B.inggris Ya

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Pasien :Assalamualaikum Good morning midwife

midwife :waalaikumsalam Morning too. Oh mom, let's come in. please sit
mother. I might know who the mother's name and where he lived?

Patient :Yes mam thank you. sorry if I disturb you. my name is yulia i live
in cotton street no.12 kledokan sleman is jakarta east

Midwife :oke. so can I help you?

Patient :I want check my pregnancy?

Midwife :All right, how old your pregnancy ? do you have any children?

Patient :I was three month pregnant,and this is my first child

Midwife : by the way do you have any doubts ?

Patient :I will like vomiting and i don’t like parfume , not like to eat,
taste awful body and often annoyed.

Midwife :dont worry about it like that, now i will measure your blood
pressure .how mothers feel with this pregnancy (sauce measure
mother's blood pressure)
Patient :Im so very happy

Midwife : your family is happy too right ? your blood preasure

normal 120/80

Patient :can you explain about pregnancy

Midwife :pregnancy is a process of conception until the birth of the fetus is
usually 9 months 7 days and also maternal pregnancy is a natural /
normal process and not an abnormal process.
Patient :how is my pregnancy condition now
midwife :the symptoms are the same as you feel like physical changes
patient : what should I do to help reduce the problems or physical changes
that I experience?
Midwife :If you are nauseated and vomited, you can take action like eating
protein-rich foods and carbohydrates like white rice. can be
replaced with other foods such as: rice porridge, cracckers and fruit
do not forget fruit.
Pasien :Thank you for your explanation

Midwife :You are welcome if any problem you can contact me

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