most impacted related to Industry 4.0.
by Industry 4.0 at this stage will likely be Here, we will explore each of these transfor-
design engineers. At the other end of the value mations to better understand the stakeholders
chain, new or incremental revenue—and busi- and processes they most impact, and to offer
ness growth—can emerge from Industry 4.0 use cases to promote better understanding of
applications in the form of new and improved potential business value.23

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

Growing the business

Applying Industry 4.0 to build revenue

O N either end of the manufacturing value

chain, Industry 4.0 technologies can
enable business growth. In particular, in the
and advanced IT (in the form of scanning and
embedded sensors) to create new products
and improve upon old ones—delivering new
R&D and design, sell and deliver, and support levels of value to customers, along with new
stages, various physical-to-digital, digital-only, data products.
and digital-to-physical connections can trans- In one such example, OT and IT are being
form engineering, customer interaction, and used in the mass customization of medical
even the products themselves.24 implants—devices needed by many indi-
viduals, but each with its own unique geom-
Products: Creating smart etry and circumstances. At its 3D Medical
Applications Center (3D-MAC), Walter Reed
products and services National Military Medical Center manufac-
Products in the age of Industry 4.0 run the tures prosthetics by scanning the patient’s
technological gamut. The use of IT such as sen- individual anatomy, enabling it to use additive
sors and wearables and OT such as advanced manufacturing technologies to fabricate a fully
manufacturing in the form of additive manu- customized fit.25
facturing, advanced computer numerical Similarly, OT and IT are enabling the
control, and robotics can enable product production of customized helmets for con-
improvements in various ways (table 3). tact sports. Researchers at the University
Indeed, manufacturers are already using of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and
advanced OT (such as additive manufacturing) Architected Materials are developing

Table 3. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for product transformation

Product impact Potential IT/OT applications

Add sensors and connectivity to improve product performance or

Making already existing safety; enable connections to mobile applications to improve the
products smarter user experience; add advanced materials to existing products to
improve performance

Offer access to data and metadata generated through existing

Offering the data generated from smart business operations; build and sell a platform on which to manage
technologies as a product or service data from connected products/enterprises; develop tailored data
bundles for individual end users

Develop cost-effective mass customization; enable new and hybrid

Developing completely new
product innovations through advanced manufacturing technologies;
products and services
create new service formats and business models

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

Table 4. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for customer transformation

Customer impact Potential IT/OT applications

Use data to drive customer intelligence; develop intelligent pricing

Market and sell products and
strategies based on inventory and customer data; use analytics to
services more intelligently
predict customers’ need for spare parts

Use data to track asset condition, and part and system failures
to predict customer needs and maximize uptime; perform fleet
Improve the aftermarket experience
performance/operation analytics; enhance the user experience
through sensor-enabled apps

Use of data to put the right products with the right dealers at
the right time to better manage inventory; remotely track usage,
Optimize performance and distribution
performance, and location of products; optimize distribution of

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

technologies to improve the protection offered customers. Indeed, customer experience in

by football helmets. By taking a 3D scan of the age of Industry 4.0 is driven not just by
players’ heads, helmets can be built to indi- the physical object, but also by the data and
vidual measurements.26 Embedded sensors are information—and analytics—that make the
also used to detect the magnitude of impacts customer’s interaction with that object more
and report the data via an app—creating a transparent and impact the customer-manu-
completely new data product.27 facturer interplay in various ways (table 4).
Similar applications can be envisioned The information gathered from customers
in business-to-business settings where the can be used to price and sell products and ser-
application of scanning/digital design, digital vices more intelligently. For example, Deutsche
manufacturing, and field sensors will change Bahn AG, a European cargo rail consortium,
the value proposition for industrial products. integrated its extensive network of railway
Indeed, General Electric’s power and water monitoring sensors with its customer ordering
division is implementing digital twinning for and billing database and added in additional
the parts it supplies to power plants, wind real-time data around traffic and capacities to
farms, and electrical grids. Using sensors and generate intelligent pricing models custom-
controls, signal aggregation, and HPC, it is ized to a client’s needs and the current condi-
developing real-time digital simulation models tions.29 For its part, rideshare service Uber uses
of its real-life, physical parts operating within data from its drivers and customers to power
the plant. These cloud-based “digital power an algorithm that calculates surge pricing, a
plant” models will enable plant operators to dynamic pricing model meant to adjust prices
know the condition of parts, optimize power, upward when demand is high.30
determine the right time for machinery main- IT and OT can potentially drive product
tenance, and simulate various conditions to and service improvements, as well as more
understand how they might impact the plant.28 intelligent asset utilization. Further, this data
can work both ways: Not only can information
Customers: Connecting and be sent to the manufacturer and its partners,
but also back to the customer via smart apps
integrating in new ways that offer user-experience enhancements. In
Data and information gathered through one such example, a pharmaceutical company
intelligent products and services can enable considered integrating smart monitoring
manufacturers to better understand their sensors into its inhaler product line to gather

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

real-time data, with the goal of analyzing it John Deere uses augmented reality
and providing insights to both patients and
their physicians.31 to allow customers to test and
provide feedback on early design
Engineers: Accelerating concepts, so that it can adjust and
innovation and design cycles
At the start of the manufacturing value
redevelop designs.
chain, products are developed and designed.
Various Industry 4.0 technologies—notably Industry 4.0 technologies can drive
OT technologies such as additive/advanced improved engineering effectiveness via digital
manufacturing and IT, digital tools such as design and simulation. This can take the form
CAD, and simulation—can come into play to of virtual product development and testing.
impact the process in several key ways (table John Deere uses augmented reality to allow
5). customers to test and provide feedback on
The use of digital-to-physical manufactur- early design concepts, so that it can adjust and
ing technologies such as additive manufac- redevelop designs. The company estimates that
turing in rapid prototyping can speed up the having its engineers use virtual reality simula-
design process as well as the production of tions to design the air-handling subsystem on
end-use products, thus reducing supply chain its JD 7760 cotton harvester reduced the design
dependencies.33 Ford estimates that its use of cycle time from 27 months to 9 months, and
rapid prototyping during vehicle design can reduced design costs by more than $100,000.36
save it weeks, with additively manufacturing These tools can also take the form of open
prototypes taking hours to fabricate rather source innovation, allowing freelance design
than the 4 to 6 weeks taken by typical machine to improve products through open sharing
tooling approaches, bringing automobiles of intellectual property. Local Motors, for
to market months earlier.34 Using advanced example, crowdsources many designs among
manufacturing technologies can also enable customers and enthusiasts in the community,
engineers to optimize manufacturability, as holding design competitions and allowing cli-
they can evaluate product design options based ents to have a strong hand in the design of its
on the eventual assembly process.35 cars. The company takes an open approach to
intellectual property, and maintains that doing
so fosters innovation and collaboration.37

Table 5. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for engineering transformation

Engineering impact Potential IT/OT applications

Use rapid prototyping and production capabilities to design new

Reduce idea-to-market time products and eliminate supply chain dependencies; configure new
software solutions through cloud-enabled development tools

Use data to anticipate design flaws and correct for them; design
products and simulate usage based on total cost of ownership
Better link design to product intelligence
and supply implications; evaluate product design options based on

Design and test new products through virtual simulation software;

Improve the overall effectiveness
allow open source sharing of intellectual property to spur or improve
of engineering32

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

Operating the business

Using Industry 4.0 technologies to
increase productivity and reduce risk

Industry 4.0 technologies also enable For example, Ridgeline Pipe Manufacturing,
improved operations. In the “plan,” “source,” a manufacturer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
and “make” stages of the value chain, various pipes, dealt with constantly changing customer
physical-to-digital and digital-to-physical con- demand and short lead times. The company
nections can transform planning, support, and needed to anticipate and plan in the face of
factory operations. uncertain demand, rapidly adjust to unfore-
seen changes, and reduce production change-
Planning: Predicting changes over time. Using legacy systems, waste, costs,
and inflexibility had risen to unacceptable lev-
and responding in real time els.38 The company adopted a flexible produc-
When planning for production, manufac- tion platform, in which automated production
turers often encounter a host of uncertainties controllers managed the manufacturing equip-
across the manufacturing value chain. IT and ment while providing access to information on
OT can support several transformations in this diagnostics and performance.39 The system also
area (table 6). analyzes production data to offer predictive
Demand sensing and planning using IT (for failure analytics.40
example, sensors, signal aggregation, optimiza-
tion, and prediction) enable manufacturers to
gather data throughout the value chain. Data
Factory: Creating a digital
can be analyzed to uncover patterns, track link between OT and IT
movements, and, ultimately, understand what Perhaps no other segment better encap-
customers want, and where—so they can better sulates the physical-to-digital transformation
plan to provide it at the right time and place. inherent in Industry 4.0 than the intelligent
factory. The industry 4.0-enabled factory

Table 6. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for planning transformation

Planning impact Potential IT/OT applications

Collect and analyze data to persistently monitor demand patterns;

track movement of goods throughout the supply chain for purposes
Demand sensing and planning
of demand planning; proactively suggest product replenishment to
customers as needed

Enable vendors to monitor and own inventory in the OEM supply

Supply planning and supplier chain; develop better understanding of supplier capacity levels
transformation and lead times; use outside market information to improve pricing

Track inventory in forward networks; alter routes for distribution

Outbound network optimization vehicles in real time based on unforeseen events; allow customers to
track delivery status by exact location

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

utilizes physical-to-digital technologies such

as augmented reality, sensors and controls,
Learning the causes behind a failure
wearables, and the Internet of Things to track can enable manufacturers to more
movement and production, monitor qual-
ity control, and manage the tooling life cycle,
effectively address the root of the
among other capabilities. In this way, Industry problem, rather than its symptoms.
4.0 on the factory floor can enable enhanced
capability effectiveness, production asset intel- Beyond avoiding proactive quality control,
ligence, and activity synchronization and flow IT can impact activity synchronization and
(table 7). flow. With its Plant Floor Controls Network,
Industry 4.0 technologies can enable safer General Motors uses sensors to measure
conditions for workers, enhancing labor humidity levels in its plants and direct physi-
productivity and effectiveness. Joy Global, a cal action on the shop floor based on this
mining equipment manufacturer, added about physical-to-digital information cycle. Should
7,000 sensors to its remote-controlled extrac- levels in one area rise too high, vehicle bod-
tion device, enabling it to mine in extremely ies are automatically re-routed to less-affected
deep mineshafts—areas often dangerous to areas, reducing the need for repainting and
workers who typically perform the work.42 avoiding downtime.46
Similarly, Boeing uses a positioning system
to pinpoint worker location and assess the
Support: Automating and
status of their safety harnesses, improving
worker safety.43 scaling aftermarket operations
Beyond labor productivity and safety, IT/ Once a part or product has been developed,
OT can transform product asset intelligence. manufactured, shipped, and sold, Industry 4.0
Harley Davidson, for example, uses smart technologies can impact support in at least
systems to detect defects during produc- three key ways (table 8).47
tion processes. A smart system in its York, Learning the causes behind a failure can
Pennsylvania, plant monitors equipment per- enable manufacturers to more effectively
formance and initiates action autonomously.44 address the root of the problem, rather than
Upon detection of measurements beyond its symptoms. For example, Schneider Electric
acceptable ranges, the machinery is automati- examined both maintenance and historical
cally adjusted, preventing malfunctions.45 data collected over the course of one year for
a 110 MW steam model turbine which had

Table 7. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for factory transformation

Factory impact Potential IT/OT applications

Enhance capabilities with regard to fabrication and assembly; labor

Enhancing labor productivity
efficiency tracking; monitoring worker movements and productivity;
and effectiveness
and real-time safety monitoring of both workers and equipment

Use proactive sensing and quality control for detecting defects;

Production asset intelligence predictive maintenance of factory machinery; and tooling life cycle

Use technology for dynamic routing during the production process;

virtual build simulation to maximize effectiveness of engineering
Activity synchronization and flow
changes to the production floor; accommodation of varying
environmental factors that might impact machines41

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

Table 8. Potential Industry 4.0 applications for support transformation

Support impact Potential IT/OT applications

Enable remote, “see-what-I-see” field support; leverage digital

Aiding productivity and
overlay augmented reality for training; combine digital and mobile
quality of field repair
technologies for product manuals

Use advanced analytics to ensure proper selection of tools for field

Predicting part, product,
technicians; use customer data to identify common problems and
or service failure
adapt designs; enact end-user smart training

Responding in a timely, accurate,

Use data to plan support-network allocation; optimize spare parts
and effective manner to that
inventory mix; 3D-print spare parts and tools
failure—sometimes preemptively

Source: Deloitte analysis. Graphic: Deloitte University Press |

required regular, ongoing maintenance for When responding to field failures, wear-
an escalating series of ongoing breakdowns, ables and augmented reality can allow remotely
realizing that technicians had been addressing located technicians to walk users through
symptoms rather that root causes for a quality maintenance procedures. An industrial equip-
issue. Analysis enabled Schneider to address ment manufacturer, for example, faced chal-
the root cause—thermal expansion prob- lenges as it expanded its operations to China,
lems—before they led to “symptoms”—bearing including increased operational costs and more
vibration—that caused equipment shut- frequent downtime of machinery. These issues
downs. The company estimates that predic- were, in large part, rooted in a shortage of sea-
tive maintenance offers millions of dollars in soned talent to train employees within the new
potential savings along with far fewer days of manufacturing facilities. The manufacturer
equipment downtime.48 piloted a smart-glass, wearable technology so
In another predictive analytics example, that remote experts could see alongside the
Caterpillar is partnering with a company equipment operators in the facility, and offer
named Uptake, analyzing data gathered step-by-step instructions and training. These
through telematics devices in its machinery to improvements were also accompanied by risk
predict failures and engage in proactive repair. reductions in the overall production process
The companies see future opportunities to due to better quality management.50
monetize this capability by offering new data
products and services to customers.49

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

Looking ahead

C OMPANIES implementing or planning to

implement Industry 4.0 practices can face
several challenges that relate to the manage-
of the systems underpinning Industry 4.0
applications are proprietary and can present
integration challenges. A lack of interoper-
ment and integration of IT and OT. While ability poses a significant challenge for full
some have an organization-level impact, other adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.54
challenges exist at the broader, ecosystem level. Peer consortiums, industry associations,
These challenges are heightened as connected and government bodies are working to
technologies evolve at a rapid pace. establish competing sets of standards, but
it is currently unclear which will prevail.55
• Talent and workforce—In the process Managers should work with partners to stay
of trying to integrate IT and OT through current on evolving standards in order to
the use of Industry 4.0 practices at the maximize the value delivered by Industry
organization level, companies often face 4.0 investments.
a shortage of talent to plan, execute, and
maintain new systems.51 The number of • Data ownership and control—As more
engineers trained in handling unstructured stakeholders across the value chain become
data and big data tools—crucial for the type connected, questions will arise within the
and scale of data generated by connected ecosystem regarding who owns the data
systems—is gradually increasing, but still generated and how to ensure appropri-
falls far short of anticipated demand.52 ate privacy, control, and security.56 These
The challenge extends to the shop floor as questions grow thornier as suppliers and
well. With vast experience in conventional manufacturers become increasingly inter-
manufacturing, many leaders feel uncom- twined. Suppliers and vendors throughout
fortable with advanced manufacturing: the supply chain—right up to end-use
They simply have less experience with the retailers and customers—could potentially
properties and behavior of materials, as well stake a claim on the data generated within
as the technologies and methodologies that
use them. This can result in a tentativeness
or unwillingness to adopt new approaches.53
We believe these leaders should adopt a
proactive stance toward workforce develop-
ment when considering Industry 4.0 appli-
cations. They may include partnering with
outside organizations, high schools, techni-
cal colleges, and universities to develop
an ongoing flow of workers versed in and
attracted to advanced digital and physical
manufacturing technologies.

• Standards and interoperability—From a

broader, ecosystem-wide perspective, many

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

their particular sphere, and perhaps even often comes at the cost of higher power
beyond. As this information can be used to consumption. This security-power trade-
drive product improvements, use of com- off becomes more important as deploy-
ponents, and efficiencies within the supply ments scale. Retrofitting old systems to new
chain, it is particularly valuable. Managers Industry 4.0 applications may also increase
should therefore pay close attention to the security risks, as the old systems were not
covenants they sign related to data owner- designed to be connected in this way. In
ship and access. Identifying and controlling order to manage security risks, companies
bottlenecks in the flow of data is likely to need to secure their systems, be vigilant to
yield important opportunities for value avoid new risks, and be resilient to limit
creation and capture.57 the damage and restore operations.59 As a
result, managers should adopt a proactive
• Security—In addition to data owner- stance toward cybersecurity. When it comes
ship, security is often cited as a concern to planning for Industry 4.0, the time to
in implementing Industry 4.0 practices.58 address security issues is up front, rather
Complex cryptographic algorithms might than as a follow-on task.
improve the security of devices, but this

Exploring the world of connected enterprises


D ESPITE the challenges, there is little doubt

that penetration of Industry 4.0 concepts
in companies’ manufacturing processes and
they are but where they wish to be—decisions
that will dictate the types of information they
will need to gather, analyze, and act upon. By
supply chains will grow. Information flow, integrating the information identified through
advanced technologies, and materials—in the Information Value Loop, where the focus
other words, the IT and OT that comprise lies along the manufacturing value chain,
Industry 4.0—make it possible to manufac- organizations can understand which types of
ture entirely new things in entirely new ways information will be most relevant to them as
and revolutionize supply chains, production, they seek to transform either their business
and business models. It is difficult to overstate operations, or growth, or both.
the importance of the interplay between IT Effective use of information can in turn
and OT. Business leaders should not consider impact key business objectives such as business
applications of one without the other, and in growth and business operations, and transfor-
order to realize the full benefits of Industry mation can be possible across the value chain
4.0, they must be truly integrated—working and its various stakeholders. The path to real-
together to inform each other. ization of Industry 4.0 involves a clear under-
As the integration of information technol- standing of the ways in which the physical can
ogy and operations technology evolves, manu- inform the digital, and vice versa.
facturers will need to assess not only where

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems


1. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart manufactur- offers extensive treatments of a variety of these
ing for the future,” technologies at see for
Content/EN/Invest/_SharedDocs/Downloads/ example
GTAI/Brochures/Industries/industrie4.0- opportunity/,
smart-manufacturing-for-the-future-en.pdf; internet-of-things/, and http://dupress.
National Academy of Science and Engineering, com/collection/cognitive-technology.
“Securing the future of German manufacturing 7. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart manufac-
industry: Recommendations for implement- turing for the future”; National Academy
ing the strategic initiative Industry 4.0” of Science and Engineering, “Securing the
2. John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Duleesha future of German manufacturing industry”.
Kulasooriya, Craig Giffi, and Mengmeng 8. Ibid.
Chen, The future of manufacturing: Mak-
ing things in a changing world, Deloitte 9. National Academy of Science and
University Press, March 31, 2015. Engineering, “Securing the future of
German manufacturing industry.
3. For more information see Michael E. Raynor
and Mark J. Cotteleer, The more things change: 10. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart manufac-
Value creation, value capture, and the Internet turing for the future”; National Academy
of Things, Deloitte University Press, July of Science and Engineering, “Securing the
27, 2015; Joe Mariani, Evan Quasney, and future of German manufacturing industry.”
Michael Raynor, Forging links into loops: The 11. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart
Internet of Things’ potential to recast supply manufacturing for the future.”
chain management, Deloitte University
12. Ibid.
Press, July 27, 2015; Jonathan Holdowsky,
Monika Mahto, Michael Raynor, and Mark 13. Holdowsky, Mahto, Raynor, and Cotteleer,
Cotteleer, Inside the Internet of Things (IoT): Inside the Internet of Things (IoT), Deloitte
A primer on the technologies building the IoT, University Press, August 21, 2015.
Deloitte University Press, August 21, 2015. 14. Note: In Deloitte’s view, the GTAI’s original
4. For further information about how the definition of Industry 4.0 is so close as to be
Internet of Things impacts choices about identical to the concept of the Internet of
“where to play” and “how to win,” see Raynor Things that we have discussed it extensively
and Cotteleer, The more things change. as part of our IoT campaign. See for example
Holdowsky, Mahto, Raynor, and Cotteleer,
5. For further information, see Hold-
Inside the Internet of Things (IoT), and Michael
owsky, Mahto, Raynor, and Cotteleer,
E. Raynor and Mark J. Cotteleer, “The more
Inside the Internet of Things (IoT).
things change”,
6. Malte Brettel, Niklas Friederichsen, Michael ue-creation-value-capture-internet-of-things/.
Keller, and Marius Rosenberg, “How virtualiza-
15. For additional information on the design
tion, decentralization and network building
process as it relates to AM, see Joann
change the manufacturing landscape: An
Michalik, Jim Joyce, Ross Barney, and Grey
Industry 4.0 perspective,” World Academy of
McCune, 3D opportunity for product design:
Science, Engineering and Technology: Inter-
Additive manufacturing and the early stage,
national Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace,
Deloitte University Press, July 2015, http://
Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing
Engineering 8, no. 1. Furthermore, Deloitte

Exploring the world of connected enterprises

16. In our experience, there are those who consider prosthesis using computed tomography, 3-di-
the overlap between the IoT and Industry 4.0 to mensional photographic imaging, and additive
be so substantial that they are the same thing. manufacturing: A clinical report,” The Journal
As we shall explain, our view differs somewhat. of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2011;105:78-82. See also
17. For further information regarding the role Glenn H. Snyder, Mark J. Cotteleer, and Ben
customers play in companies’ IoT strategies, Kotek, 3D opportunity in medical technology,
see Brenna Sniderman and Michael Raynor, April 28, 2014,
“Power struggle: Customers, companies, additive-manufacturing-3d-opportunity-in-
and the Internet of Things,” Deloitte Review medtech/ and Jeff Crane, Ryan Crestani, and
17, July 2015, Mark Cotteleer, 3D opportunity for end-use
internet-of-things-customers-companies/. products, October 16, 2014, http://dupress.
18. For a deeper review of specific connected
technologies inherent in the Internet of Things, 26. UCLA, “UCLA-led team wins grant to tackle
see Holdowsky, Mahto, Raynor, and Cotteleer, concussions among football players,” http://
Inside the Internet of Things (IoT), Deloitte
University Press, August 21, 2015; Deloitte wins-grant-to-tackle-concussions-among-
and Council on Competitiveness, Advanced football-players, accessed October 15, 2015;
technologies initiative: Manufacturing & inno- Loughborough University, “Loughborough
vation, November 2015, http://www.compete. student puts safety first with his prototype for
org/storage/documents/Deloitte_and_Coun- an ‘intelligent’ polo helmet,” http://www.lboro.
port_11-17-15.pdf, accessed January 6, 2016. polo-helmet.html, accessed October 15, 2015.

19. For a full description of the information 27. Ibid.

value drivers that propel the Informa- 28. Stephen Lawson, “Cloud-based ‘digital twins’
tion Value Loop, see Raynor and Cot- could make power plants more efficient,” CIO.
teleer, The more things change. com, September 29, 2015,
20. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart manufac- article/2987522/cloud-based-digital-twins-
turing for the future”; National Academy could-make-power-plants-more-efficient.html.
of Science and Engineering, “Securing the 29. Mariani, Quasney, and Raynor,
future of German manufacturing industry.” Forging links into loops.
21. Deloitte University Press has published 30. Jonathan Hall, Cory Kendrick, and Chris
detailed analysis on a number of these Nosko, The effects of Uber’s surge pricing: Acase
technologies; see study, University of Chicago Booth School of
22. The list of technologies that could be Business, 2015, http://faculty.chicagobooth.
deployed in an Industry 4.0 world is edu/chris.nosko/research/effects_of_uber’s_
extensive. We will explore these and surge_pricing.pdf, accessed January 18, 2016.
many other specific technologies in future 31. Based on client work.
articles on Deloitte University Press. 32. Michalik, Joyce, Barney, and McCune,
23. Future articles in this series will inves- 3D opportunity for product design.
tigate each of these transformations 33. Kelly Marchese, Jeff Crane, and Charlie
in greater depth. Our intent here is to Haley, 3D opportunity for the supply chain:
introduce these transformations so that Additive manufacturing delivers, Deloitte
our readers can begin discussing the pos- University Press, September 2, 2015.
sibilities within their own organizations.
34. Lucas Mearian, “Inside Ford’s 3D Printing
24. It is important to note that the potential uses Lab, where thousands of parts are made,”
specified in this section do not constitute ComputerWorld, June 4, 2014, http://www.
an exhaustive list, but rather a sample of
potential impacts that are made possible emerging-technology-inside-ford-s-3d-
with the use of Industry 4.0 technologies. printing-lab-where-thousands-of-parts-
This paper constitutes the first in a series of are-made.html, accessed January 7, 2016.
analyses that will examine the impacts of
Industry 4.0 across stakeholder groups. 35. For further information on changes in the
design process based on advanced manufactur-
25. Peter Liacouras, Jonathan Garnes, Norberto ing technologies, see Brenna Sniderman, Kelly
Roman, Anton Petrich, and Gerald T. Grant, Monahan, and John Forsythe, “3D opportunity
“Designing and manufacturing an auricular for engineers: Using behavioral science to

Industry 4.0 and manufacturing ecosystems

help build a new mindset,” Deloitte Review 18, 46. Mariani, Quasney, and Raynor,
January 25, 2016, “Forging links into loops.”
behavioral-research-for-3d-printing-adoption. 47. Raynor and Cotteleer, The more things change.
36. Jerry R. Duncan, Ph.D., “Evolution of 48. Schneider Electric Software, “Predictive asset
digital tools used in complex product analytics at power utilities,” December 2015,
design,” presentation given at James Watt
Institute for High Value Manufacturing, industry-solution/predictive-asset-analytics-
2010, at-power-utilities/, accessed January 6, 2016.
Deere_Duncan.pdf, accessed January 7, 2016.
49. Michal Lev-Ram, “Caterpillar digs into
37. Venkat Ramaswamy and Ozcan Kerimcan, data analytics—investing in hot startup
“Strategy and co-creation thinking,” Strategy Uptake,” Fortune, March 5, 2015, http://
& Leadership, 41, issue 6 (2013), pp. 5–10.
38. Rockwell Automation, “Ridgeline Pipe to-data-analytics-investing-in-hot-startup-
Manufacturing’s new integrated, information- uptake/, accessed February 1, 2016.
enabled facility delivers parts fast to electrical 50. Based on client work.
customers,” December 2012, http://www. 51. Ben Woo, “Combating the big data skills
EN-P_web.pdf, accessed October 16, 2015. shortage,” Forbes, January 18, 2013, http://
39. Ibid. combating-the-big-data-skills-shortage/,
40., “Case study: Rockwell accessed September 15, 2015.
Automation controls Ridgeline Pipe 52. Ibid.
Manufacturing,” https://www.automation.
com/portals/factory-discrete-automation/ 53. Sniderman, Monahan, and Forsythe,
motion-control-motors-drives/rockwell- 3D opportunity for engineers.
automation-controls-ridgeline-pipe- 54. For more information about IoT-enabled
manufacturing, accessed October 16, 2015. supply chains, see Mariani, Quasney, and
41. Jay Lee, Hung-An Kao, and Shanhu Yang, Raynor, “Forging links into loops.”
“Service innovation and smart analytics for In- 55. For further information about interoper-
dustry 4.0 and big data environment,” proceed- ability challenges for IoT-enabled devices, see
ings of the 6th CIRP Conference on Industrial Sniderman and Raynor, “Power struggle”.
Product-Service Systems, 2014, pp. 3–8.
56. Markus Eurich, Nina Oertel, and Roman
42. David Essex, “Manufacturing IoT takes Boutellier, “The impact of perceived privacy
the lead on connecting devices,” Tech- risks on organizations’ willingness to share
Target, December 7, 2015, http://search- item-level event data across the supply chain,” Electronic Commerce Research is-
Manufacturing-IoT-takes-the-lead-on- sue 3 (December 2010), pp. 423–440.
connecting-devices, accessed January 7, 2016.
57. Raynor and Cotteleer, The more things change.
43. Drew Robb, “Internet of Things adds intel-
58. Germany Trade & Invest, “Smart manufac-
ligence to supply chain,” Enterprise Apps Today,
turing for the future”; National Academy
December 8, 2015, http://www.enterpriseapp-
of Science and Engineering, “Securing the
future of German manufacturing industry.”
chain-1.html, accessed January 7, 2016. 59. For a discussion of IoT-related security impli-
cations, see Irfan Saif, Sean Peasley, and Arun
44. James R. Hagerty, “How many turns
Perinkolam, “Safeguarding the Internet of
in a screw? Big data knows,” Wall
Things: Being secure, vigilant, and resilient in
Street Journal, May 15, 2013.
the connected age,” Deloitte Review 17, July 27,
45. Ibid. 2015,
accessed September 13, 2015.

Exploring the world of connected enterprises


Steve Shepley Alan Brady Mark Cotteleer

Principal Senior manager Research director
Supply Chain and Strategy & Operations Center for Integrated
Manufacturing Operations Deloitte Consulting LLP Research
Deloitte Consulting LLP +1 301 854 2789 Deloitte Services LP
+1 213 688 4161 +1 414 977 2359

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