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Name of Drug Classification Indication Contraindication Side effects/Adverse Nursing

effects responsibilities
Generic name: Antihistamine Temporary Hypersensitivity to  dizziness  Monitor
Diphenhydramine symptomatic relief of diphenhydramine  drowsiness cardiovascular
Mechanism of various allergic hydrochloride and  loss of status
Brand Name: action: conditions and to other coordination especially with
Benadryl Competitively treat or prevent antihistamine of  constipation preexisting
blocks effects of motion sickness, similar chemical  upset stomach cardiovascular
Route: histmanine at vertigo, and structure.  dry eyes disease.
IV peripheral H1 reactions to blood or  blurred vision; or  Monitor for
receptor sites plasma in  day-time adverse effects
susceptible patients. drowsiness especially in
Frequency and Also used in children and
dosage: anaphylaxis as the older adult.
50 mg PRN adjunct to  Supervise
epinephrine and ambulation and
other standard use side-rails
measures after as necessary.
acute symptoms
have been

Name of Classification Indication Contraindication Side effects/Adverse Nursing

Drug effects responsibilities
Generic Anti-inflammatory Analgesia, Hypersensitivity to CNS: headache,  Assess for
name: NSAID Dysmenorrhea, drug or it’s dizziness, drowsiness hypertension
Diclofenac rheumatoid components, other  Monitor hepatic
Mechanism of action: arthritis, NSAIDs, or aspirin CV: hypertension and renal
Brand Thought to block osteoarthritis Active GI bleeding function
Name: activity of ankylosing or ulcer disease GI: diarrhea, abdominal  Observe for
Voltaren cycooxygenase , spondylitis pain, dydpepsia, heart and report
thereby inhibiting burn, peptic ulcer, GI signs and
Route: inflammation bleeding symptoms of
IV responses of bleeding
vasodilation and GU: dysuria, frequent  Instruct patient
swelling and blocking urinations, nephritis to take a drug
Dosage: transmitions of painful on empty
75 mg stimuli Hepatic: hepatotoxicity stomach for 1
hour before or
Skin: rash, contact after a meal
dermatitis  Advice patient
not to lie down
for 15 to 30
minutes after
taking drug, to
 Instruct patient
to immediately
report signs or
symptoms of
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Acute pain After 8 hours of Independent Goal was met
related to nursing  Note location of  Influence the as evidenced by
Pain scale of 6/10 presence of intervention the surgical amount of post-
surgical incision client will be able procedures. operative pain
as manifested by to: experienced. Patient reported
facial grimacing.  Assess for  To help determine pain is relieved
Objective:  Report pain referred pain, as possibility of and controlled
is relieved appropriate. underlying with a pain scale
 Dressing on and condition. of 3/10 while
surgical site controlled.  Obtain client’s  To rule out demonstrating
 Pale  Verbalize assessment of worsening of non-
 Facial non- pain to include underlying pharmacologic
grimacing pharmacolo location, condition/develop methods in
gic characteristics, ment of achieving relief.
methods quality, intensity, complication.
that provide etc
relief.  Administer
analgesics as  To maintain
indicated to acceptable level
maximum of pain. Notify
dosage, as physician if
needed. regimen is
inadequate to
Dependent: meet pain control
 Educate patient in goal.
use of relaxation
techniques (e.g.,  To distract
focused attention and
breathing) and reduce tention.

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