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The automobile industry, one of the core sectors, has undergone metamorphosis with the advent
of new business and manufacturing practices in the light of liberalization and globalization. The
sector seems to be optimistic of posting strong sales in the couple of years in the view of a
reasonable surge in demand.

The company that we have chosen to focus on for our analysis is Autokshi Engineers. This report
will take a look at the marketing environment by which Autokshi Engineers is surrounded; will
attempt to identify key strengths and opportunities that Autokshi Engineers may wish to
capitalize on; and will find and warn against glaring weaknesses and hidden threats that Autokshi
Engineers needs to guard against.

The purpose of this project is to learn about each & every department in the company and to
analyze the fact. It needs to determine about all the information of the entire company. Then the
information is classified as actual facts. The functions of each and every department are studied
& analyzed. There are four departments Finance, Marketing, Production and Human Resource

The main aim is to study the marketing mix of Autokshi Engineers, to study its life cycle initial
stage, growth and maturity and to study various promotional strategies and know about the
current Strategies keeping in mind the cut throat competition and arrival of Autokshi Engineers.
To provides all the crucial information on Autokshi Engineers required for business and
competitor intelligence needs and this study also Contains a study of the major internal and
external factors affecting Autokshi Engineers in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a
breakdown and examination of leading product revenue streams of Autokshi Engineers





India is a developing country. Nowadays many people are interested to invest in financial
markets especially on equities to get high returns, and to save tax in honest way. Equities
are playing a major role in contribution of capital to the business from the beginning. The Indian
automobile market is gearing towards international standards to meet the needs of the global
automobile giants and become a global hub.
A detailed analysis of Automobile industry has been covered in respect of past growth and
performance. Under this project to better understand the Industry I have used Fundamental tools
to make it more authentic and meaningful.
The Industry Analysis has been done with the help of SWOT analysis and industry life cycle. For
Company Analysis as a part of Fundamental tool we have undergone with the analysis of
Autokshi Engineers. The fundamental aspect consists of financial and Non-Financial analysis of
these companies.


Comfort: People are creatures of habit and develop patterns of working within a comfort zone of
daily activities.

Control: Changed practices may cause a loss of control over daily routines and activities. This
may come through changed reporting lines or responsibilities which can evoke a level of

Confidence: The introduction of new practices may undermine employee confidence in their
ability to perform. Some may accept this as challenge, for others it can be stressful.

Competence: To be able to operate in a changed work environment there is always an element

of re-skilling required. This necessarily means that current skills, often developed over an
extended period of time will need updating or may become redundant. This uncertainty can
impact on an employee's competence and ability to perform.

A market assessment tool designed to provide a business with an idea of the complexity of a
particular industry. Industry analysis involves reviewing the economic, political and market
factors that influence the way the industry develops. Major factors can include
the power wielded by suppliers and buyers, the condition of competitors, and the likelihood of
new market entrants.


A company analysis includes basic information about the company such as the mission statement
and vision as well as the values and goals. During a company analysis, an investor also looks at
the history of the company, focusing on events that have shaped the company.

A company analysis looks into what goods or services the company sells. If the company is a
manufacturing company, an analysis studies what products the company makes, and analyzes the
quality and the demand of these products. If it’s a service business, the investor studies the
services offered.


SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT Matrix) is a structured planning method used to

evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in
a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be carried out for a product, place, industry or person.
It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal
and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective. The technique
is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a convention at the Stanford Research Institute
(now SRI International) in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies. The
degree to which the internal environment of the firm matches with the external environment is
expressed by the concept of strategic fit.

 Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others
 Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others

 Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage

 Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project



The Automotive industry in India is one of the largest in the world and one of the fastest growing
globally. India manufactures over 11 million vehicles (including 2 wheeled and 4 wheeled) and
exports about 1.5 million every year. It is the world's second largest manufacturer of
motorcycles, with annual sales exceeding 8.5 million in 2009.India's passenger car and
commercial vehicle manufacturing industry is the seventh largest in the world, with an annual
production of more than 2.6 million units in 2009. In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth largest
exporter of passenger cars, behind Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.

As of 2009, India is home to 40 million passenger vehicles and more than 2.6 million cars were
sold in India in 2009 (an increase of 26%), making the country the second fastest growing
automobile market in the world. According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers,
annual car sales are projected to increase up to 5 million vehicles by 2015 and more than 9
million by 2020.By 2050, the country is expected to top the world in car volumes with
approximately 611 million vehicles on the nation's roads.

A chunk of India's car manufacturing industry is based in and around Chennai, also known as the
"Detroit of India" with the India operations of BMW, Ford, Hyundai and Nissan headquartered in
the city. Chennai accounts for 60 per cent of the country's automotive exports. Gurgaon and
Manesar near New Delhi are hubs where all of the Maruti Suzuki cars in India are manufactured.
The Chakan corridor near Pune, Maharashtra is another vehicular production hub with
companies like General Motors, Volkswagen, Skoda, Mahindra and Mahindra, Tata Motors,
Mercedes Benz, Fiat and Force Motors having assembly plants in the area. Ahmedabad with the
Tata Nano plant, Halol with General Motors in Gujarat, Aurangabad with Audi in Maharashtra
and Kolkatta with Hindustan Motors in West Bengal are some of the other automotive
manufacturing regions around the country.
Supply chain of Automobile Industry:

The supply chain of automotive industry in India is very similar to the supply chain of the
automotive industry in Europe and America. The orders of the industry arise from the bottom of
the supply chain i. e., from the consumers and go through the automakers and climbs up until the
third tier suppliers. However the products, as channeled in every traditional automotive industry,
flow from the top of the supply chain to reach the consumers. Automakers in India are the key to
the supply chain and are responsible for the products and innovation in the industry.

The description and the role of each of the contributors to the supply chain are discussed below.

Third Tier Suppliers: These companies provide basic products like rubber, glass, steel, plastic
and aluminum to the second tier suppliers.

Second Tier Suppliers: These companies design vehicle systems or bodies for First Tier
Suppliers and OEMs. They work on designs provided by the first tier suppliers or OEMs.
Figure showing the Supply Chain of Indian Automobile Industry

They also provide engineering resources for detailed designs. Some of their services may include
welding, fabrication, shearing, bending etc.

First Tier Suppliers: These companies provide major systems directly to assemblers. These
companies have global coverage, in order to follow their customers to various locations around
the world. They design and innovate in order to provide “black-box” solutions for the
requirements of their customers. Black-box solutions are solutions created by suppliers using
their own technology to meet the performance and interface requirements set by assemblers.
First tier suppliers are responsible not only for the assembly of parts into complete units like
dashboard, breaks-axel-suspension, seats, or cockpit but also for the management of second-tier

Automakers/Vehicle Manufacturers/Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs): After

researching consumers’ wants and needs, automakers begin designing models which are tailored
to consumers’ demands. The design process normally takes five years. These companies have
manufacturing units where engines are manufactured and parts supplied by first tier suppliers
and second tier suppliers are assembled. Automakers are the key to the supply chain of the
automotive industry. Examples of these companies are Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki, Toyota, and
Honda. Innovation, design capability and branding are the main focus of these companies.

Dealers: Once the vehicles are ready they are shipped to the regional branch and from there, to
the authorized dealers of the companies. The dealers then sell the vehicles to the end customers.

Parts and Accessory: These companies provide products like tires, windshields, and air bags etc.
to automakers and dealers or directly to customers.

Service Providers: Some of the services to the customers include servicing of vehicles, repairing
parts, or financing of vehicles. Many dealers provide these services but, customers can also
choose to go to independent service providers.

The world market for forklift and materials handling spare parts has grown exponentially in
recent years. Giants have emerged, small players have broken in, and the growth of the internet
as a business tool has broken down international borders and created a truly global business.

A spare part, spare, service part, repair part, or replacement part, is an interchangeable part that is
kept in an inventory and used for the repair or replacement of failed parts. Spare parts are an
important feature of logistics management and supply chain management, often comprising
dedicated spare parts management systems.

Capital spares are spare parts although acknowledged to have a long life or a small chance
of failure would cause shutdown of equipment for a prolonged period because of the long
delivery of their replacement.
Spare parts are an outgrowth of the industrial development of interchangeable parts and mass

"However, according to internal calculations, we dare to estimate the total annual market for
forklift spare parts to be between EUR3.5 billion (USD4.3 billion) and EUR4 billion (USD4.9
billion)," he said.

"This number is roughly calculated; making assumptions on parameters like the number of new
trucks sold every year (between 550,000 and 600,000), the market in second-hand trucks and the
expected sales of forklift parts per truck."

Mr Valcke said TVH did not use those numbers as a reference, as some sectors of the market
were difficult to quantify. "For example, there are still a lot of Balcancar trucks in Eastern
Europe and Russia (and) there are practical limitations on whether a product is marketable in a
country (due to distance, market presence of manufacturers, competition, etc)."

Manufacturing is critically important to the UK's economic vitality and sustainability. According
to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), manufacturing accounts for about 15 per cent of
gross domestic product (GDP) and employs just under 4 million people. This constitutes around
14% of everyone working in UK, although this sector is nowhere near the employment figures of
the service industries where over 20 million are employed. According to the Confederation of
British Industry (CBI), over 2.4 million jobs in service industries depend on manufacturing.
Manufacturing revolves around the production of goods to meet design specifications, quality
controls and customer requirements.

Within manufacturing, the top four industries in the UK measured by production value are food
and drink, chemicals, motor vehicles and machinery. Manufacturing stability is heavily
dependent on the economy. Decades of economic instability, coupled with under investment,
high interest rates and over-regulation have left manufacturing reeling. One by one
manufacturing industries have contracted or disappeared. Coal production has all but ceased and
the steel industry is currently in crisis, with swinging job cuts being implemented.
Economic factors have a direct impact on the success or otherwise of the sector. Recently, the
strong pound has made British exports more expensive than other international goods. Economic
wisdom says that joining the single currency could help the sector enormously. Cheaper labour
and operating costs abroad, the cost of dealing with new environmental legislation and the global
collapse of the telecom and technology sector in 2001 have also had an effect.

External factors also take their toll. For example, the war against Iraq in 2003 caused a
slowdown, which was shared by the manufacturing industry across the world. Manufacturing
firms were squeezed by a combination of falling demand and higher input prices caused by the
spiralling cost of oil. Companies were running down stocks in an attempt to protect profit
margins. The general uncertainty affecting the global economic outlook was felt by all.



The automotive industry is set for major disruption in 2017. Alternative fuels, new lightweight
materials and innovative technology are transforming the manufacturing process as well as the
cars we drive.

Look out for these major developments in the coming year:

1. Connected Cars Move Ahead

The Uber generation is here. Brand loyalty is becoming a thing of the past as millennials and
those even younger explore long-term leases and car sharing. For these new consumers, digital
capabilities will be a key differentiator. Which services, networks and data can they access? How
enabled will their vehicle be? A premium range of apps and digital functions are now expected as
standard, with the latest models still selling primarily on power and weight.

Many IT requirements will become mandatory by 2018, and manufacturers will need to take this
into account. In the US it will become law to have a rear camera. Every year in the U.S.,
approximately 200 people are killed and 14,000 injured in back-over accidents.
For most manufacturers, rear cameras are already a priority. By 2017, 80% of all manufactured
cars will have one. Back-up cameras are included on around half of all new cars sold in the U.S.
today. Wi-Fi hotspots in vehicles, too, are on the road to becoming standard, with 20% of car
manufacturers planning to provide WLAN hotspots in vehicles in 2017.

2. Electric Vehicles Power the Future

The alternative fuel market will reach $614 billion by 2022. The Asia-Pacific region is
continuing to corner this market, especially in China. In July 2016, the market share for electric
vehicles (EV) in China broke through the 1% barrier, up to 1.1% of all new car sales. Although
this may not sound like much, 1.1% meant 34,000 new EVs on Chinese roads in July 2016,
a 188% increase over June.

Central to China’s success has been its network of charging stations. Between 2010 and 2015, the
number of charging stations in China grew from 1,122 to 49,000. Factor in privately owned
charging stations and stations for buses and logistics vehicles, and the total number of stations
reached 160,000. The country aims to build 12,000 centralized charging stations and 4.8 million
provincial charging stations by 2020, to meet a forecast demand of 5 million EVs. A robust
strategy for charging stations is essential for EV uptake.

This could bring about new opportunities for manufacturers in all regions. In 2017, we could
well see European and U.S. manufacturers increase their presence in China around advanced
safety technology and crash testing. China is already coming to Europe to test many of its
domestic car models. In 2017 and beyond, European manufacturers will help China develop its
safety and testing capabilities—as China continues to showcase the benefits of a robust,
comprehensive EV strategy.

3. New Materials Race Heats up

Formula One is a hothouse for the development of ultra-high-speed, ultra-light-weight, tough,

crash-resistant materials. In 2017, materials and technologies developed in Formula One will
keep transitioning into mainstream serial manufacture. Cost is a key issue for OEM producers,
but many are already achieving increased quality while reducing costs. 2016 has seen excellent
advances in serial vehicles that are safer, lighter and more powerful. In 2017 we’ll see even
more. The use of new and innovative materials shows the serious competitive edge large-scale
manufacturers get when they learn closely from smaller, high-end, innovative manufacturers.

But new materials are only half the story. New vehicles mean new processes. The growth of EVs
and hybrids mean many manufacturing processes are being turned on their head. In EVs and
hybrids, the battery is one of the last parts to be installed—a complete reversal of traditional
processes. For suppliers and manufacturers, automation and new processes will power their
competitive edge. Manufacturing plants like Tesla’s, that have several automated stations rather
than a traditional sequential line, will become the norm. The Tesla plant employs 3,000 people
and 180 highly versatile, specialized robots. Process efficiency drives everything.

In 2017 we will see the backbone of auto manufacturing—the production line—streamline,

automate and diversify at even greater speed as manufacturers and suppliers race to produce
lighter more powerful vehicles faster. The effects will spread throughout the supply chain.
Suppliers, too, will need to be more innovative, faster and more agile—often transforming their
logistics and production processes as smaller, more technologically advanced suppliers start
challenging older ones. Speed of development, production and supply will be of the essence in
the new year.

Lighter, faster, more powerful and safer—manufacturers are constantly changing our
understanding of what a ‘car’ is, what we can do in it and how we power it. For manufactures
and suppliers, this means new directions, new processes, new capabilities and new strategies—
and the sooner the better.


The automotive industry has always been a sector of fast development. Last year was no
exception, as 2016 has seen the industry put the pedal to the metal in terms of technological
advancement. But technology isn’t the only factor that’s changing.

Diving deeper into currently unfolding auto industry trends provides insights into how our
everyday lives will be different in the coming 10-30 years. Therefore, analyzing the trends that
experts expect to see in 2017 is not only fascinating for carmakers and automotive suppliers, but
also for weekend drivers – and, as you’ll see, even those without a driving license.

Want to learn more about how automotive embedded developers should prepare for and adapt to
trends & challenges in 2017? Watch our webinar from 25 Jan 2017:

The automotive revolution

New gadgets and innovative technologies are driving a disruptive change that experts agree will
reshape the foundations of the automotive industry as we know it. McKinsey’s 2016
prognosis for the automotive industry’s future has identified four important technology-driven
changes affecting the market.

1) New technologies: Electrification, connectivity & autonomous driving

While we’re talking about changes that are more disruptive than simply hooking up cars with the
latest of gear, it is embedded technology that has enabled these trends to emerge. So it’s
important that we analyze just what kind of automotive technology is in the making.

The steadily dropping price of batteries as well as other technologies has enabled electric cars to
pop up on our roads, and experts agree that hybrid or fully electric cars will soon be cost-
competitive with conventional automobiles. Interest in efficient and eco-friendly technologies is
also on the rise.

The addition of connectivity capabilities has paved the way for autonomous vehicles. Due to
large-scale research projects by Google, Apple, and practically all of the leading carmakers, self-
driving cars have been in the centre of attention recently. While the use of fully autonomous
vehicles in real traffic situations may be further down the road, advanced driver-assistance
systems (ADAS) that rely on similar technology have already started partially taking over
control from human drivers. This will help shape public opinion and safety/security regulations,
but will also drive further innovation in this area.

As software plays an increasingly important role in how modern cars operate, competition will
likely force innovation to speed up, and new functionality may be added to your car with a
simple software update. Upgradability will become vital. The intertwining issues of
cybersecurity and road safety will gain further importance.

Perhaps a less immediate change, but automotive experts and researchers also believe that
technologies such as 3D printing and machine learning (AI) will have a great impact on the auto
industry. 3D printing may allow us to build better, safer, but not as long-lasting bodies for our
cars, allowing more economical accident repair, while artificial intelligence (AI) could help us
ensure the security of data.

2) How we relate to mobility: Changes in consumer behavior

Interestingly, as technology makes vehicles safer, cleaner, and more convenient, it seems like
consumers are less likely to get emotionally attached to their cars. McKinsey forecasts that in
2030, 1 out of 10 cars sold could be a shared vehicle. The signs of declining ownership are
already apparent, and the report expects this trend to continue and even accelerate in coming

Mobility providers such as Uber and others will enable consumers to simply rent a (shared) car
as an on-demand service, specifically for their intended purpose and for a set travel itinerary or
period of time. Ownership is expected to be less important, and car customizability will be
achieved by modularization and via flexibly configurable software with personal profiles.

3) Where carmakers make their money: New sources of revenue

Mobility solutions aren’t the only new avenues of business opening up for the auto industry.
Surpassing the traditional notion of revenue streams (car sales and aftermarket
products/services), companies will find new ways to realize value, disrupting and transforming
business models on the automotive market. Some new, viable forms of business models may not
even have been devised yet.

Connectivity allows vast amounts of valuable data to be generated, enabling the capitalization of
data-driven services. Expanding autonomous technology will enable transit time to be used for
personal activities, opening up new revenue streams for automotive companies (in the form of
entertainment, media, and other services). This will most likely attract new providers to the
market, and/or require traditional auto companies to gain competences in new areas – leading us
to the last very important trend that is already shaping the automotive industry.

4) Changing value chain in the automotive industry: Compete or cooperate?

Not only will companies have to reimagine their opportunities for realizing revenue in an agile
way, but they will also be forced to think about how they compete, and who they compete with.
The auto industry hasn’t fundamentally changed since the first cars were manufactured: there are
a handful of major carmakers that make profit by selling cars and other (hardware) products, and
some services. With the automotive revolution that the above trends outline, it’s inevitable that
new, non-traditional players will enter the market.

To compete with these new entrants, carmakers will have to redefine their role in the auto
industry, and either assume new business models, or gain new competences. For instance, as
software becomes increasingly important, they will need to build solid proficiency in software
development, or partner with a tech company that has the necessary capabilities.

How should carmakers react and adapt to these changes?

In other words, traditional players of the automotive industry will need to become more open,
agile, innovative, and able to learn and adapt to fast-changing market trends. Implementing these
concepts in reality requires a paradigm shift in a variety of areas. Changes in terms of
organizational culture and even structure, management practices, but also internal and external
communication are inevitable. A more agile, innovative, and integrated approach will have to be
applied to all the traditional business processes – contributing to new ways of product innovation
and development.

Established in the 1997, Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd is into the manufacturing of auto parts for
two wheeler and other commercial vehicles in India. India being the one among the low cost
countries, yet which is fast developing, benefits the clients through minimum investment and
maximum output. The wide range of our products includes commercial vehicle components,
main stand and side stand, backing plates, gear shift lever, heavy duty stamp and tubular
components and more. All the product developments are done using latest technology and high
quality materials.

Being ISO/TS 16949-2009 certified company, Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd follows the latest and
advanced technology that helps in the faster product development while also providing better
support for our clients. A combination over 2 decades of experience and expertise in the industry
enables us to deliver superior quality customized products as per the customer requirements.

We have the state of the art infrastructure and cutting edge technology with which the product
development is made faster and accurate. We have manufacturing unit in Tamilnadu that
comprise of separate design office for offering customized designing of components for the
clients, with a separate lab where all the products are tested. The team follows the next
generation technology and techniques for testing the manufactured products; with this we ensure
superior quality of all our products.

Most of our product development processes and even the administration processes are automated
to ensure maximum accuracy, perfection and productivity. We have implemented SAP for the
administration process. For the successful and accurate completion of product development
process, we have implemented the well-known TPM. This concept ensures maximum
productivity through cost saving and time saving throughout the production line. Our
implementation of robotic line for various manufacturing processes assures faster and perfect
product outputs. Robotic lines are used for pick and place of sheets, so that there is only a
minimum human interference in such difficult processes which avoids accidents and human
errors. Through automation of product development, we can ascertain predictable quality as well
as quantity of products.

Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd not only concentrates on its own growth, but also contributes to
developing the capabilities of the region. With the association of various organisations, we strive
in creating a better development of the company as well as the region and with this motto in
mind contribute towards the cause continuously.

With the cutting edge infrastructure and manufacturing capacity, we can cater to the needs and
requirements of larger companies as well as smaller companies. Our components are supplied to
various companies. We take pride in our association with these leading auto manufacturers and
look towards associating with more esteemed names from all over the world.

Development Capabilities
The ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified company, Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd is one of the foremost
sheet metal & fabricated auto parts and press tools manufacturers in India. The stringent methods
used in the quality assurance and production of various auto parts for two wheelers and three
wheeler commercial vehicles, ensures that they are of the best quality.
We deploy the cutting edge technology for the product development and designing process;
internationally acclaimed machinery is deployed for the manufacturing purposes. A constant
enhancement of the technology and processes is the part of our work-culture as a leading sheet
metal parts & tools manufacturer in India. Our team attends periodic and adequate training
programs so as to keep themselves well-conversant with the new technologies and skills.
We have robotic lines for welding and pick & place mechanism of steel sheets and other heavy
works and thereby reducing errors for such tasks. We process more than 80 tons of steel per day
and have automated most of the processes to minimize the mistakes caused. We have sharp focus
on TPM which reduces wastage of resources and reduces cost of production. Additionally, our
business processes are automated with the implementation of SAP enterprise business solutions
for faster business.
Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd manufactures and supplies auto parts for various companies
including small, medium and big scale organizations; our forte is not restricted just to auto parts.
Our specialty as a press tools manufacturer and sheet metal parts manufacturing in India lies in
our futuristic approach towards technology and overall business which enables creation of
flawless auto parts for three wheeler commercial vehicles and motorcycles.
Our development activities are monitored through Team Centre software.

Stamping Capabilities
With more than 4 manufacturing units in Tamilnadu, Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd is one of the
foremost companies who specialize in precision stamping. With our high quality and efficient
precision metal stamping, we have set a benchmark among the companies offering precision
stamping. We employ the latest cutting edge technology for the designing and manufacturing of
all our precision metal stampings.
At Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd, we have a stamping facility of over 10,000 square metres with
facilities for hydraulic shearing and bending. We offer precision stamping in various ranges. Our
precision metal stamping in mechanical press ranges from 10 ton to 500 ton with a bed size of
2500X 1500 mm. The hydraulic press ranges from 30 ton to 500 tons with a maximum bed size
of 3200 X 2000 mm.
Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd is preferred by most of the automotive manufacturers for our
expertise and years of experience in precision metal stamping; we process 80 tons of steel per
day. We have transfer press at our 6 stations and produce up to 1250 tons. We make use of
technologies like Tandem line, Auto blanking and Pneumatic pick and place for precision
stamping process. Prompt and customized services and support are offered by our team as per the
client’s requirements.
With the vast experience and expertise in the field of precision stamping, we are capable of
offering superior quality products and futuristic designs for our customers. We also use advanced
technologies and concepts to maintain perfection and accurateness in precision metal stamping.
Welding Capabilities
Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd has been offering auto parts manufacturing facility for commercial
vehicles and two wheeler vehicles since year 1997. integrated welding assembly systems have
been implemented all 4 manufacturing plants. Specially designed robotic lines have been placed
targeting maximum accuracy and augmented productivity. Our welding capabilities include
robotic welding assemblies, mig welding assembly so as to ensure enhanced accuracy and
At Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd, we believe in delivering predictable quality and quantity which
can be achieved if optimum automation is used in these processes. Therefore to avoid
complexity, reduce manual error and accidents caused due to manual interference mig welding
assembly and robotic welding assemblies are used.
Our robotic lines are capable of taking care of the spot weld assembly. We use pick and place
arrangements for sheet metal pressing. It minimizes manual intervention. Additionally,
automation assists in accelerating the manufacturing processes remarkably.
We are the OEM manufacturer of Body-in-white for 3 wheeler automotives. Spot welding is used
in the manufacturing of tray for goods carrier vehicles. The robotic welding used for faster
production of passenger body component required for commercial vehicles.
With the help of spot welding, we manufacture deep drawn front mud guards and also dashboard
metal skeleton. Almost 50 goods carriers tray are delivered by our manufacturing capacity on
daily basis. The entire repair procedures are seamlessly completed using mig welding assembly.

Quality & Systems

The leading manufacturer of auto parts for commercial vehicles and two wheelers, Autokshi
Engineers Pvt Ltd, has a meticulously designed set of policies and systems in place to check the
quality of products developed. We have a strong engineering and development team along well-
equipped tool room and lab.
We received ISO 9001:2000 certification in 2001 and ISO/TS 16949:2009 in 2007. Various
internationally approved systems are in place at Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd for enhancing
quality and quantity of products developed. A successful implementation of TPM for superior
quality product development is also effectively supported by the implementation of SAP
enterprise software solution for various business processes. Our cost-efficient and energy saving
robotic lines help us in reducing errors caused by human interference while boosting qualitative
and increased product development.

With robotic assembly and robotic welding lines, we ensure that all the manufactured products
are perfect and of predictable quality as well as quantity.

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Commercial Vehicle Components/ parts
Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd offers customized three wheeler commercial vehicle parts to India's
top most commercial vehicle manufacturers. We have been in the field since 1997 and supply
more than 200 three wheeler commercial vehicle and two wheelers components per day.
Autokshi Engineers Pvt Ltd is an ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified company; we design, develop and
manufacture the complete range of two & thee wheeler commercial vehicle parts as per the
different requirements of the customers.
We ensure that all the three wheelers commercial vehicle components developed comply with the
needs and requirements of the modern commercial vehicles. Excellent safety, finest quality and
highest efficiency are the qualities of the commercial vehicles parts produced at our units. We are
the OEM manufacturer of Body in White (BIW) for three wheeler commercial vehicles.
We manufacture up to 900 units of commercial vehicle passenger body per day and also 120
units of large commercial vehicle passenger bodies per day. We are also the manufacturer of
superior quality deep drawn mud guard which we manufacture and supply up to 2500 quantity
per day. All commercial vehicle components developed by us are done using advanced
technology and robotic lines for better and accurate designs and products. Our years of
experience and expertise in developing commercial vehicle parts help in the timely delivery and
perfection of products developed.
These commercial vehicle components manufactured are of superior quality with futuristic
designs; hence they are much appreciated and accepted by our clients. We supply commercial
vehicle components for our esteemed clients. We have the capacity and resources to extensively
manufacture commercial vehicle parts for heavy vehicles as well.

The Indian auto-components industry has experienced healthy growth over the last few years.
Some of the factors attributable to this include: a buoyant end-user market, improved consumer
sentiment and return of adequate liquidity in the financial system.
The auto-components industry accounts for almost seven per cent of India’s Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) and employs as many as 19 million people, both directly and indirectly. A stable
government framework, increased purchasing power, large domestic market, and an ever
increasing development in infrastructure have made India a favourable destination for
Market Size
The Indian auto-components industry can be broadly classified into the organised and
unorganised sectors. The organised sector caters to the Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs) and consists of high-value precision instruments while the unorganised sector comprises
low-valued products and caters mostly to the aftermarket category.
Over the last decade, the automotive components industry has scaled three times to US$ 39
billion in 2015-16 while exports have grown even faster to US$ 10.8 billion. This has been
driven by strong growth in the domestic market and increasing globalisation (including exports)
of several Indian suppliers.
The Indian Auto Component industry is expected to grow by 8-10 per cent in FY 2017-18, based
on higher localisation by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), higher component content
per vehicle, and rising exports from India, as per ICRA Limited.
According to the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA), the
Indian auto-components industry is expected to register a turnover of US$ 100 billion by 2020
backed by strong exports ranging between US$ 80- US$ 100 billion by 2026, from the current
US$ 11.2 billion.
The cumulative Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the Indian automobile industry
during the period April 2000 – September 2016 were recorded at US$ 15.80 billion, as per data
by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
Some of the major investments made into the Indian auto components sector are as follows:
 Gestamp, a Spanish automobile component manufacturing company, has invested Rs 260
crore (US$ 38.63 million) in a new hot stamping plant in Pune, in order to cater to the
increasing demand for lighter vehicles in India.
 Exide Industries, India’s biggest automotive battery maker, plans to invest around Rs 300
crore (US$ 45 million) in West Bengal to expand its capacity for advanced motorcycle
batteries over a period of 18 months.

 Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd, an automobile components manufacturer, has acquired

Finland-based truck wire maker PKC Group Pic for € 571 million (US$ 609.57 million),
which will help the company expand its presence in the global wiring harness business
for commercial vehicles.

 Sundaram Clayton, part of the TVS group, plans to invest US$ 50 million in US and Rs
400 crore (US$ 59.76 million) in India over the next three years.

 Mercedes Benz India Private Limited has set up India’s largest spare parts warehouse in
Pune, with an area of 16,500 square meters which can stock up to 44,000 parts. It will
also include a vehicle preparation centre that can stock up to 5,700 cars to customise
them before delivery.

 JK Tyre and Industries Ltd, India's leading tyre manufacturer, has acquired Cavendish
Industries Ltd (CIL) for Rs 2,200 crore (US$ 329.2 million), which will enable JK’s entry
into the fast-growing two-wheeler and three-wheeler tyre market.

 Japanese auto major Honda is planning to step up supply and target exporting of auto
components worth Rs 1,500 crore (US$ 224.45 million) from India to it various
international operations.

 Auto components maker Bharat Forge Ltd (BFL), the flagship company of the US$ 3
billion Kalyani Group, has formalised agreement with Rolls-Royce Plc which will supply
BFL with critical and high integrity forged and machined components

 Canada’s Magna International Incorporated has started production at two facilities in

Gujarat’s Sanand, which will supply auto parts to Ford Motor Co in India
 Everstone Capital, a Singapore-based private equity (PE) firm, has purchased 51 per cent
in Indian auto components maker SJS Enterprises for an estimated Rs 350 crore (US$
51.35 million).

 ArcelorMittal signed a joint venture agreement with Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)
to establish an automotive steel manufacturing facility in India.

 German auto components maker Bosch Ltd opened its new factory at Bidadi, near
Bengaluru, which is its fifth manufacturing plant in Karnataka. The company has also
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Bengaluru with a view to strengthen Bosch’s research and development in areas including
mobility and healthcare thereby driving innovation for India-centric requirements.

 French tyre manufacturer Michelin announced plans to produce 16,000 tonnes of truck
and bus tyres from its Indian facility this year, a 45 per cent rise from last year.

 Amtek Auto Ltd acquired Germany-based Scholz Edelstahl GmbH through its 100 per
cent Singapore-based subsidiary Amtek Precision Engineering Pte Ltd.

 MRF Ltd plans to invest Rs 4,500 crore (US$ 660.231 million) in its two factories in
Tamil Nadu as part of its expansion plan.

 Hero MotoCorp is investing Rs 5,000 crore (US$ 733.59 million) in five manufacturing
facilities across India, Colombia and Bangladesh, to increase its annual production
capacity to 12 million units by 2020.

Government Initiatives
The Government of India’s Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) 2006–2016 has come a long way in
ensuring growth for the sector. It is expected that this sector's contribution to the GDP will reach
US$ 145 billion in 2016 due to the government’s special focus on exports of small cars, multi-
utility vehicles (MUVs), two and three-wheelers and auto components. Separately, the
deregulation of FDI in this sector has also helped foreign companies to make large investments
in India. The Government of India’s Automotive Mission Plan (AMP) 2016–2026 envisages
creation of an additional 50 million jobs along with an ambitious target of increasing the value of
the output of the sector to up to Rs 1,889,000 crore (US$ 282.65 billion).
Road Ahead
The rapidly globalising world is opening up newer avenues for the transportation industry,
especially while it makes a shift towards electric, electronic and hybrid cars, which are deemed
more efficient, safe and reliable modes of transportation. Over the next decade, this will lead to
newer verticals and opportunities for auto-component manufacturers, who would need to adapt
to the change via systematic research and development.
The Indian auto-components industry is set to become the third largest in the world by 2025.
Indian auto-component makers are well positioned to benefit from the globalisation of the sector
as exports potential could be increased by up to four times to US$ 40 billion by 2020.



To conduct an organizational study at Autokshi Engineers


 To study the marketing mix of Autokshi Engineers

 To study its life cycle initial stage, growth and maturity.
 To study various promotional strategies and know about the current strategies keeping in
mind the cut throat competition and arrival of Autokshi Engineers.
 To focus on comparative study of different products of Autokshi Engineers
Different range of Products; their success and failure.
 To study overall financial performance of Autokshi Engineers.


1. Provides all the crucial information on Autokshi Engineers required for business and
competitor intelligence needs
2. Contains a study of the major internal and external factors affecting Autokshi Engineers
in the form of a SWOT analysis as well as a breakdown and examination of leading
product revenue streams of Autokshi Engineers
3. Data is supplemented with details on Autokshi Engineers history, key executives,
business description, locations and subsidiaries as well as a list of products and services
and the latest available statement from Autokshi Engineers


The purpose of this project is to learn about each & every department in the company and to
analyze the fact. It needs to determine about all the information of the entire company. Then the
information is classified as actual facts. The functions of each and every department are studied
& analyzed. There are four departments Finance, Marketing, Production and Human Resource
(HR). Where Production and Marketing Department play a vital role.

To bring in the feasible, easy accessible, user friendly firm, the suggestion &
recommendation are useful. The result of this study will be more helpful to the company in
making proper change.


Three distinct phases of Change Management which was used by the company as their recovery

Phase one was intended to stem the bleeding. Costs had to be reduced in a big way, and that was
going to be a huge challenge for a company that was not only the market leader but had been
used to operating in a seller’s market and employing a cost-plus approach to pricing.

Phase two was to be about consolidating their position in Chennai, and

Phase three was to involve going outside Chennai and expanding their operations internationally


1. One of the most established company in automobile sector

2. Wide & extensive distribution and service network
3. Good market penetration in the taxi & rental segment
4. Expert service professionals available
5. Dedicated engineering and R&D department
7. More than 600 employees
8. Highly diversified product portfolio


1. Limited international presence

2. Sometimes faces alleged quality and durability issues
3. Not much customer engagement programs and activities


1. Expanding automobile market and available space for competitors

2. Increasing per capita income and purchasing capability of potential customer base
3. Leveraging customer engagement experience to acquire new customers
4. Leveraging mergers and acquisitions to acquire newer technology
5. Augmenting the distribution and service network in various cities


1. Increasing fuel costs

2. Competition from other big automobiles in Chennai
3. Competitive products offering same level features at a lesser price
4. Product innovations and frugal engineering by competitors

Marketing is the process by which a product or service originates and is then priced, promoted,
and distributed to consumers. The principal marketing functions involve market research and
product development, design, and testing. It is the business activity of presenting products or
services in such a way as to make them desirable.
One has to consider promotion that is balanced with a suitable product available at a reasonable
price, provided at all places to maximize the sale of one’s product.

Brand Pricing Strategy Personal Selling Channels of Distributions
Packaging Pricing & Quality Advertising Physical Distribution
Innovations Price & Alterations Public Relations Wholesaler & Retailers
Quality Discounts

1. PRODUCT (Brand, Packaging, Innovations, Quality) :

a. Brand: Advertising is often used to make consumers aware of a product’s special low price or
its benefits. But an even more important function of advertising is to create an image that
consumers associate with a product, known as the brand image. The brand image goes far
beyond the functional characteristics of the product. The products of Autokshi Engineers have
many special characteristics to them, but when consumers think of it, they not only think of its
features, but they may also associate it with quality, performance, and class. All of these
meanings have been added to the product by advertising. Consumers frequently buy the product
not only for its functional characteristics but also because they want to be identified with the
image associated with the brand.
b. Packaging: A vehicle parts cannot have a material packaging. Here, packaging refers to and
effective assembly of features. Autokshi Engineers provide many innovative features to suit the
target customers and the product.

c. Innovations: The R & D Department continuously strives to bring new innovations in their

d. Quality Control: Autokshi Engineers have their Quality Control standards and the QC Dept.
ensures that the customer does not face any inconveniences of a defective product.

2. PRICE (Pricing Strategy, Alterations, Discounts)

a. Pricing Strategy: The prices are fixed keeping in mind a number of factors. Autokshi
Engineers give a relative price advantage as compares to its competitors. The various
determinants of price are
i. Market Condition
ii. Costs incurred
iii. Profit percentage desired by the Co.
iv. Dealer Profit

b. Alterations: The Company does not allow any alterations to any of the features of the
product. If there is an alteration which affects the performance of the engine, then the warranty
becomes void. However, there may be alterations in the accessories, if desired by the customer.

c. Discounts: Discounts are decided by the Co. every month. Any further discounts made from
the profits of the dealer. However, the Co. may compensate the dealer for the discounts allowed
to a certain extent.
3. PROMOTION (Personal Selling, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations)

a. Personal Selling: There is minimal personal selling involved. The Sales Officers at the
dealerships collect prospective customer databases and perform cold calling to attract customers.

b. Advertising: Advertising is a form of commercial mass communication designed to promote

the sale of a product or service. The dealer conducts point-of-purchase displays to advertise the

c. Sales Promotion: The purpose of sales promotion is to supplement and coordinate advertising
and personal selling; Sales promotions are designed to persuade consumers to purchase
immediately by providing special incentives such as cash rebates, prizes, extra product, or gifts.
The Co. conducts intensive sales promotion during festivals such as festive discounts during

d. Public Relations : Public Relations is a management function that creates, develops, and
carries out policies and programs to influence public opinion or public reaction about an idea, a
product, or an organization. The Co. takes serious measures to maintain good public relations.
The Co. follows business ethics to ensure that the customer is satisfied and receives good service
whenever and wherever he desires

4. PLACE (Channels of Distribution, Physical Distribution)

a. Channels of Distribution: In case of vehicles spare parts, dealership method of distribution

and sales is generally adopted. Autokshi Engineers have also adopted dealership method of
distribution of its products. The dealers purchase products from the Co. at a negotiated price. The
MRP is fixed by the Co. and the dealer gets a profit within these prices.

b. Physical Distribution: The commercial vehicles parts are manufactured at Chennai. From
the company, the finished product is transported to the dealerships. The city-wide dealership,
sales, services and spare parts network comprises over 20 touch points. The dealerships are
strategically located in the target and potential markets to ensure efficient and timely availability
of its products in the market.
STP of Autokshi Engineers:

Segment: Hatchback, sedan & SUV segment

Targeted Groups: Targeted towards upper middle class customers in Chennai

Positioning: Positioned as a developing company in automobile market inculcating innovative

technologies to deliver value to customers.

We have to retain and develop core talents, proactively develop managerial leadership and
establish efficient performance-oriented HR systems, in order to achieve the vision and mid-to-
long term strategy of Autokshi Engineers

Work Promotion:

 Every three months there is an evaluation of working results of the production

employees. The result of the evaluation sets the amount of quarterly bonus. Based on
positive evaluation and fulfillment of other conditions, the employee can be promoted.
 The operators and senior operators can also be promoted quarterly to the functions
of "Team leaders" who lead a small working group (about 10-15 employees).

 The senior operators and supervisors can be promoted quarterly to the functions
of "Group leaders" who lead bigger working group (45-60 employees), file the attendance of
the team, watch the fulfillment of the production plan and make regular record of the
production process. They work closely with middle management employees.

In production Department Recruitment will be made for following positions

 Stamping
 Welding

 Paint

 Final assembly

 Transmission

 Quality control

 Maintenance

 Production Management

Performance Bonus:

 Quarterly bonuses paid to the technical track

 The height of the bonus comes from the internal point system (attendance, quality of
work, approach to work)

Contribution to Life Insurance

 Possibility to use favorable conditions for savings
 Regular monthly contribution of the employer

Training of the Employees

 Entry course for new employees
 Organizing of various training programs

Specialized and Career Growth

 Specialized trainings - welding, crane and binder courses, courses of programming of
CNC machinery etc.
 A possibility for career growth

 Evaluation system of the employee work accomplishments

Motivating Salary
 Above average salary in the production sector
 Regular salary growth based on the evaluation of the job performance

 Extra pay for working overtime, weekend, night shifts and national holidays






o Establish the production control system with ERP or SCM

o Management of weekly and daily production planning

o Keeping and optimizing the balancing of each production line


o Establish and manage specification control

o Manage adoption time for Engineering Change Order to production line


o Assist and execution of overall logistics activities

o Placing purchasing order & Inventory control

o Warehouse managing & internal logistic control


o Control process of machining line and transmission assembly

o Placing purchasing order & Inventory control

o Warehouse managing & internal logistic control


o Total management of the new model project in the purchasing

o Making the supplier selection plan, and decide adequate suppliers for the parts

o Parts development and quality assurance

o Managing the current parts price and analyzing the result


The company is responsible for accounting and taxation. Optimization of funding for Autokshi
Engineers and avoiding financial risks is important to the department. The final goal is to
maximize profit for Autokshi Engineers.

The company is also responsible for managerial & cost accounting and also advising other
departments and controlling their activities about revenues increase, cost reduction and
productivity improvements to maximize Autokshi Engineers’ profits.


o Bookkeeping and closing on time

o Building up accounting guideline - definition & implementation

o Optimization of taxation

o Meeting the time schedule of taxation


o Cash-flow planning
o Payment policy definition

o Optimization of funding

o Credit lines management

o Avoiding financial risks (Hedging Policy)

o Administration of accounts receivable

o Management of accounts payable


o Budget Control
o Plan and budget control of expenses & investment (allocation, adjustment, approval,
release reporting, etc)

o Cost Accounting

o Product calculation

o Analysis of raw material, inventory

o Reporting and Analysis

o Actual/Plan revenue, expense and profit

o Periodically analysis and reporting business performance

o Analyze profitability and feasibility in decision-making


During the course of study it was found that,

Autokshi Engineers is one of the fast growing companies. It has a good technical support from
their employees. They are all well qualified personnel and also they are well trained personnel

A major portion of the customer uses the heavy duty capacitors

Majority portion of the capacitors purchased by Bescal Steel Industries

The company should give good training facilities to their employees

The company having highly equipped modern manufacturing plant

Autokshi Engineers strength is quality control and quality assurance


1. Company has to give the preference for the six sigma concept
2. Build the relationship between workers and management
3. Solve the employees problems frequently
4. Human resource management should be properly organized
5. Company should take more promotional activities in which add plays a crucial role, it can
used to boost the sales figure
6. Providing the recreational facility to the workers to reduce the boredom from long
duration of work
7. The company must substantiate the pricing of its product and use new technology
8. The company using only on-the-job training but they should provide of-the-training
9. The company doesn’t have any management personnel they are having only the technical
personnel’s so they have to recruit some management personnel’s to increase their fare
in administrative level
Autokshi Engineers pvt Ltd policy is to service continuously for improvement of their products,
services and also to give quality products to their customer to increases their creditability in the
field of capacitors. Training is being conducted for the entire staff especially for the workers to
train them in all the field for job rotation. Autokshi Engineers has highly qualified and talented
departmental heads that is specialized is advanced field of mechanical design, system
engineering, and production technology
Autokshi Engineers is having big market representation and a good customer relation with the
help of its client companies. Autokshi Engineers has established good network all over Tamil
To reach the global demand effectively, the company has to strengthen its functional areas
Keeping in mind the increasing demand for quality products they have produced a wide range of

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