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Roxana-Andreea RADU PhD student, Adrian-Gabriel SIMION PhD student, Cristian Mihnea POPA, Ion ANDRONACHE PhD

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Research Centre for Integrated and Territorial Analysis Management, Romania

We have chosen Dobrogea as a study area of this article because it
is a Romanian historical province located between the Danube and the
Black Sea and is administratively formed from two counties:
Constanta and Tulcea (Figure 1). At present, the specificity of the
economic system and the functional typology of the Dobrogea
administrative-territorial units are determined by the use of local
resources and the territorial distribution of the external financial
support for investments (Sima, 2014). Dobrogea is an area of
contrasts, a humid but drought-free region, a place with a rich history
of more than two thousand years old, and at the same time it is the
youngest earth in Europe and a territory inhabited by people
belonging to several ethnic groups (Pleşoianu, 2017).

Figure 2. Dashboard example

500,0 Analyzing Figure 3, Constanta County saw a
400,0 gradual increase in the number of firms to 164 in
2009, following an oscillatory trend. One of the
reasons why the number of companies has declined

since 2010 is that of the withdrawal of operating
100,0 licenses. On the other hand, the number of employees
0,0 registered the same upward trend to 497 employees in
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Years 2008, after which the number of employees will
Number of companies Employees decrease. This fall is being hit by the effects of the
Figure 3. Evolution of the number of companies and employees, global economic crisis in 2008.
Constanta County

On the other hand, Figure 4 shows that in Tulcea
Figure 1. Geographic study area County there was a slight increase of the number of

80,0 firms to 50 in the years 2009-2010, after which the


60,0 number of them will decrease insignificantly.

Regarding the number of employees, the trend is
The existing data at the four-digit NACE code level, overlapping 0,0
oscillatory, but without great fluctuations, the
codes over tourism activities, archeology, archaeological resources
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
difference between the maximum (127 employees)
and management of these resources, were analyzed. Based on these Number of companies Employees
and the minimum (66 employees) being of only 61
NACE codes (Table 1), a number of indicators were delineated in Figure 4. Evolution of the number of companies and employees,
relation to the number of existing firms in the two counties overlapped Tulcea County
with the studied region, the registered turnover, the number of
employees, as well as the profits and losses of these companies. Analyzing Figure 5, it is noticed that the
Also, based on the list of historical monuments, the main resources turnover registered by the companies in 50000000,0

found at the city and commune level of the two counties were Constanta County reaches the maximum level of 40000000,0

identified and processed using the PowerBi program (Figure 2). 48,749,342 lei in 2009, following an oscillatory
tendency to decrease towards the end of the

interval. One of the reasons why the turnover 20000000,0

has fallen since 2010 is that of the number of 10000000,0

companies following the same downward trend. 0,0

Regarding the level of profit, it also has an 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

oscillatory trend, reaching a maximum of Years
Turnover Profit Loss
12,130,379 lei in 2008, the subsequent trend
being a decrease. On the other hand, the profit Figura 5. Evolution of Turnover, Profit and Loss,
Constanta County
level is negative during the period 2000-2012,
registering a maximum of 2,499,959 lei in 2013.
Analyzing Figure 6 it is noticed that the 20000000

Table 1. List of activity domains at the four-digit NACE code level turnover registered by the companies in Tulcea 15000000
County has a trend of gradual growth until 2007,
following an oscillatory trend; it is noted that the

maximum value is 17,200,703 lei, being

Dobrogea has been inhabited since ancient times. The archaeological registered in 2011. If we relate to the profit level,
researches revealed the existence of the Neolithic objects from the it also has an oscillatory trend, reaching a 0

Gumelniţa culture and the development of the Hamangia culture in maximum of 4,333,744 lei in 2007, the 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014

Neolithic. Is a complex tourist region that deserves exploration from subsequent trend being an oscillatory one, but -5000000
Turnover Profit Loss
one end to the other; Among the touristic attractions can be mentioned: declining towards the end of the analyzed range.
Adamclisi Monument, Capidava Castrum, Histria Citadel, Constanţa On the other hand, the profit level is negative in
Figure 6. Evolution of Turnover, Profit and Loss,
Archaeological Park, Enisala Fortress, Noviodunum Fortress, etc. the period 2000-2012, registering a maximum of Tulcea County
557,750 lei in 2014.

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