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We know that with the use of Information Modeling feature in SAP HANA, we can create
different Information views Attribute Views, Analytic Views, Calculation views. These Views
can be consumed by different reporting tools like SAP Business Object, SAP Lumira, Design
Studio, Office Analysis and even third party tool like MS Excel.

These reporting tools enable Business Managers, Analysts, Sales Managers and senior
management employees to analyze the historic information to create business scenarios and to
decide business strategy of the company.

This generates the need for consuming HANA Modeling views by different reporting tools and
to generate reports and dashboards, which are easy to understand for end users.

Different reporting tools that are certified to be connected to SAP HANA Database (models and
tables) from SAP and the languages and client drivers it uses to interact with the database
The above image shows three different layers for apart from SAP HANA, they are

1. Interaction Language

2. Connecting Drivers

3. Reporting Tools

Interaction Languages:

These are the languages in which the reporting tools sends the queries to Database platform
whenever reports are executed.


This is the language used by reporting tools to access data from multi dimension objects in
database environment.

In our case, only MS Office uses this language to access get the data from SAP HANA. That’s
the reason it is the only the reporting tool that can access hierarchies from SAP HANA.


This is standard database language that is used across all the platforms to access data from
database platform.

In our case, all the reporting tools that connects to SAP HANA using either ODBC or JDBC
drivers uses SQL as interaction language to send the queries.


This is the interaction language used by reporting tools when it connects to database platform
using BICS connection.

Connecting Drivers:

These are the objects used to establish the connection with database platforms like SAP HANA
and send the queries back to the system to get the data out.


Microsoft built driver for multi-dimensional reporting and request are sent using MDX (Multi
Dimension Expression) language to the database platform.
In our case, MS Excel uses ODBO driver and MDX language to interact with SAP HANA


It stands for Open DataBase Connectivity built for relation reporting and uses SQL language to
interact with database platform.

It is widely adopted in the industry and we do have ODBC drivers for other platform like


It stands for Java DataBase Connectivity built for relational reporting from Java community
which uses SQL as interaction language to send queries to the database platform.

It is widely used in UNIX platform.


It stands for BI Consumer Services which is SAP proprietary diver that offers advantages for
OLAP access over MDX for multi-dimensional reporting.

This uses SQLDBC as interaction language to send queries to the database platform.
Reporting Tools:
Now let’s look at the overview of different reporting tools.

MS Excel:
 Microsoft Excel has the powerful reporting inbuilt options available and one of them being
quickly build the reports using pivot tables and charts.
 We can use MS Excel to connect to HANA using ODBO driver and MDX interaction
language. MS Excel is the only reporting tool that can access hierarchies built in SAP HANA
as it uses MDX as interaction language.
 The other thing with MS Excel is we can only access the SAP HANA models that has the
property as ‘Cube’ in semantics (like Analytic Views and Calculation Views), however we
cannot access attribute views using MS Excel.
Business scenario:

Integrate Hana with native excel:

Excel is communicating with Hana using “Hana MDX provider”.

”Hana MDX provider “driver is provided by “SIMBA Technology”.

”SIMBA technology” is a Company.

Excel provided by MS.

Hana MDX provider is downloaded from is

installing clients for sap Hana. Once install MDX is provided.

Excel is a client based Tool.

Go to startclick on all programsclick on Microsoft office 2013click on ms
Click on blank workbook.
Click dataclick on from other sourcesclick on from data connection wizard.
Select other/advancedclick on next.

Select sap hana MDX provider click on next

Enter host, instance number, user name, password and language typeclick on test


Click on ok.
Click on ok.

Here we see different packages. Those packages can be seen in sap hana.
Go back to sap hana.
Expand bestexpand contentselect any one packageexpand that
packageselect one view

Select one analytic view.

Check whether the data is there are not

Right click on this analytic viewclick on data previewclick on raw data.

Now, access this package in excel

Go back to excel.
Select one packageselect one analytic viewclick on next.
Click on finish.

Click on ok.
Here we see values and attributes.

Double click on company code, for seeing company codes

Double click on customer, now we see customer along with code.

Like this, select which one do you want to see selects those fields like gross
Here we see gross revenue based on different company codes.

SAP Lumira is a self-service solution that allows analysts and decision makers to access,
transform, and visualize data.

SAP Lumira can be connected to HANA using BICS connection and SQLDBC as interaction

With this we have seen different reporting tools and their connectivity options available on top of
SAP HANA and how they will be interacted with the system. In the upcoming articles let’s look
at each one of these reporting tools in details and how to create reports using them.

Integrate hana with Lumira:

Lumira don’t require any connection.

HANA connection is embedded into inside the Lumira.

Lumira is integrated with Hana by using JDBC connection.

Lumira is all self-service BI.

Lumira is one tool which rich visualization. Lumira can work as software as a
service and also on premise.
Click on startClick on all programsclick on sap business intelligenceunder
this click on sap lumira-under this click on sap lumira.
In order to, connect to sap hana.

Click on fileclick on new

You can connect to SAP HANA Modeling Views in SAP Lumira. This can be
done in the following ways −

 Connect to SAP HANA

Select connect to sap hanaclick on next

It will show you all the HANA Modeling Views that have been recently used.
Click the Next command button after selecting the option "Connect to SAP
HANA". This will allow you to access the data in read mode and you can
visualize the data in the form of charts.

You should know the details of HANA system i.e. Host Name, Port Number, User
Name and Password.
Using sap hana data acquisition connector we can connect to sap hana.

Enter connect to as hana

Server as saphana: 30015

User as best

Password as welcome123

Click on connect
Search our package and select our viewclick on create
Select Measures and Dimensions you want to add to the data set and click
the Create option.

Select required columns, and drag and drop the fields.

Here we drag and dropping the company code, revenue, maktx and netrevenue.

First, I drag and drop the company code and revenue.

Here we see the graphical representation of company code and revenue.
Again, drag and drop netrevenue.
Here we see the graphical representation of revenue and netrevenue by company
I want to see acquired sales deduction. That’s why I am drag and drop acquired
sales deduction.
Here we see graphical representation of revenue, netrevenue and sales deduction.
Here I would like to see MAKTX. Drag and drop this MAKTX.
Here we can see graphical representation of revenue, netrevenue and accrued sales
deduction by company code and MAKTX.

I would like to see this data in different ways. That’s I am using different charts,
table etc.

We have different types of charts.

For example, here we click on pie chart then our data will be seen in pie chart

Another example, we select donut chart. We see output in donut chart.
We can also see in heat map also. The output will be seen in heat map model.
Another example, here we take crosstab. The data will be display in crosstab

Here how data will be seen in graphical representation. Data can be seen in
different ways like pie chart, cross tab, heat map, etc.
Analysis Office Edition for OLAP:

SAP Business Objects Analysis edition for OLAP (formerly Voyager) is an online analytical
processing (OLAP) tool for working with multi-dimensional data.

It provides access to a range of OLAP data sources, and can also combine information from
different OLAP data sources within a single workspace.

Analysis office for OLAP tool connects to SAP HANA using BICS connection and SQLDBC as
interaction language.

Integrating Hana with Analysis for olap:

-->In SAP HANA we have two connections,

1. Relational connection

2. OLAP connection

1. Relational connection:

Relational is a two-dimensional object.

Relational connection uses “SQL” language for communication.

In relational connection when we create .CNS or .CNX are extensions.CNX are local
extension and .CNS are secure extension.

Relational sources can connect to HANA and top we create Universe.

Universe is combination of “Data foundation” and “Business layer “and universe extension is

2. OLAP Connection:

OLAP is used in front end tool is analysis in OLAP.

In OLAP connection we require all OLAP connection.

OLAP uses “MDX” (Multidimensional Expression).MDX is a language used for

communicating with Hana.

Hana supports OLTAP.OLTAP means it supports both Transactional and Analytical


Hana also have OLAP engine.

 OLAP will take MDX requests.

MDX is also known as CUBES.

MDX is a multidimensional object.

Click on startclick on sap business intelligence click on sap business objects bi platform 4
clientclick on information design tool.
In system, click on down list buttonclick on insert session.

Enter system as gns: 6400

Enter user name as best

Enter password as welcome123

Click on ok.
Expand systemright click on connections.

Here we see two connections.

Insert relational connection and

Insert OLAP connection.

Enter name and description.

Click next.
Expand saphere we see olap sources (sap BW & sap hana)

Expand sap hanaselect sap hana clientclick next.

Enter host name as saphana, instance number as 00, user name as best and password as
welcome123click on finish.
Right click on connection click on refresh folder

Expand the connectiondouble click on our connection.

Click on test connection.

Click on close.

Click on query. Here we use mdx (multi-dimensional expression) language.

Click on browse metadata. Here we see all metadata from sap hana.
Now connection is created.

We need to access this connection in olap analysis.

Let us launch BI Launch pad.

Go to start<-- double click on computer.

Double click on c drive.

Double click on shortcut folder

Double click on sap business object bi platform java bi launch pad (or) copy the URL and paste
in Google.
Right click on SAP Business Object BI platform Java BI Launch padclick on properties.

Click on copyclick on cancel.

Click on Google chrome.

Paste the URLpress enter.

Here we enter username as best & password as welcome123.

Click on logon.
Click on applicationsunder this click on analysis edition for OLAP

Here we see all connections.

In this select our connection click on next

Click on foldershere we see all folders.

Let us go back to hana studioexpand content

Let us take any views of the package.

Select package select any viewright click on the view.

Click on open data preview.

Click on raw data.
Now we access this view in analysis OLAP.

Again go back to bi launch padexpand our packageexpand sub package

Here we see all views.

Once go back to hana studio.

Double click on our view. Here we are not seen the technical names.

Click on semanticsclick on properties

Here we see the description of view.

The same description will see in hana studio.

And here we seen analysis for olap.

Select viewclick on ok.

In finally we see in measures and different attributes.

Select and drag and drop the attributes in rows.

Drag and drop the measures.

This is analysis 1.
We can create multiple analysis also.

For example,

Click on insert.

Click on cross tab.

Click on insert a sub-analysis.

Sub-analysis means create sub-analysis in main-analysis.

Sub-analysis, we would like to see in 3D cluster column then

Go to switch tounder this select columnunder this select 3d clustered column.

Here we see 3d clustered column.

One view of data can be represented multiple views.

Again go to cross tabclick on insert a new analysis

Here we seen vv010001_plan and year.

Drag and drop year into rows & drag and drop measure into column.

For sub analysis 2.i create one more sub analysis.

Select insert a sub-analysis.

Here we see another sub-analysis 2.

Click on pie. Now can see the pie chart diagram.

In below, analysis 1 data is represent in the form of 3d clustered column and analysis 2 data
represent in the form of pie chart.

When you click on analysis, it shows vv010_actual.

Highlight analysis 1go to rows right click on one attributeclick on filterclick on by

Now we can select what are the years you could be display.

Select those yearsclick on save filter.

Enter filter nameClick on ok.

Click on ok.
Now you see your selected years in analysis 1.

Expand the attribute yearunder this expand yearunder this expand favorite filtersnow you
see variant (year_1, 2, 3).
Suppose if you don’t want to filter in frontend we want to create a variable that restrict data at
runtime of the query. In such a scenario, we go to prompts.

Here we see prompt is in disable mode.

Go back to hana studiodouble click on our view.

Click on semantics

Click on parameters/variables click on “+”iconclick on create variable.

Enter nameselect attribute click on ok.
So whatever variables that are created in the backend. These variables are called as prompts.

Click on validate.

Click on save and activate.

Parameters are to parameterized the data we can give additional calculations.

Now click on data preview.

Then we see this variable.

Save the document.

Once we save this document, this document is known as analysis workspace.

This analysis workspace, we can use in fiori.

We can integrate same interface in fiori apps.

Enter file nameclick on save.

Once click on save, analysis workspace is saved.

Click on create new workspaceclick on yes.
Select our connectionclick on next
Click on foldersselect our packageexpand packageexpand sub packageclick our
viewclick ok.
Now we see prompts in the front end.

Filter is used to transfer the entire data in the front end then we need to filter.

In prompt we restrict the data in back end itself.

Always it is suggested to prompt rather than filters.

Click on display member selector

Select memberclick on ok.
Click ok.

Now this prompt selection is highlighted.

Drag and drop the attribute in row.

Drag and drop the measure (vv010-actual & vv010001_plan) in to columns.

Click on prompts.

In analysis, we see only that specific year vv010_actual and vv010001_plan.

Now if we want to make this prompt as mandatory go back to hana studio.

Here we see the location of specific view.

At bottom we see the save prompt values with workspace.

Click on cancel.

Go back to Hana studioclick on this icon .

Select multiple entriesclick on ok.

Click on validate.

Click on save & activate.

Without prompt we can’t see 100% output.

This is similar to excel like sheet 1, sheet 2, and sheet 3. But working on web.
Click on workspace click on yes.
Select our documentclick on openclick on ok.
If you want to expose click on insert a new analysis.
This data will be seen in different graphical representations.

Here I would like to see data in pie chart

In switch click on pie.

Here we see the data in Pie diagram. In this pie we see vv010_actual and vv010001_plan of
specific year (2000).

Click on switch to select columnunder this, click on clustered column.

Here we see data in clustered column.

Crystal Reports 2011/2013:

SAP Crystal Reports 2011/2013 is a Windows-based report design tool used to create powerful
reports with crystal clean pixel quality and format that can be published in the SAP Business
Objects Business Intelligence platform.

Crystal Reports 2011/2013 can be directly connected to SAP HANA system using either JDBC
or ODBC and uses SQL as interaction language.

Integrating hana with crystal report enterprise:

CRE is connected to Hana by using “OLAP Connection”.

OLAP connections are created in two ways:

1. In IDT (Information design studio Tool)

2. In CMC (central Management Console)

If you want to administration console we create CMC.

CRE is a “pixel formatted report”.

CRE is mainly for formatted reports using in OLAP Connection we can connect to SAP

Click on startclick on sap business intelligenceclick on SAP crystal Report for

Enterprise4<-click on SAP crystal Reports for Enterprise 4.
Now we are at sap crystal report enterprise
Again click on startclick on computer.

Click on c drive.
Click on shortcuts.


Right click on itclick on properties.
Select the URLright click on URLclick on copy.
Type in search as GoogleClick on Google chrome.

Paste the URL in this Google.

Here is the central management consoleclick on logon.

Click on OLAP connections

Click on new connection.

Enter details

Name: saphana_cre

Provider: sap hana

Server: saphana

Instance number: 00

Click on connect
Click on username: best

Password: welcome123

Click on ok

Search our package in search box but it takes long time. So you have another way is shown in
below.Select particular packageexpand the packageselect viewclick on ok
Go back to sap crystal report enterprise.

Click on fileclick on newclick on from data source.

It shows previous connection, or would we like to use sap business objects BI platform and
connection by vendor.

I want to connect hana view, so click on browse repository which is under sap business objects
BI platform.

Click on browse repository.

Select server as GNSif it gns is not available click on new server.

Click on add.
Enter connection display name as GNS.

User name as bestclick on test connection.

Now we see another dialogue box as Test connection. Enter user name as best and password as on ok.
Click on ok.

Again click on ok.

Select GNSClick on ok.

Let’s enter user as best and password as Welcome123click on ok.

Click on next.
Select the data source type as HANA view.

Select any connection and double on it.

Once click on connection, it shows OLAP metadata.

Here we see all metadata.

Select our OLAP metadata

Let us go to our package.

For example, my package is sapecc_canadaexpand itselect any viewclick on ok

Click on ok

It opens edit query.

Just drag and drop required objects. Whatever objects you may require just drag and drop.
For example, drag and drop the company code, customer and revenue.

Click on refresh
Remove these company code and customer.

If you want to see object data preview then right click on object and select data preview.
Here we see the data of object company codeclick on close
Like above we can see customer data preview also.

Each object can see the data preview.

Click on close.

So just drag and drop the objects that you want to require.

Here we drag and drop company code and revenue.

Adjust position for our understanding.

Click on refresh

Here we see the data.

Here it will show the output.
Design Studio:

SAP Business Objects Design Studio enables application designers to create analysis
applications and dashboards – based on SAP NetWeaver BW, SAP HANA and universe data
sources – for browsers and mobile devices (iPads, for example).

It is the product of choice when full support for SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP HANA data
models and engine capabilities is required.

The product offers a design tool that allows you to create applications easily and intuitively
without the need for native HTML and iPad UI programming skills.

Design Studio can be directly connected to SAP HANA using BICS connection and SQLDBC

Integrating Hana with Design Studio:

In design studio,we can design customer apps. we need to create an odbc connection.

An odbc connection is necessary in order to connect sap hana.

Design studio is a user interface(UI).

Design studio is used to design appliaction based on web.

Design studio are run’s in HTML5.HTML5 is the runtime for the DS in order to create our
own apps based on mobile.

Design studio is used for,Previously Sap has something called as “Dashboard”.

o They have a tool called Dashboard.

o Dashboard runs on flash runtime.
o But flash runtime doesn’t support on ipad’s and Iphones.

offically,Iphone doesn’t support flash runtime.

Click on startclick on all programsclick on sap business intelligenceclick on sap
businessobjects design studiounder this,click on design studio.
Click on applicationclick on new
Create an analysis application.
Enter application name, descriptionclick on next.

Create an empty analysis application. Select itclick on finish.

Expand our newly created applicationright click on data sourceselect add data source
Click on browse.

These are ODBC connections

How do you get these ODBC CONNECTIONS?

Click on startclick on administrative toolsclick on data sources (ODBC)

Click on system DSNclick on addclick on HDBODBCclick on finish
Provide data source name: HANA

Description: HANA

Server port: saphana: 30015

Click on connect

Enter user: best

And password: welcome123

Click on ok
Connection is successfully completed.

click on ok.

Click on ok.

Select our created data source nameclick on ok

Click on cancel for once we able to reload all the connections.
Click on browse button for connection.

Click on reload all connections.

Select our connectionclick on ok

For logon to hana

Enter user as best
Password as welcome123
Click on ok.
Now we need to select data source.

Data source is nothing but analytical view.

Now click on browse to select data source

Expand packageselect viewclick on ok

Click on ok.
Once we click on ok the data source is accessed the view from sap hana
Under data source select the data sourceright click on itselect edit initial view

In live preview we see measures

Drag and drop the company code in rows. Now it shows based on company code.
If you don’t require certain measures then you can remove those measures by drag the object
from row or column drop into left side measures.
Here we can’t see the net revenue because it removed.
Like above, here we removed accurued sales deduction.
Click on ok+create crosstab
Now what we are do hear is, creating a chart

Here we drag and drop the chart

Here we have to bind the data source

At right side we see the data sourcein that select ds1

It displays a chart.
Suppose if you want to create dimension filter.

Drag and drop the dimension filter

At right side we see properties, in this select data source as ds1.

For setting dimensions click on browse.

Here we see set of dimensionselect any dimensionclick on ok

Dimensions are nothing but attributes.

So here we selected company code attribute is see

Click on execute down list button

If you set to a mobile device then click on send to mobile device (qr code)

This is the QR code. We can scan the code.

Click on ok
Click on excute locally

It gives view
Click on company code

It shows filter select which company codes do you want to display

Click on apply.
It change result according to required.

You can save the application as save as. It creates a design studio application. Click on
applicationclick on save as<--click on save

SAP Business Objects Explorer is an information-discovery tool that empowers everyone in an

organization with fast, easy access to information, so they can explore data, spark new ideas, and
find new insights.

Explorer connects to SAP HANA directly using JDBC driver and SQL interaction language.

Integrate hana with explorer:

Explorer is only on premise.

Explorer is a part of BOBI platform.

Explorer is mainly based on keyword search analysis.

In explorer, we call it as information views.

JDBC connection will connect explorer and hana. JDBC is connected in IDT.

We access these information views at information spaces. Once, we launch explorer we create
information space.

An information space is nothing but access the information views.

Click on startclick on all programsclick on sap business intelligenceclick on information
design tool.
create a on downlistclick on insert session.
Enter system as gns:6400

user name as best

password as welcome123

click on ok.
Expand systemright click on connectionselect relational connection.
Enter resource name and description click on next.
when we create a connection we need to create a connection a jdbc connection.

in lumira jdbc connection is default provided by sap itself.

explorer need explicitly jdbc connection to connect explorer and hana and access this in inside
the explorer.

expand sapexpand sap hana databaseclick on jdbc connectionclick on next.

Here provide user name as best

password as welcome123

and give host name as saphana

instance number as 00.

click on finish.
Refresh the connection.

Right click on connctionclick on refresh folder.

Expand connectionshere we see our created resource name.

Double click on resource.

Click on test connection.

Click on close.

Click on show values.

Let us launch the bi launch pad

Click on startclick on computer.

Click on c drive.

Click on shortcuts.
Click on sap bobi platform java bi launch pad right click on itclick on properties.
Here copy the link.

Open Google chrome.

Paste in Google chrome.

Enter user name as best and password as welcome123click on logon.

Click on applicationclick on explorer.

At top click on manage spaces

Manage space is where we connect to hana.

It displays all sources nothing but connections.

Click on home

Click on information spaces

Click on browse

Select any excel filedouble click on excel sheet

Click on explorer now

It’s uploaded
You see our excel file data like company code, sales order, material and customer.

Here we measures also

Click on explorer more

Here just we seeing the dataclick on cancel

This is known as information space.

Under each information space, we create a create view set.

For example, a user wants to see certain attributes and so on. Then create view set at top of
information view.

Information views are nothing but the subset of main information spaces.

Click on create view set.

Click on manage spaces

Click on home.

All the information can be accessed here

Within information spaces we want to access certain view sets.

Click on exploration view sets

Again click on information space. Here we see all information spaces

Now coming to the explorer

Click on explorer sample

We see facets, split, visualize.

Click on facets.

It displays data in tabular column.

Click on split. We see different graphical representation views.

Click on visualize

In facets, we would like to make a filter then

Click on filter.
Click on company code.

Select objectsclick on “>”symbol.

Then we see object in selected values.

Click on done
It displays only filter objects. So, if you want to add more then click on add filter

if you want to removejust click on cross

If you want to create an addition calculationclick on add calculation

Enter name, descriptionselect operatorclick on ok

Now you can see our created calculation

Click on facets then we see data in tabular format

Here we see the graphical representations

Click on table

Here I want to display vv010, select those measures.

Remove the occurrences
Based on company codejust click on best guess company code select do you want to display
like top 10 company code.

Click on ok
When you click on ok then you see this graphical view.

Click on heat maps

Here we see data in heat maps.

In this, group by top 10 customers.

Select customerand select top 10click on ok.

Here we see customer and company code of vv010 and vv070.

Now click on visualize

It only displays the visualization.

Now click on create view set.

Create view set is a sub set of exploration view sets.

Whenever you click on create view set then we see below graphical diagram.

At top click on facetscreate one exploration view

Enter name and description

Now click on filtersclick on company codeselect ccm1000, ccm2000, ccm 3000click on

You want to see a measure.

Click on vv010
Click on save as

In keyword, here we give one keyword for quick search like ccfav

Select favorite folderclick on ok

Click on ok
So views are created

If you want to use this URL then copy the URL.

Click on copy URL for further using we use notepadpaste the url

Click on home tab.

Click on exploration view sets.

At top we have refresh click on refresh

Then we see our last modified company code

You don’t recognize name, you only remember the keyword then in this stage we use search in
this search, we enter the keyword like our ccfav.

This is my excel file want to search ccm2000.i remember the company code (ccm2000) but I
forget exploration view name then I go to this way.
Just I will type the company code on searchclick on search

If it exact matches it gives high score otherwise it gives low score

Once we select this view. We see all author, link, description and last indexed.
Once click on company code

This is final output of the company code.

Web Intelligence (Desktop):

SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence is an ad-hoc reporting tool for business users with access
to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.

It allows business users to access and combine data from relational, online analytical processing
(OLAP), spreadsheet, or text file sources, using familiar business terms in a drag-and-drop

Workflows allow very broad or very narrow questions to be answered, and for further questions
to be asked at any point in the workflow.

Web-intelligence cannot directly connect to SAP HANA as of now and needs universe to
available on top of SAP HANA model. Universes are created using Information Design Tool

It’s predicted that in the coming versions of SAP BOBI, we might be able to connect web
intelligence to SAP HANA directly.

Universal can connect to web intelligence:

Using IDT we can create universe.

In order to create universe, we need connection.

Connections can create using secure and local connections.

Local connections are used to build HANA business layers.

Secure connections are used to create universe.

Once universe is created we publish web intelligence.

Click on startclick on sap business intelligenceclick on sap business object bi platform 4

clientclick on information design studio.
At first time we are entering into IDT then we don’t see any systems here.
Click on down list buttonclick on insert session.

Enter system as GNS: 6400, username as best, password as welcome123click on ok.

Here we see system which is added. This is repository resources.

This repository has directly connected to the server.

Expand systemhere we see two things.

1. Connections

2. Universes

Connections: connections are of two types. Those are secure and local.

First create a project. In this free space.

Click on fileclick on newclick on project.

Enter project nameclick on finish.

Here we see our created project.

Here we see relational connections. These relational connections are type of local.

Right click on projectclick on newclick on relational connection.

Enter resource name it can be anything. Click on next.
Expand sapexpand saphana databaseselect JDBC driversclick on next.
Whenever we click on nextwe see following dialog box.

Enter user name as best

Password as welcome123

Enter host name as saphana

Instance number as 00

Click on test connection.

Click on close.
Click on finish.

Here we see .cnx connection. This is a local connection.

In system, right click on connectionclick on insert relational connection.

Here we creating secure connection to create universe.

Enter resource nameclick on next.

Expand sapexpand sap hana databaseselect JDBC driversclick on next.
Whenever we click on nextwe see following dialog box.

Enter user name as best

Password as welcome123

Enter host name as saphana

Instance number as 00

Click on test connection.

Click on close.
Expand connection. Scroll down till found your created connection.

Here we see our created secure connection.

Right click on created secure connectionclick on create relational connection shortcut.

Select our projectclick on ok.

In local connections we have extension is .cnx and for secure connection we have extension is

This connection (sec_webii) is already published. But local connection (local_webi) is not
published. It’s on local file system.

If we want to publish local connection then click on local connectionright click on itclick on
publish connection to repository.
Local connection should be used for hana business layer. First we need to create local and then
we publish secure connection.

Provide business layer name and data foundation name. Click on next
Hana business layer can create only local connection.

Select local connectionclick on next.

Here we see different packages.

Select any one packageselect view.

Here we see business layer enable system.

Here we see two things are created. One is business layer and another one is data foundation.
Data foundation is defining relationship between tables.

Business layer is nothing but build stage for universe.

In sap hana studio, we already created data foundation. We just access the universe.

For local connection

Publish, we right click on local connectionclick on publish connection to a repository.

Just click on next.
Click on finish.

This connection is already created. That’s why it asking do you want overwrite it? <--Click on
Here connection is successfully published. Click on yes.

Here we see newly created .cns local connection.

Publish business layer to repository.

The use of repository is we can access the web intelligence. In order to access click on

Here we get error. So, click on close.

In order to rectify the error go to data foundation layer.

Double click on data foundation.

At bottom we see connections.

Click on connections.
Click on change connection.

By default it takes local connection.

Here we need to select secure connection.

When we create a local connection we take secure connection for publish.

Click on save.
Now publish the business layer.
Click on next.
Click on finish.

Click on close.
Select connectionright click on itselect refresh folder for seeing our secure connection.

Here we refreshing universe. For seeing universe connection.

Here select our universe connection.

Now we see local project in IDT.

By using this local project, how universe is connect to WEBI.

Select one project expand that projectDouble click on it data foundation.

This is business layer.

Let us launch our universe.

Go to startclick on computer.

Select c drive.
Double click on shortcut folder.

Select SAP Business Objects BI platform Java BI launch padright click on itselect
Copy the URL.

Open Google chrome.

Paste URL on it.

Let us launch BI launch pad.

Enter user name as best

Password as Welcome123click on logon.

In order to launch click on applicationsclick on web intelligence.

Click on new.

Click on universeclick on ok.

Select our business layer.

Here we see all universes. Find our universe.

Select our universeclick ok

Here we see panel. Under this panel we see all measures, attributes and other objects also.

Select whatever columns you want to require. Drag and drop the columns.

Click on refresh. At bottom right side we see refresh button.

Here we see sample data preview.

Click on run query. At top we see the run query.

We can rename the report also.

Click on save as.

Here we save as web intelligence document.

Enter file nameclick on save.

This is integration between web intelligence.


SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards (formerly Xcelsius) is a tool for data visualization and the
creation of dynamic, interactive and flashy dashboards.

Data can be updated dynamically from the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform,
and exported to a variety of different formats that can be viewed by data consumers in standard
formats, such as PowerPoint, PDF, or Flash.

Dashboards cannot be directly connected to SAP HANA as of now and needs a universe on top
of SAP HANA model. Universes are created using Information Design Tool (IDT)

Information Design Tool:

 The Information Design Tool (IDT) is an SAP BusinessObjects metadata design environment
that enables a designer to extract, define, and manipulate metadata from relational and OLAP
sources to create and deploy UNX universes.
 Universes are a semantic layer that hides database complexity from end users. It abstracts the
complexity of data by using business rather than technical language to access, manipulate, and
organize data.
 Information Design Tool (IDT) can be connected to SAP HANA using either JBDC or ODBC
driver and SQL as interaction language. Technically we can also connect Universe Design
Tool (UDT) to SAP HANA system.
Certification Questions:
1. You create a business layer in the SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool (IDT).
Which of the following could you add to the data foundation? (Choose two)

A. Packages
B. Column Tables
C. Synonyms
D. Information Models
Answer: B, D

2. Which of the following must you do in order to use SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on SAP
HANA data? (Choose two)

A. Create a delivery unit.

B. Create a business layer.
C. Create an information model.
D. Create an information space.
Answer: C, D

3. In which tool can you create information spaces for reporting?

A. in the SAP HANA modeler perspective

B. in the SAP HANA SQL editor
C. in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
D. in the Information Design Tool
Answer: C

4. You have created an MS Excel report on SAP HANA data. On which of the following could
you store the Excel file and make it available for other users?

A. Shared network drive

B. SAP BusinessObjects Information Design Tool
C. SAP HANA database
D. SAP HANA studio Content node
Answer: A

5. A company wants to use SAP BusinessObjects reporting tools. They cannot use Adobe Flash.
They require scheduled, ready-made reports. Which reporting tool do you recommend? (Choose

A. Dashboards
B. Web Intelligence
C. Explorer
D. Crystal Reports
Answer: B, D
6. A customer wants to report on large amounts of SAP HANA data. The users want to drill from
the top aggregation level to the lowest granularity and try different types of graphical
representations of the data on the fly. Which SAP BusinessObjects reporting tool would you

A. SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

B. SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
C. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
D. SAP BusinessObjects Crystal Reports for Enterprise
Answer: C

7. When you create a report in SAP BusinessObjects you notice that some columns of your SAP
HANA information model are not available in the report. How can you make the columns
available? (Choose two)

A. Add the columns in SAP Landscape Transformation replication.

B. Add the columns to the query panel of the report.
C. Add the columns to the source table in the catalog node in SAP HANA studio.
D. Add the columns to the business layer.
Answer: B, D

8. To connect Microsoft Excel to HANA Modeling views, which of the below can be used for
direct connectivity to create reports?

A. MDX Provider
B. SQL Provider
C. XS Engine
D. Name Server
Answer: A

9. Which of these reporting tools can consume hierarchies created in SAP HANA?
There are 3 correct answers to this question
A. SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise
B. SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office
C. SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
D. SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
E. SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
Answer: A, D, E

10. Which of the following connections is used for reporting in Microsoft Excel via the SAP
HANA MDX provider? Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: D
11. Which tool do you use to develop HTML5 analytic applications that Employ advanced
scripting capabilities Offer direct connectivity to SAP HANA content Use an Eclipse based
authoring environment? Please choose the correct answer.

A. SAP BusinessObject dashboards

B. SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for OLAP
C. SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio
D.SAP BusinessObjects Lumira
Answer: C

12. You want to add a calculated column to an SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report.
In which application do you create the calculation to achieve best report performance?

A. Central Management Console

B. Information Design Tool
C. Web Intelligence
D. SAP HANA Studio
Answer: D

13. Which connection method that is listed on the left can you use with the tools that are
available in the dropdown box on the right?

Answer: A, B, C, D

14. Which SAP BusinessObjects reporting tool should you use to answer ad-hoc questions and
interact with shared information?

A. Crystal Reports
B. Dashboards
C. Explorer
D. Web Intelligence
Answer: D

15. Which connectivity options can you use to create a SAP BusinessObjects Universe on SAP
HANA? (Choose two)
A. OLAP connection using MDX
B. Relational connection using BICS
C. Relational connection using ODBC
D. Relational connection using MDX
E. Relational connection using JDBC
Answer: C, E
16. You want to report on data from SAP HANA using MS Excel. How can you achieve this?
(Choose two)

A. Select an analytic view using the Data Connection wizard.

B. Create a ODBC connection between SAP HANA and MS Excel.
C. Select an attribute view using the Data Connection wizard.
D. Create an ODBO connection between SAP HANA and MS Excel.
Answer: A, D

17. How can you improve the performance of a report that is based on SAP HANA data?
(Choose two)

A. Ensure that all SAP HANA tables are in the same schema.
B. Maintain appropriate constraint filters in SAP HANA.
C. Ensure that all calculations are pushed down to the SAP HANA database.
D. Gather new database statistics.
Answer: B, C

18. You need to run a Web Intelligence report that requires data from SAP HANA filtered for a
specific year based on ad hoc user input. For best performance, how would you achieve this?

A. Use a pre-defined prompt based on a self-join in the business layer.

B. Use input from a Web Intelligence report passed to a variable in an information model.
C. Use a dynamic transformation rule during data provisioning.
D. Use a prompt in the query of the Web Intelligence report.
Answer: B
Interview Questions

1. What is sap Business Intelligence?

SAP BI is a data warehousing and reporting tool.In BI (Business Intelligence) raw

data will be cleaned, business logic applied, processed and provide meaningful
information to the user. BI is a SAP Product, which provides the user friendly

2. What is sap BI three tier architecture?

SAP BI is three tier architecture –

 Database Server – In this, data is physically stored in PSA, ODS, Info

 Application Server – It is used to access data from database server and
process data for Presentation server.
 Presentation Server- It displays the data to the user.

3. What is sap Bex query designer?

It is a Component of SAP BI can access SAP HANA View as info provider and display
data in Bex.

4. What is SAP HANA Business Layer?

 SAP BOBI 4.1, SAP provides a new option "SAP HANA Business Layer" while
creating the universe using Information Design tool.
 Before SAP BOBI 4.1 version, we need to create a derived table while
building data foundation and map the variable and input parameters.
 SAP HANA Business Layer automatically creates a data foundation and
business layer based on selected SAP HANA Views.
 SAP HANA Business Layer automatically detects the input parameter and

5. What is Reporting in SAP Crystal Report?

SAP Crystal Report help us to design, explore, visualize and provide report, which
can be run on web or enterprises applications. With SAP Crystal Report we can
create simple report or complex report.

There are two types of SAP Crystal Reports –

1. Crystal Report: This will be used when –

 If you want to call a HANA stored procedure from Crystal
 If you want to create SQL Expressions
 If you want to execute a view with parameters or variables and
submit non-default values
2. Crystal Report for Enterprises: This will be used when -
 If there is Universe available or needed, then use SAP Crystal
Reports Enterprises.

6. Explain what is Crystal Reports?

Crystal report is a window based report writer that enables the programmer to
make reports from different data sources with a minimum of written code. Crystal
report can access data from various data-bases and can synchronize data from
multiple databases into a single report.

7. Explain how can you connect crystal report to the databases?

To connect crystal report to the databases, there are two ways

 Use crystal report built in query
 Use the tool “Crystal SQL Designer” given by crystal report

8. Explain whether it is possible to create our own formulas in crystal reports?

Yes, it is possible to create your own formulas in Crystal reports. For that from
insert menu item choose “Formula Field”. Write the formula in “Formula Editor”,
here you will see “Function Tree” , “Field Tree” , “Operator Tree” which will show
the report fields, functions supported by crystal reports, operators etc.

9. Explain how can you enhance the performance of Crystal Reports?

To improve the performance of Crystal Reports Avoid using sub-reports as it

hampers the performance Use report bursting indexes

10. Mention what is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining?

OLAP: OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing it is a reporting tool configured
to understand your database schema, dimensions and composition facts

Data Mining: It is an analytic process to explore data in search of consistent patterns

or systematic relationship between variables.
11. What is Reporting in SAP Lumira?

SAP Lumira is new software by SAP to Analyze and Visualize data. By SAP Lumira
user can create a beautiful and interactive map, infograph, and charts. SAP Lumira
can import data from Excel, and other source.

SAP Lumira can access information view of SAP HANA directly. SAP HANA Perform
visual BI analysis using dashboard.

12. What is Reporting in Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel has powerful reporting inbuilt option; we can create report quickly
by pivot tables and charts.

MS Office uses MDX language ((Multi Dimension Expression language) to access

data from SAP HANA.

MDX Language is used by reporting tool to access data from a multi-dimensional

object in a database environment. By Only MDX Query we can access sap Hana

We can access only SAP HANA information view which has a property as 'CUBE' in
semantic, so we cannot access attribute view by MS Excel.

Features of SAP BO WebI:

 Webi is adhoc reporting tool.

 Webi is used for detail level report.
 Webi display the result in tabular or graphical formats.
 User can create / modify their own queries for the report.

13. What is the tool used to create universe?

Create Universe using Information Design Tool
To create a universe we need a project in IDT.

14. What are the connections used to create a project in IDT?

There are two connections available,

Relational Connection – To access data from a table and access regular RDBMS use
Relational Connection.

OLAP Connection – To access data from the application (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP
BO) and data stored in Cube / Information View use OLAP connection.
15. What are Reporting Tools?

Web Intelligence and Crystal Reports are most common BI tools that are used for
reporting. WebI uses a semantic layer called Universe to connect to data source and
these Universes are used for reporting in tool. These Universes are designed with
the help of Universe design tool UDT or with Information Design tool IDT. IDT
supports multisource enabled data source. However, UDT only supports Single

Main tools that are used for designing interactive dashboards- Design Studio and
Dashboard Designer. Design Studio is future tool for designing dashboard, which
consumes HANA views via BI consumer Service BICS connection. Dashboard design
(xcelsius) uses IDT to consume schemas in HANA database with a Relational or
OLAP connection.

SAP Lumira has an inbuilt feature of directly connecting or loading data from HANA
database. HANA views can be directly consumed in Lumira for visualization and
creating stories.

Office Analysis uses an OLAP connection to connect to HANA Information views.

This OLAP connection can be created in CMC or IDT.

16. What is the difference between Relational and OLAP Connection?

The idea is basically if you need to access data from a table or a conventional
database then your connection should be a relational connection but if your
source is an application and data is stored in cube (multidimensional like Info
cubes, Information models) then you would use an OLAP connection.

 A Relational connection can only be created in IDT/UDT.

 An OLAP can be created in both IDT and CMC.
Another thing to note is that a relational connection always produces a SQL
statement to be fired from report while an OLAP connection normally creates a
MDX statement

17. What is Information Design Tool?

In Information design tool (IDT), you can create a relational connection to an SAP
HANA view or table using JDBC or ODBC drivers and build a Universe using this
connection to provide access to client tools like Dashboards and Web Intelligence as
shown in above picture.
You can create a direct connection to SAP HANA using JDBC or ODBC drivers

18. Mention what is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining?

OLAP: OLAP stands for Online Analytical Processing it is a reporting tool configured
to understand your database schema, dimensions and composition facts

Data Mining: It is an analytic process to explore data in search of consistent patterns

or systematic relationship between variables.

19. Explain what is Bex?

Bex means Business Explorer. It allows end user to locate reports, analyze
information, view reports and can execute queries. The queries in workbook can be
saved to their respective roles in the Bex browser. It has following components Bex
analyzer, Bex Map and Bex web.

20. Explain Business objects analysis for office on sap hana?

Analysis for Office is nothing but an SAP Business Objects adds on for MS Excel and
MS PowerPoint. The Excel add on is used in some scenarios by end users
occasionally but the PowerPoint plug-in is rarely used.

Analysis for Office: Excel add on Key Points

Report Complexity: Simple

Report Users: End Users/Business Users

Report Type: Analysis/Data Discovery

Frequency of use in real time projects: Low – Medium

Effort to develop: Low

21. What is Business objects analysis for olap reporting with hana?

Analysis for OLAP reporting Key Points

Report Complexity: Simple-Medium
Report Users: End Users/Business Users
Report Type: Analysis/Data Discovery
Frequency of use in real-time projects: Medium
Effort to develop: Low-Medium
22. Explain sap business objects universe integration with sap hana?

Universes are a middle layer between certain sources (SAP HANA in our case) and
some Business objects reporting tools. These are the tools that do not have direct
connectivity via standard connections to SAP HANA sources. SAP Web Intelligence is
a tool which was highly dependent on SAP Business Objects Universe as a middle
layer when connecting to SAP HANA. This is because Web Intelligence (Commonly
called WebI) had no native connectivity options to SAP HANA until the latest
version. But with the advent of Business Objects 4.1 SP3 (Service Pack 3), even SAP
Web Intelligence also connects directly to SAP HANA eliminating the need for
universes as a middle layer completely.

23. Explain sap business objects explorer on sap hana?

SAP Business Objects Explorer was also one of the first tools to be optimized with
SAP HANA. It also comes bundled with the SAP Business Objects license, adding to
the customer’s joy.

In recent times, SAP Lumira has surpassed SAP Business Objects Explorer as the
prime data exploration tool. Lumira is leaps and bounds more powerful in this
regard. But it requires a separate license, which may be a concern for some
customers. Anyways, Lumira is a separate tutorial. Let’s deal with Explorer for now.

SAP Business Objects Explorer Key Points

Report Complexity: Simple

Report Users: End Users/Business Users/Business Analysts

Report Type: Data Discovery

Frequency of use in real-time projects: Low-Medium

Effort to develop: Low-Medium

24. What is crystal report for enterprise?

Crystal Enterprise is the Business Objects server-based delivery platform
for Crystal Reports and Crystal Analysis originally developed by Crystal Decisions.
Crystal Enterprise is what is called a delivery platform in Business Intelligence
terms. It provides an infrastructure for data access, which can store report
templates. By using Crystal Enterprise, report designers can store report objects,
instances of reports, schedule reports and request reports on demand through the
use of clients, such as Web Browsers.
25. Differentiate between HANA and IMDB?
HANA is the name for the current BI appliance (HANA 1.0) and the BW Data
Warehouse appliance (HANA 1.0 SP03). Both use the SAP IMDB Database
Technology (SAP HANA Database) as their underlying RDBMS. SAP can be expected
to start to differentiate this more clearly as it starts to position the technology for
use cases other than Analytics.

26. If Net Weaver BW can be run on IMDB/HANA, why can't the Business Suite/ERP 6.0
is run too?

This is because it's not mature enough to support business critical applications.
From a technology perspective, it is anyways possible to run the Business Suite on
IMDB and SAP has trialed moving some large databases into IMDB already.

27. How you can connect SAP HANA to Microsoft Excel?

MDX Provider is used to connect MS Excel to SAP HANA database system. It provides
driver to connect HANA system to Excel and is further used for data modelling. You can
use Microsoft Office Excel 2010/2013 for connectivity with HANA for both 32 bit and
64 bit Windows.
Error 1: When a try to connect with Browse in crystal report getting the error below.

Solution: You need to have repository in your data source

1 st click on

Then click on add repositories enter GNS and give credentials like BEST Welcome123 then you
can select server like
Below screen then you can start your work
Error2: Crystal Report Error
Having error for Crystal Report 2011 and Crystal Report Enterprise 4 on workstation machine.
Crystal 2011: When ever trying to execute the report gettimg the script error instead of parameter
Crystal Enterprise 4.0: when trying to modify or add some object to the report received the error.

Done the clean installation by deleting all the entries from registry but still having the same
issue. It was working fine before upgrading to SAP GUI 7.3.
Regarding c4e error, try updating data source and see if there are unmapped fields. If any
unmapped fields are there, fix it. If you are having sub-reports, update data source of it, by
saving it separately and re add to main report.

Error 3: getting the following error while opening an existing crystal report
The data source is invalid:'[]
Query script generation failed. {0} (WIS 00013)>'. Please contact the maintainer of the data
source to
The server is SBOP BI Platform 4.0 SP6,
The crystal reports I am trying to access are part of SAP provided standard RDS reports, which
came as a packaged LCMBIAR file. Not sure as to what the error is. This package contains other
WEBI reports which are having no problems while accessing.
All the reports are based on data coming from SAP HANA DB.
Solution: Install HANA Client on BI 4.0 Server and BI 4.0 Client Desktops
1. Download the exact HANA client installer revision which matches the revision number
of the HANA server BI4 will be connecting to. eg: use HANA Client 1.0 Revision 12 or
latest to connect to HANA 1.0 SP2 server (HANA server GA version) or Revision 21 or
latest to connect to HANA 1.0 SPS3.
2. Run the HANA 64-bit Client installer on the BI 4.0 server (JDBC, 64 bit ODBC and
other drivers are also installed)
3. If you are publishing HANA Crystal Reports 20xx reports, also run the HANA 32-bit
Client installer on the BI 4.0 server
4. Run the HANA 32-bit Client installer on each BI 4.0 client/designer machine (JDBC, 32
bit ODBC and other drivers are also installed)

Locate the JDBC driver

1. The default HANA client install folder locations (in Windows):

 64-bit Client install: /program files/sap/hdbclient

 32-bit Client install: /program files (x86)/sap/hdbclient

2. Locate the JDBC driver file: ngdbc.jar (the jar files in both the 32-bit and 64-bit client
install are identical, for the exact same HANA Client revision level)
Server Side Steps - JDBC configuration
BI4 connection server (Server Step 1)

1. Copy ngdbc.jar from previous step to:

[BI4_INSTALL_PATH]\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
4.0\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\drivers\newdb (create newdb folder if required)
(On Unix platform, the install folder prefix may differ slightly eg:
2. Restart the BI4 Adaptive Processing Server (hosting Java Connection Server(s)) from the
CMC (Central Management Console) web application (outage wise, note that Adaptive
Processing Server may be servicing other workflows) (or via the CCM (Central
Configuration Manager) Windows platform)
Error 3: recently downloaded the latest version of Lumira (Visual Intelligence) 64bit 1.0.10.
While connecting to HANA database has see all the Analytical and calculation view.
Now when try to consume these into Lumira, getting the below error
Data source Creation Failed / cannot execute the query: SQL syntax error. (HDB 02014).
Is there any pre-requisite or anything need to be installed beforehand.

Solution: for SP10 the prerequisite is SP5 R52 on the HANA side as one of the potential root

Error 4:
Having a Lumira desktop trial version and trying to connect to HCP Trial Account Database
from the same.
Triying to open the Database Tunnel and used the option of acquiring data set using connection
to HANA one. Parameters used where are the local host, user and the dynamic password when
the tunnel is opened, as shown in some of the weblogs.
Lumira fails to connect, stating, unable to connect to local host.


Configuring SAP Lumira to Publish to SAP Lumira Server running on HCP

NOTE: There steps were provided by Development and have never been confirmed due to lack
of test system or successful Customer.
Publishing from SAP Lumira (desktop) to SAP Lumira Server may not work when SAP Lumira
Server is running in the SAP HANA Cloud platform.
This issue results from the underlying JDBC connection for the SAP HANA database being
hidden by the SAP HANA Cloud platform deployment.
To work around this issue, set up a database tunnel to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform to allow
direct access to SAP HANA, then configure the SAP Lumira (desktop) to use the tunnel when
connecting to SAP Lumira Server.
To set up a database tunnel:
The general steps are:
1. Get the SAP HANA Cloud Platform SDK from
2. Configure the proxy as described in “Setting up the console client”
3. Retrieve the available schemas using the list-schemas command as described
4. Open the tunnel using the open-db-tunnel command as described
Now a tunnel is created and you can configure SAP Lumira (desktop) to use it to contact SAP
HANA directly.

First edit the SAPLumira.ini file:

1. On the SAP Lumira (desktop) machine, open the file SAPLumira.ini, for example C:\Program
Files\SAP Lumira\Desktop\SAPLumira.ini
2. Add the following line to the end of the file:
-Durl.hostmap=<http_url>|<jdbchost>:<instance number>
http_url = URL to access the SAP Lumira Server that is hosted in the SAP HANA Cloud
jdbchost = name of the machine that is hosting the tunnel
instance number = HANA instance. Note that you must use the full instance number, for
example “00” rather than just “0”.
For example,
NOTE: http_url in the SAPLumira.ini file must match the SAP Lumira Server URL entered in
‘Network Preferences’.
3. Save and close SAPLumira.ini

Then configure SAP Lumira (desktop) to use the tunnel:

1. Open SAP Lumira (desktop) and select File -> Preferences.
2. Select “Network”.
3. In SAP Lumira Server URL, enter the URL for accessing SAP Lumira Server on the SAP
HANA Cloud platform. For example
4. Select “Done”.
SAP Lumira (desktop) users can now publish to SAP Lumira hosted in SAP HANA Cloud

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