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Mentor Katie H: Group #19

Tips to do well in this course:

➢ Try to always come to class and if you can’t, get notes
from a friend
➢ Read the chapters in small parts so you don’t get really
bored (take timed breaks)
➢ Make a study group with other students to discuss topics
you don’t quite understand
➢ Generally Dr.Jackson will go over the most important
information in her slides/class. Focus on those topics for
studying first, and then go over stuff not covered in class
➢ Flash cards work!
➢ Always try to get enough sleep, it will help you feel better
and it helps you retain information better
➢ Take advantage of the participant pool
➢ Breathe! You can do this
Mentor Katie H: Group #19

Tips about University:

➢ Food should be your best friend, and your brain will love
you for it
➢ Take advantage of on-campus support services (they really
can make a difference)
➢ Go to your professor’s office hours! They’ve heard it all by
now so no question you ask will be “stupid”
➢ Literally every student on campus feels the same as you.
School can suck sometimes, but you aren’t alone
➢ Wearing pjs to school is acceptable during exams (the
same goes for taking a nap in Leddy)
➢ Take good notes, nothing bad ever came from it
➢ If you procrastinated through high school, stop (you think
it may work now, but not in the long run)
➢ You guys have a five-year long program. Take time to relax
and have fun when you can

Feel free to email me if you ever have questions about anything. I’ve been in your
exact shoes before, I understand.

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