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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

(a) Schematic diagram of

Young’s double-slit experiment.
Slits and behave as
coherent sources of light waves
that produce an interference
pattern on the viewing screen.

(b) An enlargement of the

center of a fringe pattern
formed on the viewing screen.

Light is a type of energy which produces sensation of vision. In 1678, Huygen proposed that light energy from
luminous source travels in space as waves. The experimental evidence in support of wave theory was not
convincing. However, in 1801, Young’s interference experiment proved wave nature of light.

Q # 1: Define and explain the term wavefront.
Ans. Such a surface on which all the points have the same phase of vibration
is called wavefront.
Explanation: Consider a point source of light s is emitting light waves in all
directions with speed c. After time t, light waves will reach the surface of the
sphere with its center at S and radius ( ). Every point on the
surface of this sphere will be set into vibration by the wave reaching there. As
the distance of all these points from the source is same, the points are in same
state of vibration.
In this way, the wave moves forward producing new wavefronts. All
these wavefronts are concentric. These are call spherical wavefronts. The distance between two consecutive
wavefronts is one wavelength . A line normal to the wavefront which gives the
direction of motion of the wave is called a ray. Ray is always perpendicular to
the wavefront.
Q # 2: Describe different kinds of wavefronts.
Spherical wavefront: The source in which the waves propagate in spherical
form, with the source at the center of sphere, is called spherical wavefront.
Plane wavefront: The wavefront, in which the rays of the waves are parallel, is
called plane wavefront. At very large distance from the source, a small portion of the spherical wavefront is
nearly plane and is called plane wavefront.

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 3: Describe the significance of Huygen’s Principle.
Ans. Knowing the shape and position of a wavefront at any time t, Huygen’s principle
enables us to find the shape and position of the new wavefront at a later time .
Q # 4: State and explain Huygen’s Principle.
Ans. This statement of Huygen’s principle consists of two points:
1. Every point of a wavefront may be considered as a source of secondary
wavelets which spread out in forward direction with the speed equal to the
speed of propagation of wave.
2. The new position of the wavefront after a certain interval of time can be
found by constructing a surface that touches all secondary wavelets.
In figure a, AB is a spherical wavefront at any time t. To find the wavefront at
time draw secondary wavelets with center at various point on the wavefront
AB and radius , where c is the speed of propagation of waves.
is the new wavefront at a time . it is obtained by drawing a plane
tangent to the secondary wavelets. Figure b shows similar construction for a plane


1. The locus of all points in a medium having the 4. Sodium chloride in a flame gives out pure:
same phase of vibration is called a) Blue light
a) Crest b) Yellow light
b) Trough c) Red light
c) Wavelength d) White light
d) Wave front
5. The condition for constructive interference of
2. The distance between two consecutive wave two coherent beams is that the path difference
fronts is called: should be
a) Time period a) Integral multiple of λ/2
b) Frequency b) Integral multiple of λ
c) Wavelength c) Odd Integral multiple of λ/2
d) Displacement d) Even integral multiple of λ

3. Two sources of light are coherent if they emit 6. The condition for destructive interference of two
rays of coherent beams is that the path difference should
a) Same wavelength be
b) Same amplitude of vibration a) Integral multiple of λ/2
c) Same wave length with constant phase b) Integral multiple of λ
difference c) Odd Integral multiple of λ/2
d) Same amplitude and wavelength d) Even integral multiple of λ

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 5: What do you know about interference of light waves?
Ans. Superposition of the two or more waves, having same frequency and moving in the same direction, is
called interference.
 In case of constructive interference, the amplitude of the resultant wave will be greater than either of
the individual waves.
 In case of destructive interference, the amplitude of the resultant wave will be less than either of the
individual waves.
Q # 6: Describe the condition for detectable interference of light waves.
Ans. Interference of light waves is not easy to observe because of the random emission of light from a source.
The following condition must be met, in order to observe the interference of light phenomenon:
 The interfering beam of light must be monochromatic i.e., of single wavelength.
 The interfering beam of light must be coherent or phase coherent.
Q # 7: What are coherent sources?
Ans. The monochromatic source of light which emits waves having the constant phase difference are called
phase coherent sources.
Q # 8: Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?
1. When a single source is splitted into two sources, then these two sources will behave as coherent
2. A source with its mirror image also acts as coherent sources.
Q # 9: Describe the Young’s Double Slit Experiment for determination of condition for condition of
constructive and destructive interference of light. Also determine the fringe spacing.
Ans. In 1801, Young devised an experimental arrangement as
shown in the figure to study the interference of light.
A beam of monochromatic light falls on a screen having
two slits and . and behave as a phase coherent
sources producing coherent secondary wavelets.
Superposition of these wavelets produce a series of bright and
dark bands (fringes) on the screen which is placed at some
distance from the slits and .
1. When the wavelets arriving the screen are in such a
way that at some points crest fall on the crest and
troughs fall on the troughs, then a bright fringe (Maxima) is seen on the screen due to constructive
2. The points on the screen at which crests meets troughs, then a dark fringe (Minima) is seen on the
screen due to destructive interference.
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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

In order to derive equations for maxima and minima, an arbitrary point P is taken on the screen on one
side of the central point O as shown in the figure. AP and BP are the paths of the rays reaching P. The line AD
is drawn such that . The separation between the centers of two slits is AB=d. The distance of Screen
from slits is . The angle between and is .

Condition for Maxima

If the point P is to have bright fringe, the path difference BD must be an integral multiple of wavelength.
This is the condition of bright fringe (maxima).
Condition for Minima
If the point P is to have dark fringe, the path difference BD must be an odd integral multiple half wavelength.

Thus, ( ) ( )


Therefore, ( )

This is the condition of dark fringe (minima).

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Linear distance between adjacent bright fringes

If a bright fringe is observed at P, the angle is small, then

If is the distance of point P from point O, then from figure, . Thus

the condition of maxima is also be described as:

In order to determine the distance between two adjacent bright fringes on the screen, and ( )
fringes are considered.
For the bright fringe:
For the ( ) bright fringe: ( )
If the distance between the adjacent bright fringes is , then
( ) ( )

Similarly, for dark fringe ( ) and the distance between two adjacent dark fringes can be proved to
be . It is, therefore, found that that bright and dark fringes are of equal width and are equally spaced.
Q # 10: How is the distance between interference fringes affected by the separation between the slits of
Young’s experiment? Can fringes disappear?

Ans. According to the formula of fringe spacing , increasing the distance between the slits, the

distance between the fringes decreases and vice versa.

If we increase the separation between the slits beyond the limit, then there might be a chance that the
interference phenomenon stops occurring and fringes disappear.
Q # 11: Can visible light produce interference fringes? Explain.
Ans. Visible light consist of seven colors of different wavelengths. Each color forms its own fringes but
collectively they overlapped to form no clear fringes pattern.
Q # 12: In the Young’s experiment, one of the slits is covered with blue filter and other with red filter.
What would be the pattern of light intensity on the screen?
Ans. Due to different wavelength, the interference will not take place and we get a mixture of two colors on
the screen with almost constant intensity.
Q # 13: Explain whether the young’s experiment is an experiment for studying interference or
diffraction effects of light?
Ans. In young’s double slit experiment, in addition to interference the phenomenon of diffraction also takes
place. Due to which the central fringe is always bright. But actually the young’s experiment was carried out to
study the interference effects of light.

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Q # 14: Calculate the wavelength of light, which illuminates two slits 0.5 mm apart and produces an
interference pattern on a screen placed 200 cm away from the slits. The first bright fringe is observed at
a distance of 2.40 mm from the central bright image.
Given Data: Distance between Slits , Inter-Screen Distance
st st
For the 1 bright fringe , Distance of 1 bright fringe from central maxima
To Determine:
Calculations: For dark fringe

Q # 15: The distance between the slits in Young’s double slit experiment is 0.25 cm. Interference fringes
are formed on a screen placed at a distance of 100 cm from the slits. The distance of the third dark
fringe from the central bright fringe is 0.059 cm. Find the wavelength of the incident light.
Given Data: Distance between Slits , Inter-Screen Distance
rd rd
For the 3 dark fringe , Distance of 3 dark fringe from central maxima
To Determine:
Calculations: For dark fringe ( ) ( )

Q # 16: Yellow sodium light of wavelength 589 nm, emitted by a single source passes through two
narrow slits 1 mm apart. The interference pattern is observed on a screen 225 cm away. How far apart
are two adjacent bright fringes?
Given Data: Wavelength , Distance between Slits ,
Inter-Screen Distance
To Determine:

Q # 17: In a double slit experiment the second order maximum occurs at . The wavelength is
650 nm. Determine the slit separation.
Given Data: Wavelength , , Angle
To Determine:
Calculations: For dark fringe ( )

Q # 18: Light of wavelength 546 nm is allowed to illuminate the slits of Young’s experiment. The
separation between the slits is 0.10 mm and the distance of the screen from the slits where interference
effects are observed is 20 cm. at what angle the first minimum will fall? What will be the linear distance
on the screen between adjacent maxima?
Given Data: Wavelength , Distance between Slits ,
Inter-Screen Distance
To Determine: ( ) ( )
Calculations: (i) For dark fringe ( ) ( )
( )

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 19: What do you know about thin films?
Ans. A thin film is a transparent medium whose thickness is comparable with the wavelength of light.
Beautiful colors are seen in soap bubbles and oil film on the surface of water due to interference of light in
thin films.
Q # 20: How the interference of light waves occurs
in thin films.
Ans. Consider a thin film of refracting medium.
Suppose an oil film on water. A beam of
monochromatic light of wavelength falls on the
upper surface of the film at point B. it is partly
reflected along BC and partly refracted into the
medium along BD.
At point D, it is again partly reflected inside
medium along DE and then along EF as shown in the
figure. As BC ad EF are parts of same beam so they
are phase coherent. Since the film is thin, so the separation between the beams BC and EF will be very small.
They will superpose each other and produce interference fringes.
Q # 21: What are the factors on which the path difference between two coherent beams from a thin film
Ans. The part difference depends upon:
 Thickness and nature of the film
 Angle of incidence
Q # 22: An oil film over a wet foot path shows color. Explain how does it happen?
Ans. The colors are appeared due to interference of light in thin of oil on the water surface.
Important Note: If the white light falls on the film of irregular thickness at all possible angles, we should
consider the interference pattern due to each spectral color separately and we see different colors.

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Q # 23: What do you know about Newton Rings?
Ans. Circular dark and bright fringes obtained due to the interference of light through air film enclosed
between plano-convex lens and a glass plate are called Newton’s Rings.
Q # 24: How the Newton Rings are formed?
Ans. Consider a plano-convex lens of long focal length is
placed in contact with a plane glass plate. A thin air film is
enclosed between the upper surface of glass plate and the lower
surface of the lens. The thickness of the air film is almost zero
at the point of contact O and it gradually increases as one
proceeds towards the periphery of the lens. Thus the points
where the thickness of air film is constant will lie on circle with
O as center.
By means of sheet of Glass G, a parallel beam of
monochromatic light is reflected towards the plano-convex
lens. Light rays are reflected from the top and bottom surface
of the air film. These rays interfere each other and alternate circular dark
and bright fringes are seen through the microscope M. These are called
Newton’s Rings.
Q # 25: Why the Central Point in the pattern of Newton Rings is
always dark?
Ans. At the point of contact of plano-convex lens and glass plate, the
thickness of air film is zero. But due to the reflection at the lower
surface of air film from denser medium, an additional path difference of

is introduced. Consecuently, the center of Newton rings is dark due to

destructive interference.
Q # 26: Could you obtain Newton rings with transmitted light? If yes, would the pattern be different
from that obtained with reflected light?
Ans. Yes, it is possible to obtain Newton rings with transmitted light. In this case, we will get a central bright
fringe instead of dark.


7. The center of Newton’s rings is_________ due 8. When the Newton’s rings are observed with
to destructive interference: transmitted light, the central spot is:
a) Bright a) Red
b) Dark b) Blue
c) Colorless c) Dark
d) Red d) Bright

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 27: What do you know about Michelson’s Interferometer?
Ans. Michelson’s Interferometer in an instrument used to measure distance with extremely high precision. It
splits a beam of light into parts and then recombines them to produce interference.
Q # 28: Describe the construction and working of Michelson’s Interferometer
(i) Monochromatic light from a source falls on a half silvered glass plate that partially reflects it and
partially transmit it.
(ii) The reflected portion labeled as I in the figure travels a distance to
mirror , which reflects the beam back towards . transmits this
portion that finally arrives at the observer’s eye.
(iii) The transmitted portion of the original beam labeled as II, travels a
distance to mirror which reflects the beam back towards .
The beam II reflected by also arrives the observer’s eye finally.
(iv) The plate cut from the same piece of glass as , is introduced in
the path of beam II as compensator plate. , therefore equalized the
path length of the beams I and II in glass.
(v) The two beams having their different paths are coherent. They produce interference effects when arrive at
observer’s eye. The observer then sees a series of parallel interference
Q # 29: How can we use the Michelson’s Interferometer to measure the
length precisely?
Ans. In practical interferometer, the mirror can be moved along the
direction perpendicular to its surface by means of a precision screw. As the
length is changed, the pattern of interference fringes is observed to shift.

Each time, the fringe is shifted, the mirror is displaced through . So, by

counting the number m of fringes which are shifted by the displacement L of

the mirror, we can write the equation.

By using the radiation of known wavelength, we can make use of this formula to determine the length
Q # 30: A monochromatic light of is allowed to fall on the half silvered glass plate , in
the Michelson Interferometer. If mirror is moved through 0.233 mm, how many fringes will be
observed to shift?
Given Data: Wavelength , Distance covered by mirror
To Determine:

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 31: What do you know about Diffraction of Light? Also describe some examples of diffraction of
Ans. The bending of light around obstacles and spreading of light waves into the geometrical shadow of an
obstacle is called diffraction.
The diffraction of light occurs due to the interference between the rays coming from different parts of same
wavefront. Diffraction is prominent when the wavelength of light is large as compared with the size of the
obstacle or aperture of the slit.
Examples of diffraction of light
(i) Consider a small and smooth steel ball of about
3 mm in diameter is illuminated by a point
source light. The shadow of the spherical
object is not completely dark but has a small
bright spot at its center. According to the
Huygen’s principle, each point on the rim of
the sphere behaves as a source of secondary
wavelet which illuminate the central region of
the shadow.
(ii) In the interference pattern obtained with the Young’s double slit experiment, the central region of the
fringe system is bright. If light travels in a straight line, the central region should appear dark.
These two experiments clearly show that when light travels past an obstacle, it does not proceed exactly along
straight path, but bends around obstacle.


9. In Young’s double slit experiment, the distance 11. The appearance of Color in thin films is due to
between two adjacent bright fringes, is: a) Diffraction
a) b) Dispersion
c) Interference
b) d) Polarization
c) 12. Soap film exhibit brilliant colors in sun light due
d) a) Dispersion of light
b) Interference of light
10. In Young double slit experiment, if white light is c) Diffraction of light
used d) Scattering of light
a) Alternate dark and bright fringes will be 13. A light ray traveling form rarer to denser
seen medium suffers a phase change of:
b) Colored fringes will be seen a)
c) No interference fringes will be seen b)
d) Impossible to predict c)

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)


Q # 32: Derive the condition for the diffraction of monochromatic light due to a narrow slit.
Ans. The experimental arrangement for studying diffraction of light due to a narrow slit is shown in the
The slit AB of width d is illuminated by a parallel beam
of monochromatic light of wavelength . The screen S is
placed parallel to the slit AB. Rays of light are brought to
focus on the screen. A small portion of the incident wavefront
passes through the narrow slit. Each point of wavefront sends
out secondary wavelets to the screen. These wavelets then
interfere to produce diffraction. We take rays instead of
wavefronts to show diffraction on the screen. In figure only 9
rays have been shown. Actually there are large numbers of rays.
Consider two rays 1 and 5 which are in phase when they are at wavefront AB. When these reach the
wavefront AC, ray 5 should have a path difference ab. In triangle ,

( )

So the path difference

For first minima (destructive interference),

Path difference

In general, the condition for different orders of minima on either side of center is given by:
( )


14. Bending of light around the edges of an obstacle 15. The bending of a beam of light when it passes
is known as: from one medium to another is known as:
a) Refraction a) Refraction
b) Polarization b) Reflection
c) Diffraction c) Diffraction
d) Interference d) Dispersion

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Q # 33: What do you know about diffraction grating?
Ans. A diffraction grating is glass plate having a large number of close parallel equidistant slits mechanically
ruled on it. The transparent spacing between the scratches on the glass plate act as slits.
Q # 34: Define the term Grating Element.
Ans. Distance between two adjacent slits is called grating element. If N is the total number of lines on the
grating and L is the length of the grating, then the grating element d is described as:

Q # 35: Derive the condition for diffraction of monochromatic light by diffraction grating.
Ans. Consider a parallel beam of monochromatic light falls normally on a diffraction grating as shown in the
figure. A few of the equally spaced narrow slits are shown in the
figure. The distance between two adjacent slits is d, called
grating element. The section of the wavefronts that pass through
the slits behaves as a source of secondary wavelets according to
the Huygen’s Principle.
Consider the parallel rays which after diffraction
through the grating make an angle with the normal to the
grating AB. The rays are brought to focus at point P by the
convex lens. If the path difference between rays 1 and 2 is
one wavelength , they will interfere constructively. This
condition is described mathematically as:
( )
From figure, , where d is the grating element. Substituting the values in equation (1):
( )
 According to equation , when then the path difference between the rays coming out
from the slits of grating will be zero. So we get bright image in this direction. This is known as zero order
 If we increase on either sides of this direction, a value will be arrived for which will be equal
to ( ) and according to equation (2) we will again get bright image. This is known as
first order image.
 In this way if we continue increasing . We will get second, third etc. images on either side of zero order
image with dark regions in between.
The second and third order bright images would occur according as becomes equal to ,
respectively. Thus equation (2) can be written in more general form as:

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Q # 36: In the white light spectrum obtained with the diffraction grating, the third order image of a
wavelength coincides with forth order image of a second wavelength. Calculate the ratio of two
Ans. Using the formula, .
For case 1:
For case 2:
Dividing the two equations, we get:

Q # 37: How would you manage to get more orders of spectra using a diffraction grating?
Ans. Using the formula

This shows that by increasing the value of grating element “ ” or by decreasing the value of wavelength “ ”
used, we can get more order of spectra.
Q # 38: A second order spectrum formed at an angle of when light falls normally on diffraction
grating having 5400 lines per centimeter determine wavelength of the light used.
Given Data: For 2nd order Spectrum , Angle of Diffraction
Number of lines per cm ,
To Determine:

Q # 39: A light is incident normally on a grating which has 2500 lines per centimeter. Compute the
wavelength of spectral line for which the deviation in second order is .
Given Data: For 2nd order Spectrum , Angle of Diffraction
Number of lines per cm ,
To Determine:

Q # 40: Sodium light ( ) is incident normally on a grating having 3000 lines per centimeter.
What is the highest order of the spectrum obtained with this grating?
Given Data: Angle
Number of lines per cm ,
To Determine: Order of Spectra
Hence, the highest order of spectrum is 5

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Q # 41: Blue light of wavelength illuminates a diffraction grating. The second order image is
formed at an angle of from the central image. How many lines in a centimeter of the grating have
been ruled out?

Given Data: Angle , Order of Spectra

To Determine: Number of lines per cm ,

Hence, the highest order of spectrum is 5th

Q # 42: Light of wavelength 450 nm is incident on a diffraction grating on which 5000 line/cm have
been ruled:

(i) How many orders of spectra can be observed on either side of the direct beam?
(ii) Determine the angle corresponding to each other.

Given Data: , For maximum order of spectra:

Number of lines per cm ,
To Determine: (i) Order of Spectra (ii) Angle corresponding to each order of spectrum
Calculations: (i)
Hence, the maximum order of spectrum is 4
(ii) For 1st order spectrum ( ), ( ) ( )

For 2nd order spectrum ( ), ( ) ( )

For 3rd order spectrum ( ), ( ) ( )

For 4th order spectrum ( ), ( ) ( )


16. The equation of Michelson’s interferometer is: 19. is called:
a) a) Laplace’s equaiton
b) Slit Diffraction Condition
b) c) Refraction equaion
c) d) Bragg’s equation
d) 20. A light ray traveling form denser to rarer
medium suffers a phase change of:
17. One angstrom is equal to: a)
a) b)
b) c)
c) d)
d) 21. Soap film exhibit brilliant colors in sun light due
18. is called: to:
a) Dispersion of light
a) Laplace’s equaiton
b) Reflection equation b) Interference of light
c) Diffraction of light
c) Refraction equaion
d) Bragg’s equation d) Scattering of light

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Q # 43: Why the diffraction effects of X-rays are not observed by ordinary diffraction gratings.
Ans. Diffraction occurs when the grating spacing is of the order of the wavelength of radiation used. X-rays
are electromagnetic radiation of much smaller wavelength, typically of the order of . This wavelength
is much smaller as compared with the wavelength of visible light. So, the ordinary diffraction gratings can’t
be used for the diffraction of X-rays. But the crystals can be used for diffraction of X-rays because the
distance between the atomic planes is of the order of .
Q # 44: Derive the condition of X-ray Diffraction by Crystals.
Ans. Consider a series of atomic planes with inter-planer distance d
parallel to the crystal face as shown by lines , , , and so on
as shown in the figure.
Suppose parallel beams of X-rays fall at an angle on the
parallel planes of the crystal. Beam 1 is reflected from plane and
beam 2 is reflected from lower plane . The beam reflected from the
lower plane travels some extra distance as compared to the beam
reflected from the upper plane. The effective path difference between
the two reflected beams is . Therefore, for reinforcement, the
path difference should be an integral multiple of wavelength. Thus

The value of n is referred as the order of reflection. This equation is known as Bragg’s equation.
Q # 45: X-rays of wavelength are observed to undergo a first order reflection at a Bragg’s
angle of from a quartz ( ) crystal. What is the inter-planner spacing of the reflecting planes
in the crystal?
Given Data: Angle , Order of Spectra
To Determine: Inter-Planner Spacing

An X-ray beam of wavelength undergoes a first order reflection from a crystal when its angle of
incidence to a crystal face is , and an X-ray beam of wavelength 0.097 nm undergoes a third order
reflection when its angle of incidence to that face is . Assuming that the two beams reflect from
the same family of planes, calculate (a) the interplaner spacing of the planes and (b) the wavelength
Given Data:

To Determine: (i) Inter-Planner Spacing (ii) Wavelength of 1st beam

Calculations: For 2nd Beam
For 1st Beam

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Q # 45: Differentiate among Unpolarized and Plane- Polarized light.
Unpolarized Light
A beam of ordinary light consisting of large number of planes of vibrations,
vibrates in all directions in all possible directions perpendicular to the direction of
propagation. Such a beam is called unpolarized light. For example, the light emitted by
an ordinary incandescent bulb (and also by the sun) is unpolarized because its
(electrical) vibrations are randomly oriented in space.
Plane Polarized Light
If the vibrations of light are confined only in one plane, the light is said to
be polarized.
The plane polarized beam can be obtained by removing all those waves
from the beam of unpolarzied light which have vibration not along one particular
Q # 46: Describe the different method to convert unpolarized light to plane
polarized light.
Ans. The unpolarized light can be converted to plane polarized light by the various
method described below:
(i) Selective absorption
(ii) Reflection from different surfaces
(iii) Scattering by small particles
Selective Absorption
The selective absorption method is the most common method to
obtain plane polarized light by using certain types of materials called
dichroic substances. These materials transmit only those waves, whose
vibrations are parallel to a particular plane and will absorb those waves
whose vibrations are in other direction. One such commercial polarizing
material is a Polaroid.
Reflection from Different Surfaces
Reflection of light from water, glass, snow and rough road surfaces, for larger angles of incidence,
produces glare. Since the reflected light is partially polarized, glare can considerably be reduced by using
Polaroid sunglasses.
Scattering by Small Particles
Sunlight becomes partially polarized due to scattering by air molecules of the Earth’s atmosphere.
This effect can be observed by looking directly up through a pair of sunglasses made of polarizing glass. At
certain orientations of the lenses, less light passes through than the others.

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Chapter 9 (Physics 1st Year) Physical Optics (Edition: 2015-16)

Q # 47: What do you know about optical rotation? Also describe its
Ans. When plane polarized light is passed through certain crystals, they rotate the
plane of polarization. This phenomenon is called optical rotation. The crystals
which show this phenomenon are called optically active crystals. Quartz and
sodium chloride are the example of optically active crystals.
Certain solutions of organic substance, such as sugar and tartaric acid,
show optical rotation. This property of optically active substances can be used to
determine their concentration in the solutions.
Q # 48: Why the Polaroid sun-glasses are better than ordinary sun-glasses?
Ans. The Polaroid sunglasses reduce the intensity of light passing through them, due to which the glare of
light is decreased. That is why, they are better than ordinary sunglasses.
Q # 49: How would you distinguish between un-polarized and plane-polarized light?
Ans. A Polaroid is placed in the path of light and slowly rotated. If the light become dimmer and dimmer and
then vanishes then the incident light was plane polarized. And if the light keeps on coming on the other side
then it was un-polarized.

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