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1. Acapulco is not _______ as Veracruz.
a. big
b. as big
c. bigger
d. big like
2. Later this evening _______ out with friends to the trajineras.
a. I go
b. I went
c. I do go
d. I'm going
3. Jason Momoa is the _______ popular actor in Hollywood.
a. much
b. most
c. less
d. more
4. "Are the children at home?"
a. There are.
b. They're.
c. Their are.
d. They are
5. Virgina enjoys _______ soap operas on TV.
a. watch
b. washing
c. to watch
d. watching
6. It was a nice day and the children _______ outside.
a. play
b. were playing
c. was playing
d. are playing
7. _______ you ever been to Tepito?
a. Will
b. Have
c. Do
d. Are
8. "Is she the woman _______ husband is a famous musician?"
a. Whose
b. That
c. Who
d. Which
9. My best friend _______ for a job since May.
a. Looked
b. has looking
c. has look
d. has been looking
0. Where _______ live when you were a child?
a. did you use
b. did you used to
c. do you
d. did you use to
11. Can you tell me where _______?
a. is it the bank
b. it is the bank
c. the bank is
d. is the bank
12. English _______ in many parts of the world.
a. Spoke
b. is speak
c. speaks
d. is spoken
13. My house is very near. Don't worry - _______ it very easily.
a. you've found
b. you find
c. you're finding
d. you'll find
14. I like horror movies.
a. So do I.
b. So am I.
c. Neither I.
d. Neither do I.
15. There's a meeting at 3 o'clock, _______?
a. won't there
b. is it
c. isn't there
d. isn't it

16. I _______ play a lot of sports but now I don't have time.
a. used to
b. ought to
c. had the habit of
d. could
17. By this time tomorrow, _______ in Paris.
a. I've been arriving
b. I'm arriving
c. I'd arrive
d. I'll have arrived
18. You'd better tell Mary _______ in here.
a. no talk
b. don't talk
c. not to talk
d. not talking
19. The more you practice speaking Chinese, _______ it gets.
a. the easiest
b. easy
c. the easier
d. easier
20. You can't be serious. You _______ be joking.
a. couldn't
b. wouldn't
c. must
d. should


21. "We've got a lot to _______ before we move house next week”
a. put across
b. get clown
c. come up with
d. sort out
22. I got up so late that I _______ had time for breakfast.
a. utterly
b. hard
c. hardly
d. roughly
23. The meeting was _______ and not very interesting."
a. out of time
b. time-wasting
c. time-using
d. time-consuming
24. Tom _______ to the party if he had been invited.
a. goes
b. will go
c. may go
d. might have gone
25. 'Only when she left _______ how much I loved her."
a. I realized
b. did I realize
c. I have realized
d. had I realized


26. Maria is taller _______ Susan.

a. that
b. like
c. as
d. than
27. I like pasta _______ I don't like pizza.
a. Because
b. Or
c. And
d. but
28. She has three pets: _______
a. One dog.
b. and a dog.
c. Two cats and a dog.
d. two dogs and a cat.
29. I didn't see the program on tv _______ I was playing tennis.
a. if
b. and
c. because
d. but
30. She works Monday through Friday. She doesn't work on _______.
a. Saturday and Wednesday
b. Sunday and Tuesday
c. Saturday and Sunday
d. Sunday and Thursday
31. "Tonight _______ out with some friends for a drink. Do you want to come too?"
a. I would go
b. I'm going
c. I'll go
d. I go
32. "Tokyo is _______ city I've ever lived in."
a. the more big
b. the bigger
c. the biggest
d. the most big
33. "The cinema is _______ a nice restaurant. Shall we have a meal before the film?"
a. between
b. opposite to
c. next to
d. against
34. What _______ last night, Patricia?
a. did you do
b. did you
c. are you doing
d. have you done
35. _______ to Australia, Ginny?" "No, but I'd really like to."
a. Have you ever been
b. Are you ever going
c. Did you ever go
d. Have you ever gone
36. Sheila spoke so fast that Peter didn't understand _______ at all.
a. anything
b. nothing
c. everything
d. something
37. "I was wondering _______ tell me what time the next plane from LA arrives?"
a. please
b. whether you could
c. could you
d. if you
38. They went for a walk in _______ of the heavy downpour.
a. spite
b. the event
c. despite
d. case
39. I'm going to give up playing golf _______ I can spend more time with my kids.
a. so that
b. for that
c. that
d. such that
40. He isn't tall and he isn't thin _______. He's short and fat.
a. too
b. either
c. also
d. neither
41. Our neighbors aren't very polite, and _______ particularly quiet!"
a. neither did they be
b. neither they aren't
c. either they aren't
d. neither are they
42. He didn't stop smoking even _______ his doctor told him to give up.
a. Whether
b. if
c. that
d. though
43. Let me know _______ you need anything and I'll be there to help you.
a. if
b. unless
c. provided
d. in case
44. Susan handed in her resignation ......... consulting her lawyer.
a. although
b. only after
c. and
d. but
45. A good conversationalist can talk about _______ subject comes tip.
a. whatever
b. however
c. whenever
d. wherever
Economics is the social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and
services. Business may refer to any gainful economic activity or, more narrowly, to organizations that produce
and distribute commodities. Basically, economics is a branch of investigation and study, while business
connotes activity. Yet, the two terms increasingly overlap. Once thought of as a knack or skill that could never
be taught in school, business has developed claims to scientific status in the twentieth century. Today, there
are schools of business administration that, much like departments of economics, engage in study and
research. Both economic theory and the growing emphasis on the study of business have spilled over from
the universities into the public forum. The budget deficit, foreign trade deficit, and stock market boom of the
1980s and early 1990s have combined with the recent recession and decline of interest rates to pique popular
interest in economic issues. Less obvious but no less important, the deregulation of financial institutions by
the federal government, the vast growth of pension funds within the last twenty years, and recent changes in
the federal tax code have raised the threshold of financial knowledge for Americans. As late as the 1950s,
banks rarely advertised, savings and loan associations did not offer checking accounts, and insurance
companies concentrated on selling insurance. Now, all of these institutions advertise and compete with one
another by offering similar services. For example, all of them offer pension and retirement plans, and
individual investors must be able to sort out and assess their rival claims. To do so, ordinary Americans need
not become professors of economics; but they must understand the difference between stocks and bonds,
and they should understand why the stock market tends to decline when the interest rates rise.

What is the topic of the passage?

A. Business and its relation to economic issues.
B. Business and economics.
C. The teaching of economics in business schools.
D. The American economic system.

The study of living things on earth has a long history. Because of the incredible richness and diversity of life,
most of the effort in biology and its predecessor, natural history, has been expanded in an attempt to describe
what there is ―simple exploration and cataloguing. The classical sciences of descriptive botany and zoology,
with their emphasis on classification, are examples of this sort of work. The division of living things into the
plant kingdom and animal kingdom (plus three more kingdoms added by modern scientists to describe
microscopic organisms and fungi), and the collection of all living things into a coherent classification scheme,
are the fruit of this work. During the past century and a half, however, two important discoveries have changed
the face of the life sciences. The first of these was the development of the Theory of Evolution by Charles
Darwin and others. The mechanism of natural selection gave naturalists for the first time a way of answering
questions about how life came to have the forms it has, rather than just questions about what those forms
are. The great social and intellectual turmoil triggered by Darwin’s work is interesting, of course, but is not
relevant from a purely scientific standpoint. What does matter is that we can now understand how the
observed diversity of living things could have arisen through the action of a simple and easily comprehended
mechanism. The original Darwinian notions have been modified and expanded since his time, of course, and
there is still debate about the pace at which species evolve. Nevertheless, the main principle of Darwinism
―that living things change and adapt in response to their environment― has been incorporated as one of
the pillars of the modern life sciences.

What is the topic of this passage?

A. Darwin and the theory of evolution.
B. The diversity of living things.
C. Important contributions to life sciences.
D. The beginnings of natural history.
The word "its" in line 2 (bold and underline) refers to dicuss.
A. Biology.
B. Natural history
C. Predecessor.
D. Effort.
All of the following can be classified into the kingdoms mentioned above EXCEPT:
A. A hyena.
B. A mushroom.
C. A laurel.
D. A gold nugget.
The word "turmoil" (bold and underline) is closest in meaning to
A. Fight.
B. Confusion.
C. Improvement.
D. Fairness.
The passage following this one will most likely discuss
A. The second discovery that contributed to change life sciences.
B. Other theories that contradict the Darwinian notions on evolution.
C. Detailed information about the classification mentioned in the introductory paragraph and its influence
on new scientific trends.
D. A series of chronological events dealing with the evolution of species and their eventual adaptation to
their environment.

Random Subject to Write About

The aim of these writing prompts is to encourage freewriting. This is writing without stopping and without
censoring. Writing in this way can help to break through blocks like self-criticism and fear of failure, to find
your own, unique voice.
Choose a prompt and decide how long to write - ten minutes is a good length of time to begin with.

 Write about a time you felt betrayed.

 If you had a choice, what would you dream about tonight?
 Write about your relationship with food
 If you had the power to change one person's life, how would you do it?
 What are you looking forward to?
 Write about being in hospital.
 Write about someone you used to love

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