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NGU College of Education - Student Teacher Performance Index

Date:​ 4/7/2019 Evaluator’s Name:​ Michele Miller

Student Name:​ Claire Bowman Evaluator’s Role:​ NGU Supervising Teacher (student
Student Email: ​ teaching)
Term:​ Spring 2019 Evaluator’s Email:​
Program:​ Elementary Education

1 = unsatisfactory; 2 = needs improvement; 3 = proficient; 4 = exemplary

1. EFFECTIVE Description Score


Communication and questioning Uses correct grammar and spelling. 4

(1.000, 10%) Calls on all students. Uses more than 3 higher levels of Bloom’s questioning.
SC-NGU-COE-CF-sp14.1.B Is articulate. Has engaging, effective ways to capture student attention.

Prepared (1.000, 10%) Has a contingency plan, extra work that stretches student understanding for 4
NAEYC-2011.5c finishing early, gives challenging work, and reviews content/concepts. Moves to
contingency plan smoothly.

Resources are ready and DAP Has a wide variety and a multitude of developmentally appropriate resources and 4
(1.000, 10%) NAEYC-2011.4c supplies organized, has a system for moving supplies to students, does not have to
SC-NGU-COE-CF-sp14.2.B look for the supplies

Time and pacing (1.000, 10%) Is aware of the time needed to start, complete and wrap up activity, knows how to 4
NAEYC-2011.4d keep students on task, plans for varied levels of competency and speed of students

Keeps students on task (1.000, Consistently uses proximity, verbal cues, hand signals, and other devices to keep 4
10%) NAEYC-2011.4b students on task; is aware when students are off-task; provides individual
SC-NGU-COE-CF-sp14.1.F corrections to students, gives sufficient instruction, keeps goals, objectives,
standards and/or essential questions in front of students. Students are aware of
essential question and understand it.

Uses a variety of teaching strategies Plans developmentally appropriate instruction, using a variety of instructional 4
(1.000, 10%) NAEYC-2011.4c strategies such as: learning centers for small groups; individual manipulative tasks,
large group times, effective transition strategies; outdoor activities connected to the

Assess and review (1.000, 10%) Plans a variety of (more than 2) developmentally appropriate assessments for the 4
NAEYC-2011.3b lesson; assessments are connected to the learning objective and EQ and are part of
the learning process; knows what to review and how; varies assessments for
students requiring accommodations

Dress (1.000, 10%) Consistently wears professional and non-distracting attire, including shoes; follows 4
NAEYC-2011.6a NGU and school dress code.

Demeanor and Enthusiasm (1.000, Shows enthusiasm about the content and about teaching and learning; exhibits 4
10%) NAEYC-2011.4a self-confidence, knows how to optimally organize the class for learning, is clearly
in charge

Follows policies (1.000, 10%) Follows the policies of the school and the student teaching handbook, informs the 4
NAEYC-2011.6b cooperating teacher and mentor in case of emergency, makes up work, plans with
the teacher, follows the state standards, is ethical
NGU College of Education - Student Teacher Performance Index

Effective management (1.000, 20%) Uses developmentally appropriate guidance techniques; is authoritative rather than 4
NAEYC-2011.4a authoritarian; can establish control of classroom, deals fairly with students, makes
expectations clear; establishes individual plans for student self-control.

Responsive; encourages student Responds appropriately to students’ needs, anticipates problems, and knows how to 4
effort (1.000, 20%) listen to students. Finds ways to include all students successfully, presents a
NAEYC-2011.1c positive spin on learning, engages the reluctant learner

Praise and correction (1.000, 20%) Knows how to celebrate student achievement, seeks ways to give specific, 4
NAEYC-2011.1c meaningful praise (i.e., does not use “good job”), corrects students in a way that
does not embarrass them.

Directs behavior; respectful (1.000, Anticipates problem situations, moves around the room and keeps abreast of the 4
20%) NAEYC-2011.1c class, knows how to keep students on track, can direct behavior with non-verbal
cues. Is respectful to students and faculty, knows how to use a sense of humor, and
uses respectful language, tone and body language.

Respect for diversity (1.000, 20%) Demonstrates respect for and acceptance of the diversity of student backgrounds; is 4
NAEYC-2011.2a respectful to family members and shows understanding of the need for good
communication; involves the family in the educational process


Planning (1.000, 50%) Thoroughly thinks through lessons, resources, and pacing, has a plan and follows it, 4
NAEYC-2011.5c knows where the lesson is going, is not easily distracted nor disconcerted when
change in the plan is needed

Aligns lessons with appropriate SC Selects appropriate Standards and Indicators for the lesson; is able to write an 4
Standards (1.000, 50%) appropriate Learning Objective and EQ for the Indicator; chooses activities that
NAEYC-2011.5c enhance student learning.

Demonstrates Initiative Takes appropriate charge of the classroom environment, is confident when leading 4
lessons, asks cooperating teacher for assignments and tasks.

Modifies plans and instruction Alters plans in an appropriate manner; modifies instruction for a wide variety of 4
learning styles, understands differentiation of instruction and personalized learning

Uses Data for instruction Utilizes assessment results to gather information to drive future instruction, 4
appropriately groups students based on determined levels of learning, and can
explain target goals to students and parents

Average Score​: 4

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