Bob Rafelson Interview (Magazine Feature)

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From the Monkees

to 'Black Widow'...

An Offbeat Director's Unpredictable Career

Six years have elapsed between Bob Rafel- car-nominated hit Fiue Eaq Pieces (1920) was
son's two most recent films: The PosfuianAlways only his second movie, yet Rafelson by choice azd
Rings Twice (1981) and Black Widow (1987). circumstance has directed only four more in 17
Sightings have placed the director/producer/gad- years: cult classics The King of Maruin Gardens
fly in a bush plane along the Amazon River; in (1972) and Stay Hungry G976), a mixed-reaction
Aspen, Colorado and Paris, where he has homes; remake of The P osfunan Always Rings Twice, and
in Seattle, Hawaii and Africa, making movies; and Black Widow. They've all been hits in Europe.
in Borneo, working on nothing at all. They have, in fact, the flavor of European movies
His identity has changed as much as his where- made in English. They brood and breathe-
abouts. Is he the godfather of rock video for quirky, idiosyncratic and ironic, just like Rafelson.
co-creating the Monkees? Is "Let me tell you something
he Jack Nicholson's favorite funny, " he stage-whispers.
filmmaker for directing the "The average young, success-
great actor in three movies and ful filmmaker with eight movies
overseeing Nicholson's direc- under his belt by the time he's
torial debut? Is he a millionaire 30 gets paid three times as
youth-culture visionary for fi- much as I
do. I don't get the
nancing the risky, extraordi- bucks. Nobody is anxious to
narily profitable Easl R'/der? make my movies and people
Or is he a has-been autocrat aren't that arxious to see them.
whose vision has made himper- I don't care, quite frankly-but
sona non grata al many studi- it's curious. I'm not resent-
os? Rafelson, 53, can't quite ful-I'm not in movies to crank
understand all the sudden at- them out. Yet because I take
tention but figures he deserves my time between movies
it. shouldn't mean I make half
"My films &rlyappeal to a [what] the guy who cranked out
few, " he half-smiles, seeming- Porky's 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 does."
ly pleased by the fact. "They What a combination: an ego-
Amold Schwanenegger
ar e not widely accepted. " True tist who's hard on himself! Like
and Sally Field in
enough, despite Rafelson's 'Stay Hungry' (1976). Nicholson's Bobby Dupea in
continuing influence. The Os- Fiue Easy Pleces, Rafelson is

B Y R A N K 0 v
Augu3t 1987 Vids 59
torn between being a regular guy and an artist. "Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin.
And like Dupea, it's hard discerning Rafelson's I'd say the biggest influence was the Marx Broth-
real background behind his made-up one. ers. They weren't silent, of course (except for
A studio biography and books say he wrangled Harpo), but it was group comedy-absurd group
in Arizona rodeos at 15, worked his way to Eu- comedy."
rope on an ocean liner at 17 and played in an Long traded around the music-video under-
Acapulco jazzband, at 18. But ground, the Monkees'TV se-
they also say he dropped out of
Dartmouth to join the army.
" My films ries and rambunctiously surreal
1968 film Head (directed by
Rafelson at first claims he grad- Rafelson and co-written by him
uated and then insists on only appeal andJack Nicholson) have lately
changing the subject. It's easy become generally-and
to see why this man loves mak-
ing movies.
to a .few. legitimately-available on
RCA/Columbia. "l feel very
Rafelson got into the busi-
ness as a $65-a-week story ed-
They are strange, very ambivalent about
it, says Rafelson. "On one
itor on David Susskind's syndi-
cated TV series, ?fte Plal of
not widely hand, I'm pleased because of
how rare it is for any television
the Week (1959-61). When show done 20 years ago to be
television production shifted to
accepted." resuscitated. On the other
Los Angeles from New York, hand, I'm terrified and embar-
Rafelson went along, taking a job at Screen rassed 'cause this is like seeing pictures of your- Mike Nesmilh
Gems, Columbia Pictures'TV subsidiary. With self when you had zits. We didn't have any idea and Davy
frre crassic
partner Bert Schneider, he co-created NBC's what we were doing-just sort of vamping our Jones ol the
hippie biket two-season senes, The Monkees (1966-68). way along. " Monkees
llick,'Easy "Somebody started calling me the godfather of Head was a commercial disaster. It did, none- in'Head'
Ridel (1969). rock video for The Monkees," he says proudly. theless, get Rafelson into the movies, where his (1e68).
(Director Richard next venture, 1969's E as1 R id-
Lester, whose Be- e/, was an instant classic.
atles movies FIzlP/ The quintessential '60s hip-
and A Hard Day's pie movie and winner of the
Nzgftl inspired the Cannes Film Festival's Best
show, might quib- New Director award, Easy
ble with that desig- Rider almost never got made. {,'
nation.) There's no It began life at Sam Arkoffs I
question, however, American International Pic- t
that both The tures, home of the infamous
Monkees and the beach-blanket movies. Follow-
Monkees were vid- continucd on Pqe 107
eo originals. The
blend of illusion and
actuality was deft
and surreal: characters would leave the set as the
cameras rolled, confer with the director and
re-enter the story. And then there were the vid-
and Jessica
They weren't called videos at the time, of
Lange in'The course; the very concept of promotional clips was
Postman still pretty new. Nevertheless, every week,
Alweys Rings twice per show, The Monkees served up complete
Twice' (1981). pop songs in vignettes that ranged from slapstick
to stylized performances to
wicked satire. The contribu-
tions of music producer Don
Kirshner and series producer
Paul Mazursky can't be slight-
ed, but anyone who's savored
the skewed absurdist vision of
Rafelson's movies can tell who
gaye The Monkees its flavor. -
"We were, in essence,
shooting two videos a week
back then," says Rafelson, "on flussel/
top of the rest of the show! The stars ,r,
videos don't hold up too well, " flalelson's
he says at first, then whirls latesl liln,
around and defends the work. '8lack
"Hey, two a week-they weren't bad for how we Widow,'
were cranking 'em out!" The segments took their iust rcleased
on video.
form, he says, from silent movie comedies.
60 Video Augu.t 1987'

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