BADI Vs Customer Exit

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BADI Vs Customer Exit

1) BAdi is enhancement with object oriented touch whereas User-Exit is enhancement with normal
conventional ABAP coding.
2) SE18 & SE19 are used for BAdi definition & implementation whereas SMOD & CMOD are used to
search & implement a project for User-Exit
3) BAdi can have N number of implementations for the same project whereas User-Exit can have
one-and-only single implementation
4) BAdi is global presence in the sense means that implemented exit can also be used for another
standard program or tcode whereas it's not possible with user-exit.
B'coz of points 3 & 4 we opt for BAdi rather than user-exit.
SAP Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) are one of the most important technologies used to adapt SAP
software to specific requirements. BAdIs were introduced with Release 4.6 and replace function
module exits. This technology is not limited to SAP applications. BAdI calls can be integrated in
customer applications. These can then be enhanced by other customer applications. In the various
SAP applications, BAdI calls are implemented at places where enhancements are
appropriate.Business add-ins are enhancements to the standard version of the system. They can be
inserted into the SAP System to accommodate user requirements too specific to be included in the
standard delivery. Since specific industries often require special functions, SAP allows you to
predefine these points in your software.
As with customer exits, two different views are available:
· In the definition view, an application programmer defines exit points in a source that allow specific
industry sectors, partners, and customers to attach additional coding to standard SAP source code,
without having to modify the original object.
· In the implementation view, the users of Business Add-Ins can customize the logic they need or
use a standard solution, if one is available.
In contrast to customer exits, Business Add-Ins no longer assume a two-level infrastructure (SAP
and customer solutions), but instead allow for a multi-level system landscape (SAP, country-specific
versions, industry solutions, partner, customer, and so on). You can create definitions and
implementations of Business Add-Ins at any level of the system landscape.SAP guarantees the
upward compatibility of all Business Add-In interfaces. Release upgrades do not affect enhancement
calls from within the standard software nor do they affect the validity of call interfaces. You do not
have to register Business Add-Ins in SSCR.
The Business Add-In enhancement technique differentiates between enhancements that can only be
implemented once and enhancements that can be used actively by any number of customers at the
same time. In addition, Business Add-Ins can be defined according to filter values. This allows you to
differentiate between Add-In implementations using the filter Country or other criteria.
The enhancement technique is set up in such a way that it is possible to define interfaces for ABAP
soure code, screens, GUI interfaces, and tables. These allow customers to include their own
enhancements in the standard. A single Business Add-In contains all of the interfaces necessary to
implement a specific task.
BADI is just an object-oriented version of user-exit. Instead of entering program code into some
function module (as in customer-exit), you define some class which has to implement predefined
methods and those methods are fired at predefined points just like an old user-exit. Some BADI can
have multiple independent implementations which is much better for software deployment as several
developers can implement the same BADI independently. BADI/UserExists are used to enhance R/3
For customer Needs.
These steps should enable you to find any BADI related to any transaction in a matter of minutes.
Procedure 1:
1) Go to the transaction SE37 to find your function module.
2) Locate the function SXV_GET_CLIF_BY_NAME.
3) Put a breakpoint there.
4) Now open a new session.
5) Go to your transaction. 6) At that time, it will stop this function.
7) Double click on the function field EXIT_NAME.
8) That will give you name of the BADI that is provided in your transaction.
Business Add-Ins
Procedure 2:
1) Goto se24 (Display class cl_exithandler)
2) Double click on the method GET_INSTANCE.
3) Put a break point at Line no.25 (CASE sy-subrc).
4) Now Execute SAP standard transaction
5) Press the required button for which you need to write an exit logic, the execution will stop at the
break point.
6) Check the values of variable 'exit_name', it will give you the BADI name called at that time.
7) This way you will find all the BADIs called on click of any button in any transaction
Procedure 3:
Actually there is no transaction to find when and where the BADI
is called.
1. You can see the BADI description to find why it is called.
2. Once you implemented and activated the BADI, put some break points
in the BADI and see "where else used" option to check in what all
programs this BADI is called. In the ITS debug, when you are doing
the operation what exactly the BADI description tells, it will take
to the break points and you have to do manually debug the whole thing.
I know its bit difficult to do manual debug the whole thing, it
takes lot of time, but you have to be very patience when you are
dealing with BADI's.
Transaction SE18 is the BADI equivalent of transaction SMOD
Transaction SE19 is the BADI equivalent of transaction CMOD .
To find the BADI to be implemented and then implement this via SE19.
Check this blogs 2 find a BADI:
How To Define a New BAdI Within the Enhancement Framework (Some Basics About the BAdI,BAdI
Commands in ABAP,
When to Use a BAdI?)
How to implement a BAdI And How to Use a Filter
Introducing Business Add-Ins
How to implement BAdi in Enhancement Framework
Business Add-Ins
BAdI: Customer-Defined Functions in the Formula Builder
Difference Between BADI and User Exits
To Use BADI - Business Add In you need to Understand ABAP OO Interface Concept
User exits :
1. Introduction:
User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to
a functionmodule. The code for the function module is writeen by the developer. You are not writing
the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function
The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:
USER EXIT (SAP Enhancement)
List of all USER EXIT's (4.6c version)
User Exits in FI/CO
Excellent web-site for user-exits
Enhancements,Creating a project,Assigning SAP enhancements to a project,Editing enhancement
components,Activating a project
Find user exits with a TCode
SAP User Exits Routine
ABAP Enhancement and Modifications(Enhancement Framework , Business Add-Ins ,Business
Transaction Events)
What is the difference between SMOD and CMOD?
A Short Tutorial on User Exits

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