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Fixed-Analysis Adaptive-Synthesis

Filter Banks

Clyde A. Lettsome, P.E.

Ph.D. Dissertation Advisors

Dr. Mark J. T. Smith
Dr. Russell M. Mersereau

What is a Filter Bank?

Uniform M-Channel Filter Bank

Time-Varying Combinations for Filter Banks

Fixed Analysis Adaptive Analysis

Fixed Numerous Researchers No known research done

Synthesis Conventional Filter bank

Adaptive Our Research Nayebi, Arrowood, Chung,

Sodagar, and others
Time-Varying filter banks

Purpose of this Dissertation

 In this thesis we introduce the new FAAS class of

filter banks.
 This thesis is devoted to defining, designing,
exploring, and evaluating this new class.
 We demonstrate this new class on image
compression and image resizing.


1. Background of AAAS Filter Banks

2. Introduction of FAAS Filter Banks
3. FAAS Filter Design Methodology for Image
4. FAAS Distortion Suppression for Image
5. Application of FAAS Filter Banks to Image Coding
6. Applications of FAAS Filter Banks to Interpolation
7. Conclusions
8. Contributions
9. Future Work

The First AAAS Filter Bank

 Nayebi et al. introduced AAAS filter banks.
 Nayebi wanted to see if it was possible to switch filters
and still achieve exact reconstruction (ER).
 This system achieved exact reconstruction.

 A single switch requires 2L synthesis filters.


AAAS Filter Banks Postfilters

 Sodagar et al. simplified the AAAS filter banks with

 When switching occurs

 To restore ER, a postfilter is added making

 This allows for the switching of the analysis filters and

then directly switching the synthesis filters in lockstep.
8 AAAS Filter Bank Structure with a

AAAS Filter Banks for Image Coding

 Arrowood et al. explored the use of AAAS filter

banks for image coding.
 They used them to reduce perceived distortion.
 They switched between filters with asymmetric impulse
responses and varying group delays.

Disadvantages of the AAAS

 Disadvantages of the AAAS filter bank:

 Synchronization information must be communicated to
keep the filters in synchrony
 Postfiltering becomes more complex when
 Interval between switching decreases and
 The number of switches increases.

Motivation for the FAAS Filter Bank

 Motivation for Asymmetric Filter Banks:
 Eliminate the need for synchronization information to be transmitted,
 Reduce complexity related to postfiltering,
 Increase quantitative and perceptual quality over conventional filter
 Make compatibility with conventional systems.
 Why FAAS over AAFS?
 FAAS can remove ringing artifacts after the quantization.
 FAAS can compensate for distortion after the quantization.
 FAAS can exploit diversity after quantization in image coding
 FAAS can be used for image enlargement.

FAAS Filter Banks Block Diagram


Application of Image compression

 One common use of filter banks is in image compression

 To use FAAS filter banks for image compression we must

redesign some components.

FAAS Filter Design

 Recall our design goals.
 We want our system to be compatible with existing standard coders.
 We want to exploit phase diversity to enhance images.
 Odd-length filters are used pervasively in image coders.
 We need an odd-length time-domain algorithm to develop
filters for this compatible system.
 We introduce an new time domain method for designing
these odd-length method which has not been done before.
 With this method, we are able to design odd-length filters and
control the filter ripple, transition bandwidth, reconstruction
fidelity, and system group delay.

FAAS Filter Banks Filter Design

A is a block Toeplitz matrix of analysis coefficients.
S is a matrix of synthesis filter coefficients.
B is a reconstruction matrix where the system delay can be adjusted.

FAAS Filter Banks Filter Design

1. Insert initial analysis filter
coefficients for A.
2. Choose a desired delay by
sliding the exchange matrix in

3. Solve for S.

Note: S contains the

synthesis filter coefficients
given by Q ……

FAAS Filter Banks Filter Design

4. Use A, S, and B to form reconstruction error component.

5. Form a frequency domain component.

6. Find the total system weighted error.


Implementation Protocols

 The implementation protocol for the FAAS synthesis

1. The starting point is an existing encoding system.
2. Design filter set to exploit phase diversity.
3. Design via the new design methodology (step 3-6).
 System characteristics notes:
 For this thesis:
2. Only the linear-linear phase pair deliver ER.
3. All other filter pairings have significantly higher reconstruction
errors. The low-delay and high-delay synthesis filters are designed
strictly for distortion suppression.
4. Reconstruction errors can be optimized as desired using additional
equations found in the dissertation document.

Distortion at Low Bit Rate

 Ringing distortion occurs at low bit rates.

Original Image Image at 0.25 bpp

20 Cause of Distortion in Coding
 This occurs because highpass information is discarded.

Low Delay Step Response

Low delay step response


Linear Phase Step Response

Linear Phase Step Response


High Delay Step Response

High Delay Step Response


Distortion Suppression

Linear phase =green

Low delay =blue
High delay =red

All step responses


Distortion Suppression Protocol

 Distortion suppression protocol
Let LD=low delay, HD=high delay, and LP=linear phase
On a pixel If
by pixel
basis. and




Distortion Suppression Mask

Linear phase =green

Low delay =blue
High delay =red

Original image

Row filtered mask


Convolution and Boundary Distortion

 The data expansion is an undesirable affect caused by linear
 Circular convolution eliminates data expansion but causes
boundary distortion.

Original Image Circularly convolved low

bit rate coded image

Symmetric Extension
 Symmetric extension has become a common method used to
address boundary distortion in subband/wavelet coding.

Symmetrically extended and

convolved low bit rate coded
 Symmetric extension does not accommodate nonlinear
phase filters within the filter bank structure.

FAAS Filter Bank Application to Symmetric

(b) Analysis lowpass filter (c ) Vo(n)

(a) Original signal

(f) Results after

(e) Yo(n) after filtering with the
(d) Yo(n) after window
symmetric extension synthesis
function and upsampling lowpass
Results from a filter bank system with whole-point nonlinear symmetric extension
FAAS Filter Bank Application to Symmetric

(g) Results after post (h) Results after windowing


Results from a filter bank system with half-point nonlinear symmetric extension

Image Coding Results

Conventional SPIHT FAAS SPIHT coder

coder at 0.5bpp using optimal selection
at 0.5bpp

Image Interpolation

Interpolation Results

Bicubic Interpolated Optimal Adaptive Interpolated

Areas of interest

Summary of Results

 We were successful in demonstrating

the proof of this concept.
 FAAS filter banks are compatible with
existing subband/wavelet coders.
 Experimental results support the
potential utilization of FAAS systems in
areas of compression and interpolation.

 The FAAS filter bank was evaluated and compared against
conventional FAFS systems for image compression.
 The FAAS filter bank was applied to symmetric extension.
 The FAAS filter bank was examined as part of a video
compression algorithm.
 The FAAS filter bank was examined for image enlargement
and resizing.
 Performed a proof of concept for even-length adaptive
boundary symmetric extension.
 Developed the method for odd-length adaptive boundary
symmetric extension.
Publications and Planned Publications

 Publications
 Ying Chen, Clyde Lettsome, Mark Smith and Edward Delp, "A Low Bit-rate
Video Coding Approach Using Modified Adaptive Warping and Long-Term
Spatial Memory" in Visual Communications and Image Processing.
(VCIP'2007), San Jose, California, Jan. 2007.
 Clyde Lettsome, Mark Smith, and Russell Mersereau, “Fixed Analysis
Adaptive Synthesis Filter Banks" in SPIE Defense + Security . (SPIE D+S’
2008), Orlando, Florida, March 2008.
 Clyde A. Lettsome and Mark J.T. Smith, "Image Interpolation Exploiting
Phase Diversity" in IEEE DSP Workshop., Marco Island, Florida, Jan. 2009.
 Planned Publications:
 Jienyu lIn, Clyde Lettsome and Mark Smith, "Optimized Non-linear phase
Filters for Subband/Wavlet Coding," in Transactions on Image Processing (In
 Clyde A. Lettsome, Mark J.T. Smith, and Russell Mersereau "Fixed-Analysis
Adaptive - Synthesis Filter Banks: Theory and Applications," in Transactions
on Image Processing (In Preparation).

Future Work
 Investigate the use of the adaptive synthesis filters on the
subsequent levels in the subband tree.
 Determine the compression rate at which FAAS systems
achieve significant gain is a topic worth examining.
 Investigate alternative selection algorithms for exploiting
phase diversity.
 Consider the use of a rich set of synthesis filters such as 6,
9, or 12 and investigate the extent to which performance can
be improved.
 Investigate and analyze the results of using FAAS high delay
filters for image interpolation.

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