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Bahasa Inggris Prediksi Soal UNBK 2019

Soal : Prediksi Soal UNBK 2019

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

1 .One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought his pet monkey along for the long journey.
When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm overturned their ship. Everyone fell into the sea, and the monkey was sure that he would drown. Suddenl
and picked him up.
They soon reached the island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back. The dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?" The monk
fact, the king of the island is my best friend. Do you know that I am actually a prince?"
Knowing that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, "Well, well, so you are a prince! Now you can be a king!" The monkey asked, "How can I be a
started swimming away, he answered, "That is easy. As you are the only creature on this island, you will naturally be the king!"
The moral value of the text is .... is better to try and fail then to never try at all

B.nobody believes a liar, even when he tells the truth
C.those who lie and boast may end up in trouble
D.don't try to get what is not yours, you might lose all

2 .Have you ever wondered how beautiful Japanese scenes are? Most of them are seen and dominated by the the beauty of cherry blossom.
Cherry blossom has scientific name as Genus Prenus. It has been called as Sakura in Japan. Cherry blossom belongs to the Rosaceae family.
Now days, Cherry blossom is seen in some varieties such as; Yama Zakura, Oshima Sakura, Amerika Sakura and many other types.
The main characteristic of cherry blossom is on the way it grows. The flower grows earlier than the leaves. Cherry blossom have many colors. There are
red. Mostly cherry blossoms grow in moist low and highland. A place with a little bit moist and is protected from sunlight is best for its natural habitat.
What is the text above about?

A.Cherry blossom.
B.Japanese scenes.
C.Sakura’s types
D.Rosaceae family.

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Bahasa Inggris Prediksi Soal UNBK 2019

3 .Hi, Ayu!
By the way, we have a project in biology class. It's about cassava fermentation. We are in the same team, right? Please come to my home to do it next t
Where will the project be done?
A.In Ayu's home.
B.In a laboratory. Bianka's home.
D.In the class.

4 .One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought his pet monkey along for the long journey.
When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm overturned their ship. Everyone fell into the sea, and the monkey was sure that he would drown. Suddenl
and picked him up.
They soon reached the island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back. The dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?" The monk
fact, the king of the island is my best friend. Do you know that I am actually a prince?"
Knowing that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, "Well, well, so you are a prince! Now you can be a king!" The monkey asked, "How can I be a
started swimming away, he answered, "That is easy. As you are the only creature on this island, you will naturally be the king!"
Why could the monkey become a king of the island? Because ....
A.the dolphin took the monkey to the island
B.the monkey didn't drown and he was safe
C.the dolphin swam away after helping him
D.he was the only creature on the island

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Bahasa Inggris Prediksi Soal UNBK 2019

5 .Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon. They have a single sleeding leaf and their floral part in trees. Orchid family is the largest plant family which
unique genera. Orchids are a cosmopolitan family found all the way from within the Arctic circle, the Island South of Autralia, and mostly in Asia.

Most orchids have leave of longitudional parallel with visible crossing. The colour of orchids flower can be varigated and display many different marking l
pink, and nearly black hues. Orchids feature thick white roots that illustrate their origin as Epiphites, or the plants that grow on other plants.

Orchids grow in almost all types of environment. They do not grow in soil, but they live on the ground while other grow perched on trees or rocks. Many o
in the green houses for sale to public.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Orchid is the native flower of Indonesia.
B.Orchids can live all over the world.
C.Orchidaceae are a family of Monocotyledon.
D.Orchid family isn’t the largest family

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