0lesson Plan VII

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Lesson Plan

Objectives: by the end of the class the students will have:

Form: 7th A, intermediate 1) practiced and developed reading for general comprehension,
Unit: „Unless I get to bed”; 2) learnt the form and use of 1st conditional using discovery technique,
Title: „Tall stories”; 3) practiced the new structure in sentences of their own.
Structure: 1st conditional
Type: lesson of integrated skills;

Aim: to provide students with information about height and growth and to give them the opportunity to express ideas.

Time Lesson stage T’s activity Students’ activity Aim Technique Aids Observation

10` Greeting & T. greets the students. Answer T’s greetings. Present their -to appreciate Project Students’
homework Invites pairs of students projects about beautiful places. students’ work; presentation posters
checking. to present their
Snapshots -to attract
2` Focus on. T. announces the title Listen. on the lesson; Speaking/
and objectives of the exposing
class. -to prepare
8` Pre-reading students and to The text “Nepal
Gives instructions: Scan the text to find: ease reading Scanning Trek”
scanning -the name of an airport: Heathrow,
-the name of a mountain: the Himalayas,
-the name of a river: Kali Gandaki, -to focus students
-the altitude of town Muktinath: 3600 m. attention on the “Nepal Trek”
picture exploitation Talk about the picture. theme of the text Picture picture
-to prepare exploitation
students for the
predicting Answer the questions: next stage of the Predicting
“What adventure could they experience lesson
during the trip?”
“Do think they would meet famous
“Can they have a welcome party at the
end of the walk?” -to develop Ss`
10` While reading reading skills “Nepal Trek”
Gives instructions Read the text and try to guess the meaning -to monitor Ss` Silent reading text
of the new words (1.a) understanding of Pair work
Check with your partner. the text
Check with the whole class. -to consolidate
8` Post reading information “Nepal Trek”
Asks questions Check if former predictions were right. Answer reading questions
Answer comprehension questions (1.b) comprehension
Check with your partner. questions,
Check with the whole class. -express personal Pair work
15` Follow up opinions in a Information
Gives task and In groups of 4 students prepare a short form of a written Group work: from the text
instructions, organize news report about the trip for the local report writing a report
groups radio station.
Groups read their report to the whole class
Discuss about the questions in ex 3/15 Discussion

2` Setting Explains the task, give Listen and write down the exercise for -to consolidate Written Snapshot –
homework examples homework. knowledge from assignment students’ book,
the lesson intermediate.

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