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Journal of Scientific Research & Reports

4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

ISSN: 2320-0227

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Smartphone Addiction among University

Undergraduates: A Literature Review
Hafidha Suleiman Al-Barashdi1, Abdelmajid Bouazza1* and Naeema H. Jabur1
Department of Information Studies, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author HSAB conducted the literature
search and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author AB revised and edited the first draft of the
manuscript, made all changes suggested by the reviewers and served as the corresponding author.
Author NHJ made some comments and helped in identifying some relevant sources. All authors read
and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2015/12245
(1) Luigi Rodino, Professor of Mathematical Analysis, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, Italy.
(1) R. Praveen Sam, Computer Science & Engineering Department, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous),
Kurnool, Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
(2) Bożena Nowakowicz-Dębek, University of Life Sciences in Lublin,Department of Occupational and Environmental Risks
Ul.Akademicka 13, Poland.
(3) Anonymous, University of Florida, USA.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 24 June 2014
Review Article Accepted 24 July 2014
Published 11 October 2014


Purpose: This paper reviews the growing literature on Smartphone addiction among university
undergraduates to identify trends.
Design/Methodological Approach: It is based on literature published during the period 1996-
2013. Only original research papers have been included in this literature review. The thematic
structure has been adopted. In the beginning, such concepts as the symptoms and levels of this
addiction will be clarified. Afterwards, the underlying problems and methodological issues raised
in the literature will be touched upon. The paper also reviews the relationship between
Smartphone addiction among undergraduates and their academic achievement. Finally,
significant differences in addiction among undergraduates according to their gender, field of study,
parents educational level and family income level will be examined.
Findings: While some studies have shown gender differences in Smartphone addictive use,
others have proved that gender and Smartphone use are not significantly related. A few studies
have examined the relationship between addiction and students' field of study. Some of these

*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

have found that humanities students have a higher addiction level than physical science students.
So far, little is known about the extent of the relationship between socio-economic factors (such
as parental education and family income), mobile phone use behavior and addiction among
university students. The results regarding Smartphone usage and family income had showed
contrary indications. Nor is there agreement about the results regarding Smartphone use and
parental education.
Practical Implications: This state-of-art is useful for researchers and practitioners for
understanding current trends and problems and methodological issues.
Originality/Value: This paper identifies trends and problems and methodological issues.
Conclusion: A mixed-approach investigation consisting of both quantitative and qualitative
method is recommended to provide a comprehensive understanding of addiction and its impact
on students' academic achievement.

Keywords: Smartphone addiction; university undergraduates; literature review.

1. INTRODUCTION are popular among students because they

increase their social communication and expand
Terms such as "Smartphone addiction" [1,2] their opportunities for establishing social
"mobile phone addiction" [3,4,5,6,7,8] relationships.
"problematic mobile phone use" [9,10,11],
"mobile phone dependence" [12,13], "compulsive However, Bianchi and Phillips [19] reveal that the
mobile phone use" [14,15] and "mobile phone highest level of problematic mobile phone use is
overuse" [16], have all been used to describe most found among younger users, from which it
more or less the same phenomenon, that is, can be argued that this kind of addiction is most
individuals engrossed in their Smartphone use to likely to occur among this group.
the extent that they neglect other areas of life.
The most commonly used terms to describe this From surveying the literature on Smartphone
kind of addiction are "mobile phone addiction" addiction among undergraduates, a number of
and, recently, "Smartphone addiction". This problems and methodological issues may be
literature review uses the latter term. identified.

While Smartphone use has been increasing all For example, there is no consensus among
across economic and age sectors, university studies regarding a definition of Smartphone
students have been seen as one of the most addiction because of: a) The variety of addiction
important target markets and the largest symptoms associated with Smartphone use; b)
consumers group of Smartphone services [17]. The wide variety of new Smartphone functions;
The technological revolution has provided the and c) The different problematic outcomes
world with many inventions. However, every associated with Smartphone addiction [11].
invention has brought with it both comforts and However, unlike material-related addictions,
problems. This is so with Smartphones [18]. Smartphone addiction may not produce
observable signs or symptoms, such as
Smartphone use has become vital to students physiological indications of cravings. Indeed, the
because they use them for several purposes not addicted individual may appear to be working in
only for those similar to what the Internet a normal and socially acceptable way [20,21].
provides, but also to explore applications which According to Griffiths [22] and Shaffer [23],
provide new functions. These functions allow technological addiction involves extreme human-
users not only to communicate with others face- machine interaction which develops when people
to-face or instantly, which is a perfect way for shy become dependent on the device to reduce
students to communicate with others, but also to negative mood states or increase positive
enjoy different kinds of entertainment like games. consequences.
Users can also get information while surfing on
the Internet which helps them to escape from The literature also reveals that there is no
uncomfortable situations. As a result, it seems consensus among studies regarding the effects
that many students tend to rely heavily on their of Smartphones addiction on students' academic
phones, which will inevitably lead to even heavier achievement. Javid et al. [24] emphasized a
use [1]. Hong et al. [5] argue that mobile phones number of drawbacks and negative impacts of

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

the technology on students’ achievement. undergraduates and their academic

Students remained busy writing and sending achievement.
useless messages, sending missed calls, 3) Discussion of the significant differences in
listening to music and watching movies in a way Smartphone addiction among
that wasted their precious time and money. undergraduates according to their gender,
Additionally, one of the symptoms was found to field of study, parental educational level
be a lack of concentration among students during and family income level.
class. Smartphones provide free messengers
and various kinds of social media applications, 2. SMARTPHONE ADDICTION
which are useful and fun. But these also have SYMPTOMS AND LEVELS AMONG
side effects, which enable students to send free UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
messages and chat wherever they can get Wi-Fi
(Wireless Fidelity) access. In one of the earliest relevant studies, Bianchi
and Phillips [19] argued that the problem of
On the other hand, although various factors have mobile phone use may be a symptom of an
been proven to be significantly related to impulse control deficit or depression. Addressing
Smartphone addiction, some studies have the underlying problem as well as inappropriate
focused on the relationships between personal mobile phone use, they used some dependent
factors such as gender and age. As a result, very variables to predict mobile phone addiction, such
little is known about the extent of the as reported time per week spent simply using the
relationships between socio-economic factors device problem use, reported percentage of use
(such as parents’ education and family income) socially based, and reported percentage of
and Smartphone addiction among university business-based use. Other variables were also
students. considered including reported percentage of use
in other features. The results indicated that the
Moreover, the complexity of Smartphone technological addictions offer an appropriate
addiction is reflected, among other things, by the starting point for a consideration of problem
levels at which it has been studied and the mobile phone use. The results also revealed that
methods by which it has been investigated. Most young people, in particular, appear to be
studies on Smartphone addiction seem to focus susceptible to high use and problem use. They
either on the amount of time allocated for use by were the heaviest users of the SMS function and
counting calls sent, calls received, messages other features of mobile phones.
sent, and messages received, or by counting the
frequency of mobile addiction symptoms, James and Drennan [25] carried out research on
whereas both are needed. Furthermore, most of Australian university students' mobile phone use
these studies use qualitative data, which seems and discovered a large use rate of 1.5-5 hours a
surprising, given the nature of the topic which , in day. Their findings showed a range of
all its complexity, is inextricably bound up with characteristics associated with addictive use.
meaning and values and that requires a great These were: impulsiveness, mounting tension
deal of interpretation and judgment. Hence, a prior to using the device, failure of control
mixed-approach investigation consisting of both strategies and withdrawal symptoms. The results
quantitative and qualitative method is also identified some factors that correlated with
recommended to provide a comprehensive consumer engagement in addictive or
understanding of Smartphone addiction and its compulsive behavior. Situational factors affecting
impact on undergraduates’ academic excessive use included special events, alcohol
achievement. abuse and depressive circumstances. A wide
range of other negative consequences from
Therefore, this literature review will focus on mobile phone addiction among consumers
discussing the gaps identified in previous studies included financial issues, damaged relationships,
regarding the following: emotional stress and falling literacy.
1) Clarification of Smartphone addiction For Perry and Lee [16], symptoms related to
symptoms and levels among mobile phone addiction were found to be
undergraduate. prevalent among Mauritius University students.
2) Investigation of the relationship between Between 6% and 11% of students showed
Smartphone addiction among addiction symptoms related to tolerance,
withdrawal, displacement of attention to school or

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

work and the inability to diminish use. The To measure mobile phone addiction, Park [7]
number of messages sent and the perceived skill asked respondents to report their minutes of
at using SMS were significant predictors of mobile phone use and divided them into light
mobile phone addiction among students. Among user who reported less than nine minutes of use
the small percentage who revealed symptoms of and heavy user who reported more than nine
addiction, use of text messaging was double to minutes of use. Respondents who reported less
triple compared to the one found in the rest of the than nine minutes of use were considered “light”
population sample studied. users, while respondents who reported more
than nine minute of use were considered “heavy”
Walsh et al. [26] carried out a qualitative users. Mobile phone addiction was measured
research to examine activities of university based on seven criteria of dependency. These
students regarding mobile phone usage. They were: tolerance, withdrawal, unintended use,
also sought to establish addictive facts by using cutting down, time spent, displacement of other
[27] behavioral addiction criteria. Symptoms of activities and continued use. The results showed
behavioral and cognitive salience, conflict with that mobile phone users grew tolerant of mobile
other activities, euphoria, tolerance, withdrawal phones despite the fact that they might cause
and relapse and reinstatement emerged at such problems as high phone bills and public
varying levels amongst participants’ descriptions annoyance. Also, when the mobile phone was
of their mobile phone use. The study concluded unavailable for a time, users became highly
that university students were addictive to using anxious and irritated. This behavior continued
mobile phone to an extent that they revealed the although these were troubling signs of addiction.
indication of behavioral obsession.
Likewise, Chóliz [12] designed a questionnaire
In another study, Walsh et al. [28] examined the which consisted of three factors: Lack of
effects of involvement with mobile phone use on Control/Problems, Tolerance/Interference, and
their use by people. The results revealed that a Abstinence to evaluate mobile phone
high frequency of mobile phone use differed from dependence in adolescents. This was based on
involvement with mobile phones as the criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical
association with frequency of use was relatively Manual for Mental Disorders-Fourth Edition-Text
low. The predictors of each behavior differed too. Revision (DSM-IV- TR). These criteria included
Measures of frequency of mobile phone use excessive use, problems with parents, difficulty in
generally assess the number of times a day controlling use, interference with other activities
people use their phone for calls or text messages and emotional discomfort when the mobile phone
because many check their phone for missed could not be used. The results showed that with
messages or calls without actually using it. Self- regard to gender and the age of the participants,
identity and validation from others were explored girls had a higher degree of dependence on
as predictors of both types of mobile phone mobile phones than boys. Likewise, girls scored
behavior. However, only self-identity predicted higher than boys on each of the factors in the
frequency of use, while both self-identity and questionnaire. They had higher levels of
validation from others predicted mobile phone tolerance and experienced more interference
involvement. with other activities. They were more likely to use
mobile phones to avoid uncomfortable mood
Hassanzadeh and Rezaei [14] defined text- states and they felt bad if they could not use their
message dependency as text-messaging-related phones. They also had greater economic and
compulsive behavior that causes psychological family problems as a result of costs associated
or behavioral symptoms resulting in negative with mobile phone use.
social outcomes. Their study particularly focused
on the relationship between psychosocial factors Billieux et al. [9] studied the role of impulse in
and psychological or behavioral symptoms, actual and problematic use of mobile phones.
emerging from the process of text-message use They reported four different components
among students. The findings showed that associated with impulsive behavior which were
university students have SMS addiction. The urgency, lack of premeditation, lack of
study concluded that SMS addiction has perseverance and sensation seeking. The
currently become a serious mental and health Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire
problem among them. Moreover, problematic (PMPUQ) measured four different dimensions of
mobile phone use may complicate physiological problematic use. These were: prohibited use,
and psychological problems. dangerous use, dependence, and financial

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

problems. The results showed that, although The dependent variables included the reported
each kind of impulse played a specific role in time per week spent using a mobile phone, the
mobile use, "urgency" appeared to be the reported number of people with whom
strongest predictor of problematic use. participants talk regularly, the reported time per
week spent writing and reading text messages
In Japan, Igarashi et al. [29] investigated how and the reported number of people with whom
self-perception of text message dependency participants exchange text messages regularly.
leads to psychological/behavioral symptoms The findings indicated that problematic mobile
among university students. They used a self- phone use was a function of gender, self-
report questionnaire to measure the frequency of monitoring and approval motivation but not of
text messages, self-perception of text message loneliness. These findings suggest that the
dependency and psychological/behavioral measurements of these addictive personality
symptoms. Self-perception of text-message characteristics would be helpful in terms of
dependency comprised three factors: perception screening and intervention.
of excessive use, emotional reaction and
relationship maintenance. The findings showed Satoko et al. [13] carried out a study to clarify the
that message frequency was significantly related relationship of personality and lifestyle to mobile
to psychological/behavioral symptoms. Also, self- phone dependence. They defined this
perception of text message dependency strongly dependence as an intermittent craving to use
affected psychological/ behavioral symptoms. these phones or excessive use of them. The
results of multiple regression analysis indicated
Abu-Jedy [3] explored mobile phone addiction that scores for extroversion and neuroticism were
and its relationship with self-disclosure among positively related to the score from the Mobile
university students in Jordan. The study also Phone Dependence Questionnaire (MPDQ),
investigated the characteristics of addicted while the score for healthy practices was
students, the main aspects of mobile phone negatively related to that of the MPDQ. The
addiction, the purposes of mobile use and the findings also suggested that mobile phone
time spent in using them. The results revealed dependence in female college students was
that addicted students comprised 25.8% of the associated with high traits of sociability and
total sample. The percentage of addicted neuroticism as well as an unhealthy lifestyle.
females was found to be twice that of males.
There was also a higher level of addiction among In Pakistan, Ahmed et al. [4] explored the pattern
private university students than public ones. of mobile phone use among university students
to delineate the extent of addictive behavior in its
Hooper and Zhou [30] explored the various types usage. Findings revealed that most students
of behavior associated with mobile use. Six were able to set definite priorities for their
possible kinds arising from underlying motives responsibilities and commitments and their
were identified among university students. These mobile phone use. Their results also revealed
were: addictive, compulsive, habitual, dependent, that very few students (4.8 - 18.5%) exhibited
mandatory and voluntary behavior. A survey was extreme addictive behavior. Thus, they
conducted to test these categories. Findings concluded that university students used their
indicated that mandatory behavior was the mobile phones within reasonable limits and did
strongest type of use, while addictive behavior not move towards extreme behaviors that lead to
was the weakest. The result also showed that addictive mobile phone use.
mobile phone use could be regarded more as
mandatory, voluntary or dependent behavior than By contrast, in Belarusian, Szpakow et al. [8]
habitual, compulsive or addictive. assessed the role of mobile phones in students'
lives and evaluated the mobile phone addiction
Another study, by Takao et al. [11] examined the symptoms among university students. The
correlation between problematic mobile phone results indicated that almost 1/10 of the students
use and some personality characteristics among had symptoms of such addiction and 68.8% were
university students. Separate multiple convinced of the harmful effects of mobile
regressions were carried out for each dependent phones. Nearly 1/3 believed that mobile phones
variable to determine whether they could be should be switched off in a theatre (30%) and in
predicted from the independent variables. The a church (33.8%). 28.8% knew the definition the
predictor variables included gender, self- monophobia. However, (71.9%) had never
monitoring, approval motivation and loneliness. switched off their phones.

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

In Taiwan, Hong et al. [5] investigated the were among the heaviest users of mobile
relationship between psychological technologies.
characteristics, mobile phone addiction and the
use of mobile phones among female university In Korea, Kwon et al. [2] developed the first scale
students. The result showed that social of Smartphone addiction. It is a self-diagnostic
extraversion and anxiety had positive effects on scale based on the Korean self-diagnostic
addiction while self-esteem had negative effects. program for Internet addiction that can
Also mobile phone addiction had a positive distinguish Smartphone addicts. Subjects were
predictive effect on mobile phone use behavior. divided into three groups: a high-risk group, a
The results revealed too, that female university low- to medium-risk group and the general group.
students with mobile phone addiction would Findings showed that Smartphone addiction
make more phone calls and send more text rates of the high- risk group and low-to medium-
messages. Males did. risk group were 2.2 and 9.3% respectively in
adolescents and 1.0 and 6.7% in adults. Based
In China, Casey [1] identified addiction on factor analysis results, the subscale for the
symptoms that were uniquely associated with Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) was divided
Smartphone use among university students. as follows: Daily-life disturbance, positive
Exploratory factor analysis of the Smartphone anticipation, withdrawal, cyberspace-oriented
Addiction Scale identified five symptoms which relationship, overuse and tolerance.
were: disregard of harmful consequences,
preoccupation, inability to control craving, In Oman, although no previous studies have
productivity loss and feeling anxious and lost. been conducted on mobile phone addiction,
The results showed that the higher one scored Belwal and Belwal [32] analyzed mobile phone
on loneliness and shyness counts, the higher the usage among university students. The results
likelihood one would be addicted. The study also revealed that these students spent more than 10
found that the Smartphone addiction symptoms Omani Rials per month on mobile services, made
were significantly and negatively related to the less than 10 calls but more than 10 SMS daily.
level of face-to-face communication and They also depended on their parents for payment
positively related to present absence. of their bills. It was also found that students had
Furthermore, the most powerful factors that a preference for expensive models. They felt
affected bonding social capital were gender, uncomfortable without their mobile phones, so
grade and loneliness; while the most powerful they kept them switched on 24 hours a day.
factor affecting bridging social capital was face-
to-face communication with friends. 3. SMARTPHONES ADDICTION AND
Krajewska-Kułak et al. [10] examined the role of PERFORMANCE
having a mobile phone in the students' lives,
signs of addiction and whether there were The literature reveals that some studies
differences in using phones between the Polish highlighted the positive role of Smartphones in
and Belarusian students. The results showed advancing students' learning. In this regard,
that most students had mobile phones. They Cheon et al. [33] reported that advancements in
usually used them for sending text messages, mobile technology are rapidly widening the scope
taking photos and accessing the Internet. Of the of learning in areas outside formal education by
Polish students 35.2% and 68.8% Belarusian allowing flexible and instant access to rich digital
were convinced of the harmful effects of mobile resources. Also, the use of mobile in learning can
phone use. However, more respondents from play a significant and supplemental role within
Poland than Belarus knew that mobile phone formal education. Markett et al. [34] observed the
users could become addicted. Almost 1/5 of positive effects of mobile phone usage among
Polish students and 1/10 Belarusian had the students and recommended using SMS in
symptoms of mobile phone addiction. classrooms. They found that knowledge can be
gained through enhanced interactivity in students
Shambare et al. [31] argued that the mobile throughout the lecture by using SMS which
phone has become the 21st century's icon. Their increased this interactivity.
study described mobile phone use as addictive,
compulsive and habitual, indeed possibly the Interestingly, Javid et al. [24] investigated the
biggest non-drug addiction of the 21st century. effects of mobile phone on the performance of
The study concluded that university students university students. In this study, most of the

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

students claimed that they used mobile phones since it may raise students’ pressure that may
to contact their teachers and classmates to ultimately affect their performance [39].
discuss matters related to their study. They also
utilized the mobile phone to share useful Devís-Devís et al. [40] assessed the negative
information with their classmates and to consult a consequences of maladaptive use of both the
dictionary and thesaurus for educational Internet and the mobile phone. Three hundred
purposes. Nevertheless, they agreed that the and sixty-five undergraduate university students
mobile phone wastes their precious time and majoring in four different studies (Psychology,
money. Education, Journalism and Broadcasting and
Health Studies) replied to scales. The results
On the other hand, many studies correlated indicated that psychological distress was related
Smartphone usage with the decrease in to maladaptive use of both the Internet and the
academic achievement. Based on their findings, mobile phone; females scored higher than males
a lot of scholars highlighted the negative on the mobile phone questionnaire, showing
consequences of mobile phones usage among more negative consequences of its maladaptive
university students. In reference to this, Bianchi use. With respect to major study, Journalism and
and Phillips [19], Monk, et al. [35], Palen et al. Broadcasting students showed a more
[36] recognized the challenging dimension of maladaptive pattern of Internet use than students
mobile phones usage among university students. of other majors.
Kubey et al. [37] suggested that the heavy use of
technology for recreational purposes is highly Rodrigues [41] explored the impact of
correlated with reduced academic performance. Smartphone usage on the performance of senior
Sheereen and Rozumah [38] found that mobile managers in South Africa. A number of
phones have been hugely accepted by paradoxes linked to Smartphone use emerged,
Malaysian university students. However, results such as connection/disconnection,
showed that personal and family factors efficient/inefficient, informed/uninformed, multi-
influenced the university students’ usage functional/dysfunctional, balance/imbalance and
behavior. Although the students in the study safe/ unsafe paradoxes. One of the strongest
depicted a good mobile phone computing themes that arose from the analysis was the
behavior, factors that may contribute to activate potential imbalance that Smartphone use brings
the intensity of their mobile phone usage are in terms of the work-life stability.
worth noting. As a result, they indicated that
"although mobile phones has become vital to Pierce and Vaca [42] examined the differences in
many college students, it may also affect academic performance between teen users and
students’ academic performance" [38]. Casey [1] non-users of various communication
found that male students and higher grade technologies. The results revealed that
students tended to use Smartphone for approximately ¾ of the students had a MySpace
information seeking. account and a mobile phone and more than ½
had an IM account. The results also showed that
Similarly proclaimed that a lot of students in the those who had a MySpace account, mobile
United States normally make calls at night, which phone and IM had significantly lower grades than
results in less sleep and other problematic issues those who did not. Results also revealed that
that may affect their performance. Also explored students who used their MySpace, mobile phone
the impact of using mobile communication and IM while doing their homework reported
technologies such as SMS, emails and online having lower grades than those who did not use
forums on students’ learning motivation, pressure technology while doing their homework. Finally,
and performance. The results showed that the results revealed that 28% of students sent
instant messaging helped bonding the two roles text messages during class lectures from always
of a student and an instructor in the instruction to frequently and 5% reported text messaging
process effectively. When combined with Internet during an exam from always to frequently.
communication media, it can significantly Similarly, Srivastava [43] found that UK students
increase students’ extrinsic motivation without used mobile phones during lectures and some of
causing higher pressure. It is worth pointing out them said that they cannot leave home without
here that communication media demands public their mobile phone. Szpakow et al. [8] found that
expression rather than private dialogue which most students were convinced on the harmful
should be adopted with careful consideration effect of the mobile phone usage on their lives.
Also, Hong et al. [5] found that mobile phone

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

usage affected their academic performance anxiety and insomnia. Walsh et al. [47] found that
including time management and other related gender was associated with mobile phone
problems. involvement but not frequency of use. Howell et
al. [48] investigated gender differences related to
Moreover, there were cross-national differences their mobile phones and users’ perception and
in students‘ beliefs about mobile phone usage attitude towards their use in public and private
and how it affects their learning. In this regard, places. They concluded that while females
Sung and Mayer [44] compared college students perceived the service very positively, there was a
in the United States and South Korea in their persistent trend for males to dislike the service,
beliefs about mobile devices vs. desktop regardless of location.
computers. They found that American students
rated desktop computers higher than mobile Kawasaki et al. [49] investigated the dependence
devices on positive features such as being fast, of Thai university and high school students on
sharp, meaningful, good and realistic; whereas cellular phones. A survey form (cellular phone
the South Koreans rated mobile devices higher dependence questionnaire) was distributed to
than desktop computers on positive features 181 female and 177 male Thai university
such as being open, attractive, changeful, students and to 240 female and 140 male Thai
stimulating, immediate and exciting. high school students. The factor analysis of
female high school students confirmed a heavy
4. FACTORS INFLUENCING dependence on cellular phones compared to
SMARTPHONE ADDICTION male university students, male high school
students, and Japanese female university
Since this literature review aims to explore the students.
factors influencing Smartphone addiction, such
as gender, field of study, parents educational Similarly, Hakoama and Hakoyama [50] studied
level and family income level among university gender differences in multiple aspects of mobile
students, the following section discusses these phone use. The results revealed that females,
factors: especially whites, were more likely to depend
heavily on their phones to maintain social
relationships. Chóliz [12] found that girls
4.1 Gender Differences in Smartphone
generally used their phones more than boys and
Addiction also were more likely to engage in phone abuse
and experience problems with their parents due
A theme of interest for many researchers relates to excessive use. Chung [51] tried to understand
to gender differences in Smartphone addiction. the causes of girls’ excessive use of mobile
There is no agreement on which group is at the phones. He predicted that there would be a close
higher risk of addiction, some studies have relationship between them and the maintenance
revealed gender-related differences. Turner et al. of interpersonal solidarity among their adolescent
[45] suggest that "user personality and individual contemporaries. He found that those who had a
attributes such as age and gender were found to greater tendency to become addicted sent
be differentially associated with some aspects of numerous text messages from places such as
phone-related behaviors" (p. 1). schools, where excessive use of mobile phones
can be a problem.
Billieux et al. [9] tested gender differences in both
teams of impulsion and problematic mobile However, mobile phones use showed different
phone use among the young. The results results in the study by Devís-Devís et al. [40].
showed that men use their mobile phones more They compared girls' and boys' usage and found
frequently in dangerous situations whereas that boys spent more time on this. They also
women are more dependent on them. The found that university students used these
results on impulsion, showed that men exhibit communication tools more on weekends than on
significantly higher levels of sensation seeking week days. This showed that there were different
and lower levels of perseverance, while women factors responsible for phone usage. Confirming
reveal significantly higher levels of urgency. this, Villella et al. [52] found that behavioral
Assessing the pathological Internet and cell- addiction was more common among boys than
phone use among 337 Spanish college students, girls.
Jenaro et al. [46] found that high cell-phone use
is associated to being female, and having high

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

On the other hand, there were also gender in the number of text messages sent. However,
differences in user motivation. Pawłowska and Igarashi et al. [56] reported that girls established
Potembska [6] found that women used their interpersonal relationships through text
phones more frequently than men to satisfy their messages more often than boys.
need for acceptance and closeness, to establish
and sustain social relationships, and to express Similarly, Wilska [57] emphasized that girls
their emotions. Moreover, women were overused mobile phones to send text messages
characterized by a higher severity of addiction to and to make phone calls more frequently than
voice calls and text messages than men, who boys, who focused more on the stylish looks and
liked to use their phones to listen to music, take technical features of a phone because they were
photographs, make videos, play games, and more interested in new technologies. By contrast,
connect to the Internet more frequently than Ling [58] found that during the period between
women. Likewise, Balakrishnan and Raj [53] 1997 and 2001, mobile phones were more often
examined the motives of use among Malaysian used by boys than girls, as they first treated them
university students and found that female as a technical innovation. However, after 2001
students used their mobile phones more to girls started to use mobile phones significantly
socialize, gossip and as a safety device. and more frequently than boys, as they became
their main tool for developing interpersonal
Interestingly, Iqbal [54] divided mobile phone relationships.
users into three groups-casual, moderate and
excessive. At the casual and moderate levels, According to Geser [59] while boys were
young adult females had a stronger drive to fulfill somewhat slower than girls in adopting the
their interpersonal motives, but at the excessive mobile phone universally, they tend to use it on
level men had greater motivation in nearly all the same scale by producing the same monthly
contexts. The results showed that males bills. In other words, both genders were rather
between 21-23 years in particular made and similar in the quantitative intensity of use, but
received more voice calls than girls. As far as they still differ significantly in the qualitative
text messaging frequency was concerned, males patterns and purposes of use. In fact, men and
in the 21-23 age were at the forefront. women have always been found to maintain
quite different attitudes toward mobile phones.
Osman et al. [55] explored the attitude and the
behavior of Malaysian consumers towards the Other studies prove that gender and mobile
such of Smartphone types of use such as phone usage are not significantly related. Perry
application software, e-mail, Internet browsing, and Lee [16] found no gender differences for
ringtones and so on. Their findings indicated that addiction measures among developing world
young consumers, especially males, were university students, although males were heavier
generally a greater target market. By contrast, users of text messaging than females.
female consumers had a higher tendency to
adopt or purchase ringtones and wallpapers, By contrast, Takao et al. [11] claimed that gender
which were meant to decorate or personalize appeared to be a weak predictor of problematic
their Smartphone. In other words, male mobile phone use, though females seemed likely
consumers seemed to prefer those mobile to experience problems more frequently. They
contents that were practical and useful in fulfilling argue that cultural or ethnic background might
their information needs. influence this addictive behavior in females. In
western countries, gender differentiation is not as
On the other hand, some studies found that severe as that in Asian countries, including
females were more addicted to their phones than Japan, where females inexplicitly still behaved
males. In one of the most cited studies [19] found modestly.
that tendencies to individual types of mobile
phone addiction were mostly gender-related. In Pakistan, Kamran [60] investigated university
Indeed, they pointed out that women overused students mobile phone calling and texting
the mobile phone to maintain social relationships patterns. He found that the majority were
more frequently than men, while men used it to extremely heavy users especially of text
make business calls. messaging, regardless of gender. Results
showed that the average received calls by male
Nevertheless, they found no statistically students were (4.3) and (4.1) per female
significant differences between men and women students on the diary day. Also, the average

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

number of dialed calls by male students 4.3 Smartphone Addiction and Family
remained (3.9) and by female students (3.4). Income Level
However, students reported an incredibly high
rate of SMS communication on the diary day. According to Castell et al. [63] users’ income is
The average number of SMS received by a male an important predictor of mobile phone use.
student remained at (98.4) and by a female Income is often a reason for mobile users to
(85.7). Similarly, the average number of text either continue or stop using emerging
messages sent remained almost the same technology. Wireless technology, such as mobile
among male and female students. Male students devices, were generally expected to have a
sent (109.5), while female students sent (98.2) higher correlation with income, since these are
on the diary day. becoming more advanced and applications are
more expensive. Hence, making the assumption
4.2 Smartphone Addiction and Students' that there is a higher adoption of mobile devices
Field of Study in high socio-economic groups.

A few studies have examined the relationship Similarly, Zulkefly [64] examined the personal
between Smartphone addiction and students' and family factors related to the mobile phone
field of study. use. The results indicated that family income
highly correlated with the duration of phone use
In reference to this, Abu-Jedy [3] investigated the and monthly expenditure. In conclusion, the
addiction to mobile phones and its relationship findings revealed that students from higher
with self-disclosure among a sample of students income families spent more time and money on
selected from the university of Jordan and their mobile phone.
Amman Al-Ahliyya University. He found that
there was a significant difference in terms of In contrast, research by Brown et al. [65] found
addiction related to the students' field of study. that lower income students' use of their mobile
Specifically, he found that humanities students of devices for the Internet was significantly higher
had a higher level of addiction than natural than with students who had higher family
science students. Also, there was a higher level earnings. Precisely, the results showed that in
of addiction among a private university students families which earned less than ($30,000) per
than public university ones. year, (41%) of students used their mobile phones
to access the Internet compared to (23%) of
Likewise, Oliver [61] studied Australian university students in families that earned more than
students and found that business students used ($30,000) per year. This disparity may exist
mobile phones very extensively in their courses. because lower income students lack access to
Both older and postgraduate students used other information communication technologies,
PDAs even if they had previously not used them, such as PCs and tablets. Consequently, low
but they were also acutely aware of the technical income students accept mobile phone as an
issues which could accompany their use. Also, alternative to access the Internet. The results
Ruiz-Olivares et al. [62] observed habits related also revealed that students who paid their own
to addictive behavior among university students phone bills used more features and services that
and its relationship with their macro-field of study the phone offered than students who did not pay
(arts/sciences). It would seem that being a their own monthly bills. In fact, (23%) of students
science student was a risk factor for gambling with low incomes pay their own phone bills and
addiction and being older and an Arts student only (4%) of students from families with higher
were risk factors for shopping addiction. Students incomes
showed moderate incidence of mobile phone use
behavior, while a very small group came close to Likewise, Rice & Katz [66] found that lower
having an addiction problem. income groups in the United States and in
developing countries usually used mobile
Hassanzadeh and Rezaei [14] explored the technology before any other users due to the
effect of students' course on SMS addiction lack of access to other wireless communication
among students of the Islamic Azad University. technology.
Results showed that there was a significant
difference between SMS addiction among However, James and Drennan [25] found that
students in different courses or majors. university students, regardless of income, had a
long established relationship with their phones

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

with an average of 6.5 years. All subjects were in Malaysia. This study also found a significant
using their third to fifth mobile phone upgrade. correlation between parents' age and
Moreover, their use time was high, ranging from problematic phone use. These findings tend to
1.5 to 5 hours per day and the average bill per suggest that students with younger parents were
month was $140, which was expensive given inclined to get hooked on their phones.
restricted student incomes. In [67] the results
showed that students with a lower socio- By contrast, Ahn [71] examined the relationship
economic status tended to use the mobile phone between parents' education and university
less to make phone calls. However, there was no students' participation in social network sites
significant status difference for the other uses. using phones. The results suggested that
parents' education was not a significant predictor
Chakraborty [68] compared usage patterns in a of social networking site (SNS) use. Those
mature market (United States) with a rapidly students appeared to find a way to get
growing new market (India) by surveying connected.
students in each country. The findings showed
similarities in the use of phones to communicate Similarly, Toda et al. [72] used a questionnaire to
with others and in the perception of mobile phone survey a sample population of 155 Japanese
use in public settings, but showed differences in female students, and investigate the associations
text messaging. However, in a developing market between mobile phone dependence and
like India, mobile phones may be the primary and perceived parental rearing attitudes. In relation to
only phones to which students have access. maternal rearing attitudes, analysis of responses
revealed a statistically significant difference in
Naz et al. [69] highlighted the economic scores between respondents who fell in the
consequences of excessive mobile phone use categories for high care/high protection and low
among university students. They found that it is care/low protection. In relation to paternal rearing
one of the disastrous threats to economic attitudes, no such difference was apparent. The
independence of students and their families. researchers suggested that the childhood
They deduced that excessive mobile phone use relationship with the mother may be associated
paves the way for plenty of crimes and deviant with mobile phone dependence. Furthermore,
acts that were regarded as severe threats to the loneliness may contribute to this association
stability of the community. Such crimes include
robberies, excess of burglaries and thefts, and Therefore, Koutras [73] revealed that due to
more prominently, the curse of gambling. changes in family structure, many university
students are taking more and more responsibility
4.4 Smartphone Addiction and Parent for their families' mobile phone purchase
Education Level decisions. In cases where both parents work full-
time, university students often made mobile
A new report published by Grunwald Associates phones purchasing decisions in order to
and the Learning First Alliance [70] found that in compensate for their parents’ absence from
terms of support, a majority of parents believed home. In the case of a single-parent family, they
that mobile phones could be positive educational usually had to act on behalf of an absent parent.
tools for their children because their applications
offer engaging ways of learning, in addition to 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
connecting and communicating. This report
states that “when it comes to mobile devices and Supplementary studies highlighted the negative
education, most parents believe (completely or effects of Smartphone addiction among
somewhat) that these devices open up learning university students. They identified the nature of
opportunities (71 percent), benefit students’ this type of addiction by indicating its symptoms,
learning (62 percent) and engage them in the classifying its levels and developing tools to
classroom (59 percent). Thirty-nine percent of measure it [19,7,25,30,16,9,29,3,26,11,13,28,14,
parents say that using mobile devices 4,8,6, 5,1,10,31,12,2].
supports their child’s learning regardless of the
app used.” [70]. Many studies correlated Smartphone addiction
with a decrease in academic achievement
However, Zulkefly [64] found that parents' [7,5,24,37,42,75,41,38,43,8,44].
education level was positively related to the
monthly phone expenditure of university students

Al-Barashdi et al.; JSRR, 4(3): 210-225, 2015; Article no.JSRR.2015.025

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higher risk. However, while some studies have interests exist.
shown gender differences in Smartphone
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