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Lesson Sketch for EDT 313 Investigation Hook lesson

Individuals completing this plan: Mara Shaneyfelt & Ashley Schoenthal

Lesson title: EKWQ chart about taste Investigation Topic: The Sense of Taste

2 Early Learning & Development Content Standards indicators:

● Cognition and General Knowledge: Cognitive Skills: Memory: “With modeling and
support, remember and use information for a variety of purposes.”

● Approaches Toward Learning: Initiative: Initiative and Curiosity: “Ask questions to seek
explanations about phenomena of interest.”

Instructional objectives: list 2- 3 observable/measurable objectives for this lesson. Use

precise language w/ action verbs.
The students will:
1. Recall their prior experiences and knowledge about taste to fill in the Experiences and
Knowledge sections of a EKWQ chart.

2. Use their experiences to assess and formulate new questions and/or wonders about the topic
given, and use these questions and/or wonders to help fill in the Wonders and Questions
sections of a EKWQ chart.

Experience(s): Describe authentic (real life, hands-on not representational) materials and
enticing/ creative experiences in which children are actively engaged. Experiences should
encourage experimentation, problem solving and language development. How will the
experience(s) inform you on the children’s prior knowledge and interest in the topic? How can
you use this data to inform the development of your Integrated Investigation Plan?
The students will sit on the rug during morning meeting. We will read a book, titled Yum!
A Book About Taste, by Dana Meachen Rau, as an introduction. The book will be placed in the
reading center. After reading the book, we will divide the whiteboard into 4 different sections:
Experiences, Knowledge, Wonders, Questions and then we will begin to work on the EKWQ
chart. We’ll go in the order listed above, asking the students questions based on the section title
to scaffold the learning. For example, in the Experiences section we may ask “What do you do
when the food you eat tastes bad?”, or “What is something you think we need to learn about
taste?” for the Wonder or Questions section. We will try and get information from each student.
This experience will inform us on the children’s prior knowledge because of the statements the
children will say based on their experiences and knowledge. The wonderings the children come
up with also show us how interested they are, as well as what they are interested in the most.
We can use this data to inform the development of the Integrated Investigation Plan by seeing
what the children will be able to comprehend, as well as what may need to be laid out before
moving on to other, maybe more complex, topics. For example, the EKWQ chart will show us if
we need to cover the different kinds of taste, or if we can move on to something more in depth.
Assessment of student learning:
1. Data to be collected- The data that will be collected is the information on the EKWQ chart.
We will take a picture once we are finished. The information that we should get from the chart is
how much knowledge and the experiences had with tastes, as well as what topics the children
are interested in and what they would be excited to learn.

2. Method used to record/aggregate data- The method used to record the data is the EKWQ

3. Interpretation of assessment data- Based on the EKWQ chart, we determined that the
children have a decent idea of taste. They understand that we taste food, as well as that we
taste with our tongue. There are also a few of them that are aware that the brain plays a role in
this sense. However, the main wondering they had was “foods we can taste”, which they
specified that it was foods they haven’t tasted before. The main question that the majority of
them asked was “why do they taste the way we do”. This shows us that the children may need a
lesson to gain experience on the technical aspect of taste, such as the parts of the tongue that
are associated with certain flavors and how that translates to the brain. Since they know that the
tongue and the brain are included in the sense of taste, this should expand on their previous

Reflection on lesson: In one page double spaced explain why the instructional objectives,
experiences and materials were chosen. Describe how well the children learned/achieved the
instructional objectives. Finally include a description of how the experience provided data to
inform the development of the investigation.
We chose this experience because we felt it was a good way to introduce the topic to the

children and then gain knowledge about what they already know, as well as what they can move

on to next. The book and the chart, in our opinion, were good methods for these children. From

what we have seen, the children like to be read to and they listen very well when the teacher

does the message board. So, we determined that working on the whiteboard would be a good

thing for them. The book was something the children found interesting and they thought the

chart was fun because they all got an opportunity to share their experiences. We felt that the

learning objectives we stated were things that the students would be able to accomplish. They

often connect things they see to their life experiences and they are very curious. The objectives

also go along with the standards and the experience so that everything is cohesive. The

children achieved the first learning objective very well. They came up with a lot of instances

were they experience taste, and they used their own knowledge, as well as information from the
book read beforehand, to give examples of the things they already know. They achieved the

second learning objective pretty well too. They all seemed to have the same wonderings and

questions. Therefore, this data has given us the opportunity to see what lessons may be of

interest for the children, as well as which lesson would be the most beneficial for their

development and life experiences. We now see that they want to have more experience with

foods and their taste. We also noticed that the children want to gain more knowledge on the way

that taste works. Since the questions/ wonderings all boiled down to one main question, we

think that these lessons will cover topics for the children to get the opportunity to build

accommodate and assimilate their schemas.

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