Sand of Love

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Sand Of love


I would like to thanks to some people…

Who helped me in completing this book?
As they are my best people!
They understand me every time…
They take me out of every single situation!
Thanks to all of you, for helping me in writing this book…

Name of some people

1. Mr. Yash Gupta
2. Ms. Samiksha Bharti
3. Ms. Subhashree Barik
This Book is Sequel of previous book “you”… the content of this
book contains further story….

This Book contains the story of my life, as I loved someone real

As she was an important part of my life because her attitude
was like… I don’t have words for that…

As you read the book you will get to know that…

It’s hard to let go…

Every single one of us heard that… it’s easy to let go…
But it’s not as…

You know sometimes we hate ourselves! Why we fell in love…

As it was destined to… but we blame other people for that and
sometimes our friends…

My feels for her are like a vast ocean with some pebbles...
In it and some sand which feels like my own blood…
Going through my oceanic veins!
The owner of this book doesn’t provide
any right to any person to claim the
copyright of this book...

As the content of this book are original

All Rights are reserved by the owner

Any person who tries to copyright this

Action will be taken against him/her

Chapter 1

Hey Everyone, I am back so let’s get started…

So after that day, we stopped talking to each other… Guess my
life switched to silent mode, there were the only vibrations
after every short interval of time.
I become that kind of person I never imagined to be…
So again it begins like that… after the school ended, we all
stepped in the different fields of our carrier…
As you know we all try to keep up with our friends as we leave
our native place…
And guess what my life was still not back on track if I say I was in
depression for 2 years just because she was not with me or in
another way I can say “I’m not with her”.
As I told you previously, our frequency match at the same rate…
And it’s been 3.4 years I still don’t know why…
If I define my state 2 years back… I felt myself in the world of
full of hate … not because everyone started hated me…
But because I thought I’m a loser, as I’m not able to do anything
worthy with my life
You know, many times I tried to find the answer…
Why People hated me that much, maybe they are jealous of
The day ended with a thought…!

Chapter -2
Beginning of interest

So, as I was in depression for 2 years…!

One of my friends gave me advice, as I say a common advice
nothing’s special…
That’s what he said to me – Gautam, why don’t you seek a new
interest for yourself…!
As I stood silent for some time…then I thought that it’s a kind of
a good idea…
So after that day, I found a new interest for myself…that was
“Let’s Be the Designer”…
So I did the same as I thought…
But as you all know, not even a single person in the world can
forget their first love, as it is that special to everyone whether
it’s him/her…!
The same happened with me… As I was not able to forget her…!

I never told you why we stopped talking to each other, let me

tell you why…
There’s a reason why!
A foolish boy said to her that, I said bad words about her… and
when she heard that, guess what she slapped me in front of
everyone, but I didn’t cry…!
And after that our paths are “separated”
The Pic

The Day rolling!

So as you all know I loved her so deep, I can’t express that in
Girls are like a lot conscious and insecure about their pics…
And especially when a boy stores her pics, and sometimes when
he gifts a collage to her…
That is a time when a girl gets angry on you… even they are in
the mood of killing you!
On her birthday, I gifted her a collage… Made of her own pics…
and that day her friend gave her advice that… I’m going to use
her pics in a bad way, you know editing and all that stuff…
And that was the first time she was angry with me…
As I was not able to utter a single word, except “SORRY”
I tried to convince her to many times…
But as you know, she never listened…To me!

After that Day, Boundaries are created…!

You know people never cared about whatever you thought
about them… and the condition is a bit changed when you are
close with them… they’ll hear you for some time and then they
will stop hearing you….
And that’s what makes people feel ignored
The same happens with me… as I always tried to figure out my
thoughts for her… you I practice every day whatever I’m going
to say to her every single day…
You know life is pretty simple… when you are alone, as you have
to do nothing with other people life…

So the part of me always roams with her, wherever she goes…

only I know about that, she doesn’t…
Don’t know if I told her what I think about her every time
maybe she’ll be going to stab me to the death…

You know people are always scared of future … but the day I
saw her, I was never scared of what’s coming on the bike of the
Her greatness showed me the way, not to be scared of
whatever the future hold…
When she left, my heart stopped beating that’s what I thought…
As my heart never stopped beating…
It slowed down… and skipped every beat I can ever imagine…
I always tried to manage my life without her, even we are just
two people who met in the school, never known to each other…
But, how hard you try, you can’t figure out what god’s up to

Chapter 4
2 years without her

Frankly, I don’t remember the day when she left, but it was
never felt okay!
Sometimes I thought that I should do a time travel jump
And say her sorry… as she’s never going to accept it…
So the time…
When I’m not with her… I always had a fight between my heart
and height…
But as time passed, I learned “Heart Don’t think”… heart
supplies blood…
The only mind thinks…
I learned to live without her… with the time… as I never wanted
her back in my life…
She never hurt me, even in the past…
But you know, I’m glad that I had ever…x

As time passed…!
Chapter -5

I’m an over-thinker since school and guess what still I’m an

Whatever happens with me, in my day to day life…? I kept that
in my mind… and always had a deep analysis of that…
So, whatever happened between us, is normal, but I made it
abnormal… just because I over think too much…
She always told me don’t over think Gautam, but you I never
listened to her…
I always kept her saying that “cheeteh” I don’t overthink…
And you know what she said… Gautam you never listen to me…
Then why do you keep asking me for advice… even when you
don’t want to follow that advice of mine…
My overthinking threw me out nowhere or maybe somewhere
in the different world…
And maybe because of my over thinking, she left me alone…
and I had to spend 2 years without her…
Well! I guess it’s my destiny… just to see her leaving me alone in
the woods of my mind…
And still, I’m trying to search my way out!

Chapter 6
World Died…

As she left me alone in the world of nowhere… at that point of I

felt like… the world I live in left me… left me…
You know, when you love someone… and you are with them,
everything felt like floating around, every moment freeze…
But when they leave… it feels like the world should be

Now you tell me, how it feels when they left you…

Chapter 7
Wings on fire…

When we met, and time we are close to each other… felt like I
had wings…and they are on fire…
I felt like I wanted to run as fast as possible and say while
running that I love you…
Well… it never happened, guess I never had an open runway so I
can fly, and shout I love you…

I always had an unimaginable life without her as it seems pretty

normal to others…
But I guess those people who are not in love… they are “nuts”…
They don’t even know, how it feels to have wings… and specially
When they are on FIRE…

I always wanted to run with her on the runway of life…with

The wings on fire… as you know it creates jealousy in other…
But creating jealousy is not my motive…

As she is the one loved… from the deepest part of heart…

As I am not able to get away from her till now!
Chapter - 8

Guess, how much a little prick can hurt, and I think this applies to
some people or maybe everyone because they hurt you … and
they don’t even care … and
What they say is that they don’t give a shit! Just give me an
answer why?
And in my life till now, I’m still having those people who still hurt
and they don’t even realize…
I always believed in second chance, but things or I say people
hurt in that way… sometimes you can’t recover from that
And maybe you sacrifice your life for nothing!
I’ll share one the incident happened with me when I was in
I was sitting and having my lunch, so a boy came and he tears off
my pocket …
I cried a lot… but then I realized I cried for nothing …
He did what he wanted to do… but why am I crying….
So what I want to say is … don’t cry for anything…
And even if you lose something in this cruel or hopeless world…
Let it go with the smile
Chapter 9
The loss

Since I was in school… I lost many people whom I called friends

But this include doesn’t her… as she is imp to me and always
will be…
So as I said, I lost people not friends…
The people who don’t care for your feelings are not your
Friends… they are like bees!
Who just needs your time and take your advantage …
And leave you somewhere and in the middle of nowhere…
Well, however till some extent the loss is bearable, unless or
until it cuts you to the deep…
And you will die… in pain crying and begging for happiness and
Which was all forgotten in the sand of love…
This sand is cold in temperature but high in feeling…
Guess you never want to stuck in that sand
Well, it’on you, how much loss you can
Chapter 10
The Day came

Well, Hopefully, I had a rough day, as I never expected that, it

will happen … and guess it happened…
Finally, we met
As I was traveling… as I remember time was around 3…
As the station came… she entered…and I was standing in the
And guess what … my eyes saw her … as I kept staring till two
minutes …
I know it’s creepy…
But what can I do… when you see someone you love that deep…
After 4 years…
It feels like the dream… come true
And finally got a happy ending….
Well, it doesn’t sound like a love story…
But yes it’s a story where I find my true soulmate…
And thanking GOD every day and every time for that…
Goodbye, Everyone!
Hey Folks…
Hope you all like this book.

I would love to hear feedback about

the book…
Form all of you …
Thank you for reading…

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