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MCQ: Configuration of two transistors in which collectors are connected and emitter of first

drives base of second it achieve beta multiplication is called

A. Darlington pairAnswer
MCQ: Distortion in class B push pull amplifier at point where each transistor changes from
cutoff state to on state is called

A. Crossover Distortion

MCQ: Critical frequency is also called

A. cutoff frequency

MCQ: A two terminal four layer semiconductor device that can conduct current in either
direction when properly activated is called

A. diac

MCQ: Process in which information signal is recovered from carrier signal is called

A. demodulation

System which have more than one state is called

A. multistage system

MCQ: Device that produces an output voltage proportional to product of two voltages is

A. four quadrant multiplier

MCQ: Process of returning a portion of a circuit's output back to input of an amplifier such
that it is out of phase with input signal is called
A. negative feedback

MCQ: A cascaded arrangement of two or more amplifiers is termed as

A. multistage

MCQ: A circuit that produces a periodic waveform on its output with only DC supply
voltage as its input is called

A. oscillator

Voltage gain of an operational amplifier without external feedback is called

A. Open loop voltage gain

MCQ: System in which there is no stable state is present is called

A. astable

MCQ: An operational amplifier configuration with two or more inputs that produces an
output voltage that is proportional to negative of algebraic sum of its input voltages is called

A. summing amplifier

MCQ: A closed loop operational amplifier which is non inverting and have voltage gain
equals to 1 is

A. voltage follower

MCQ: Amplifiers primarily used in high noise environments are

A. log amplifiers

MCQ: A type of full wave rectifier consisting of diodes arranged in a four cornered
configuration is called bridge rectifier
MCQ: A type of full wave rectifier consisting of center tapped transformer and two diodes
is called

A. center tapped rectifier

MCQ: Circuit that converts line voltage to DC voltage and supplies constant power to
operate a circuit or system is called

A. power supply

MCQ: A three terminal thyristor that is triggered into conduction when voltage at anode
exceeds voltage at gate is called


MCQ: PUT stands for

A. Programmable Unijunction Transistor

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MCQ: A class of amplifier that operates in a linear region for 180° of input cycle because it
is biased at cutoff is

A. class B

MCQ: Process in which circuit power, voltage current or specific signal is increased is

A. amplification

MCQ: A class of amplifier that is biased into slightly conduction is

A. class AB

MCQ: A class of amplifier that operates only for short portion of input cycle is

A. class C

MCQ: A class of amplifier that operates entirely in its linear or active region is

A. class A

MCQ: Type of feedback oscillator that is characterized by three RC circuits in positive

feedback loop that produces a phase shift of 180° is called

A. phase-shift oscillator

MCQ: A type of relaxation oscillator whose frequency can be varied by a DC control
voltage is called

A. voltage controlled oscillator

MCQ: Electronic circuit that uses an RC timing circuit to generate a nonsinusoidal
waveform without an external input signal is called

A. relaxation oscillator

MCQ: In voltage controlled oscillator, output frequency is dependent on controlling

A. input voltage

MCQ: A type of feedback oscillator that is characterized by an RC lead lag circuit in
positive feedback loop is called

A. Wien Bridge Oscillator

MCQ: A constant parameter which is always equal to frequency at which operational

amplifier's open loop gain is unity is called

A. gain bandwidth product

MCQ: Amount by which an electrical signal is increased or amplified is called

A. gain

MCQ: Protective device that burns open when current exceeds rated limit is called

A. fuse

MCQ: Value of anode current below which a device switches from forward conduction
region to forward blocking region is called

A. holding current

MCQ: Gain that occurs for range of frequencies between lower and upper critical
frequencies is called

A. midrange gain

MCQ: A device for locking onto and tracking frequency of an incoming cycle is called

A. Phase Locked Loop

MCQ: Difference between total phase shift through an amplifier and 180° i.e. additional
phase shift that can be allowed before instability occurs is called phase margin
MCQ: Relative angular displacement of a time varying function relative to reference is

A. phase shift

MCQ: Return of portion of output signal to input such that it reinforces and sustain output
and output is in phase with input signal is called

A. positive feedback

MCQ: Range of Frequencies over which PLL can maintain lock is called

A. lock range

MCQ: Discriminator is a type of

A. FM modulation

MCQ: Communication method in which a lower frequency intelligence carrying signal
modulates frequency of higher frequency signal is called

A. frequency modulation

MCQ: Process in which signal containing information is used to modify a characteristics of
another signal such as amplitude, frequency etc. so that information on first is also contained
on second is called

A. modulation

MCQ: High radio frequency signal that carriers modulated information in AM, FM or other
systems is called

A. carrier

MCQ: Arrangement of circuits in which output of one circuit becomes input to next is
A. cascade




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