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Sarai Garcia

Carroll, Crain-Davis, Mars, Uribe, Wilczynski

American Literature

5 April 2019

Good People Need Guidance

Ethics are when a person has specific morals and follows them. This will determine one’s

behavior and contribution to society. Justice is when an action is fair to all people and when a

group of people can have equality. Justice is when a person has to deal with the consequences

that they put themselves into. Ethics and justice are related because ethics is how a person acts

based on what they think is right and justice is when there is a balance and equalness given to

situations because of what is right. The ethical framework that guided my 10 rules is the virtue

framework. This is based on my experiences and how i determine what constitutes a good


To begin my list of rules, each was categorized based on their similarities. On my product

i have rules 1- 3 grouped. Rule 1 is to be kind. This includes no bullying or trying to bring others

down. This rule was chosen because when you are kind to a person, you will try to get along

with them and you won’t act negatively or mean to them. In a class book titled, “Their Eyes

Were Watching God”, a character named Mrs. Turner treats Janie more kinder than others. On

page 145, the text states, “crude words was a belief that somehow she and others through

worship could attain her paradise” (Hurston). This quote states that Mrs. Turner treated Janie
with kindness, because she believed that she would benefit from it and become part of the white

race. Rule 1 is part of the virtue framework and not the natural or duty framework, because it’s

extremely difficult to be kind to a person you do not like or get along with. Natural duties don’t

require much thought because the duties apply to all people with the same perspective. It is not

enforced to be kind and there is no punishment or consequence if you aren’t kind. I’ve noticed

that when you are kind, you are showing your character and choosing to have a positive attitude

to all people.

Rule 2 is to not judge others. Based on this rule, there will also be no prejudice or racism.

To judge someone, is to see a person and criticize them harshly for what they did or said. Some

people judge others based on their race or handwriting! The purpose of this rule is to get rid of

all bad stereotypes and stigmas that we have on people. This rule follows the virtue framework

because when you choose to not judge someone, you are going against your natural reactions and

instincts. We judge people to try and understand who they are, but it doesn’t always end up that

way. Rule 3 is be forgiving of one another. When you hold a grudge against someone, you are

holding onto things of the past and allowing yourself to grow bitter towards that person. In the

same book, the author states, “They wrestled on until they were doped with their own fumes and

emanations” (Hurston 137). This quote shows that when Janie and Tea Cake fought, they argued

until they couldn’t anymore, and then found peace and a middle ground. The couple did argue,

but they always ended up forgiving each other. This establishes the virtue framework because

when i myself have not forgiven a person, i complicate my relationship with that person. I create

a barrier that blocks our friendship and fellowship. But once i forgive, i enjoy their company

again and we have peace towards each other.

Rule 4 is to help others. Whether emotionally or physically, in whatever way you can,

help people. It could be your friend, your co-worker, or a person in need. Upon helping someone

else, you are acting in a selfless manner. This is part of the virtue framework because it brings an

awareness to what you have, whether that be peace or a home, and you become grateful for what

you have. Rule 5 is to do no harm. This is meant to not create any means of violence or crime.

You choose to do the opposite of harm. This is again the virtue framework because when you

help someone, you don’t mean any type of harm. When a situation occurs, you will try to resolve

this problem without any physical or verbal harm. Rule 6 is free education. Personally, i think

this is a rule for all people because you allow children to learn and become intellectuals. When

they become intellectuals, they will change their environment, and impact their future. They will

be socially aware a shift towards a progressive future. This is the virtue framework because

educated people are more armed to tackle obstacles they experience and have knowledge.

Rule 7 is to respect authority. Authority is one’s own parents, the police, and teachers.

When people learn to respect whoever is in charge or above them, they will be able to follow the

rules instructed by them. The authority will have more control over their job and they will be

taken seriously. This is the virtue framework because teachers are being disrespected and no one

who was put in charge should have to fight for the position they already attained. Rule 8 is to

fight for justice. The changing of society and changing laws is to help better the future and the

present. I strongly believe this is the virtue framework and not the duty framework because you

are not following already pre-existing laws if they are unfair to you or a group of people. Rule 9

is to not lie. Being lied to is a trust that has been broken. You are unaware of the truth, and are

being restricted of certain information. This connects to the virtue framework because an
individual chooses to do the right thing for their cause. This can tie into the consequentialist

framework because you care about the effects it has on others. Rule 10 is to keep your promises.

This means that you will do what you’ll say and stick true to your word. Rules 9 and 10 go hand

in hand because when you keep your promise, you are being truthful and not lying. Rule 10 goes

into the virtue framework because keeping a promise to someone is making a commitment and

being faithful until it is completed. This ruel can connect to the voluntary obligations because the

promise is between you and another person.

How would these rules be impactful? If i lived by these rules, my life would be based on

doing more rather than watching. I would be acting more involved in my community to make

sure that my rules are being followed thoroughly. I would try to go out of my way and help the

people that don’t have a fair chance due to their surroundings or situation. If everyone followed

these rules, then there would be more acceptance of people who are different. The disabled and

mentally-ill won’t be excluded and there would be more compassion for one another. I believe

that these rules would revolutionize how we attack modern problems in school, in offices, and in

government. The social system would advocate for understanding of one another because people

will be living in harmony as hate crimes will diminish over time.

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