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Article Review for UNGS 2090


Integration of knowledge can be seen from two views of the Islamic figures

which are Al-Ghazali and Alwani. From Al-Ghazali perspective, knowledge is a

process of learning, and education is supposed to give human the knowledge about the

Creator, thus finding the ways to honor God. Al-Ghazali also believes that both

knowledge and sciences are linked to each other, and would cover all aspects and

subjects of knowledge. Al-Ghazali divides science into two, advantage and

disadvantage. He argues that Islamic science is good for all aspects of knowledge

except that when there were having doubts in religious sciences. The categories for

Islamic sciences includes fundamentals, branches, auxiliary and supplementary. On

the contrary, the writer also mentioned about Alwani’s views on the Integration of

knowledge, which he emphasized on bringing the brightness of ‘logic’ from Quran.

He also explained about ‘the cosmos of Quranic methodology’. He detailed the

methodology in three points; Tawhid, reading of Quran and the organizational of

Quran and the cosmic summarize all.


Al-Ghazali and Alwani have different views on the integration of knowledge, but

also have some similarities, in some aspects.

Firstly, one of the vast differences is from their detailed definition of the

integration of knowledge. From Al-Ghazali perspective, education is a technique or

skill rather than science itself and it is supposed to give human the knowledge and

guidelines that they need to follow so that they can worship God. In contrary,

Alwani’s perspective of integration is between the revealed and scientific knowledge

relates in a way.

Besides, the other difference that can be seen is their way of approaches.

Al-Ghazali moved towards the Islamic sciences that is more practical to approach

knowledge and process of learning. In contrary, Alwani totally depends more on

reading, as he prefers to learn theory. This clearly proves that Al-Ghazali and Alwani

has differences in integration of knowledge.

There were also similarities of the two scholars. Firstly, both of them will always

connect the knowledge to Allah. They surely make Allah as their main reference in
their research of new theories or information to be shared to general public. They also

totally depends on Al-Quran and hadith to make sure their theories and knowledge to

be shared to others are legit and proved.

Do you think the integration of knowledge concept is important to muslims? And


In my opinion, the concept if integration of knowledge is important to Muslims.

This is because Islam is the religion of knowledge. Muslims cannot act without any

proper knowledge and Allah warns every Muslims to not speak without using brain,

as he say, ‘You shall not follow anyone blindly in those matters of which you have

no knowledge, surely the use of your ears and the eyes and the heart - all of these,

shall be questioned on the Day of Judgement,’ (Al-Isra’ 17:36). this proves how

knowledge is important to all.

Besides, the integration of knowledge is important to enhance the level of

knowledge among Muslims. This will produce more smarter and better Muslims,

also people from other religion would respect more towards Muslims, for their

intelligence. Everyone who seeks knowledge and always learn, will be rewarded

by Allah. He says, ‘O you who have believed, when you are told, "Space yourselves"

in assemblies, then make space; Allah will make space for you. And when you are
told, "Arise," then arise; Allah will raise those who have believed among you and

those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is Acquainted with what

you do.’ (Mujadila 58:11)

Lastly, the integration of knowledge is important to let people differentiate which

is right and which is not. Allah creates many creatures in this world, both good and

bad with His own intention. It is an obligation for us to learn those things to determine

which is the best for ourselves, to avoid getting sinned and punished. And [recall]

when Moses prayed for water for his people, so We said, "Strike with your staff the

stone." And there gushed forth from it twelve springs, and every people knew its

watering place. "Eat and drink from the provision of Allah, and do not commit abuse

on the earth, spreading corruption." (Al-Baqarah 2:60)

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