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Vanhoutten, good person but a shitty writer. You're a shitty person but a good wi make a good team. I don't want to ask you many favors but if you hz me - and from what I saw you have plenty - | was hoping you could f or me. It's a eulogy for Hazel. She asked me to write one and I'm try; | just use a little flare. Everybody wants to be remembered in this wo ot Hazel. Hazel knew the truth. Hazel may not have been loved wide he was loved deeply. She didn't want a million admirers - she just we and she got it, and isn't that more than what most of us get? When ! ick I knew I was dying but I didn't want to say so. she was in the ICL ck into see her-before I got caught. Her eyes were closed and her ski yale but her hands were still her hands. Still warm and her nails pain lark blue-ish Black color and I just held them and willed myself to ine a world without us and what a worthless world that would be. Sh autiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she's ter than you because you already know she is. I love her. God, I love "m so lucky to love her. We don't get to choose if we get hurt in this s ye do have a say in who hurts us. I like my choices and I hope likes he , Hazel Grace?”

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