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1 Hotel Organisation

In order to provide the clients with a large range of services, a hotel is usually divided
into more departments, each having certain functions and tasks. For the efficient and
harmonious operation of a hotel, the various departments need to cooperate.
Because a hotel has many employees, who are responsible for various activities, it is
necessary to coordinate the activities of the departments and of the related personnel.
Each worker must understand clearly the tasks and responsibilities he or she has as
well as the way in which his or her work fits with the activities of the other departments
of the hotel.
The relationships between the various sectors in a hotel can be represented by means
of an organisation chart or diagram of the hierarchical structure.
The organisation chart gives the manager the possibility to know the position of the
employees in the hotel as well as who is responsible to whom. It also shows where and
how each department fits in the whole structure of the hotel. Moreover, it emphasizes
the division of responsibilities and the authorities.
Due to the variety of the alimentation and accommodation services provided by a hotel
and in order to provide the customers with efficient services it is necessary to divide the
activity of the hotel in distinct departments.

Hotel owners

Hotel manager

Alimentation Accounting Security Accommodation

Sales and Maintenance Personnel and

Marketing Training

Fig. 4.1 The basic departments of a hotel with complementary services

The larger the hotel, the wider the facilities provided and the more specialised each
department will be.

4.1.1 The Responsibilities of the Hotel Basic Departments

The hotel basic departments are usually established to accomplish certain objectives.
The Alimentation Department – provides the clients with many facilities, but it is focused
mainly to offer food and beverages. These services can be provided by coffee-shops,
bars, specialised restaurants as well as the entertainment and room-service
The Sales and Marketing Department – it is responsible to generate new businesses for
the hotel. These can consist of renting rooms, functions, parties or even restaurants and

bars. The department also deals with the hotel advertising as well as promotion of sales
and advertising, often playing the role of public relations.
The Accounting Department – it is responsible for the monitoring of all the financial
activities of the hotel. These accounting activities could include: cash incomings and
bank operations, processing of pay rolls, collecting of operational data and preparation
of internal reports, audit reports and balance sheets. Due to the importance of financial
data and statistics a close coordination between the Accounting Dept. and Front-Office
is necessary.
The Maintenance Department – it is responsible for the maintenance and operation of
all facilities and equipments (including heating, air conditioning and lighting). It is also
responsible with the execution of all the carpentry, tapestry, indoor sanitation work and
other works, both inside and outside the hotel.
The Security Department – it is mainly responsible for the safety of the clients, visitors
and employees of the hotel. This may include: surveillance of the hotel building,
monitoring of the surveillance equipment and assuring the security of clients, visitors
and employees as well as of their belongings.
The Personnel and Training Department – it is responsible for hiring of personnel
(including internal and external recruitment and selection) as well as for implementing
programmes of training; relationships between employees, damages, work relationships
and development of personnel. Nowadays, hotels tend to emphasize more and more
the training and development of personnel, as well as the reappraisal of recruitment
policies, with the view of keeping the existent work force.
The Accommodation Division is comprised of two main departments:
- the Front-Office Department;
- the Up-Stairs Department.
The Front-Office Department is the most visible department of a hotel. The centre place
of activities within the Front-Office Department is the Reception Desk. This is also the
centre of communication for all the operations performed in the hotel.
The Up-Stairs Department is responsible for the management of the rooms for the
clients and for the cleaning of all public places of the hotel. In order to keep up-to-date
the information regarding the rooms’ condition it is necessary to have a close
connection between the Up-Stairs Department and Front-Office.
The Up-Stairs Department and the Front-Office Department are managed by a
Department Head or Supervisor, who is responsible to the Accommodation Manager.

4.2 The Front-Office Department

The Front-Office and Up-Stairs Services form the Accommodation Department. The
main function of the Front-Office Department is to support and facilitate the transactions
with the clients and the services provided to them. Thus, the operation of the Front-
Office Department is largely given by the type and number of the transactions with the
clients that occur during the various stages of their sojourn.
In large hotels, the organisation of the lobby compartment is made either in form of
concierge service, according to the European model, or in form of Mail – Information &

Key Desk – Bell – Captain & Bell – boys, according to the American system, or in form
of a combination thereof.
The concierge worker is posted at the front-desk.
A complete concierge compartment is found only in the big luxury hotels organised
according to the European model.

4.3 The Housekeeping Department

The role of this department is to prepare the spaces for rent, to create a relaxed and
warm atmosphere for the client, determined by an environment characterised by
hygiene, comfort, security, attractiveness, privacy and thoughtfulness.
The main areas of activity of the Housekeeping Department are:
- the accommodation spaces;
- the common or public places;
- the underwear and uniforms sector;
- laundry and cleaning.

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