CYPEFIRE Sprinklers Manual

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CYPEFIRE Sprinklers – User´s Manual


1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................2
2 Initial Setup and Starting a Project ...................................................................................................................3
3 CYPEFIRE Sprinklers Interface...........................................................................................................................4
4 Design Area .......................................................................................................................................................6
5 Floor Plan Navigation .......................................................................................................................................8
6 Design and Installation Menu ...........................................................................................................................9
6.1 Project Section ................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Hydraulic Analysis Section ................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Pipes Section...................................................................................................................................... 16
6.4 Fastening Section............................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 Reference Drawings Section .............................................................................................................. 20
6.6 Edit Section ........................................................................................................................................ 21
6.7 Analysis Section ................................................................................................................................. 25
6.8 View Section ...................................................................................................................................... 27
6.9 BIM Model Section ............................................................................................................................ 28
6.10 Auxiliary Toolbar ................................................................................................................................ 29
7 3D BIM Model Viewer ................................................................................................................................... 30
8 Results – Reports and Drawings .................................................................................................................... 31
9 Conclusion and Contact ................................................................................................................................. 32
CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

1 Introduction

Thank you for choosing CYPE and CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. CYPEFIRE Sprinklers is a program created to design
hydraulic networks for fire protection using sprinklers and fire hose reels in accordance with the NFPA® 13
(National Fire Protection Association) standard. It includes the EPANET® 2 application (developed by the
“Water Supply and Water Resources Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency´s National Risk
Management Research Laboratory”) to carry out hydraulic calculations. This system is integrated in the Open
BIM workflow via the using the IFC standard. CYPEFIRE Sprinklers allows users to design,
analyze, and size a fire extinguishing installation composed of sprinklers. The program carries out the necessary
hydraulic calculations and checks to ensure the requirements of the NFPA® 13 standards are met, which
include: hydraulic design of grid and branch systems, horizontal and vertical pipes, flow and minimum pressure
in the sprinklers, distribution of the sprinklers, design of the tank, and design of the fire hose reels. Various
drawings, diagrams, and result reports are able to be obtained.

Throughout the remainder of the manual, more in-depth tutorial videos and descriptions of navigating the
CYPEFIRE Sprinklers program can be found.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

2 Initial Setup and Starting a Project

This section of the manual will demonstrate how to start a project and begin using CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. Begin
by having CYPEFIRE Sprinklers downloaded, a account, and an accessible IFC file model.

The first step is to open CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. Next, connect to on the far right side and sign in
if needed by following the prompted steps. Once signed in, a new project can be created and an IFC file can be
imported. To continue working on a file, select “File Manager” under File and locate the desired project.
Otherwise, to start a new project, select “New…” under File, choose where the file will be saved under Browse,
and give the file a name and description if desired. After continuing, a screen will appear regarding the Here is where a new project within the can be created by selecting “Create
new project” or a project can be continued by clicking on “Select project”. After the desired project is selected
or created, the next screens that appear are import settings regarding the BIM Model, General Configurations,
Floor Plans, and Precinct Types. Following the completion of these screens, the IFC file should appear in
CYPEFIRE Sprinklers and editing can begin.

It is encouraged to view this tutorial video on initial setup and starting a project if there are still any questions
or a visual guide is needed.

Initial Setup and Starting a Project

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

3 CYPEFIRE Sprinklers Interface

The CYPEFIRE Sprinklers interface comprises of four main areas: The Design Area, Floor Plan Navigation, Design
and Installation Menu, and 3D BIM Model Viewer. Pictures of each of the main areas, outlined in red, are
below. All four sections are explained in greater detail throughout the remainder of this manual.

Figure 1 – Design Area

Figure 2 - Floor Plan Navigation

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Figure 3 – Design and Installation Menu

Figure 4 – 3D BIM Model Viewer

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

4 Design Area

Figure 5 – Design Area

The Design Area of the interface is the central area (outlined in red above) in the CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. This
section is the location for the design and editing of the model. The design of the sprinkler system is done in 2D
through this area of the interface. The other three interfaces of the Sprinklers software are used to adjust and
view aspects of this area. The Design and Installation Menu is to make design changes and edits, the Floor Plan
Navigation is to adjust floor plans for the Design Area, and the 3D BIM Model Viewer is to view a mockup of the

When working in the Design Area, there are several general navigation techniques. To select icons and other
buttons within this software, a left click is used. A left click is also used to select any items within the Design
Area. A right click, however, is used to exit a current task or to access the popup window if there are settings
available for the icon in use. The scroll wheel of the mouse zooms in or out. Lastly, the center scroll wheel pans
the Design Area´s window when pressed and the mouse is moved simultaneously.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Design Area Toolbar

In the Design Area, there is a Design Area Toolbar. This toolbar, on the left side of this interface, is for general
design configuration. The icons from top to bottom are: Configuration, Template Object Snaps, Object
References, Draw Grid, Snap to Grid, Coordinate Introduction, Element Dimensioning, Orthogonality, Polar
Tracking, and Repeat the Last Selection. Left click on any of these icons to activate them. The unique icon in
this toolbar is the Configuration Icon. When selected, a popup window appears allowing for the configuration
of the Mouse Cursor, Snap Cursor, Control Points, Grid, Dimensions, and Debugging.

Figure 6 – Design Area Toolbar

A tutorial video on the Design Area and the Design Area Toolbar can be viewed in the link below.

Design Area

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

5 Floor Plan Navigation

Figure 7 – Floor Plan Navigation

The Floor Plan Navigation area of the interface is the middle left toolbar (outlined in red above) in CYPEFIRE
Sprinklers. This section serves as the location for information and navigation through floor plans, individual
floor levels, and the related settings. In this area of the interface, it is possible to move between floors,
rearrange the order of the floor plans, add or delete floor plans, duplicate floor plans, edit the floor plans such
as the sprinkler height elevation, edit templates, and adjust the visible templates. The video link below
provides a walkthrough on this section and how it pertains to the interface and model.

Floor Plan Navigation

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6 Design and Installation Menu

Figure 8 – Design and Installation Menu

The Design and Installation Menu is the top toolbar (outlined in red above) in the CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. This
toolbar serves as the location for most of the necessary design tools, settings, and calculations. This menu is
utilized in most actions when designing and analyzing a sprinkler system.

The Design and Installation Menu is divided into multiple sections. These sections are: Project, Hydraulic
Analysis, Pipes, Fastening, Reference Drawings, Edit, Analysis, View, BIM Model, and lastly an Auxiliary Toolbar.
Detailed descriptions and tutorial videos on each of these sections can be viewed below.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.1 Project Section

The Project Section of the Design and Installation Menu is the location where most initial installation design
options can be configured. This section consists of three main icons: General Options, Spaces, and Racks. From
each of those icons, settings related to the installation and analysis of a sprinkler system can be configured. It is
recommended that the settings from this section be verified before beginning the design of the system. A
tutorial video has been provided below which provides a more in-depth explanation of the Project Section tab.

Figure 9 – Project Section

Project Section

General Options
From the “General Options” icon, a popup appears on screen that adjusts general data and the libraries. In the
general data area in the popup, users can define settings related to the overall installation as well as project
documentation. For the libraries section, users can view which spaces need to be checked and the catalogs for
sprinklers, pipes, fire hose reels, hangers, sway braces, braces, and fasteners. It is recommended to go into the
“General Options” and go through each settings box to confirm the defined options.

Figure 10 – General Options Icon

Figure 11 – Project Settings General Settings

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

The “Spaces” Icon is the location to define the installation settings based off of spaces in the design. Users can
choose the space and input the free height as well as define if sprinklers need to be assigned in that location.
The spaces can also be edited, added, or deleted from this icon as well.

Figure 12 – Spaces Icon

The Racks tool is currently implemented with limited usability. It is used to place racks into the design and to
work with the analysis when given sprinklers are placed on the ceiling above the racks. Future versions will
expand on this functionality.
The “Racks” Icon is the location to insert a rack into the design. After selecting this icon, a popup appears
allowing users to define the reference name and the height of the rack. Once defined, to add a rack to the
design, left click in the design to begin drawing and left click each time a corner is needed. To finalize the rack
installation, right click once.

Figure 13 – Racks Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.2 Hydraulic Analysis Section

The Hydraulic Analysis Section of the Design and Installation Menu is the main section for the installation of the
sprinklers. From this section, supply connections are added, sprinkler protected areas are introduced, the
specific type of sprinklers are defined and added, groups of sprinklers are installed, and lastly various design
scenarios are viewed. A tutorial video has been provided below which provides a more in-depth explanation of
the Hydraulic Analysis Section.

Figure 14 – Hydraulic Analysis Section

Supply Connections
Supply connections can be added to the design by utilizing this icon. After selecting this icon, a drop down
menu appears allowing users to choose between three types of supply connection equipment. Users can add a
standard supply connection, a tank, or a pump. To add one to the design, select the desired connection, define
the parameters, and left click to insert into the installation.

Figure 15 – Supply Connections Icon and Options

New Protected Area

From this section, custom protection areas for the sprinklers can be defined. When using this icon, users can
draw custom protection areas in the design by selecting the icon, left clicking once to begin the drawing, and
left clicking each time a pivot point is needed. After completing the protection area, it should appear in the
design as a light green color.

Figure 16 – New Protected Area Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Generation of Protected Area

This icon is used to change the type of default protection area. By selecting this icon, users can define the
protection area to be either a circle or a rectangle. Either option allows for the dimensions to be defined. To
change a current protection area to a new area, this icon is selected. After the new protection area is created in
the popup window, select the sprinklers to change, and after all the desired sprinklers have been selected, right
click to finalize.

Figure 17 – Generation of Protected Area Icon

Fire Hose Reel
A fire hose reel is added using this icon. To add a reel to the design, select the icon and a popup window
appears to select the type of fire hose reel and other parameters such as the size and height installation. After
defining the parameters and selecting accept, left click to insert into the design.

Figure 18 – Fire Hose Reel Icon

The main “Sprinkler” icon is used to add a single sprinkler to the design. From this icon, users can define the
parameters associated with the sprinkler such as the type of sprinkler and installation height. After setting the
parameters and clicking accept, left click to place the sprinkler into the design.

Figure 19 – Sprinkler Icon

The first of three icons to insert multiple sprinklers is the “Branch” icon. This icon adds multiple sprinklers into
the design at once in a branching pattern. This pattern places all sprinklers in a series. Selecting this icon allows
users to define the sprinkler type as well as the spacing and protection area settings. To place the branch
pattern into the design, left click once at the first location of the sprinkler. The sprinklers should then
automatically be visible when moving the mouse. Left click again to finalize the placement.

Figure 20 – Branch Icon

Cross Main with Branches
The second of three icons to insert multiple sprinklers is the “Cross Main with Branch” icon. This icon adds
multiple sprinklers into the design at once in a branch like pattern. This pattern places all sprinklers branching
off a main horizontal pipe. Users can define the number of sprinklers branching from each side. Selecting this
icon allows users to define the sprinkler type as well as the spacing and protection area settings. To place the
sprinklers into the design, left click once at the first location of the sprinkler. The sprinklers should then
automatically be visible when moving the mouse. Left click again to finalize the placement.

Figure 21 – Cross Main with Branches Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Grid System
The last of the three icons to insert multiple sprinklers is the “Grid System” icon. This icon adds multiple
sprinklers into the design at once in a grid pattern. This pattern places sprinklers in rows with the main
connecting pipes placed on the ends of the rows. When drawing the grid system sprinklers, it is intended to be
drawn vertically within the workspace with the sprinkler rows being placed horizontally. It is intended this way
because there are three options for inserting a grid system: between cross main centers (sprinklers placed on
both sides of the cursor when inserting), with branches to the left of the cross main (all sprinklers to the left of
the cursor when inserting), and with branches to the right of the cross main (all sprinklers to the right of the
cursor when inserting). To insert sprinklers into the design, users can define the grid system type, sprinkler
type, as well as the spacing and protection area settings. To place the sprinklers into the design, left click once
at the first location of the sprinkler. The sprinklers should then automatically be visible when moving the
mouse. Left click again to finalize the placement.

Figure 22 – Grid System Icon

Design Scenario
The design scenario section is used to designate the conditions used when analyzing the design. It is broken
into 3 tools: Area of operation, Fire hose reels, and Zone of influence.

Figure 23 – Design Scenario Icon and Options

Area of Operation
This tool is used to calculate the system validity based off a given Area of operation.
When determining the validity of a design it is required to check if the system is able to service the most
hydraulically remote area (the most demanding area). If the design can fulfill this check then it is safe to
assume it can service all other areas.
When analyzing the design, the software will generate an error if there is no given Area of operation. It will
locate the most hydraulically remote area and place an error in its location. From this position the user must
generate an area of operation using this tool (the dimensions of which will be based on their calculations).
Fire hose reels
The Fire hose reels (FHRs) tool allows the user to activate FHRs in the design. They must first be defined in the
General settings option and added using the tool in the Supply connections section. The properties of the FHR
will be considered during the analysis if they are activated.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Zone of influence
This tool is used to create influence zones of seismic supports. The list of spans, each seismic support must
hold, will be updated automatically depending on the type of support and the types of pipes that are located
within its influence zone.

To introduce an influence zone, its outline must be marked and, if there are different seismic supports within
that influence zone, the support to which this influence zone belongs chosen.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.3 Pipes Section

The next section in the Design and Installation Menu is the Pipes Section. Here is where horizontal pipes,
vertical pipes, and risers can be added to the design. The configuration of each of the pipes can be done from
this section as well. A tutorial video has been provided below which provides a more in-depth explanation of
the Pipes Section.

Figure 24 – Pipes Section

Horizontal Pipes
Insert a horizontal pipe for the sprinkler design by using this icon. After clicking on this icon to add a pipe to the
design, users have the option to choose the pipe material, size, type, length, and 3D arrangement. After all the
parameters have been configured, select accept. Users can then insert the pipe into the design by left clicking
and drawing the pipe. Once finished, right click.

Figure 25 – Horizontal Pipe Icon

Vertical Pipes
The vertical pipes tool is split into 2 tools: Riser, and Vertical pipe.

The riser tool is used to connect pipes between levels. Opening the tool brings up a window allowing the user
to define which riser to use. They have the option of selecting a predefined riser or to create new one. Creating
a new riser will open a simple window used to input the pipe properties and the 3D arrangement. After
accepting the selection, select the node that the vertical pipe will attach to. The riser pipe has now been
implemented and you can cancel the command.

Vertical pipe
Vertical pipes can be introduced and edited within the same floor plan, with the purpose to avoid horizontal
pipes colliding against other elements such as beams, air conditioning ducts, etc.

To introduce vertical pipes, users must indicate the reference, pipes catalogue to use and the diameter. Then,
the point of a horizontal pipe as of which the vertical pipe will begin must be selected. If two vertical pipes are
introduced, it is possible to change the elevation of the horizontal span lying between the two vertical pipes.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Figure 26 – Vertical Pipe Icon with Option for Risers or Vertical Pipes

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.4 Fastening Section

The Fastening section enables users to install supports to hold the load of the sprinkler systems. The quick and
effective introduction of this type of supports, which is required for any type of installation, allows users to
carry out the necessary checks to ensure that installation is done correctly, to obtain the justification of the
individual checks of each support, detailed plans of the installation and material quantities, as well as the
export to FIEBDC-3 to obtain the bill of quantities.

Figure 27 – Fastening Section

The introduction of the supports can be carried out by loading the catalogue offered by default by CYPEFIRE
Sprinklers or by generating the user’s own catalogue of supports.
If users opt to generate their own catalogue, a standard series of data has to be specified, to define the “pear-
type” support:
 Nominal diameter of the pipe to support
 Diameter of the threaded rod of the support
 Geometric data of the support
Once the catalogue of supports has been defined, they are easily introduced. First the diameter of the pipe to
support is defined, as is the material of the pipe and the distance between the supports that are going to be
introduced. Then, all that must be done is to place them over the pipes and look through the individual checks
of each support to ensure no errors exist.
With the data that has been introduced, CYPEFIRE Sprinklers will perform checks on all the supports and
display a report with the following checks:
 Maximum distance between hangers: Depending on the nominal diameter and the material of the
pipe, this separation could vary.
 Diameter of the hanger rod: Depending on the diameter of the pipe to be supported, the diameter of
the threaded rod will vary.
 Nominal diameters: The program will ensure that the assembly being used is correct, avoiding large
diameter pipes to be held by small supports.

Figure 28 – Hanger Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Seismic Supports
To avoid the sprinkler systems from being damaged during an earthquake, the NFPA 13 code prescribes the use
of seismic supports that resist the horizontal loads inflicted on the system. CYPEFIRE Sprinklers includes the
introduction and check of seismic supports for the sprinkler system in accordance with the prescriptions of this
code. The NFPA 13 code classifies the seismic supports into 3 groups and can be introduced in CYPEFIRE
Sprinklers from the “Support” menu of the toolbar:
 Lateral support: Prevents movement in the direction perpendicular to the pipe.
 Longitudinal support: Prevents movement in the direction parallel to the pipe.
 4-way support: Prevents movement in the 4 directions.

Figure 29 – Lateral, Longitudinal, and 4-Way Seismic Support Icons

Before introducing them, the main components of the seismic supports must be defined: fastenings, braces
and anchors. Users can define, amongst other catalogues, the catalogues for fastenings, braces and anchors in
the “General options” dialogue (“General options” menu of the toolbar). Standard catalogues, which are
included in the program, can also be used and imported into projects to use directly or modify with user values.
 Fastening: This is the element that holds the pipe to the brace. To define it, users must simply
complete the dimensions of this element for each fastening of the catalogue.
 Brace: This is the main element of the seismic support, consisting of a Schedule 40 pipe that has to
resist the horizontal loads caused by the earthquake. To define it, users must introduce the length,
diameter of the pipe and loads it can support at 30-44º, 45-59º and 60-90º.
 Anchor: The anchor is the part that keeps the support connected to the structure of the building. In
this version of the program, the limits that have been applied are those of anchors to steel structures.
In upcoming versions, anchors to timber or concrete structures will be added. To define them, the
diameter of the anchorage bolt and load the anchor can resist for each type of assembly must be
For CYPEFIRE Sprinklers to be able to carry out the required checks on seismic supports, the field “Weight per
unit length” has been added to the pipe catalogues of the sprinkler systems (General options > Pipes
catalogues) and the seismic coefficient Cp must be defined (General options > General data).
Once all the aforementioned elements have been defined, users must introduce each support that is going to
be used at its corresponding position and define its influence zone, i.e. all the pipe spans that are to be held by
each seismic support.
With the data indicated above, CYPEFIRE Sprinklers will ensure all the necessary checks are complied with for
each type of support. The program generates the report required by the NFPA 13 code.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.5 Reference Drawings Section

The Reference drawings section contains two tools that allow users to define sprinkler installations with
different installation planes, horizontal and sloped (such as sprinkler systems parallel to sloped roofs) more
quickly and comfortably.

Figure 30 – Reference Drawings Section

New Reference Plane of the Drawing

Allows users to quickly define a reference plane of the installation by introducing its outline, a reference and a
height above the level of the floor that is currently being viewed. Users can define as many planes as they wish.

Sprinklers and pipes that are to be placed in one of the planes that has been defined, must have the “Place the
element in the reference plane of the installation” option marked (an option of the panel that opens when a
pipe or sprinkler is introduced) and then position them in the desired plane.

Figure 31 – New Reference Plane of the Drawing Icon

Points of the Reference Drawing

Using this option, users can define sloped reference planes. A horizontal reference plane must first be defined
using the previous option. Then, using the “Points of the drawing” option, three points are to be marked on the
reference plane, indicating their elevation, which will define the corresponding sloped plane.

Figure 32 – Points of the Reference Drawing Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.6 Edit Section

The Edit Section of the Design and Installation Menu is where to adjust existing components of the sprinkler
system installation. A brief explanation of each icon is explained, but it is recommended to view the tutorial
video below for a more in-depth explanation and a visual example of each.

Figure 33 – Edit Section

Figure 34 – Edit Section Icons

Move Tag
The first icon in the Edit Section is the “Move Tag” icon. This icon moves the current installation labels to a
desired location when selected. When selecting this icon, all available labels appear with a box in them. Left
clicking on the available boxes moves the label to the desired location.

Figure 35 – Move Tag Icon

Hide Tag
The next icon is the “Hide Tag” icon. This icon, as the name suggests, hides selected labels in the model. After
pressing this icon to hide or show hidden labels, they can be selected individually by left clicking on the labels
or multiple can be selected at once by holding a left click to drag a box around multiple labels.

Figure 36 – Hide Tag Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Tag Line
To the right of the “Hide Tag” is the “Tag Line” icon. When selected, this icon adds or removes a reference line
to a label. If a reference line is added and the label is to be moved as well, the reference line will automatically
adjust to any label movement. To add a reference line, select the icon, and left click on any present label.
Sometimes the “Move Tag” icon needs to be utilized after adding a reference line to better view the line.

Figure 37 – Tag Line Icon

Insert Text
To add a custom tag or add text to the design, the “Insert Text” icon is utilized. When this icon is chosen, a text
box window appears where the user can type the desired text to be inserted. After completing the text and
clicking accept, to place in the design, left click once. A right click is done to finish using this icon.

Figure 38 – Insert Text Icon

Next is the “Edit” icon. This icon, when selected, allows for the viewing and editing of the properties of any
selected element within the work area. After selecting the icon, left click on any element to view and edit its

Figure 39 – Edit Icon

To the right of the “Edit” icon in the toolbar is the “Delete” icon. When selected, this tool deletes any selected
element within the work area, with the exception of labels. To delete elements from the design, select the
icon, left click on the elements to be deleted, and right click once all desired elements have been selected and

Figure 40 – Delete Icon

Move a Group of Elements
The first of the move icons is the “Move a Group of Elements” icon. To move a selection of objects, select the
icon and choose the elements to be moved by left clicking. Next, right click once all the desired elements are
selected. Left click again on the desired reference location and the items to be moved should follow the
mouse. Lastly, right click to finalize the move.

Figure 41 – Move a Group of Elements Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

The “Move” icon is similar to the “Move a Group of Elements” icon referenced above. The main difference is
instead of moving multiple items at once, this tool only move individually selected elements. This icon moves
any item except labels. Additionally, if an item needs to be moved at the end or a connection point, this tool is
utilized. To move an item, select the icon and move any element by left clicking on it.

Figure 42 – Move Icon

Rotate a Group of Elements
This icon rotates elements around a reference point. To rotate an element or elements, select the icon and
choose the elements to be rotated by left clicking and right click once all the desired elements are selected.
Left click again on the desired reference location and the rotated item(s) should move with the mouse. Lastly,
right click to finalize the rotation.

Figure 43 – Rotate a Group of Elements

This icon is used to rotate elements that are defined by a single node. As such, this tool only works on a select
few elements (such as the FHR, Pump, etc.). When the tool is activated all susceptible elements will have their
single node highlighted and clicking will allow the user to rotate the element about the single node.

Figure 44 – Rotate Icon

Symmetry (Copy)
The first of the symmetry icons is the “Symmetry (Copy)” icon. When selected, this tool copies the selected
elements and places them in the installation symmetrical to a defined reference line while keeping the
originally selected elements. To symmetrically copy an element or elements, select the icon, choose the
elements to be copied by left clicking, and then right click once all the desired elements are selected. Left click
again and draw a reference line for the elements to symmetrically copy around, the copied items should move
with the mouse, and lastly right click to finalize the symmetrical copy.

Figure 45 – Symmetry (Copy) Icon

Symmetry (Move)
The second of the symmetry icons is the “Symmetry (Move)” icon which is just to the right of the other one.
When selected, this tool moves the selected elements and places them in the installation symmetrical to a
defined reference line. To symmetrically move an element or elements, select the icon, choose the elements to
be moved by left clicking, and then right click once all the desired elements are selected. Left click again and
draw a reference line for the elements to symmetrically move around, the items should move with the mouse,
and lastly right click to finalize the symmetrical move.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

Figure 46 – Symmetry (Move) Icon

Copy on another Floor Plan

The next icon is the “Copy on another Floor Plan” icon. This tool copies selected elements onto other floor
plans within the model. When the icon is selected, choose the actual elements in the model to be copied to
another floor plan. After all elements are selected, right click, and select which floors to paste the elements.

Figure 47 – Copy on another Floor Plan Icon

The “Copy” icon is selected when one or more elements in the design need to be copied. To copy an element
or elements, select the icon. Next, choose the elements to be copied by left clicking and then right click once all
the desired elements are selected. Left click again on the desired reference location and the copied item(s)
should move with the mouse. The last step is to right click to finalize the copy.

Figure 48 – Copy Icon

This tool is used to copy the dimensions and properties of one element to another element. By activating the
tool and selecting an element, a window will open with the properties of the element allowing the user to
confirm or make any necessary changes. Once accepted, all susceptible elements will be highlighted and can be
selected with the left click. Once the selections have been made, the process is confirmed with the right click.

Figure 49 – Assign Icon

Measure Lengths on Plan
To measure lengths and areas within the design area of the software interface, the “Measure Lengths on Plan”
icon is used. This icon measures any length by left clicking on a desired spot in the design area to begin an on-
screen measurement. Left click each time a new point is to be made and right click to exit.

Figure 50 – Measure Lengths on Plan Icon

Selection of Elements
The last icon in this toolbar is the “Selection of Elements” icon. By selecting this tab, a window on the possible
elements to select appears. From this window, users can choose which elements are available to be edited
with the other tools in the Edit Toolbar.

Figure 51 – Selection of Elements Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.7 Analysis Section

The Analysis Section is the area in the Design and Installation Menu to conduct an analysis on the current
design. The icons within this section are able to automatically update results and display visual representations
of the data. A brief explanation of each icon is explained below, but it is recommended to view the tutorial
video for a more in-depth explanation and a visual example of each.

Figure 52 – Calculation Section

Update Results
The “Update Results” icon is used when analysis on the design is to be carried out. This icon calculates and
updates the results of the design based off the given or predefined parameters and checks. Error warnings also
appear in the design if there are any checks that are not met or if there are design issues.

Figure 53 – Update Results Icon

Show/Hide Results
After updating the results, error messages may appear in the design if there are unmet checks or design issues.
To show or hide these on-screen warnings, the “Show/Hide Results” icon is used. If there are errors present
and the icon is pressed on, users can place the cursor over the warnings to view why the errors exist.

Figure 54 – Show/Hide Results Icon

Consult Checks
The “Consult Checks” icon displays which checks for each item has been carried out successfully or
unsuccessfully. After updating results, the checks are able to be viewed with this icon. After selecting the icon,
a detailed report on each check for the available system equipment can be viewed by clicking on the
equipment in the design.

Figure 55 – Consult Checks that have been Carried Out Icon

Graphical Analysis of the Results

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

The top icon on the right hand side of this section is the “Graphical Analysis of the Results” icon. As the name
suggests, this icon provides a graphical analysis of the results on screen in the design area of the interface.
When selecting this icon, a window appears confirming the access to the graphical results. Once the box has
been checked, select the type of graphical analysis to be displayed. CYPEFIRE Sprinklers has graphical analysis
capabilities for Flow, Velocity, Pressure Loss, Length, and Height. Once the type of graphical analysis has been
selected and accepted, the graphical analysis appears on screen.

Figure 56 – Graphical Analysis of the Results Icon

Range of Values for the Graphical Analysis

The graphical ranges for the previous icon can be found with this icon, the “Range of Values for the Graphical
Analysis” icon. When selected, a window appears to adjust the viewing settings for the graphical analysis. In
the popup, there is an explanation on navigating how to view specific ranges of the results. Once completed,
the updated graphical analysis appears on screen.

Figure 57 – Range of Values for the Graphical Analysis Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.8 View Section

In the Design and Installation Menu, the View Section is one of two locations within the software interface to
view a 3D representation of the current model being designed. Also in this section is where users can choose
which layers are visible in the design. It is recommended to view the video below for a more in-depth, visual
explanation of this section.

Figure 58 – 3D View Section

3D View
When selected, this icon opens up a new window with a full screen view of the model, which is slightly
different than the in-screen 3D BIM Model Viewer in the lower left corner of the interface. Select the icon to
navigate through a 3D visual of the model. Various viewpoints and layers can be seen within this 3D view.

Figure 59 – 3D View Icon

Layer Management
The “Layer Management” icon allows users to view and adjust the visible layers within the design. By selecting
this icon, users can view or hide the following layers: Protection Areas, Area of Operation, Zones of Influence,
Racks, Reference Drawings, and Dropped Ceiling Layout.

Figure 60 – Layer Management Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.9 BIM Model Section

This section is related to the collaboration between and CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. In the BIM
Model section, users can connect to CYPEFIRE Sprinklers, export the current sprinkler system
design to a new or existing project, and update any changes that occurred in any files related
to the sprinkler system installation. A video tutorial for this section can be found by following the link below.

Figure 61 – BIM Model Section

The “Update” icon is used when changes have been made to a file that affect the current sprinkler system
installation. For example, if there have been changes made to the building architecture IFC file and both the
architecture file and CYPEFIRE Sprinkler file are connected in the same project in the, a
flashing warning sign will appear in the “Update” icon. To update the changes, click on the flashing warning
“Update” icon, confirm the necessary information on the windows that appear, and the model should update
to the most current design.

Figure 62 – Update Icon

The “Export” icon exports the current sprinkler system installation file to an IFC file that is connected to the By selecting this icon, completing the necessary popup windows, and exporting the file to
the, the file connects to the user´s account and is updated in the project folder. Any
requested quantities and reports can also be updated with the connected account.

Figure 63 – Export Icon User
The “ User” icon is the icon that displays the current connected user. To
access the account on the, select the icon and follow the link to the server. To instead sign in
and connect an account, refer to the Initial Setup and Starting a Project Section of this manual.

Figure 64 – User Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

6.10 Auxiliary Toolbar

When working in the Design Area, a helpful toolbar is the Auxiliary Tools Menu. This toolbar is located at the
top right of the entire system interface. It consists of two main sections: a window and viewing section and a
general configuration section. Placing the cursor over these icons gives a description of each one. Below, there
is a tutorial video explaining the Auxiliary Toolbar. It is recommended to view the video for a more detailed,
visual explanation.

Figure 65 – Auxiliary Toolbar

Window and Viewing Tools

In the window and viewing tools area of the toolbar, from left to right, the previous view can be restored, a full
view of the drawing can be displayed, a 2X zoom out can be done, the current view can be redrawn without
modifying its current view, a highlight zoom can be performed, left click window panning can be turned on, and
lastly the current view can be printed.

Figure 66 – Window and Viewing Icons

General Configuration Tools

In this section of the Auxiliary Toolbar, there are two icons, a configuration icon on the left and a help icon on
the right. The configuration icon adjusts units, printers, text style, background color, automatic saving options,
and drawings. The help icon is for the general software information such as program documentation and
license information.

Figure 67 – General Configuration Icons

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

7 3D BIM Model Viewer

Figure 68 – 3D BIM Model Viewer

The 3D BIM Model Viewer area of the interface is the lower left area (outlined in red above) in the CYPEFIRE
Sprinklers. This section is the second of two locations for viewing the 3D model of the current installation. The
first is the 3D View in the Design and Installation Menu. This area of the interface is used to navigate through a
3D visual of the model and view an updated representation of the sprinkler system installation. Various
viewpoints and layers can be seen within this 3D View Section. It is recommended to view the brief video
below for a more in-depth, visual explanation of this section.

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

8 Results – Reports and Drawings

After completing the desired sprinkler system installation and design, detailed report results and drawing are
able to be automatically obtained. Detailed project and material reports are available which can be exported
and printed as needed. Automatically generated drawings are also able to be obtained. These 2D drawing files
are based off of the input parameters and can be exported or printed as well. The results such as reports and
drawings can be accessed in the top left corner of the interface (outlined in red below). It is recommended to
view the tutorial video below explaining the Results – Reports and Drawings in more detail.

Figure 69 – Results – Reports and Drawings

After selecting the “Reports” icon, a popup window appears and the user can choose between viewing the
project report or the materials report. Once the desired report is selected, it can be exported, printed, or

Figure 70 – Reports Icon

After selecting the “Drawings” icon, another popup window appears. To add a drawing, the small, top left icon
in the popup window is selected (“Add new element to the list”). The configurations are able to be selected
and a drawing is then generated which can be printed.

Figure 71 – Drawings Icon

The export icon is selected when the design is to be exported in a BC3 format. To export in a BC3 format, select
on the icon and a popup appears to choose the path to save the file. After confirming the path, the file will be
saved in that location and can be accessed from there.

Figure 72 – Export Icon

CYPEFIRE Sprinklers User´s Manual

9 Conclusion and Contact

How to setup a project, navigate through the user interface, design within the software, and obtain results
based off the design should be known after the completion of this manual for CYPEFIRE Sprinklers. It is
encouraged to review this manual and its video tutorials if there are any questions. If there are still questions,
issues, or further information is needed, please visit our website or contact CYPE. The contact information is

North America & United Technical Support: CYPE Ingenieros, S.A.

Kingdom Contact: Avda. Eusebio Sempere, 5
USA (+1) 202 569 8902 03003 Alicante - Spain
UK (+44) 20 3608 1448 Tel. (+34) 965 92 25 50 Fax (+34) 965 12 49 50

Thank you for choosing CYPE and CYPEFIRE Sprinklers.


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