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Research Background

Since English becomes an international language, it is used in various fields of

political, economic, social, educational and cultural life. Entering the MEA (Asian Economic
Community) era, more and more people feel the need to learn and master English, which can
be used to communicate with different people from many countries. For this reason, learning
English is important to be implemented in schools in Indonesia.

In English there are four skills that must be mastered well. They are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. In fact, there must always be some difficulties for the students
to be able to master all these skills. Among the four English language skills, speaking skills
are considered as the most difficult for most students. This is because speaking skills require
vocabulary and expressions as well as correct pronunciation of students in expressing their
ideas, thoughts, and experiences.

In SMP Negeri Model, many students, especially class VIII having difficulty in taking
English lessons especially in the speaking aspect. The results of the research conducted to
determine the map of the ability of students to speak English at SMP Negeri Model, showed
that most students are embarrassed and do not brave to speak English. They find it difficult to
have a conversation and tell the story or what they are experiencing in English.

The cause of the unsuccessful teaching of English is because the teacher has not
maximized the method of teaching English. Teachers often use the lecture method or question
and answer. In fact, learning English must rely on the use of applicable and interesting
methods. Interesting learning will attract children to continue and feel comfortable learning
English. Teachers must also be professionals to achieve learning goals.
To overcome this problem, especially in speaking skills, a solution is needed. One of
the best solutions is to use a role playing method. This method directs students to speak
English. Role-play is one of the learning models that are directed at solving problems related
to human relations by playing certain roles.


Based on the background of the research, some problems can be identified by some
factors. The factors can be from students or the teacher. First, factors from the students
include self-confidence, laziness, shyness, motivations, and the cognitive level of the
students. Second, factors from the teacher include teaching materials, teaching strategies, and
media used by the teacher.
In this research, the writer will limit the study because the problems relate to teaching
learning English especially to the eighth grade students of SMPN Model Sukabumi.
Therefore, the discussion in this research must be restricted. So, this research will be limited
only on The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skill for the eighth grade
students of SMPN Model.

1. How can the use of role play improve the ability of students to speak in class VIII
D SMP Negeri Model?
2. How do students respond to the use of role play to improve speaking skills?

The purposes of this study are to:
1. Find out how the role playing can improve the speaking ability of eighth grade
students in junior high school.
2. Find out how the students responses to the use of role play to improve students'
speaking abilities

This research was conducted to be useful for:
1. English Language Researchers / Teachers
A. Being a means to improve the quality of learning English, especially learning to
B. Can create a more interesting learning atmosphere.

2. Schools
A. Improve learning better through the use of innovative approaches.
B. Grow intergovernmental cooperation that has a positive impact on improving the
quality of learning in schools.
C. The school received input on the implementation of classroom action research.
D. Improve the quality of school output.

3. Learners
A. Foster interest in learning English, especially in speaking skills through the role
play method.
B. Increasing the activity of students in the learning process.
C. Improve students' skills in speaking.


Speaking Ability

The part of Speaking is divided into three sections. They are the definition of speaking, the
types of speaking, and speaking activities.

a. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the productive skills in learning English. According to Brown


“Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those
observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s
listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral
production test” (p. 140).

b. The Types of Speaking

According to Brown (2004),

“There are five basic types of speaking. The first one is imitative or the ability to
simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence” (p. 141).

“The second one is intensive or the ability to produce short stretches of discourse (no
more than a sentence) through which they demonstrate linguistic ability at a specified
level of language”(p. 147).

“The third one is responsive or the interaction at limited level of very short
conversations, standard greetings and small talks, simple requests and comments, and
the like” (p. 141).

“The fourth one is extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral
presentations, and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from
listeners is either highly limited or ruled out altogether”(p. 142).

The type of speaking which is used in this research is interactive speaking. Interactive
speaking includes tasks that involve relatively long stretches of interactive discourse
(interviews, role plays, discussions, games) and tasks of equally long duration but that
involve less interaction (speeches, telling longer stories, and extended explanations and
translations) (p. 167).

c. Speaking Activities

Speaking activities are means to help students in applying the new language.
According to Bygate (1987), there are four speaking activities in the classroom: Information-
gap activities, Communication games, Simulations, Project-based activities

Skill is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge. ( )

Speaking skills in English is one of the main goals in learning English. Therefore, the
ability to speak in English in the era of globalization, where boundaries are so narrow, is
currently very important.

Nunan (1991) said that, "Success is measured by the ability to speak using the target
language". Therefore if students do not learn to speak or do not get the opportunity to speak,
they will lose interest in learning the language. Conversely, if the Speaking lesson is given
correctly, students will get the motivation to learn and the classroom atmosphere will be alive
and dynamic.

Role play

In this part, the researcher provides the definition of role play, the types, and the advantages
of role play.

a. The Definition of Role Play

Sellers (2002) defines role play as a spontaneous, dramatic, creative teaching strategy
in which individuals overtly and consciously assume the roles of others (as cited in Cohen,
Manion, & Morrison, 2011, p. 512).

Also, Billings and Halstead (2005) as cited in Cohen, et al. (2011) state that:

“Role play is an effective strategy for learning because it forces participants to think
about the person whose role is being assumed, is connected to real life situations, and
promotes active, personal involvement in learning” (p. 512).

A role play becomes an effective teaching strategy because the students will have a
role as other people. The students will perform their role plays in front of the class in pairs. It
makes them more active in learning to speak. Each student has a responsibility to master their
roles, so that the role play will run smoothly.

b. The Types of Role Play

According to Byrne (1986),

“A role play can be classified into two types: scripted and unscripted role play” (as
cited in Suryani, 2015, p. 2).

The researcher uses the first type of role play to be implemented in speaking
activities. It is because scripted role play more suitable for the 8th grade students of SMP
Negeri Model. If the students are given the unscripted role play, they can be more afraid to
speak in English because they have to speak spontaneously.
In this research, the researcher provides some situations to the students and they have
to make a dialogue in pair and perform it in front of the class.

c. The Advantages of Role Play

According to Ladousse (1995), there are some advantages of a role play (as cited in
Sari, 2011, p. 15).

First, a role play gives a wide variety of experience and students can practice their
speaking skills in any situations through a role play. Second, a role play puts students in a
situation in which they are required to use and develop their ideas. Third, a role play helps
shy students by providing them with a mask. The last, using role play in speaking activities is
fun. Also, it helps students to have self-motivation through self-awareness.

A role play provides the opportunity for students to improve their self-concepts and to
increase their self- motivation (Hawley, 1975, p. 133). Therefore, a role play becomes a
means to motivate the students in learning to speak.

Previous research was carried out by Eklova (2007) to 9th grade students aged
between 14-15 years at a Primari School in Checo, and the results showed that students'
English speaking skills increased after the application of the Role Play method.

In addition there are also other researchers, Sodik (2009), with his research entitled
“The Influence of Role Playing Strategy on the Speaking Ability of the Second Year Students
of SMA Negeri Trenggarong” is managed to improve the speaking skills of the students at the

G. Research Plan
This research is about “The use of role play in speaking activities for the 8th grade
students of SMP Negeri Model”. This research will be conducted in April – June 2019, in
SMP Negeri Model. It is located at Jalan Pelabuan II km. 22, Cikembang, Sukabumi.

The researcher employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) to conduct the research.
Elliot (1991) says :

“Action research might be defined as the study of a social situation with a view to
improving the quality of action within it” (as cited in Hopkins, 2008, p. 48).
It means that action research is defined as the study to improve the quality of action in
it. Kemmis and McTaggart (1992) state that:

“Action research starts with small cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting
which can help to define issues, ideas and assumptions more clearly so that those
involved can define more power questions for themselves as their work progresses”
(as cited in Cohen et al., 2011, p. 347).

Based on the explanation by Kemmis and McTaggart (1992), action research starts
with the cycle consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting to solve the problems
and see the progresses. In this research, the researcher uses Kemmis and McTaggart’s Action
Research Cycles. Classroom Action Research (CAR) showed the cycles as follows:

There are four stages in the Classroom Action Research namely plan, action,
observation, and reflection. In this research, the researcher conducts the research in two
cycles for four meetings. The following explanations explain the four stages:

Cycle 1

The cycle 1 is for 2 meetings

1. Plan

Before teaching, researcher must do teaching preparation. At this stage the researcher
prepares learning devices consisting of RPP, worksheet, and supporting teaching tools. Then
English learning is carried out with techniques role-play. The teaching and learning process
refers to the lesson plan that has been prepared. Observation is carried out simultaneously
with the implementation of teaching and learning. At the end of the teaching and learning
process students are given Questionnaire with the aim of knowing the level of success of
students in the teaching and learning process that has been carried out.

2. Action

In this stage, the researcher uses a role play technique in learning activity. The
learning process is divided into three parts, namely set induction, main activities, and set
closure. Further, the researcher implements the role play technique in the main activities.

Set Induction
• Researcher sets the learning process (greeting, praying, checking attendance, recalling
the last lesson)

Main Activity

• The teacher delivers the material about “Asking and Giving Permission”

• The teacher gives the examples about the conversation

• The teacher explains the rules of role play.

• The teacher asks the students to find a partner

• The teacher asks the students to make the script for their role plays based on the
situation that has been given by the teacher.

• The teacher asks the students to do the role play.

• The teacher gives feedback to the students.

Set Closure

• Conclusion

• Closing

3. Observation

The researcher observes the action stages to collect the data. The data gains from observation
checklist to see what happens in the class during the lesson.

4. Reflection

In this stage, the researcher makes a reflection based on the observation. The reflection is
made by analyzing the field notes, the result of the interview, and observation guidance. The
researcher analyzes the problems that occur in the class. Then, the researcher tries to find the
solution and solve the problem in order to make some improvements in the next cycle.


Similar to the first cycle, in the second cycle, the researcher first prepares the pre-
teaching learning device which consists of RPP 2, and supporting teaching tools. The
teaching and learning process refers to the lesson plan by paying attention to the revisions in
the first cycle, so that errors or shortcomings in the first cycle do not recur in the second
cycle. Observation is carried out simultaneously with the implementation of teaching and
learning. At the end of the teaching and learning process students are interviewed by the
researcher with the aim of knowing the responds of students during the teaching and learning
process that has been carried out. This cycle is for 2 meetings.

Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In this research, the researcher uses qualitative data for analyzing the data. The
researcher uses three instruments in gathering the data. The instruments are observation
checklist, interview, and field notes.

1. Observation Checklist

“Observation is defined as the watching of behavioral patterns of people in

certain situations to obtain information about the phenomenon of interest”
(Johnson, Burke, & Ehristensen, 2012, p. 206).

It means that observation is watching of people behavioral in certain conditions.

Observation is done to obtain information. In this research, the researcher observed students’
learning activities. For the observation checklist, the researcher provides some statements
related to students’ activities in classroom.

2. Interview

“Interview is a data collection method where the interviewer (the researcher) asks
questions to the interviewee (the participant)” (Johnson et al., 2012, p. 198).

In this research, the researcher interviewed the students of class VIII B from SMP
Negeri Model. The interview is aimed to get information about the students’ responses from
the use of role play to improve the speaking skills.

3. Field Notes

In this research, the researcher uses field notes to describe the situation in the class
during the research. The researcher notes the important things and problems that occur in the
class. In 2002, Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh, state that field notes is the most common method
of recording the data collected during observation. Field note is a tool to collect the data
during observation.

Instrumens :

a. Observation guidance
b. Interview guidance
c. Worksheet


No Activity Plan Month

1 Preparation April May June

 Arranging the C.A.R Proposal X

 Arranging the instruments X
 Other things

2. Implementation

 Preparing classes and tools X

 Acting Cycle I X

 Acting Cycle 2 X

 Collecting and processing data X

3. Preparation of reports

 Drafting the concept of the report X

 Writing the report X

 Repairing the reports X

 Replication and the delivery of results X

Brown, H. D. (2004). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices.New York:
Pearson Education, Inc.

Bygate, M. (1987). Speaking (Language teaching: a scheme for teacher education) (C. N.
Candlin & H. G. Widdowson, Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kemmis & McTaggart. (1998). The action research planner. Victoria: Deakin University

Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2011). Research methods in education (7th ed.). New
York: Routledge.

Suryani, L. (2015). The effectiveness of role play in teaching speaking. ELTIN Journal, 3,
106-109. Retrieved on April 8, 2017, from http://e-

Nunan, D. 1991. Language Teaching Methodoly: A Textbook for Teachers.

Englewood Cliffts: Prentice Hall.

Lawtie, Fiona. 2004. Teaching Speaking Ability 2 - Overcoming Classroom Problems. (online: on January 10,

Ladousse, GP 1997. Role Play. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hawley, R. C. (1975). Value exploration through role playing: Practical strategies for use in
the classroom. New York: Hart publishing company, Inc.

Eklova, Ilona. 2007. Role Play in Upper Primary Classes. Thesis. Masaryk
University Brno.

Sodik, Jakfar. 2009. The Influence of Role Playing Strategy on the Speaking Ability of the
Second Year Students of Tenggarong 1 Public High School. Thesis.
Surabaya: Surabaya State University.

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