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• tiDrary
University of
~ -Ilw~nk.:>c.

In consequence of studies on the West Indies which I began about 1921

and in relation with lectures on the Antilles, which I gave at the Utrecht Univer-
sity in the years 1930 and 1931 I have collected during more than fifteen years
data for a geological bibliography. In the course of years the endeavour of col-
lecting a complete bibliography of the West Indies almost became an obsession,
and the only possibility of ridding myself of this obsession is to publish the data,
now in my possession, although I feel sure, that there are still many titles lacking.
On the other hand the possibility is great, that no publications of importance_
have been left out, and it is sure, that this bibliography approaches completeness
better than any one of the bibliographies which have been published on different
islands of the region under consideration.

It is impossible to give thanks to all who have helped the author during the
last five years, but it would be ungrateful not to mention some of them. In the
first place the Directors of the Library of the British Museum in London and of
the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, who gave me graciously access to their
enormously rich libraries. In the second place the librarians of different public
libraries in my country who never complained, when I troubled them with
requests of sending books to me, which often I wanted only for some minutes.
More especially I should like to mention the librarians of the Technical High
School Library at Delft, of the Geological Institutes at Amsterdan1, Delft and
Leyden, of Teyler's Library in Haarlem, of the Colonial Institute at Amsterdam
and the officials of the Library of the University at Utrecht. In the third place
a large number of authors on Antillean geology and palaeontology have given me
great help. I sent fuem those parts of my manuscript which contained the titles
of their publications on the region, and requested them, to let me know whether
the list was complete. The great majority of them were so kind as to give me
useful information which often even exceeded the limits of my request.

It is desirable to indicate some facts, going to prove thaHhis bibliography

must be still far from complete. During my visit to the British Museum in January
of this year I could for the first time consult the two bibliographies of Cundall
on the West Indies (no. 626 and 627). It was a great surprise to me that they
contained several titles of books which I had nowhere found cited during the
last fifteen years. Dr. C. W. CooKE, of Washington, was so kind as to call my
attention to the various bibliographies on North American Geology, issued by
the United States Geological Survey. I knew, of course, of the existence of these
publications, but had never realized that they contain also enormously numerous
data on Antillean Geology. Although I had finished my manuscript at the time,

when I received Dr. COOKE's hint, it was necessary to add at least 100 titles
which occurred in the ,Bibliographies of North American Geology" and which
had been overlooked till then. It is clear that there must exist still rather many
publications on the West Indies, which never have come under my eyes nor
have been cited in the thousands of publications consulted. For some classes of pu-
blications this probability is even a certainty. The volcanic calamities, which befell
Martinique and St. Vincent in 1902 and the seismic calamities of Jamaica (1907)
and Santiago de Cuba (1932) have given rise to the appearance of very numerous
semipopular and popular publications. Many of them are to be found in my list,
but, from the beginning, I have not aimed at completeness in this direction. The
numerous illustrated magazines of America and Europe certainly contain still
many descriptions of these calamities, which may have some value because of
the often fine photographs, that accompany them, but which, as far as the text
is concerned, are scientifically absolutely worthless. Moreover, most of these
,Magazines" are vanishing quickly in the course of time and are not to be con-
sulted in any scientific library. If I had aimed at completeness for this class of
publications, it would have necessitated a number of years to achieve this list,
and its worth would not have increased materially.
Although I have taken over in my list almost all publications cited in the
literature which has been consulted, I have made an exception for pu-
blications which seemed to be of too small value, and also for articles in news-
papers, which, for exemple, are frequently cited in Catalogues of Earthquakes
(See e.g. A. POEY, no. 1772).

Of course I have attempted to see all the papers, listed in this bibliography.
In too many cases however, this has proved impossible; all the publications to
which I had no access, have been marked by an asterisk.
As a rule I have not put into my list handbooks and large books of reference,
although they sometimes treat in a very thorough way with Antillean data.
To give some examples, I have not taken over the Catalogue on fossil Echinoidea
of Lambert and Thierry, nor the Handbook of Conchology by Pilsbry and Sharpe,
or Cushman's well-known Foraminifera, nor the Handbook on Mineralogy by
Hintze, although it contains, e.g., full data on Cubanite.
Works, which have been published in different languages (e.g. VoN HuM-
BOLDT-BONPLAND 1234; Suess 2108) have been cited in one language and in one
edition only.
The literature on soils, on biogeography and on prehistory has been included
only, where I stumbled on it; I have never attempted to be complete for
these subjects.
I am sorry to say, that, although I have done my best to cite the public-
ations correctly, there will be quite certainly some errors in the list. It is a
fact that I detected some errors, when preparing the manuscript, and it is very
improbable, that all the errors should have been noticed.
In consequence of the fact that the preparation of the manuscript has taken
so many years, there is a certain lack of homogeneity. So, e.g., I am sure that

I have not always indicated the number of figures and plates in a publication,
·although I have certainly done so of late. So, e.g., it may occur, that
when an article has been published twice in two different periodicals, it is
cited under two numbers, whilst in other cases the two articles have been
cited under one number.

The index which accompanies the bibliographical list, has in the first place
a geographical character. The reader should, however, bear in mind, that the
heading ,.West Indies", may contain publications, which are also of special
interest for a given island, so that, if he has the intention to review the whole
literature on a special island, he should always begin to check the list on the
,.West Indies", and afterwards look-up the titles, listed under the island in
Likewise, if he looks up the literature on a special subject for a special island,
say e.g. Foraminiferal Palaeontology on Cuba, he should begin bij checking the lite-
rature on ,.West Indies", afterward on ,.Cuba, General", then on .,Cuba, Palae-
ontology, General" and only finish with .,Cuba, Palaeontology, Foraminifera".
For the islands, on which only a few publications ·have been written, the
data have not been subdivised: see e.g. Blanquilla and Cayman Islands.

It is possible that the author will. publish in the distant future an

additional bibliography on the West Indies. He will, therefore, be sincerely
thankful to everyone, who gives him information, which may help to make this
possible addition more valuable. All hints should be directed to the Geological
Institute of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands; 320 Oude Gracht.

It is an agreeable duty to give sincere thanks to the Bataafsche Petroleum .

Maatschappij in The Hague, which, by a finanCial support rendered possible the
publication of this book.
• 1. jose Ram6n Abad. La RepUblica Dqminicana. Santo Domingo. 1st. ed. 1788, 2d. ed.
1883. 400 pp. (teste 2298).
* 2. Abbad Laslerra, Frau liilgo, Historia geogd.fica, civil y natural de San Juan
Bautista de Puerto Rico. San Juan 1866. (teste 1550. Cap. xxxu, p. 429: Hura-
canas y teriemotos que se e:Xperimentan en Puerto Rico. Cap. xxxvn. p. 466:
De los minerales que se reconocen en la isla de Puerto Rico).
3. Othenio Abel. Amerikafahrt. Eindriicke, Beobachtungen und Studien eines Natur-
forschers etc. 1926, ix and 462 pp., 273 figs. (especially p. 138-183).
4. H. F. Abell, A reminescence- of the Jamaica Earthquake.· Chambers's Journal.
(6). 10. 1907. p. 427-429. ._
* 4a. jose-ph S. Adam. Notes on the geology of the vicinity of Samana (Santo bomingo),
U.St. 42d Congress. 1st Session. Sen. Ex. Doc. 8.1871. p. 70-71 (teste 1678a).
• 4b. Charles Baker AdamS. Geology of Jamaica. Proc. Ass. Amer. Geogr. 6. 1845. p.
32--33. (Abstract). (teste 1678a).
RamOn Adan de Yarza. See 2427.
5. Adhemar. Sur le phosphate de chaux de SombrerO. Bull. Soc. Chim. Paris. (ns).
9. 1868. p. 315. (Also: Annales du genie. Fevr. 1868. p. 71).
* 6. joaquin F. de Aenlle. Apuntes para el estudio de las aguas minero-medidnales de
la isla de Cuba y relaci6n- de todos loS analises que se han practicados basta
Ia fecha. ? La Habana. 1866. (teste 1916).
joaquin Aenlle. See 491.
7. Capt. Affleck. An account of the agitation of the sea at Antigua. Nov. I. pss.
Philos. Trans. 49. part II. 1756. p. 668--670.
8. G. Agamemnone. Il terremoto di Haiti (Antille) nella rna tina del 29 dicembre 1897.
Boll. Soc. Sism. Ita!. 4. 1899. p. 177-191.
9. A. Agassiz. On the dredging operations carried out by- U.S. Steamer Blake. Bull.
Mus. Comp. Zoo!. Harv. Coli. 5. 1878--1879. p. 1-10, 55-64, 289-302. 3 maps.
10. Alexander Agassiz. Report on the Results of Dredging ... by the U.S. Coast Survey
Steamer .,Blake"~ Part I. Report on the Echini. Mem. Mus. Camp. Zool. Har-
vard Coli. 10. 1. 1883. 94 pp. XXVIII pls. (on p. 7g_....:s4 palaeogeographical specu-
lations). .
11. A. Agassiz. Three cruises of the ... Blake. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coli. 14.
1888. 314 pp. (maps and figs).
12. Alexander Agassiz. The _Tortugas and Florida-Reefs. Mem. Amer. Ac. Arts and Sc.
Cambridge. Centennial Vol. 11. 1888. p. 107-132. Plates.
13. Alexander Agassiz. Observations in the West Indies. Am. J. Sc. (3). 45. 1893. p.
358--362. . .
14. Alexander Agassiz. Observations in the West Indies. (Letter to J.D. Dana). Nature.
27.4.1893. p. 608--610. (identical with no. 13). ·
15. AJ. Agassiz. A reconnaissance of the Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of Cuba,
/I in the steam-y¥ht .,Wild Duck"; Jan. to April 1893. Bul.l. Mus. Camp. Zool.
Harvard Coli. 1-?· 1894. 203 pp. LXVII maps and plates. , •
16. Alexander Agassiz. Notes from the Bermudas. Amer. ]. Sc. (3). 47. 1894. p. 411-416.
H. A. Alford Nicholls. See 1676, 1677.
17. C. N. Ageton. GeolOgia del anticlinal de Jovellanos. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 14. 1929.
p. 23-29.
C. N. Ageton. See 931.
C. 0. Aguayo. See 519. 519a.
17. Pedro I. Aguerrevere. Notas geologicas sobre Margarita y Cache. Bal. Soc. Vene-
zolana de Ciencias Nat. 3. 1936. p. 397-403. I map. Also: *Revista· Tecnica del
Minist. de obras Publ. Caracas. no. 69. afia 8. Oct. 1936. -
17a. Pedro I. Aguerrevere. Informe prelimin<ir sabre el problema d_el Agua en las Islas
de Margarita y Cache; Estada Nueva Esparta. Minist. Obras Publicas. Caracas.
1937. 25 pp. 3 mapas.
18. Eugenio Aguilera. Informe sabre el estado de la mineria en el Di5trita de Oriente
durante el segundo semestre de 1916. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 3. 1917. p. 16-19.


19. E. Aguilera. Reseiia sobre la industria min6ra en la provincia de Oriente durante

el aiio 1923 a 1924. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 8. 1925. p. 68--'70.
20. Eugenio Aguilera y J. R. Manduley. Reseiia historica de la mineria en Oriente,
Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 4. 1918. p. 39---S1; 5. 1918. p. 26---40.
Fernando Valdes Aguirre. See 2229.
• 21. Milton E. Alles. What the United States did to relieve the West Indian sufferers.
Collier's Weekly. 29. 1902. May. 31. (teste 1196).
C. G. Akhurst. See 1060.
• 22. N. Alberti y Bosch. Apuntes para Ia prehistoria de Quisqueya. Torno I. Geologia y
partes descriptivas. La Vega 1912. 148 pp. XIV pis. 67 figs.4 maps. (teste 2421)
• 23. Agustin Martinez Alcibar. Noticias sobre las minas de oro de la Sierra de Luquillo.
Bol. ofic. de Minas. 1845. (teste 482). ·
24. Lucas de Aldana. Estudios sobre las mina5 de oro de Ia isla de Cuba, por el Inspector
general D. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Revista Minera. _Madrid. 16. 1865. p.
25. J. E. Alexander. Notice regarding the Asphaltum cr Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Edinb.
New Philosophical Journal. 14. 1833. p. 94-97.
26. W. Alexander. St. Christopher, West Indies. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 33. 1901.
p. 42-46.
27. W. Alexander. Porto Rico, its climate and resources. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 34.
1902. p. 401-409. .
28.'· Glover M._ Allen. Mammals of the West Indies. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard
Coli. 54. 19ft .p; 173-263.
29. Glover MorrJII Allen. An extinct Cuban Capromys. Proc. New England Zool. Club.
6. 1918--'1919 (1917). p. 53-56. .
30. G. M. Allen. New fossil mammals frLm Cuba. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. CoiL
61. 1917. p. 1-12. I pl.
31. G. M. Allen. Fossil Mammals from Cuba. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coli. 62.
1918-1919. p: 133-148. I pl.
• 32. G. M. Allen and T. Barbour. Narrative of a trip to the Bahamas. Cambridge. Mass .
1904. 10 pp. (teste Geogr. J. 26. p. 355).
33. J. A. Allen. An extinct Octodont from the Island of Portorico. Ann. New York
Ac. Sc. 26. 1915. p. 438--439. (Abstract).
34. J. A. Allen. An extinct Octodont from the Island of Portorico, West India. Ann.
New York Ac. Sc. 27. 1916. p. 17-22. V pis.
35. Roque Allende. Estudio tecnico de los yacimientos minerales de Isla de Pinos.
Bol. de Minas Habana. 7. 1923. p. 51---S7.
36. Roque Allende·. Yacimientos minerales de Pinar del Rio. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 7.
1923. p. 68--'77; 8. 1925. p. 45-50.
37. Roque Allende. Breves noticias del Cobre en Cuba. Monografias geo1ogicas. Direcci6n
de Montesi Minas. Habana. 1927. 47 pp. ·
38. Roque Allende. Yacimientos Minerales de Ia RepUblica de Cuba. Cobre. (Monografia).
Bol. de Minas. II. 1927. 148 pp. Maps.
39. Roque Allende. Estudio hidrologico de las cuencas de ,Agua del Cura", Rio ,.San
Antonio de los Ba:fios" y ,Laguna de Ariguanabo" y de sus posibles conexiones
con los manantiales de Vento. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 4-20.
40. Roque Allende. Informe relative al abastecimiento de agua a Ia Granja Escuela
,Juan Bautisto Jimenez". Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 21-29.
41. Roque Allende. Yacimientos piritosos de Ia Sierra de Trinidad. Bol. de Minas. Habana.
12. 1928. p. 50-58.
42. Roque A11ende. Informe geologico sobre el acueducto de Jaruco. Bol. de Minas.
Habana. 12. 1928. p. 59-61.
43. Roque Allende. Sobre un· reconocirniento en terrenos graniticos en Ia provincia de
Habana. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 78--'79.
44. Roque Al1ende. Informe sobre una rapida inspecci6n de los terrenos de Consolaci6n
del Sur. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 80-83. ·
45. Roque Allende. Notas sobre los petroleos de Santa Clarita. Bol. de Minas. Habana.
12. 1928. p. 84---S5.
46. Roque Allende. Yacimientos minerales de Ia RepUblica de Cuba. Asfalto y Petroleo.
Bol. de Minas. Habana. 13. 1928. 153 pp.
47. Roque Allende. Los dep6sitos de crorno de Carnaguey. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 14.
1929. p. II-22. (Manuscr.: 1926). ·
48. Roque Allende. Inforrne relative a la determinaci6n de una faja protectoa pa~a.
los Manantiales de Martin Mesa con relaci6n a la explotaci6n de canteras e;x:Is-
tentes en Ia finca ,Cafiita", que lin·da dichos manantiales por su parte Sur. Bol.
de Minas. Habana. 14. 1929. p. 31-36. 2 maps.

.48a. Roque Allende. Breves Noticias del cobre en Cuba. Copper Resources of the World;-
. 16th Intern. Geol. Congr. Washington. 1935. I. p. 425-433.
49. Roque Alle·nde y Manuel G. Lago~ Minas ,Caridad" y ,Lola" de Camaguey. Bol.
de .Minas Habana. 8. 1925. p. 51-56. .
Roque Allende. See no. 268. 449b.
Robert T. Alllson. See no. 311.
Zayas y Alphonso. See no. 2430.
·• 50. Arnie, Hapel, Lachesnale, Fontelllau et Code. Rapport fait aux citoyens Victor
Hugues et Lebas, agens particuliers du :Oirectoire .executif aux Isles-du-Vent,
par la commission etablie en vertu de leur arr~te du 12 Vend6miaire an vi. de la
R6publique, pour examiner la situation du Volcan de Ia Guadeloupe et les effets
de 1'6ruption qui a eu lieu dans la nuit du 7 .au 8 du m~me mois. Basse Terre.
1798. 84 pp. (teste 363). ,
50a. Florentino Ameghlno . .Montaneia anthropomorpha. Un genero de monos hoy
extinguido de Ia Isla de Cuba. Nota prelimin<i.r. An. Museo Nac. BuenOs Aires.
(3). 13. 1911. p. 117. 118.
51. Al.e~an~er ~nderson. An account of a bituminous lake or plain in the island of
Trinidad. Philos. Trans. 79. 1789. p. 65-70.
C. B •. W. Anderson. See no. 1072. 1073.
52. James Ande~son. An account of Mome Garou, a mountain in the island of St. Vin-
cent, with a description of the Volcano on its summit. Philos. Trans. 75. 1785.
p. 16-31. pl.
53. Robert Ande.rson. A new gas volcano in Trinidad. Science. (ns). 34, 1911. p. 834--.,.-835.
54. Robert Anderson. An earthquake in Trinidad. B.W.I. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 1.
1911. p. 170.
55. Tempest Anderson. Characteristics of recent volcanic eruptions. Nature. 67. 1903.
p.~ . .
56. Tempest Ande.rson. Recent volcanic eruptions in the West Indies. Geogr. J. 21.
1903. p. 265-281. Xlii pls. •
56a. Tempest Anderson. Recent volcanic eruptions in the West Indies. C.R. Congr.
Intern. Geol. Mexico. 1906. 1907. p. 735-757. .
5~. Tempest Anderson. Report on the Eruption of the Soufriere in St. Vincent in 1902
and on a visit to Montagne Pelee in Martinique. Part. II. The Changes in the
Districts and the subsequent History of the Volcanoes. Proc. Royal Soc. BOA.
1908. p. 281-284.
58. Tempest Anderson. Report on the Eruptions of the Soufriere in St. Vincent and on
a visit to Montagne Pelee in Martinique. Part II. The Changes in de Districts
and the subs.equent History of the Volcanoes. Phil. Transact. A. 208. 1908. p.
275-302. pl. IX-XXV.
5.8a. Tempest Anderson. The Soufriere of St. Vincent; the Changes subsequent to the
Eruptions of 1902. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Dublin. 76th Meeting. 1908 (1909).
p. 706-707.
* 58b. Tempest Anderson. An adventure with an eruption of Mont Pel€. Canad. Alpine
]. 2. 1910. p. 114-120. (teste 1678a) .
.5.9. Tempest Anderson and john S. Flett. Preliminary Report on the Recent Eruption
of the Soufriere in St. Vincent and of a Visit to Montagne Pelee, in Martinique.
Proc. Royal Soc. 70. 1902. p. 423--445. pls. XI-XIII.
60. T. Anderson and J. Flett. Royal Society Report on the West Indian Eruptions.
Nature. 66. 1902. p. 402-406. .
61. Tempest Anderson and johnS. Flett. Report on .the Eruptions of the Soufriere, in
St. Vincent, in 1902, and on a Visit to Montagne Pelee, in Martinique. Part I.
Philos. Transact. A .. 200. 1903. p. 353-553. pl. XXI-XXXVIII.
62. Tempest Anderson and S. Flett. Preliminary Report on the Recent Eruption
of the Soufriere of St. Vincent and of a Visit to Mont Pelee, in Martinique. Annual
Rep. Smith. Inst. for 1902. IS03. p. 309-330. III pis.
Thomas Anderson. See no. 2084.
63. E. Andre. The volcanic eruption at St. Vincent. Geogr. J. 20. 1902. p. 60-68.
julio jover y Anldo. See no. 1270.
* 64. Anonymus. A full account of the late dreadful earthquake at Port Royal in Jamaica,
"\\'Titten in two letters from the Minister of that place. London. 1692. fol. (teste
1772) ..
65. Anonymus. A sad and terrible relation of the dreadful earthquake that happened
at Jamaco, on the 7th of June 1692. London. 1692. duod. 14 pp. .
66. Anonymus. The truest. and largest Account of the late Earthquake in Jamaica,
June 7th 1692. \Vritten by the Reverend Divine there to his friend in London.
London 1693. ·qu. 26 pp.

• 67 • Anonymus. A gen_uine account of the earthquakes, especially at Oxford in 1693 and

that of another terrible one at Port Royal in Jamaica in the year 1692. London.
1750. oct. VIII and 24 pp. (teste 1772).
68. Anonymus. (Earthquake at Port Royal, Jamaica, the 7th Jan. 1692). The Gentle-
man's Magazine. 20. 1750. p. 212-215.
69. Anonymus. Account of the late Earthquake in-the island of Hispaniola, or St.
Domingo, from the French Relation. Gentleman's Magazine. 22. 1752. p. 9t_.
70. Anonymus. Relazione de Terribili Terremoti accudati ultimamente nell'Isola
di St. Domingo ... Pesaro. 1752. qu. 4 pp.
• 71. Anonymus. Relazione del Terribile Terremoto fattosi sentire a Porto Principe •..
dell'Isola de S. Domingo le 3 Giugno, 1770. Tradotta dal Francese in Italiano.
In Maraglie, e in Roma. 1770. qu. 4 pp. (teste 1864).
• 72 • Anonyrnus. Account of the earthquake at Port Royal in Jamaica in 1692. Massa-
chusets Histor. Soc. Collections 1795 (teste 626).
73. Anonymus. (Volcanic Phenomena in the West Indies). The Philos. Magaz. 39. 1812.
p. 474-477. (Barbados. St. Vincent).
74. Anonymus. (On minerals from Guadeloupe and Porto Rico). Am. J. Sc. ( 1). I.
1818. p. 237.
75. Anonymus. Tremblements de Terre. Annales de Chimie et de Phys. 12. 1819. p.
425-428. IS. 1820. p. 421-424. 18. 1821. p. 413-415. 21. 1822. p. 393-396.
24. 1823. p. 429-431. 27. 1824. p. 376-380. 30. 1825. p. 411-414. 33. 1826.
p. 403-412. 36. 1827. p. 396--398. 39. 1828. p. 407-412. 42. 1829. p. 347-351.
76. Anonymus. Note sur le tremblement de terre et sur les eboulements qui ont eu lieu
a Sainte-Lucie. Journal des Voyages. 6. 1822. p. 100-102. (Cette note a ete lue
a l'Academie des sciences dans la seance du 6 mai dernier-par M. Moreau de Jon-
nes). .
76a. Anonymus. Bituminous substances of Barbadoes. Am. J. Sc. (1).- 5. 1822. p. 406.
• 77• Anonymus. Histoire physique des Antilles fran~ises, savoir: La Martinique et les
ties de la Guadeloupe. Paris 1822. (teste 1351).
78. Anonymus. Tremblement de terre a Sainte Domingue. Nouv. Annales des Voyages.
47. 1830. p. 125-126 ..
79. Anonymus. On the Pitch-Lake of Trinidad. The New Edinb. Philos. Journ. 18.
1834-1835. p. 33!-334.
• so• Anonymus. Narrative of the late awful and calamitous earthquake in the West
Indian Islands of Antigua, Nevis, St. Christopher, Guadeloupe etc., on Febr .. S.
1843. VVritten by an eye witness. 1843. (teste 627).
81. Anonymus. La Guadeloupe, Ba.sse-Terre, Ia Soufrihe, Pointe-a.-Pitre, Histoire,
Description, Catastrophe du 8 F6vrier 1843. Paris. 1843. duod. 69 pp. 1 map.
2 pis.
82. Anonymus. Mineral lands in. the Island of Jamaica. Mining Magaz. N. York. 3.
1854. p. 200-204. .
• 83. Anonymus (Par un colon). Tremblement de terre du 8 f6vrier 1843, qui renversa Ja
ville de Ia Pointe-a~ Pitre, ala Guadeloupe. oct. Paris 1855. (en vers; teste 1772).
• 84. Anonymus. San Domingo Petroleum and Trinidad Asphalt'. London 1860. (teste 445) .
• 85. Anonymus. Sombrero Phosphat. Landw. Centrlb1. 12. 1864, p. 97-112. (teste.??) .
86. Anonymus. Die Kupferbergwerke in Santo Domingo. Da.s Ausland. Augsburg.
40. 1867. p. 600.
87. Anonymus. Minas de Cobre en Cuba. Revista Minera, Madrid. 18. 1867. p. 25-26.
88. Anonymus. Minas de Cobre en Santiago del Prado oVilla del Cobre {Isla de Cuba).
Revista Minera, Masrid. 20. 1869. p. 477.
• 89. Anonymus. The Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Anglo-Colonial. 1869. p. 53---61. (teste 445) .
90. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Haiti). Nature. 4. 1871. p. 212.
91. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature. 8. 1873. p. 294.
92. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Porto Rico). Nature. 10. 1874. p. 360-361.
93. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Porto Rico). Nature. 13. 1875 .. p. 155.
94. Anonymus. Volcanic phenomena and Earthquakes during 1878 (according to
Prof. Fuchs). Nature. 20. 1879. p. 378-379.
95. Anonymus. (Earthquake in St. Thomas). Nature 20. 1879. p. 483.
96. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Havana). Nature. 21. 1880. p. 306, 357.
97. Anony.mus. Recent Volcanic Eruption at the Great Soufriere, in the Island of
Dominica. Proc. Royal Geogr. Soc. (ns.). 2. 1880. p. 363--366.
98. Anonymus, (Earthquake at St. Cristobal, Cuba). Nature. 23. 1881. p. 564.

j; 99.

p. 662-665. 0
Anonymus. The great earthquake of Port Royal. Chamber's Journal. (4). 20. 1883.

Anonymus. La Mineria en Cuba. Revista Minera y Metal urgica. Madrid. 35. 1884.
p. 373-374.

101. Anonymus. La Mineria en la Isla de Cuba .. Revista Minera, Metalurgica y de In-

genieria. Madrid. 37. 1886. p. 207-210.
102. Anonymus. (Earthquake in St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenada). Nature. 36.
1887. p. 110.
103. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Grenada). Nature. 37. 1888. p. 378-379.
104. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Grenada, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Tri-
nidad). Nature, 37, 1888, p. 421.
105. Anooy~us. La Mineria en Cuba. Revista, Minera, Metalurgica y. de Ingenieria.
Madnd. 41. 1890. p. 351-352.
106. Anonymus. El excelentisimo Seiior Don Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Relaci6n
de sus trabajos geologicos. Bol. Com. Mapa. Geol. de Espana. 20. 1893. p. 1-16.
(with portret). .
107. Anonymus. Minas de Nafta de San Juan de Motembo. Revista Minera,
Metalurgica y de lngenieria. Madrid. 46. 1895. p. 14-15.
108. Anonymus. La. Mineria en Cuba. Revista Minera, Metalurgica y de lngenieria.
Madrid. 46. 1895. p. 70.
109. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Guadeloupe). Nature. 56. 1897. p. 87.
• 110. Anony_mus. Analysis of St. Ann's limestone. Bull. Bot. Garden Trinidad. no. 218 .
1897. (teste 1).
Ill. Anonymus. Porto Rico. Its natural history and products. Scientific American.
Suppl. 46. 1898. p. 18880-18881. ·
112. Anonymus. Tremblement de Terre a Sainte-Domingue_ (Antilles). Cosmos. 38. 1898.
no. 688. p. 420-421. ·
113. Anonymus. Carb6n en Cuba. Revista Minera, Metalurgica y de Ingenieria. Madrid.
SJ. 1900. p. 384.
• 114. Anonymus. A. A list Of books (with references to Periodicals) on Porto Rico. B .
idem on the Danish West Indies. Washington. Gvt. Pr. Off. {1901). 2 vols, oct.
18 and 55 pp. (teste Ann. de Geogr. II. Bibliogr. p. 284).
115. Anonymus. Nota omtrent de zwavelmijnen op Saba. Nederlandsche Staatscourant.
Koloniaal Verslag 1901. iii. Curayao. Bijlage L. 2. 1 pp. 1902.
116. Anonymus. The National Geographic Society Expedition in the \'Vest Indies. Nat.
Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902. p. 209-213.
117. Anonymus. The disaster in the West Indies and its explanation. Scientific Amer.
86. 1902. p. 365. .
118. Anonymus. A scientific witness of Peh~e's eruption. Scientific Allier. 86. 1902. p. 392.
119. Anonymus. A daring investigation of Mont Pelee. Scientific American. 86.
1902. p. 410.
120. Anonymus. The Ruins of St. Pierre. Scientific American. 86. 1902. p. 433.
121. Anonymus. Analysis of Mont Pelee's volcanic dust. Scientific American. 87. 1902.
p. 19.
122. Anonymus. (Different Data on the eruption in the West Indies; under various
titles). Nature. 66. 1902. p. 79-80, 132-133, 153-154, 178-180, 208-204,
278, 327, 446, 485, 554, 580, 635, 659.
123. Anonymus. (Earthquake in St. Vincent). Nature 66. 1902. p. 306.
124. Anonymus. Volcanic eruption in the West -Indies. Geogr. ]. 19. 1902. p. 758.
125. Anony.mus. The recent volcanic eruptions. Geogr. ]. 20. 1902. -p. 636--638.
126. Anonymus. The Disaster in the Antilles. Scott. Geogr. Mag. 18. 1902. p. 314-316 .
• 127. Anonymus. The disasters of St. Vincent. Mission Field. 47. 1902. p. 241 seq.
(teste ?) .
• 128. Anonymus. The destruction of Martinique. The World's V\'ork. 4. 1902. p. 226~
2268d. (teste 1196) .
• 129. Anonymus. The destruction of Saint Pierre. Harper's VVeekly. 44. 1902. p. 716.
(teste 1196).
Anonymus. 1902. 1903. See: Correspondence 1902. 1903.
130.· Anonym us. The obelisk of Mont Pele. Scient. American. 89. 1903._ p. 407.
131. Anonymus. Coal from Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. London. 1. 1903. p. 18-19.
132. Anonymus. Kaolin from St. Vincent. Bull. Imp. Inst .. London. 1. 1903. p. 19-20.
133. Anonynius. The Asphalt Industry of Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. 1. 1903. p. 51-55.
(According to Cadman no. 445, the author is G. S. Blake).
134. Anonymus. Petroleum from Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. 1. 1903. p. 177-180.
(According tO Cadman no. 445, the author is T. A. Henry).
135. Anonymus. Natural Pitch or Manjak from Trinidad. Bull. Imp. lnst. London.
I. 1903. p. 180-182. (According to Cadman no. 445 the author is T. A.
136. Anonymus. (Eruption of Mt. Pele). Nature. 67. 1903. p. 208, 491.
137 •. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature. 67. 1903. p. 349.
138. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Dominica). Nature. 97 .. 1903. p. 443.

139. Anonymus. (Various communications on the Soufriere of St. Vincent). Nature.

67. 1903. p. 12. 63. 111. 134. 302. 491.
14!}. Anonymus. (Fall of Volcanic ash in Barbados}. Nature. 67. 1903. p. 36.
157. 491. 591.
141. Anonymus. (Eruption at St. Vincent). Nature. 68. 1903. p. 66. 158.
142. Anonymus. (Eruption in Martinique). Nature. 68. 1903. p. 108.
143. Anonymus. (Earthquake in St. Vincent). Nature. 68. 1903. p. 277.
144. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Santiago de Cuba). Nature 68. 1903. p. 516.
145. Anonymus. The volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Geogr. J. 21. 1903. p.l66-168.
• 146. Anonymus. Assistance rendered by the United States to the sufferers from the
volcanic eruption at Martinique. Papers relating to the Fon:iign Relations of the
U.S. 1902. Washington. Official documents and reports. 1903. p. 412--417.
(teste 1196).
* 147. Anonymus. Assistance rendered by the United States to sufferers from volcanic
eruptions at Saint Vincent, Windward islands. Papers relating to the Foreign
Relations of the U.S. 1902. Washington. Official documents and reports.
1903. (teste 1196).
148. Anonymus. The principal petroleum resources of the British Empire. iii. The .West
Indies. Bull. Imp. Inst. 2. 1904. p. 175-184. (According to Cadman no. 445,
Jhe author is J. W. Evans).
149. AnOnymus. Petroleum from the Mayaro- and Guayaguayare district, Trinidad.
Bull. Imp. Inst. 3. 1905. p. 32-38.
150. Anonymus. (Activity of Mt. Pele). Nature 71. 1905. p. 588.
_151. Anonymus. (Reniewed activity of Mt. Pele). Nature. 72. 1905. p. 155.
152. Anonymus. (Activity of Mt. Pele and Soufriere).· Nature. 73. 1906. p. 421.
153. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Puertorico and St. Thomas). Nature. 74. 1906. p.- 57-1.
154. Anonymus. (Eruption of Mt. Pele). Nature. 74. 1906. p. 615.
155. Anonymus. Tremblements de terre. Bull. Mensuel Obs. Meteor. Coll. Semin. St.
Martial, Haiti. Juin 1906; Fevrier 1907-Dec. 1907; Fevr. 1908-Nov. 1908.
156. Anonymus. (Earthpuake in Kingston, Jamaica). Nature 75. 1907. p. 83.
!57. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature. 75. 1907. p. 278. 514-515; 76.
1907. p. 181. 447. .
Anonymus 1907: See Correspondence.
158. Anonymus. Earthquake in Jamaica. Geogr. J. 29. 1907. p. 229.
* 159. Anonymus. The Dominican Republic. Publ. by the Direct. of the Dept. of ,Pro-
motion and Puhl. Works for the __ Jameson Ter-Centennial Exposition. 1907. 98
pp. (Chapter 5: Economic Geology; teste 2298).
* J59a. Anonymus. The Mayari Iron ore district of Cuba. Iron Age. 80. 1907. p. 421-426.
. (teste 1678a).
• 159b. Anonymus. Iron mining in Cuba. Iron Age. 81. 1908. p. 1149-1157. (teste
160. Anonymus, Oilfields of Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. 6. 1908. p. 196-200.
• 161. Ailonymus. Copper and Iron in Haiti. Mining World. 28. 1908. p. 234. (teste?).
162. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature. 77. 1908. p. 230. 542.
163. Anonymus. (Earthquake in St. Thomas). Nature. 77. 1908. p. 516.
164. Anonymus. _Mouvements sismiques. Bull. semestriel Observ. Meteor. Call. Semin.
St. Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1909. 1909. p. 30--32.
165. Anonym us. (Analyses of oil, lignite and soils). Annual Report for the year 1908/9
of the Dept. of Agric., Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad Council Paper 25. 1910.
p. 40. 47.
166. Anonymus. Mouvements sismiques. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Call. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Juill.-Dec. 1909. 1910. p. 87--88.
166a. Alionymus. The oilfields of Trinidad. Petroleum Review. London. 22. 1910. p.
361-364. 23. 1910. p. 17-19. (Ex: British Export Gazette).
167. Anonymus. Mouvements sismiques. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin.. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1910. 1910. p. 51-54.
168. Anonymus. (G. Duyfjes). Mijnbouwkundig Geologisch Onderzoek in de Kolonie
Cura\"Lo. Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aadr. Gen. Amsterdam. (2). 27. 1910. p. 1239-1241.
169. Anonymus. (Bulletin Sismologique). Bull. Semestriel Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Juill.~Dec. 1910. 1911. p. 149-150.
170. Anonym us. (Bulletin sismologique), Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. CoiL Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1911. 1911. p. 59.
171 •. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Martinique). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer .. 2. 1912. p. 247.
172. Anonymus. Mouvements sismiques. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coil. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Juill-Dec. 1911. 1912. p. 147-152.
173. Anonym us. Mouvements sismiques. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coli. S6min .. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.~Juin 1912. 1912. p. 52-54.

174, A.nonymus. Iron Ore from Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. 10. 1912. p. 138.
175. Anonymus. Mud Volcano off Trinidad. Googr. J. 39. 1912. p .. 76.
176. Anonymus. The Trinidad Mud Volcano. Googr. J. 39. 1912. p. 28S---287.
177, Anonymus. Mouvements sismiques. Bull. semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coli. semin.
St. Martial. Haiti. Juiil.-Dec. 1912. 1913. p. 129-130.
178. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. senlestr. Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1913. 1913. p. 53---60.
178a. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coil. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Juill.-Dec. 1913. 1914. p. 141-144.
179. Anonymus. Earthquake in Cuba. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 4. 1914. p. 43 . .
180. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Mp.rtinique). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 4. 1914. p. 88. 163.
181. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. CoiL Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1914. 1914. p. 5S---59.
182. Anonymus. ~· Salting Placers in Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining J. 97. 1914. p. 243;
2. 'J;'he Phantom Placers in Santo Domingo. ibid. p. 434-435.
1S3. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature. 94. 1914. p. 207. 316.
184. Anonymus. {Earthquake in Porto Rico). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 5. 1915. l>·- 238.
185. Anonymus. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coll. Semm. St.
Martial. Haiti. Juill.-D,\c. 1914. 1915. p. 153-'156.
186. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coil. semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Janv.-Juin 1915. 1915. p. 67-<l9.
187. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Semestr. Obs. -Meteor. Coli. Semin.
St. Martial. f{aiti. Juill.-Dec. 1915. 1916. p. 173-175.
188.· Anonymus. (Earthquake in Santo Domingo and Porto Rico). Bull. Seism. Soc.
America. 6. 1916. p. 185. 239.
189. Anonymus. ,Phosphaat", in: Encyclopaedie van Nederl. West-Indie. ?1916.
p. 558-561.
190. Anonymus. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coil. semin. St.
. Martial. Haiti. Juill.-Dk 1916. 1917. p. 181-188. . ·
·191. Anonymus. Croquis geologico de Ia Provincia de Pinar del Rio, basado en el Croquis
geologico de la Isla de Cuba pOr Man\].el Fernandez de Castro_y ·Pedro Salterain
y Legarra con las adiciones y modificaciones introdncidas por·la Jefatura del
Distrito de Pinar del Rio. Bol. de Minas. Habana. ·2. -1917._
192. Anonymus. Cuba attracting attention of big oil opeiators. Oil. T~de· Journal.
. 8. no. 6. June 1917. p. 56---{)1. photogrs. . •.
193. Anonymus. Resefi.a sobre la mineria durante el aiio 1917. Bol. de Minas Habana.
4. 1918. p. 1-12.
194, Anonymus. (Earthquake in Mg.rtinique). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 8. 1918. p. 91.
195. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Portorico and Jamaica). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 8.: 1918.
p. 137. 138. 139. . . . .
196. Anonymus. Petroleum in Cuba. Zeitschr. Intern. Ver. f. Bohringen. u. Bohrtech-
niker. 25. 1918.. p. 7. ·
197, Anonymus. Die Oeluntersuchung auf Barbados. Zeitschr. Intern. Ver. Bohring. u.
Bohrtechniker. 25. 1918. p. 58-56. . .
198. Anonymus. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Annue1- Obs. Meteor. Coll. St. Martial.
Haiti. Annee 1917. 1918. p. 129-131.
.199. Anonymus. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Annuel. Obs. 'Meteor. -Coil. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1918. 1919. p. 83-92.
200. _ Anonymus. Seismological Notes. -Bull. Seism. Soc. Arne!'. 9. 1919. p. 26. 88. -140.
201. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 10. 1920. -.P· 46.
_202. Anonymus. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. Coll. Serilin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1919. 1920. p. 83-<lS. ·
203. Anonymus. lremblements de terre, observes en Haiti de I' anne~ 1901-1910. Bull.
Ann. Obs. Meteor. CoiL Semin. St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1920. 1921. p. 100-104.
204, Anonymus. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature 108. 1921. p. 47Z: · ·
205. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. II. 1921. p. 199.
206. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. America. 12. 1922. p. 239·.
207. Anonymus. Ochres from Jamaica. Bull. Imp. Inst. 20. 1922. p. 10-12.
* 208. Anonymus. Rapport annuel de l'Ing. en Chef au secretariat d'Etat des Travaux
publiques. Port au Prince. Haiti. 1922. p. 50-52. (teste 2408).
209. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. America. 13. 1923. p. 78. ·
210. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. BulL Annu€1 Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1922. 1923. p. 81-88.
211. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismolog~que. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. CoiL Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1923. 1925. p. 81-·86.
212. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer .. !5 .. ]925. p. 143. 146.

213. Anonym us. Infomie LaMina de Asfalto ,.La Esperanza". Boletin de Minas. Habana.
8. 1925. p. 64-67.
214. Anonym-us. Datos relatives a la extracci6n y exp0rtaci6n de minerales de hierro
cobre y manganeso (en Cuba) durante los aiios 1920, 1921, 1922; 1923 y 1924.
Bol. de Minas. ~abana. 8. 1925. p. 71.
215. AnonYmus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. America. 16. 1926. p. 61. 200.272.
216. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. Coli. S6min. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1924. 1926. p. 95-100.
217. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. CoiL S6min. St. Mar-
tial. Haiti. Annee 1925. 1926. p. 97-101.
218. Anonymus. Bulletin Sismologique. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. CoiL Semin. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1926. 1927. p. 101-103.
: 219. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 17. 1927. p. 54.
220. Anonymus. Notes concerning earthquakes. BulL Seism. Soc. Amer. 18. 1928. p.
68. 132. 239. 241. 285. 287 .
• 22'1. Anonymus. Una escurzione all'isola Orchila. Vie d'Italia e America Latina. 34.
1928. p. 637-660. (teste Geogr. J. 73).
222. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 19. 1929. p. 103. 183.
23&. 237. 243.
223. Anonymus. Cantidad- de mineral extraido y exportado en la Republica (de Cuba)
durante el Aiio 1928. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 14. !929. p. 65.
224. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 20. 1930.- p. 37. 102.
274. 339.
225. Anony:mus. Vulkanische Ereignisse. Nachrichtendienst tiber vulkanische Ereignis-
se in 1930/31. Z.f. Vulkan. 14. 1931/32. p. 78.
226. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 21. 1931. p. 294.
226a. Anonymus. Martinique et Guadeloupe. In: La Geologie et les Mines de la France
d'Outre Mer. Publication du Bureau d'Etudes Geol. et Min. Colon. Paris. 1932.
p. 481-484.
227. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 22. 1932. p. 71. 72. 170.
172. 174. 175. 252.
228. Anonymus. (Earthquake in Cuba). Nature. 129. 1932. p. 229. 311.
• 229. Anonymus. La protection contre les eruptions de Ia montagne Pell:e. Chron. Mines
Colon. Paris. Octobre 1932. ·no. 7. p. 10. (teste 363).
230. Anonymi. lnforme de Ia Comisi6n para el estudio del terremoto del 3 de Febrero
de 1932 en Santiago de Cuba y para proponer las disposiciones que deben adop-
tarse para las -construcciones en aquella Ciudad. Revista Soc. Cub. Ingenieros.
25. 1933. p. 1-4.
231. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer.- 23. 1933. p. _133. 135.
136. 137. 175.
• 232. Anonymus. La Montagne Pelee en 1932. Bull. annuel du Serv. Meteor. de l'Obs .
Geophys. Paris 1934. p. 48-57. (teste 363) .
• 233. Anonymus. Report of the Committee on Mineral Resources of Puerto Rico to the
GoVernor and Legislature- of Puerto Rico. San Juan. 1934. 34 pp. (teste Geol. 57. no. 95). . . .
234. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 24. 1934. p. 140. 331.
422. 426. 427.
235. Anonymus. Seismological Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 25. 1935. ,p. 110. 186.
187. 276. 388.
236. Anonymus. (? J. B. Bettembourg). Macrosismes en 1933. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor·.
Semin. Coli. St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1931 et 1932. 1935. p. 119.
237. Anonymus. Nachrichtendienst iiber vulkanische Ereignisse. Z.f. Vulkanol. 16. 1-936.
p. 264.
238. Anonymus. Seismological. Notes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 26. 1936. p. Q2. 94. 392.
Anonymus. See 1832. 1833. . ·
239. D. T. Ansted. Description of remarkable Mineral Veins. i. The Cobre (Copper)
Lode of Santiago de Cuba. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 12. 1856. p. 144-153.
240. D. T. AnsteAI. On some remarkable Mineral Veins. ii. On the San Fernando Copper
Lodes near Cienfuegos in.Cuba. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 13.. 1857. p. 240-242.
241. H. E. Anthony. Preliminary Report on fossil mammals from Porto Rico, with
descript~on of a new genus of ground-sloth and two new genera of hystri~o­
morph rodents. Ann. New York Ac. Sc: 27. 1916. p. 193-203. pl. VII-XIV.
242. H. E. Anthony, Preliminary diagnosis bf an apparent new family of Insectivores.
Bull. Am. Mus. Nat.. Hist. New York. 35. 1916. p. 725-728. pl. xxm.
243. H. E. Anthony. Fossil Mammcils from PortQ Rico, Bull, Geol. Soc: Am. 28. 1917,
(abstr.). P· 209,-21Q, .

244. H. E. Anthony. New fossil rodents from Porto Rico, with additional notes on
Elasmodontomys obliquus Anthony and Heteropsomys insulans Anthony.
Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. 37. 1917. p. 183-189. pl.v.
245. H. E. Anthony. Two new fossil Bats from Porto Rico. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. New
York. 37. 1917. p. 565-568. pl. LVI.
246. H. E. Anthony. The indigenous Land Mammals of Porto Rico, living and extinct.
Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. (ns). 2. part. 2. 1918. p. 333~435.
247. H. E. Arithofly. Mammals collected in Eastern Cuba in 1917 with description of
two new species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York. 41. 1919. p. 625-643.
. 247a. H. E. Anthony. A zoologist in Jamaica. Natural History. 20. 1920. p. 156--168.
248. H. E. Anthony. N~w Mammals from Jamaica. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. New York.
42. 1920. p. 469-475. pl. XXXIII. ·
• 249. H. E. Anthony. Mammals ifl: Jamaica. In: Jamaica in 1922 (edited by F. Cundall).
(teste 1486).
250. H. E. Anthony. Mammals of Porto Rico, living and extinct. New York. Ac. Sc.
Scient. Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 9. part. I and 2. 1925. 1926.
p. 1-238. pl. I-Liv. 4 maps.
*- 251. Les Antilles. Journal paraissant a Saint Pierre. Nbs. of April and of 1-7 May
1902. (teste 1351).
* 252. Domingo Arana. Despu€s del temblor de tierra ocurrido en el 11 de octubre de
1918. Camuy. Porto Rico. 1918. 30 pp. (teste 1550).
252a. P. H. Argall. PeWs obelisk. Eng. Mining J. 76. 1903. p. 420.
* 253. Ralph Arnold. Note on Mud Island, appearing off Chatham Coast. 31. 10. 1911.
Petroleum World. March 1912. (teste 1394) .
. 254. Ralph Arnold. Conservation of ·Oil and Gas Resources of the Americas. Econ.
Geol. 11. 19!6. p. 30()-303.
• 255. R. Arnold. Conservation of oil- and gas-resources of the Americas. Proc. 2d
Pan Amer. Sci. Congr. Sect. III. 3. 19l7. p. 224. (teste 2298).
256. B. W. Arnold and H. L. Clark. ] amaican fossil Echini, with descriptions of new
species of Cainozoic Echinoidea, by H. L. Hawkins. Mem. -Mus. Comp. Zool.
Harv. Coli. 50. 1. 1927. p. 1---84. XXII pis.
257. Benjamin Walworth. Arnold and Hubert Lyman Clark. Some additional fossil
Echinifrom Jamaica. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coli. 54. 2. 1934. p. 137-157.
V pis.
258. Roger Arnoux. (Lettre a M. Flammarion sur l'E:ruption de Ia Mte Pel6e). Bull.
Soc. Astr. de. France. 16. 1902. p. 361-365.
* 259. H. Arsandaux. L'eruption actuelle de la Montagne Pelee. C. R. Soc. Sav. Paris.
· 1930. (teste 363).
260. H. Arsandaux. Sur l'E:ruption actuelle de la Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
190. 1930. p. 761-763.
261. H. Arsandaux. Sur !'eruption actuelle de la Montagne PelCe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
191. 1930. p. 623-625.
262. H. Arsandaux. Sur l'E:volution~ morphologique du dOme de la Montagne Pelee.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 192. 1931. p. 1253-1256.
263. H. Arsandaux. Sur l'Cvolution morphologique du d6me de la Montagne Pelee.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 194. 1932. p. 294-295.
264. H. Arsandaux. Sur l'origine du dOme secondaire de Ia Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 196. 1933. p. 57---80.
264a. H. Arsandaux. L'eruption actuelle de la Montagne Pelee. Bull. Volcan. Naples.
1929 (1933). p. 25-33. (Same as no. 259). .
264b. H. Arsandaux. !'Eruption de la Montagne PelE:e· en 1929. Revue Scientifique.
72. 1934. p. 245-251.
264c. H. Arsandaux. Les nuees ardentes. La Nature. Paris. 1. 6. 1936. p. 492-497.
265. I. Assada. Un nouveau volcan de boue de la Trinite. La Geographie. 25. 1912.
p. 286.
266. Carlos Auboin. Influencia del clima sobre las formaciones minerales. Bol. de
Minas. Habana. 2. 1917. p. 64---67. (Originally printed jn Puerto Principe in
267. Carlos Auboln. Memoria sobre las minas de Ia jurisdicci6n de Puerto Principe.
Bol. de Minas. Habana. 2. 1917. p. 68-72. (Originally printed in Puerto Prin-
cipe in 1846 !) .
268. E. Babe y Roque Allende. Lo que significa Ia. sustancia desconocida en el pozo
4 .a 1600 pies de profundidad en la mina de gasolina y nafta ,San Juan de
Motembo", Santa Clara. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 62--77.

269. H. Burrington Baker. Land and Fresh Water Mollusks of the Dutch Leeward
Islands. Occas. Papers of the museum of zoology. Michigan Univ. 1924. 158 pp.
XXI pls.
270. Howard B. Baker. Structural features crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The Pan-
American Geologist. 66. 1936. p. 1-Il. 2 figs. I pl.
* 271. H. D. Baker. The Asphalt Lakes of Trinidad and Venezuela, as natural Wonders -~

of the World. American Consular Bulletin. 1924. Reprinted and Revised 1926.
(teste 1394).
Charles Baker Adams. See 4b.
* 272. J. Ballet. La Guadeloupe. Renseignements sur l'histoire, la flare, la faune, Ia
geologie etc. Basse Terre. 1894. (teste Ann. de Geogr. 4.).
273. R. Balte·nwieck. Une excursion au Marne La Selle et aux Gouffres de Bois Tom be.
Bull. Annuel. Obs. Meteor. Call. S6min. St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1922. 1923.
p. 101-108.
274. Thomas Barbour. A contribution to the zoogeography of the West Indies, with
special reference to the Amphibians and Reptiles. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard
Col!. 44. 2. 1914. p. 209-357. Pls. etc.
275. T. Barbour. Some Remarks upon Matthew's ,Climate and EvolutiOn". Ann. New
Yor)< Ac. Sc. 27. !916. p. 1-10.
T. Barbour. see no. 32.
276. Thomas Barbour and Charles T. Ramsden. The Herpetology of Cuba. Mem. Mus.
Comp. Zoo!. Harvard Col!. 47. 2. 1919. p. 69--213. xv pls.
27-7. Henry Barham. A letter .... giving a relation of a fiery Meteor seen by him, in
Jamaica to strike into the Earth; with remarks on the \Veather, Earthquakes,
etc. on that Island. Philos. Trans. 30. 2. 1718. p. 837-838.
278. R. WrJght Barker. Some Notes on the Genus Helicolepidina Tobler. J. Pal. 8.
!934. p. 344-351. pl. XLVII.
278a. R. Wright Bark,er. On Camerina petri and Nummulites striatoreticulatus. Geol.
Mag. LXXV. 1938. p. 49-51. pl. III.
279. Louis Barrabe. Sur 1a presence d'amas de calcaires silicifies dans des tufs, _a la
Martinique, et sur leur mode de silicification. Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (4). 28. 1928.
P· 65-B8. pl. VI.
280. Louis Barrabe. Le petrole a la Martinique. Rapport sur les resultats de la mission
effectuee en 1927 dans le Sud et l'Est de la Martinique. Annales de !'Office national
des Combustibles Iiquides. 3e annee. 1928. p. 7--42. Paris. Map and
281. L. Ba-rrabe. Sur Ia direction des plissements a Ia Martinique et sur son interpre-
tation. Proc. Verb. Soc. Geol. France. 1928. p. 154-155.
282. L. Barrabe. Sur un nouveau centre eruptif ala Martinique. Proc. Verb. Soc. GOOL
France. 1928. p. 155.
283. L. Barrabe. Sur l'affleurement du socle ancien des Petites Antilles dans l'tle de Ia
Desirade. C. R. Ac. Sc. !98. 1934. p. 487-489.
284. L. Barrabe. Sur Ia transgression tertiaire qui a reconvert la partie orientale de la
Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 198. 1934. p. 758-759.
285. LouJs Barrabe. Rapport sur les r6sultats d'une mission pour Ia recherche du petrole
ala Guadeloupe (Juillet-Octobre 1933). Annales de !'Office National des Com-
bustibles liquides. Paris. 1934. p. 625--661. 2 maps. Sections. _
286. Louis Barrabe. Correlations entre les formations s6dimentaires de la Guadeloupe
et de Ia Martinique. C. R. de la SSe Session de !'Assoc. fr. Ayanc". Sc. Rabat. 1934.
p. 125-127.
287. 1:.. Barrabe. Sur les formations s6dimentaires de la Guadeloupe et leur sub-
stratum. Proc. Verb. Soc. Geol. France. 1934. p. 50--Sl. .
* 288. L. Barrabe. La Guadeloupe demande de l'eau; Recherches d'_eau dans la Grande
Terre. MondeColonial ill. Paris. Avril 1934. p. 59--60. (teste 363).
289. L. Barrabe. La Constitution geologique des Antilles. La Chronique des Mines Colo-
niales. 5e Annee. 1936. p. 214-227.
290. L. Barrabe. Les car<icthes hydrog6ologiques de Ia Guadeloupe. C. R. Congr .. Int.
Mines, Metallurgie et Geol. Appl. 7e sess. Paris. 1936. Sect. de Geol. Appl. t. 2.
p. 763-773. I carle.
291. L. Barrett. On some Cretaceous Rocks in the South-Eastern Portion of Jamaica.
Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 16. 1860. p. 324-326.
L. Barrett. See 1952.
Carlos Segrera Barriga. See 1989.
292. Donald C. Barton, C. H. Ritz, and Maude Hickey. Gulf Coast Geosyncline. Bull. Am.
Ass. Petr. Geol. 17. 1933. p. 1446-1458.
293. Paul Bartsch. A new West Indian fossil Land Shell. Proc. U. S. Nat. M"Us. 54 .
. 1918. P· 605-606. pl. .XCI.

294. Paul Bartsch. Station Records of the first )C?hnson-Smithonian Deep Sea Expe-
dition. Smith. Misc. CoiL 91. L 1933. 31 pp. map.
R. S. Bassler. See 451. 452. 453. 454.
295. F. A. Bather. Chelonechinus n.g. a neogene Urechinoid, Barbidos, Fiji. Java.
Proc. GeoL Soc. Amer. for 1933. 1934. p. 64--<35. (Abstract). .
296. F. A. Bather. Chelonechinus n.g. a neogene Urechinid. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 45.
1934. p. 799--<374. pl. cvm-cx. 18 figs.
. 297. L. A. Bauer. The magnetic disturbances during the eruption of Mont Pelee on
May 8. 190~_. Rept. 8th Intern. Geogr. Congr. Washington 1904. 1905. p. 501-502.
298. Max Bauer. Uber einige Diabase von'Cura~ao. Neues Jahrb. f. Miner. etc. 2. 1900.
p. 140-153.
. 299. Werner Bavendamm. The possible role of microorganisms in the- precipitation
of Calcium Carbonate in Tropical Seas. Science. 73. 1931. p. 597-598.
• 300. W.. Bavendamm. Die mikrobiologische Kalkfallung der tropischen See. Arch .
Mikrobiologie. 3. 1932. p. 205-276. (teste?).
301. · Elie de Beaumont. Examen comparatif des cendres de l'Etna et celles du vol·
can de Ia Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 4. 1837. p. 743-746.
E. de Beaumont. See 767. ·
302. H. T. de Ia J:leche. Remarks on the Geology of Jamaica. Trans. Geol. Soc. London.
(2). 2. 1829. p. 142-194. pl. xvm-xxn.
303. H. T. de Ia Beebe. Notice on the Diluvium of Jamaica. (Read at the Bristol Phil.
Soc. May 12. 1825). Annals of Philos. 10. 1825. p. 54-58. 2 figs.
304. P. Phillips Bedson. Results of the analysis of ·samples of New Zealand coal and
of Barbados Manjak. Trans. Inst. Mining Eng. New Castle. 16. 1898f9. p. 388--390.
A. Beeby Thompson. See no. 2154-2156.
305. Archibald G. Bell. Mud volcano island in Erin Bay. Trinidad Council Paper 192.
1911. 2 pp. figs. map.
306. Daniel Benet. Les Grandes Antilles. Etude de geographie economique. PariS. oct.
1909. xn and 315 pp.
307. Thomas A. Bendrat. Physiogeographie der KUste von Haiti. Peterm. Mitt. 75.
!929. p. 248-249. pJ. XV.
308. Henry Denest. (Submarine outburst of fresh water off Saba). Geogr. ']. 14.
1899. p. 400. .
309. Helen Christine Bennett. Kingston, the Capital of ] amaica, as it was and as it
is. Bull. Geogr. Soc. Philadelphia. 5. 1907. p. 73-81. 4 photogrs.
310. H. H. Bennett. Some new Cuban Soils. A supplement ·to ,The Soils of Cuba)
Tropical Plant Research Foundation. Washington. Scient. Contr.- no. 7-.
1932. 64 pp.
311. Hugh H.. Bennett and Robert V. Allison. The Soils of Cuba. Tropical Plant Re-
search Foundation. Washington. 1928. oct.xXIV and 410 pp. 2 maps. ill.
312. W. S. S. van Benthem jutting. Enkele beschouwingen over de weekdierfauna- van
Cura'¥ao. Natuur en Mensch. 1934. Curavao-nummer. p. 34-36. 3 figs.
•313. Alfred Bergeat. Ein Riickblick auf die vulkanisChen Ereignisse in Westindien,
im Mai 1902. Globus. 82. 1902. p. 125-.-131.
314. W. Bergt. Zur Geologie von Sto. Domingo. Abh. (Sitz. Ber.) Ges. Isis. Dresden.
1897. p. 61--<34. .
315. Charles~· Berkey. Geological reconnaissance of Porto Rico. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer.
26. 1914. p. 113-114. 156.·
316. Charles .P. Berkey. Report of the Porto .Rico Committee. 1. Geology. Ann. New
York Acad, Sc. 26. 1915. p. 457-458.
317. _Charles P. Berkey. Geological Reconnaissance of Porto Rico. Ann. New York Ac.
Sc. 26. 1915. p. 1-70. Map. Sections. ·
318. Charles P. Berkey. Introduction to the Geology of Porto Rico. New York Ac. Sc.
Scientif. Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 1. 1. 1919. p. 11-------:-29. .
• 319. Charles P. Ber_key. Reconocimiento geolOgico de Puerto Rico. Revista Obras Publ.
Aiio 2. 1925. p. 685; aiio 3. 1926. p. 695. 715. 762. 796. 820. (teste 1550).
320. Pedro J. Bermudez. Nuevas.Especies de Foraminiferos del Eoceno de Cuba. Mem.
Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 11. 1937. p. 137-150. pl. XVI-XIX. .
321. Pedro J. B~rmudez. Notas sobre Hantkenina brevispina Cusl!man. Mem. Soc. Cub..
Hist. Nat. 11. 1937. p. 15)-152. pLxix. fig. 8-10. .
322. Pedro J, Bermudez. Estudio micropaleontologico de dos formaciones eocenicas
de las cercanias de Ia Habana. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 11. 1937. p. 153-...:180.
323. Pedro J. Bermudez. Nuevas especies de Foraininifetos a·el Eoceno de las cercanias
de Guanajay. Memorias Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 11. 1937. p. 237-248, pls. xx.xxr.
323a. Pedro J. Bermudez. Foraminiferos pequenos de las margas eocenicas de Guanajay,
Provincia Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 11. 1937. p. 319-346 .
. 12. 1938. p. 1~26. 1 map.

Pedro J. Bermudez. See 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 136f;. 1719. 1720. 1724.
324. Bien-Aime Jean B~rnard. (Etablissement thermale de Cerca la Source). Paris.
1895. oct. 31 pp. (Haiti).
325. Charles T. Berry. A pliocene Ophiuran from Trinidad. J. Pal. 9.-1935. p. 430...,..--433.
fig. 1-3.
Charles T. Berry. See 1171.
326. E. W. Berry. Palaeogeographic significance of the Cenozoic Floras of Equatorial
America and the adjacent Regions. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29. 1918. p.
327. Edward W. Berry. Age of certain plant-bearing beds and associated marine for-
mations in South America. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29. 1918 p. 637---648.
328. E. W. Berry. Tertiary fossil plants from the Dominican Republic. Proc. Un. St.
Nat. Mus. 59. 1921. p. 117-127. pl. XXI.
329. E. W•. Berry. Tertiary plants from the Republic of Haiti. Proc. Un. St. Nat. Mus.
62. 1922. art. 14. 10 pp. r pl.
330. E .• W. Berry. A fossil flower from the Miocene of Trinidad. Am. J. Sc. (5). 7. 1924.
p. 103-108. ' '
331. E. W. Berry. American Tertiary Terrestrial Plants and their interdigitation with
marine deposits. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 767-784.
332. Edward W. Berry. The tertiary flora of the island of Trinidad B. W. I. _Tohns
Hopkins Univ. Studies in Geology. Contr. 6. to the Geol. and Eal. of South
America. 1925. p. 71-160. XVI pls.
333. E. W. Berry. A pleistocene flora from the island of Trinidad. Proc. Un. St. Nat.
Mus. 66. 1925. art. 21. 9 pp. IV pls. '
334. Edward W. Berry. Miocene Araceae related to Caladium from Trinidad. The Pan-
American Geologist. 44. -1925. p. 38-42. pl.v.
335. E. W. Berry. Pleistocene Plants from Cuba. Bull._ Torrey Bot. Club. 61. 1934.
p. 237-240. pl. XIV.
336. Willard Berry. Evidence for the spread of east indian fonns to equatorial America
during. eocene time. Bull. Geol. Soc.- Amer. 41. 1930. p. 351-357~
337. L. Bert. Eruption et chute de poussihes volcaniques, le 4 Janvier 1880, ala Do-
minique (Antilles ang1aises). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 90. 1880. p. 622---Jl24.
338. L. Bert. R6cents phenomenes volcaniques observes a l'He Dominique (Antilles
anglaises). Bull. Soc. de Geogr. (6). 20. 1880. p. 69-72.
339. Em. Berte. Les eruptions de la. Montagne Pel&:. R6cits et observations d'un
h\moin. La Geographie. 6. 1902. p. 133-141.
340. P. Berthier. Analys_e de deux varietes de-fer chrome suive d'une note sur: les alliages
du chrome avec le fer et l'acier. Ann. des Mines. 6. 1821. p. 573-584.
341. P. Berthfer. Analyse d'une terre v6g6tale de l'ile de Cuba. Ann. des Mines. (3).
11. 1837. p. 485-486.
342. P. Berthier. Notes sur diff6ren.ts minerais de l'ile de Cuba. Ann. des Mines. (3).
13. !838. p. 691--B97. '
342a. Leon Bertrand. Le petrole dans les possesions frans:aises. In: GCol. et Mines de la
France d'Outre Mer. 1932. (no. 226a). p. 505-556. (Martinique and Guadeloupe
p. 545-547). . . .
343. J. B. Bettembourg. Bulletin sisrnologique. Bull. _Annuel Obs. Meteor. Call. Semin.
St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1927. 1929. p. 97-107.
344. J. B. Bettembourg. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. CoiL SCmin.
St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1928. 1930. p .. 95-100.
345. J. B. Bettembourg. Macrosismes._ Bull. annuel Obs. Meteor. College Sernin. St.
Martial. Haiti.· Annee 1929. 1931. p. 94.
346. J. B. Bettembourg. Macrosismes. Bull. Annuel Obs. Meteor. Coli. S6min. St.
Martial. Haiti. Annee 1930. 1933. p. 68.
J. B. Bettembourg. See no. 236.
347. Blot, Mercier et Dave. Note sur Ia derniere eruption boueuse du volcan de la Guade-
loupe, et sur les eruptions de cendres du -rn~me volcan.
(Lettre aM. Biot de MM. Mercier et Dave). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 4. 1837. _p. 651-
348. Maurice Black. Great Bahama Bank - a modern shelf lagoon. Bull. Geol. Soc.
America. 41. 1930. p' 109-110. (Abstract).
349. Maurice BlaCk. The precipitation of Calcium Carbonate on the Great Bahama
Bank. Geol. Mag. 70. 1933 .. p. 455-466. Map. Section.
350. Maurice Blick. The Algal Sediments of .AnciTos Island, Bahamas. Philos. TranSact".
B. 222. 1933. p. 165-192. pl. XXI. XXII.
351. Celoron de BlalnvJlle. Sur _un volcan sons-marin qui a fait eruption entre Ia Guade·
loupe et Marie Galante. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris, 16. 1843..p. 1083-1084.

. · 352~ K. G. Blilr~ Remaills of Insects from Oil S3.nd in Trinidad. Trans. Entom. Soc.
London. 75. 1927. p. 137-141.
G. S. Blake. See no. 133.
. 353. john H. Blake. Coal Mines in Cuba. Am J. Sc. (!). 42. 1842. p. 388-390. (letter).
• 353a. WJlliam Phipps Blake. Preliminary geol. report of observ. upon the Peninsula
of Samana; Prelim. Rep. of the expedition across the island from S.
Domingo City to Puerto Plata ... ; · Prelim. Rep upon the mineral resources
"of Sinto Domingo. Un. St. 42d Congr. 1st Sess. Senate Exec. Doc. 8. 1871. p.
63--65. 121-127. 144-145. (teste 1678a).
354. T. Bland. Note on the· Geographical Distribution of the Terrestrial Mollusks
which inhabit the Island of. St. Thomas, \Vest Indies. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist.
New York. 6. 1854. (1858). p. 74-75.
355. Thomas Bland •. On the Geographical Distribution of the Genera and Species of
Land Shells of the West India Islands; With a catalogue of the Species of
each Island. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York. 7. 1862. p. 335-361.
356. Thomas Bland. Remarks on the origin and distribution of the Operculated Land
Shells which inhabit the continent of America and the West Indies. Amer. J.
Conch. 2. 1886. p. 54.....{13; 136--143; 349-360.
357. Thomas Bland. Notes on the land-shells of Trinidad, Grenada and Dominica,· and
also of Cura'Yao and J?uen Ayre, W. I. Amei-. J. of Conchologists. 4. 1868. p.
358. Thomas Bland. Additional Note on the Geographical Distribution of Land Shells
in the West· Indies. Ann. Lyceum, Nat. Hist. New. York. 9. 1869. (1870). p.
359. Thomas Bland. Notes relating to the Physical Geography and Geology ·of, and the
Distribution of. Terrestroal Mollusca in certain of the .West India Islands. Proc.
Amer. Phllos. Soc. 12. 1871. (1873). p. 56.....{13.
360. Thomas Bland. On the Physical Geography of, and the Distribution ofTe;rrestrial
Mollusks in the Bahamas Islands. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York. 10. 1873.
(1874). p. 311-324.
361. Thomas Bland. On the relations of the Flora and Fauna of Santa Cruz, West
Indies. Ann. New, York Ac. Sc. 2. !881. (1882). p. 117-126.
362. F. Blondel. Les recherches de petrole dans les autres possessions frant;aises. An-
tilles. In: Les Ressources Minerales de la France d'Outre-Mer. V. Lepetrole. 1937.
p. 217. (Publication du Bureau d'Etudes geologiques et miniCres coloniales).
363. F. Blondel. Bibliographie·gOOlogique et miniere de la France d'Outre-Mer. Publ. du
Bureau d'Etudes geologiques et,MiniCres Coloniales. Tome I. (Edition provisoire).
1937. oct. x et 563 pp.
364. Bochet. Sur Ia plus grande frequence des tremblements de terre ressentis depuis
quelques annees aux Antilles. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 16. 1843. ·p. 1084.
* 364a. 0. Biigglld. Om Dansk Westindiens Geologi. Geogr: Tidskr. 19. 1907/8. p. 6--11.
* 364b. 0. BOggild. The Dansk Atlanterhavsoer. IV. 1908. ,Jorden, dens Art og_ Benyt-
. telse" p. 586--597. figs. (teste 1286).
du Bois. See Du Bois, Iio. 755.
365. H. Boissevain and H. J. Mac Gillavry. Some remarks on Barrettia sparcilirata
Whitfield and Chiapasella-radiolitiformis (Trechmann). Proc. Kon. Ak. Weten-
sch. Amsterdam. 35. 1932. p. 1308-!312.
366. I. Boldlngh. The flora of the Dutch West Indian Island!:l. I. The flora of St. Eusta-
tius, Saba and St: Martin. Leiden 1909. oct. 321 pp. Maps. (Also as Academical
Thesis in Utrecht).
367. I. Botdlngh. The Flora of the Dutch West Indian Islands. Second Volume,·The
flora of CurafYaO, Aruba and Bonaire. Leiden. oct. 1914. 197 pp.· IX pls. Maps.
368. Augusto Bonazzf. Reconocimiento agro-geologico de los terrenos de las Fincas de
Chaparra y Deleicias. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928. p. 30--49.
369. Augusto Bonazzf. Estudios sabre las turbas de Cuba. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat.
11. 1937. p. 5-30. IV plso .
370. Th •. G. Bonney. (mounted specimen of Mte. Pelee-ash), Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London.
58. 1902. p. LXXXVI-LXXXVII.
371. T. G. Bonneyo March Dust from the Soufrihe. Nature. 67 . .1903. p. 584.
372. james C. Booth and M. Carey Lea. Analysis of a Chromic Iron Ore, first observed
by R. C. Taylor Esq. at Mahoba:l near Gibara, Island of Cuba. Am. J. Sc. (1).
38. 1840. p. 248-245.
373. Theodoor de Booy. The Turks and Caicos islands. Geogr. Review. 6. 1918. p.
* 374. Th. de Booy. San Domingo Kitchen Midden and Burial Mound. Indian Notes ind
Monographs. I. 2. !919. (New York). (teste??).

* 37.5. C. E. Borchgrevink. History's greatest disaster. Frank Leslie:s Popular '!fot;tthly.

54. 1902. p. I-XVI. (teste 1196). . . . . . .
Bosch. See no. 22. . .
376. T. 0. Bosworth. The Birth of an Island near the coast of Trinidad. Geol. Mag.
(5). 9. 1912. p. 159-163.
377.- Boulay et Henry. Eau minerale des Pitons (Isle de la Martinique}. Ann. des Mines.
(3). 13. 1838. p. 622-623. Also:· Journ. de Pharm. 24. p. 218.
378. Marcellin _Boule. La Montagne Peh~e et les Volcans d'Auvergne. La GOOgraphie.
11. 1905. p. 7-26.
379. E. de Boury. Catalogue raisonne de la collection de Scalaria vivants et fossiles
du Museum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Nouv. Arch. Mus. H. N. Paris. (5).
4. 1912. p. 209---266. pls. XII-XVI. (Scalari_a's from the Tert;iary of San Domingo
and Cuba). •
380. Bousslngault. Sur la production; Ia constitution, et les proprietes des aciers chromes.
Ann. Chim. et Phy~. (5). 15. 1878. p. 91-126. (Traduced: Iron and Steel lust.
J ourn. 1886. p. 807-830).
• 3~1. Le, P. Jacques Bouton. Relation de I'etablissement des Fram;ais depuis l'an 1635 en
l'isle de la Martinique, l'une des Antilles d'Amerique,. Paris 1640. (teste 1351).
382_. L. A. H. Bouwman. Sur .une esph:e nouvelle de Sabinia (Caprinines). Proc. Kon.
Ak ..Wet. Arnst. 40. 1937. p. 449-453. I pl.
383. H. (i, Bowen. On the geology of Trinidad. Qu. T Geol. Soc. London. 12. 1856.
p. 389 (abstract).
384. WIIUam Bowie. Significance of_ gravity anomalies at stations in the West Indies.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 46. 1935. p. 869--878. I fig. .
384a. H. B. Brady. Description d'une nouvelle espece de foraminif.he des couches
miodmes de la Jamai'que. ~ Soc. Malac. Belg. 11. 1876. p. 103.
385. H. B. Brady. Report (on Foraminifera from Bardados). Q~. J. GeQl. Soc. London
48. 1892. p. 195-199.
386. J. W. Branch._(Letter to _Hans. Reusch on volcanic action. ~n St. Kitts during
eruptions in Martinique and St. Vincent). Nature, 66. 1902. p.- 378.
386a .. August Breithaupt. Cuban, ein neuer, dem Weisskupfererz ahnlicher Kies. Poggend.
Ann. 59. 1843. p. 325-327. . .
386b, A. Breithaupt. Fundort des Cubans. Poggend. Ann. 61. !844. p. 675.
387. J. F. Brennan. (Earthquake in Kingston Jamaica). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 3.
1913. p. 141-142. .
388. J. F. Brennan. (Earthquakes in Jamaica). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 4. 1914. p. 90.
220. 221.
389. j. F. Brennan. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Bull. Seism. Soc. ,Amer. 5. 1915. p.
52. 236.
• 389a. j. F. Brennan. The synchronism of Jamaica earthquakes with the periods of
monthly _recurrent rainfall, and with monthly barometric mean press:ure. (Ab-
stract). Earthquake Notes. 7. 1935. p. 25-26. I fig. (teste 2150b).
• 390. George WJIJiam Bridges. An Account of the e~rthquake of J.une 7th 1692 at
Jamaica. Annals of Jamaica. I. 1828.. p. 303-442. (teste 17z2).
• 391. Bri~re de l'lsle. Lettre a M. Guillory, sur le tremblement de la Martinique, le 11
Janv. 1839. Bull. Soc. Industr. Angers. 10. 2. p. 189---191. (teste 1772).
392. Robert T. Brinsmade. Iron in Santo Domi,ngo. Min_ing .and Scientific Press: 117
1918. p. 356-358. . .
393. N. L. Britton. Botanical exploration in Porto _Rico and islands adjacent. Journ.
New York Botan. Garden. 15. 1914. p. 95-103. ~~II pis.
394. N. L. Britton (and others). Report of the Porto Rico Committee. Ann. New York
Ac. Sc. 26. 1915. p. 456-462.
l95. N. L. Britton. Report of the Porto Rico Committee. Ann. New York Ac. Sc. 27.
1916. p. 311-313.
396. N. L. Britton. History of the Survey (of Porto Ri'co). New York Ac. Sc. Scient.
Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. I. 1. 1919, p. 1-10.
397. N.· L. Britton. A botanical expedition to Trinidad. Journ. New York ·Botan.
Garden. 21. 1920. p. 101-118.
398. N. L. Britton •.Further Botanical Studies in Trinidad. Journ. New York.Botan.
Garden. 22. 1921. p, 93-102.
• 399. N. _L. Britton. Las Arenas de las Planicies de ]a Costa Norte de Puerto Rico.
Revista de Agric. de Puerto Rico. 12. 1924. p. 157-158. (teste?).
400. N. L. Britton. l;{ecent scientific observations in Porto _Rico. Journ. New York
Botan. Garden. 32. 1931. p. 185-193.
401. N. L. Britton. Arthur Hollick. Journal New York Botan. Garden. 34. -193q. p.


• 402. N. L. Britton," H. A. Meyerhoff (arid others). Report of the Committee on mineral

resources of Puerto Rico.- Revista Obras Publicas. Afi.o 10. 1933. 1, p. 1-16;
2. p. 1-19. (teste Geol. Ztrbl. 55. no. 1500).
403. T. M. Broderick. Some of the relations of magnetite and hematite. Econ. Geol.
14. !919. p. 353-366. pl. XI, XII. (Cuba).
404. Jorge BrOdermann. E~istencia de yacimien tos petroliferas en Ia provincia de Ia
Habana. Revista Soc. Irtgenieros. Habana. 9. 1917. p. 153-156.
405. Jorge Brtidermann. El petroleo en la regi6n de Bacuranao. Revista Soc. Ingenieros.
Habana. 9. 1917. p. 591-622. XVII pls.
406. Jorge Briidermann. Yacimientos petroliferas en Cuba. Fomento. Habana. 1. 1917.
p. 11-14.
407. J. BrOdermann. El petroleo en la regi6n de Bacuranao. Fomento. Habana. I. 1917.
p. 53-64. 87-94.
408. J. Briidermann. El petroleo en Pinar del Rio. Fomento. I. 1917. p. 112-115.
409. J. Briidermann. Reconocimiento petrolifero de la regiOn del Caimito. Fomento.
Habana. 1.. 1917. p. 161-163.
410. J. Briidermann. Los yacimi~ntos petroliferas al sur de la sierra del Rosario, en Ia
provincia Pinar del Rio. Fomento 1. 1918. p. 192-196.
411. J. Briidermann. Nueva zona petrolifera en Ia provincia de Habana. Fomento. 1.
1918. p. 220-223.
412. J. Briidermann. Prim-eras perforaciones en busca de petroleo en Ia Sierra del Ro-
sario en la provincia Pinar del Rio. Fomento. Habana. 1. 1918.
413. Jorge Briidermann. Consideraciones sobre los terrenos petroliferas de Matanzas.
Revista Soc. Ingenieros. Habana. 11. 1919. p. 138-141.
414. J. Br<tdermann y E. Medley. Reconocimiento -petrolifero en Ia provincia de Santa
Clara. Fomento. Habana. 1. 1918. p. 255-258.
415. Amos P_. Brown. Notes on the geology of the island of Antigua. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc.
Philadelphia. 65. 1913. p. 584----{;16. pl. xvm-xx.
Amos P. Brown. See 1766.
416. Amos P. Brown and Henry Pilsbry. Fauna of the Gatun Formation, Isthmus of
Panama. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia. 63. 1911. p. 336-373. pl.xxn-xxrx;
64. 1912. p. 500-516. pl. XXII-xxvr. (San Domingo fossils).
417. Amos P. Brown and Henry Pllsbry. Fresh water mollusks of the oligocene of
Antigua. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia. 66. 1914. p. 209-213.
418. Barnum Brown. Some Cuban Fossils. Amer. Mus. Journal. 13. 1913. p. 221....:...228.
Photogrs .
. 419. Barnum Brown. Cuba. 11 pp., 57 ill. incl. maps, sections, photogrs. 1920. Pri-
vately printed. (frequently mentioned in the literature; according to information
from Mr. Brown not in circulation).
420. Barnum Brown and Marjorie O'Connell. Discovery of the Oxfordian in Western
Cuba. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 30. 1918. p. 152. (Abstract).
421. Barnum Brown and Marjorie O'Connell. Correlation Of the Jurassic Formations
of Westem C_uba. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 33. 1922. p. 639-664. (maps, sections,
C. B. Brown. See 1952.
422. CharleS W. Brown. The Jamaica Earthquake. Scott.- Geogr. Mag. 23. 1907. p.
423. Charles W. Brown. The Jamaican Earthquake. Popular Science Monthly. 70.
1907. p. 385-403. 13 figs.
* 424. Harriet Connor Brown. Report on the Mineral Resources of Cuba in 1901. 121 pp.
xn pls. Baltimore. 1902. (teste Amer. Geologist 32. 1903. p. 187).
424a. John S. Brown. The hot springs of the Republic of Haiti. J. Geol. 32. 1924. p.
john S. Brown. See 2421.
• 425. Patrick Brown. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. 1789. (teste 961).
• 426. R. B. Brown. The general history of earthquakes; etc. from the Creation to this
time, and particularly those lately in Naples, Smyrna, Jamaica and Sicily. Lon-
don. duod. 1694. 176 pp. (teste 1772).
A. J. jukes Browne. See 1074. 1075. 1076. 1077. 1078. 1271. 1272. 1273. 1274.
* 427. Sir Stopford Brunton. Jamaica, its Geology and Mining Possibilities. The Mining
Magazine. London. April 1922. p. 203-208. (teste 1486).
* 427a. Stopford Brunton. Minerals in Jamaica. Canadian Mining Journal. 45. 1924. p.
1236-1241. 2 figs. (teste 1678d).

428. G. Bruscantinl. Informe sobre un yacimiento carbonifero situado en la_provincia

de .~amaguey. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 14. 1929. p. 55-63.
428a. H. Bryant. (Observations on the Bahama Islands). Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.
7. 1859 (1861). p. 85. .
429. Henry Bryant. Additions to _a list of birds of the Bahamas. _Proc. Boston Soc.
Nat. Hist. II. 1868. p. 63-71.
430. L. von Buch. Phy&ikalische _Beschreibung der Canarischen lnseln. Berlin 1825.
(In: Gesammelte Werke. 3. 1877. p. 229-646).
431. R. Ashington Bullen. Some notes on the geology of t_he Bermuda Islands. Geol.
Mag. (5). 8. 1911. p. 385-395. 433-442.
43Ja. W. S. Burbank. Additional data on the properties of pumpellyite and its occur-
rence in the Republic of Haiti, West Indies. Amer. Mineralog. 12. 1927. p. 421-
Wilbur S•.Burbank. See 242L
432. Albert Burch and Ernest F. Burchard. Minerales de cromo y de manganese en
Cuba. Chrome and Manganese Ores in Cuba. Bol. de. Minas. Habana. 5. 1918.
p. 41-70. (Spanish and English).
433. Ernest F. Burchard. Manganese-ore deposits ill: Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining
Eng. 63. 1919/1920. p. 51-104. (Also: Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 147. 1919.
p: 591-595. Abstract).
434. Ernest F. Burchard. Chrome-ore deposits in Cuba. Trans. Amer. lnst. Mining
Eng. 63. 1919/1920. p. 150-174. (Also: Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 153. 1919.
p. 2523-2546).
434a. Ernest Francis Burchard. Manganese ore deposits of Cuba (Abstract). ] . Wash.
Ac. Sc. 9. 1919. p. 385-386.
434b. E. F, Burchard. Chromite and chromiferous iron ore in Cuba. Mineral Resources
of the Un. St. 1918. - p t . 1. p. 716'-725.
435. Mrs. K. J. Burdon. A Handbook of St. Kitts-Nevis, a Presidency of the Leeward
Islands Colony, containing information for residents and visitors concerning the
islands of St. Christopher or St. Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla. Published by authority
of the Government of St. Kitts-Nevis by the Crown Agents for the Colonies.
London. 1920. oct. vnr and 247 pp.
436. C. L. van den Burg. Onderzoek naar de chemische samenstelling van het water uit
twee bronnen op Cura'Yao. Tijdschr. Kon. Nederl. Aardr. Gen. (2) 22. 1905.
p. 807---809. . . .
437. David Burns. On the Phenomenon accompanying the Volcanic Eruptions in the
West Indies. Report Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 73th Meeting. 1903 (1904). p. 567-568.
• 438. Mrs. Bury. Polycystins, figures and -remarkable forms in the Baibados Chalk depo-
sit. (atlas). 1868. (teste ??).
439. 0. Biitschll. zur Kenntnis der Radiolarienskelette, insbesondere der
Cyrtidae. Z.f. Wiss. Zool. 36. 1882. p. 485-540. pl. xxxr-Xxxnr.
440. Francis Byam. An Account of the impression on a stone dug up in the Island
of Antigua ...... Philos. Transact. 49. 1755. ·p. 295-296. pl. rx.
W. H. Butt. See 726.
441. A. Cabon. Contribution a 1'6tude de la g6ographie d'Haiti. Bull. Annuel Obs.
Meteor. Semin. Coli. St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1917. 1918. p. 93-128. (Biblio-
44ta. Raimundo Cabrera. Mineral Resources of Cuba. J. Frankl. Inst. 146. 1898. p. 26-45.
Abstr.: Eng. Min. J. 66. 1898. p. 308-309. Mines and Minerals 19. 1898. p.
442. John Cadman. Cunapo Coalfield. Report of the Inspector of Mines. Council Paper
no. 138. 1905. Trinidad. fol. 4 pp.
443. John Cadman. Report of the Inspector of Mines for the two years ending 31 August
1906. Trinidad Council Paper 130. 1906. fol. IS pp.
444. John Cadman. Mineral deposits of Trinidad. Trans. Institution Min. Eng. New
Castle. 35. 1907J8. p. 453-480. 36. 1908/9. p. 488---490.
445. John Cadman. Notes on theDevelopmentof the Trinidad Oilfields. Journ. lnst.
Petr. Techn. London. 1915. p. 99-126. (With discussion).
Caine. See 738.
• 446. Captain Calder. {Eruption of St. Vincent). Century Magazine. 64. 1902. p. 634.
(teste 1196).
F. C. Calkins. See 2298.
447, A. Calvache. E1 manganese de Buyecito. Bol. de Minas._Habana. 7. 1923. p. 78-84.
448. Antonio Calvache. Resumen de la histOria de la Mineria de Cuba. Bol. de Minas.
Habana. 8. 1925. p. 22-35.

449. Antonio Calvache. Reconocimiento geologico preliminar del terrene en que se

construir{m las distintas secciones del acueducto definitive para Santiago de
Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 8. 1925. p. 36-44.
* 449a. Antonio Calvache Dorado. Informe sabre una formaci6n granitica proxima
a Santiago de Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 9. 1926. (teste 1678c).
• 449b. Antonio Calvacbe y Roque Allende. Informe geologico sabre el proyecto de
acueducto para la ciud';ld de Santiago de Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 9. 1926.
p. 7-30. xvi figs. (teste 1678c). ·
450. J. A. Canals. El Terremoto ultimo. Informe preliminar acerca de los dafios causados
a las Iglesias de la Mitad Occidental de la Isla. Bol. Eclesiastico de Ia Diocesis
de Puerto Rico. (2). 15. 1919. (teste 1825).
451. F. Canu and R. S. Bassler. Fossil Bryozoa from the West Indies. Carnegie Publ.
291. (Contr. to the Geol. and Pal. of tbe West Indies). 1919. p. 75-102. vn pis.
452. Ferdinand Canu cind Ray S. Bassler. North American Later Tertiary and Quater-
nary Bryozoa. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 125. 1923. 302 pp. XLVII pis.
453. F. Canu and R. S. Bassler. American and European Tertiary Bryozoa. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 847-850.
454. F. Canu and R. S. Bassler. Fossil and recent Bryozoa of the Gulf of Mexico.
Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 72. 1928. art. 14. 1928. 165 pp. XXXIV pis.
• 455. Capt. A. D. Carden and Capt. G. T. B. Goldney. Notes on the Jamaica Earth-
quake. Jan. 14. 1907. R. Eng. J. 6. 1907. p. 213-217. Photogr. (teste Ann.
de Geogr. 17).
F. Vidal y Careta. See 2319. 2320.
456. Ch. G. Carlson. Geological Notes on a party of Southern Trinidad, B. W. I. Econo-
mic Geol. 20. 1925. p. 152-167.
C. G. Carlson. See 2337.
457. A. P. Carmody. Progress of Naphthology during 1925. British West Indies. Joum.
Inst. Petr. Techno!. London. 12. 1926. p. 423-428.
• 458. P. Carmody. Volcanic eruptions: Reports on Analyses of Volcanic Dust. Bull. of
Misc. Inform. Trinidad Botan. Dept. 34. 1902. p. 450. (teste 861).
• 459. P. Carmody. Analytical Notes. Asphalt, M_anjak, Petroleum. Published by Trinidad
Government. 1905. (teste 445).
460. P. Carmody. (The Jamaica Earthquake of Jan. 14. 1907). Nature. 75. 1907. p.
461. P. Carmody. Trinidad as a new field for the study of the origin of petroleum. J.
Inst. Petr. Technol. London. 7. 1921. p. 298-325. (with- discussion).
Carmody. See 1048.
462. P. Carmody and E. H. Cunningham Craig. Portland Cement as a local industry.
Trinidad Council Paper. no. 4. 1905. fol. 6 pp.
463. Capt. Carnegie. An account on the late Earthquake at the Island of Antigua and
Guadeloupe on the 8th of February 1843. Report 13th Meeting Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc.
part. 2. 1843. p. 59.
j. 0. Carrero. See 932.
• 464. jose Luis Casaseca. Marmoles de la Isla de Pinos. Memorias de la Real Soc. Pa-
triotica de Ia Habana. 25. 1847. (teste 1800).
• 465. jose Luis Casaseca. Minas de Cobre de Santiago de Cuba. Memor. de la Real Soc .
Patriotica de Ia Habana. 25. 1847. (teste 1800).
466. C. E. Caspari. Une mission a la Guadeloupe. Revue maritime et coloniale. Paris.
31. 1871. p. 377-416.
467. Cassan. Beskriftning om Vulcanen pa Sainte Lucie. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Hand!.
Stockholm. II. 1790. p. 161-178.
468. jose Fernandez de Castro. Del petr6leo y del chapapote considerados como com-
bustibles. Anales Acad. Cienc. Habana. 7. 1870. p. 519-527. 615--624. 8. 1871.
p. 106-108. 195-200. 289-299.
• 469. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Formaci6n de la tierra colorada que constituye
gran parte de los terrenos de la Isla de Cuba. Revista Habanera. 1860. (teste 2223).
470. Fernandez de Castro. De un informe sobre el estado actual y el porvenir de lamina
de asfalto Santa Teresa, jurisdicci6n de Guanabacoa en la Isla de Cuba. Revista
Minera. Madrid. II. 1860. p. 618--621.
471. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Nota sabre la geologia de Santo Domingo, leida en la
Academia de Ciencias ... de la Habana en la sesi6n del dia 10 de agosto de
1862. Revista Minera. Madrid. 13. 1862. p. 633--642. 692-699. 72g.:_753, 14.
1863. p. 42-51. 65-73 .
• 472. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Del yeso y el hierro o:xidado en Cuba. Anales de la
Soc. Econ. de la Habana. ?1863. Also: Revista forestal. 4. (teste 1800).
473. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. De la existencia de grandes mamiferos f6siles en la Isla
de Cuba. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 1. 1864. p. 17-21. 54-60. 96-107.


474. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. De la existencia de grandes mamiferos f6siles en- la

Isla de Cuba. Revista Minera. Madrid. 16. 1865. p. 161-178. 193-199. pl. 2A.
475. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Estudio sabre las minas de oro de la Isla de Cuba
y muy particularmente sobre la de ,San Bias" en el partido de Guaracabuya,
jurisdicci6n de Remedios. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 1.. 1864. p. 171-177.
205-217. 253-269. 301-311. 356-366. 396--413. Reprint: Habana lOS pp.
• 476. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Croquis_ geologico de la isla de Cuba. 1869. (teste
477. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. El Myomorphus cubensis, subgenera nuevo de
Megalonyx. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 7. 1870. p. 425.
478. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. El Myomorphus cubensis, nuevo genero del Megalo-
nyx. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 7. 1870. p. 463---476.
479. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Diente de Placoide fosil. Anales Acad. Ciencias
Habana. 8. 1871. p. 643--645.
480. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Diente de Placoide f6sil de Ia Isla de Cuba, que parece
ser una especie nueva del genera Aetobatis. (Nota leida en Ia Academia de Cien-
cias de la Habana). Revista Minera. Madrid. 23. 1872. p. 485-498. 509-
480a. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Nueva especie f6sil precedente de la isla de
Cuba. An. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat.. 2. 1873. p. 193--212. pl. VI. vn. (Aeto-
batis Poeyi).
481. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Nueva especie f6sil preCedente de la isla de Cuba.
Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 10. 1873. p. 363--374. 11. 1874. p. 61-70. 93-
109. pls I-IV.
482. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Noticia del estado en que se hallan los trabajos del
mapa geologico de Espa:fia, en 1" Julio de 1874. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espafi_a.
6. 1876. p. 1-89. (Cuba p. 62-70. Puerto Rico p. 70-71).
483. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Catalogo y cuadro sinoptico de los f6siles de la
isla de Cuba. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 13. 1876. p. 319-330.
484. Fernandez de Castro. Estudios geologicos sabre Cuba y Puerto Rico. Revista de
Habana. l. 1877. p. 506--513. (Bibliographic).
485. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Noticias referentes a dos f6siles (pertenecientes al
genera Asterostoma) de Cuba. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 13. 1877. p.
486. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Noticias geograficas de la Isla de Santo Domingo.
Bol. Soc. Geogr. Madrid. 6. 1879. p. 317-338. map.
487. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Pruebas paleontol6gicas de qu~ la isla de Cuba ha
estado unida al Continente Americana y breve idea de su constituci6n geo16gica.
Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espaiia. 8. 1881. p. 357-372.
• 487a. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Estudio de los fen6menos geol6gicos que ofrece la
isla de Cuba. Congr. Americanistas Madrid 1881_. Aetas 1. 1882. p. 74-94. 172-
173. (teste Bermudez).
488. Manuel Fernan-dez de Castro. Pruebas paleontol6gicas de que Ia Isla de Cuba ha
estado unida al continente Americana y breve idea de su constituci6n geolO-
gica. Anales Acad. Ciencias Habana. 21. 1884. p. 146-165.
489. Manuel Fernandez de Castro. Informe dado con motive del reconocimiento del
Potrero de Ferro para- el establecimiento de la escuela de agricultura. (Manuscr.
30. 11. 1864). Bol. de Minas. Habana. 6. 1920. p. 33--38.
490. Manuel Fernandez de Castro y Pedro Salterain y Legarra. Croquis geologico de
la Isla de Cuba. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espaiia. 8. 1881. pl. G.
491. Manuel Fernandez de Castro, Nicolas Valdes, Joaquin F. Aenlle y Pedro Salterain.
Informe que presenta al Exmo. Sr. Gobernador Capitan General de la Isla de
Cuba la Comisi6n nombrada para inspeccionar las obras del canal de Isabel
II, proyectado por Don Francisco de AI bear, con objeto de condu'cir a Ia Habana
las aguas de los manantiales del Vento. Revista Minera. Madrid 15. 1864. p.
3-18. 33-45. 77--84. 107-117. 136-143. 170--178.
Manuel Fernandez de Castro. See 106.
492. A. P. Catherall. The occurrence of iron ore in Trinidad. Bull. Imp. Inst. 10. 1912.
p. 641--844.
493. A. P. Catherall. The Coal-Fields of Trinidad. The Coal Resources of the World.
Toronto. 1913. 2. p. 569--573.
494. A. P. Catherall. (Petroleum Development in) British West Indies. J. Inst. Petr.
Techn. London. 13. 1927. p. 609--611.
495. Charles Catlett. Barite associated with Iron Ore in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba.
Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 38. 1908. p. 358---359.

496. Enrique Cayado. Jnforme del Negociado de Minas referente a losTrabajosrealizados

y al Movimiento de asuntos mineros en la Republica desde el 1"' de Enero basta
el 31 de Diciembre del aiio 1922. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 7. 1923. p. 3-11.
497. Enrique Cayado. Una visita a Matahambre. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 8. 1925.
p. 12-21.
498. Enrique Cayado. Una visita a las minas de petr6leo de Bacuranao. Bol. de
Minas. Habana. 14. 1929. p. 37-44. 10 photogrs.
499. Enrique Cayado y Rafael Castro Palomino. Cantidad de Mineral de Cobre, Petr6leo,
-Hierro, Manganese, Asfalto y Cromo, extraido y exportado en la RepUblica
durante el afio 1908 basta 1927. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 12. 1928 .. p. 87-88.
* 500. Ceris. Gisement de phosphate de Sombrero. Journ. d'Agriculture. 1868. (teste 2073).
501. Thibault de Chanvallon. Voyage a la Martinique con tenant diverses observations
sur la Physique, l'Histoire Naturelle, !'Agriculture, les Moeurs et les Usages de
cette Isle ... Paris. 1763. 192 pp. (lu a l'Acad6mie des Sciences en-1761).
502. F. Chapman. Appendix on the Foraminifera from Bissex Hill and Bowmanstown
(Barbados). Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 54. 1898. p. 55(}--555.
503. F. M. Chapman. Notes on the birds and mammals observed near Trinidad, Cuba,
with remarks on the origin of the West Indian Bird-Life. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
Hist. New York. 4. 1892. p. 279-329.
504. Lewis C. Chapman. Possible sub-sea anticlines, Gulf of Faria. Trinidad-Venezuela.
Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 6. 1922. p. 474-475.
• 505. Th. Chateau. (Chapapote from Cuba). Annales du Genie Civil. 3. (teste 1800.)
H. Chauvet. See 919.
506. W. D. Chawner. The problem of serpentinization. Econ. Geol. 29. 1934. p. 777-778.
507. P. Chemin Dupontes. Les Petites Antilles. Etude sur leur evolution economique.
Paris. 1909. oct. VIII and 362 pp.
* 507a. Eduardo J. Chibas. Manganese mining in Cuba. Mines and Minerals. 21. 1901.
p. 295. (teste 1678a). ·
508. C. Chisholm. An essay on the malignant pestilential fever introduced into the West
Indian Islands on the coast of Guinea as it appeared in 1793 and 1794. London.
1795. oct. XVI and 279 pp. .
* 509. F. F. Chisholm. Iron-ore beds in the province of Santiago, Cuba. Proc. Colorado
Scient. Soc. 3. 1888-1890. p. 259-263. (teste 510).
510. F. F. Chisholm. Deposito de mineral de hierro de Santiago de Cuba. Revista de Ia
Soc. de Ingen. Habana. 4. 1912. p. 26--30. (traducci6n por Pablo Ortega).
Chocque. See 1409.
511. A. M. Chumaceiro. De natuurkundige hulpbronnen van de Kolonie Curat;ao. Kri-
tiek en Antikritiek. 's-Gravenhage. 1880. oct. 88 pp.
* 512. J. R. Church. The Martinique Pompeii. Scribner's Magaz. 32. 1902. p. 20a-20d.
(teste 1196).
513. Pollcarpo Cia. Observaciones geol6gicas de una gran parte- de la isla de Cuba.
Revista Minera. Madrid. 5. 1854. p. 365-381. 393-405. 419-426. 451-460.
514. Policarpo Cia. Noticia sobre el criadero y minas del Cobre. Revista Minera. Madrid.
8. 1857. p. 168-177.
515. PoUcarpo Cia. Noticia sobre el criadero y Minas del Cobre (Santiago de Cuba).
(Manusc. of about 1855). Bol. de Minas. Habana. 2. 1917. p. 84-90.
516. Austin H. Clark. Birds of the Southern Lesser Antilles. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat.
Hist. 32. 1905. p. 203-312.
H. L. Clark. See 256. 257.
517. Henry Helm Clayton. The volcanic eruption in Martinique and possibly coming
brillant sky glows: Science. (n.s.) 15. 1902. p. 791-792.
518. Herdman F. Cleland. Cura~ao, a losing colonial venture. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc.
41. 1909. p. 129-138.
Thomas C. Clemson. See 2127b. 2130.
519. W. J. Clench and C. G. Aguayo. A new fossil Cepolis from Cuba. Nautilus.
47. 1933/4. p. 21-22.
519a. W. j. Clench and C. G. Aguayo. A new pleistocene Mecoliotia from Cuba. The
Nautilus. 49. 1936. p. 91-93. pl. v fig. 3.
520. P. T. Cleve. On the geology of the North-Eastern West India Islands. Kong~.
Svenska Vetensk. Ak. Handlingar. 9. no. 12. 1871. 48 pp. II pis.
521. P. T. Cleve. Outlines of the geology of the NE. West Indian Islands. Transact.
New York Ac. Sc. 1. 1881/2. p. 21-24.
522. P. T. Cleve. Outline of the Geology of the Northeastern West India Islands. Ann.
New York Ac. Sc. 2. 1881. (1882). p. 185-192. pl. xvn.
522a. Theodore D. A. Cockerell. A list of the Brachiopoda, Pelecypoda, Pteropoda and
Nudibranchiata of Jamaica, living and extinct. Nautilus. 7. 1894. p. 103-107.

523. T. D. A. Cockerell. A fossil cichlid fish from the Republic of Haiti. Proc. U. S.
Nat. Mus. 63. 1923. art. 7. 2 pp. I pl.
Thomas Cochrane. See 777.
Code. See 50.
A. Codesa Vinageras. See 2324.
W. Storrs Cole. See 2296. 2297.
524. (A. E. Collens). Phosphate in Barbuda. In: Reserves rnondiales en phosphate.
Information faite par !'initiative du Bureau du x1vme Congres Geoi. Intern. 1926.
Madrid. 192S. 2. p. 785-786.
* 525. Les Colonies. Journal paraissant a Saint Pierre. nos. d'Avril et du 1 a 7 Mai 1902.
(teste !351).
526. Ettore Colonna. Composizione chimica di una cenere del Monte Pelee (Martinica).
Atti della Reale .Ace. delle Scienze di Torino. 38. 1902{3. p. 471-476.
527. R. J. Colony and H. A. Meyerhoff. The Copper prospects at Barrio Paste,
Porto Rico. Econ. Geol. 23. 1928. p. 515-527.
* 528. R. J. Colony y H. A. Meyerhoff. Investigaci6n de los yacimientos de cobre en
el Barrio Pasta. Revista Obras Pub!. aiio 6. 1929. p. 207-210. 243-245.
(teste 1550).
529. R. J~_. Colony and H. A. Meyerhoff. The magnetite deposits near Hurnacao,
Puerto Rico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 115. 1935. p. 247-272.
530. R. J. Colony and H._ A. Meyerhoff. The magnetite deposit near Humacao, Puerto
Rico. Amer. Inst. Mining and Metall. Eng. Techn. Publ. 587. 1935. 28 pp.
14 figs.
531. Paul Combes. Histoire geologique des Antilles. Cosmos. Paris. 47. no. 912. 1902.
p. 73-76.
D. D. Condit. See 2298.
532. T. A. Conrad. Remarks on the Tertiary Strata of St. Domingo and Vicksburg
(Miss.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 6. 1854. p. 193-199.
533. T. C. Constable. Mont Pele and after-glows. Nature. 66. 1902. p. 79.
534. C. W. Cooke. Tertiary mollusks from the Leeward Islands and Cuba. Publ. Carn.
Inst. 291. (Contr. to the Geol. and Pal. of the W. Indies). 1919. p. 101-
156. XVI pls.
535. C. W. Cooke. Geol. Reconnajssance of the Dominican Republic. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Amer. 31. 1920. p. 139. (abstract).
536. C. Wythe Cooke. Stratigraphic Significance of Orthaulax. Bull. Geo1. Soc. Amer.
31. 1920. p. 206. (abstract).
537. C. Wythe Cooke. Geologic Reconnaissance in Santo Domingo. Bull. Geol. Soc.
Amer. 31. 1920. p. 217-219. (Abstract).
538. C. Wythe Cooke. Orthaulax a tertiary guide fossil. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof.
Paper 129. B. 1921. p. 23-31. pis. II-IV.
539. C. Wythe Cooke. New Names· for West Indian Tertiary Pectens. Nautilus. 34. 1921.
p. 137.
540. C. Wythe Cooke. American and European eocene and oligocene mollusks. Bull.
".,._~ Geol. Soc. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 851-856.
C. Wythe Cooke. See 2298.
541. E. D. Cope. (Demonstration of Amblyrhiza). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1868.
p. 313.
542. E. D. Cope. Description of two large rodents from Anguilla, West Indies, with
remains of human art associated. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 11. 1869. (publ. 1871).
p. 183-188. pi. IV. V.
543. E. D. Cope. (Communication on Loxomylus). Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 11. 1870.
(1871). p. 608.
544. E. D. Cope. Preliminary Report on the Vertebrata discovered in the Port Kennedy
Bone Cave. Proc. Phil. Soc. Amer. 12. 1871-1872. (read April 7. 1871). 1873.
p. 73-102. (p. 102 on Anguilla).
545. E. D. Cope. On the contents of a bone cave in the Island of Anguilla. Smith.
Contr. to Knowl. 25. 1883. 30 pp. v pls.
546. John Bridgef-ord Coppock. Analysis of volcanic dust from La Soufriere. Chemic.
News. 87. 1903. p. 233-234.
* 547. Pedro T6mas de C6rdova. Memorias geograficas, _hist6ricas, econ6micas y estadisti-
cas de Ia Isla de Porto Rico. Oficina del Gobierno. 6 vol. 1833 (teste 1550).
548. Ram6n Gandia C6rdova. Los combustibles minerales de las Antillas. Revista Ant.
num. 2. 1913. p. 113-115. (teste 1550).
• 548a. Ram6n Gandla COrdova. Los temblores de tierra. Rev. Agric. 1. 1918. p. 2.31.
(teste 1550).

* 548b. Ram6n 6andia COrdova. Recursos_ minerales de Ia isla de Puerto Rico. Rev.
Geogr. de Puerto Rico. I. 1923 p. 105-108. 135-138. 215-217. 251-257.
297-301. 336-344. (teste 1550).
* 548c. RamOn 6andia COrdova. Geologia de Puerto Rico. Revista Obras Publ. Afi.o
2. 1925. p. 651. afio 4. 1927. p. 1230. (teste 1550).
* 548d. Ram6n Gandia COrdova. Recursos minerales de la isla de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obras
Pub!. afio 3. !926. no. 26-28. (teste 1550).
* 548e. Ram6n 6andia C6rdova. Productos mineral_es de Puerto Rico que tienen va16r
comerciftl en los Estados Unidos y en. Europa. Rev. Obras Publ. Afio 7. num.
8, 11; afio 8. num. I (1930-193!). (teste 1550).
549. A. J. R. Cornelissen. IJzerertsen op Cuba. Over het ontstaan en voorkomen der
ijzerertsen van Mayari. Jaarb. Mijnbouwk. Vereen. Delft. 1917}8. p. 185-254.
( 16 photogrs).
550. Vaughan Cornish. The Jamaica Earthquake. (1907). Geogr. J. 31. 1908. p.
551. Vaughan Cornish. On the cause of the Jamaica Earthquake of January 14, 1907.
Geogr. J. 40. 1912. p. 299-303.
552. Jose Isaac del Corral. Producci6n y aplicaci6n del Manganese. Revista Soc. Ingen.
Habana. 2. 1910. p. 5-11.
* 553. Jose I. del Corral. Reconocimiento geol6gico-minero del Valle de Viiiales. Bol.
Secretaria Agr., Com. y Trabajeo. 6. 1911. p. 101-110. (teste 2223).
* 554. jose I. del Corral. Reconocimiento geol6gico-forestal de los Cayos ,Jardines" y
,Jardinillos" !912. (teste 2223).
555. J. I. del Corral. Excursi6n geol6gica al placer de Batabano. Revista Soc. Ingen.
Habana. 5. !913. p. 33-40.
556. Jose I. del Corral. Nuestra excursi6n a Matahambre. Revista Soc. Ingen. Habana.
JO. 1918. p. 39!-422. XVI! pis.
557. Jose Isaac del Corral. Informe sabre el reconocimiento de la mina de cobre ,La
Nifi.a". Bol. de Minas. Habana. 5. 1918. p .. 71-82.
558. jose Isaac Corral. Reconocimiento geol6gico de lamina San Jose, situada en Malezas
cuart6n de San Gil, teimino municipal de Santa Clara. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 7.
1923. p. 42-50. .
559. jose Isaac Corral. Investigaciones sobre el petr6leo en Cuba. Bol. de Minas.
Habana. 8. 1925. p. 1-11.
"560. Jose I. del Corral. Investigaciones sobre el Petr6leo en Cuba. Antecedentes
historicos. Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 62. 1925. p. 95:-113.
* 560a. Jose Isaac Corral. Informe sabre las canteras. en la finca ,La ViUda". Bol. de
. Minas. Habana. 9. 1926. p. 1-5. (teste 1678b) .
561. Jose I. Corral. Los primeros pases de la mineria cubana. Revista Soc. Geogr. de
Cuba. 2. 1929. p. 131-138.
562. jose Isaac Corral. Importancia general de la. Mineria en Cuba. Revista Soc.
, Geogr. de Cuba. 4. 1931. p. 7-12. .
* 563. jose Corral. Levantamiento del mapa geol6gico de Cuba. Revista Soc. Cubana
Ingen. Civ. 26. 1934 .. p. 104-134. (teste Geol. Zentrbl. 58. no. 208).
563a. Jose I. del Corral. Discurso de contestaci6n al de i!}jtfeso del lll,g. ~d~do I. '} . .h
Montoulieu de la Torre. Habana. 1937. 21 pp. (7~ • .4c · ~. . .fo. "? 7 - , ·
* 564. Correspondence, relating to the volcanic eruptions in St. Vincent and Marti que in
May 1902. London. Bluebook 1201. Sept. 1902. (teste Peterm. Mitt. 1904. Lit.
Ber. p. 75).
* 565. Correspondence; Further-, relating to the volcanic Eruptions in St. Vincent and
Martinique in 1902 and 1903. London. Bluebook 1783. Sept. 1903. (teste Petenn.
Mitt. 1904. Lit. Ber. p. 75).
* 566. Correspondence, relating to the earthquake at Kingston. Jamaica, on the 14th
Jan. 1907. 119 pp. Pari. Papers. 3560. London 1907. (teste/).
567. D. de Cortizar. Descripci6n de un nuevo equinodermo de la isla de Cuba. Encope
ciae n.s. Bol. Mapa Geol. Espana. 7. 1880. p. 227-232. pl. G.H.
568. Cortes. Memoire sur la geologie des Antilles. Journ. de Physique. 70 .. 18~0. p. 129-
569. Ch. B. Cory. The birds of the Leeward islands. Field. Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago.
Omitb. Series. I. 5. 1909. p. 193-255.
570. H. N. Coryell and Violet Ohlsen. Fossil Corals of Porto Rico, with descriptions also
of a Few Recent Species. New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv. of Porto Rico and the
Virgin Is!. 3.3. 1929. p. 165-236. pl. xxvi-XLIV. .
571. jose Antonio Cosculluela •. La prehistoria de Cuba. Memor. Soc. Cub. H1st. Nat. 5.
1922. p. 11-50. (with a list of publications on Cuban frehistory).
572. Cossmann. Etude comparative de fossiles mio.ceniques receuillis a la Martinique
eta l'isthme de Panama. Bull. de Conchyliologie. 61. 1913. p. 1..,--64. pl. I-V.

573. 6. Cotteau. Bull. Soc. Gt\ol. France. (2) 24. 1866/7. p. 826-827.
574. G. Cotteau. Sur le genre Asterostoma, de la famille des Echinocoryd6es. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 70. 1870. p. 271-273.
575. G. Cotteau. Notice sur le genre Asterostoma. Mem. Soc. Geol. France. (2). 9. 1871.
p. 177-184. pl. XVI. XVII.
576. Cotteau. Surles oursins des Antilles su6doises. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France. (3). 2. 1874.
p. 125-126.
577. G. Cotteau. Description des 6chinides tertiaires des iles St. Barth6Iemy et Anguilla.
Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Ak. Hand!. 13. 6. 1874. 48 pp. VIII pis.
578. G. Cotteau. Echinides tertiaires des tles St. Barth616my et d' Anguilla. Bull. Soc.
Gt\ol. France. (3). 5. 1876/7. p. 126-130.
579. G. Cotteau. Description des Echinides fossiles de l'ile de Cuba. Ann. Soc. G6ol.
de Belgique. 9. 1881-1882. Memoires. p. 3-49. pls. I - I v .
580. Cotteau. Sur les 6chinides fossiles de l'tle de Cuba. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 94. 1882.
p. 461--463.
581. Cotteau. (Surles echinides de Cuba). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (3). 10. 1882. p. 264-265.
582. G. Cotteau. Descripci6n de los Equinidos f6siles de la Isla de Cuba, adicionada por
Justo Egozcue y Cia. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espaiia. 22. 1897. p. 1-99.
583. W. S. Courtney. The Gold Fields of St. Domingo ..... New York. oct. 1860.
144 pp.'
584. J. S. Cox. The iron deposits of the Moa District, Oriente, Island of Cuba. Bull.
Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 51. 1911. p. 199-216.
585. jennings S. Cox. The iron-ore deposits of the Moa district, Oriente province, Island
of Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 42. 1911. (1912). p. 73-90.
586. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Annual Report from 24th November 1903 to 23d No-
vember 1904. Trinidad Council Paper. 146. 1904. fol. 4 pp.
587. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The San Fernando Manja.k Field. Trinidad Council
Paper. no. 3. 1905. 10 pp.
• 588. E. H. Cunningham Craig. General Report on the Eastern Coal-District. Minute
Paper 4896 of 1904. Trinidad. (teste 1394).
589. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Cacao Soils. Geological Notes by the Government
Geologist. Trinidad Council Paper. no. 5. 1905. 6 pp.
590. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Mayaro- and Guayaguayare Oilfields. Trinidad Council
Paper no. 25. fol. 1905. 12 pp. III pls.
591. E. H. Cunningham Craig. General Report on the Southern anticline of the Oil-
fields. Trinidad Council Paper no. 119. fol. 1905. 14 pp.
592. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Annual Report from November 24th 1904 to 23d No-
vember 1905. Trinidad Council Paper no. 137. 1905. fol. 4 pp.
593. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Report on the Cedros District. Trinidad Council Paper
no. 12. 1906. 7 pp.
594. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The oilfields of Trinidad. Proc. Royal Colonial Inst.
London. 37. 1906. p. 34G-355.
• 595. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The geological structure of Trinidad. Proc. Royal
Victoria Inst. of Trinidad and Tobago. 1906. (teste 1394).
596. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Oilfields of Trinidad. Preliminary report by the Govern-
ment Geologist on the Guapo and La Brea district. Trinidad Council Paper. no.
30. 1906. fol. 4 pp. .
597. E. H. Cunningham Craig. San Fernando Manjak Field. Trinidad Council Paper
no. 35. 1906. 6 pp.
598. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Annual Report by the Government Geologist for the
year ending 23d November 1906. Trinidad Council Paper no. 146. 1906. 4 pp.
599. E. H. Cunningham Craig. District of East Erin. Trinidad Council Paper 147.
1906. 6 pp. .
600. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The Cedros Oil Fields of Trinidad. Petroleum Review.
14. 1906. p. 307-308. 335-336. 365-366. 393-394. 421--422. l sketchmap.
601. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Geological Structure of Trinidad. Bull. Imperial Inst. 5.
1907. p. 175-179.
602. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Preliminary Report on Tobago. Trinidad Council
Paper no. 9. 1907.
603. E. H. Cunningham Craig. General Report on the central and northern anticline.
Trinidad Council Paper 60. 1907. 19 pp. II pls.
604. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Final Report by the Government Geologist on the
Geological Survey of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad Council Paper no. 69.
1907. 2 pp.
605. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Metamorphic rocks of Trinidad. Trinidad Council
Paper no. 76. 1907. 9. pp.

• 606. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Trinidad Oilfields. Report on the Oilfields of the Central
Anticline (Central District). Trinidad Council Paper 131. 1907._7 pp. (teste 1394).
607. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Oilfields of Trinidad. Bull. Imperial Inst. 6. 1908.
p. 196-200.
" 608. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The Oilfields of Trinidad. West India Committee
Circular 1911. (teste 445).
• 609. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Report on the Oil Fields of Barbados. Barbados 1913.
14 pp. (teste 674).
610. E. H. Cunningham Craig. The prospective oilfields of Barbados. J. Inst. Petr.
Techn. London. 4. 1917/8. p. 68-78. Discussion: p. 107-109.
61 t. E. H. Cunningham Craig. Oil Finding. An introduction to the geological study
of petroleum. London. 2d ed. 1920. 324 pp. (many data on Trinidad and Bar-
E. H. Cunningham Craig. See 462. .
* 612. J. T. Crawley. Las tierras de Cuba. Boletin Estac. Exper. Agronomica Cuba. no.
25. 1916. 86 pp. (teste ?).
• 613. J. T. Crawley. Salts in soils and waters of the South Coast of Porto Rico. Bull.
Ins. Exp. Stat. 9. 1915. (teste 1550).
614. Adalbert Cronise. The Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Proc. Rochester Acad. Sc. 2.
1895. p. 278-285. pi. X!II.
615. W. 0. Crosby. Native Bitumens and the Pitch Lake of Trinidad. The American
Naturalist. 13. 1879. p. 229-246.
616. W. 0. Crosby. Notes on the physical geography and geology of Trinidad. Proc.
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 20. 1878 (1881). p. 44-55.
617. W. 0. Crosby. Probable occurrence of the Taconian system in Cuba. Science. 2.
1883. p. 740.
618. W. 0. Crosby. On the :Mountains of Eastern Cuba. Appalachia. Boston. 3.
1883. p. 129-142.
619. W. 0. Crosby. On the elevated coral reefs of Cuba. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.
22. 1882 (1884). p. 124-130.
619a. H. Crosse. Description d'esp€ces nouvell~s de la GuadeloUpe. J ourn. de Conchyliolo-
gie. 13. 1865. p. 27-39. pl. I.
H. H. Croucher. See 1061.
620. F. de Croze. Le d€sastre de la M8.!tinique. La Montagne Pelee. Limoges. oct. 1902?
319 pp.
621. Hermann Criiger. On some of the vegetable fossils occurring in Trinidad. In:
Wall-Sawkins Report on the Geology of Trinidad 1860 (no. 2331). p. 166
• 622. 0ast6n Alonso Cuadrado. La tierra colorada y la tierra negra. 1912. (teste 2223).
623. Cumenge. Etude sur les gisements de Charbon et de Bitume de la Trinidad. Ann.
des Mines. (8). 2. 1882. p. 137-184. pl. v.
624. W. Cumings and B. L. Miller. Characteristics and origin of the brown iron ores
of Camaguey and Moa, Cuba. Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 51. 1911. p.
625. Willard L. Cumings and Benjamin L. Miller. Characteristics and Origin of the
Brown lronwOres of Camaguey and Moa, Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng.
42. 1911. (1912). p. 116-137.
626. frank Cundall. Bibliographia ... Jamaicensis. Kingston oct. 1902. 84 pp.; with
Supplement oct. !907. 38 pp.
627. frank Cundall. Bibliography of the West Indies (exclusive Jamaica). Kingston,
Jamaica. The Institute of Jamaica. oct. 1909. 179 pp.
E. H. Cunningham Craig. See 586-611.
• 628. George Carroll Curtis. Looking into the Caribbean craters. Century Magazine.
65. 1902. p. 420-434. (teste 1196). ··
629. Oeo Carroll Curtis. Note on the West Indian eruptions of 1902. The American
Geologist. 31. 1903. p. 40-43.
630. Geo Carroll Curtis, Secondary phenomena of the West Indian Volcanic eruptions
of !902. J. Geol. II. 1903. p. 199-215.
631. J. Cushman. Fossil Foraminifera from the '\-Vest Indies. Carnegie Inst. Publ. 291.
(Contr. to the Geol. a. Pal. of t\le West Indies). 1919. p. 23-71. xv pis.
632. Joseph A. Cushman. The America Species of Orthophragmina and Lepidocyclina.
Un. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pape'r 125D. 1920. p. 37-105. pl. vn-xxxv.
633. joseph A. Cushman. Lower Miocene Foraminifera of Florida. Un. St. Geol. Surv.
Prof. Paper 128B. 1920. p. 67~74. pl. xu. (Santo Domingo).
634. joseph A. Cushman. American Species of Operculina and Heterostegina and
their faunal relations. Un. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 128 E. 1921. p. 125-137.


635. joseph A. Cushman. A peculiar Frondicularia from Mexico and Trinidad. Contr.
Cushm.- Labor. Foram. Research. I. 4. 1926. p. 88-89. pi. XIII. fig. 5 a-c.
635a. josep~ _A, Cushman. Foraminifera of the genus Siphonina and related genera.
Proc. 1!. S. Nat. Mus. 72. art. 20. 1927. p. 1-15. pis. r-rv. (Cuba).
635b. joseph A. Cushman. Cy.cloloculina in the Western Hemisphere. Contr. Cushm.
Labor. Foram. Research. 5. 1929. p. 4-5 pl. r (pp.). (Trinidad).
636. joseph A. Cushman. A late tertiary fauna of Venezuela and other related regions.
Contr. Cushm. Labor. Foram. Res. 5. 4. 1929. p. 77-101. pl. XII-XIV. (Foramini-
fera from Trinidad). ·
637. J. A. Cushman. Fossil species of Hastigerinella. Contr. Cushm. Labor. Foram.
Res. 6. I. 1930. p. 17-19. pl. rrr. (Hastigerinella from Trinidad).
638. J. A. Cushman. Cretaceous Foraminifera from Antigua. B. W. I. Contr. Cushm.
Labor. Foram. Research. 7. 1931. p. 33--46. pl. v-VI.
638a. Joseph A. Cushman. The genus Vu1vulina and its species. Contr. Cushm. Labor.
Foram. Research. 8. 1932. p' 75-85. pl. x. (Trinidad).
639. joseph A. Cushman. Post-cretaceous occurrence of Giimbelina with a description
of a new species. Contr. Cushm. Labor. Foram. Res. 9. 1933. p. 64--69. pl. VII. f.
15, 16. (Trinidad).
640. Jos~ph A. Cushman. Notes on some american cretaceous Flabe1linas. Contr.
ClfShm. Labor. Foram. Research. 1 I. 1935. p. 83--89. (F. jarvisi from Trinidad;
F. suturalis from West-Indies).
640a. joseph A. Cushman. Notes on some American Cretaceous Frondicularias. Contr.
Cushm. Labor. Foram. Research. 12. 1936. p. 11-22. pl. III. IV. (Trinidad).
641. Joseph A. Cushman. Some American cretaceous species of Ellipsonodosaria and
Chrysalogonium. Contr. Cusbm. Labor. For. Res. 12. 1936. p. 51-55. pl. IX.
642. Joseph A. Cushman. Cretaceous Foraminifera of the Family Chilostomellidae.
Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 12. 1936. p. 71-78. (Trinidad). -.~
643. Joseph A. Cushman. Some notes on cretaceous species of Marginulina. Contr. -~
Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 13. 1937. p. 91-99. pl. XIII. xrv. (Trinidad).
643a. Joseph A. Cushman. Cretaceous species of Gtimbelina and related genera. Contr. ''
Cushm. Labor. Foram. Research. 13. 1937. p. 2-28. pl. I-IV. (Trinidad,
644. joseph A. Cushman. and Pedro J. Bermudez. The foraminiferal genus Amphi-
morpbina in the Eocene of Cuba. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 12. 1936. '
p. 1-3. pl. I. f. 1-10.
Joseph A. Cushman and Pedro J. Bermudez. New Genera and Species of Fora- j
minifera from the Eocene of Cuba. Contr. Cushnt. Lab. For. Res. 12. 1936. p. .l

27-38. pl. V. VI.
joseph. A. Cushman. and Pedro j. Bermudez. Additional new Species of Fora-
minifera and a new genus from the Eocene of Cuba. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res.
12. 1936. p. 55-83. pl. X. XI. ;

647. Joseph A. Cushman and Pedro j. Bermudez. Further new species of Foramini-
fera from the Eocene of Cuba. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 13. 1937. p. 1-29. l
pl. I. II. III (pro parle).
joseph A. Cushman and Pedro J. Bermudez. Additional new species of eocene ']
Foraminifera from Cuba. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 13. 1937. p. 106--
110. pl. xvr (pro parle).
649. joseph A. Cushman and Patricia G. Edwards. Notes on the early described
eocene species of Uvigerina and some new species. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res.
13. 1937. p. 54-61. pl. VIII. (Bonaire).
650. joseph A. Cushman and P. G. Edwards. The described american species of
Uvigerina. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 13. 1937. p. 74-87. pl. XI. xu.
(Trinidad. Bonaire. Cuba.).
651. joseph A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad.
Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Research. 4. 1928. p. 85-103. pl. XII-XIV.
652. joseph A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. New Foraminifera from Trinidad. Contr.
Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 5. 1929. p. 6-17. pl. II. III.
653. J. A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. Miocene Foraminifera from Buff Bay,
Jamaica. Journ. Paleont. 4. 1930. p. 353--368. pl. xxxn-xxxiv.
654. J. A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. Some new Eocene Foraminifera from Jamaica.
Contr. Cusbm. Lab. For. Research. 7. 1931. p. 75----78. pl. x.
655. joseph Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. lJpper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trini-
dad. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus 80. art. 14. 1932. 60 pp. xvr pis.
656. J.- A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. Some interesting uniserial Foraminifera from
Trinidad. Contr. Cushman Lab. For. Res. 10. 1934. p. 71-75. pl. x.

657. J. A. Cushman and P. W. Jarvis. Three new Foraminifera from the Miocene
Bowden Marl, of Jamaica. Contr. Cushm. Lab. For, Res. 12. 1936. p. 3-5.
pl. I. f. 11-16.
658. Joseph A. Cushman and Yoshiald Ozawa. A -monograph of the foraminiferal
family of the Polymorphinidae, recent and fossil. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 77. 6.
193.0. 185 pp. XL pls. (Trinidad).
659. Joseph A. Cushman and Frances L. Parker. Some American Eocene -Buliminas.
Contr. Cushm. Lab. For. Res. 12. 1936. p. 39--45. pl. vn. (Trinidad).
660. G. Cuvier. Discours sur les Revolutions de Ia Surface du Globe. 6e ed. Paris-
Amsterdam. 1830. (p. 138-140, 362-363, pl. 1 on human skeletons from
661. H. N. D. The recent earthquakes and the volcanic eruptions. Geogr. J. 20. 1902.
p. 431--434.
662. A. P. Dachnowski-Stokes and Ray C. Roberts. Saline peat profiles of Puerto Rico.
J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 24. 1934. p. 175-182.
663. William Healey Dall. A preliminary catalogue of the shell-bearing marine mollusks
and brachiopods of the Southeastern Coast of the United States, with illustrations
of many new species. Bull. U. St. Nat. Mus. 37. 1889. 221 pp. LXXIV pls.
664. William Healey Dall. Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida with especial
Reference to the Miocene Silex Beds of Tampa. Wagner Free Inst. of Science. 3.
1890-1903. 1653 pp. I map. LX pis.
665. W. H. Dall. Diagnoses of new Tertiary fossils from the Southern United States.
Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 18. 1896. p. 21--46.
666. William H. Dall. Report upon the Paleontology of the Collections. In: R. T.
Hill. Panama. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoo!. Harvard Coli. 28. 1898. p. 271-275.
(Hispaniola, Jamaica, Trinidad).
667. William Healey Dall. A table of the North American Tertiary Horizons, correlated
with one another and with those of Western Europe, with Annotations. 18th
Annual Report Un. St. Geol. Surv. 2. 1898. p. 327-348.
668. WJIUam H. Dall. Synopsis of the- recent and tertiary Leptonaceae of North
Ameria and the West Indies. Proc. Un. St. Nat. Mus. 21. 1899. p. 872-897. pis.
669. W. H. Dall. A gigantic fossil Lucina. Nautilus. 15. !901. p. 40--42. (Jamaica).
670. W. H. Dalt. Synopsis of the ... Lucinaceae. Proc. Un. St. Nat. Mus. 23. 1901. p.
779-833. pl. CXXIX-XLII. (Jamaica).
671. William H. Dall. Fossils of the Bahama Islands, with a -list of the non-marine
mollusks. In: Shattuck, no. 1998. p. 23-47. pl. XI-XIII.
• 672. W. H. Dall. Notes on the fossils ofthe Bahamas. Science. (ns). 21. 1905. p. 390-391.
(teste ? ?).
w. H. Dall. See 1036.
673. John Dalrymple. On Central American Earthquakes, particularly the Earthquake
of 1838. Proc. Royal Soc. 71. 1903. p. 403--404. (Saint Lucia).
674. W. H. Dalton. Bibliography of Barbados Petroleum. J. Inst. Petr. Techn. London.
4. !917JS. p. 63-84.
675. Reginald A. Daly. A Worldwide Sinking of Ocean-Level. Geol. Mag. 57. 1920.
p. 246-261.
676. A. Damour. Observations receuillies dans une traversee d'Europa aux Antilles.
Observations faites a la Montagne de la Soufrihe (ile de Ia Guadeloupe). C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 51. 1860. p. 559-562.
677. Damour. (Guadeloupe, fossils). Bull. Soc. Geol. France. (2). 20. 1863. p. 475--476.
677a. W. -Dampier. Nieuwe reystocht random de wereld. Vertaald door W. Sewel. Den
Haag. 1698.
678. J. D. Dana. Corals and Coral Islands. London. 1872. oct. 398 pp. (Bahamas).
* 678a. Jiri V. Danes. Im Karstgebiete Jamaica's. Soc. Hongr. Geogr._Ab. B. Supplement
au F6ldrajzi K6zlemenyek. 35. 1906. p. 129-130. (teste 1678a).
679. J. V. Danes. Geomorphologische Studien im Karstgebiet Jamaika's. 9th Int.
Geogr. Congr. Geneve. 1908. Comptes Rendus. 2. 1910. p. 178-182.
680. J. Danes. Karststudien in Jamaica. Sitz. Ber. KOn. BOhmische Ges. der Wissensch.
Prag. 1914. (1915). 72 pp.
681. H. N. Darton. Geology of the Guantanamo basin, Cuba. J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 16.
1926. p. 324-333. {determinations of Foraminifera by Th. Wayland Vaughan).
682. Daubree. Examen des poussiE:res volcaniques tombees le 4 janvier 1880, a la
Dominique et de l'eau qui les accompagnait. Bull. Soc. G6ogr. (6). 20. 1880. p.
683. Daubree. Examen des poussieres volcaniques tomb6es le 4 janvier 1880, a Ia
Dominique, et de l'eau qui les accompagnait. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 90. 1880. p.

684. a
Daubree. Produits solides et liquides qui continuaient sortir, en avril 1880, d'un
cratere de Ia Dominique (Antilles Anglaises). C. R. Ac. Sc. 91. 1880. p. 949-950.
685. j. j. Dauxion de Lavaysse. Voyage aux lies de Trinidad, de Tobago, de laMar~
guerite et en venezuela. Paris. 1813. oct. 1. XXV and 415 pp. 2. 483 pp.
Dave. See 347.
686.Daver. Sur un tronc d'arbre carbonise enfoui sons plusieurs couches de cendres
et autres produits volcaniques, provenant d'un volcan, maintenant Heint, de la
Guadeloupe, C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 6. 1838. p. ll8-120. (Extrait d'une lettre a
M. Biot).
T. Davidson. See 696.
687. G. E. Davis. (Analysis of Phosphate of Redonda). ]. Soc. of Arts. London. 25.
1877. p. 634.
688. Geo W. Davis. Puerto Rico, embracing the Reports of Brig. Gen. Geo W. Davis,
etc. Division of Customs and Insular Affairs. Reports under circular 10. Wash.
oct. 1900. 94 pp. '
689. Henry Davis. Notes on the Soufrihe of St. Vincent. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 5.
1849. p. 53-55.
690. W. M. Davis. A tilted-up, beveled-off Atoll. Science (ns). 60. 1924. p. 51-56.
691. W. M. Davis. The formation of the Lesser Antilles. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sc. Wash. 10.
1924. j:>. 205-211.
692. W. M. Davis. Origin of the Lesser Antil1es. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 37. 1926.
p. 22Q-221. .
693. 'William Morris Davis. The Lesser Antilles. American Geogr. Soc. Map of Hispanic
America. Pub!. no. 2. 1926. 207 pp.
694. William Morris Davis. The Coral Reef Problem. American Geogr. Soc. Special
Public. no. 9. New York. 1928. 596 pp. lllustr.
695. Charles Davison. The Kingston Earthquake. Nature. 24. I. 1907. p. 296.
696. T. Davidson. Note on two tertiary species of Brachiopoda from the island of St.
Bartholomew, one of the N. E. West Indian Islands. Geol. Mag. (2). I.
1874. p. 158-159. pl. VIII. fig. 11. ]2.
• 696a. D. T. Day. Mineral Resources of the Antilles, Hawai and the Philippines. Eng.
Mag. 17. 1899. p. 242-251. (teste 1678a).
De Booy. See 375.
• 697. D. F. Deck. Report on certain Mineral Lands in the Island of Jamaica. New
York. 1854. (teste 1486).
698. Emil Deckert. Politische und Geographische Betrachtungen tiber West lndien
unter besonderer Berticksichtigung von Cuba. Geogr. Ztschr. 2. 1896. p. 1--6.
65-81. 129-142.
699. Emil Deckert. Politi.sch Geographische Betrachtungen tiber Westindien. Die
. Jungfeminseln. Geogr. Ztschr. 3. !897. p. 121-137.
700. E. Deckert. Cuba. Velhagen und Clasing. Bielefeld. 1899. 116 pp.
701. EmU Deckert. Die Vulkanausbr.liche des Mt. Pele und der St. Vincent~Soufriere.
Die Umschau. 6. 1902. p. 941-951.
702. Emil Deckert. Die Erdbebenherde und Schtittergebiete von Nord Amerika in
ihren Beziehungen zu den morphologischen Verhaltnissen. Z. Ges. f. Erdk. Berlin.
1902. p. 367-389. pJ. IV-VII.
703. Emil Deckert. Die westindische Vulkankatastrophe und ihre Schauplatze. (Vortrag).
Z. Ges. f. Erdkunde Berlin. 1902. p. 419--427. 3 figs.
704. Emil Deckert. Martinique und sein Vulkanismus. Petem. Mitt. 1902. p. 133-
-136. Map.
704a. Emil Deckert. Die Vulkanausbrtiche von Martinique und St. Vincent. Frankfurter
Ver. Geogr. Jahresber. 66---<>7. 1903. p. 153-156.
705. J. B. Delawarde. Aperyu prehistorique martiniquaise. Bull. Agricole. Serv. de
l'Agric. de Ia Martinique. (ns). 5. 1936. p. 155-171.
jose Isaac Del Corral. See 552-563.
Briere De I'Isle. See 392.
706. F. Dell. Proeve van inlichtingen om trent .... Cura~o uit het oogpunt van den
ingenieur .... Tdschr. Inst. v. Ingen. 1889/90. p. 61--62.
707. Philippe Deschamps. Deuil national. Les cataclysmes de la Martinique. Saint Pierre
etSt. Vincent 8Mai-30 Aoftt 1902. Paris. oct. !902. 207 pp.
708. M. E. Descourtilz. Voyages d'un Naturaliste et ses observations dans les trois
regnes de la Nature, dans plusieurs ports de mer fran~ais, en Espagne, au Con~
tinent de !'Amerique Septentrionale, a St. Yago de Cuba et a St. Domingue.
Paris. 3 val. 1809. oct. I. LXIV and 365 pp. 2. 470 pp. .
709 •. Charles Deville. Lac debitume de Ia Trinite.l'lnstitut. Ire sect. 9. 1841. p. 232-233.


710. Ch. Deville. (Sur l'etat de quelques lles de !'Amerique Tropicale). C. R. Ac. Sc.
Paris. 1!. 184!. p. 983-986.
711. Ch. DevJile. Observations sur le tremblement de terre, eprouve a Ia Guadeloupe
le 8 FE:vrier 1843. Basse Terre. 1843. qu. _52 pp.
712. Deville. Observations sur le tremblement de terre eprouve aux Antilles le 8 fevrier
1843. C. R. Ac. Sc. 17. 1843. p. 1283-1288. .
713. Ch. Sainte Claire Deville. La Soufrihe de la Guadeloupe. Bull. Soc. Philom. de
Paris. 1847. p. 5---B.
714. Ch. (Sainte Claire) Deville. Note sur le gisement de soufre a la soufrihe de la
Guadeloupe. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (2). 4. 1847. p. 428-430.
715. Ch. Sainte Claire DeviJie. (Description d'un carbonate de magn6sie .... de la Guade-
loupe). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (2). 5. 1848. p. 65-B6. .
716. Ch. Deville. Note sur un memoire de M. Duchassaing relatif a des observations sur
le tremblement de terre de la Guadeloupe du 8 fevrier 1843. C. R. Ac. Sc. 27.
1848. p. 294-295.
717. Ch •. Sainte Claire Deville. Voyage geologique aux Antilles, et aux iles de Teneriffe
et de Fogo. qu. (Very rare and incomplete).
718. Cb. Sainte Claire Deville. Memoire sur les roches volcaniques des Antilles. Bull.
Soc. Geol. Fr. (2). 8. 1851. p. 423-430. (
719. Cb. Sainte Claire Deville. Memoire sur les roches volcaniques des Antilles. C. R. If
Ac. Sc. Paris. 32. 185!. p. 673-076.
720. Ch. Sainte Claire Deville. De !'alteration, par voie naturelle et artificielle, des
roches silicatees, au moyen de l'acide sulfhydrique et de la vapeur d'eau. C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 35. 1852. p. 261-264.
721. Ch. St. Claire Deville. Remarques au sujet de la communication de M. Damour.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 5!. 1860. p. 562-563. (Guadeloupe).
722. Ch. Ste Claire Deville. Reflexions au sujet du tremblement de terre, eprouve aux
Antilles le 8 fevrier 1843. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (2). 18. 1861. p. 110-126.
723. Ch. Ste Claire Deville. Sur le tremblement de terre du 18 Novembre 1867 aux
Antilles. C. R. Ac. Sc., 65. 1867. p. 1110-1114.
Ch. Ste Claire Deville. See 1806.
724. Manuel B. Dlaz. Analisis quimica de umi tierra de Vuelta Abajo. Anales Acad.
Ciencias. Habana. 8. 1871. p. 129-130.
/725. Roy E. Dickerson. Mollusca of the Carrizo Creek Beds and their Caribbean affini-
ties. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29. 1918. p. 148. (Abstract).
725a. Roy E. Dickerson._ The Lower Cretaceous as a possible source of oil in Cuba.
Mining aud Metallurgy. Sept. 1937. 4 pp. r photogr.
726. Roy E. Dickerson and W. H. Butt. Cuban Jurassic. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr.
Geologists. 19. 1935. p. 116-118.
727. H. N. Dickson. The eruptions in Martinique and St. Vincent. Geogr. J. 20. 1902.
p. 49---BO.
728. Joseph Silas Diller. Volcanic Rocks of Martinique and St. Vincent, collected by
Robert T. Hill, and Israel C. Russell. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902
p. 285-296.
729. J. S. Diller and George Steiger. Volcanic Dust and Sand from St. Vincent caught
at Sea and the Barbados. Science (ns). 15. 1902. p. 947-950.
• 730. W. Dinwiddie. Physical features of the island (Puerto Rico). Harper:s Weekly .
43. 1899. p. 243. (teste I 1).
• 731. W. Dinwiddie. The great caves of Puerto Rico. Harper's Weekly. 43. 1899 .
p. 293. (teste I I).
732. Edward Divers. Suggested Nature of the Phenomena of the Eruption of Mont
Pelee on July 9, observed by the Royal Society Commission. Nature. 67.
1903. p. 126.
733. A. Faison Dixon. (Oil Development in 1925), in Venezuela and 'the West Indies.
Petroleum Developm. and Technol. in 1926. Publ. by the Amer. Inst. Min. a.
Metal!. Eng. 1927. p. 716-724.
734. Charles Dolley. The Botany of the Bahamas. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1889.
p. 130-134.
• 735. M. K. Domenech. Mineral Resources of Porto Rico. Mines and Minerals: 19 .
1899 p. 529-532. (teste I I).
736. Thomas Donelly. The Copper Deposits of San Cristobal, Santo Domingo. Bull.
Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 104. 1915. p. 1759-1768. 7 figs.
737. Thomas F. Donelly. The Copper Deposits of San Cristobal, Santo Domingo. Trans.
Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 52. 1916. p. 644-056.
• 738. C. W. Dorsey, Mesmer and Caine. Soil Survey from Arecibo to Ponce, Porto Rico .
Report on Field Observ. Bureau of Soils U.S.A. Dept. Agric. 1902. p. 793-039.
map. (teste: Peterm. Mitt. 1904, Lit. Ber. p. 74).

739. Dorvo-Soulastre. Voyage par terre de Santo Domingo ..... au Cap Franyais .....
suivi d'un Rapport sur l'etat actuel des mines de la Colonie espagnole, traduit
de Don Juan Nieto, Mineralogiste deS. M. Catholique. Paris. 1809. oct. 408 pp.
740. H. Douvme. Etude sur les Rudistes. Revision des principales especes d'Hippurites.
4me partie. Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 4. M6m. 6. 1894. pl. v1-x.

/6 741.

H. Douville. Sur l'age des couches traversees par Ie canal de Panama. Bull. Soc.
Geol. de Fr. (3). 2f 1898. p. 587-600.
H. Douville. Les Orbitoides de l'ile de Ia Trinite. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 161. 1915.
p. 87-93.
743. H. Douville. Les Orbitoides de l'ile de la Trinite. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 164. 1917.
p. 841-647.
744. H. Douville. Orbito'ides de Ja Jamalque. Pseudorbitoides Trechmanni nov. gen.,
nov. sp. C. R. sommaire des seances dela Soc. Geol. de France. 1922. p. 203-204.
745. H. Douvfl1e. Quelques observations sur le sous-genre H61icolepidina. Eel. Geol.
Helv. 17. 1923. p. 566-569. 2 figs.
746. H. Douville. Les Orbitoides et leur evolution en Amerique. Bull. S. G6ol. Fr. (4).
23. 1923. p. 369-376. pl. xm. 4 figs.
747. Henri Douville. Revision des Lepidocyclines. Mem. Soc. GOOI. Fr. (ns). 2. 1924.
Preinihe partie. 49 pp. II pls.
748. H. Douville. Quelques fossiles du Cretace Superieur de Cuba. Bull. S. Geoi. Fr. (4).
26. 1926. p. 127-138. pl. Vll. Vlll.
749. H. Douvflle. Nouveaux Rudistes du cretace de Cuba. Bull. S. G€ol. Fr. (4). 27,
1927. p. 49-56. pl. IV.
750. R. Douville. Sur la variation des Foraminifetes du genre Upidocyclina. Bull. Soc.
Geol. Fr. (4). 7. 1907. p. 51-57.
751. R. Douville. Sur des Lepidocyclines nouvelles. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (4). 7. 1907.
p. 307-313. pl. x.
R. Douville. See 1400.
752. G. Harold Drew. Report on investigations on Marine Bacteria, carried out at
Andros Island, Bahamas, B. W. 1., in May 1912. Yearb. Carn. lnst. Wash. 11.
1912. 1913. p. 136-144.
753. G. H. Drew. On the precipitation of Calcium Carbonate in the sea by Marine
Bacteria.... Public. Carn. lust. Wash. 182. (Papers from Tortugas Labor. 5).
1914. p. 7-45.
754. Dublanc Laborde. Sur !'existence de blocs calcaires metamorphoses dans les tuffs
ponceux de la Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris 154.-1912. p. 824-826.
755. G. Du Bois. Die Bitumen von Barbados. Z. f. Prakt. Geoi.. 1899. p. 397.
756. Duchassaing. Sur la formation des recifs madr6poriques qui entourent l'Ue de la
Guadeloupe et sur leur prompte reproduction. Bull. S. G6ol. Fr. (2). 2. 1845.
p. 663-664.
757. P. Duchassalng. Essai sur la· constitution geologique de la Guadeloupe. Bull. S.
Geol. Fr. (2). 4. 1846. p. 1093-1100.
758. Duchassalng. Sur le trembl~ment de terre qui a eu lieu ala Guadeloupe le 8 Fevrier
1843. C. R. Ac. Sc. Pans. 27. 1848. p. 190-191.
759. Peter Duchassaing. Geologische Beschaffenheit des niederen Theiles von Guade-
loupe, genannt Grande Terre. Neues Jahrb. f. Min. etc. 1849. p. 513-520.
760. P." Duchassaing. Observations sur les formations modernes de la Guadeloupe.
Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (2). 12. 1855. p. 753-759.
761. P. Duchassalng et J. Michelotti. Memoire sur les coralliaires des Antilles. Mem. Ace.
delle Scienze de Torino. (2). 19. 1861. p. 279-365. pl. I-X.
762. P. Duchassaing de Fombressln et Jean Michelotti. Supplement au Memoire sur les
Coralliaires. Mem. Ace. delle Scienze de Torino. (2). 23.- 1866. p. 97-206.
pl. I-IX.
763. Edith Duchiteau-Roger. Une histoire vecue des cataclysmes de la Martinique.
(1891-1902). Lille. 1904. oct. 225 pp. illustr.
L. Trelles Duelo. See 2224.
764. J. Du Fief. Une catastrophe aux Petites Antilles. Bull. Soc. Royale Beige de
Geogr. Brux. 26. 1902. p. 209-251. (maps).
765. Dufrenoy. Analyse chimique des cendres du-volcan de la Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc.
Paris. 4. 1837. p. 746-749.
766. Dufrfnoy. Nature mineralogique et composition chimique des cendres, lanc6es par
deux volcans de !'Amerique tropicale. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 6. 1838. p. 174-178.
767. Dufrenoy, Elie de Beaumont, Joly et Mercier. Notice sur la soufriere de la
Guadeloupe. Ann. d. Mines. 14. 1848. p. 107-138.
• 768. Mme Dujon. Recit d'une survivante de Ia catastrophe de la Montagne Pelee. 10
pp. (teste 1351).
'" '





769. Dumontler. Bijdrage tot de kennis der geologische gesteldheid van bet eiland
CurafTaO. Versl. en Meded. Kon. Akad. v. Wet. Amsterdam. Afd. Natuurk.
8, 1858. p. 287-307.
770. P. Martin Duncan. Note on the fossil corals accompanying the Testacea from
Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 19. 1863. p. 513-514.
771. P. Martin Duncan. On the Fossil Corals of the West Indies. Qu. ]. Geol. Soc.
London. 19. 1863. p. 405-458. pl. XIII-XVI. 20. 1864. p. 20---44. pl. II-V. p.
353-374. 24. 1868. p. 9-33. pl. I. II.
772. M. DUncan. On the correlation of the miocene beds of the West Indian islands;
and on the synchronism of the chert-formation of Antigua with the Lowest
Limestone of Malta. Geol. Mag. I. 1864. p. 97-102.
773. P. Martin Duncan. On the genus Heterophyllia. Battersbya, Palaeocyclus, and
Asterosmilia; the anatomy of their species, and their position in the classification
of the Sclerodermic Zoantharia. Philos. Trans. 157. 1867. p. 64~56. pl. XXXI.
XXXII. (Hispaniola).
774. P. Martin Duncan. On the Older Tertiary Formations of the West Indian Islands.
Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 29. 1873. p. 548-565. pl. XIX-XXII.
775. P. Martin Duncan and 6. P. Wall. A notice of the geology of Jamaica, especially
with reference to the district of Clarendon; with descriptions of the Cretaceous,
Eocene and Miocene Corals of the Island. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 21. 1865.
p. J-15. pJ. I. II.
776. Admiral Earl of Dundonald. Notes on the Mineralogy of the British West Indian
Islands ..... London. 1851. VIII and 128 pp.
777. Earl. of Dundonald (Thomas Cochrane). Brief Extracts from Memoranda on the
Use, Properties, and Products of the Bitumen and Petroleum of Trinidad. Lon-
don. fol. 1857. 14 pp. maps.
• 778. W. R. Dunstan. Trinidad Petroleum. Report on a second consignment of Petroleum
from the Mayaro-Guayaguayare District. Trinidad. 1905. fol. 4 pp. (teste
779. Dupuget. Extrait d'un memoire du citoyen Dupuget, intitule: Coup d'oeil rapide
sur la Physique generale et Ia Miner~logie des Antilles. Journal des Mines. 3.
no. 18. An iv. p. 43-60.
780. Le R. P. jean Baptiste Du Tertre. Histoire generale des isles de S. Christophe,
de la Guadeloupe et de la Martinique ... Paris. qu. 1654. 481 et 11 pp. Maps.
781. Le R. P. du Tertre. Histoire generale des Antilles habitees par les Fran~is.
Paris. 1667-1671. 4 Tomes en trois Volumes. qu. Maps.
* 782. Dutrouleau et 6onnet. Relation medico-chirurgicale du tremblement de terre de
la Pointe 8. Pitre. 8 Fevrier 1843. Ann. Marit. et Coloniales. Paris. 1844. (teste 1772).
783. G. Duyfjes. Het mijnbouwkundig geologisch onderzoek van de kolonie Curac;ao
in 1908. Koloniaal Verslag. 1909. Curac;ao. Bijlage Q. 3 pp. (Landsdrukk~rij,
The Hague).
784. G. Duyfjes. Het mijnbouwkundig geologisch onderzoek van de kolonie Curayao
in 1909. Koloniaal Verslag. 1910. Bijlage S. 1 pp. (Landsdrukkerij, The Hague).
785. 6. Duyfjes. Rapport betreffende het voorkomen van phosphaten op de eilanden
Curayao, Aruba, Bonaire. Koloniaal Verslag. 1910. Bijlage S'. 5 pp. (Lands-
drukkerij, The Hague).
786. G. Duyfjes. Het mijnbouwkundig geologisch onderzoek van de kolonie Curayao
in 1910. Koloniaal Verslag. 1911. Cura~ao. Bijlage R. 1 pp. (Landsdrukkerij,
The Hague).
787. G. Duyfjes. De Mijnen in Aruba. Neerlandia. 15. 1911. p. 277-280.
788. G. Duyfjes. De watervoorziening van de Benedenwindsche eilanden van _de
kolonie Curayao. De lngenieur. 29. 1914. p. 225-228.
789. G. D~yfjes. ,.Goudindustrie" (on Aruba). Encyclopaedie van Nederl. West-lndi€
Leiden-The Hague. 1914-1917. p. 318-320.
G. Duyljes. See no. 168. .
790. K. W. Earle. Report on the geology of Antigua. Government Fr. Off. Leeward
Islands. Antigua. 1928, 28 pp.
• 791. K. W. Earle. The geology of St. Lucia. Geol. Surv. of the Windward and Leeward
islands. Suppl. to St. Lucia Gazette. Gvt. Pr. Off. Castries. St. Lncia. 1924. p.
107-111. (teste K. W. Earle).
792. K. W, Earle. The geology of St. Vincent and the neighbouring Grenadines. Geol.
Survey of the Windward and Leeward Island. Gvt. Pr. Off. Kingston. St. Vincent.
1924. Reprinted 1928. 8 pp.
794. K. W. Earle. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the Windward and Leeward
Islands, Rep. Brit. Ass. Advanc. Sc. 93d yaer. Liverpool. 1923 (1924). p. 446.
795. K. W. Earle. Geological Survey of Grenada and the (Grenada) Grenadines. Gvt.
Pr. Off. St. George. Grenada. 1924. 9 pp.

796. K. W. Earle. The Geology of the British Virgin Islands. Geol. Mag. 61. 1924.
·P· 339-351
* 797. ·Kenneth W. Earle. Reports on the Geology of St. Kitts-Nevis B. W. I. and the
Geology of Anguilla, B. W. I. Published by the Crown Agents for the Colonies.
(1924). 50 pp. (teste K. W. Earle).
798. K. W. Earle. The geology of the West Indies. Geol. Mag. 64. 1927. p. 191-192.
799. K. W. Earle. Geological Notes on the island of Dominica-. B. W. I. Geol. Mag.
65. 1928. p. 169-187.
800. K. W. Earle. Brimstone Hill. St. Kitts. GeoL Mag. 69. 1932. p. 335. (St. Kitts).
* 800a. Edwin Clarence Eckel. Preliminary report on the mineral development of Puerto
Rico. Rev. Obras Pub!. de Puerto Rico 12. 1935. p. 898-900. (teste 2!50b).
Patricia G. Edwards. See no. 649. 650.
801. Baron H. F. A. Eggers. The Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. Bull. U.S.
Nat. Mus. 13. 1879. 133 pp.
802. Baron H. Eggers. Reise in das Innere von Sto. Domingo. Peterm. Mitt. 34. 1888.
p. 35--41.
803. H. Eggers. Die Bahama Inseln. Globus. 62. 1892. p. 209-214.
804. H. von Eggers. Tobago. Deutsche Geogr. Blatter. 16. 1893. p. 1-20.
* 804a. Justo Egqzcue r. Cia. Descripci6n de algunas piezas fosiles corespondientes a
grandes mamderos de America. An. Ac. Habana. 8. 1872. p. 627-634. (teste
Justo Egozcue y Cia. See 582.
805. C. 6. Ehrenberg. (Ueber eine halobiolithische, von Herrn- R. Schomburgk ent-
deckte, vorherrschend aus miskroskopischen Polycystinen gebildete Gebirgs-
masse von Barbados). Ber. lib. d. Verb. d. Kgl. Preuss. Ak. d. Wiss. Berlin. 1846.
p. 382-385.
806. Ehrenberg. Sur les d6pouilles d'infusoires que presente une roche de la Barbade.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 25. 1847. p. 99-100.
807. C. G. Ehrenberg. (Ueber die mikroskopischen kieselschaligen Polycystinen als
machtige Gebirgsmasse von Barbados etc.). Ber. lib. die Verb. der Kgl. Preuss.
Ak. Wiss. Berlin. 1847. p. 41J---.{;O. I pl.
808. Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Mikrogeologie. Berlin. 1854. fo1. 362 and 32 pp.
XL pls.
809. C. G. Ehrenberg. (Vorlegung ·grOsserer Felsproben Polycystinen-Mergels von
Barbados etc. Namensverzeichniss der fossilen Polycystinen von Barbados).
Monatsber. Preuss. Ak. Wiss. Berlin. 1873 (1874). p. 213-263.
810. C. 6. Ehrenberg. Fortsetzung der mikrogeologischen Studien als Gesamt-Ueber-
sicht der mikroskopischen PaHiontologie ... , . mit spezieller Riicksicht auf
die Polycystinen-Mergel von Barbados. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. 1875 {1876).
Phys. Kl. p. 1-226. xxx pis.
* 811. joaquin Eizaguirre. Noticias sabre las minas de oro, de la sierra de Luquillo.
Boletin oficial de minas. (? Habana). 1844. (teste 482).
* 812. joaquin Elzaguirre. Estado de la Industria min6ra. Boletin oficial de Minas.
(? Habana). 1844. (teste 482).
813. W. R. Elliott. (Earthquake in Dominica). Natnre. 47. 1893. p. 562-563.
814. A. B. Ellis. The great Earthquake of Port Royal. Popular Science Monthly.
40. 1902. p. 774-784.
815. Brooks Flemfng Ellis. Gallowayina browni, a new genus and species of Orbitoid
from Cuba, with notes on the American occurrence of Omphalocyclus macropora.
Amer. Mus. Novitates. 568. 1932. 8 pp. 9 figs.
816. R. W. Ells. Notes on the geology of the islands of Barbados and Trinidad. Proc.
and Trans. Royal Soc. Canada. (3). I. sect. 4. 1907 (1908). p. 115-130.
* 816a. Robert Wheelock Ells. Notes on the geology of Trinidad and Barbados. B. W. I.
Ottawa Nat. 23. 1907. p. 73-79. (teste 1678a). ·
* 817. R. w. Ells. Trinidad and Barbados. Trans. Min. Soc. Nov. Scotia. 16. 1911. p.
129-145. (teste 674).
* 817a. R. W. Ells. The oil fields and bitumes of Trinidad and Barbados. J. Min. Soc.
Nova Scotia. 16. 1911. p. 129-145. (teste 1678a).
8t7b. Edward H. Emerson. Geologia de las Minas (Cobre). Bol. de Minas. Habana. 4.
1918. p. 47-51. (In: 20).
818. R. H. Emtage. (Manjak in Barbados). Journ. Soc. of Arts. London. 52. 1904. p.
* 819. F. M. Endlich. Tne island of Dominica. Amer. Naturalist. 14. 1880. p. 761-772.
(teste 2086).
820. G. P. Engelhardt. The Bahamas; coral reefs and coral islands. The Brooklyn
Museum Quarterly. I. 4. 1915. p. 201-215. photogrs.
T. M. Savage English. See 1949. !950.

821. C. T. Epp. Verslag van een onderzoek naar voor de industrie belangrijke mineralen
op bet eiland Aruba. Nederl. Staatscourant. Kolon. Verslag. 1885. IlL Curayao.
Bijlage B. I p. 1886.
• 822. E. M. (Erwart). La caWtrophe volcanique du 8 Mai 1902. 14 pp. brochure, rl:impri-
rnee, avec additions, d'un article dans le Journal official de la Guyane franyaise.
Cayenne. 1902. (teste 1351).
• 823. Miguel Estorch. Apuntes para la Historia sobre el Terremoto que tuvo Iugar _en
Santiago de Cuba y otros puntos el dia 20 de Agosto de 1852, y temblores siguien-
tes. Habana o Santiago. ? 1852. (teste 1772).
824. Esteban Duque de Estrada. Observaciones sobre el infonne emitido-por Ia Sociedad
Cubana de Ingenieros, referente al terremoto que al dia 3 de Febrero de 1932
destruy6los edificios de la ciudad de Santiago-de Cuba. Revista Soc. Ing. Habana.
25. 1933. p. 261-264.
825. Robert Etheridge. On the Occurrence of animal fossils, with a list of Genera. In:
Waii-Sawkins. Geol. of Trinidad. (no. 2331). 1860, p. 161-166.
826. Robert Etheridge~ Appendix v to the Geol. Surv. of Jamaica, and Summary of
the Palaeontology of the Caribbean Area. In: Sawkins. Reports .... Jamaica.
(no. 1952). 1869. p. 306-339.
Jose Marla Solano y Eulate. See 2027a.
J. W. Evans. See 148.
F. Sterns Fadelie. See 2085. 2086.
827. J. D. Falconer. Evolution of the Antilles. Scott. Geogr. Mag. 18. 1902. p. 369-376.
I pl.
J. D. Falconer. See 2132.
828. Faujas-Salnt-Fond. (Communications sur la .geologie de la Guadeloupe ... ) . Ann.
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. v. An. XIII. (1804). p. 403----404.
• 829. R. J. fayers. Letter conCerning the earthquake in te West Indies. Jameson's
Joumal. 35. 1843. p. 180. (teste 1772).
830. H. W. Fellden. Birds of Barbados. The Ibis. 1889. p. 477-503. (Reprint: West
Indian Bull. 3. 1902. p. 334-352).
• 830a. johannes Felix.. Studien tiberfossile HOlz~r. Leipzig 1882.83 pp. 4 figs. (teste 1173).
831. J. Felix. Die fossilen HOlzer Westindiens. Samml. PaHiont. Abh. I. 1. 1883. 29
pp. v pis.
832. G. Fel$. Ein Anorthitauswiirfling von der Insel St .. Christopher. Z. f. Kryst. 37.
1903. p. 450---460.
833. C. N. Fenner. A geological reconnaissance of Porto Rico. ] . Wash. A c. Sc. 5.
1915. p. 488.
• 834. E. 6. W. Ferguson. The Mineral Resources of Haiti, West Indies. Mining World .
31. 1909. p. 133-135. (teste 2298).
835. William Ferguson. Extract from Inspection. Report of the Island of Trinidad,
made in the year 1816. Transact. Royal Soc. Edinb. 9. 1821. p. 93-96.
Fernandez de Castro. See 106. 468--491.
836. B. E. Fernow. The high Sierra Maestra. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 39. 1907. p.
• 837. Miguel Rodriguez Ferrer. Del Archipielago de las Antillas y de si Cuba estuvo
unida o no al Continente Norteamericano. Revista de Espafta. 19. 1871.
p. 332. (teste II).
• 838. Ferrer. Estudips fisicos, geograficos y Cuba. Revista de Espaiia. 22 .
1871. p. 88. (teste ? ?). .
• 838a. Miguel Rodriguez Ferrer. La isla de Cuba·estuvo unida un dia al continente ameri-
cana. Int. Congr. Americanistas. Madrid. 1881. Aetas. 1882. 1. p. 95-113.
(teste 1678a).
839. Charles R. Fettke. Magnetite Deposits of Eastern Porto Rico. :Mining and Metal-
lurgy. 5. 1924. p. 195-196.
840. Charles R. Fettke. The Geology of the Humacao di~trict, Porto Rico. New York
Ac. Sc. Scient. Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin lsi. 2. 2. 1924. p. 115-197.
map. sections etc.
841. Charles R. Fettke. Magnetite deposits of Eastern Porto Rico. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 70. 1924. p. 1024-1042. (2 sketch-maps).
. 842. Charles R. Fettke and Bela Hubbard. The limonite depbsits of Mayaguez, Porto
·Rico. Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 135. 1918. p. 661-B76. Sketchmap. 5
photogrs. .
843. C. R. Fettke and Bela Hubbard. Limonite deposits of Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Trans.
Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 61. 1920. p. 97-112.
• 844. Le P. Louis Feulllee. Journal des observations phy"siques, mathematiques et
botaniques faites par ordre du Roi sur les cOtes orientales de I' Amerique meri-
dionale et aux lndes occidentales. Paris. 3 vol. 1725. (Martinique, teste 1351).

845. J. Walter Fewkes. Prehistoric Porto Rico. Science (ns). 16. 1902. p. 94-109.
846. J. Walter F~wkes,. The Cave Dwellings of_ the Old and New World. Amencan
Anthropologist. (ns). 12. 1910. p. 390-416. .j
847. Richard M. Field. The great Bahamas Bank. Studies in marine carbonate sedi-
ments. Am. J. Sc. (5). 16. !928. p. 239-246. · I
• 848. R. M. Field. Suggestions as to the study of marine sediments. Canadian Field
Naturalist. 1928. p. 119-122. (teste 2428).
R. M. Field. Geology of the Bahamas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 42. 1931. p.
193-194. (Abstract). .
Richard M. Field, c.s. Geology of the Bahamas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 42. 1931.
p. 759-784. Maps. Photogrs.
Richard M. Field. Microbiology and _the marine limestone. Trans. Amer. Geoph.
Union. 13th .Annual Meeting. 1932. p. 230--232. (Bahamas).
852. R. M. Field. Microbiology and the marine limestones. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 43.
1932. p. 142-143. (Abstract). (Bahamas).
853. R. M. Field. Map showing the seismic epicentres, sonic soundings and gravity
stations in the West Indies and contiguous areas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 44.
1933. p. 34-85. (Abstract, without map! I). .
854. R. M.. Field. Gravity exploration in Cuba. Science. (ns). 78. 1933. p. 7.
855. R. M. -Field. Ecology of calcareous sediments in.the West Indies. Proc. Geol. Soc.
Amer. for 1933. 1934. p. 359 (Abstract). ·
856. R•chard M. Field and Harry Hammond Hess. A Bore-Hole in the Bahamas.
Trans. Amer. Geoph. Union. 14th Meeting. 1933. p. 234-235.
857. R. M. FJeld and H. H. Hess. Borehole in the Bahamas. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer.
44. 1933. p. 85. (Abstract).
A. Vesa y Fllart. See 2317. 2318.
858. Camille Flammarfon. Le cataclysme de la Martinique. Bull. Soc. Astr. de France.
16. 1902. p. 297-315. 345-361. 397-408. (photogrs.).
859. Camille Flammarion. Les eruptions volcaniques et les tremblements de terre.
Krakatoa, La Martinique, Espagne et ltalie. Paris. oct. 1902. 433 pp.
860. John Smith Flett. Note on a preliminary examination of the ash that fell on Bar-
bados after the eruption at St. Vincent (West Indies), with a chemical analysis
by Dr. William Pollard. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 58. !902. p. 369-370.
• 860a. John Flett. The volcanic eruptions in the West Indies. West. India Comm. Circular
vol. 19. no. 117. 1904. p. 60----62. (teste J. Flett, written communication).
861. john Smith Flett. Petrographical Notes on the Products of the Eruptions of
May 1902 at the Soufrihe in St. Vincent. Philos. Transact. A. 208. 1908 p.
305-332. pl. XXVI. XXVII.
862. J. Flett. Pelean eruptions. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc. 12. 1932. p. 169.
john S. Flett. See no. 59. 60. 61. 62.
863. Fleury. Notice sur un conglom6rat coquiller observe a Saint Martin (Antilles). Bull.
Soc. Geol. France. (2). 7. 1850. p. 636-643.
Fonteltlau. See no. 50.
864. E. Forbes. Description of some new fossil shells from Bissexhill and Springfield
in Barbados. In: R. H. Schomburgk. History of Barbados. 1847. (no. 1870).
p. 565-567. figs. 1-5. ·
864a. E. Forbes. Description of some new fossil shells from Bissex Hill and Springfield
in Barbados. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2). 1.1848. p. 347-349. 5figs. (communicated
by Sir Robert Schomburgkh).
865. F. A. Fore]. Bruits sOuterrains entendus le 26 AoUt 1883 dans l'ilot de Caiman
Brae, mer des Caraibes. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 100. 1885. p. 755--758.
866. F. A. Forel. Le cercle de Bishop, couronne solaire de 1903. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
137. 1903. c.p. 380--382.
867. F. A. Foret. Le cercle de Bishop de 1902-1904. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 138.
1904. p. 688-690.
868. F. A. Forel. ·Le cercle de Bishop de la Montagne Pelee, de la Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 140. 1905. p. 694-695.
868a. W. R. forrest. Sketch of Physical History and Development of Antigua. Gvt.
Printing Off. Leeward Is!. 1935. 10 pp.
C. I. Forsyth Major. See 1464.
869. Fougeroux. (Sur les secousses de tremblements de ter~e. ress~nties a Ia Guadeloupe,
et sur le volcan de cette tle). Hist. (et M6moires) de 1' Acad. Royale des Sc. 1767.
p. 24-26.
• 870. W. Fowle. General account of the calamities occasioned by the late tremendous
Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the West India Islands etc. London. oct. 1781.
(teste 1772).
f!''' .



.•. 871. E. Francis. On a Chemical examination Of the specimens from the recently discove-
red coal deposits at Williamsville and Montserrat. Proc. -Sc. Ass. Trinidad. 2.
1877. p. 125-134. (teste 1394).
872. 6. F. Franks and J. B. Harrl~on. The globigerina marls (and basal reef rocks)
of Brucbados. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. Londm1. 54. 1898. p. 540--550.
873. (P.) Frazer. (Geology of East Cuba). Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 25. 1888. p. 123--124.
874. P~rslfor Frazer. Archean characters of the rocks of the nucleal range of the Antilles.
Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 58th meeting. Bath. 1888 (1889). p. 654-655.
875. PersJfor Frazer. Archean characters of the nuclei of the Antilles. The American
Geologist. 21. 1898. p. 250--251.
876. Persifor Frazer. History of the Caribbean Islands from a petrographic point of
view. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia. 55. 1903. p. 396-400.
877. Persllor Frazer. History of the Caribbean Islands. J. Geol. I L 1903. p. 126-130.
.• 878. Captain Freeman. The awful doom of St. Pierre. Pearson's Magaz. Sept. 1902. p .
316. (teste 61).
879. (Immanuel Frledliinder). Nachrichtendienst tiber vulkanische Ereignisse 1929 und
1930. Z.f. Vulkanologie. 13. 1930/1. p. 56-BO. 114-121. 251-258.
880. Froger. Relation d'un voyage fait en 1695, 1696 et 1697 aux C6tes d'Afrique,
Detroit de Magellan, Bresil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles. Amsterdam. 1699. 227 pp.
881. C. W. C. Fuchs. Statistik der Erdbeben 1865-1885. Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien.
Mathern. Natw. CL 91. I. 1885. p. 215-625. (West India p. 578--:-585).
• 881a. Dingley P. Fuge. A note on Diatoms in general, and the fossil Diatoms of Bar-
bados in particular. Barbados Museum Soc. Journ. 1. 1934. p. 85-89. I pl.
(teste 2150a).
882. M. L. Fuller. Notes on the hydrology of Cuba. Water Supply Papers and Irrigation
Papers. U. S. GeoL Surv. llO. 1904 (1905). p. 183--199.
883. Myron L. Ful1er. Notes on the Jamaica earthquake. ]. Geol. 15. 1907. p. 696
884. W. M. Gabb. Notes on the geology of Santo Domingo. Am. J. Sc. (3). I.
·1871. p. 252-255.
885. William Gabb. Description of some new. genera of Mollusca. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc.
Phi1ad. 1872. p. 270--274.
886. W. M. Gabb. On the occurrence of Petroleum in the Island of Santo Domingo.
Am. J. Sc. (3). 3. 1872. p. 481.
887. W. M. Gabb. (Miocene fossils in San Domingo). Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1872
(1873). p. 571-572.
888. W. M. Gabb. Notes on the island of Cura~ao. (Letter to]. D. Dana). Am. J. Sc.
(3). 5. 1873. p. 382-383.
889. William M•. 6abb. On the Topography and Geology of Santo Domingo. Trans.
Amer. Philos. Soc. (ns.). 15. 1873. p. 49-259. 2 maps.
890. W. M. Gabb. Notes on West Indian Fossils. Geol. Mag. (2). 2. 1875. p. 544. (Santo
891. William M. Gab b. Description of Caribbean Miocene Fossils. J. Acad. N. Sc. Philad.
(2). 8. 1881. p. 337-348. pl. XLIV. XLV. (Santo Domingo).
892. Wrn. M. Gabb. Description of new species of fossils from the Pliocene Clay Beds
between Lim6n and Moen, Costa, Rica, together with Notes on previously
known Species from there and elsewhere in the Caribbean Area. J. Ac. Nat. Sc.
Philad. (2) 8. 1881. p. 349-380. pl. XLV-XLVII.
• 893. W. M. Oabb. Informes presentados al Gobierno Dominicano por el profes6r William
M. Gabb, acerca del examen jeolojico del territorio de la Republica Dominicana
en los aiios 1869-1871. Revista de Agric. Aiio 5. 1910. no. II. pp. 1-64. no.
12. p. 65-92. Santo Domingo (teste 2298).
894. Henri Galeottl. Aperyu geognostique sur les em.irons de la Havane. BUll. Ac.
Royale Bruxelles. 8. 184 L p. 405-417. geol. map.
895. Enrique Ga1eotti. Geognosia de los alrededores de la Habana. Anales Acad.
Ciencias Habana. 27. 1890. p. 119-126. (traducido del Bull. Scient. de Geneve
8. 1837).
896. L. Gallois. L'eruption volcanique de la Martinique. Ann. de Geogr. 11. 1902. p.
289-294. pl. VIII-XI.
• 897. Pio Oaltes. Memoria sobre unos fosiles vegetales encontrados en el Chorillo (Puerto
Principe). Univ. Habana. Revista de la Facult. Letras y Ciendas. 12. 1911. 189-.
209 (teste 1 ). Also Puerto Principe 1887. qu. 28 pp. (teste 1173).
Ram6n Gandia Cordova. See: 548. 548a-e.
898. Henry Gannett. A gazetteer of Porto Rico. Bull. U. St. Geol. S. 183. 1901. 51 pp.
899. Julia Gardner. Coastal plain and European Miocene and Pliocene Mollusks. Bull.
Geol. Soc. America. 35. 1924. p. 175. 857-865.


. * -900~ , Preston E! Garner. A-geographic reconnaissance of Trinidad. Economic Geography .

.3 .. 1~27 .. p. 125-.13.4. (teste 13.94).
901. jules Garnier. Les volcans de la Gua4eloupe. Rev11e Scientifique. (4}. 18. 1902.
\- . . p.ll9-!20. . . .
902. F. C._ Garrett. A.n ~~amio.ation of some bib~_minO"I;J.S mineJ;"als. J. Soc. Chern. Ind.
;31 . .1912 .. p .. 3.14-3.17. . ..
·!io:i. F.: Lynwood Garrison. Gold in Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining J. 79. 1905. p. 1128-
. 113.0. 5 photogrs. .
904. Lynwo_od Garrison. The island of Santo Domingo, its natural resources and their
prospective development. Cassier's Magazine .. 30_. 1906~ p. _395--412. 14 photo-
·grs. map.
* 905. F. Lynwoo_d Garrison. Metallic Sulphides in t_he Tuffs of Santo Domingo. Mining
_and Sci~ntific Press. Sept. 7. 1907. (teste 2298} .
. i ~06. f. Lynwood Garrison. Gold Mining in Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining J. 84. 1907.
p. 490'--492. 5 photogrs.
907. F. Lynwood Garrison. The CQpper deposits of San CriStobal, Santo Domingo.
Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eqg. 108. 1915. p. 2473-2474. .
908. ·F. L. Garrison. The Minerals of Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining. J. 99. 1915. p.
. 641..-644. 3 figs.
909. E. ~. __ Je _Garston. Mineral.resources of the Dominican Republic. Mining Journal.
83. !908.. p. 682. . . . .
910. E. _M. de Garston. Mineral resources of the Dominican Republic. Board of Trade
J. 91.. 1908. p. 450'--452. . .
'911. RamO-n GastOn. Resefia sabre la mineria en el distrito minero de Pinar del Rio
'durante el segundo seme!:;tre de 1916. Bol-. de Minas. Habana. 3. 1917. p. 4-14.
912. Ludovlc Gau,rler. Etat ~ct_uel des Volcans d~s Antilles franyaises. La Geographie.
(Bu.U. S.oc. deG~ogr.). 3.2. 1918. p. 246-248. .
9-13. Eugene Gaussoin: Memoir on the island· of Navassa, West India. Baltimore. oct.
. 1866 ...32 pp.
9t.i. Eugene Gaussoin. Memoir on the island of Navassa, West India. Am. J. Sc. (2)
. . ~2. 1866 .. P· 439.
915. Armand Gautier. Sur l'origine des gaz etle IT!ecanisme d,es phenoiJ1enes volcaniques.
Bull. Soc. Chim. Paris. 29. 1903. p. 191-197. ·
916. Armand Gautier. A propos de la composition des _gaz des futp.erolles du Mont Pele.
Remarq_11es sur l'origi_ne des phenomenes volcaniques. C. ~- Ac. Sc. 136. 1903.
p. 16-20. . .
-916a. ;E, Gelnitz. OPer die _vu1canischen Ereignisse von Martinique und St. V~ncent.
Arch. Ver. Freunde Niturg. Mecklenburg. 56. 1902. p. xxxvn_-LII.
917. F. A. Genth. (Discovery of Rhodium gold in San Domingo). Proc. Amer. Philos.
Soc. II. 1870. (1871). p. 438'--439.
918. · Louis Gentil. (Sur !'eruption de Ia Montagne Pelee). Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (4). 2. 1902.
p. 320--321.
* 919. R. Gentil et H. Chauvet. Grande geographie de l'ile d'Haiti. Paris. 1896. 384 pp. 7
, (teste 2298). · ~ ·
928.- de -Genton. Essai de Mineralogie de l'isle de Saint Domingue dans la partie franw
c;ai~e. Journ. de Physique. Paris. 31. 1787. p. 173-177 .
. ·-<&cy92J' Georg Gerland. Der Ausbruch der Montagne Pelee auf Martinique. Deutsche
-~ Rundschau. 112. 1902. p. 425-439.
922. H. Gerth. Die Bedeutung der tertiaren Riffkorallenfauna des malayischen Archipels
fiir die Entwicklung der -Iebenden RiffwFauna im indopazifischen und atlan-
tischen Gebiet. Verh. Geol. Mijnb. Genootschap. Geol. Serie. 8. 1925. p. 173-190.
· -(Verbeek-Gedenkboek).
923. H. Gerth. De -verspreiding en de jonge ouderdorri der koraalriffen in den Atlanw
tischen Oceaan- buiten West Indie. Vakblad voor Biologen. 7. 1925/6. p.
68-72. .
924; H. Gerth. zur Kenntnis-der mesozoischen Korallenfaunen von Si.idamerika.
Liidsche Geol. Meded. 3. 1928. p. 1-16. pl. i. (Curas:ao).
. 924a. H. Gerth. The evolution of reef corals during the Cenozoic Period. 4th Pacific Sc .
Congr. Batavia. 1929 (1930). 2A. p. 333-350.
925. H. Gerth. The distribution and evolution of the larger For:aminifera in the Ter-
tiary Sediments. Proc. Akad. Wet. Arnst. 3.8. 1935. p. 455-461.
925a. Wilhelmina A. E. van de Geyn and I. M. van der Vlerk. A monograph of the Or-
bitoididae occurring in the Tertiary of America compiled in connexion with an
examination of a collection of Larger Foraminifera from Trinidad. Leidsche
Geol. Meded. 7. 1935. p. 221-272. vr pis.

926. G. K. Gilbert. The mechanism of the Mont Pele Spine. Science (ns). 19. 1904.
p. 927-928.
927. G. K. Gilbert. A case of plagiarism. S.cience (ns). 20. !904. p .. 115---116.
928. H. Gi1bert. Uber das Vorkommen von Chrom und J od in Phosphaten. z. f. Prakt.
Geol. 1895. p. 92--93. (Also: Z. f. angew. Chemie. !894. p. 742). (Aruba).
929. P. L. Glle. (Soils and Bat Guanos). _Annual Report of the Porto Rico Agric. Exp.
Station for 1908. 1909. p, 29-31.
930. P. L. Glle. The Red sandy soil of Pueblo Viejo and ~yam6n. Ann. _RepOrt Porto
. Rico Agric. Exp. Station for 19!2. 1913. p. 19--21. .
931 •. P. L. Glle and C. N. Ageton. The red clay soil of Porto Rico. Bull. Porto Rico
Agric. Exp. Stat. 14. 1914. 24 pp.
932. P. L. Glle and J. 0. Carrero. The Bat guanos otPorto Rico and their-fertilizing
value. Bull. Porto Rico Agric. Exp. St. 25. 1918. 66 pp.
• 933. f, K. Gillespie. The r~aJ facts. as _to the Cuban. petroleum situation. Oil, Paint and
Drug Reporter July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. 1917. (teste ?).
934. H. Gillot. Sur la composition chimique des pQussiet;'es volcaniques de la Martinique.
;\.nn. Soc. Geol. de Belgique. 30. 1902/3. B. p. 49--51.
935. Antonio Pastor Giraud. A proposito de los manantiales de_ Vento. Mern. Soc. Cubana
Hist. Nat. I. 1915. p. 244-258. .
936. AntonfQ Past_or Giraud. AI margen de un trabajo seismologico del Dr. Jover.
Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 2. !916. p. 167-174.
937. J. Giraud. Sur I'age des formations volca".niques anciennes de la Martinique. C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. !377-1379.
• 938, 61raud. Observations sur le volcan. Joumal officiel de la Martinique. Avril a
Decembre !903. (teste 1351).
939, J. Giraud. Bull. Soc~ Geol. Fr. (4). 3. 1903. p. 129--130.
940. J. ·Giraud. Sur l'etat actuel du volcan de la Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
136. 1903. p. 1343--1345. . .. .
• 941. Giraud. Bulletin (quotidien) concemant le volcan. Journal officiel de la Martinique .
Avri1·1903--D.!Cembre 1903. (teste !351).
942. Jean Giraud. Esquisse gl!ologique de la Martinique, avec carte gl!ologique. Hanoi-
Haiphong. 1918. oct. 63 pp. map. sections.
6!raud. See 1365.
943. F. Goding. On the Petroleum or ,Green-tar" and the ,Manjak" ot Barbados.
Proc._ Sci. Assoc. Trinidad. 1._ 1866. p. 37--47.
944. Marcus I. Goldmann. Proportions of detrital organic calcareous constituents and
their chemical alternation in a Reef Sand from the Bahamas. Publ. Carn. Inst.
Wash. 344 .(Papers from the Dept. of Marine Bioi.. 23.). 1926. p. 37--{)6.
G. T. B. Goldney. See 455.
~ 945. E. de Golyer. The geology of Cuban petroleum 'Deposits. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr.
a;- Geo!. 2. 1918. p. 133--167.
946. Wilhelm Gommersbaeh. Geschichte, Geographic und Bedeutung der Insel Trinidad.
Ac. Thes. Bonn. 1907. 96 pp. sketcbmap.
Gonnet. See 782.
947. Ambrosio Gonsalez del Valle. Chapapote liquido. Anales Ac. Ciencias Habana.
9. 1872. p. 38-39. .
948. Arthur Gordon. Trinidad Petroleum. J. Soc. of Arts. London. 16. 1868. p. 763--764.
• 949. J. W. Gordon. Report on the Asphalt Industry Commission. Colony of Trinidad .
London. 1902. fol. 60 pp. (teste 445).
J. W. Gordon. See 1433.
950. Nettle Gorter and I. M. van der Vlerk. Larger Foraminifera from Central Falcon
(Venezuela). Leidsche Geol. Meded. 4. 1932. p. 94-122. pl. XI-XVII.
951. Amadeus W. Grabau. Phylogeny of Fusus and its allies. Smith._ Misc. Coli. 44-. no.
1417. 1914 .. 192 pp. xvm pis. 22 figs. (Hispaniola).
952. Edm. Graefe. Ober die Gewinnung des Trinidad-asphalts. Die Chemische Industrie.
35. 1912. p. 175--177.
• 953. E. Graele. Die Asphaltinsel Trinidad. Montan. Rundsch. 29. 1937. April. 4 pp. 9
figs. (teste Geol. Zentrbl. 60. no. 1974).
953a. Edmund Graefe. Der Trinidad Asphalt. Brennstoff Chemie. 18.1937. p. 113--115.
3 figs.
954. jose Grande. Ensayo del Carbon de Piedra de la bahia de Samana en la Isla de
Santo Domingo. Revista Minera. Madrid. 12. 1861. p. 605-606.
955. Donald W. Gravell. The genus Orbitoides in America, with description of a new
species from Cuba. J. Paleont. 4. 1930. p. 263--270. pl. XXII.
956. F. M. Greene. Asphalt and its Uses.· Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Eng. 17. 1889.
p. 355-373.

957. J. W. Gregory. Cystechinus crassus, a new species from the Radiolarian Marls of
Barbados, and the evidence it affords as to the age and origin of these deposits.
Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 45. 1889. p. 640-<lSO.
958. J. W. Gregory. The relations of the American and European Echinoid Faunas.
Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 3. 1892. p. 101-108.
959. J. W. Gregory. Archaeopneustes abruptus, a new genus and species of Echinoid
from te Oceanic Series in Barbados. Qu. J. Geol. London. 48. 1892.
p. 163-169. pl. IV.
960. J. W. Gregory. The microscopic structure of some Trinidad Rocks. Qu. J. Geol.
Soc. London. 48. 1892. p. 538-541.
961. J. W. Gregory. Contributions to the Palaeontology and Physical Geography of the
West Indies. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 51. 1895. p. 25S--312. pl. XL
962. John Walter Gregory. The theory of Permanent Oceans and Continents. Presiden-
tialAddress. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 85. 1929. p. Lxvrn-cxxn (Proceedings).
963. J. W. Gregory. Dendroseris n.g. and other corals from Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 66.
1929. p. 65-<l8. pl. VIII.
964. W. K .. Gregory. Jurassic fishes collected by Barnum Brown in Cuba. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Amer. 32. 1921. (title).
965. Willi!\m K. Gregory. A jurassic Fish Fauna from Western Cuba with an arran-
gement of the Families of Holostean Ganoid Fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.
48. 1923. p. 223-242.
· Symington Grieve. See 2110.
• 965a. A. P. C. Griffin. A list of books on the Danish West Indies. Library of the Congress.
Div. of Bibliography. Washington 1901. 18 pp. (teste Geol. Zentrbl. 20. 1902.
p. 360).
966. A. P. C. GriffJn and P. Lee Phillips. List of books relating to Cuba . . with
. Bibliogiaphy of maps. 55th Congress. 2d Session. Senate Documents no. 161.
Gvt. Print. Off. Washington 1898. 61 pp.
G. Grillilh See 1060.
967. W. Brandlord Grl!llth. (Earthquake in Jamaica). Nature 45. 1892. p. 207.
968. A. B. Gdffiths. Les cendres volcaniques de Mont Pelee, Martinique. Bull. Soc. Chim.
Paris. 29. 1903. p. 1117.
969. A. B. Griffiths. The volcanic dust of Mont Pelee. Chemical News. 88. 1903. p. 231.
970. J. A. ·orutterink. De Santa Barbara Fosfaatmijn op het eiland Curat;ao. Verhandel.
Geol. Mijnb. Gen. Nederland en Kol.. Mijnb. Serie 1. 1912. p. 91-103.
971. J. A. Grutterlnk. De· fosfaatmarkt, een technisch-commercieele studie over de
behoefte aan, de productie en de waarde van fosfaat. Verb. Geol. Mijnb. Gen.
Nederl. en Kol. Mijnb. Serie 1. 1912. p. 10S--189. (Aruba, Cura~ao).
972. J. A. Grutterlnk. Phosphate in Dutch Antilles. In: Reserves Mondiales en Phos-
.phate. Information faite par !'initiative du Bureau duxrvme Congr. Geol. Intern.
Madrid. 1926. 2. 1928. p. 663-<l66. . . . .
* 972a. Ricardo Guardiola. Sobre el origen de los criaderos de Mayari (Cuba). Revista
Minera. 63. 1912. p. 25-27. (teste 1678a).
973. Cisar de Gulllerna. Memoria del reconocimiento del Interi6r de Ia Isla de la Cule-
bra. Bol. Soc. Geogr. Madrid. 8. 1880. p. 23-47.
• 974. Gulnolseau. Bulletin concemantle volcan. Journal officiel de Ia Martinique. Juillet
!90S--Juin 1907. (teste 1361).
975. R. L. Guppy. The Trinidad Pitch Lake. The Geologist. 1862. p. 258-259.
976. R. J. L. Guppy. On the older Parian formation of Trinidad. The Geologist. 1863.
1863. p. 204-207.
977. R. J. L. Guppy. On the occurrence of foraminifera in the Tertiary Beds at San
Fernando, Trinidad. Read before the Sc. Ass. 1863. Transact. Scient. Assoc. of
Trinidad. 1. 1863--1866. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p.
978. R. J. L. Guppy. On someforaminiferafrom the Tertiaries of Trinidad. The Geologist.
1863. p. 159.
.979. R. j .. Lechmere. Guppy. On Later Tertiary deposits at Matura on the East Coast
of Trinidad. Trans. Scient. Ass. Trinidad for 1864. p. 33--43. Reprint: Bull.
_Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 13-23.
980. R. J. L. Guppy. On the older Parian Formation at Point a Pierre, Trinidad.
Paper read before the Geologist's Association {London), 6. 6. 1862. Publ. in:
Proc. Geo1. Assoc. London. 1. (vol. dated 1865). pp. 267-270. Reprint: Bull.
Amer. Paleontol. 8. 35. 1921. p. 7-10.
981. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On some deposits of Late Tertiary Age at Matura, on the
East Coast of Trinidad. Geol. Mag .. 2. 1865. p. 256-261.
982. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the Tertiary Mollusca of Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. Soc.
London. 22. 1866. p. 281-295. pl. XVI-XVIII.


983. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On tertiary Brachiopoda from Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol.

Soc. London. 22. 1866. p. 295-297. pl. XIX.
984. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On. Tertiary E~hinoderms from the West Indies. Qu. J.
Geol. Soc. London. 22. 1866. p. 297-301. pl. XIX. . .
985. R. j. Lechmere Guppy. On the Relation,s of the Tertiaryformations of the-West
Indies. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 22. 1866. p. 570-590. pl. XXVI.
986. R. J. L. Guppy. On the tertiary fossils of the West Indies with especial reference
to the classification of the kainozoic rocks of Trinidad. (Read before the Scient.
Ass. July 9. 1867). Proc. Scient. Ass. Trinidad. 1867. p. 145-176. Reprint: Bull.
Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 24-55.
987. R. L. Guppy. Notes on the West Indian Geology with remarks on the existence of
an Atlantis in the early Tertiary Period and descriptions of some new fossils from
the Caribbean Miocene. Geol. Mag. 4. 1~67. p. 496.-501. .
988. R. J. L. Guppy. On the Earthquake of 7 July. Proc. Scient. Ass. Trinidad. 1868.
p. 208.
989. R. J. L. Guppy. Notes of a visit to Dominica. Proc. Scient. Assoc. Trinidad. 1869.
p. 379-392. II pls with topographic ?ections. ·
990. R. L. Guppy. Notes on a visit to Dominica. Geol. Magaz. 7. 1870. p. 75-76.
991. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the discovery of organic remains in the Caribbean
series of Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. Loqdon. 26. 1870. p. 413---415. (Abstract).
992. R. J. L. Guppy. On foraminifera from the Tertiaries of San Fernando, Trinidad.
Read before the Sc. Ass. 10. 1. 1872. Proc. Scient. Assoc. Trinidad. 2.
1872. p. 13. . . .
993. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On foraminifera from the Tertiaries of San Fernando.
Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 10. 1873. p. 362----363.
994. R. J. L. Guppy. On some new tertiary fossils from Jamaica. Proc. Sc. Assoc.
Trinidad. 2. 1873. p. 72-88. ll.eprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p.
995. R. L. Guppy. On the West Indian Tertiary fossils. Geol. Mag. (2). I. 1874. p. 404-
411. 434,..,-446; pl. XVI-XVIII.
996. R. L. Guppy. Supplement to the paper ~m West Indian TertiaJ;y fossils. ·Geoi.
Mag. (2). 2. 1875. p. 41-42.
997. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the Miocene Fossils of Haiti. Qu. J. Geol. SoC.-LoD.don.
32. 1876. p. 516-q32. pl. XXVIII-XXIX. .
998. R. J. L. Guppy. On the physical geography and fossils of the older rocks of Trini-
dad. Proc. Scient. Assoc. Trinidad. 2. 1877. P: 103-no. Repr~t; Bull. Amer.
Paleont. 8. 35. !921. p. 76-88. pl. II-IV.
!199. R. J. L. Guppy. On the discovery of Tertiary Coal at Williamsville, Savanagrnnde.
Proc. _Scient. Assoc. Trinidad. 2. l877. p. 110-114.
1000. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the recent and tertiary species of Leda and Nucula
found in the West Indies; with notices of Westindian shells. • Proc. Scient .Ass.
Trinidad. 2. 1882. p. 168--c-180. pl. VII. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921.
p. 86-101. pl. v.
1001. R. J. L. Ouppy. On a heterocercal fish found in the blue limestone series of the
Laventille hills. Proc. Scient. Assoc. Trinidad. 2. 1882. p. 180-182. pl. VIII.
Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 101-102. pl. VI. . · .
1002. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the fossil Echinodermata of the West Indies. *Proc.
Sc. Assoc. Trinidad. 2. 1882. p. 193-199. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35.
1921. p. 103-109. .
1003. R. J. L. Guppy. Remarks on the $eological position of the Polycystina-beds of
South Trinidad. *The Agricultural Record. 3. 1890. p. 17!>---180. Reprint: Bull.
Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 110-112.
*1004 .. R. j. techmere Guppy. On the Water-bearing capacities of so~e of the Rock
Formations of Trinidad. Agricult. Record. Trinidad. 189-L p. 79-83.
(teste 1394).
1005. R. j. Lechmere Guppy. On the tertiary microzoic formations of Trinidad. Qu.
J. Geol. Soc. London. 48. 1892. p. 519-541.
1006. R. J. L. Guppy. The Microzoa of the Tertiary.and other Rocks of Trinidad and
the West Indies. Journ. of the Trinidad Field Naturalist Club. 1. 1893. p. 2:77-
290. Repririt: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 113-126.
1007. R. J. Lechmere Ouppy. On some foraminifera from the microzoic deposits of
Trinidad. West Indies. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1894. p. 647---653. pl.XLI.
1008. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. Observations upon the physical conditions and fauna of
the Gulf of Faria. Proc. Victoria. Inst. Trinidad. part 2. 1894. p. 105-113.
1009. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. Remarks on some fossils f_rom the Eoce~e of Naparinl;a.
*Proc. Victoria Inst. of Trinidad. 1897. p. 169-170. Reprint: ~u-ll. Amer. Pal.
8. 35. 1921. p. 127-128.

10-10. R. J. L. GuPpy. Notes on the passage beds between the Foraminifera beds and
the Radiolarian marls of Naparima. *Proc. Victoria Inst. Trinidad. 1897. p.
170-172. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 128-130.
1011. R. J. L~ Guppy. Notes on a specimen of Globigerina rock from Naparima. *Proc.
Victoria Inst. Trinidad. 1897. p. 172. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. 1921
p. !30, .
1012. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the Naparima rocks, Trinidad. Geol. Mag. (4). 7.
1900. p. 322--325.
1013. (Guppy). The Oceanic deposits of Trinidad. Bull. Bot. Garden Trinidad. no. 470.
1902. (teste ? ?).
1014. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the occurrence of gold and coal in Trinidad, with a
brief sketch of the geological history of the Island. Proc. Victoria Jnst. Trin. and
Tobago. 1902. p. 505-514.
*1015. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. Note on the Komuto Shell Bed. Proc. Victoria Inst.
Trinidad. 1903. (teste 1394).
1016. R. J. L-. Guppy. On some samples from boringsat Sangregrande. Trinidad. The
Sangregrande Borings II. Proc. Victoria Inst. Trinidad. 2. 1903. p. 1-7. (Almost
identical with 1020).
1017. R. J. l,.,. Guppy. ObservationsonsomeoftheForaminifera of the Oceanic Series of
Trinidad. Proc. Victoria Inst. Trin. 2. 1903. p. 7-15. (Almost identical with
1018. R. J. L. Guppy. Preliminary notes on the Marbela Manjak Mine, Trinidad. Proc.
Victoria Inst .. Trin. 2. 1903. p. 15-16. (Almost identical with 1022).
·1019. R. L. J. Guppy. Tobagan fossils. Bull. Trinidad Botanical Dept. 1903. p. 514.
Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 131-133.
·1020. R. j. Lechmere Guppy. On some samples of Rock from borings at Sangregrande,
Trinidad. Geol. Mag. (5). I. 1904. p. 193--199.
1021. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. Observations on some of the Foraminifera of the Oceanic
Rocks of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. (5). I. 1904. p. 241-250. pl. VIII. IX.
1022. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. Note on the Marbela Manjak mine, Trinidad. Geol. Mag.
(5). I. 1904. p. 276--277.
1023. R. J. Lechmere Gqppy. On .some fossil shells from Campara road, Trinidad.
Geol. Mag. (5). 5. 1908. p. 471-472 Also: Bull. Bolan. Dept. Trinidad. 1908.
art. 1005. ·Reprint: Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. 1~21. p. 140-141.
1024. R. J. Lechmere Guppy. On the cement-producing matetials of Naparima, Trinidad.
Geol. Mag. (5). 5. 1908. p' 472--473. Also: Bull. Misc. Inform. 59. Bolan. Dept.
Trinidad. Paper 1006. 1908. .
·1025. R. J. L. Guppy. Preliminary Notice of a discovery of fossils in the Tamana district,
Trinidad. *Dept, Agric. Trinidad. Bull. Agric. Inform. 1909. p. 55-56. pl.
Reprint: Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. 1921. p. 142--143. pl. 11.
1026. R. j. L. Guppy. Second note on the Marbela Manjak mine. *Dept. Agr. Trinidad.
Bull. Agron. Inf. 1909: p. 51---54. Reprint: Bull·. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. 1921. p .
. 134-139. . . . .
·-1021. ··R. j. ·Lechnlere Guppy. The growth of Trinidad. Trans. Canadian Inst. 8. ·1910.
· p. 137-149. (read 25· March 1905). .
~028. R •. J. l.:.echmere Guppy. The geological connexions of the Caribbean Region.
· Trans. Canad. Inst. 8. 1910 (read 31 Jan. 1909). p. 373--391.
·1029. · ·R. J. L.o Guppy. On ·a collection of· fossils from Springvale near Couva, Trinidad.
• Agric .. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago. Society Paper 440, paged· separately 1-15.
Laid before the Society Dec. 20. 1910. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921.
p. 144-157.
103_0. R. J. Lechmere G.uppy. On tbe Geology of Antigua and other West Indian Islands,
with reference to the Physical History of the Caribbean Region. Qu. J. Geol.
·Soc. London. 67. 191 L p. 6&1-700.
1031. R. J. L Guppy. Fossils from Springvale and Couva, Trinidad. Second Report.
*Agric. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago. Soc. Paper. 454. Separate paging 1-10. '1911.
Reprint: Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. 1921. p. 158-166.
1032 .. R~ J. L_echmere Guppy. Further Notes on the Caroni Series at Savaneta. *Agric.
Soc. Trj.nidad.and. Tobago. Soc. Paper 520. 1912. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont.
8. 35. 1921. p. 184-187. '
1033•. R •. J. Lechmere Guppy. Note on Dr. Watt's Remarks on the Geology of Antigua.
*:A.gric. Soc. ·Trinidad and Tobago. Soc. Paper -498. Publ. in the Proceedings
12. 1912. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. 35. !921. p. 181-184.
·l034. R. J. L. GuP.PY· An account on some recent geological discoVeries in the We~t
Indies. *Agric, Soc:·Trinidad and Tobago. Soc. Paper 493. Proc. of the Soc. 12.
1912. p. 22--37. Reprint: Bull. Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p. 166-181.

1035. R. J. L. Guppy. On the Geology of Antigua and other West Indian Islands. Agric.
Soc. Trinidad and Tobago. Soc. Paper 510. 1912.
1036. R. J. L. Guppy. Observations on the geology of Martinique with notes of fossils
from Trinidad and Venezuela. *Proc. Agr. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago. 13. 1913.
p. 159-163. (Soc. Paper 549). Reprint: BulL Amer. Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. p.
1037. R. J. Lechmere Guppy and Wflllam Healey Dall. Description of tertiary fossils
from the Antillean Region. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 19. 1896 (1897). p. 303-331.
1038. Guyton-Morveau. Sur la Mine de Platine, de Saint Domingue. Nouv. Bull. d. Scien-
ces, publ. par la Soc. Philom. de Paris. 2. 3me_ annee. 181-0. p. 77-78.
1039. Armand Hacquaert. De expeditie van de Princeton Universiteit. Natuurw. Tijdschr.
·Gent. 17. 1935. p. 221-226. (Bahamas).
1040. W. H. Hadley. Some Tertiary Foraminifera from the North Coast of Cuba. Bull.
Amer. Pal. 70A. 1934. 40 pp. v pis.
·1041. Ernst Haeckel. Report on the Radiolaria of the Challenger Exped. ,Challenger
Reports". Zoo!. 18. 1887. 2 parts and atlas. (Barbados).
1042. A. Haeselbarth. Culebra island. Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 35. 1903. p. 125-130.
·1043. F. D. Hale. Growing Sugar, Cacao and Rubber. Oil Prospects (Trinidad).. .Monthly
Consular and Trade Reports. Washington. no. 354. 1910. p. 135.
. 1044. Maxwell Hall. Third Report on Earthquakes in Jamaica. The great Earthquake of
January 14th 1907, and the After Shocks. (With a list of all the earthquakes,
known in Jamaica from 1688-1907). Kingston. Gvt. Pr. Off .. fol. 1907. 25 pp.
2 maps. . ·
'1045. Maxwell Hall. (Earthquake on 2 or 3 Jan. 1908). Jamaican Weather Report 1908.
(teste ??). . . . . . ..
1045a. Maxwell J:lall. Fourth Report on Earthquakes in Jamaica. On the. periods of
shocks from the principal Jamaica Earthquake Centres, and. Further. Notes on
the Great Earthquake, 1907, Jan. 14 .. Gvt. Pr. Off. Kingston. 1909. no. 365.
23 pp. 2 figs. <.. .
1046. M. Hall. Notes on the geology of Jamaica, :with.a small geologic map. Kingston.
Gvt. Printing Off. no. 420. 1913. 3 pp. . ·
1047. Maxwell Hall. Earthquakes in Jamaica from 1888 to 1919. Kingston. Gvt. Pr. Of(.
1922. 58 pp. map..
1048. (Maxwell Hall and Carmody). The Kingston Earthquak~; Nature .. 76. 1907.
p. 535. 2 photogrs: . . ·.
1049. Sir Andrew Halliday. The natural and.physical History, of _the Windward and
Leeward Colonies. ~ndon. 1837. oct. 408 PP·. (Barbados, Tobago,_ Trinid~d).
1049a. G. W. Hatse. Notes on the geology of South Trinidad with sp~cial ·reference
· to Palo Seco. J. Inst. Petr. Techn. London. 21. 1935. p. ·. 940--951. (with
1050•. H. Hamilton. (Letter to Prof. Milne; Earthquakes on Montserrat). Natu~e. 1~~~-
~~ .
1051. S. Harbert Hamilton. Minerals .from Santiago province, Cuba. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc.
Philad. 54. 1902. p. 744-747.
1052. S. Harbert Hamilton. Notes on some ore deposits of Porto Rico. ,Eng. Mining
Journal. 88. 1909. p. 518-519.
1053. E. Th. Harny. Sur I' age des anthropolithes Guadelo]Jpe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
76. 1873. p. 381-382. . . . .·
1054. T. W. Hand. The T. W. Hand Firework Co.' Ltd. The last days of St. -Pierre. A
vivid pyrotechnic and scenic delineation of the World's greatest Tragedy ....
I 1902. qu. 6 pp.-(sicl) ·
1055. Shoshiro Hanzawa. Notes -on some interesting Cretaceous and Terijary Foramiri.i-
fera from the West Indies. J. Pal. 11. 1937. p. 110--l.J7. pl. XX. XXI.
Hapel. See no. 50. ..
1056. Edmund Cecil Harder. Manganese deposits of the United States with_ Sections of
Foreign Deposits, Chemistry and Uses. Bull. U. S. Geol. S, 427. 1910. 298 pp.
(Cuba, S. Martin, Haiti). .. .
_1057. F. Hardy_. The soils of Dominica. (Studies in West Indian Soils l) .. West Indian
Bulletin. 19. 1921. p. 86-123.' · ·
1058. F. Hardy. The soils of Montserrat, their natural history and chief physical prop~r­
ties, and the relationship of these to the problem of die-back of lime trees. (Studies
·in West Indian ·soils 2). West· Indian Bull. 19. 1922. p. 189-213. '
1059. F. Hardy. Studies in West Indian Soils. Tropical Agriculture. 13. 1936. p. 268-273 ..
1060. F. Hardy, C. G. Akhurst and G. Griffith. The Cacao Soils of Tobago. (Studies
in West Indian Soils 3 ). Supplement to ,.Tropical Agricultu_re". :febr., __ l931.
22 p. geol. map.


1061. F. Hardy and H. H. Croucher. Some soil types of Jamaica . Their ongm, for-
mation and agricultural .relationships. (Studies in West Indian Soils 6). Port-
of-Spain. 1933. 44 pp. geol. map.
1062. F. Hardy, J. A. Macdonald and G. Rodriguez. The Cacao Soils of Grenada,
their origin, formation and chief characters. (Studies in West Indian Soils 4).
Port-of-Spain. 1932. 28 pp. 2 maps.
1063. F. Hardy, J. A. Macdonald and G. Rodriguez. The Sugar-Cane Soils of Antigua.
(Studies in West Indian Soils 5). 1933. Port-of-Spain. 1933. 34 pp. I map.
1064. F. Hardy, C. K. Robinson and G. Rodriguez. The agricultural soils of St. Vincent.
(Studies in West Indian Soils 8). Port-of-Spain. 1934. 44 pp. 1 sketchmap.
F. Hardy. See 1448.
*1064a. Margaret Frances Harper. Problems in the origin of Manganese, with foreword
by H. H. Meyerhoff. Rev. Obras Pub!. Puerto Rico. 13. 1936. p. 1383-1385.
1436-1440. 1463-1466. 1488--1494. (teste 2150b).
1065. G. D. Harris. A reprint of the more inaccessible paleontological writings of Robert
John Lechmere Guppy. Bull. American Paleont. 8. 35. 1921. (especially: Preface,
synopsis of Guppy's more important articles bearing on W. I. paleontology.
Appendix I. II.).
1066. 6. D. Harris. Notes on the Paleontology (of Trinidad). Johns Hopkins Univ. Stu-
dies in Geol. 7. 1928. p. 87-112. pl. XVI-XX.
G. D. Harris. See 1166. 1167.
1067. G. D. Harris and Floyd Hodson. The Rudistids of Trinidad. Palaeontographica
Americ. 1. 3. 1922. p. 119-162. pl. xvnr-xxv111.
*1068. J. B. Harrison. Rocks and Soils of Grenada and Carriacou. London. 1896 or
~- (teste 1). .
1069. J. II. Harrison. The Coral-rocks of Barbados. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 63. 1907.
p; 316-337.
1070. J. B. Harrison. A popular account of the geological formation of Barbados.
West.lndian Bull. 9. 1909. p. 281-289.
1071. J. B. Harrison. Note on the occurrence of rhyolitic pebbles in Antigua. West
Indian Bull. 18. ~ p. 99-101.
J. B. Harrison. See 872. 1073. 1272. 1273. 1274.
1072. john .Burehmore Harrison and C. B. W. Anderson. Notes on the extraneous
minerals in the Coral-Limestone of Barbados. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 75. 1919.
p. 156-172.
1073. J. B. Harrison and C. B. W. Anderson. The genesis of a fertile soil. West In-
dian Bull. 18. 1921. p. 77-98. (Barbados).
o::--- 1074. J. B. Harrison amrA. J. jukes Browne. Origin of the radiolarian earth of
Barbados. Nature. 39. 1889. p. 367.
1075. J. B. Harrison and A. J. Jukes Browne. The geology of Barbados. 1890. 64
pp. geol. map.
1076. J. B. Harrison and A. J. jukes Browne. Notes on the chemical composition of
some Oceanic Deposits. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 51. 1895. p. 313-328.
1077. J. B. Harrison and J. B. Jukes Browne. The Oceanic deposits of Trinidad (Br.
W. 1.). Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 55. 1899. p. 177-189.
1078. J. B. Harrison and J. B. Jukes Browne. The geology of Barbados. Geol. Mag.
(4). 9. 1902. p. 550-554.
*1079. B. Hart. On the Diseases ... to the Horse, wherein the Rock Oil of Barbadoes ...
has proved a particular useful remedy, with directions for use. London. 1831.
(teste 674).
1080. Charles Hart. Foreign Iron Ores. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 84. 1929. p.
7-38. (Cuba).
1081. Harting, Van der Hoeven en Vrolik. (Verslag over de in hunne handen gestelde
Verhandelingen van wijlen Oberbergrath Stifft). Versl. Meded. Kon. Akad.
Wetensch. Amsterdam. Afd. Natuurkunde. 10. 1860. p. 307-316. (Aruba,
1082. D. Hatch. On a saliferous deposit in S. Domingo. Qu. J. Geol-. S. London. 24.
1868. p. 335.
1083. Samuel Span, James Tobin and Charles· Hatchett. Some account of the Pitch-lake
in th.e Island of Trinidad. Transact. Linnean Soc. 8. 1804 (1807). p. 251
....:.259 .
.1084. . Haughton. Analysis of Sombrerite. Phil. Mag. 32. 1866. p. 220:
·1 084a., Th. Haupt. GeognostiSche und bergmB.nnische Bemerkungen tiber St. Domingo
Arch. f. Miner., Geogn., Bergbau u. Hiittenk. 17. 1843. p. 536-672.

f.085. J. Havelaar. Rapport betreffende. : .. de kolonie CurafYaO etc. Nederl. Staats-

couraht. Koloniaal ,Verslag. 1903. 3. CurafYaO .. Bijlage 02. 1904. p. 55-83.
1086. Herbert L. Hawkins. On Lanieria, Duncan, a remarkable genus of the Holectypi-
dae; with a preliminary note on the tendencies of Echinoid evolution. Geol.
Mag. (5). 10. 1913. p. 199-205.
.1087 .. H. J.., Hawkins. Some Cretaceous Echinoidea from Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 60. 1923.
p. !99-2!6. pl. IX .
.1088. H. L. Hawkins._ Notes on a new collection of fossil Echinoidea from Jamaica.
Geol. Mag. 61. 1924. p. 312-324. pl. XVIII.
1089. H. L. Hawkins. The cretaceous -shales of Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 64. 1927. p. 142.
H. L. Hawkins. See no. 256.
•!090. Gilbert Hawtrey. Lost on La Soufriere (St. Vincent). The Wide World Mag. 9. 1902.
p. 523. (teste 61).
1091. C. W. Hayes. The_Mayari and Mo_~ iron ore deposits in Cuba. Bull. Amer. Inst.
Min. Eng. 51. 1911. p. 239-245. . I(

1092. C. Willard Hayes. The Mayari and Moa Iron-Ore in Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 42. 1911. (1912). p. 109-115. . .
*.1093. C. -W. Hayes, T. W. Vaugh~n and A. C. Spencer. Report on a geological recon-
naissance of Cuba. Washington 1901. 123 pp. (teste 109~).
1094. C. Willard Hayes, T. Wayland Vaughan and Arthur C. Spencer. Informe sobre
un reconocimiento geologico de Cuba. (Traducido del Ingles y anotado por
Pablo Ortega y R.os). Bol. de Minas. Habana. 2. 1917. p. 1-62. 3. 1917. p. 63-
132. Maps. Sections.
1095. C. Willard Hayes, T. Wayland Vaughan and Arthur C. Spencer. Geology of Cu-
ba. A reprint of the chapters on Physiography and General Geology from the
.,Report on a geological Reconnaissance of Cuba, 1901". Republica de Cuba.
Direcci6n de Montes y Minas. Habana. 1918. 37 pp. map. sections. (•new edition
in Spanish. 1925). . .
1096. Octave Hayot. Materiaux pour l'histoire de la Martinique. Fort de France. 1881.
oct. 128 et 104 pp.
1097. Lalcadio Hearn. Two years in the French West ~ndies. N. York. 1890. oct. 431
pp. (Esquisses Martiniquaises. Paris 1924).
1098~ N. H. Heck. Seismic Zones as related to relief of Ocean-Bottom. Trans. Amer.
Geoph. Union. 13th Annual Meeting. 1932. p. 21-28. ·
't098a. Nicholas Hunter Heck. Seismology and island arcs. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union
14th Meeting. 1933. p. 34-36.
'.1099. Angelo lfellprln. Mont Pe!ee in its might. Me. Clure'sMag. 19. 1902. p. 359-368.
(teste 1196).
*1100. Angelo Heilprin._ Mont PeJee and the ruins of St. Pierre. Youth's Companion. 76.
1902. p. 471--472. (teste 1196). .
'1101. Hellprln. (Eruptions in the West Indies). Fortn. Rev. !902. p. 477. (teste 61).
l 102. Angelo. Heilprln. Mount Pelee and the Tragedy of Martinique. A study of the great
Catastrophes of 1902 with observcitions and experiences in the Field. Philad. oct.
1903. xm and 335 pp. Maps. Photogrs.
1103. Angelo Hellprln. The ascending obelisk of Mont Pelee. Pop. Sc. Monthly. 63. 1903.
p. 467--468 .
.1104. Angelo Hellprin. The ascending obelisk of .the Montagne Pel6e. Science .(ns). 18.
1903. p. 184-185 ..
II 05. Angelo Hellprln. The activity of Mont Pelee. Science (ns). 17. 1903. p. 546.
1106, Angelo Hellprin. The destruction of Pompeii as interpreted by the volcanic erup-
tions of Martinique. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 15. 1904. p. 431.
-1106a. Angelo HeflprJn. The nature of the Pele tower. Science (ns). 19. 1904. p.
1107. Angelo Hellprln. The Tower of Pelee. New studies of the great volcano of Martini-
que. Philad. fol. 1904. 62 pp. XXII pis.
1107a. A. Heilprfn. Destruction of ;pompei as interpreted by the Volcanic Eruptions of
Martinique (Abstract). Rep.. 8th Int. Congr. Geogr. Wash. 1904. 1905. p. 445.
1108. Angelo Hellprin. Tower of Pel6e. Rept. 8th. Intern. Geogr. Congr. Washington.
1904. 1905. p. 446.
1109. A. Hellprin. The Rock of the Pele Obelisk and the Conditions of the Volcano in
February 1906. Science (ns.) 24. !906. p. 25-26.
11 tO. Angelo Heltprln. The occurrence and inter,..relation of Volcanic and Seismic pheno-
. mena. Science (ns). 24. 1906. p. 545-551.
1111. Angelo. Hellprln. "J:he shattered obelisk of Mt. Pelee. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 17..
1906. p. 465--474. 5 photogrs.


t 112. Angelo Heilprln. The eruption of Pelee. A summary and discussion of the pheno-
mena and their sequels. Printed for the Geogr. Soc. of Philadelphia. Philad. 1908.
fol. 72 pp. XLIII pJs.
1U3. J. B. Henderson. The cruise of the Thomas Barrera. The narrative of a scientific
expedition to Western Cuba and the Colorado reefs. With observations on
Geology, Fauna and Flora of the Region. N. York and London. oct. 1916.
IX and 320 pp. map. photogrs.
1114. T. S. Heneken. On some Tertiary Deposits in San Domingo. Qu. J. Geol. S. London.
9. 1853. p. 115-!29.
11 14a. Charles L. Henning. Die Erzlagerstatten der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-
amerika, mit Einschluss von Alaska, Cuba, Portorico und den Philippinen,
nach Geschichte, Form, Inhalt und Entstehung. Stuttgart. 1911. 293 pp. 97
figs. Maps. (Only p. 273 on Cuba and Portorico).
1115. J. D. Henry. Oil Fields of the Empire. London. 1910. 277 pp.
T. A. Henry. See !34. 135. ·
Henry. See 378.
*l115a. W. J. Henwood. Note on the copper bearing granite of Saint Thomas in the
Vale, Jamaica. Trans. Royal Geol. Soc. Cornwall. 8. 1871. p. 511-512.
(teste 1678a).
*1116, R. S. E.-'Hepburn. Rapport au general de division Fran~ois Jean Joseph, secre-
taire d'Etat au Depart. de l'Inter. et de 1' Agric. Le Moniteur. Port-au-Prince.
16e annee. 2 Mars 1861. (teste no. 341 on lignites).
L'Herminier. See 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416.
*1117. Desiderio Herrera. Temporales, hurracanes, tormendad y terremotos que ha habido
en Ia isla de Cuba. Habana. 1347. (teste 1772).
-1118. Manuel A. Herrera. Analisis de Minerales (de Cuba). Bol. de Minas. Habana. 4.
1918. p. 84-87. .
*1119. Miguel A. Herrera. _Los cuarzos d~ Guanabacoa. Habana. 1891. qu. 30 pp.
(teste 2223). · ·
ll20. Rene Herrera y Frltot. Excursiones geologicas en las provincias de ,}a Habana y
Pinar del Rio. Memor. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 6. 1923/4. p. 63--74. rn pls. 1 map.
p. 157-164. VI pis.
-1121. Rene Herrera y Frltot. Nota preliminar sobre un pequeiio volcAn extinguido en
la provincia de Sta Clara, Cuba." Memor. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. Habana. 10.
1936. p. 153---156.
Rene Herrera y Fritot. See 2197.
·ll22. Osear· Hershey. Notes on the Geology of Jamaica. Science. (ns). 8. 1898. p.
1123. Oscar Hershey. Raised shore lines on Cape Maisi (Cuba). Science. (ns). 8. 1898.
p.J79-180. .
1124. Leo George Hertlein. Clianges of_ nomenclature of some recent and fossil Pectinidae
from Japan, S. America, Porto Rico, N. Zealand, and California. J. Paleont. 5.
1931. p. 367-369.
1125. Harry Hammond Hess. Interpretation of Gravity· Anomalies and Sounding-
Profiles obtained in the West Indies by the Intern. Exped. to the W. Indies in
1932. T~ns. Amer. Geoph. Union. 13th Annual Meeting 1932. p. -26-33.
1126. Harry Ha-mmond Hess. Submerged valleys of the Bahamas. Trans. Amer. Geoph.
Union. 14th Annual Meeting. 1933. p. 168-,--170. ·
1126a. H. H. Hess. Interpretation of Geological and Geophysical Observations. Navy-
Princeton Exp. to theW. Indies in !932. 1933. (U.S. Hydrogr. Off.). p. 27-54.
112Gb. H. H. Hess. Geological Interpretation of.Data collected on cruise of the U.S. S.
Barrapuda in the W. I;ndies. Prelim. Rep. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union. 18th
Ann. Meeting. 1937. p. 69-77. VI figs.
Harry Hammond Hess. See 856. 857. ·
1127. Jean Hess. La catastrophe de Ia Martinique. Notes d'un Reporter. 50 grav. ap&s
photographies; dessins et cartes. Paris. oct. 1902. xn and 300 pp.
-1128. ·D. F. Hewett and Earl V. Shannon. Orientite, a new hydrous- Silicate of- Man-
ganese and Calcium from Cuba. Amer. J. Sc. {5). I. 1921. p. 491-506.
Maurice Hickey. See 292. ·
1129. Frank Higham. Petrographical Notes on Rocks from the Basal Complex of Jamaica.
Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 85. 1929. p. 476---490.
1130. E. W. Hllgard. On the geological history of the Gulf of Mexico. Am. ]. Sc. (3). 2.
1871. p. 391--404. . .
-1131. E. W. Hllgard. The later Tertiary of the Gulf of Mexico. Am. J. Sc. (3). 22.
1881: p. 58-85. map.
·1132. J. ·E. Hllgard. The Basin of the Gnlf of Mexico. Am. J. Sc. (3). 21. 1884. P>
288-291 map.


1133. Robert T. Hill. Notes on the Tertiary and later History of the Island of Cuba.
Am. J. Sc. (3). 48. 1894. p. 196-212.
1134. R. T. Hill. Notes on the geology of the Island of Cuba. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoo!.
Harvard Coli. 16. 1895. p. 243-288.
1134a. R. T. Hill. The radiolarian earths of Cuba. Science. (us). 2. 1895. p. 628----<l29.
1135. R. T. Hill. Fundamental geographical relation of the three Americas. Nat. Geogr.
Mag. 7. 1896. p. 175-181.
1136. ·Robert T. Hill. Cuba. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 9. 1898. p. 193-242. photogrs.
1137. R. T. Hill. Porto Rico. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 10. 1899. p. 93-112.
tt38. Robert T. Hill. Mineral Resources of Porto Rico. 20th Annual Report U. St. Geol.
Surv. Part. 6. 1899. p. 771-778.
1139. Robert T. Hill. The geology and physical geography of Jamaica: Study of a Type
of Antillean Development. Bull. Mus. Camp. Zool. Harvard Coli. 34. 1899. p. 1-
. 225. u maps. xxxv pls.
1140. R. T. Hill. Additional 1Note on the geology of Porto Rico and Santiago de Cuba.
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoo!. Harvard Coli. 34. 1899. p. 225--226.
1141. (R. T. Hill). Sketch of the geology of Jamaica. After R. T. Hill. Scott. Geogr. Mag.
' 15. 1899. p. 628-639.
1142. Robert T. Hill. Cuba and Portorico with the other islands of the West Indies.
Their tOpography, climate, flora, products, industries, cities, people, political
conditions etc. (Revised and enlarged) N. York. 1899. xxx and 447 pp. maps.
*114·3. R. T. Hill. The value of Porto Rico. Forum. 27. 1899. p. 414--419. (teste ?1).
1144. Robert T. Hill. Report by Robert T. Hill on the vol.canic disturbances in the West
Indies. The Nat. Geogr, Mag. 13. 1902. p. 223-267. ·
1145. Robt. _T. Hill. The opportunity for further study of Voh;:anic Phenomena. Science
(ns.) · 16. 1902. p. 470-471. ·
•1146. 'R. T. Hill. Mont Petee's secret. Collier's Weekly. 29. 1902. (teste 1196).
*1147. R. T. Hill. The _volcanic systems of the western hemisphere. CentUry Mag. N·
York. 64. 1902. p. 473--483. (teste 1196).
*1148. R. T. HJil. A study of Pelee. Impressions and conclusi0ns of a trip to Martinique.
Century Mag. N. York. 64. 1902. p. 764-785. (teste 1198).
1149. R. T. Hill. The geological and pbysiographical history of the smaller Antilles.
Science. (us). 17. 1903. p. 225-226.
1150. · Robert T. Hill. Pele and the evolution of the Windward Archipelago. Bull. Geol.
Soc._ Amer. 16. 1905. p. 243--288. pl. XLIV-XLVII. · - · ·
·1151; Robert-- T. Hill. Physical History of the Windward Islands as illu~trated in the
larger story of Petee ..,.- a: study of Volcanic and Oceanic Geogtaphy. Rept. 8th
Intern. Geogr. Congr. Washington. 1904. 1905. p. 244-245 (abstract). ·
1152. W. Hill. On the minute stru-cture of some coral-limestones froin Barbados. Qu. J.
Geol. Soc. London. 47. 1891. p. 243-248.
1153. W. ·Hill. On the structure of white limestone from Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. Soc.
London. 47. 1891. p. 248-250. · ·
1154. W. f; HUlebrand. Chemical Discussion of Analyses of Volcanic ejecta from Mar- <'
tinique and St. Vincent. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902. p. 296-299. '
*1155. HilUon. Une excursion aux Sources Chaudes de la Grande Riviere de Jh6mie.
Bulletin Religieux. 1904. no. 8. (teste 341. Haiti).
1156. C. H. Hitchcock. The Redonda Phosphate. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 2. 1890. p. 6-9.
*ll57. C. H. Hitchcock. Recent theories of volccinic action. Independent. 54. 1902. p~
1267-1290. (teste 1196).
1158·. Wi1llam Herbert Hobbs. The rate of movement in Vertical Earth Adjustments
connected with the Growth of Mountains. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 62. 1923.
p. 63-73.
1159.- Wllll8m Herbert Hobbs. The unstable middle section of Island Arcs. Verhand.
Geol. Mijnb. Genootsch. Nederl. en Kol. Geol. Serie. 8. 1925. p. 219-261. pi
J. C. Hocbstetter. See 2029. 20.30.
1160~ Hodge. (PhYsiographic HiStorY of the Coanio-Guayama distr. Porto Rico). Ann.
· New York Acad. Sc. 26. 1915. p. 434--435.
1161. E. T. Hodge. Geology of the Coama-Guayama Region. Porto Rico. Ann. New
York. Ac. Sc. 27. 1916. p. 277-278.
1162. E. T. Hodge. Geology of the Coamo-Gua.yama district. New York Acad. ~c.
Scientific· Surv. of Portorico and -the Virgin isl. 1. 2. 1920. p. 111-228. -map.
section. Also: Acad. Thesis. Columbia Univ. New-York. 1920. · ·

1163. Floyd Hodson. Venezuelan and Caribbean Turritellas. Bull. Amer. Pal. 45. 1926.
p. 171-220. pL v-xxxrv. (Hispaniola. Jamaica).
Floyd Hodson. See 1067.
1164. F. Hodson and G. D. Harris. An oligocene rudistid from Trinidad. Bull. Amer.
Pal. ).6. 61. 1931. p. 133-142, pl. XXXVII-XXXVIII.
,1165. Floyd Hodson and Helen K. Hodson and Gilbert D. Harris. ?orne Venezuelan
and Caribbean Mollusks. Bull. Amer. Pal. 49. 1927. p. 1-160. pl. I-XI..
(Jamaica). . .
1166. Helen K. Hodson. Foraminifera from Venezuela and Trinidad. BulL Amer. Pal.
12. 47. 1926. p. 1--46. pl. I-VIII.
_Helen K. Hodson. See 1165.
·1167. Hans Hoefer. Das Erdoel. Braunschweig. 2. 1909. (Antilles: p. 622-642).
1168. A. G. Hoegbom. Zur Petrographie der Kleinen Antillen. Bull. Geol. Inst. Upsala
6 . .190~. p. 214-233. pl. IX. X.
*1169. Rudolf Hoernes. Die vulkanischen Ausbrtiche auf den Kleinen Antillen. Steierm.
Naturw. Verein. Mitth. NF. 39. 1902. p. 81-92. 1903. (teste 861).
Van der Hoeven. See 1082.
1170. Karl ErnSt_ von Hoff. Geschichte der durch Dberlieferung nachgewiesenen natiir-
lichenVeranderungen der ErdoberfHi.che. Gotha. 1. 1822. 2. 1824. 3. 1834.4. 1840.
5. 1841. (2. p. 529-536: West India. ·3. p. 481--483: Additions to West India.
4. 5. Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions from 3460 a. C. to 1832 p. C.).
. John Edward Hofme)ster. See 2299. 2300.
1171. William S. Hofmeister and Charles T. Berry. A new genus of Foraminifera from
the, miocene of Venezuela and Trinidad. J. Paleont. 11. 1937. p. 29-30.- pl.-
v. fig. 9-11.
1172. Arthur Hollick. A review of the fossil flora of the West Indies. J. Wash. Ac. Sc .
. 14. 1924. p. 58. . . .
1173. A. Hollick. A review of the fossil flora of th~ West Indies with descriptions of New
Species. Bull. Bojan. Garden New York. 12. 45. 1924. p. 259-323. pl. I
1174. Arthur Hollick. PalaeobotaniGal exploration in Porto Rico. Journal. New York
Bot. Garden. 27. 1926. p. 102--104.
1175. Arthur Holl,ck. Fossil walnuts; and lignite from Porto Rico. Journ. New York
Botan. Garden. 27. 1926. p. 222--227. I textfig.
1176. Arthur Holllck. Palaeobotany of Porto Rico. New York. Acad. Sc. Scient. Surv.
Pqrto Rico and the Virgin lsi. 7. 3. 1928. p. 177-393. pl. LI-Lxxxvm.
I 177. Edwin Hopkins and H. J. Wasson. Venezuelan and West Indies Oilfields Develop-
ment in 1925. Petrol. Development and Techno! in 1925. Publ. by the Amer. Inst.
Mining and Metall. Eng. 1926. p. 667---B76.
tl78. Arthur Hopwood. A Fossil Ri~e-Rat.from the Pleistocene of Barbuda. Ann. Mag.
· Nat. Hist. (9). 17. 1926. p. 3f8-330. pl. xu.
*1179. Hans Balzar Hornbeck. Nogle Bemaerkinger over St. Thomas' Geognosie. Skan-
dinavske Naturforskeres. 2de MOde. 1840. p. 364-368. (teste 1286).
]180. (H. B.) HOrnbeck. (Mineralien von St. Thomas). Amtl, Bericht tiber die -24ste
Versamml. Deutscher Naturf. u. Aerzte in Kiel. 1846 .. (1847). p. 262-264.
II BOa•. E. 0. Hovey. Pseudomorphs after halite from Jamaica. Am. J. Sc. (4). 3. 1897.
p. 425.
1181. Edmund Otis Hovey. Martinique anrl St. Vincent; a preliminary report upon
the eruptions of l902. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 16. 1902. p. 333-372. pl.
1182. Edmund Otis Hovey. Observations on the eruptions of 1902 of La Soufriere, St.
Vincent and Mt. Pelee, Martinique. Am. J. Sc. (4). 14. 1902. p. 3!9-358.
1183. Edmund Otis Hovey. A visit to Martinique and St. Vincent, after the great erup-
tion.s of May and June ~902. Amer. Museum JournaL 2, 1902. p. 57---63.
3 photogrs.
1184. Edmund Otis Hovey. Mr. Borchgrevink on the eruption of Mt. Pelee. Science (ns).
16. 1902. p. 471--472.
1185. Edmund Otis Hovey. The eruptions of La Soufriere, St. Vincent, in May 1902. The
Nat. Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902. p. 444--459.
*IlSSa. E. 0. Hovey • .,Mount Pelee". Science. (ns). 17. 1903. p. 1010. (teste 1678a).
*ll86. · E. 0. Hovey. A wonderful change in Pelee. ~ntury ~fag. New York. 66. 1903.
p. 757-762. (teste 1196).
1187. · (Edniutid Otis Hovey). An .-!\merican Report upofl: the West Indian eruptions.
Nature. 67. 1903. p. 256-259.
)_tss: . Edmund Otis Hovey. Mont Pele from May to October 1903. Science (ns). 18.
. 1903. p. 634.. .


1189. Edmutid ·Otis Hovey. The new. Corie of Mont Pete a~d the Gorge of. the Rivlbre
Blanche, Martinique. Amer. J. Sc. (4). 16. 1903. p. 269-281. .
1190. Edmund Otis Hovey. Martinique and St. Vincent revisited. Anie"r: Mus: J. 3. 1903.
p. 41-54. XI photogrs.. . · ·
1191. E. 0. Hovey. The volcanoes of the Caribbean Islands. Scient. American. Sup:PI.
56. 1903. p. 23011-23014. .
1192.: E. 0. Hovey. The marVelous obelisk of Mont Pele. Scient. American. Suppl. ·ss.
1903. p. 23354-23355.
1193. Edmund Otis Hovey. -New Cone and Obelislr: of Mont Pele. Bull. Geo_l. Soc. Amer.
· 15, 1903. (1904). p. 558-560. (photogrs).
1194. Edmund Otis Hovey. Some. erosion phenomena observed on the islanQ of Saint
Vincent and Martinique in 1902 and 1903. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 15. 1903. (1904).
p. 560-561. (Photogrs).
1195. Edmund Otis Hovey. Grande Soufriere of ~uadeloupe. Bull. Geol. soc·. Amer. 15.
1903. (1904). p. 561. (Photogr.).
1196. Edmund Otis Hovey. Bibliography of literature of the West Indian Eruptions
published in the United States. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 15. 1903. (1904)
p. 562-566.
1197. Edmund Otis Hovey. The 1902-1903 Eruptions of Mont Pele, Martinique and
the Soufriere, St, Vincent. C. R. Session rxme Congr. Geol. Intern. Vienne.
1903 (1904). p. 707-739. XI .pis.·
1198; Edmund Otis Hovey. The Grande Soufriere of Guadeloupe. Bull. Amer. Geogr.
Soc. 36. 1904. p. 513-530. Map. XI photogrs.
*lt98a. E. 0. Hovey. The Grande Soufrihe of Guadeloupe, an analogue of Mont Pele.
(Abstract). Science. (ns). 19. 1904. p. 859----860. (teste 1678a).
1199 •. Edmund Otis Hovey. Mont Pele from October 20.- 1903 to-May 20. 1904. Science
(ns). 20. 1904. p. 23-24. ··
1199a. E. 0. Hovey.·St. Vincent, Br. W. I.; the eruptions of 1902 and their immediate
results. (Abstract). Science. (ns). 20. 1904. p. 604-605. (teste 1678a).
1200. Edmund Otis Hovey. The Soufrihe of St. Vincent in July 1904. Science (ns). 20.
1904. p. 281-282. . . .
120_1. Edmund Otis Hovey. Volcanoes of Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saba. Rept. 8th
Intern. Geogr. Congr. Wash. 1904 (1905). p. 447--451.
1202. Edmund Otis Hovey. Volcanoes of St. Vin.cent, St. Kitts and Statia. Rept. 8th
Int. Geogr. Congr. Washington. 1904 (1905). p. 452-454.
1203. Edmund Otis Hovey. Present condition of Mont Pele. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 16.
1905. p. 566-569. p[ XCII. (Abstract).
1204. Edmund Otis ·Hovey~ Soufriere of Saint Lucia. Bpll. Geol. S. Amer. 16. 1905. p. •
569-570. pl. xcm. (Abstract). ·
1205; Edmund Otis Hovey. Boiling Lake of Dominica. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 16. 1905. p.
570-571. pl. XCIV. (Abstract). ·
1206. Edmund Otis Hovey. Ten days in camp on Mt. Pele, Martinique. Bull. Amer.
Geogr. Soc. 40. 1908. p. 662-679. (xi photogrs).
*1206a. E. 0. Hovey. The petroleum and manjak industry of Barbados. Mining World.
29. 1908. p. 237-238. (teste 1678a). ·
1207. Edmund Otis Hovey. Camping on the-Sou.frihe of St. Vincent. Bull. Amer. Geogr.
Soc. 41. 1909. p. 72-83. VIII photogrs.
1208. Edmund Otis Hovey. St. Pierre and Mt. PeleJn 1908. American Museum J. 1909. p.
33-40. VIII photogrs.
1209. Edmund Otis J:lovey. Striations and U~shaped valleys produced by other causes
than Glacial Action. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 20. 1910. p. 409-416. pl. XXVIII-XLII.
1210. Edmund Otis Hovey. Clearing out of the Wallibu and Rabaka Gorges on Saint
VinCent. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 20. 1910. p. 417-426. pl. XLIII;c:-XLV.
1211. Edmund Otis Hovey. Mount Pele of Martinique and the Soufriere of Saint Vincent
in May and June 1908. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 20. 1910. p. 632 (Abstract).
1212. Edmund Otis Hovey. Volcanoes of-the Lesser Antilles. Observations on the present
condition of the active volcanoes of Martinique, St. Vincent and. Guadeloupe.
Amer. Mus. J. 15. 1915. p. 254-255.
1213. E. 0. Hovey. The Volcanic Caribbees. Proc. Pan Pacific Sience Congr. Australia.
1923 ( 1925). I. p. 83~37.
1214. S. Hovey. Geology of St. Croix. Am. J. Sc. (1). 35. 1839. p. 64-74.
1215. S. Hovey. Geology of Antigua. Am. J. Sc. (1). 35. 1839. p. 75-85.
1216. E. Howe. Recent tuffs of the Soufriere, St. Vincent. Am. J. Sc. (4). 16. 1903. p.
1217. M. A. Howe. Tertiary calcareous algae from the islands of St. Bartholomew,
Antigua and Anguilla. (Contr. to the Geol. and Pal. of theW. Indies). Carn. Inst.
Pub!. no. 291. 1919. p. 11-19. pl. I-VI.

1218. Marshall A. Howe. Two new Lithothamnieae, calcareous algae,· from the lower
miocene of Trinidad, Br. W. I. Proc. V~ St. Nat. Mus. 62. 1922. art. 7. p. 1-3.
pl. 1--:-IV. . - -
S. G. Howe. See 2327.
1219 • . Bela Hubbard. Tertiary formations of Portorico. Bull. Geol. S. Am. 31. 1920.
p. 135. (Abstract).
1220. Be~a Hubbard. The Tertiary formations of Porto Rico. Science. (lls)~ 51. 1920.
p. 395-396.
1221. B. ~ubb~rd. Tertiary Mollusca from the LareS Distr. Portorico." New York. Ac. Sc.
Scientific Surv. of Portorico and the Virgin Isl. 3. 2. 1920. p. 79-164.
pl. x-xxv. ·
B. Hubbard. The geology of the Lares district, Porto Rico. New York Ac. Sc.
Scient. Surv. of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 2. l. 1923. p. l-115. Map.
Bela Hubbard. See 842. 843.
1223. Th. Hiibener. Die Inseln Mona und Monita. GlObus. 74. 1898. p. 368-372.
*1224. Santiago_ d~ Ia Hue_rta._ La for:maci6n de los terrenos calcareos en Cuba. 1914. ~
. 1225. Santiago de Ia_ Huerta. Las piritas cristalizadas de Pinar del Rio. 'Memor. Soc.
Cubaila Hist. Nat. 3. 1918. p. 175-177.
Santiago de Ia Huerta. See 1706a.
*1226 • . P. F. .-.ugglns. An account on the eruptions -of the Saint Vincent Soufrihe. duod.
32 pp. II pis. St. Vincent 1902. (teste no. 1196. Contains data on depths of crater-
lake in 1896, 1898, 1899 and 1900). · ·
1227. George Hughes. On some West Indian .Phosphates. Qu. ] . Geol. S. London.
4].. 1885. p. 80-81.
*1228. Rev. W. Hughes. The Natural History of Barbadoes. London. 1750. (teste 359).
1229. Edward Hull. The volcanic dust of Barbados, 1812. Geol. Mag. (2). 2. 1875. p.
p. 2S7-2S8. . . .
1230. Edward Hull. Professor J. W. Spencer on Changes of level in Mexico. Geol. Mag.
(4). 5. 1898. p. 193-195.
*1231. A. de Humboldt. Noticia mineralogica del Cerro de 'Guanabacoa. -Patriota Ameri-
cana. 2. 1818. p. 29. (•_~: Memorias Soc. Econ6mica de Amigos del Prus. 19.
)845. p. 233. (teste 1800 ).
1232. Alexandre de Humboldt. Essai politique sur l'ile de Cuba. Paris. 1826. 2 Vol. map.
. 1233. E. Bar6n de Humboldt. Noticia mineralogica del Cerro de Guanabacoa. Bol. de
Minas. Habana. 4. 1918. p. 82---83. (Manuscr. 7. 4. 1804). ·
• 1234. A. de Humbol~t et A. Bonpland. Voyage aux rCgi~ns equinoxiales du Nouveau
Continent ..... Paris. 1814-1817. fol. 3 Vol. 2 Atlas. ·
. 1235. P. Wagenaar Hummelinek.; Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Bonaire,
Cur3.1"'o und Aruba im J abre 1930. Zoo!. J abrb. 64. 1933. Reisebericht. p.
1236. H. Humphreys and Sons. Water supply Scheme (Geology of Quare Reesrvoir).
Trinidad and Tobago Council Paper. no. 103. 1930 28 pp. Map. Sections.
1237. L. Hussakof. Zebrasoma deani, a fossil surgeon-fish from the West Indies. Bull.
Amer. Mus. N. H. N. York. 23. 1907. p. 125-126. pl. VII. (Antigua).~
*1238. J. L. Hydrick. Report on hookworm survey of the Cayman Islands from April
18. 1917 to June 20. 1917. (Rockefeller Found.). (teste 1490; contains geological
*1238a. H. von !bering. Die Geschicbte des Antlantischen Ozeans. Jena. 1927. 237 pp. rx
pis. (teste 1678c).
1239. V. C. Illlng. The oilfields of Trinidad. Proc. Geologists Assoc. 27. 1916. p. 115.
1240. VIncent Charles Illlng. Geclogy of tbe Naparima Region of Trinidad. Qu. f Geol.
S. London. 84. 1928. p. 1-56. Map. Sections.
1240a. V. C. HUng and H. 6. Kug1er. Eastern Venezuela and Trinidad. In: The Science
of Petroleum. Oxford Univ. Press. I. 1938. p. 106-110. Map.
·'1241. Edward V. d'lnvllllers. The phosphate deposits of the island of Navassa. Bull.
Geol. S. Amer. 2. 1890. 75--84.
Briere de !'Isle. See 392.
Rollet de l'lsle. See 1365.
*1242. A. Issei. A proposito del recente disastro delle Antille. Atti Soc. ligustica Sc. Nat.
e Geogr. Genova. 13. 1902. (teste 1351).
't243. J. ltier. (Renseignements sur le tremblement, le 8 fevrier 1843 ala Pointe 3. Pitre).
Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 14. 1843. p. 610---BII.



•1244, A.· f. Jaccacl. Pe!ee the destroyer. Me. Clure's Mag. 19. 1902. p. 401-416. (teste
. 1196).. . . . ..
1244a. C. T. JaCks·on. Chemical analysis of chrysocolla from the Holquin Copper Mines
near Gibara•. Cuba. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 1. 1835. p. 206-208.
1245. R. T. jackson. Fossil Echini of the West Indies. Contr. to the Geol. and Pal. of
the West Indies. Publ. Carn. Inst. Wash. no. 306. 1922. p. 1-103. xvur pis.
1246: T. A. Jaggar. The next eruption of Pe!ee. Science (ns). 16. 1902. p. 871~72.
1247. Thomas Augu~tus J~ggar. Field notes of a geologist in Martinique and St. Vincent.
Pop. Sc. Monthly. 61. 1902. p. 352---368. 19 photogrs.
*1248. T. A. jaggar. The crater of the Soufriere volcano, St.. Vincent. Hat:per's Weekly.
46. 1902. p. 1281. (teste 1196).
•1248a. Th. A. Jaggar. Professor Heilprin on Mont Pele. Science. (ns). 17. 1903. p. 423-425.
(teste 1678a).
1249. T. A. Jaggar. Jr. The eruption of Pe!ee. July 9, 1902. Pop. Science Monthly. 64.
1904. p. 216-231. 4 pbotogrs. . . .
•1250.. T. A. Jaggar. The eruption of Mount Pe!ee, 1851. Amer. Naturalist. 38. 1904.
p. 51-73.. (teste 1196), .
1251. T. A. Jaggar. The initial stage of the spine or Pelee. Am. J. Sc. (4). 17. 1904.
p. 34-40. .
.*12~2. Jaf11:es~n. Tremblement de la Guadeloupe, le 8 _f6vrier 1843. Jameson's Journal. 35.
1843. p. 179-185. (teste 1772). .
*1253. Pietro Gerardo jansen. Pelee e le sue eruzioni. Vie d'Italia e America latina.
37. !931. p. 587-S94. (teste Geogr, Journal 1931). ·
1254. P. W. Jarvis. Some Notes on cretaceous occurrences at Lizard Spring, Trinidad.
J ouro. Inst. Petrol. Tech.nol. London. 15. 1929. p. 440-442.
P. W. Jarvis. See 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657.
1255. Alph. jeannet. Surles Echinides tertiaires du V(:nezuela et de la Trinite, conserves
au Muse~ d'Histoire Naturelle de Bale. Eel. Geol. Helv. 21. 1928. p. 372
-374. ' ,·
1256. Alph.· Jeannet. Sur les Ecbinides tertiaires du venezuela et de la Trinite,
conserves aq. Musee d' Histoire Nat, de Bale. Verb. Schw. Nat£. Ges. 109.
1928. p: 22ilc-221. . .
1257." A. Jeannet. Contribution 8.1'6tude des Echinides. tertiaires de Ia Trinite et du Vene-
zuela.. M6m. Soc. Pal. Suisse. 48. 1928 .. p. 1--48. VI pis. 12 textfigs.
1258. Alphonse jeannet. Encore;ri.eria lanieri (d'Orb) Cotteau. Verb .. Schw. Natf.
Ges. 117. !936. p. 303-304.
·1"259. Alphonse Jeaonet. Encore Lanieria la.n.ieri (d'Orb.) Cotteau. Observations nouvel-
les. Eel. Geol. .tfe1v. 29. 1936. p. 581~58.9. 8 figs. II pis.
A. Jeanne!. See. 1372a. .
•1259a. M. S•. W. Jefferson. Mount Pe!ee. Science. (ns). 17. 1903. p. 909. (teste 1678a).
1260. C. E. Jennings. Note on the geology of the Isle of Pines. Cuba. J. Geol. 21. 1913.
p. 367-369.
1261. A. Jesurun. De phpsphaten van Aruba en Klein Cura~o. Neerlandia. 15. 1911.
p. 282-285.
C. Jobnson. See 1767.
*1262. A. G. johnston. The Nature,U. and Political History of the Parish of Portland in
the island of Jamaica .. Literary and Scient. Journal. 1. 1848. p. 5-26. 49-72.
101-121.' (Teste ? 1486. Contains a plate with 6 figures of fossil shark).
1263. L. joleaud. La question du petrole dans les colonies fram;aises. La Nature. 56me
annee. 1928. p. 383-393. 451-453.
1264. R~ joleaud. Les recents progres de nos connaissances sur l'histoire du Pacifique aux
temps tertiaires et Ia th6orie de Wegener. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 192. 1931. p. 628.
Joly. See 767. . .
Byron J, Jones. See 1455.
1265. T. Rupert Jones. Notes on some Nummulinae and Orbitoides from Jamaica .
.. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 19. 1863. p. 514-515.
1266. T. Rupert Jones. The relationship of certain West Indian and Maltese strata, as
shown by some Orbitoides and other Foraminifera. Geol. Mag. 1. 1864. p. 102
1267. T. Rupert Jones. Note on the Orbitoides and Nummulinae of the Tertiary Asphal-
tic Bed, Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 22. 1866. p. 592--593.
1267a. T. R. ·Jones and W. K. Parker. Notice sur les Foramifliferes vivantes et fossiles de
If Jama1que. Mem. Soc. Malacol. Belg. 11. 1876. p. 91-103.
1268. W. F. jones. A geological reconnaissance in Haiti. J. Geol. 26. 1918. p.
728-752. Sections.

·•1269. E. J. joseph. Interesting account of various minerals said to be found in Trinidad,

of mud volcanoes, of the geological history of the island. ?Year. (teste 1394).
1270. julio jover y Anldo. Sismologia de la regi6n oriental de la republica de Cuba. El
macroseismo del 27 de Febrero de 1914. Memor. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 2.
1916. p.· 157-167.
1271. A. j. Jukes .Browne. Foraminiferal limestones from the Grenadine Islands, West
Indies. Geo!. Mag. (3). 10. 1893. p. 270-272.
A. j. jukes Browne. See 1074. 1075. 1076. 1077. 1078.
1272. A. j. Jukes Browne and J. B. Harrison. Tertiary chalk in Barbados. Nature.
39. 1889. p. 607.
1273. A. j. jukes Browne and J. B. Harrison. The geology of Barbados. 1. The coral
rocks of Baibcl.dos and other West Indian Islands. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 47.
1891. p. 197-243. . .
1274. A. J. Jukes Browne and j. B. Harrison. On the Geology of Barbados. 2. The
Oceanic deposits. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 48. 1892. p. 170-226.
1275. Alexis A. Julien. On- the Geology of the Key of Sombrero, West Indies. Ann.
Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York. 8. 1866. (1867). p. 251-278. pl. IV. v.
W .. s:"s. van Benthem jutting. See 312.
T. M. Keates. See 2084.
1276. K. Keilhack. (Geologischer Bau und Phosphatlager von Cura~ao). Gliickauf. 61.
1925. p. 838-840. . .
1277. K. Kellhack; Dei- geologische Bau und die Phosphatlager des Ostlichen Cura~ao.
Zeitsch. Deutsche Geol. Ges. 78. Aufsatze. 1926. p. 337-856.
1278. Karl F. Kellerman. Relation of bacteria to deposition of calciumcarbonate. Bull.
Geol. S. Amer. 26. 1914. p. 58 (abstract).
1279. R. E. Kelslck. The soil of St. Kitts. Report of the Agricultural Dept. of St. Kitts-
Nevis. 1924/5. 1925. p. 21-27.
•1280. J. F. Kemp. Earthquakes and volcanoes. Century Magazine. N. York. 64. 1902.
p. 593-609. (teste 1196).
12151. James Furman Kemp. Iron Ore Resources in the West Indies. The- Iron Ore Re-
sources of the World. Stockholm. 2. 1910. p. 798-797.
1282. J. F. Kemp. The geology of the iron ore deposits near Daiquiri, Cuba. Bull. Amer.
Inst. Mining Eng. 105. 1915. p. 1801-1836.
1283. J. F. Kemp. The Mayari-lron-Ore Deposits, Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng.
51. 1915. p. 8-30. Also: Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 98. 1915. p. 129
1284. james F. Kemp. The Geology- of the Iron-Ore Deposits in and near Daiquiri,
Cuba. Trans. Amer., Inst. Mining E'ng. 53. 1916. p. 3---39.
1285. James_ F. Kemp. Report to H. H. Hough, Captain U. S. Navy, Governor Virgin
Is1ands. Printed at the Naval Station. St. Thomas. April 6. 1923. (Copy
. in no. 1286). :
1286. James F. Kemp. Introduction and Review of the Literature- on the Geology of
the Virgin Islands. NeW-York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv. Porto Rico and the Virgin
Is!. 4. !. 1926. p. 1-69.
•1287. C. W. Kempton. Some investigations of Santo Domingo Minerals. Mining World.
30. 1909. p. 637-639. 8 figs. (teste 2298).
•1288. George. Kennan. The tragedy of Petee. Outlook. 71. 1902. June 28-August 16.
(teste 1196: identical with 1289): ·
1289. George Kennan. The Tragedy -Of Pel€e. A narrative of personal experience and
observations in Martinique. New York. oct. 1902. 257 pp. Photogrs. drawings.
1290. George Kennan. St. Pierre and Mont Pelee ·through the Ste:veoscope. A v:isit to
the Dead City .of Martinique during the terrors of the June Eruption 1902 .....
• N. York. 1903. 61 pp. 2 maps. (? Stereophotogrs). .
1291. J. von Kennel. Die Insel Trinidad. Sitz. Ber. Nat. Ges .. Dorpat. 9. 1889 (1892}.
p. 120-149.
. 1292. Kermorgant. L'eruption de Ia Martinique. Bull. Acad. de Mt\decine. (3). 48. 1902.
p. 189-194. 320-327. Also: *Ann. d'hygi{me et de m€decine coloniale. 5. 1902
and •Le Caducee 2. 1902. (teste 1351).
•1293. C. Kewitsch. -Die Vulkane Pete, Krakatau, Etna, Vesuv. Norden 1902. p. 1-35.
(teste 363). .
1294. james P. Kimball. G€ological Relations and Genesis of the Specular Iron Ores of
Santiago de Cuba. Am. J. Sc. (3). 28. 1884. p. 416-429. See Also: Eng. Mining J.
38. 1884. p. 409-411.
1295. james P. Kimball. The Iron·Ore Range of the Santiago District of Cuba. Trans.
Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 13. 1884/5. p. 613-634. See also: Eng. Mining J.
38. 1884. p. 423-427'
)3.1BI.lOGRAPHY 49

1296. James Kimball. .La Sierra ferrllera del distrito de Santiago de Cuba (Traducci6n
por Pablo Ortega). Revista Soc. Ingen. Habana. 2. 1910. p. 23-30. 79--90.
1297. James P. Kimball. Relaciones geol6gic_as y generales_ de las Minas de Hierro

· Especular de San_tiago de Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana._ 5. 1918. p. 83--95.
(olo!tdaef;ea of 1294). .
1298. ·C. Klein. _(Jber: die am 7 Mai 1902 vom Vulkan Soufriere auf St. Vincent ausge-
worfene Asche. Sitz. Ber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 41. 1902. p. 993-994.
1299. J. H. Kloos. Untersuchungen tiber Mineralien und Gesteine aus West lndien.
Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden. Beitr. z. Geol. v. Nieder]. West Indien.
(2). 1. 1887. p. 1-110.
*1300. I. N. Knapp. Santo Domingan petroleum resources. Oil a~d Gas Journal. 17. no.
5. 1918. p. SO. (teste 2298).
1301. F. H. Knowlton. Relations between the Mesozoic Floras of North_ and South
America. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 29. 1918. p. 607-614.
1302. John P. Knox. A historical account; of St. Thomas, w.. 1._ New York. 1852.
oct. 271 pp. map.
1303. R. Koch. Tertilirer Foraminiferenkalk von der Insel Curac;ag. (NiederLW. Indien).
Eel .. Geol. Helv. 21. 1928. p. 51-56. pl. nr. .
1304. R. Koch. Berichtigung und Erganzung zu der Notiz ,Tertiarer Foraminiferenkalk
von der Insel Curac;ao". Eel. Geol. Helv. 22. 2. 1929. p. 159--161.
1305. R. Koch. Berichtigung und Ergiinzung der Notiz ,Tertiiirer Foraminiferenkalk
von der Insel Curac;ao", Verh. Schw. _Nat£. Ges. 110. 1929. p. 146.
1306. Charles KOnig. On a fossil human skel~ton from Guade_loupe. Philos. Trans. 104.
1814. p. 107-120. pl. m.
1307. Ch. Koenig. Sur un squelette humain_ fos~ile 4e la Guadeloupe. Bull. des Sciences
par Ia Soc. Philomatique de Paris. 1814. p. 149--151.
1308. Charles KOnig. On a fossil human skeleton from Guadeloupe. Abstracts Philos.
Trans. 1. !832. p; 487-489.
*1309. Fred Carl Kolderup. De volkanske udbrud i Vestindien. Naturen. Bergen. 26.
1902. p. 353-363. (teste 861). ·
1310. (A. J. van Koolwijk). Het goudland Aruba. Tijdschr. Kon. Nederl. Aardr. Gen. (2).
J. 1884. p. 598-600.
1311. (A. J. van Koolwijk). Brannen van Minerale Wateren op Aruba. Tijdschr. Kon.
. Nederl.. Aardr. Gen. (2). 1. 1884. p. 600-601.
1312. WIJhelm Krebs. Flutschwankungen und die vulkanischen Ereignisse in Westindien.
Globus. 84. 1903. p. 72--74. ·
Herbert W. Krieger. See 1576.
1313. 0. Krilmmel. Westindische .Korallenbauten. Globus. 69. 1896. p. 1-8. (after L.
Agassiz. Bahamas. Cuba).
1314. H. G. Kugler. Das Eocaenprofil von Soldado Rock (Trinidad). Verb. Schw. Natf.
Ges. 104. 1923. p . .142. .
1315. H. G. Kugler. Das Eozanprofil von Soldado Rock bei Trinidad. Eel. Geol. Helv.
18. 1923. p. 253-259.
1316. H. G. Kugler. Report on a fossil locality for-Arthropods and Vertebrates in Trini-
dad. (BWI). Trans. Entom. Soc. London. 75. 1927. p. 141-142.
1317. H. G. Kugler. Contribution to the knowledge of sedimentary volcanism in Trinidad.
Journ. Inst. Petr. Techno!. London. 19. 1933. p. 743-777. 8 figs.
1318. H. 6. Kugler. Summary digest of Geology of Trinidad. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr.
Geol. 20. 1936. p. 1439-1453.
H. 0. Kugler. See 1240a.
1319. 0. Kuhfal. Mona-Insel. Annalen der Hydrographie und marinen Meteorologie.
20. 1892. p. 303-305. Map.
1320. Olin R. Kuhn. Iron Ore Deposits of Cuba. Eng. and Mining J. 121. 1926. p. 607-
1321. C. i... L. (Chanoine de la Martinique). 1635-1902. Saint Pierre de Martinique.
Paris 1905. oct. VII and 509 pp. illustr.
1322. Jean Baptiste Labat. Nouveau voyage aux isles de l'Am€:rique .... Paris. 1722.
6 volumes.
Dub1anc Laborde. See no. 754.
Lachesnale. See no. 50.
1323. A. Lacroix. Sur les andesites et labradorites a hypersthene de la Guadeloupe. C. R
Ac. Sc. Paris. 110. 1890. p. 1347-1350. .
1324. A. Lacroix. Sur la composition mineralogique des roches volcamques de la Mar-
tinique et de l'!le Saba. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 111. 1890. p. 71-73.
1325. A. Lacroix. Les enclaves des roches. Macon. 1893. 710 pp. VIII Pis. (Saba. Mar-


1326. A. Lacroix. Les roches volcaniques de Ia Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 134.
1902. p. 1246-1248.
1327. A. Lacroix. Sur les cendres des 6ruptions de la Montagne Pelee de 1851 et de
1902. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 134. 1902. p. 1327-1329.
1328. A. Lacroix. Les roches volcaniques de la Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 134.
1902. p. 1369-1371.
1329. A. Lacroix. Extrait d"une lettre a Michel Levy. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135.
1902. p. 147-150.
1330. A. Lacroix. Sur les roches rejetees par l'l!ruption actuelle de la Montagne Pelee
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. 451-452.
1331. A. Lacroix. Les enclaves des andesites de l'6ruption actuelle de Ia Montagne Pelee.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. 470-472.
1332. A. Lacroix. Nouvelles observations sur les eruptions de Ia Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. 672--674.
1333. A. Lacroix. Sur I'etat actuel du volcan ·de la Montagne Pelee a la Martinique.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. 771-773.
1334. A. Lacroix. Etat actuel du volcan de la Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902.
p. 992--997.
1335. A. Lacroix. Quelques observations mineralogiques sur les produits de l'incendie
de St.~"Pierre. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. 1902. p. 1069-1071.
1336. A. Lacroix. Nouvelles observations sur 1es eruptions volc:aniques de la Martinique.
C. R. Ac. Sc. 135. 1902. p. 1301-1307.
•1337. A. Lacroix. Observations sur le volcan. Journal officiel de la Martinique. Octobre
1902 a Fevier 1903. (teste 1351).
1338. A. Lacroix. Sur quelques faits d'endomorphisme, observes dans les ruines de St.
Pierre (Martinique). C. R. Ac. Sc. 136. 1903. p. 28-30.
1339. A. Lacroix. Les eruptions de nuages denses de la Montagne Peiee. C. R. Ac. Sc ..
Paris. 136. 1903. 216-218.
1340. A. Lacroix. L'eruption de Ia Montagne PeJee en Janvier 1903. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
136. 1903. p. 442-443.
1341. A. Lacroix. Sur l'etat actuel de la Soufrihe de Ia Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. ,,,
136. 1903. p. 656-659.
1342. A. Lacroix. Sur une eruption du volcan de Saint Vincent. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 136.
!903. p. 803-.'!07.
1343. A. Lacroix. Principaux resultats de la mission de la Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
136. 1903. p. 871-676.
1344. A. Lacroix. La cordierite dans les produits Cruptifs de la Montagne Pelee et de Ia
Soufriere de Saint Vincent. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 137. 1903. p. 145-147.
1345. A. Lacroix. -Les enclaves basiques des volcans de 1a Martinique et de Saint Vincent.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 137. 1903. p. 211-213.
1346. A. Lacroix. Sur le gisement de l;:t calcl:doine et des bois silicifies de la Martinique.
Bull. Soc. fran~. de Miner. 26. 1903. p. 150-152. ~
1346a. A. Lacroix. Observations sur la cristallisation du zinc par recuit dans les ruines
incendiees de Saint Pierre (Martinique). Bull. Soc. Fran~. de Miner. 26. 1903.
p. 184-188.
*1347. A. Lacroix. Le vOlcan. De¢che coloniale illustree du 1 Mai 1903. Numero consacre
a Ia Martinique (teste !351).
1348. A. Lacroix. Les dernieres eruptions de St. Vincent. Ann. de Geogr. 12. 1903. p.
261-268. pl. X-XII.
1349. A. Lacroix. Les eruptions de Ia Martinique. Revue Scientifique. (4). 20. 1903. p.
674--686. (Also: • Bull. Soc. Secours des Amis des Sciences. 1903. p. 49
1350. A. Lacroix. Sur quelques productions boueuses consCcutives a eruption de Ia.
Montagne Pelee. Rev. Gen. des Sciences. Paris. 15 Fevrier 1903. p. 115-
116. II pis.
1351. A. Lacroix. La Montagne PeJee et ses eruptions. Ouvrage publie par l'academie
des sciences. Paris. 1904. fol. xxn et 662 pp. 238 figs. xxx pls.
1352. A. Lacroix. Sur 1a production de roches quartzifE:res au cours de !'eruption actuelle
de Ia Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 138. 1904. p. 792--797.
1353. A. Lacroix. Le mode de formation d'un d6me volcanique et la cristallization des
roches eruptives quartziU~res d'apr€s les observations faites au cours de I' eruption
de la Montagne Peiee. Rev. Gen. des Sciences. Paris. 16. 1905. p. 301-315.
8 figs.
1354. A. Lacroix. Sut un gisement de redondite a la Martinique. Bull. Soc. frant;-. de
Miner. 28. 1905. p. 13-16.

1355. A. :Lacroix. Observati.ons faites a la Montagne Pelee SU'r les conditions prtSsidant
la production de Ia tridymite dans les roches volcaniques. Bull. Soc. fran~. de
Miner. 28. 1905. p. 56-60 .
. 1356.. A. L~crofx •.Le sulfate de soude des fumerolles secondaires a haute temperature.
Bull. Soc. fran(:. de Miner. 28. 1905. p. 6().....{l8.
1357. A. Lacroix. Sur un cas cm:ieux de cristallization de chlorure de sodium au coors
de !'eruption de Ia Montagne Pelee. Bull. Soc. fran(:. de Miner. 28. 1905. p.
1358. A. Lacroix. Pompei, Saint Pierre et Ottajano. Revue Scientif. (5). 6. !906. p.
481--489. 519-523. 551-557 .
.1359. A. Lacroix. Contribution 8. !'etude des Breches et des Conglomerats volcaniques
(Antilles 1902-1903, V<\suve 1906). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. (4). 6. 1906. p.
1360; A. Lacroix. Sur Ia constitution mineralogique du dome recent de la Montagne
PelOe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 145. 1907. p. 169-,-173.
1360a. A. Lacroix. Les derniers jours d'Herculanum et de Pompei. La Geographie. Paris.
18. 1906. p. 281-296. f. 15--24. .
1361. A. Lacroix. La Montagne Pelee apres ses eruptions. Paris. 1908. VI et 136.pp.
Maps. Photogrs. .
1362. A. Lacroix. Dacites et Dacitoides, a propos des lav~ de la Martinique. C. R. Ac.
So. Paris. 168. 1919. p. 297-302.
1363. A. Lacroix. Les caracteristiques lithologiques des Petites Antilles. Livre jubil.
publi6 a !'occasion du Cinquantenaire de Ia fondation de la Societe Geoi. de
Belgique. Liege. 1926. p. 387--405.
1363a. A. Lacroix. Remarques sur les matCriaux de projections des volcans et sur Ia
genese des roches pyroclastiques. Livre Jubilaire Soc. GCol. France. 1930. p.
431--472. IV pis.
1364. A. Lacroix. Notice historique sur les membres et correspondants de l'AcadCmie des
Sciences ayant travame dans les colonies franc;aises de la Guyane et des An-
tilles de Ia fin du xvue si€cle au d~but du XIxe. Ac. d. Sc. Paris. Lecture faite en
seance annuelle du 12 D~cembre 1932.. 99 pp. ·
1365. A. Lacroix, Roltet de I'Iste et Giraud. Sur l'huption de la Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 135. !902. p. 377-391. 419--431.
1366. H. j. B. Laforgue. El petroleo en la isla de Cuba. Fomento. Habana. 1. 1918. p.
222-224. (Also: *Heraldo Minero. 8. 4. 1918).
1367. Manuel Garcia Lago. Minas de ,Asiento Viejo". Estudio del yacimiento de la
Mina ,Celia Gregoria;'', Bol. de Minas. Habana. 8. 1925. p. 57-60.
Manuel G. Lago. See 49.
1367a. c. G. Latlcker and P. J. Bermudez. Some Foraminifera of the family Tex-
tnlariidae from the Eocene of Cuba. J. Pal. 12. 1938. p. 170-172. pl.
XXVIII (p.p.).
13"68. j. Lambert. Echinides neogenes des Antilles anglaises. Mem. Soc. Acad. de l'Aube.
79. 19!5. 19 pp. I pl. (Anguilla. Antigua).
1369. J. Lambert. Nouvelles observations sur quelques EchinideS neogenes de l'Ue
d'Anguilla. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9). 9. 1922. p. 587-596. pl. IX.
1370. j. Lambert. Nota sobre Macropneustes cubensis. Memor. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat.
6. 1923. p. 43-50.
1370a. J. Lambert. Sur la rCcente decouverte d'Haimea Caillaudi dans !'Eocene superieur
de la Jamaique. C. R. sommaires-Beances Soc. Geol. France. 1925. p. 232.
1371. j. Lambert. Sur deux Echinides fossiles de Cuba. Bull. S. GOo!. Fr. (4). 28. 1928.
p. 19~21. 1 fig.
1372. j. Lambert. Note sur le groupe des Oligopygus, la nouvelle famille des Haimeidae
et sur quelques Echinides fossiles de Cuba. Bull. S. G6ol. Fr .. {5). I. 1931. p.
p. 289-,-304. pl. XVII.
1372a. J. Lambert et A. Jeannet. Nouveau catalogue des m<:mles. d'Echinides fos.siles du
. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Neuchatel exCcutes sous la drrectmn de L. Agass1z et E.
Desor. Mom. Soc. Helvet. Sc. Nat. 64. Mom. 2. !928. p. 79-c-233. n pis. (Jamaica).
*1372b. J. Lambert et Marlo Sanchez Rolg. Nuevas especies de equinodermos fosiles
cubanos. Mus. Historia Natural. Memorias. I. 1929 (1930). p. 143-150. 5 figs.
(teste Bermudez). .
*1373. Jules Lambert i Mario Sanchez Roig. Nueva especie fosil de genera ,,Clypeaster".
Rev. Agric., Comercio y Trabajo. 14 (21). Habana. 1934. p. 22-24. 2 figs. (teste
Palaeont. Ztrbl. 8. no. 1146).
1374. Gaston Landes. Notice sur Ia Martinique. (publi€e a !'occasion de l'expos. univ.
de 1900). Paris. 1900. 149 pp.
1375. Alfred Lane. Absorbed Gases and Vulcanism. Science (ns). 18. 1903. p. 760.

1376. Otto Lang. Der Asphaltsee auf der Insel Trinidad. Prometheus (Berlin). 7. 1895
(1896). p. 97-102.
*1377. De Langrene. Extrait d'une lettre du 16 Dec. 1751 sur les tremblements de terre
arrives dans l'ile de Saint-Domingue, a Ia fin de l'annee 1751. Journ. Oecon. 1752.
p. 127-137. (teste 1772).
1378. Guth!rrez Lanza. Conferencias de seismologia. Anales Ac. Cienc. Habana. 50.
1913(4. p. 164-180. 181-204. 205-230. 271-291. 292-318. 319-338.
1379. A. de Lapparant. A propos de la theorie des volcans. Revue Scientif. (4).
17. 1902. p. 790-791.
*1380. A. de Lapparent. La catastrophe des Antilles. Le Correspondant. 25 Mai. 1902.
p. 649-<J58. (teste 1351).
*1381. A. de Lapparent. U6ruption de Ia Martinique. Le Correspondant. 10 Nov. 1902.
p. 416-428. (teste 1351).
1382. A. de Lapparent. L'6ruption de la Martinique. Revue :des Questions scientif.
Louvaln. (3). 3. 1903. p. 5-36. .
1383. A. de Lapparent. La Montagne Pelee et ses eruptions. Ann. de Geogr. 14.
1905. p. 97-110.
1384. Lascroux. La Martinique avant et apres le D6sastre du 8 Mai 1902. Moulins-Allier.
oct.-_? 1902. 68 pp.
Laslerra. See no; 2.
1385. George A. Latimer. Observations regarding the earthquakes which occurred in
St. Thomas and neighboring islands commencing Nov. 18. 1867. Annual Rep.
Smith. Inst. for 1867 (1868). p. 465-466.
1386. L. de Launay. Les richesses (minerales) de Cuba. Ann. des Mines. (9). 3. 1893.
p. 548-551.
J. J. Dauxlon de Lavaysse. See 685.
1387. Barbara Lawrence. New Geocapromys from the Bahamas. Occasion. Papers of the
Boston Mus. Nat. Hist. 8. 1934. p. 189-196.
*1387a. Benjamin B. Lawrence. Copper Mining in Cuba. Mining Scient. Press. 93. 1906. p.
602. (teste 1678a).
*1387b. Benjamin B. Lawrence. Two Cuban Mines. Canad. Minihg Inst. Qu. Bull. 11.
1910. p. 15-30. Id.: Journ. Canad. Min.Inst. 13. 1911. p. 91-106. Also: Mines
and Minerals. 31. 1910. p. 235-240. (teste 1678a).
-1388. Isaac Lea. Notice of the Oolithic Formation in America .... Trans. Amer. Phil.
Soc. 7. 1840 (1841), p. 251-260. pl. VIII-X. (Cuba).
M. Carey Lea. See 372.
1389. J. B. Leblond. Voyage aux Antilles et a l'Am6rique Meridionale. Paris. oct.
1813. 474 pp.
*1390. Leboucher. La Guadeloupe pittoresque. Basse Terre. 1900. 188 pp. (teste 1351).
1391. J. W. Ledoux. Placer Salting in Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining ] . 97. 1914. p. 384
-386. .
1392. Andre Pierre Ledru. Voyage aux lies de Teneriffe, la Trinite, Saint Thomas, Saint
Croix et Porto Rico ... ouvrage accompagn6 de notes et d'additions par M.
Sonnini. Pa:r::is. 1810. 2 Vol. XLVII and 315. 324 pp.
1392a. M. Lefevre. Sur Ja presence de p6ridiniens dans un dep6t fossile des Barbades.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. !94. 1932. p. 2315-2316.
1392b. M. Lefhre. Recherches sur les peridiniens fossiles des Barbades. Museum Hist.
Nat. National. Bull. (2). 5. 1933. p. 415-418.
1393. E. Lehner, Artesian Water supply of Carriacou. Grenada Gvt. Pr. Off. 1935. 6
1394. E. pp. map. Introd uction
Lehner. · · d e T n111
> ]a g~olog:te
a. • · 'dad et b'bl' ' Iog1que.
1 10graphi e g~o ·
Docum. G6ol. .sur les pays petrolifhes de I' Amerique du Sud et des Ues de l'Ar-
chipel des Caralbes. Serie de Monogr. Region. et de Bibliographies, publi6es sous
la direction de M. D. Schneegans. Ann. Office National Combust. liquides. Paris.
1935. p. 691-730. Map. Section.
1395. joseph Leidy. Notice on some vertebrate remains from the West Indian islands.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1868. p. 178-180. (Cuba. Sombrero).
1396. K. Leith and W. j. Mead. Origin of iron ores of Central and Northeastern Cuba.
Bull. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 51. 1911. p. 217-229.
1397. C. K. Leith and W. J. Mead. Origin of the Iron-Ores of Central and Northeastern
Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 42. !911. (1912). p. 90-102.
1398. C. K. Leith and W. J. Mead. Additional Data on Origin of Lateritic Iron Ores
of Eastern Cuba. TraiJ-S. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 53. 1916. p. 75-78. See also:
Bull. Amer. Inst. M. E. 103. 1915. p. 1377-1380.
1399. Mad. Paul Lemoine. Contribution a -I'etude des Corallinacees fossiles. Bull. Soc.
Geol. Fr. (4). 17. 1917. p. 233-279. (Martinique: p. 256-279).

. 1400. P. Lemoine et R. Douville. ·sur le genre L6pidocyclina Giimbel. Mem. S. Geol.

· Fr. 32. 1904. 43 pp. m pis. (Martinique).
1401. A. Lennox. On the white limestone of Jamaica and its associated intrusive rocks.
Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 20. 1864. p. 380. (Also: The· Geologist. 1864. p.
A. Lennox. See 1952.
1401a. Gerald Lenox Conyngham. Montserrat and .the West Indian Volcanoes. Proc.
Royal Inst. of Great Britain. 29. 1937. p. 607-629. II pis. 6 figs.
1402. Hermano Leon. La flora fosil de Cuba, en la actualidad. Revista Soc. Geogr. Cuba
2. 1929, p. 22-27. pl. See Also: Colegio de Ia Salle. 1929. 6 pp. fig. (teste
1403. A. P. (? Le Prieur). Eruption de Ia Montagne Pelee a Ia Martinique. Revue
Co1onia1e. (2). 7. 1851. p. 314-320.
1404. Le Prieur. Surles bouches volcaniques de la Montagne Pelee et lieux voisins a Ia
Martinique. Revue Coloniale. (2). 9. 1852. p. 72-96.
1405. Le PrJeur. Surles bouches volcaniques de la Montagne Pelee a Ia Martinique. Revue
Co1oniale. (2). 12. 1854. p. 66-77.
*1406. Le Prieur, Peyraud et Rufz. Eruption du volcan de la Montagne Pe!ee. Bull.
Offic. de Ia Martinique. no. 49. 1852. p. 3-22. (teste 1351).
1407. Maurice Leriche. Sur une forme nouvelle du genre ,.Chlamydoselachus" (C. To~
bleri) rejetee par le volcan de boue de Chagonary (Ue de Ia Trinite, Petites Antilles).
Bull. Soc. beige de Geol. 38. 1928. p. 55-58. 2 figs.
1408. Lescaller. Fragment sur Ia Geologie de la Guadeloupe, lu a Ia classe des Sciences
Physiques et Math6matiques de l'Institut National de France. Joum. de Phys.
67. 1808. p. 373-387.
1409 .. Lesplne _et Chocque. Sur les tremblements de terre a la Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc.
Paris. 17. 1843. p. 352-356.
Henry Letheby. See 2084.
Michel Levy. See 1557. 1558.
1410•. J. Whitney Lewis. Geology of Cuba. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 16. 1932.
p. 533-555. . .
1411. J. Whitney Lewis. Occurrence of oil in igneous rocks· of Cuba. Bull. Amer. Ass.
Petr. Geol. 16. 1932. p. 809-818. .
1412 .. J.. Whitney Lewis. Probable age of Aptychus-bearing formations of Cuba. Bull.
Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 16. 1932. p. 943-944.
1413. F. L'Hermfnler. Reflexions geologiques sur les volcans, considerations sur la
Guadeloupe. Joumal de Physique. 80. 1815. p. 260-271. 81. 1815. p. 207
1413a. L'Hermlnler. Note sur une eruption recente du volcan de Ia Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 4. 1837. p. 294-295.
1414. L'Herminler. Surles produits du volcan de Ia Guadeloupe. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 5.
1837. p. 454-455.
1415. L'Herminler. Memoire sur les effets du tremblement de terre ressenti a Ia Guade-
loupe le 11 Janvier 1839. C. R. Ac. Sc .. Paris. 11. 1841. p. 865.
1416. L'Hermlnler. Notice sur Ie tremblement de terre du 11 Janvier 1839 et recheiches
sur les rapports de ce phenomene avec l'etat meteorologique de la Guadeloupe.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 17. 1843. p. 980-981.
1417. Ralph Alexander Liddle. The Geology of Venezuela and Trinidad. Fort Wort~.
Texas. 1928. xxxix and 552 pp. maps. plates.
1418. Waldemar Lindgren and Clyde P. Ross. The Iron Deposits of Daiquiri, Cuba.
Trans: Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 53. 1916. p. 40-66. See also: Bull. Amer. lnst.
M. E. 106.· 1915. P• 2171-2190.
Laura Linton. See 1734.
1419. C. B. Lipman. Further studies in Marine Bacteria with special reference to the Drew
hypothesis on CaC0 3 precipitation ·in the sea. Publ. Cam. Inst. 391. 1929.
p. 231-248.
1420. J. E. Little. The Mayari Iron~mines, Oriente Province, Island of Cuba, as developed
by the Spanish America Iron Co. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 42. 1911. (1912).
p. 152-169. .
*l420a. James E. Llttee. Cuban iron mines and methods. 2d. Pan American Sc. Congr.
!917. Washington. Proc. Sect. 7 and 8. p. 270-281. (teste Bermudez).
1421. A. K. Lobeck. Five land features of Porto Rico, a story of cause and effect. Natural
History. 19. 1919. p. 523-540. Photogrs. Map.
1422. Armin K. Lobeck. The Physiography of Porto Rico. New York. Acad. Sc. Scient.
Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 1. 4, 1~22. p. 301-379. Maps.
Diagrams. Sections. Photogrs.

*1423. A. K. Lobeck. Geografia fisica de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obr. Publ. Aiio 3. 1926. p.
923. 960. 995. 1023. 1051. Aiio: 4. 1927. p. 1081. 1117. 1157. 1195. (teste
1424. Logan Lobley. Volcanic action and the West Indian. Eruptions .of 1902. Journal
of the Trans. Viet. Inst. London. 35. 1903. p. 208-225.
1425. 0. Loew. Notes on the Soils of Porto Rico. Annual Rep. Porto- Rico Agric. Exp.
Station for 1908. 1909. p. 40-44. .
1426. M. Lohest. Sur une analogie de formation d'une variete de phosphate de chaux
de Hesbaye et des phosphates de Curac;.ao et de 1a Floride. Ann. Soc. Geoi. de
Belgique. 19. 1891/2. Mem. p. !48-146.
1426a. F. Lombard. La Martinique et les erreurs des g€ographes. Rev. Scient. Paris. (3.)
8. 1884. p. 174-178.
1427. Edward Long. The history of Jamaica. London. qu. 1774. 3 vols. (vol. 3 p. 617-
619: Earthquakes).
1428. W. Lonsdale. Notes on the fossil Corals of San Domingo. Qu. J. Geol. S. London.
9. 1853. p. 132-134.
1429. D. de Loos. Bitterwater van Aruba. Tijdschr. uitgegeven door de Nederl. Maatsch.
van Nijverheid. 46. 1883. p. 321.
1430. D. de 1,oos. BitterwatervanAruba. Nat. Tijdschr. vanNederl. lndie. 44. 1885. p. 86.
Diego Lopez de Quintana. See !797.
1431. Luis Garcia Lorenzana. Informe geologico de unos terrenos en los que se han en-
contrado muestras de amianto. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 8. 1925. p. 61-63.
1432. J. Lorle. Fossile Mollusken von Curayao, Aruba und Bonaire und der Ki.iste von
Venezuela. Samml. Geol. Reichmuseum Leiden. (2). 1. 1887. p. 111-149.
pl. I. II.
*1433. Henry Louis. The Asphalt Deposits of Trinidad. Public Works. n. 1904. p. 230-
238. (teste 444).
*1434. Henry Louis and J. W. Gordon. Report of the Asphalt Industry Commission.
Colony of Trinidad. 1902. (teste 444).
1435. Bela Low. The Mineral Deposits of Portorico. Eng. and Mining J. 128. 1929.
p. 5-7.
*1436. Bela Low. Los dep6sitos minerales de Puerto Rico. Revista Obr. Publ. Aiio 6.
1929. p. 243. (teste 1550).
1437. P. R. Lowe. On the Birds of Blanquilla island, Venezuela. Ibis. (9): I. 1907.
. p. 111-122.
1438. P. R. Lowe. Notes on some Birds collected during a cruise in the Caribbean Sea.
Ibis. (9). 3. 1909. p. 304-347. (Testigos. Hermanos).
1439. Percy R. Lowe. A Naturalist on desert islands. London. 1911. xn and 300 pp.
Maps. Pis. (Swan. Blanquilla. Hermanos).
*1439a. Ed. Loye. Le p€trole et l'asphalte dans Ie Trinidad et Barbade. Ann. d. Mines de
Belgique. 10. !905. (teste 1167).
A. Truan y Luard. See 2226.
1440. R. Ludwig. Geographische und Geognostische Umschau auf der Insel St. Barthele-
my. Deutsche Geogr. Blatter. Bremen. 17. 1894. p. 43-84. Map. Sections.
1441. G. Lunge. Dber das Vorkommen von Schwefel auf der Insel Saba. Dingler's Poly-
techn. Journal. 259. 1886. p. 43-45 ..
1442. J. P. Lushene. Gravity-Observations in the Bahamas. Trans. Amer. Geoph.
Union. 13th Annual Meeting. 1932. p. 57-58.
1443. Rudolf Liitgens. Land, Leute, Reisen in der Republik Haiti. Z. Gesellsch. F. Erdk.
Berlin. 1914. p. 771-780.
1444. Rudolf Liitgens. Geographische und Geologische Beobachtungen in Nordwest
Haiti. Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Hamburg .. 32. !919. p. 41-90. map. II pis. pano-
1445. R. Liitgens. Grundziige einer wirtschafts geographischen Entwicklung und Glie·
derung Haitis. Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Hamburg. 38. 1927. p. 375-404.
1446. D. Ford MacCormlck. Minas de Matahambre, Cuba. Eng. a. Mining ] . 104. 1917.
p. 508-507. VII photogrs.
1447. D. Ford MacCormlck. Minas de Matahambre. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 4. 1918. p.
61-68. (translation of 1446).
1448. J. A. Macdonald, F. Hardy and G. Rodriguez. The Cacao Soils of Trinidad. A. The
Montserrat Distr. (Studies in West Indian Soils 7). Port-of-Spain. 1933. 50
pp. map.
J. A. Macdonald. See 1062.
1449. W. j. MacGee, The Gulf of Mexico as a Measure of Isostasy. Am. J. Sc. (3). 44.
1892. p. 177-192.
*1450. W. j, MacGee. The West. Indian Disaster. Amer. Monthly Review of Reviews. 25.
1902. p. 678-686. (teste 1196).

1451. W. J. MacGee. The Antillean Volcanoes. Popul. Sc. Monthly. 61. 1902. p. 272--281·
1452. H. J. MacGfllavry. The Rudist fauna of Seroe Teintje limestone (Northern Curayao).
Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 35. 1932. p. 381-392. pl. 1. 11.
1453. H. J. MacGillavry. Remarks on Rudists. Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterd.
38. 1935. p. 558-565. (Cuba).
1454. H. J. Mac6Hivary. Geology of the province of Camaguey, Cuba with revisional
studies in Rudist Paleontology (mainly based upon collections from Cuba).
Acad. Thesis. Utrecht. 1937. 169 pp. Map.x pls. (Also: Geogr. en Geol. Mede-
deelingen. Utrecht, no. 14. 1937).
H. J. MacGillavry. See 365. :: ..
1454a. A. G. Macgregor. Royal Society Expediton to Montserrat. B. W. 1.: Preliminary
Report on the Geology of Montserrat. Proc. R. S. London. B. 121. 1937.
p. 232--252. pi. VII-IX. --
1454b. A, G. MacGregor. The Volcanic History and Petrology of Montserrat, with ob-
servations on Mt. Pele, in Martinique. Philos. Trans. B. 229. 1938. 90 pp. VIII
pis. I geol. map.
1455. C. R. MacGregor and Byron N. jones. (Earthquake in the Bahamas). Nature. 37.
1887. p. 54.
*1456. T. MacGregor MacDonald. (Eruption of St. Vincent). Century Mag. 64. 1902. p.
638-642. (teste ? ?).
*1457. Manuel A. Machado. Datos sobre Ia estratificaci6n g6ol6gica de Ia RepUblica
Dominicana. Gaceta oficial. Santo Domingo. Julio 10. 1912. (teste 2298).
*1458. S. S. MacKee. Most fatal and frightful disaster of our times. Leslie's Weekly. 94.
1902. p. 562--565 (teste 1196).
K. G. Mackenzie. See 1845.
1459. William Maclure. Observations on the Geology of the West India Islands from
Barbados to Santa Cruz, inclusive. (Read Oct. 28. 1817). J. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad.
I. 1817. p. 134-149.
1460. George. A. Macready. (Earthquake in Trinidad). Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 5. 1915.
p. 108-109.
1461. George A. Macready. Petroleum Industry of Trinidad. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining.
Eng. 65. 1921. p. 58-67.
*1462. J. Magnin. Les gisements p6trolifhes de 1a Republique dominicaine. Journ. de
.Petr. 7. 1907. p. 99-101. (teste 2298).
1463. de Malran. {Tremblement de Terre dans l'ile de St. Domingue). Histoire (et Me-
moires) de l'Acad. Royale des Sc. Annee 1752. 1756. p. 16-17.
1464. C. I. Forsyth Major. The Musk Rat of Santa Lucia (Antilles). Annals Mag. Nat.
Hlst. (7). 7. 1901. p. 204-206.
1465. F. Mallet. Descriptive Account of the Isle of Trinidad. London. 1802. 15 pp. Atlas
(a.o. map of Pitchlake).
J. R. Manduley. See no. 20.
1466. N. S. Manross. Notice of the Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Am. J. Sc. (2). 20. 1855.
p. !53-160.
1467. Wendell C. Mansfield. Miocene gastropods and scaphopods from Trinidad. Br. W.
I. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus 66. art. 22. 1925. 65 pp. x pis. .
1468. jules Marcou and john Belknap Marcou. Mapoteca geologica americana. A. cata-
logue of geological maps of America (North and South). (1752--1881). Bull. U
St. Geol. Surv. 7. 1884. 184 pp.
1469. R. Mirky. Dber die systematische Stellung der von Schlammvulkanen erzeugten
Gesteine. Eel. Geol. Helv. 24. 1931. p. 31-33.
1470. Ch. Marsillon. Le Lac d'Asphalte de ,La Brea". La Nature. Paris. 24. 1896.
1471. K.~- .
Martin. Phosphoritische Kalke von der Westindischen lnsel Bonaire. Z. der
Deutsch. Geoi. Ges. 31. 1879. p. 473-479.
1472. K. Martin. Ober das Vorkommen von Dania auf Curat;ao. Neues J. f. Miner. etc.
2. !885. p. 239-240.
1473. K. Martin. (Communication on Curat;ao). Versl. en meded. Kon. Akad. v. Weten-
sch. Amsterdam. Ald. Natuurkunde. Reeks 3. Dee!. 2. 1886. p. 238-240.
1474. (K. Martin). Geologische Kaarten van Curat;ao, Aruba en Bonaire. Tijdschr. Kon.
Nederl. Aardr. Gen. (2). 4. 1887. p. 532--551. 3 maps.
1475. K. Martin. Bericht tiber eine Reise nach Nieder!. West lndien und darauf gegriin-
dete Studien. Leiden. 1888. Geol. Theil. 238 pp. figs. II pls. III maps.
1476. K. Martin. Die Entstehung westindischer, zur Salzgewinnung dienender Meere.
Prometheus. I. 1889{90. p. 68-72.
1477. K. Martin.- Uit het jongste geologische verleden der Nederlandsche Kolonien in
Oost en West, Rectorale Rede. Jaarb. Rijks Univ. Leiden. 1895(6. 1896
33 pp.

1478. K. Martin. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung des Ost- und West-Indischen Ar-
chipels. Geogr. Zeitschr. 2. 1896. p. 361-378.
1479. K. Martin. Lithothamnium in cretaceischen und jtingeren Ablagerungen tropischer
Inselo. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc. 1901. p. 161-165.
1480. K. Martin. Vroegere rijzingen van den bodem in Nederlandsch West lndie. West
Indische Gids 2. 1921 p. 273-284
Martinez. See 23.
*1481. C. F. Marvin. The Kingston Earthquake. Monthly Weather Review. Jan. 1907.
(teste 626).
*1481a. Archibald P. Marvlnne. Notes on reported mineral deposits lying between Santo
DOmingo city and Anzua etc. Un. St. 42d Congr. 1st Sess. Senate Exec. Docum.
9. 1871. p. 105-111. (teste 1678a).
1482. A. P. Marvlnne. Petroleum in Santo Domingo. Am. J. Sc. (3). 4. 1872. p. 153-159.
1483. M. Roca Masden. Nota acerca de un yacimiento de fosiles vegetales del Abra del
Yumuri (Matanzas). Memor. Soc. Cubana. Hist. Nat. 4. 1922. p. 120--124.
1484. Abraham Mason. Extract of a letter to the Reverend .Thomas Birch ... relating
to an extraordinary Agitation of the Sea (at Barbadoes), 31 of March 1761 ...
Philos. Trans. 52. 1762. pt. I. p. 477--478.
-1485. Salvador Massip. Estudio geografico de la Isla de Cuba. Boletin Observatorio
Nacional. Habana. 21. 1925. p. 31-59.
1486. C. A. Matley. Some recent contributions to the geology of Jamaica, with a biblio-
graphy. Handbook Jamaica for 1923. Kingston. 1923. p. 676-688.
1487. C. A. Matley. Report on the work of the-Government Geologist and on-the progress
of the Geological Survey in Jamaica for economic purposes. Suppl. to the Jamaica
Gaz. 46. (July 4. 1923. no. 9). p. 225-231. Also: *Jamaica. Ann. Gen. Rep. for
1922. 1924. p. 77~83.
1488. C. A. Matley. Report on the hydrology of the Liguanea plain and on the possi-
bilities of irrigating it. Jamaica Gazette. 46. 1923. (August 9). p. 870-874.
·1489. C. A. Matley.- Report by the Government Geologist on the Progress of the Geolo-
gical Surveys in Jamaica in connection with its water resources, for the period
June 1923 to April 1924. Suppl. to the Jamaica Gazette. 47. May 23. 1924. p.
45-48. Also: •Jamaica. Ann. Gen. Rep. for !923. 1925. p. 13-21.
1490. C. A. Matley. Report on a reconnaissance geological survey to the Cayman Islands.
Jamaica Gazette. 47. June 13. 1924. Supplement. p. 69-73. Also: *Ann. Gen.
Rep. for 1923. 1925. p. 41--45.
1491. C. A. Matley. Report by the Government Geologist on the Progress of the Geolo-
gical Surveys in Jamaica for economic purposes (except as regards water resour-
ces) for the period June 1923 to April 1924. Jamaica Gazette. 47. 1924. July
24. Suppl. p. 123-130. Also: *Ann. Gen. Rep. for 1923. 1925. p. 100-102.
1492. C. A. Matley. Recent geological work in Jamaica. Report 92th Brit. Assoc. Adv.
Sc. Toronto. 1924. 1925. p. 391-392. Also: Pan Amer. Geol. 42. 1924. p. 311-313.
1493. C. A. Matley. A reconnaissance Geol. Survey of the Cayman Islands. B.W.I.
Report 92th Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sc. Toronto. 1924. 1925. p. 392-393. Also: Pan
Amer. Geol. 42. 1924, p. 313-315.
*1493a. Ch. A. Matley. Report on the strata in the valley of St. Ann. Jamaica. Suppl.
Jamaica Gazette. 48. no. 3. 1925. p. 13-15. (teste 1678b). ,
*1493b. Cb. A. Matley. Report on a mineral spring at Windsor St. Ann and on the proba-
bility of the occurrence of petroleum in its neighbourhood. Jamaica: Ann. Gen.
Rep. for 1923. 1925. p. 306-308. (teste 1678b).
1494. Charles Allred Matley. The geology of the Cayman Islands (British West Indies)
and their Relation to the Bartlett Trough. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 82. 1926.
p. 352-386.
1495. C. A. Matley. Phosphate in the Cayman Islands. In: Reserves Mondiales en Phos-
phates. Inform. faite par !'initiative du- Bureau du 14me Congr. Geol. Intern.
Madrid. 1926. 1928. 2. p. 777-779.
*1496. C. A. Matley. Short sketch of the geology of Jamaica. In: ,.Jamaica in 1928".
1928. p. 167-169. (teste ? ?).
1497. C. A. Matley. The Basal Complex of Jamaica with special reference to the Kingston
district. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 85. 1929. p. 440---476.
1498. C. A. Matley. The old Basement of Barbados; with some remarks on Barbadain
Geology. Geol. Mag. 69. 1932. p. 366-373.
1499. C. A. Matley. The Basal Complex in Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 73. 1936. p. 331
1500. C. A. Matley. The Age of the Jamaica Granodiorite and its Associated Rocks.
· Tbe Geol. Mag, 74. 1937. p. 495-507. .
1501. (l, F, Mallhew. !mpressiol'ls of Cuba. Cana(lian Naturalist, 7. 187·5. p. 19-34.

-, :~;


1502. .-w. D. .Matthew. Hypothetical outlines of the Continents in Tertiary t:inws._ Bull.
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 22. 1906. p. 353-383.
1503. W. D. Matthew. Cuban fossil Mammals, preliminary note. Bull. Geo_l. Soc. Amer.
24. 1913. p. 113-119. .
1504. . W. D. Matthew. Climate and Evolution. Ann. New York Ac. Sc. 24. 1914-15.
p. 171-318.
1505. W. D. Matthew. A new Sirenian from te Tertiary of Porto Rico. Ann. New York.
Ac. Sc. 26. 1915. p. 439. (Abstract).
1506. W. o·. Matthew. Supplementary Note. Ann. New. York Ac. Sc. 27. 1916. p.
1507. W. D. Matthew. New Sirenian from the Tertiary of Porto Rico, West India. Ann.
New York Ac. Sc. 27. 1916. p. 23-29.
.1507a. W. D. Matthew. Skeletons of the ground sloths in the Havana and American
Museums. Amer. Mus. Journ. 18 .. 1918. p. 313.
1508. W. D. Matthew. Affinities and origin of the Antillean Mammals. :Sull. Geol. S.
Amer.. 29. 1918. p. 657-666. · · .
1509. . W. D. Matthew. Recent discoveries of fossil Vertebrates in the West Indies and
their Bearing on the Origin of the Antillean Fauna. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc'. 58.
1919. p .. 161-181.
1510. W. D. Matthew. Genera and New Species of Ground Sloths from the Pleistocene of
Cuba. Amer. Mus .. Novitates. 511. 1932. 5 pp.
W. D. Matthew. See 275. 2195.
1511. Carlotta J. .Maury. A contribution to the Paleontology of Trinidad. Journ. Ac.
Nat. Sc. Philad. (2). 15. 1912. p. 23-112. pl. v-xm.
1512. Carlotta J. Maury. A contribution_ of the Paleontology of Trinidad. Proc. Acad.
Nat. Sc. Philad. 64. 1912. p. !32-134.
1513. Carlotta joaquina Maury. Santo Domingo Type Sections and Fossils. Part. 1.
Bull. Amer. Pal. 29. 1917. p. 165-415. XXXIX pis.
1514. Carlotta joaqulna Maury. Santo Domingo Type Sections and Fossils. Part 2.
Bull. Amer. Paleont. 30. 1917. p. 419-459.
1515. Carlotta J. Maury. Santo Domingan paleontological exploration. J. Geo1. 26. 1918.
p. 224-228.
1516. Carlotta J. Maury. A proposal of two new miocene formational names. Science.
(ns.). 50. 1919. p. 591. ·
1517. Carlotta Joaqulna Maury. On the correlation of Porto Rican Tertiary formations
with other Antillean and Mainland Horizons. Am. J .· Sc. {4). 48. 1919. p.
1518. C. J. Maury. Tertiary Mollusca from Portorico. New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv.
of Porto Rico and the Virgin lsi. 3. 1920. p. 1-77. pl. I-IX.
1519. Carlotta: joaqulna· MaUry. A new formational name. Science. (ns). 61. 1925
p. 43.
1520. Carlotta Joquina Maury. A further contribution to the Paleontology of Trinidad.
(Miocene Fossils). Bull. Amer. Pal. 42. 1925. p. 153--402. XLIII pis.
1521. Carlotta J. ·Maury. Trinitasia, a new Molluscan genus from South America. Science.
(ns). 67. 1928. p. 318.
1522. Carlotta J. Maury. The Brasso fossiliferous miocene of Trinidad, West Indies.
Science. (ns). 67. 1928. p. 348.
1523. Carlotta joaquina Maury. The Soldado-rock type section of Eocene. J. Geol. 37.
1929. p. 177-181.
1524. Carlotta J. Maury. Porto Rican and Dominican Stratigraphy. S~ience. 70. 1929.
p. 6Q9.
1525. Carlotta J. Maury. Correlation of Antillean fossil floras_ Science. 72. 1930. p.
1526. Carlotta J. Maury. Two ·new Dominican formational names. Science. 73. 1931.
p. 42-43.
1527. Carlotta Joaquina Maury. The· Soldado- Rock Section. Science. 82. 1935. p.
1528. James D. Maycock. Geological Description of Barbados, with a Map of the
Island. Qu. J. of Sc., Literature and the Arts. London. 11. 1821. p .. 10-
20. pl. I.
1529. jameS Dutton Maycock. Flora· Barbadensis ... to which is prefixed a geological
description of the .island. London. 1830. oct. Xx and 446 pp. and index. Map.

1530. M. G. de Ia Maza y J. T. Rolg. Flora de Cuba. Bolet. 22 Estaci6n exper. agron.

Habana. 1916. 182 pp.
W. j. Mead. See. 1396. 1397. 1398.
E. Medley. See 415.
1531. F. A. Venlng Melnesz. A gravity expedition of the U.S. Navy. Proc. Kon. Akad
Wetensch. Amsterd. 32. 1929. p. 94-99. I map.
1532. F. A. VenJng Melnesz. Zwaartekrachtin Oost-en West-Indie, en in den Atlantischen
Oceaan. De Ingenieur. 48. 1933. p. 172-173.
1533. f. A. Venlng Melnesz. Zwaartekracht in Oost- en West-Indie en in den Atlan-
tischen Oceaan. Handelingen 24ste Natuur- en Geneesk. Congr. 1933. p.
1534. F. A. Venfng Meinesz. and F. E. Wrlgbt. The gravity measuring cruise of the
U.S. SubmarineS. 21. Publ. Unit. St. Naval Observatory. (2). 13. 1930. 94 pp.
map. (Also: Papers from the Geoph. Labor. of the Carnegie Inst. of Washington
no. 736).
1535. F. A. Venlng Melnesz. Gravity expeditions at Sea, 1923-1930. VoL 1. Publi-
cations of the Netherlands Geodetic Commission. 1932. p. 1-109. map.
1535a. F. A. Venfng Melnesz. Gravity expeditions at sea 1923-1932. vol. u. (Publ.
of the ,Nether!. Geodet. Comm.). 1934. 208 pp. Maps. Figs.
1535b. F. A. Venlng Meinesz. Ergebnisse der Schwerkraftsbeobachtungen auf dem Meere
in den Jahren 1923-1932. Erg. d. Kosm. Physik. 2. 1934. p. 153-212. II pls.
(p. 205-207: West Indies).
1535c. F. A. Venfng Melnesz. Results of maritime gravity research ... The gravity in
the West Indies and adjoining regions. In: Th. W. Vaughan and others. Inter-
national Aspects of Oceanography. (Nat. Ac. Sc. Washington). 1937. p.
65-66. pl. XXXIV.
1536. 0. E. Meinzer. Physical features of Guantanamo Bay and adjacent areas in Cuba.
J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 6. 1916. p. 189.
1537. 0. E. Meinzer. Geologic reconnaissance of a region adjacent to Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 23. 1933. p. 246-260. II maps.
1538. Ma\rcos de J. Melero. Noticia acerca de un diente fosil de Squalus antediluviano.
Anales Ac. Ciencias. Habana. II. 1874. p. 484-489. 539.
•1539. Sabas Meneses. Informe geol6gico de Sa,gua la Grande y Remedios. 1850. (teste
2223. Cuba).
1540. Giuseppe Mercalli. Le antiche eruzioni della Montagna PeU:e. Atti Soc. Sc.
Nat. Milano. 41. 1902. p. 315-322.
Mercier. See:, 347. 767.
1541. Peter Merlan. {0ber einige Versteinerungen von Jamaica und Antigua). Verh.
Natf. Ges. Basel. 6. 1844. p. 63-64.
1542. W. Merivale. Occurrence and Mining of Manjak in Barbados. West Indies._Trans.
Inst. Mining Eng. New Castle 14. 1898. p. 539-547. 16. 1899 .. p. 33-36.
E. M(erwart). See 822.
H. E. Merwin. See 2005a.
Mesmer. See· 738.
•1543. 0. Messerly.- Some contributions to the scientific study of .the island of Trinidad
and the neighbouring mainland, with general considerations of the Judicial
Questions connected with the exploitation of Asphalt in Trinidad. Trinidad. 1902.
32 pp. (teste L. Kehrer. Bib!. Venezuela 1936).
*1543a. Oscar Messerly. A paper on asphalt etc. in Trinidad. Port of Spain. 1912. (teste
1394. ? ? Same as 1543).
1544. Stanfslas Meunier. Theorie des phenomenes volcaniques a propos de Ia recente
catastrophe des Antilles. Revue Scientifique. (4). 18. 1902. p. 129-135.
1545. Howard Meyerhoff. The physiography of the Virgin Islands, Culebra and Vieques.
New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv. of Porto Rico and the Virgin lsi. 4. 1. 1926. p.
71-141. 4. 2. 1927. p. 145-219. Maps. Sections. Photogrs.
1546. Howard A. Meyerhoff. Tertiary Development of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Bull. Geol. S. America. 38. 1927. p. 141-142. (Abstract).
1547. H. A. Meyerhoff. Tertiary physiographic development of Portorico and the Virgin
Islands. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 38. 1927. p. 557-576.
1548. Howard A. MeyerhoH. The pre-oligocene Stratigraphy of Porto Rico. Science. 71
1930. p. 322--323.
1549. Howard A. Meyerhoff. The pre-oligocene stratigraphy of Porto Rico. Science.
75. 1932. p. 342-343.
1550. Howard A. MeyerhoH. Geology of Puerto Rico. Monographs of the Univ. of. P. R ..
Series B. Physical and Biological Sciences no. 1. 1933. 306 pp. Geol. Map. Sections
Photogrs. etc.

*1550a. H. Meyerhoff. Manganese .in Puerto Rico. Re"vista de Obras Publicas de Puerto
Rico. Aiio 10. 1933. (teste Meyerhoff).
1550b. H. A. Meyerhoff. ·Report of the committee on mineral resources of Puerto Rico.
San Juan. 1935. 34 pp. Also: Rev. Obras Publicas P. R. 12. 1935. p. 867-871.
874-875 .. 889-894.
*1551. H. A. Meyerhoff. Iron in Puerto Rico. Revista de Obras Publ. 11. 1934. p. 708-
709. (teste 529).
*155la. H. A. Meyerhoff. Geologia de Puerto Rico. Revista de Obras Publicas. 12. 1935.
13. 1936. (teste Meyerhoff. Chiefly containing the. same as no. 1550, however,
with fuller details on some questions). .
1552. H. A. Meyerhoff (and I. F. Smith). The geology of the Fajardo district, Porto
Rico. New York. Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv. of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 2. 1931.
p. 199-360. map. etc.
H. A. Meyerhoff. See: 402. 528. 529. 530. 531.
1553. L. Meyn. Das Phosphoritlager von Cur~ao. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges .. 31.
1879. p. 697-704.
1554. H. Michelin. Echinides vivants et fossiles des Antilles et du Golfe du Mexique.
Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (2). 12. 1854/5. p. 758-759.
1555. Michelin. (Presentation de Moules de fossiles de Ia Jamafque). Bull. S. Geoi. Fr.
(2). 13. 1856. p. 222.
1556. H. Michelin. Monographic des Clypeastres fossiles. Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. (2). 7.
)861. p. 101-148. pl. IX-XXXVI.
1557. .Michel Lhy. !'Eruption de la Montagne Pelee et les Volcans des Petites Antilles.
Revue des Si:. Paris. 13. 1902. p. 554-557. 3 maps.
1558. Michel Lhy. Sur la composition des cendres projetees le 3 Mai 1902 par Ia Mon-
tagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 134. 1902. p. 1128-1124.
1559. Michelotti. (Sur des fossiles receuillis par lui dans l'Ue de Cuba, pres de la Havane).
Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (2). 12. 1855. p. 676-678.
J. Michelotti. See 761. 762.
1560. Nadir Mlgnard. Les Antilles fran~aises (La Guadeloupe). Bull. S. de Geogr. de
Lille. 42e annee. T. 63. 1921 p. 167-188. 4 photogrs .
.1561. William J. Millard. Trinidad oilfields in 1930. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 92.
1931. p. 532-538. .
1562. W. J. Millard. Petroleum production in Trinidad during 1931. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 98. 1932. p. 254-258.
1563. A. K. Miller. Some Tertiary Nautiloids from Venezuela and Trinidad. Proc. Geol.
Soc. Amer. for 1936. 1937. p. 358. (Abstract).
1564. A. K. Miller and M. L. Thompson. Some Tertiary Nautiloids from Venezuela and
Trinidad. Eel. Geol. Helv. 30. 1937. p. 59-72. p. vn-x.
B. L. Miller. See 624. 625. 1999. 2016. 2016a.
1565. Gerrit S. Miller. Bones of Mammals from Indian Sites, in Cuba and Santo Domingo.
Smith. Misc. Coli. 66. 12. 196. p. 1-10. 1 pl.
1566. Gerrit S. Miller. The teeth of a monkey found in Cuba. Smith. Misc. Coil. 66. 13
1916. 3 pp. I pl.
156~. Gerrit S. Miller. Note on .the indigenous Rodent of Santo Domingo. Proc. Bioi.
Soc. Washington. 29. 1916. p. 47.
1568. Gerrit S. Miller. Remains of two species of Capromys from ancient burial sites in
Jamaica. Proc. Bioi. Soc. Washington. 29. 1916. p. 48.
1569. Gerrit S. Miller. Mammals and Reptiles collected by Theodoor de Booy in the
Virgin Islands. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54. 1918. p. 507-511. pl. LXXXI.
1570. Gerrit S. Miller. Remains of mammals from caves in the Republic of Haiti.
Smith. Misc. Coli. 74. 3. 1922. p. 1-8.
1571. Gerrit S. Miller. Exploration of Haitian Caves. Smith. Misc. Coil .. 78. 1. 1926. p.
1572. Gerrlt S. Miller. The rodents of the genus Plagiodontia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.
72. 16. 1927. p. J-8. I pl.
1573. Gerrlt S. Miller. A second collection of mammals from caves near St. Michel, Haiti.
Smith. Misc. Coli. 81. 9. 1929. 30 pp. x pis.
1574. Gerrlt S. Miller. Mammals eaten by Indians, owls and Spaniards in the coast
region of the Dominican Republic. Smith. Misc. Coll. 82. 5. 1929. 16 pp.
II pls.
1575. Gerrit S. Miller. Three small collections of Mammals from Hispaniola. Smith.
Misc. Cell. 82. 15. 1930. 10 pp. II pis.
1576. Gerrit S. Miller and Herbert W·. Krieger. Expedition to Samana province, Do-
minican Republic. Exploration and Field work of the Smith. Inst. in 1928.
Public. 3011. 1929. p. 48-54.

1577. J. Martin Miller. The Martinique Horror and St. Vincent Calamity .... embellished
with many superb photographic views. Philad. _oct. 1902. 560 pp.
1578. J. Milne. The Recent Volcanic Eruptions in the West Indies. Nature. 66. 1902.
p. 56-58. 107-,-112. 151-154. 370-373.
l578a. J. Milne. West Indian volcanic eruptions. Nature. 67. 1902. p. 91-92.
1578b. J. Milne. World shaking earthquakes in relation to volcanic eruptions in the West
Indies. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 72. 1902 (1903). p. 682---683.
1578c. J. Milne. After shocks of the Jamaica Earthquake. Report Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc.
79th Meeting. 1908 (!909). p. 64---65.
1578d. J. Milne. After shocks of the earthquake at Jamaica, Jan. 14. 1907. Rep. Brit.
Ass. Adv. Sc. 1909 (1910). p. 5!-55 .
. 1578e. Alphonse Milne Edwards. Monographie des Crustackes fossiles des la fainille des
Canceriens. Ann. Sciences Nat. (5). I. 1864. Zool. p. 31-88. (Santo Domingo:
Lobonotus sculptus). ·
_1579. H. Milner. Trinidad, a review of its geology and oil resources. The Mining Magaz.
London. 25. 1921. p. !39-148. 205-213. Maps .. Sections .
. 1580. H. B. Milner. Petroleum in Central Am~rica and the West Indies .. The Mining
Mag. London. 27. 1922. p. 9-18. 5
1581. Armando Sltnchez Miranda. Reseil.a sobre Ia mineria en el Distrito de Camaguey-
durarite et segundo semestre de 1916. Bol. d. Minas. Habana. 3. 1917. p. 15.
~1582. M.lrvllle. Observations de la station ·meteorol. de Fort de France publie6s dans
Journ. Officiel de Ia Martinique. 1902 et 1903. (teste 1351).
*1583. Mfrvllle et Rose. Note pour servir a 1'6tude des ph6nomtmes volcaniques qui ont
eu lieu a la Martinique en mai 1902. Ann. d'hygiEme et de m6d. coloniale. Paris.
5. 1902. p. 618---625. (teste 1351).
*1584. Mlrvllle et_ Rose. Notes complementaires sur les phenomenes volcaniques qui ont
eu lieu en juin et juillet. Ann. d'hygi€ne et med. colon. 6. 1902. p. 74---84. (teste
1585. Graham john Mitchell. Evidence of recent changes of level in Porto Rico, as
shown by studies in the Ponce distr. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 29. 1918. p. 138---141.
1586. 6. J. Mitchell. Geology of the Ponce District. New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv.
of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 1. 1922. p. 229-300. Map. Sect;ions etc .
.1587. F. M. Moffet. The Copper Mines of Cobre, Santiago de_ Cuba. The American
Geologist. 32. 1903. p. 64. Also: Science (ns). 18. 1903. p. 18.
1588. Le P. de Moldrey. Phenomenes observes a· Zi-Ka-Wei (Chine) lors de !'Eruption
de Ia Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 135. !902. p. 322.
*1589. Molsant. Memoria sobre los productos bituminosos de Ia isla de Cuba. 1857. (teste
1590. H. Mofssan. Sur Ia presence de !'argon, de l'acide de carbone et des carbures
d'hydrog€ne dans les gaz des f!J-merolles duMont Pete ala Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. 135. 1902. p. 1085.-1088.
1591. Henri Mofssan. Sur la presence de !'argon, de l'oxyde de carbone et des carbures
d'hydrog€ne dans les gaz des fumerolles du Mont Pete, a Ia Martinique. Bull.
Soc. Chimie. Paris. 29. 1903. p. 434--437.
1592. ·u. Mofssan. Sur Ia presence de !'argon dans les gaz des fumerolles de la Guadeloupe
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 138. 1904. p. 936-938.
1593. 6. A. F. Molengraaff •. De geologie van bet eiland St. Eustatius. Acad. Thesis.
Leiden. 1886. qu. 62 pp. II pis.
1594. G. A. F. Molengraaf. Dber vulkanischen Schwefel aus West Indien. Z. f. Krystall.
14. !888. p. 43--49. pl. I.
1595. G. A. F. Molengraaff. Het geologisch verband tusschen de Westindische eilanden.
_Handel. lste Nat. en Geneesk. Congr. 1888. p. 287-296.
1596. 6. A. F. Molengraaff. Nationale belangen in West Indie verwaarloosd. Vragen
van den Dag. 7. 1892. p. 673---690.
1597. G. A. F. M.olengraaff. Das Vorkommen und die Gewinnung von Eisenerzen in den
Niederlandischen Kolonien. The Iron Resources of the \.Vorld. Stockholm. 1910.
2. p. 993-995.
1598. G. A. F. Molengraal!. Saba, St. Eustatius (Statia) and St. Martin. Leidsche Geol.
Meded. 5. (Martin Gedenkboek). 1931. p. 715-739.
1599. G. J. H. Molengraaff. Geologie en Hydrologie van bet eiland Cura~ao. Acad.
Thesis. Delft. 1929. XII and 126 pp. XXVIII pls. maps. Sections. .
1600. 6. J. H. Molengraaff. Een korte opmerking over de genese en de verspreiding
van koperertsen op het eiland Curac;ao. Mijnwezen. 8. 1930. p. 1~2.
1601. G•. J. H. Molengraaff. Cur~ao. Leidscbe Geol. Meded. 5. (Martin Gedenkboek).
1931. p. 673---689.

1602. Juan Vicente Monclova. Analisis cualitativa y cuantitavia del Guano de la Isla
de-la Mona, comparado con el Guano del PerU. Bol. Soc. Geogr. Madrid. 7. 1879.
p. 235-238.
*1603. P. Monnier. Description nautique des c6tes de la Martinique .... Paris. Impr.
Royale. 1828. (Teste 1351). .
1604. F. de Montessus. Les manifestations volcaniques et sismiques dans les Antilles.
Revue goner. d. Sc. 13. 1902. p. 669-674, map.
1605. F. de Montessus de Ballore. Les relations sismico-geologiques de la Mediter-
ranee Antillienne. Mem. Soc. Ant. Alzate. Mexico. 19. 1903. p. 351-373. map.
*1605a. Edoardo I. Montoulleu. The mining industry in the Republic of Cuba. The Cuba
Review. 16. 1918. p. 12-26. (teste 1678a).
1606. E. Montoulieu. lnforme tecnico sabre un reconocimiento ... en tierras de Ia· haci-
enda de Motembo, prov. de Santa Clara, en relaci6n con informes ... sabre el
hallazgo de extensos yacimientos de potasa. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 6. 1920.
p. 17-23.
1607. E. J. Montoulieu. Apuntes·sobre el basalto columnar. Boletin .de Obras Publicas.
Habana. 7. 2. 1930. p. 3-8.
1608. Edoardo I. Montoulieu, Informe geologico sabre el emplazamiento del muro de
presa en el Rio Cauto .... Revista Soc. Ingen. Habana. 23 . .1931. p. 93-106.
1609. Edoardo I. Montoulieu. Sismologia mundial en 1931 y notas sobre el terremoto d.
Santiago de Cuba, de Febrero 3 de 1932. Revista Soc. lngen. Habana. 24
1932. p. 196-252.
1610. Edoardo I. Montoulieu. Aspecto geografico, geologico y sismico del megasismo
de Santiago de Cuba, de Febrero 3 de 1932. Revista Soc. Ingen. Habana. 25
1933. p.· 5--79.
-1611. Edoardo I. Montoulleu. Replica (al Duque de Estrada). Revista Soc. Ingen. Ha-
bana. 25. 1933. p. 284-266.
161Ja. Edoardo I. Montoulieu de la Torre. Importancia de la Geologia Aplicada en la
economia nacional. Discurso ~ ingr~o .. :,:re~ la.... Academia ... de ~ Ha- ~
bana. Habana. 1937. 38 pp. ~. ~. '"7· ~. ~ ·"f.7r /" · t.-Y/- <1 ·
1612. Enrique J. Montoulieu. Genesis de las corrientes subterraneas de la meseta cen-
tral de Cuba. Anales Acad. Cienc. Habana. 63. 1926. p. 41-71.
1613. Enrique J. -Montoulieu. lmportante afloramiento de nuevas aguas subterraneas.
Anales Acad. Habana. 64. 1927. p. 119-125.
•1613a. E. de Monserrat et A. Dollfus. Observations g6ologiques faites aux Antilles. •
Comm. Scient. Mexique. Arch . .Paris. 2. 1867. p. 86-124. (teste 1678a).
-1614. J. Carrick Moore. On some tertiary-Beds in the Island of Santo Domingo; from
Notes by J. S. Heniker Esq., with remarks on the Fossils. Qu. J. Geol. S. London.
6. 1850. p. 39-51.
1615. J. ·c. Moore. Notes on the Fossil Mollusca and Fish from San -Domingo. Qu. J.
Geol. Soc. London. 9. 1853. p. 129-132.
1616. J. Carrick Moore. On some tertiary shells from Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. S. London
19. 1863. p. 510-513.
1617. Luis Morales. La formaci6n geologica de Cuba. Revista Soc. Ingen. Habana. 21.
1929. p. 147-151.
1618. Luis Morales y Pedroso. ·Los Terremotos en Cuba. Revista Soc. lngenieros Habana.
23. 1931. p. 284- ?290.
1619. Luis Morales. Estructura de la Sierra Maestra segUn Stephen Taber. Revista Soc.
Ingen. Habana. 24. 1932. p. 296-303.
1620. Luis Morales y Pedro-so. El Terremoto de Santiago de Cuba de 3 de Febrero de
1932. Revista. Soc. Ingen. Habana. 25. 1933. p. 123-166.
1621. Moreau de Jonn~s. (Cendres de St. Vincent, presentees dans une seance de l'Aca-
demie des Sc. en 1812). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 5. 1914. p. 107.
1622. Moreau de jonnes. (Presentation d'un memoire sur la Mineral. des volcans eteints
de Ia Martinique. I. 8. 1814). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 5. 1914. P• 379.
1623. Moreau de Jonn~s. (lit un M6moire sur Ia Geologie de la Martinique. 16. 8. 1814)
Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 5, 1914. p. 386.
1624. Moreau de jonnes. (Rapport sur un M6moire relatief au volcan de Ia Guadeloupe
28. II. 1814). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 5. 1914. p. 434.
1625. Moreau de Jonnes. (lit un Memoire sur les volcans eteints de Ia Martinique et
une Note sur divers tremblements de terre, ressentis dans cette ile. 4. 11. 1816).
Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 6. 1915. p. 110. (See 1634).
1626. ·Moreau· de Jonnes. (lit un Memoire sur les volcans de la Martinique. 25. 11. 1816).
Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 6. 1915. p. 112.
1627. Moreau de jonn~s. (lit un M6moire sur !'exploration geologique et mineral. des
montagnes volcaniques du Vauclin dans l'isle de la Martinique. 15. 9. 1817).
Proc. Verb. Seances. Ac. Sc. 6. 1915. p. 221. (See 1628).

1628. Moreau de jonnes. Exploration g6ol. et mineral. des montagnes volcaniques du

Vauclin, dans l'ile de Ia Martinique. Bull. Soc. Philomat. Paris. 1817. p. 154-156.
(See 1627). .
1628a. A. Moreau de jonnes. Pr6cis topographique et geologique sur l'ile de la Martinique.
J. de Pharm. Paris. 3. 1817. p. 478-480.
1629. Moreau de Jonnfs; (lit des Recherches ·et Observations sur les iles calcaires de
l'Archipel des Antilles. 13. 4. 1818). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 6. 1915. p. 306.
1630. Moreau de jonnes. (lit un M6moire: Exploration g6ol. et miner. des iles de la Guade-
loupe. 16. II. 1818). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 6. 1915. p. 381.
1631. Moreau de jonnes. (Note communiquee sur des tremblements de terre ala Martini-
que). Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris. 1818. p. 125.
1632. Moreau de jonnes. Lettre sur huit tremblements de terre ressentis aux Antilles.
Journ. de Chimie et de Physique. 8. 1818. p. 415--416.
*1633. Moreau de Jonnes. Voyages physiques dans les montagnes de la Martinique a Ia
recherche des volcans eteints de cette ile. Explorations geoi. et miner. des Mon-
tagnes dlJ. Vauclin,lu a l'Ac. Royale d. Sc.... le 14 et 29 Octobre 1817. Annales
maritimes 1818. (teste ? ?).
J 634. Moreau de jonnts. Exploration geologique et mineralogique du volcan eteint
de la Montagne Pelee, dans l'ile de la Martinique. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris. 1820
p. 8. (See 1625).
J 635. Moreau de jonnes. (Donne ·des details sur un tremblement de terre, arrive a Ia
Martinique. le 16. 8. 1819. Seance 17. I. 1820). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 7
1916. p. 7.
1636. Moreau de Jonnes. (Communique une Note sur un tremblement de terre a la
Martinique. Seance 6. 3. 1820). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 7. 1916. p. 22.
1637. Moreau de jonnes. Note sur le tremblement de terre et sur les eboulements qui
ont eu lieu dernihement a Ste Lucie. Bull. Soc. Pbilom. Paris. 1820. p.
1638. Moreau de jonnes. (lit un Memoire: Recherches sur les Anthropolithes de la
Guadeloupe. 30. 7. 1821). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 7. 1916. p. 210.
J 639. Moreau de Jonnes. (lit un Memoire sur les tremblements de terre des Indes Occiden-
tales. 17. 12. 1821). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 7. 1916. p. 259.
1640. Moreau de jonnes. Histoire physique des Antilles franc;aises. Paris. oct. 1822.
560 pp. (vol. 1).
1641. Moreau de Jonnes. (?? Meteorite a Ia Martinique. Seance 30. 12. 1822). Proc.
Verb. seances Ac. Sc. 7. 1916. p. 407.
1642. Moreau de jonnes. (Tremblement de terre aux Antilles le 11. 11. et 13. 12. 1823.
Seance 23. 2. 1824). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 8. 1918. p. 29.
1643. Moreau de Jonnes. (Tremblement aux Antilles). Journ. de Chim. et de Pbys. 25.
1824. p. 432.
1644. Moreau de jonnes. (Tremblements de terre aux Antilles le 30. 10. 1824 et le 30.
II. 1824. Seance 24. I. 1825). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 8. 1918. p. 177.
1645. Moreau de Jonnes. (Tremblement de terre a la Martinique dans la nuit du 1 au
2 Mai 1826. Seance 31. 7. 1826). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 8. 1918. p. 406.
1646. Moreau de jonnh. (Tremblement de terre a Ia Martin_ique 3. 6. 1827. Seance 24. 9.
1827). Proc. Verb. seances Ac. Sc. 8. 1918. p. 594.
1647. Moreau de jonnes. (Tremblements de terre aux Antilles dans les 6 qerniers mois
de 1827. seance 4. 2c 1828). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 9. !921. p. 12.
1648. Moreau de Jonn~s. Dates exactes des tremblements de terre aux Antilles, communi-
quees en 1826 a l'Academie des Sciences. Bull. Sc. Nat. et de G6ol. (Ferussac).
18. 1829. p. 195. .
1649. Moreau de jonnes. (Six Tremblements de terre aux Antilles. seance 24. 6. 1833)-.
Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 10. 1922. p. 292.
1650. Moreau de Jonnes. (Tremblement de terre a la Martinique, le 22. 1. 1834. Seance
19. 5. 1834). Proc. Verb. Seances Ac. Sc. 10. 1922. p. 524.
1651. Moreau de jonnb. (Tremblement de terre le 29. 12. 1834 aux Antilles. seance 16.
2. 1835). Proc. Verb. Seances. Ac. Sc, 10. 1922. p. 662.
1652. Moreau de Jonnes. (Tremblement de terre ala Martinique). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 5.
1837. p. 194-195.
1653. Moreau de jonnes. (Tremblement de terre ala Martinique, le 30. 11. 1837). C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 6. 1838. p. 302. · .
i 654. Moreau de Jonnes. Documents relatifs a une eruption sons-marine qui parait
a voir eu lieu vers le bane de Bahama. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 6. 1838. p. 302.
1655. Moreau de jonnes. Note sur le tremblement de terre de la Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 8. 1839. p. 328-331.
1656. Moreau de jonn~s. Sur un nouveau tremblement de terre, ressentie le 2 Ao1lt, ala
Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 9. 1839. p. 415.

1657 •. Moreau de jonn!s. (Les tremblements de terre aux Antilles). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
I&IM3.~!1U. .
.1658. Moreau de jonn!s. (Homme fossile de Ia Guadeloupe). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 18.
1M4. p. 1060.
1658a. A. Moreau de jonnes. Note sur un tremblement de terre qui a ete ressenti a la
Guadeloupe dans la nuit du 16 au 17 d6cembre 1845. C. R. ·Ac. Sc. 22. 1846.
p. 307.
1659. Moreau de jonnes. Sur un nouveau tremblement de terre ressenti ala Guadeloupe.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 23. 1846. p. 195.
1660. L. E. Moreau de St. Mery. Description topographique ... de. la partie franyaise de
l'Ile Saint Domingue. (Philadelphia 1797). Paris 2e ed. 1875. 2 tcmes en un
volume. qu. 446 and 466 pp.
jorge Morton. See 2197. .
1661. D. Morris. (Letter regarding the .recent fall of volcanic ash in Barbados). Qu. J.
Geol. S. London. 58. 1902. p. LXXXIV.
*1661a. Fred. W. Morse. Redonda and its phosphates. Pop. Sc. Monthly. 46. 1894. p.
78-87. (teste l678a).
*1661b. j. Morton. Remarks on the pitch lake of Trinidad. Nova Scotia Inst. Nat. Sc. Proc.
and Trans. 1. 1866. p. 66-71. (teste 1678a).
Guyton Morveau. See 1038.
*1661c. Mountmorres. Notes on the Jamaica Earthquake. Liverpool Univ. lnst. Commer-
cial Research Q. ]. 2. 1907. p. 71-82. (teste 1678a).
1662. james Moultrie. Description of the skull of the Guadeloupe Fossil Human Skeleton,
with introductory remarks by C. U Shepard. Am. J. Sc. (1). 32. 1837.
p. 361-364.
1663. J. Slblnga Mu1der. Trinidad en zijn aardpekmeer. Tijdschr. K6n. Ned. Aardr. Gen.
54. 1937. p. 88-92. map. 4 photogrs.
1664. Karl Muller. Der Asphaltsee auf Trinidad. Die Natur. NF. 21. 1895. p. 459-462.
*1665. L. Muller. Erdbeben in Haiti. Zeitschr. Allgem. Erdk. ns. 8. 1860. p. 509-511.
(teste 1864).
1666. J. J. Munoz. Datos historicos acerca las minas de oro en la isla de Cuba. Anal.
Acad. Ciencias Habana. I. 1864. p. 203-'204.
*1667. j. Munro. The Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Argonaut. 1875. p. 34-42. (teste 445).
1668. Roderick Impay Murchison. On the commercial and agricultural value of certain
phosphatic rocks of the Anguilla islands in the Leeward Islands. J. Royal Agricult.
Soc. (1). 20. 1859. p. 31-32.
E. R. Suarez Murias. See 2104. 2105. 2106.
1669. Alfred. 6. Nash. Jamaica, with remarks on some of the other West Indian Is-
lands. Scctt. Geogr. Mag. 15. 1899. p. 617-827. (photogrs and sketchmap).
*1670. joaquin jose Navarro. Memoria sobre el chapapote de la isla de Cuba. Habana.
1829. (teste 482).
167L R. J. Nelson. On the Geology of the Bahamas, and on Coral-Formations generally.
Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 9. 1853. p. 200-214.
1671a. B. E. R. Newlands. Analysis of the Volcanic Dust from the Recent Eruptions
in the West Indies. Chern. News. London. 85. 1902. p. 258. 282.
1.672. R. Bullen Newton. On some marine Cretaceous Mollusca from Trinidad. Proc.
Malac. Soc. 16. part 3. 1924. p. 140-148. pl. VI. VII.
*1673. Sir Charles A. Nicholas. The Kingston Earthquake and Building in Jamaica.
The Builder. Jan. 18. 1908. (teste 626).
1674. F. C. Nicholas. The Economic Geology of Jamaica. J. lnst. Jamaica. 2. part 6.
1899. p. 502--510.
• I 674a. Francis C. Nicholas, Mineral deposits of Jamaica. Min. World. 29. 1908. p. 888-8M.
(teste 1678a).
1675. Francis C. Nicholas. The Caribbean Regions and their resources. RepL 8th. Intern.
Geogr. Congr. Washington. 1904. (1905). p. 851-869.
1676. H. A. Alford Nicholls. The Volcanic Eruption in Dominica. Nature. 21. 1880.
p. 372--373.
1677. H. A. Alford Nicholls. Notes on the recent eruptions of Mont Pelee. Nature. 66.
1902. p. 638-839.
*1678. Thomas Nicholson. Antigua Almanach and Register (teste 1173; ? about 1830.
Contains data on fossil plants).
l678a. john M. Nickles. Geologic literature on North America. 1785-1918. Bull. U.S.
G. S. 746. i. Bibliography. 1923. 1167. pp. II Index. 1924. 658 pp.
1678b. john M. Nickles. Bibliography of North American Geology. 1925 and 1926.
Bull. U. S. G. S. 802. 1928. 286 pp.
1678c. john M. Nickles. Bibliography of North American Geology. 1919-1928. Bull.
U. S. G. S. 823. 1931. 1005 pp.

1678d. john M. Nickles. Bibliography of North American Geology. 1929 and 1930. Bull.
U. S. G. S. 834. 1931. 280 pp.
1678e. John M. Nickles. Bibliography of North American Geology. 1931 and 1932. Bull.
U. S. G. S. 858. 1934. 300 pp.
1679. William Nicol. Observations on the structure of recent and fossil Coniferae. Edinb.
New Philos. J. 16. 1834. p. 137-158. (Silicified wood from Antigua, p. 155).
juan Nieto. See 739. .
-1680. H. B. C. Nitze. Investigations of some of the Mineral-Resources of Porto Rico.
20th Annual Report Un. St. Geol. Surv. part. 6. 1899. p. 779--787.
*1681. W. David Noble. -Algunos datos sabre posibilidades de petr6leo en Puerto Rico.
Revista Obras Pub!. afio 4. 1927. p. 1272. (teste 1550).
*1682. W. David. Noble. Promising manganese outcrops in Adjuntas (Porto Rico).
Revista Obras Pub!. afio. 7. 1930. p. 142. (teste 1550).
1683. NHggerath. (Sombrerit). Verb. Natf. Ges. Rhein!. u. Westph. 22. 1865. Sitz. Ber.
p. 119.
-1684. John I. Northrop. Notes on the geology of the Bahamas. Trans. New York Ac. Sc.
10. 1890 (1891). p. 4-23.
1685. Nicholas Nugent. Account of the Pitch Lake of the Island of Trinidad. Trans .
. Geol. Soc. London. I. 1811. p. 63-76.
1686. Nicholas Nugent. An Account of ,.The Sulphur" or ,Soufriere" of the Island of
Montserrat. Trans. Geol. Soc. London. 1. 1811. p. 185-190.
1687. Nugent. Notices of geology in the West Indies. Memorandum concerning the
Geology of Antigua. Am. J. Sc. (!). I. 1818. p. 140-142.
-1688. Nicholas Nugent. A sketch of the geology of the island of Antigua. Trans Geol. Soc.
London. 5. 1821. p. 459-475.
lndaleclo liuiiez Zuloaga. See 2433. 2434.
1689. WJnfred Laurence Falklner Nuttall. Tertiary Foraminifera from the Naparima
Beds of Trinidad (British West Indies). Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 84. 1928. p.
57-116. pl. III-VIII.·
1690. W. L. F. Nuttall. Micropaleontologie appliquee aux parallelisations geologiques
en Amerique. Congr. Int. Mines, Metal!. et Geol. Appl. Paris. 1935. p. 413-418.
1690a. C. G. Nutting. Barbados-Antigua Expedition .. Univers. Iowa Studies in Nat.
Hist. 8. 1919. 274 pp. L pis.
1691. R. D. 0. The Kingston (Jamaica) Earthquake. Geogr. Journ. 29. 1907. p. 332
1692. Frederick A. Ober. Camps in the Caribbees. The adventures. of a naturalist in the
Lesser Antilles. Boston. 1880. oct. XVIII and 366 pp.
*1693. F. Ober. A ruined American Eden. Munsey's Magaz. 27. 1902. p. 612----616.
(teste 1196).
*1694. F. A. Ober. The destruction of Saint Pierre. Collier's Weekly. 29. 1902. May 24.
(teste 1196).
1695. Marj. O'Connell. (Description·of an Orbitoid from Eastern Cuba). In: Trans. Amer.
Inst. Mining Eng. 51. p. 15. f. 5. 6.
1696. Marjorie O'Connell. Orthogenetic development of the costae of the Perisphinc-
tinae. Am. J. Sc. (4). 48. 1919. p. 450-460 (Cuba).
1697. M, O'Connel1. Further studies on the Jurassic of Cuba. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 31.
1920. p. 136. (Abstract).
1698. Marjorie O'Connell. The Jurassic Ammonite Fauna of Cuba. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat.
Hist, 42. art. 16. H~20. p. 643---692. pl. XXXIV-XXXVIII.
1699. Marj. O'Connell. New species of Ammonite Opercula from· the Mesozoic Rocks of
Cuba. Amer. Mus. Nat, Hist. Novitates 28. 1921. 15 pp.
1700. Marjorie O'Connell. Phylogeny of the Ammonite genus Ochetoceras (Cuba). Bull ..
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 46. 1922. p. 367-411.
Marjorie O'Connell. See 420. 421.
VIolet Ohlsen. See 570.
•1701. Juan jose Oliver y March. Topografia vegetal, geol6gica y medica del partido
de Alq uizar. Anales de ciencias, agricultura, comercio y artes. Habana. ? 1827.
(teste 482).
1702. E. D. van Oort. Uber einen Sirenenwirbel aus dem Cerro Colorado auf Aruba.
Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden. Beitr. z. Geol. v. Niederl. Indien. (2). 2. 1902.
p. 164-168.
1703. Pablo Ortega. Noticias bibliograficas sobre Geologia de Cuba. Revista Soc. In-
genieros Habana. 2. 1910. p. 13-22.
1704. Pablo Ortega. Ojada retrospectiva y resefia sobre el estado actual de la mineria
en Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana. I. 1916. p. 2---29.
J705. Pablo Ortega. Resefia sabre la mineria en el distrito Central durante el segundo
semestre de 1916. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 3. 1917. p. 20-:--23.

.1706. Pablo Ortega. E!Petro1eo en Cuba. Revista Soc. Ingenieros Habana. 10. 1918. p
Pablo Ortega. See: 510. 1095. 1296. 2042.
*1706a. Pablo Ortega y Santiago de Ia Huerta. E1 carbon de piedra, el petroleo, el as·.
falto, los betunes y el gas natural de Cuba. Habana. Direcc. de Montes y Minas.
Bol. Bibliog. no. I. 1919. 23 pp. (teste 1678a).
1707. Manuel Agulles Ortiz. Un hallazgo geol6gico en Oriente. Boletin de Obras Publ.
Habana. 6. 4. 1929. p. 14.
1707a. A. E. Outerbrldge. jr. The mineral wealth of the islands of Newfoundland and
Jamaica. J. Frankl. Inst. 168. 1909. p. 457--469. photogrs. maps:
1707b. Alexander E. Outerbrldge. The copper mines of Jamaica. Eng. Mining. Magaz.
37. 1909. p. 793-805. Photogrs.
1708. Owen. On the fossil skull of a mammal (Prorastomus sirenoides, Owen) from the
Island of Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. II. 1855. p. 541-543. pl. xv.
Yoshlaki Ozawa. See 658.
1709. Patine. Sur le tremblement de terre de la Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 8. 1839.
p. 364.
1710. jam·es Page. Reports of Vessels as to the Range of Volcanic Dust. The Nat. Geogr.
Mag. 13. 1902. p. 299-301. (Martinique. St. Vincent).
1711. W. G. Palgrave. Earthquake in St. Thomas. Nature. 9. 1874. p. 483--484.
1712. W. Gifford Palgrave. Ulysses or scenes and studies in many lands. London-N.
York. 1887. oct. 385 pp. (Dominica).
1713. Dorothy K. Palmer. Upper Cretaceous Age.of the Orbitoidal Genus Gallowayina
Ellis. Proc. Geol. Soc. Amer. for 1938 (1934). p. 372 (Abstract).
1714. Dorothy K. Palmer. The occurrence of fossil Radiolaria in Cuba. Mem. Soc. Cub.
Hist. Nat. 8. 1934. p. 77--<l2.
1715. Dorothy K. Palmer. The Foraminiferal Genus Gfimbelinain tbeTerliaryofCuba.
. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 8. 1934. p. 73--76. .
1716. Dorothy K. Palmer. Some larger foraminifera from Cuba. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist.
Nat. Habana. 8. 1934. p. 235-264. pl. xn-xv1.
1717. Dorothy K. Palmer. The Upper Cretaceous Age of the Orbitoidal Genus Gallo-
wayina Ellis. J. Pa1eont. 8. 1934. p. 68--70.
1718. Dorothy K. Palmer. New genera and species of Cuban Oligocene Foraminifera.
Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. Habana. 10. 1936. p. 123-128. pl. v. ·
1719. Dorothy Palmer and Pedro J. Bermudez. Late Tertiary Foraminifera from the
Matanzas Bay Region. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 9. 1935. p. 237-257. pl.
1720. Dorothy K. Palmer and Pedro j. Bermudez. An Oligocene Foraminiferal Fauna
from Cuba. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 10. 1936. p. 227-316. pl. xm-xx.
Katherine van Winkle Palmer. See 2394. ·
•1720a. Robert H. Palmer. Field guide to geological excursions in- Cuba. Secretaria de
Agricultura. 12 pp. ? year. (teste .Bermudez).
1721. R. H. Palmer. Nuevos Rudistas de Cuba. Revista de Agric. 14. Habana. 1933. p.
95-126. pl. 1-X.
1722. R. H. Palmer. The geology of Habana, Cuba, and vicinity. J. GeoL 42. 1934. p.
123-145. Map. Photogrs.
Rafael Castro Palomino, See 499.
•1723. 6. Parel. A graphic record of the Martinique disaster being a letterwritten by the
vice-general of the islands in the form of a journal May 2-21._ 1902 to the absent
bishop of the diocese. Century Mag. 64. 1902. p. 610--716. (teste 1351 ?).
Francis L. Parker. See 659.
1724. F. L. Parker and P. J. Bermudez. Eocene species of the genera Bulimina and
Buliminella from Cuba. J. Pa1eont: II. 1937. p. 513--516. pl. LVIII. LIX.
1725. J. S. Parker and C. A. P. Southwell. The chemical investigation of Trinidad Well
Waters and its geol. and econ. significance. ] . Inst. Petr. Techn. London. 15.
1929. p. 133--182. 10 figs.
t 726. John Parkinson. A note on the petrographic characters of some rocks from the
Northern Range of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 62. 1925. p. 133--136.
1727. J. Parkinson. The central range of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 63. 1926. p. 383
•t727a. Antonio Parra. Descripci6n de diferentes piezas de historia natural, las mas del
ramo _maritimo. Havana. 1787. 195 pp. figs. (teste 1678a).
*1728. S. Passarge. Der Aspha1tsee in Trinidad im Jahre 1901. Jahrb. Geogr. Ges. Han-
nover 1930. (teste??).


Payen. (Sur divers fossiles trouves aux environs de la Basse Terre, Guadeloupe,
pres du lieu, dit le Vieux Fort). Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (2). 20. 1863. p. 475-
476. (See also 677).
Herbert E. Peckham. On the bituminous Deposits, situated at the South and East
of Cardenas, Cuba. Am. J. Sc. (4). 12. 1901. p. 33--41.
S. f. Peckham. On the Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Am. J. Sc. (3). 50. 1895. p. 33--51.
S. f. Peckham. On the Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. (4). 2. 18~5. p. 416--425.
452--458. (from 1731).
S. F. Peckham. What is Parianite? Journ. Franklin. Inst. Philad. 149. 1900·
p. 161-193.
S. f. Peckham and Laura Linton. On Trinidad Pitch. Am. J. Sc. (4). I. 1896.
p. 193-207.
Antonio S. Pedreira. Bib1iografia puertoriquefi.a 1493--1930. Monograffas de la
Univers. de Puerto Rico. Serie A. Estudios hispanicos. I. 1932. (teste 1550).
E. Pelagaud. Sur la volcanisme et les volcans a propos de I' eruption de la Montagne
Pelee a la Martinique. C. R. Congr. Assoc. franc;. Avanc. Sc. Grenoble. 33.
1904. p. 621-629. ./
Valentin _Petlitero. Apuntes geologicos referentes al iptinerario de Sagua de Tcinamo
a Santa Catalina de Guantcinamo en la isla de Cuba. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol.
Espana. 20. 1893. p. 89--98. Map. Section.
R. A. F. Penrose jr. Nature and Origin of Deposits of Phosphate of Lime. U. St.
Geol. S. Bull. 46. 1888. 142 pp. (p. 123-126: leached guano of West India).
Pelatiah Peril. Petrified Wood from Antigua. Am. J. Sc. (1). I. 1818. p. 56-57.
L. Perney. Bulletin (quotidien) concernant le volcan. Journal offic. de Ia Mar-
tinique. Fevier 8. Avril. 1903. (teste 1351).
L. Perney. Bulletin (quotidien) concernant le volcan. Journal.officiel de !a Martini-
que. Juin 1905. (teste 1351).
Frank A. Perret. Le nouveau dOme de Ia Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris.
193. 1931. p. 1342-1344.
Frank A. Perret. Le dOme recent de la Montagne Pelee. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 193.
1931. p. 1439--1442.
frank A. Perret. The eruption of Mt. Pelee 1929-1932. Pub!. Carn. Inst. Washing-
£~-~¥ (_~ ton. no. 458. 1935. 126 pp. 71 figs. 1 diagram.
F. A. Perret. Reports on the seismo-volcanic conditions in Montserrat. Gvt. Pr.
!-/;)~ Off. Leeward is!. Antigua. 1934. 3 pp, 1935. 8 pp.
A. Perrey . .Note historique sur les tremblements ae terre des Antilles. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 16. 1343. p. 1283-1303. ·
Alexis Perrey. Sur 1es tremb1ements de terre aux Antilles. M6m. Ac. de Dijon.
1845/1346 (1847). p. 35~92.
Alexis Perry. Liste des Tremblenients de Terre -ressentis 'pendant les annees
1845-1853. Mem. Ac. Dijon. 1845-1846 (1847). p. 392--479. 1847-1848
(1848). p. 66-115. 1849 (1850). p. 1--40. 1850 (1851). p. 51-71. 1851(1852). p.
1-36. 1852-1853 (1854). p. 1-65. 1852-1853 (1854). p. 79--128. 1854 (1855).
p. 1-55.
1748. Alexis Perrey. Ph6nom(mes athmosph6riques, etoiles filantes et Tremblements de
terre en 1845-1855. Bull. Acad. de Belgique. 13. I. !846. p. 234-645. 15.
I. 1848. p. 442--454. 16. I. 1849. p. 323-329. 17. I. 1850. p. 216-285. 18. I.
1851. p. 291-308. 19. I. 1852. p. 353--396. 19. 2. 1852. p. 21-28. 20. 2.
1853. p. 39-69. 21. 1. 1854. p. 457--489. 22. 1. 1855. p. 526-572. 23. 2.
1856. p. 23-68. (2). I. 1857. p. 64-128. .
1749. Alexis Perr"ey. Notice sur les tremblements de terre en 1856-1871, avec supple-
ments pour les annees anterieures. Mero. Courolln. etc. Acad. Beige. 8. 1859. 79
pp. 10. 1860. 114 pp. 12. 1861. 68. pp. 13. 1862. 79 pp. 14. 1862. 75 pp. 16. 1864.
112 pp. 16. 1864. 179 pp. 17. 1865. 213 pp. 18. 1866. 98 pp. 19. 1867. 125 pp .
. 21. 1870. 223. pp .. 22. 1872. 116 pp. 22. 1873. 116 pp. 23. 1873. 70 pp.
24. 1875. 146 pp; 24. 1875. 143 pp.
1750. Georges Perrier. Sur l'lnstitut de Physique du Globe de Ia Martinique. C. R. Ac.
Sc. Paris. 203. 1936. p. 447--448.
1751. 0. A. Peterson. Report upon the fossil material collected in 1913 by Messrs Link
in a Cave in the Island of Pines. Ann. Carn. Mus. 11. 1917. p. 359-361. pl.
Peyraud. See 1406.
1752. john Andrew Peyssonel. Observations made upon the Brimstone-Hill (in French:
La Soufriere) in the Island of Guadelupa. Phil. Trans. 49. 1756. p. 564-579.
1753. cesaire Philemon. La Montagne Pelee et l'effroyable destruction de Saint Pierre
(Martinique), le 8 Mai 1902. Paris. 1930. 211 pp.

1754. cesalre Philemon. Galeries martiniquaises. Populations, Moeurs~ Activites di-

verses, et paysages de la Martinique. Paris. 1931. 427 pp.
1755. j. C. Phlllfppo. The Mineral Springs of Jamaica. Lecture vi, delivered at the Town
Hall, Kingston on the 3d May 1881. Kingston. 1881. 41 pp.
P. Lee Phillips. See 966.
P. Phillips Bedson. See 304.
1756. Phlpson. Sur le Sombrerite (nouveau mineral). C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 54. 1862.
p. 1129-1130. .
1757. T, L. Pblpson. Analysis of recently imported mineral substance. Chemical News.
13. 1886. p. I.
1758. T. L. Phlpson. On the tripolite of Barbados. Chemical News. 34. 1876. p. 108.
*1759. Esteban Pichardo. Geografia de 1a isla de Cuba. Habana. 1854. Parte segunda.
(teste 1772: Earthquakes).
1760. W. P. Pierce. Asphalt of Trinidad. Consular Reports on Commerce, Manufacture
etc. Washington. no. 145. 1892. p. 169-239.
1761. Henry A. PHsbry. A new Haitian oligocene horizon. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 62.
1910. p. 487--489.
1762. Henry A. Pllsbry. Scaphopoda of the Jamaican Oligocene and Costa Rican Plio-
cene. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 63. 1911. p. 165-169.
1763. H. A. Pllsbry. Note on Antillean Paleography. Nautilus. 28, 1914. p. 84.
1764. Henry A. Pllsbry. Revision of W. M. Gabb's tertiary .Mollusca of Santo Domingo.
Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 73. 1921. p. 305--435. pL XVI-XLVII.
1765. Henry A. PJisbry. Miocene and pleistocene Cirripedia from Haiti. Proc. U. S. Nat.
Mus. 65. art. 2. 1924. p. 1-3. I pL
Henry Pllsbry. See 416. 417. ·
1766. Henry A. Pilsbry and Amos H. Brown. Oligocene fossils from the neighbourhood
of Cartagena, Colombia,_ with notes on some Haitian species. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc.
· Philad. 69. 1917. p. 32--41. pL v. VI.
1767. H, A. Pllsbry and C. W. johnson. New Mollusca of the San Domingan Oligocene.
Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 69. 1917. p. 150-202.
1768. H. A. Pllsbry and Benj. Sharp. Scaphopoda of the San Domingo Tertiary. Proc.
Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1897. p. 465--476. pL X. XL
1768a. Edoardo F. Pia. Fenomenos geologicos de 1916. Mem. Soc. Cubana. Hist. Nat. 3.
1917. p. 45-53.
*1769. felipe Poey. Memorias sabre Ia historia natural de la isla de Cuba, acompafi.adas
de sumarios Iatinos y extractos en frances. Habana. 1851-1858. oct. 2 vol.
(teste 966).
1770. Andre Poey. Tableau chronologique des tremblements de terre ressentis a l'ile
de Cuba de 1551 a 1855. Nouv. Ann. des Voyages. Paris. (6). 2. 1855. p. 301-323.
Also: separately. Paris. A. Bertrand. oct. 26 pp. Also: *Anales y Memorias de la
Real Junta de Fomento. 1856. (teste 2223).
1771. Andre Poey. Supplement au tableau chronologique des Tremblements de Terre
ressentis a l'Ile de Cuba de 1551 a 1855. Nouv. Ann. d. Voyages. Paris. (6). 4.
1855. p. 288-325. Also separately: Paris. A. Bertrand. oct. 42 pp.
1772. A. Poey. Catalogue chronologique des tremblements de terre ressentis dans les
Indes Occidentales, de 1530 a 1857; accompagne d'une Revue bibliographique
contenant tons les travaux relatifs aux tremblements de terre des Antilles. An-
nuaire Soc. Meteor. de France. 5. 1857 (1858). p. 75-127. 227-252.
1773. Felipe Poey. Mamiferos fosiles de Cuba. Anales Ac. Ciencias. Habana. 8. 1871.
p. 124. 163.
1774. A. Poey. Rapports entre les taches solaires, les tremblements de terre aux An-
tilles et au Mexique, et les eruptions volcaniques sur tout le _glqbe C. R. Ac. Sc.
Paris. 78. 1874. p. 51-55.
William Pollard. See 859.
1775. A. Pomel. Sur le Myomorphus cubensis, sous-genre nouveau du Megalocnus. C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 67. 1868. p. 665-668. ·
1776. A. Pomel. Note bibliographique additionelle sur le Myomorphus cubensis. C. R.
Ac. Sc. Paris. 67. 1888. p. 850.
1777. Arthur j. Poole. Further exploration of Haitian caves. Exploration and Field
Work of the Smithonian Inst. in 1923. Pub!. 30ll. 1929. p. 55-62.
1778. Arthur J. Poole. Explorations of Haitian Caves. Exploration and Field Work of
the Smithonian Institute in 1929. Public. 3060. 1930. p. 63-76.
1779. Gulllermlna Portela. Condiciones especiales del modelado por la erosi6n en los
paises tropicales durante la estaci6n seca y en los paises calidos sin estaci6n
bien marcada. Revista Soc. Geogr. de Cuba. 4. 1931. p. 83-94.

*17798~ Gulllermlna Portela. El reliefe. de Cuba. C. R. COngr. Intern. GE:ogr. Paris. 1931.
1933. L p. 696-698. (teste 2150a).
F. C. Porter. See 2132.
1780. J. C. Porter. Cuba. Engin. and Mining J. 123. 1927. p. 164.
1781. L. F. Pourtales. List of fossil corals collected by W. M. Gabb Esq., in Santo
Domingo. Geol. Mag. (2). 2. 1875. p. 544-545.
178la. C. f. PoweU .. Royal .Society expeditions to Montserrat, B. W. I. Preliminary
Report on Seismic Observations. Proc. R. S. London. 158A. 1937. p. 479-494.
pl. XX-IV-XXV.
178lb. C. F. Powell. The Royal Society Expedition to Montserrat ..B. W. I. Final Report.
Phi1os. Trans. A. 237. 1938. p. 1-34.
1782. H.- Powell. On the eruption of the Soufriere of St. Vincent, 3 and 4 Sept. 1902.
Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 59. 1903. p. 1~11.
1783. H. Prestoe. On the discovery of a boiling lake in Dominica. Proc. Royal Geogr.
Soc. 20. 1?76. p. 23Q-,-232. . . . . ,
·1784. Preussner. (Uber Phosphat von Cura~ao). Zeitschr. d. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 39. 1887.
p. 23Q-,-23 L
*1785. A. P. Price. The agricultural conference 1907; and the. Kingston Disaster ..Being
a Record of Events in connection with the voyage of the SS. Port Kingston
from Barbados to Jamaica and back in January 1907. 1907. duod. 120 pp. photo.
(teste Ann. Geogr. 17).
Le Prieur. See: 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406 .
. 1786. Prior. (On volcanic ash from Barbados). Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 58. 1902.
p.~ . . . .
1786a. F. Prudhomme. Rapport sur les archives .de Ia commission scient. du Mexique.
· Bull. Soc. Geol. Norm. 7. 1882. p. 33-46. (Notes on Mexico a.W. Indies).
1787. J. C. Purvh. (Geologie d'Antigoa). Ann. Soc. Malacol. Belg. 8. 1873. Bull. p.
1788. J. C. Purves. Esquisse geologique de l'Ile d'Antigoa. Bull. Mus. Royale Hist. Nat.
Belg. Bruxelles. 3. 1885. p. 273-318. pl. XIV. .
1789 .. P. j. Pljpers. The occurrence of foreign pebbles on the isle of Bonaire. Proc.
Kon. Ak. v. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 34. 1931. p. 169-174.
-1790. P • J. Pljpers. Some remarks on the Geology of the Surroundings of .,Ronde
Klip" (East Cura~oa). Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterd. 31. 1931. p.
1023-1027. .
1791. P. J. Pijpers. Bonaire. Leidsche Geol. Meded. 5. 1931 (Martin-Feestbundel). p.
704-708 (Sketchmap).
1792. P. Pljpers. Over de geologie van het eiland Bonaire. Handel. 23ste Nederl. Nat. en
Geneesk. Congr. 1931. p. 265-266.
1793. - P. Pljpers. Over de Geologie van Bonaire. Geologie en Mijnbouw. 10. 1931. p.
1794. P. J' Pljpers. Geology· and Paleontology of Bonaire (D.W.I.). Geogr. en Geol.
Mededeelingen. Utrecht. Physiogr. Geol. Reeks no. 8. 1933. 103 pp. map. n pis.
(Also: Academical Thesis. Utrecht. 1933) .
.1795. P. J. Pijpers. Ruttenia, a new name for Bonairea Pijpers 1932. Contr. Cushm. Lab.
Foramin. Research. 9. 1933. p. ~0.
*1796. J. T. Quin. The building of an island, being a sketch of the geological structure
rr-..·-·{c..- of the Danish West Indian Island of St. Croix or Santa Cruz .. Cbristiansted, St.
/~(,·vir" . Croix . .).W'T.' 106 pp. ·map. 32 figs: (ieste 1286). ·
I . c.if'~Mc•-
fl -~ '1797. Diego L6pez de Quintana. Informe sabre las minas de Cobre. Bol. de Minas.
Habana. 2. 1917. p. 73-63. (Manuscript: 1853).
1797a. M8.nuel de J. Rabassa. Presencia del manganese en las caliza.s azules. Mem. Soc.
Cubana Hist. Nat. 2. 1916. p. 58-59.
*1798. Narciso Rabell. Notas sabre algunos escucllidos f6siles de Puerto -Rico. Revista
de Agric. de Puerto Rico. 12. 1924. p. 377-384. (teste 1550).
Pedro Valdes Ragues. See 2230. ·
1799. Erwin J. Raisz. Physiography of Cuba. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 41. 1930. p. 119
1799a. C. Rammelsberg. Gesteine der Antillen. Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. 5. 1853, p.
1800. Domingo F. Ramos. Bosquejo historico acerca de los estudios mineralogicos y
geologicos relatives a la isla de Cuba. Causas del evidente atraso de los mismos.
Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. I. 1915. p. 37--46. 56-67.
· Charles T. Ramsden. See 276.
*1800a. C. Rappenecker. The Moneague Valley, Jamaica, site of a temporary karst lake
Ann. Ass. Amer. Geogr. 26. 1936. p. 77. (Abstract). (teste 2150b).

1801. J. £, T. Raspass. Manjak as worked at the Vis-tabella mine, Trinidad. Trans. Inst.
Mining EI)g. New Castle. 36. 1908/9. p. 119-124. ·
1802. ·G. vom Rath. Phosphorit von Klein Curac;ao. Sitz. ·Ber. Nied.errhein. Ges. Natur-
u. Heilkul)de. Bonn. 1878. p. 122-123.
1803. M. Rathbun. West Indian tertiary decapod crustaceans. Publ. Cam. Inst. 291. 1919.
(Contr. to the Geol. a. Paleont. of the W. Indies). p. 157-184. rx pis.
1804. Mary J. Rathbun. Ad.ditions to West Indian tertiary decapod crustaceans. Proc.
U. S. Nat. Mus. 58. 1920. p. 38~-384. pl. xxv.
1805. Mary J. Rathbun. Fossil crabs from the republic of Haiti. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 63.
1923. art. 9. 6 pp. n pis.
1806. Ra·upach. Liste des secousses et des bruits sourds qui suivirent le terrible trem-
blement de terre a )'ile St: Thomas (Antilles Danoises) le 18 Novembre 1867.
C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 66. 1668. p. 280--281, (with notes of Ch. Ste. Claire Deville).
1807. Otto Frederick Raupach. Communicatio~ to the Se'cretary of State (on the earth-
quake of St. Thomas 18. 11. 1667). Am. J. Sc. (2). 45. 1868. p. 134-135.
*1808. Juan E. Ravelo. Collecci6n de apuntes sobre Ia riqueza minera de la provincia
de Santiago de Cuba. Sant. de Cuba. 1893. ·(teste.? 873).
*1808a. H. R. Ray. Los recursos minerales .de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obras Pribl. P. R. 12.
. 1935. p. 1132. (teste 2150b). · · · ·
•t808b. H. R. Ray. Los minerales de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obras Pub!. P. R. 13. 1936. p.
. . 1160--1163. (teste 2150b). · · · ·
•1808c. H. R. Ray. Los minerales petreos de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obra.s Pub!. P. R. 13.
1936. p. 1262-1284. (teste 2150b). · ·
0 1808d. H. R. Ray. Las rocas de Puerto Rico. Rev. Obras Pub!. P. R. 13. 1936. p. 1314-
1317. (teste 2150b). .
18~9. John Ray. Three physico-theological discourses .... also a historical account of
those two remarkable (earthquakes) in Jamaica and England. London. 1713.
3d ed. xxxn and 456 pp. (chiefly theological). · · ·
1810. Percy E. Raymond. A new oyster from the Cretaceous of Cuba. Occas. Papers Bos-
Soc. Nat. Hist. 5. 1925. p. 183-185. pl. VII. ·
*1811. Rossiter W. Raymond. Geology of Jamai~ as related to its history. Mining and
Scientific Press (San Francisco). 95. 1907. p. 145--146. (teste 1486).
*1812. Raynal. Sur les tremblements de terre de Saint Domingue. Voyages,- ·
NeufcMtel. oct. p. 233. (teste 1772. N0 year given). . .
*1813. Alex. Reboul. Extrait du rapport de M. A. Reboul, envoye par la ville d.e Port
. Royal (Martinique).aupres de Ia Poip_te-c\-Pitre au sujet du tremblement cJ.e terre du 8
fevrier 1843. Le Politique de Bruxelles. 27. 3. 1843. (teste 1772).
1814. Arthur H. Redfield. Petroleum Reserves of the West Indies. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 68. 1923, p. 1082-1090. . ·
1815. F. R. C. Reed, Geology of the British· Empire. London. 1921. p. 169-192.
1816. Reeds. (Collecting fossils in Porto Rico). Annals New York Ac. Sc. 26. 1915. p.
435-436. .
1817. Chester A. Reeds. Porto Rico localities yielding Vertebrate fossils. Ann New
York Ac. Sc. 26. 1915. p. 436-438 (Abstract).
·1818. Chester A. Reeds. Stages ~n the geologic history of Porto Rico. Bull. Geol. S. Amer.
27. 1916. p. 83-85 (Abstract). ·
1819. Chester A. Reeds. (Report of progress ... Porto Rico). Ann. New York Ac. Sc. 27.
1916. p. 280-282. .
1820. Chester A. Reeds. The Volcano Museum on Mont Pelee. Naturcil History. 33. 1933.
p. 31-40. 13 photogrs. 1 frontispiece.
*1821. J. Regnautt. Treniblements de terre en France. Almanach du Mag. Pittier. 1851.
(teste 1772: p. 6. avec une vue du tremblement de .Ia Guadeloupe).
1822. Alfred Rehwaagen. Ober das Vorkommen bituminbser Produc~ aUf der Insel
Barbados. Berg- und Hiittenm. Ztg. 60. 1901. p. 467-468. ·. · .
1823. ·H.· Fielding Reid and S. Taber. Recent earthquakes of Porto Rico. Bull. Geol. S.
Amer. 30. 1918. p. 83-84 (Abstract). · ·
1824. Harry Fielding Reid and Stephen Taber. The Porto Rico Earthquakes of October-
November 1918. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 9. 1919. p. 95-127. ·
0 1825. H. F. Reid and S. Taber. The Porto Rico earthquake of 1918. Report of the earth-
quake investigation commission. Washington. 1919. (teste 1824).
1826. Harry Fielding Reid and Stephen Taber. The Virgin Islands Earthquakes of
1867-1868. Bull. Se1sm. Soc. Amer. 10. 1920. p. 9-30.
1827. H. W. Reid. Petroleum production of Trinidad during 1932. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 103. 1933. p. 370--372.
*1828. S. C. Reid. The catastrophe in Saint Vincent. Narrow escapes from Soufriere;
observations and narratives by two eye-witnesses. Century .Mag. 64. 1902. p.
634-842. (teste 1196).

1829. Walter C. Reid. Mineral Phosphates and Superphosphate of Lime. Chemical

News. 34. 1876. p. 48-50. 55--57. (Sombrero. Navassa).
*1830. Alvaro Reinoso. Sabre el guano de los Cayos de los Jardines y Jardinillos. Ga-
ceta oficial de 12 de Octu bre de 1858 y Memor. de la Soc. Economica de la Ha-
bana. (teste 1800).
1831. C. 0. C. Relnwardt. Waarnemingen aangaande de gesteldheid va_n den grand van
bet eiland Aruba, en bet Goud aldaar gevonden. Nieuwe Verhandel. der Eerste
K!asse van bet Kon. Nederl. Inst. Amsterdam. I. 1827. p. 265-281. (map).
1832. Report of the Committee on mineral resourceS of Puerto Rico. Revista de Obras
Publicas. San Juan de Puerto Rico. 1933. 16 pp. (separate).
1833. Reports on de Island of Aruba (Dutch) West Indies and its Gold Ores, with a general
Description of the Island. London 1872. 70 pp.
1834. Hans Reusch. (Description of the crater of the -Soufri€:re of St. Vincent in 1892).
Nature 66. !902. p. 132-133.
1835. E. Revert. La Montagne Pelee et ses derni€:res eruptions. Ann. de G6ogr. 40. 1931.
p. 275-291. pl. V. VI.
*1836. J. R. de los Reyes. De los temblores de tierra en la isla de Cuba. Revista de la
Habaoa.? I. 1853. p. 26. (teste 1772).
1837. Horace ··.Richards. Pleistocene Mollusks from Cuba. Proc. Geol. Soc. Amer. for
1933 (1934/. p. 367. (Abstract).
1838. Horace G. R chards. Pleistocene Mollusks from Western Cuba. J. Paleont. 9.
1935. p. 253-258.
*1839. CUfford Richardson. Reports on the operations of the Engineer Department of the
District of Columbia, for the fiscal year ending June 30th 1892. Washington. 1893.
(teste 1731. Data on Trinidad Pitchlake).
1840. Clifford Richardson. On the Nature and Origin of Asphalt. J. Soc. Chern. Ind. 17.
1898. p. 13-32.
1841. Clifford Richardson. The modem asphalt pavement. N. York. oct. 1905. VII and
580 pp. (Cuba. Trinidad).
*1842. CUHord Rlchardon. The proximate composition and physical structure of Trinidad
Asphalt. Trans. Amer. Soc. for Testing Material. 1907. (teste 444).
1843. Clifford Richardson. Trinidad and Berinudez Asphalt and its use in highway con-
struction. Pop. Sc. Monthly. 81. 1912. p. 1~35. 170-182. photogrs.
1844. Clifford Rlchard.!JOD and Kenneth Gerard Mackenzie. A Natural Naphtha Deposit
from the province of Santa Clara, Cuba. Am. J. Sc. (4). 29. 1910. p. 439
1845. A. del Rio. Datos acerca del estado y producciOn de las minas San Juan de Motem-
bo. Bol. de Minas. Habana. 7. 1923. p. 89.
1846. Karl Ritter. Naturhistorische Reise nach der Westindischen Insel Hayti. Stuttgart.
1836. oct. pages: VIII and 9--:-206.
C. H. Ritz. See 292.
*1847. Rafael Rivero. Canteras de jaspe de Guanobacoa. Memorias de 1a Real Sociedad
Patriotica. de Ia Habana. 1795. (teste 482).
1848. Rivet. Secousses de tremblement de terre qui se sont fait sentir ala Martinique, et
phenomenes electriques qui ont prerede chacune d'elles dans les fils telegraphi-
ques. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 81. 1875. p. 693---694.
1849. A. J. Roberts. History of phosphate mining in the Cayman islands. In: G. S. S.
Hirst. Notes on the history of the Cayman islands. 2. 1911. p. 258-264.
Ral C. Roberts; See 662.
C. K. Robinson. See 1064.
*l849a. J. H. Robinson. The study of the organic remains in the oceanic beds of Barbados,
with special reference to the diatoms. Barbados Museum Soc. J ourn. 1. 1934. p.
80--84. (teste 2150a).
1849b. J. H. Robinson. The occurrence and the distribution of the Diatoms in the Oceanic
Beds of Barbados. Barbados Museum Soc. Journ. 3. 1936. p. 149-152. 4. 1936/
1937. p. ~II.
M. Roca Masden. See 1483.
1850. de Rochefort. Histoire naturelle et morale des Antilles de !'Amerique ... Amster-
dam. 1716. qu. I. 583 pp.
1850a. B. Rodriguez. L'asphalte de Banes (ile de Cuba). Revue univ. d. mines . Liege-Paris.
(2). 4. 1878. p. 756-759.
(i, Rodriguez. See 1062. 1063. 1064. 1448.
M. Rodriguez Fei'rer. See 838a.
Isidro Sanchez Rodriguez. See 1922.

1851. Max Roess~er. Geology of the iron-ore deposits of the Firmeza district, Oriente
Province, Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 56. 1917. p. 77-127. Discussion:
ibid. p. 127-141. Also: Bull. Amer. Inst. M. E. 118. 1916. p. 1789---1839.
1852. Karl Rohrbach. Die Ersteigung der Marne Garou auf St. Vincent. Das Ausland.
Augsburg. 30. 1857. p. 1193-1196. 1217-1220. 1244-1247. 31. 1858. p. 20
1853. Karl Rohrbach. Der Asphalt-See in Trinidad. Das Ausland. Augsburg. 31. 1858.
p. 67---B9. 92-95.
j. T. Rolg. See 1530.
Marlo Sanchez y Rolg. See 1924-1932.
1854. D. Arlstldes Rojas. An opinion on the maritime disasters 9£ the Antilles. Ann.
Report Smith. Inst. for the year 1867. 1868. p. 466-.--467.
*1855. A. Rojas. Lago de asfalto en la Isla de Trinidad. Caracas. oct. 1869. 15 pp. (teste
445). .
*1856. A. Rojas. Sabre la tempestad seismica de las Antillas, de 1868 y 1869. Vargansia.
? Caracas. Num. 1-3. (teste C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris 69. 1869. p. 1088).
Rollet de !'Isle• See 1365.
1857. Romer. L'etat actuel de Ia Montagne Pelk C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 195. 1932. p.
*1858. A. Romer. (?Title). Bull. Annuel du Service Meteorol. de l'Observ. Geophys. 1933
(teste 1744. Deals with the Montagne Pe!ee).
1859. Romer. La dernihe eruption de la Montagne Pelee. Bull. Volcanologique. 8. 1931
(1936). p. 89---116. III maps. 4 fig. VI pis.
*1860. Romer. L'eruption de Ia Montagne Pelee. Ann. Phys. Globe France Outre-M~r.
Paris. oct. 1934. p. 129---147. (teste 363).
*1861. Romer. La s€ismologie ala Martinique. Ann. Phys. Globe France Outre-Mer. Paris.
Avril 1936. p. 39---4! (teste 363).
1862. juan Pablo Ros. Rocas en la provincia de Santa Clara. Revista Soc. Ingen.
Habana. 7. 1915. p. 420-426. '
Rose. See 1583. 1584.
1862a. C. P. Ross. Copper in the_West Indies. Copper Resources of the World. Washington.
16th Intern. Geol. Congr. Vol. I. 1935. p. 435-441.
Clyde P. Ross. See 1417. 2298.
1863. E. C. Rost. Mont Pelee in eruption. Scient. American. 87. 1902. p. 106-108.
1864. H. Ling Roth. Bibliography and Cartography of Hispaniola. Royal Geogr. Sqc.
Suppl. Papers. 2. 1889. p. 41-97.
1865. Richard P. Rothwell. The Gold Fields of the Southern Portion of the Island pf
San Domingo. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 10. 1882. p. 345-354. Also: Eng.
Mining. J. 34. 1882. p. 31-32. .
1865a. Helen lone Rowland. The Atlantic and Gulf Coast Tertiary Pectinidae of the
United States. Amer. Midland Natural. 17. 1936. p. 985---1017.
*1866. Louis Roy. Les mines de cuivre et de fer de Terre-Neuve. Bull. Off. Ind. Publ. 6e
ann€e. Port au Prince. (teste 341. Hispaniola) ..
1867. Frederick Royce. The Burning of St. Pierre and the Eruption of Mont Pelee ...
Chicago. oct. 1902. rv and 192 pp. maps. photogrs.
1868. Emil Rudolph. (Verzeichnis der submarinen Erdbeben im Amerikaniscben Mittel-
meer). Gerland's Beitr. z. Geopbysik. 1. 1887. p. 328--333.
Rulz. See 1406.
1869. Arthur Rumbold. Accounts of Earthquake which visited the Virgin and adjacent
Islands, on November 18th 1867. Proc. Brit. Meteorol. Soc. 4. 1868. p. 89-93.
T. Rupert jones. See 1265. 1266. 1267.
1870. F. Ruschraupt. On the Salt-Mines· of St. Domingo. Qu. J. 'Geol. S. London.
25. 1869. p. 256-258. .
1871. Israel C. Russell. The recent eruptions in the West Indies. A letter to the Nat.
Geogr. Soc. The Nat. Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902. p. 267-285.
1872. Israel c. Russel1. Volcanic eruptions in Martinique and St. Vincent. The Nat.
Geogr. Mag. 13. 1902. p. 415-436. Photogrs.
*1873. Israel C. Russell. Phases of the West Indian Eruptions. Century Mag. 64. 1902.
p. 786-800. (teste 1196).
1874. Israel C. Russell. The Pele Obelisk. Science (ns). 18. 1903. p. 792-795.
1875. Israel C. Russell. Volcanic eruption on Martinique and St. Vincent. Ann. Report
Smith. Inst. for 1902. 1903. p. 331-349. XI pis.
1876. Israel C. Russel1. Criteria relating to Massive-Solid Volcanic Eruptions. Am. J.
Sc. (4). 17. 1904. p. 253-268.
1877. Israel C. Russell. The Pete Obelisk once more. Science (ns). 21. 1905. p. 924-931.
1878. Me. Randolph. Rust. The petroleum deposits of Trinidad. Petrol. Rev. 14. 906.
p. 293-294.

*1879. R. Rust. The Oilfields of Trinidad. Proc. Viet. Inst. Trinidad. 1907. (teste 445).
*1880. Randolph Rust. Lecture on Trinidad Petroleum and its Products. Delivered at
Viet. Inst. Trinidad. March 18. 1910. (teste 1394).
*1881. R. Rust. The oilfields of Trinidad. Petrol. World. 7. 1910. p. 216-217. 256-258.
(teste 445).
1882. R. Rutsch. Strombus dominator delabechei n. subsp. aus den jungmiocii.nen
Bowdenschichten von Jamaica. Verb. Schw. Natf. Ges. 112 Jabresvers.
1931. p. 323.
1883. R. Rutsch. Strombus dominator delabechei n. subsp. aus den jungmiocanen.
Bowdenschichten von Jamaica. Eel. Geol. Helv. 24. 1931. p. 254-260
pl. XII.-
1884. R. Rutsch.- Angebliche Rudisten aus dem Tertiar von Trinidad (Brit. Westindien)
Verh. Sehw. Natf. Ges. 114 Jahresvers. 1933. p. 373.
1885. R. Rutsch. Angebliche Rudisten aus dem Tertili.r von Trinidad. Brit. Westindien.
Eel. Geol. Helv. 26. 1933. p. 248 (title only).
1885a. R. Rutsch. Die Gastropoden aus dem Neogen von Punta Gavilan in Nord-Vene-
zuela. Abh. Sehw. Pal. Ges. 54. 55. 1934. p. 1-169. pl. I-IX. 20 fig.
. 1886. R. Rutsch. Beitriige -zur Kenntnis tropisch-amerikanischer Te'rtHirmollusken. 1.
Angebliche Rudisten aus dem Tertilir von Trinidad (Brit. Westindien). Eel.
Geol. 'lielv. 27. 1934. p. 1-9. I text fig. (Trinidad, Antigua).
1887. R. Rutsch. Beitr. zur Kenntn. tropisch-amerikanischer Tertiiinnollusken. 2.
Pteropoden und Heteropoden a us dem Miocan von Trinidad (Britisch Westindien).
Eel. Geol. Helv. 27. 1934. p. 299-326. pl. vm. I textfig,
1888. Rolf Rutsch. Beitr. z. Kenntn. tropisch-amerikanischer Terti8.rmollusken. 4. Die
stratigr. Bedeutung der Venericardia planicosta und ihrer Verwandten. Eel.
Geol. Helv. 29. 1936. p. 151-186. pl. XVI. I textfig. (Trinidad. Barbados.
St. Barts).
1889 Rolf Rutsch. Beitr. z. Kenntn. tropisch-amerikanischer TerWirmollusken. 5. Ist
Venericardia beaumonti auf die Oberkreide· beschrankt? Eel. Geol. Helv. 29.
1936. p. 187-207. pl. XVII. (Trinidad),
1890. L. Rutten. Cuba, the Antilles and -the Southern Moluccas. Proc. Kon. Akad. v.
Wetensch. Amsterd. 2S. 1922. p. 263-274. 1 pl. ·
1891. L. Rutten. Tertiary Foraminifera from Curac;oa. Proc. Kon. Ak. v. Wetensch.
Amsterd. 31. 1928. p. 1061-1070. 40 figs. 1 pl.
. 1892. L. Rutten. Over Mode, Traagheid en Autoriteit in de Geologie. Jaarb. Mijnbouwk .
Vereen. DeUt. 1929/30. 1931. 27 pp.
IS93. L. Rutten. On rocks from the Caribbean coastrange (N. Venezuela) ... Proc. Kon.
Akad. Wetenseh. Amsterd. 34. 1931. p. 1013-1022. (Bonaire). ·
1894. L. _R.utten. On rocks from the Venezuelan islands between Bonaire and Trinidad ...
Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetenseh. Amsterd. 34. 1931. p. 1101-1110.
1895. L. Rutten. ·Een geologische reis .met Utrechts_che studenten naar de Nededandscbe
Benedenwindsche eilanden. ·De West lndische Gids. 1931. p. 289-309.
1896. L. M. R. Rutten. Our palaeontological knowledge of the Netherlands West Indies,
in 1930. Leidsche Geol. Meded. 5. 1931. (Feestbundel K. Martin). 1931. p.
651-672. .
1897. L. Rutten. De geologische geschiedenis der drie Nederlandscbe Benedenwindsche
eilanden. De West Indisehe Gids. 1932. p. 400-441.
1898. L. Rutten. Algunos resultados de las investigaciones geologicas de la comisi6n
cientffica holandesa en Cuba. Revista Soc. Geogr. de Cuba. 6. 1933. p. 47-
52. photogrs.
1898a. L. Rutteq. Grondkarteeringen in Nederl. 0. Indie en Cuba. De Ind. Mercuur.
27. 9. and 4. 10. 1933.
1899. L. Rutten. Oude Land- en Zee-verbindingen in Midden Amerika en West Indie.
Tijdsehr. Kon. Ned. Aardr. Genootsch. 51. !934. p. ·551-600 Map.
1900. L. Rutten. Geology of Isla de Pinos. Proc. Kon. Akad.- Weteit.sch. Amsterd.
37. 1934. p. 401-406.
1901. L. Rutten. Alte Land- und Meeresverbindungen in West Indien und Zentralamerika.
Geol. Rundsehau. 26. 1935. p. 65-94. Map. ·
1902. L. Rutten. Uber den Antillenbogen. Proc. Kon. Akad. van Wetensch. Amsterd.
38. 1935. p. 1046-1058.
1903. L. Rutten. Over de tektonische positie van West•Indie. Natuurw. Tijdschr. Gent.
18. 1936. p. 25-28 .
. 1904. L. Rutten. Grepen uit de geologische geschiedenis van West Indie en Centraal
Amerika in het Tertiair en Quartair. Diligentia-Voordra-chten. 's-Gravenhage.
1936. p, 57-65. n pis.
·I 90S. Mo G. ·Rutten.· Larger Foraminifera of Northern Santa Clara Province, Cuba.
J. Paleont. 9. 1935. p. 527--545. pl. LIX-LXII.

1906. M. 6. Rutten. Rudistids from the Cretaceous of northern Santa Clara province,
Cuba. J. Paleont. 10. 1936. p. 134-142. 4 textfigs.
1907. M. 6. Rutten. Orbitocyclina Vaughan, a synonym of Lepidorbitoides Silvestri.
Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 38. 1935. p. 186-187. I pl.
1908. M. 6. Rutten. Geology of the Northern Part of the Province Santa Clara, Cuba.
Geogr. en Geol. Meded. Utrecht. Geol. Physiogr. Reeks. no. 1!. 1936. 60 pp.
Maps. Sections. 1 pl. Also: Acad. Thesis. Utrecht 19:_J6.
M. 6. Rutten. See 2307-2309.
1909. M. 6. Rutten and L. W. J. Vermunt. The Seroe di CuebalimeStone from Cura~oa.
Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. 35. 1932. p. 228-240. III pis.
*1910. J. Sack. Twee bronwateren uit Cura~ao. Bull. Insp. Landb. West Indie. 3. 1905. p.
23-24. (teste 2076).
1911. Ramon de Ia Segra (should be: Ramon de Ia Sagra). Analyse· d'une houille
decouverte a Cube. Ann. d. Mines. (3). I. 1832. p. 154-155.
1912. Ramon de Ia Sagra. Histoire physique, politique ·et naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba.
1. Introduction, Geographie, Climat et Population. Paris 1842. ex and 348 pp.
Traduction par Berthelot. (p. 107-141. Geologie et Mineralogie).· ·
1913. Ramon de Ia Sagra. Tableau figuratif des couches de terrain traversees dans
un forage artbsien pres de Cienfuegos. C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris. 59.-1864. p. 111-112.
1914. C. L. S-agui. Le mecanisme des nuees ardentes. La Nature. Paris. 1937. p. 23-24.
1915. S. J. Saint. The Coral Limestone Soils. of Barbados. Agric. Journ. (Dept. of Science
and Agriculture). Barbados. 3. !934. 37 pp. Sketchmap.
1915a. S. J. Saint. The history of Barbados as revealed by a study of the geological strata
of the Island. Barbados Mus. Soc. Journ. I. 1934. p. 57-63.
Ch. Sainte Claire Deville. See 709-723.
1916. Pedro Satteraln. Apuntes para una·descripci6n fisico-geol6gica de lasjurisdicciones
La P:labana y Guanabacoa. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espaiia~ 7 1880. p. 161-
225. Map. '
1917. P. Salteraln. Ligera Reseiia de los Temblores de Tierra ocurridos en la Isla de
Cuba. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espafia.-10. 1883. p. 371-385. ·
1918. Pedro Salteraln y Legarra. Ligera Resefia de los temblores de tierraocurridosenla
Isla de Cuba. Anales Acad. Ciencias· Habana. 21. 1884. p. 203-218.
1919. Pedro Salterain y Legarra. Informe geologicoinin6ro sobre las visi~ de inspec-
ci6n a las minas de las provincias de Pinar del Rio y Habana. Bol. de Minas.
Habana. 4. 1918. p. 69-76. (Manuscript 1880).
Pedro Salteraln. See 490. 491.
*1920. Sambuc. Etude sur les eaux thermales de la Martinique. Arch. de Medecine Navale.
II. 1869. p. 47-60. 123-137. (teste 1351).
1921. Clarence C. Sample. Amber in Santo Domingo. Eng. Mining J. 80. 1905. ·p. 250
- 251.
*1922." Isidro ·Sanchez Rodriguez. Descripci6n del partido y bcifi.os de San Diego. 1851.
(teste 482). ·
*1923. Mario Sanchez y Rolg. The soil of the Isle of Pines. Isle of Pines Appeal. 1913.
(teste 2223).
*1924. M. Sanchez y Rolg. Una excursi6n a Vifiales. Revista Agric., ComercioyTrabajo.
2. 1919. p. 588-592. (teste 1979).
1925. Mario Sanchez y Roig. Escualidos fosiles del Miocene y Pliocene. de la Habana.
Bol. de Minas. Habana. 6. 1920. p. 1-16. pl. r-xn.
1926. Mario Sanchez Rofg. La F~una Jurasica de Vifi.ales, Republica de Cuba. Secretaria
de Agric., Comercio y Trabajo. Bol. Especial. Habana. 19.20. 61 pp. XXIII
~- .
*1926a. Mario Sanchez Rolg. F6siles del Miocene de la Habana. Revista de Minas. 6.
1920. (teste Bermudez).
1927. Mario Sanchez Roig. Revisi6n de los Equinidos f6siles cubanos. Mem. Soc. Cub.
Hist. Nat. 6. 1923. p. 6-42. pl. I-vn.
1928. Mario Sanchez Rot g. Nuevas especies de. Equinidos ·fosiles cubanOs. Mem. Soc.
Cub. Hist. Nat. 6. 1923. p. 75-92. pl. VIII-XIV. · · ·
1929. M.ario Sanc.hez Rolg. La Fauna cretacica de la Regi6n Central de Cuba, Mem.
Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 7. 1926. p. 83-102. pl. I·X.
1930. Mario Sanchez Rofg. Breve Resefia historica de la Paleontologia Cubana y sus
mas recientes investigaciones. Trabajo leido en junta general de Ia Soc. Geogr. de
Cuba el I de Febrero de 1926. Habana. 1926. 14 pp.
193·1. · Mario Sanchez Roig.· Los· Equinodermos f6siles de Cuba. Bol. de Minas. Habana.
JO. 1926. p. J-134. XLIII pJs.

1932. Mario ~ane~ez Rolg. Institut~ Nadon;{' de Investig,aciones Cien~icas y Museo

de H1stona Natural. (Repubhca de Cuba, Secretana de lnstrucc16n Publica y
Bellas Artes). Habana. 1928. 220 pp.
*1932a. MarJo Sanchez Roig. Rectificaciones y adiciones- al mapa geologico de Cuba.
Havana. Inst. Nac. Invest. Cient. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mem. I. 1929. 1930. p. 99-139.
(teste 2150a).
Mario Sanchez Rolg. See 1372b. 1373.
1933. Fr. Sandberger. Der Sombrero-Phosphat, ein metamorphosiertes Gestein der
neuesten Zeit. N. J. f. Miner. etc. 1864. p. 631-632.
1934. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch der Inset Grenada. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc. 1903. p.
1935. Karl Sapper. Bericht tiber einen Besuch von St. Vincent. Centrbl. f. Miner.
1903. p. 248-258.
1936. Karl Sapper. Zur Kenntniss der Insel St. Lucia in Westi.ndien. Centrbl. f.
Miner. etc. 1903. p. 273-278.
1937, Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch der Insel Montserrat (Westindien). Centrbl. f. Miner. 1903.
p. 279-283.
1938. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch der Inseln Nevis und St. Kitts. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc.
1903. J!.· 284-287.
1939. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch von Dominica. Centrbl. f. Miner. 1903. p. 305-314.
1940. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch von St. Eustatius und Saba. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc.
1903. p. 314-318.
1941. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch von Guadeloupe. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc. 1903. p. 319-323.
1942. Karl Sapper. Ein Besuch von Martinique. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc. 1903. p. 337-358.
1943. Karl Sapper. Der Krater der Soufri6re von St. Vincent. Centrbl. f. Miner. etc. 1903.
p. 369-373.
1944. Karl Sapper; St. Vincent. Globus. 84. 1903. p. 297-303. 377-383.
1944a. K. Sapper. Die vulkanischen Ereignisse in Mittel Amerika und auf den Antillen.
Z. Ges. Erdk. Berlin. 1903. p. 360-386. pl. XI-XIII.
1944b. K. Sapper. Die vulkanischen Ereignisse in Mittel Amerika und auf den Antillen.
Verb. 14 Deutsch. Geogr. Tag. Koeln. 1903. p. 13-34. ·
1945. Karl Sapper. Die vulkanischen Kleinen Antillen und die Ausbriiche der Jahre 1902
und 1903. N. J. f. Miner. etc. 1904. 2. p. 1-70.
1946. K. Sapper, Ergebnisse der neueren Untersuchungen tiber die jtingsten mittel-
arilerikanischen und westindischen Vulkanausbriiche. Verb. 15 Deutsch. Geogr.
Tag. 1905. p. 102-134.
1947. Karl Sapper. In den Vulkang_ebieten Mittelamerikas u:Ud WestinO.iens. Stuttgart.
1905. VI and 334 pp. v pis. 76 figs.
1947a. Carl Sapper. Grenada. Globus. 91. 1907. p. 232-239. Photogrs.
1948, Sausslne, (Lettre sur !'eruption de Ia Mte Pe16e). Bull. S. Geol. Fr. (4). 2. 1902.
p. 320. .
*1_948~. Henri de Saussure. De la geologie de l'ile de Cuba. Int. Congr. Americanists.
4tb sess. Madrid. 1881. Aetas. I. 1882. p. 168-172. (teste 1678a).
~949. T. M. Savage English. Some Notes on the Natural History of Grand Cayman.
Handbook of Jamaica for 1912. Kingston 1912. p. 598-600.
1950. T. M. Savage English. Some Notes from a West Indian Coral Island. Bull. Muse.
Inform. Kew. 1913. 10. p. 367-372. (Cayman).
1951. J. 6. Sawkins. On the association of Granite with the Tertiary Strata near Kingston,
Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 19. 1863. p. 35.
1952. james 6. Sawkins. Reports on the Geology of Jamaica, or, Part 2 of the West
Indian Survey (With Contributions of 6. P. Wall, Lucas Barrett, Arthur Lennox
and C. B. Brown). Memoirs of the Geol. Surv. London. 1869. 256 pp. Map. Sec-
tions, etc.
1953. james G. Sawklns. Geological Report on tbe island of Angnilla. In: 1952. p.
J. G. Sawklns. See 2331. 2331a.
1954. Robert Francis Scharff. Distribution and origin of life in America·. 1911. 497 pp.
See also 1995.
1955. S. Schaub. Satigetierfundstellen in Venezuela und Trinidad Verb. Natf. Ges.
Schweiz. 112 Jahres·Vers. 1931. p. 328-327.
1956. S. Schaub. Saiigetierfunde aus Venezuela und Trinidad. Abh. Schweiz. Palaeont.
Ges. 55. 1935. p. 1-21. n pis.
1956a. C. H. Scheidhauer. Die chemische Zusammensetzung des Cubans. Mit Anmerkung
von A. Breithaupt. Poggend. Ann. 84. 1845. p. 280-281.
1957. Hubert G. Schenck. Nuculid Pelecypods of tbe genus Acila in the Tertiary of
Venezuela, Northern Colombia and Trinidad. Eel. Geol. Helv. 28. 1935. p. 501

l957a. Hubert G. Schenck. Nuculid Bivalves of the genus Acila. Geol. Soc. Amer. Special
Paper nO. 4. 1936. XIV and 149 pp. XVIII pls.
1958. M. M. Schepman. Mollusca. In: Encyclopaedie van West Indie. 191&---1918. p.
477-482. (Aruba, Bonaire. Cura>ao).
1959. j. Scherer. Earthquakes in Haiti. Apri!!2 to October 10. 1911. Bull. Seism. Soc.
Amer. I. 1911. p. 171.
1960. J. Scherer. Great earthquakes in the island of Haiti. Bull. Seism .. Soc. Amer. 2.
1912. p. 161-180.
1961. J. Scherer. Notes on remarkable earthquake sounds in Haiti. Bull. Seism. Soc.
Amer. 2. 1912. p. 230-232.
1962. j. Scherer. Les grands tremblements de terre dans l'ile d'Haiti. Bull. Semestr.
Obs. Meteorol. CoiL Semin. St. Martial. Haiti. Juill. Dec. 1911. 1912. p. 153-162.
1963. J. Scherer. Les tremblements de terre de l'ile d'Haiti dans-leurs rapports avec le
relief du sol et les fosses maritimes qui l'entourent. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor.
Coll. Seminaire St. Martial. Haiti. Juill.-Dec. 1912. 1913. p. 133-!39.
1964. J. Scherer. Catalogue chronologique des tremblements de terre ressentis dans
l'ile d'Haiti de 1551 a 1900. Bull. Semestr. Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin. St. Martial.
Juill.-Dec. 1913. 1914. p. 147-151.
1965. J. Scherer. L'ile d'Haiti et le tremblement de terre de Porto-Rico (du 11 Octobre
·1918). Bull. Annuel. Obs. Meteor. Coli. Semin. St. Martial. Haiti. Annee 1918.
1919. p. 93-94.
1965a. J. J. Scheuchzer. Herbarium diluvianum. ed. 2. Leyden. 1723.
1966. L. Schmelck. Untersuchung von vulkanischem Staub aus Martinique. Chern. Ztg.
27. 1903. p. 34.
1966a. R. Schneider. Notiz tiber die Zusammensetzung und die Constitution des Cubans.
Journ. f. Pr. Chern. 160. 1895. p. 55&---559.
1967. Otto SchoenrJch. Santo Domingo, a country with a future. New York. 1918. XIV .
and 418 pp. xxx pis. map. (Geology: p. !32---143).
*1967a. Johann David- Schtipf. Reise durch einige der mittleren und stidlichen vereinigten
nordamerik. Staaten .... 1783 und 1784. Erlangen. 1788. (Transl.: .,Travels in
the Confederation" 1783-1784, by Alfred J. Morrison. 2. vol. 426, 344
pp. Philad. 1911). (teste 1678a) .
.1968. Robert Hermann Schomburgk. Remarks on Anegada. Joum. Royal Geogr. Soc.
London. 2. !832. p. 152---170. -
*1969. Robert Hermann Schomburgk. Die Jungfrau Inseln, in geologischer und klima~
tischer Hinsicht. Berghaus' A!manacb ftir Erdkunde. 1837. p. 367-455. (teste
1969a. Robert ·H. Schomburgk, The microsc. siliceous Polycystina of Barbados. Ann. Mag.
Nat. Hist. 20. 1847. p. 115-127. ill.
1970. R. H. Schomburgk. The History of Barbadoes. London. oct. 1847. xx and 722
pp. Map.
*1971. Rob. H. Scbomburgk. Letter from ... at S. Domingo, adressed to Humboldt.
Monatsber. Ges. f. Erdk. Berlin. (ns). 8. 1851. p. 13-15. (teste 1864).
1972. R. H. Schomburgk. Visit to the valley of Constanza, in the Cibao Mts of the
island of S. Domingo. The Athenaeum. London. 1852. p .. 797-799.
1973. Rob. H. Scbomburgk. TheLoadstonemountainatSantoDomingo. The Athenaeum.
London. 1853. p. 739-740.
1974. R. H. Scbomburgk. The Peninsula and Bay of Samana in the Dominican Repu-
blic. J. Royal Geogr. Soc. London. 23. 1853. p. 264-283. Map.
1975. A. Schreuder. Skull remains of Amblyrhiza from St. Martin. T. Ned. Dierk. Vereen.
(3). 3. !933. p. 242---266. pl.rv. v.
1976. Charles Scbucbert. Geologic History of the Antillean Region. The Pan American
Geologist. 51. 1929. p. 157-158. ·
1977. Charles Scbucbert. The geological History of the Antillean Region. Science. 69.
1929. p. 139-145.
1978. Cb. Schuchert. Geological History of the Antillean Region. Bull. Geol S. Amer.
40. 1929. p. 337-359.
1979. Charles Schucbert. Historical Geology of the Antillean-Caribbean Region. New
York. 1935. xxvr and 811 pp. Maps, Plates, etc.
1980. H. M. E. Schfirmann. Massengesteine aus Cuba. N. J. f. Miner •.etc. Beil. Bd.
70. A. !935. p. 335-355.
1981. H. M E. Schiirmann. Lawsonit aus Cuba. Centralbl. f. Miner. etc. 1936. A. p.
1982. Horace Scotland. On the geology of Jamaica. Lecture given at the Institute Rooms,
Kingstnn, Febr. 6. 1889. Kingston. oct. 1889. 50 pp.
1983. Horace Scotland. On Mining in Jamaica. Retrospectsand Prospects. Lecture given
at the Mica Institution. Kingston. 1889.' oct. 44 pp.

'1984. E. S. Scott. The tragedy of Martinique. 'The Strand Mag. London. Sept. 1902.
(teste 1351). .
*1985. E. S. Scott. The eruptions of mont Pelee. Cosmopolitan Mag. 33. 1902. p.
243-252. (teste ll96).
*1986. E. S. Scott. 'The destruction of the ,Roraima". Leslie's Popular Monthly. 54.
1902. p. 233-248. (teste 1196. Martinique). .
.i987•. G. H•. Scott. Progress of Naphthology in 1933. Trinidad. J. Inst. Petr. Techno!.
London. 20. 1934. p. 599----<306 .
. 1987a. H. Scudder. (No~S on the geology of Cuba and the Isle of Pines). Proc. Bost. Soc.
N. H. 10. 1864. p. 47--49.
- 1988. - K. von SeebaCh. Central Amerika und der interoceanische Kanal. Gemeinverst .
. Vortr., .herausgeg._ von .Rud. Virchow u. Fr. v. Holtzendorff. (8). 183. 1873.
' 36 pp.
*1989 . .Carlos Segrer.a Barriga. ·Estudio geologico de Manzanilla (Cuba). ? 1880. (teste
. 2223). ' .
'1990. L. Seibold. A visit to a dead city. Collier's Weekly. 29. 1902. p. 7-9. 13.
(teste 1196). .
1991. Semmes. (Geological Exploration_ in Porto Rico). Ann. New York Ac. Sc. 26. 1915.
p. 433--434.
1992. R. D. s'emmes. Geology of the San.Juan District Porto Rico. Ann. New York
Ac. Sc. 27. 1916. p. 279-280.
1993. R. D. Semmes. Geology of the San Juan District. New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Survey
of Porto Rico and the Virgin Isl. 1. 1919. p. 33-110. Map. Sections etc.
*1994. N. S. Shaler. The nature of volcanoes. N. Amer. Rev. 174. 1902. p. 730-741.
(teste 1196. Martinique).
Earl V. Shannon. See 1129.
1995. R. F. Sharif. On the origin -of the West Indian Fauna. Bijdragen tot de Dierk.
Amsterdam. Weber Feestbundel. 1922. p. 65-72. See also 1954.
1996~ Benjain-Jn Sharp. An account of the Vincelonian volcano. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.
Philad. 1890. p. 289-295. pl. IV.
B. Sharp. See 1768..
1997. P. P. Sharples. Turks island and the guano caves _of the_ Caicos islands. Proc.
Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 22. 1833 (1884). p. 242--253.
1998. George Burbank Shattuck. The Bahamas Islands. (The geogr. Soc. of Baltimore).
1905. qu. XXXIII and 630 pp. XCIII pls.
1999. George .Burbank Shattuck and Benjamin Le Roy Mfller. Physiography and ge-
ology of the Bahamas Islands. In: 1998. p. 3-20.
2000. Pearl 6. Sheldon. ·The Atlantic slope Areas. Palaeontographica Americana 1.
1917. p. 1-101. pl. I-XVI. . ,
.2001. Charles U. Shepard. Five new Mineral species. Am. ]. Sc. (2). 22. 1856. p. 96-99.
(Los Manges). .
2002.- Charles Upham Shepard. On a new_ phosphate from the island of Redonda, West
Indies. Am. J. Sc. (2). 47. 1869. p. 423--429. .
2003. Charles Upham Shepard. On a new mineral, Pyrophosphorite: an anhydrous
superphosphate of Lime of the West Indies. Am. J. Sc. (3). 15. 1878. p. 49-51.
(Special origin of mineral not indicated}.
2004. Ct,arles Upham Shepard. On two new minerals-Monetite and Monite, with a Notice
of Pyroclasite, with analyses by C. U. Shepard jr. Am. J. Sc. (3). 23. 1862. p.
400--405. (Mona).
C. U. Shepard. See 1662.
20Q5. Charles Shephard. An historical account of the island of St. Vincent. -London. 1831.
oct. XIX and 216 pp. Appendix (LXXVI pp.).
2005a. ·E. S. Shepherd and H. E. Merwin. Gases of the Mont .Pe!ee lavas, of 1902. J.
Geol. 35. 1927. p. 97-116. •
2006. Hervey_ w. Shimer. Correlation chart of geologic formations of ·North America.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 45. 1934. p. 909-936. pl. cxVI~I----:-CXXII.
2007. John Sbo.wer. Practical reflexions on the late earthquakes in Jamaica, England,
Sicily, Malta etc. London. duodec. 1692. XVI and 206 pp. (mostly theological).
·J. Siblnga Mulde<. See 1663.
2008. Joseph Stemiradzky. Die geognostischen Verhaltnisse del' ·Insel Martinique. Piss.
Dorpat. 1884. 39 pp. map. I pl.
2009_. W.- -Sievers. Zur Kenntniss Puerto Rico's. Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Hamburg. 1891/2.
1895. p. 217-236. Map.
2010. Wllhelm Sievers. Richard Ludwig's Reisen auf Santo Domingo. Z. Ges. f. Erdk.
Berlin. 33. 1898. p. 302-354. pl. XI.

.2911. W. Sievers. Die Inseln vor der Nordkiiste von. Venezuela. Nach den bisherigen
Quellen und unter Beriicksichtigung des Tagebuches und der Gesteinssammlung
Richard Ludwigs. Globus. 74. 1898. p. 163-165. 291-294. 302-306.
2012. Wilhelm Sievers. Stid uud Mittelamerika. 2d Ed. 1903. xn and 665 pp. 144 figs.
XI Maps. xx pis. 3d ed. 1914. XI and 567 pp. 54 .figs. Maps. Sections. Dia-
grams. XXVI pis. .
2013. B. Silliman. Bituminous substances of- Barbados .. Am. J. Sc. (I) .. 5. 1822. p. 406
*2014. M. G. Simancas. Riqueza mineral de las Villas, Cuba. Revista de geografia comer-
cia!. Madrid. 1887. p. 407. Map. (teste ? ?).
2015. Charles Torrey Simpson. Distribution of land- and freshwater mollusks in the West
Indian- Region and their evidence with regard. to past changes. of land an!:l sea.
Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 17. 1895. p. 423-450. pl. XVI.
2016. joseph T. Slngewald and Benamin Le Roy Miller. The genesis and relation of
. the Daiquiri and Firmeza -Iron-Ore Deposits, Cuba, Trans. Amer. lnst. Mining
Eng. 53. 1916. p. 67-74. Also: Bull. Amer. Inst. M. E. Ill. 1916. p. 671
-678. .
-2016a. Joseph T.. Slngewald and Benjamin Leroy Miller. Mining in Oriente Province,
Cuba. Eng. Mining J. 101. 1916. p. 587-592. figs. . ·
2017. R. H. Skelton. Some Notes on a Portion of the Lizard Spring Anticline. J ~ Inst.
Petr. Techno!. London: 15. 1929. p. 443-450. Discussion: p. 450--455.
2018. Joseph Skey. Some remarks upon the structure of Barbadoes as connected with
specimens of Rocks. Trans. Geol. Soc. London. (1). 3. 1816. p. 236--242.
2019. lise Skutch. Die Insel Trinidad und Tobago. Landeskundliche Darstellung einer
britischen Kolonie. Acad. Thesis. Leipzig. 1929. 189. pp. XII Diagr. XII Maps.
2020. Hans Sloane. Accounts of the earthquakes in Peru- Oct.. 20. 1687 and Jamaica
Febr. 19. 1687 and June 7. 1692. Philos. Trans. 18. 1694. p. 78-100 .. · -·
2021. Hans Sloane. A voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, St. Christophers
and Jamaica with the Natural History·- ... Of the last of those Islands. London.
fol. vol. I. 1707. cliv and 265 pp. VIII and 156 pis. vol. 2. 1725. xvnx and 499
pp. pl. 157-274. . .
2022. Burnett Smith. A contribution to the m~rphology of. Pyrula,_ P:roc. Ac. Nat. Sc.
Philad. 59. 1907. p. 208-219. pl. xvu. 2 figs. (Jamaica. Hispaniola). .
2023. Edgar- A. Smith. A list of land-.and freshwater Mollusca of Trinidad. J. of Conchol.
8. 1895. p. 231-251.
J. F. Smith. See 1551.
-2023a. J. Lawrence- Smith. Reexamination of American MineralsL .Part. IV •. 47. Cuban.
Amer. J. Sc. (2). 18. 1854. p. 381. . .
-2024. Lewis A. Smith. World production and resources.o£ Chromite. Trans. Amer. Inst.
Mining Eng. 96. 1931. p. 376--402. ...
2025. Longfield Smith. Volcanic eruptions. in the West Indies. West Indian Bull. 3 .. 1902
p. 271-293. . . ..
2026. Longfield Smith. Notes on a fall of volcanic dust at Barbados. March 22. 1903.
West Indian Bull. 4. 1903. p. 92-100.
L. R. Smith. See 2165.
"'2027. W; Smith. M.D. Natural History of Nevis and the .rest of .the Charibean Islands.
Cambridge 1745. (teste 1772: p. 59-66 Earthquakes). .
2027a. -Jose Solano y Eu1ate.- Noticia sobre un hierr0.mete6rico hallado en el departemen-
to oriep.tal de la isla de Cuba. An. Soc. Esp .. Hist. Nat. Madrid. I. 1872. p. 63-86.
2028. L. Sommermeier. Uber einen Fossilfund aus der Unteren Kreide von Trinidad.
Centrlbl. f. Miner. etc. 1918. p. 131-136. 2 figs.
20288. R. A. Sonder. Gr~stektonische Probleme des mittelamerikanische Raumes Z. f.
Vulkan. 17. 1916. p. 1-33. Map. .
2029. R. B. Sosman and J. C. Hochstetter. The ferrous content and p1agnetic suscep-
tibility of- some artificial and natural oxides of Iron. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining
Eng. 58. 1918. p. 409-433 (Cuha). . .
2030. R. B. Sosman and J. C. Hochstetter. Zonal growth in Hematite, and its b~aring
on the origin of certaip. iron ores. Trans Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 58. 1918. p.
434--444. (Cuba): .
2031. Harrison Souder. Mineral deposits of Santiago, Cuba. Trans. Amer. lnst. Mining
Eng. 35. 1905. p. 308-321. 8 Photogrs. Discussion: p. 1008-1010.
Dorvo Soulastre. See 739.
C. A. P. Southwell. See 1725.
2032. B. 6. Sowerby. Descriptions of new species of fossil shells, found by J. S. Heniker.
Qu. J. Gee!. S. London. 6. 1850. p. 44-53. pl. IX. x.
Samuel Span. See 1083. ·
2033. L. F. Spath. On Senonian Ammonoida from Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 62. 1925. p.
23-32. pl. i.

2034. Arthur C. Spencer. The Iron Ores of Santiago, Cuba. Eng. Mining. J. 72. 1901.
p. 633-634.
2035. A. C. Spencer. The Manganese Deposits of Santiago province, Cuba. Eng. Mining
J. 74. 1902. p. 247-248.
2036. Arthur C. Spencer. Manganese deposits of Santiago, Cuba. Bull. U. St. Geol. S.
213. 1903. p. 251-255.
2037. (A. C. Spencer). The Mayari Iron Ore Deposits of Cuba. The Iron Age. New York.
15. 8. 1907. p. 421--426. II maps. VI photogrs.
2038. (A. C. Spencer). Iron Mining in Cuba. The Iron Age. New York. 9. 4. 1908. p.
1149-1157. map. VI photogrs. I pl.
2039. Arthur C. Spencer. Three deposits of Iron Ore in Cuba. Bull. Un. St. Geol. S. 340.
1908. p. 318-329.
2040. A. C. Spencer. Origin and character of the surfacial iron ores of Camaguey and
Oriente province, Cuba. Bull. A mer. lnst. Mining Eng. 51. 191 I. p. 231
2041. A. C. Spencer. Occurrence, Origin and Character of the superficial Iron ores of
Camaguey and Oriente provinces, Cuba. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 42.
1911 (1912). p. 103--109.
2042. A. C. Spencer. lnfonne sabre el yacimiento, origen y caracteres de las minas de
hierro·superficiales de las provincias de Camaguey y Oriente (Isla de Cuba).
Traducci6n por Pablo Ortega. Revista Soc. lngen. Habana. 4. 1912. p.
A. C. Spencer. See 1094. 1095. 1096. 2301.
2043. J. W. Spencer. The high continental elevation preceding the pleistocene period.
Bull. Geol. S. Am. I. 1890. p. 65-70.
2044. J. W. Spencer. Restoration of the Antillean Contineot. Geol. Mag. (4). 1.
1894. p. 448--451.
2045. J. W. Spencer. The Yumuri Valley of Cuba. A Rock-Basin. Geol. Mag. (4). I. 1894.
p. 499--502.
2046. J. W. Spencer. Terrestrial Submergence SE. of the American Continent. Bull.
Geol. S. Amer. 5. 1894. p. 19--21.
2047. J. W. Spencer. Preliminary Notes on the late connection and separation of the
Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Geol. Mag. (4). 2. 1895. p. 308-308.
2048. J. W. Spencer. Reconstruction of the Antillean Coirtinent. BulL Geol. S. Am. 6.
1895. p. 103--140.
2049. J. W. Spencer. On the geographical evolution of Jamaica. Qu. J. Geol. Soc.
London. 52. 1896. p. cxxiv. Also: .Geol. Mag. (4). 3 . .1896. p. 284-285.
2050. J. W. Spencer. Geographical Evolution of Cuba. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 7.
1896. p. 67-94. .
2051. J. W. Spencer. Resemblances between the declivities of high plateau and those
of submarine antillean valleys. Trans. Canadian Inst. 5. 1898. p. 359-
368. Map. ·
2052. J. W. Spencer. The West Indian bridge between North and South America. Pop.
Sc. Monthly. 53. 1898. p. 1~0. Map. 3 figs.
2053. J. W. Spencer. On the continental elevation of the Glacial Period. Geol. Mag.
(4). 5. 1898. p. 32--38.
2054. J. W. Spencer. Late formations and great changes of level in Jamaica. Trans.
Canad. Inst. 5. 1898 p. 325-357. VI pis.
2055. joseph WUUam Wlntbrop Spencer. On the geological and physical development
of Antigua. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 57. 1901. p. 490-505. Map.
2056. joseph William Winthrop Spencer. On the geological and physical development
of Guadeloupe. Qu. J. Geoi. S. London. 57. 1901. p. 506-519.
2057. Joseph William Winthrop Spencer. On the geological and physical development
of Anguilla, St. Martin, St. Bartholomew and Sombrero. Qu. J. Geol. S. London.
57. 1901. p. 520-523.
2058. joseph William Winthrop Spencer. On the geological and physical development
of St. Christopher Chain and Saba Banks. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 57. 1901.
p. 534-544.
2059. John William Winthrop Spencer. On the geological and physical development
of Dominica; with notes on Martinique, St; Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Qu. J. Geol. S. London. 58. 1902. p. 341-353.
2060. Josepb William· Winthrop Spencer. On- the geological and physical development
of Barbados; with notes on Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 58. 1902.
p. 354-367.
2061. J. W. Spencer. The Windward islands of the West Indies. Trans. Canadian lnst.
7. 1902. p. 251-370. vm pis. VI maps.

2062. J. W. Spencer. Submarine valleys of the American Coast and the North Atlantic.
Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 14. 1902 (1903). p. 207-226.
2063. J. W. Spencer. On the geological relationship of the volcanoes of the West Indies.
J. of the Trans. Viet. Inst. London. 35. 1903. p. 19&-207.
2064. J. W. Spencer. Geological age of the West Indian volcanic formations. The American ~
.<-~~- ...
Geologist. 31. 1903. p. 4&-51.
2065. j. W. Spencer. The Geology of Barbados. Geol. Mag. (4). 10. 1903. p. 94.
2066. J. W. Spencer. A rejoinder to Dr. Dall's criticism on Dr. Spencer's hypothesis
concerning the late union of Cuba with Florida. The Amer. Geologist. 34. 1904.
p. 110-119.
2067. j. W. Spencer. The Jamaican Earthquake. Science. (ns). 27. 1907. p. 96&-967.
2068. J. W. Spencer. Note on the discovery of fossil mammals in Cuba. Geol. Mag. (5).
7. 1910. p. 512--513.
2069. J, W. Spencer. The discovery of fossil mammals in Cuba and their great geographical
importance. Science. (ns). 32. 1910. p. 564-565.
*2070. E. G. Spllsberg. Copper mines of Santa Clara (Cuba). U. St. Cons. Report. 12.
1884. p. 26&-277. (teste ? ?) .
2071. J. W. Springer. A tertiary Crinoid from the West Indies. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus.
65. art. 3. 1924. 8 pp. I pl. (Hispaniola).
2072. X. Stalnier. Bibliographie generale des gisements des phosphates de chaux. Ann.
Soc. Geol. de Belgique. 20. 1892/3. Bibliogr. p. 3-30. (West Indies: p. 14).
2073. X. Stainler. Bibliographie glmerale des gisements de phosphates. 2e ed. Annales des
Mines de Belgique. 7. 1902. p. 375--377. (West Indies).
2074. T. W. Stanton. Mesozoic History of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29. 1918. p. 600-606.
2075. R. Staub. De bewegungsmechanismus der Erde. Berlin 1928. (West Indies: p.
2075a. W. Staub, Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Golfes von Mexico. Eel. Geol. Helv.
24. 1931. \'· 61-81.
2075b. W. Staub. D1e Strasse von Florida, ein ertmnkenes Flusstal. Z. Ges. Erdk. Berlin.
1933. 3 pp. (Separate). .
2075c. E. Stechow. Einwrrkung der Vulkankata.strophe des Mont Pele auf Gegensta.nde
von Glas. C. f Miner. etc. 1923. p. 716-718.
2076. J. F. Steenhuis. De geologische literatuur over of van belang voor Nederlandsch
Guyana (Suriname) en de Nederlandsche Westindische eilanden. (Uitgeg. door bet
Geol. Mijnb. Genootschap van Nederl. en Kolonien). Den Haag. 1934. 80 pp.
2077. G. Ste!aninl. Relations betw-een American and European tertiary Echinoid faunas.
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 827-846.
2078. C, Steffens. Das Erdbeben von Port Royal (Jamaica), 1692. Globus. 63. 1893.
p. 223-226. .
2079. G. Steffens. Die Antilleninsel Redonda. Globus. 67. 1895. p. 4&-49.
2080. H. Steffens. Vorkommen von Jod im Cura~o Guano. Z. f. Anal. Chemie. 19
1880. p. 50.
George Steiger. See 729.
2081. Stelzner. (Kalkstein und Kalkphosphat von Cur~ao und Aruba). Mitt. aus den
Verb. des Bergmann. Vereins zu Freiberg. Berg- u. Hiittenm. Zt. 35. 1876. p.
2082. A. Stelzner. "'Ober Kalksteine und Kalkphosphate von Curac;ao. N. J. f. Miner. etc.
1877. p. 415-416.
2082a. Gustave Stenzel. Palmoxylon iriarteum n. s. ein fossiles Palmenholz aus An-
tigua. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Hand!. Bihang. 22. afd. 3. no. II. 1897. p.
J-18. pJs. I. II.
2083. K. G. Stenzel. Rhizocaulon antiguense n. sp. Mitth. a us dem KOnig!. Miner. Geol.
u. Pdih. Museum in Dresden. Heft 13. 1897. p. 21-25. pl. 111. (Antigua).
2084. Henry Palfrey Stephenson, T. M. Keates, Henry Letheby and Thomas Anderson.
On the use of. Trinidad Bitumen for the purpose of increasing the illuminating
power of coal gas. London. oct. 1868. 14 pp.
2085. F. Sterns Fadelle." In the ruins of St. Pierre. Roseau, Dominica. duod. 1902. 29 pp.
2086. f. Sterns Fadelle. The boiling lake of Dominica. A historical and descriptive ac-
count of a unique phenomenon. Roseau, Dominica. 1903. oct. 26 pp.
2087. Gerarda Stfasny-Wijnhoff. De beteekenis van West lndie voor de verspreiding der
marine fauna. Vakb ad voor Biologen. 7. 1925/6. p. 33-45.
2088. H. Stille. Gmndfragen der vergleichenden Tektonik. 1925. (West Indies: p. 174.
184-185. 206).
2089. H. Stille. Zur Frage der transatlantischen Faltenverbindungen. Sitz. Ber. Preuss.
Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Phys. Mathern. Kl. II. 1934. p. 157-169.

2090. Hans Stille. Die Entwicklung des amerikanischen Kordillerensystems in Zeit und
Raum. Sitz. Ber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berliu. Math. Phys .. Kl. 15. 1936.
p. 134-155.
"2091. G. M. Stockley. Final report of tb:e Government Geological Department. Jamaica
Gazette, 48. 1925. March 27th. Supplement. p. 23-35. ·
2092. Charles Stokes. Notice respecting a Piece of Recent Wood partly petrified by
Carbonate of Lime, with some remarkS of fossil woods. Trans Geol. Soc. London.
(2). 5. 1837. p. 207-212. pl. XVI. XVII. (Antigua).
2093. H. N. Stokes. On a petroleum from Cuba. Bull. Un. St. Geol. S. 78. 1891. p. 98-104.
W. Storrs Cole. See 2296. 2297.
2094. V. van Straelen. Sur des Crustacees D6capodes de !'Eocene sup6~i:mr de l'lle
Bonaire. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 9. 23. 1933. 4 pp. 2 figs. ·
'2095. A. Strassle. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Ann. Observ. Meteorol. S6min. Coli. St.
Martial. Port au Prince. Haiti. Annee 1920. 1921. p. 77-85.
2096. A. Strassle. Bulletin sismologique. Bull. Annuel Observ. Meteorol. S6min. CoiL St.
Martial. Port au Prince. Haiti. Annee 1921. 1922. p. 85-92.
*2097. John· Stuart. The Liguanea Plain (Jamaica). Victoria Quarterly.3. 1891. p. 69-78.
(teste 1486). ·
2098. R. Stuart. Haiti or Hispaniola. J. Royal Geogr. Soc. London. 48. 1878. p.
234~274. . .
2099. Alphons StUbel. Martinique und St. Vincent. In: ,;Ober die genetische Verschieden-
heit Vulkanischer Berge. Leipzig. 1903". (Separate: 36 pp.).
*2100. A. StUbel. Riickblick auf die Ausbruchsperiode des M. Pelec auf Martinique 1902-
1903, vom theoretischen Standpunkt. Ver(lff. Vulkan Abt. Grassi Museum.
Leipzig. 1904. 25 pp. (teste Pet. Mitt. 1905).
*2101.· Lawrence Stucky. The caves of Gaspciru, Trinidad. Canadian G. J. {2). 1931. p.
39-47. (teste Geogr. Journal 1931).
2102. 0. Stutzer. Die wichtigsten Lagerstatten der .,Nicht Erze". 1. 1911. p. 389-397:
.,Die Phosphatlager West Indiens".
2103. Otto Stutzer. Die Phosphate Westindiens. In: 0. Stutzer-W. Wetzel. Phosphat
Nitrat. Berlin. 1932. p. 231-241.
2104. E. R. Suarez MurJaS. Visita de inspecci6n ala Isla de Pinos. Bol. de Minas. Habana.
6. 1920. p. 24-28.
2105. E. R. Suarez Murias. Reconocimiento · de Ia Zona Minera ·comprendida entre
Bahia l:Ionda y La Palma, provincia de Pinar del Rio. Bol. de Minas. Habana.
6. 1920. p. 29-32.
2106. E. R. Suarez Murlas. Visita de i:Dspecci6n a las Minas de Cromo de San Miguel de
los Bafios. Bol. de Minas. Habaua. 6. 1920. p. 39--40.
2106a. Edoardo Suarez Murlas. Miueral Resources of Cuba. Eng. Min. J. 114. 1922.
p. 197-198.
*2107. Edward Suess. Synthesis of the Paleogeography of North America. Am. J. Sc. (4).
31. 1911. p. 101-108. .
2108. E. Suesz. La Face dela Terre. I. 1905. p. 308. 362---369. 715-718. 724-737.2. p.
219-222. 521-529. 544. 787-788. 3. 1913. p. 1269-1270. 1285-1294.
2109. A. Supan. Der neue Eruptionstypus der Antillen. Peterm. Mitt. 1902. p.
B. H. Swales. See 2371a.
P. w. K. Sweet. See 2424.
*2110. Symlngton-Grleve. Notes on the Island of Dominica. London 1906. (teste ? ?).
2ffr W. A. T. Island of Tobago. Scott. Geogr. Mag. 9. 1893. p. 245-253. (after Eggers).
2112. S._ Taber. Jamaica earthquakes and the Bartlett trough. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer.
10. 1920. p. 5~9.
2113. S. Taber. The great fault troughs of the Antilles. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 32. 1921.
p. 47 (Abstract).
2114. Stephen Taber. The seismic belt in the Greater Antilles. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer.
12. 1922. p. 199-219.
2115. Stephen Taber. The great fault troughs of the Antilles. Jouru. Geol. 30.
1922. p. 89-114.
2116. Stephen Taber. The active fault zones of the Greater Antilles. Congr. G6ol. Intern.
13me session. Belgique. 1922. Comptes ·Rendus. 1923. p. 731-736.
2117. Stephen Taber. Fault Troughs. Joum. Geol. 35. 1927.-p. 577---B06.
2118. Stephen Taber. The structure of the Sierra Maestra near Santiago de Cuba.
Journ. Geol. 39. 1931. p. 532--557.
2119. S. Taber. Problem of Bartlett" trough. Joum. Geol. 39. 1931. p. 558-563.
*2lt9a. Stephen Taber. The Seismic Belt near Santiago de Cuba. Earthquake Notes. 3.
· 1931. p. 13 (Abstract). (teste Taber).

*2119b. Stephen Taber. The recent eartquake near Santiago de Cuba. (Abstract). Earth-
. quake Notes. 4. 1932. p. 6. (tiste Taber).
2120. Stephen Taber. The structure of the 'Bartlett Trough.Trans. Amer. Geophys.
Unio)1. 13th Annual Meeting. 1932. p. 19-21. (discussion p. 47-'-48).
2121. Stephen Taber. Sie~a Ma:estra of Cuba, part of the Northern Rim of the Bartlett
Trough. Bull. Geol. Soc. America. 44. 1933. p. 101. (Abstract).
2122. Stephen Taber. Sierra Maestra of Cuba, part of the northern rim of the Bartlett
Trough. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 45. 1934. p. 567-'-619. pl. LVII-LXXXIV.
S. Taber. See 1619. ·
.2123. Arthur Taquln. La tMorie des volcans. Revue Scientif. (4). 17. 1902. p. 739-744 .
.2124. Arthur Taquln. A propos de la theorie des volcaris. Revue Scientif. (4). 18. 1902.
p. 296-304.
2125. Chas. Edwin Taylor. J;..eafle~ from the Danish West Indies. LOndon. 1888. xv
and 228 pp.
*2126. C. P. Taylor. The world's greatest disaster. Everybody's Weekly. 7. 1902. p.
57-71. (teste 1196).
2127. Frank Bursley Taylor. Correlation of tertiary niountain ranges in the different
continents. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 41. 1930. p. 431-473 .
. H.• E. Taylor. See 2350.
·2127a. R. C. Taylor. Notes on natural objects observed while staying in Cuba. Mag. Nat.
. Hist. and J. Zoo!., Bot. etc. London. 9. 1836. p: 449-457.
2127b. R. C. Taylor. Notes relative to the geology of the district of Holguin in the·Island
of Cuba and the mineral region on the northeast coast, froin the "obServations of
himseif and Thomas li. Clemson. London and Edinb. Phil. Mag. (3). 11. 1837.
p. 17-33. . .
2128. Richard C. Tay1or. On the geology of the North-EaSt Part of the Island ·of· Cuba,
and on the Character and Prospects of the Copper Region of Gibara. Proc. Amer.
Philos. Soc. 3. 1843. p. 154-155.
2129. Richard· C. Taylor. Memoir on the Chaiacter arid ProSpects of the Copper Region
of Gibara and a sketch of the Geology of the north-east part of the Island of Cuba.
(read May 30. 1843). Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (ns). 9. art. 7. 1846. p. 204-218.
2130. Richard Cowling Taylor and Thomas C. CleMson. Notice of a Vein of Bituminous
Coal in the Vicinity of Havana, in the island of Cuba. London and Edinb.-Philos.
Mag. and Journ. of Science. (3). 10. 1837. p. 161-167. 2 figs. Also: Trans. Amer.
Phil. Soc. Philad. 6. 1836. p. 191-196. According to d' Archiac. Progres de la
Geol. 5. 1853. p. 526 also: *Bibl. univers. Geneve. Mai 1837, and •l'lnstitut.
Aollt. 1837.
2131. wm. J. Taylor. Investigations on the rOck guano from the islands of the Carib-
bean Sea. Am. J. Sc. (2). 24. 1857. p. 177-188. · · ·
2132, J. J. H. Teal, T. C. Porter and J. D. Falconer. Volcanic. dust from the West
Indies. Nature 66. 1902. p. 130-132.
2133. Jose Tejada. Ampliaci6n a las Noticias de la Isla de Mona. Bol. Soc. Geogr. de
Madrid. 9. 1880. p. 8!-93.
2134. H. A. Tempany. The Water Supply of Antigua. West Indian Bull. 12. 1912.
p. 530-553.
?135. H. A. Tempany. The groundwaters of Antigua. West Indian Bull. 14. 1915.
p. 280-303.
2136. H. A. Tempany. Report on the Island of Redonda. 'Vest Indian Bull. 15.
1916. p. 22-26.
2137. H. A. Tempany. The Soils of Antigua. West Indian Bull. 15. 1916. p. 69-
- 102. Map.
?138! H. A. Tempany. The characters of certain soils in the area devastated by the
eruption of the Soufriere of St. Viilcent in 1902. West Indian '!?ull. 16. 1917.
p. 126-137. .
2139. H. A. Tempany. The ,Gall Patches" in Antigua Soils. West Indian Bull. 16.
1917. p. 137-144.
2140. H. A. Tempany. Phosphate in the Island of Redonda. In: Reserves Mondiales de
Phosphates. Information faite par !'initiative du Bureau du 14 me Congr. Geol.
Intern. Madrid. !926. 1928. 2. p. 781-783.
H. A. Tempany. See 2342. 2343.
Du Tertre. See 780. 781.
2141. E. Thalmann. Nonion jarvisi nom. nov. and Trochammina kellettae nom. nov.
Eel. Geol. Helv. 25. 1932. p. 313. (Trinidad).
2142. Hans E. Thalmann. Die regional-stratigraphische Verbreitung der oberkreta-
zischen Foraminiferengattung Globotruncana, Cushman 1927. Eel. Geol. Helv.
27. 1934. p. 413-'-428. I fig. (Cuba). See also: Proc. Geol. Soc. Amer. 1933
(1934). p. 111 (Abstract).


2143. H. Thalmann. (Criticism on: Dorothy K. Palmer. New genera and species of Cuban
Oligocene. Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. 10. 1936. p. 123-128). Pa1aeont. Zentrbl.
10. 1937. p. 351.
2144. A. A. Thiadens. Rudistids from Southern Santa Clara, Cuba. Proc. Kon. Akad. v.
Wetensch. Amsterd. 39. 1936. p. 1011-1019. I pl. figs.
2145. A. A. Thladens. On some Caprinids and a Monopleurid from Southern Santa
Clara, Cuba. Proc. Kon. Akad. v. Wetensch. Amsterd. 39. 1936. p. 1132-
1141. 5 figs.
2146. A. A. Thladens. Cretaceous and Tertiary Foraminifera from Southern Santa
Clara Province ,Cuba. J. Paleont. 11. 1937. p. 91-109. pl. XV-XIX. figs. 1-3.
2147. A. A. Thladens. Geology of the Southern Part of the Province Santa Clara, Cuba.
Geogr. en Geol. Meded. Utrecht. Physiogr. Geol. Reeks. 12. 1937. 69 pp. Map.
Sections. i pl. Also: Acad. Thesis. Utrecht 1937.
Thibault de £hanvallon. See 501.
2148. L. Thtebaut. Sur une magnetite titanifere des Antilles. Bull. Soc. Frany. de Mineral.
51. 1928. p. 160-161.
2149. J. Thierry. La catastrophe de la Martinique. Revue des Sciences. Paris. 13. 1902.
p. 664-668.
2150. Thierry~·. Sur !'eruption volcanique du 8 Mai 1902 ala Martinique. C. R. Ac. Sc.
Paris. ·135. 1902. p. 71-72.
2150a. Emma M. Thorn. Bibliography of North American Geology. 1933 and 1934. Bull.
U. S. G. S. 369. 1935. 389 pp.
2150b. Emma M. Thorn. Bibliography of North American Geology, for 1935 and 1936.
Bull. U. S. G. S. 892. 1937. 505 pp.
2150c. Abram Owen Thomas. Notes on the geology of Barbados and Antigua. Iowa Univ.
Studies in Nat. His!. 8. 1919. p. 127-136. 213-219.
2150d. A. 0. Thomas. Some oligocene brachiopods from the island of Antigua, B. W. I.
Science. (n.s.). 54. 1921. p. 309. (Abstract).
2151. H. Dighton Thomas. On some Sponges and a coral of Upper Cretaceous age from
Toco Bay, Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 72. 1935. p. 175-179. pl. v. VI.
*2152. Henri Thomasset. Rapports sur les gisements de charbon de l'Asile et du Camp-
Perrin. (Adress6s aM. le ~cretaire d'Etat des Trav. Publ.). Le Moniteur. 53me
annee. Port au Prince. no. 46. 1898. p. 353-359. (teste 2421).
*2153. Henri Thomasset. Sur les mines de cuivre de la Grande-Riviere du Nord. Port au
Prince. Le Moniteur. 59me annee. no. 45. 1904. p. 403-409. (teste 2421).
2154. A. Beeby Thompson. Petroleum Mining and 011 Field Development. London.
1910. xx and 362 pp. XXII pis. 113 figs. (Barbados: p. 19. 20. 117. Trinidad
p. 18. 19. 98. 106. 117).
*2155. A. B. Thompson. The oilfields of Trinidad. West India Committee Circular. Lon-
don. 1913. (teste 2019). ·
2156. A. Beeby Thompson. Oil Field .Exploration and Development. 1. Oil Field Princi-
ples. London. XXIV and 546 + 31 pp. Illustrations.
M. L. Thompson. See 1564.
2157. Robt. Thomson. Earthquake in Jamaica. Nature 4. 1871. p. 386.
2158. E. M. Thorp. Descriptions of deep-sea bottom samples from the Western North
Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea. Bull. Scripp's lnst. of Oceanography. Techn.
Series. 3. no. 1. 1931. 31 pp. Map.
2159. E. M. Thorp. Preliminary Remarks on the marine Calcareous shallow-water
marine deposits of Florida and the Bahamas. 1. of Sedimentary Petrology. 4.
1934. p. 111-112.
2160. Eldon Marion Thorp. Calcareous shallow-water marine deposits of Florida and the
Bahamas. Public. Carnegie Inst. Washington. 452. 1936. p. 41-119. pl.
2161. James Thorp. Soil Survey in St. Croix. Report of the Virgin Islands .Agricultural
Exper. Station. 1931. 1932. p. 16-18.
2162. James Thorp. Soil survey (reconnaissance) of St. Croix Island, Virgin Islands.
U. S. Dept. Agric. Techn. Bull. 315. 1932. 27 pp. Map.
2163. James Thorp. Some important Soil profiles of Southern Puerto Rico. Soil Science.
34. 1932. p. 241-254. II pis.
2164. James Thorp. The asymmetry of the Pepino Hills of Puerto Rico. J. Geol. 42.
1934. p. 537-545.
2165. james Thorp and Leslie Rockwell Smith. Concerning the origin of the white
quartz sands of Northern Puerto Rico. The 1. of the Dept. of Agric. of Puerto
Rico. 17. 1933. p. 157-170. pl. IV. v.
*2166. Marcus Tindal. Where the earth's Crust is weak. Pearson's Mag. 14. 1902. p.
743-753. (teste 1196).

2167. L. Gentll T1ppenhauer. Die Insel Haiti. Leipzig. 1893. fol. xvm and 693 pp. 30
figs. XXXV pls.
2168. L. Genii! Tlppenhauer. Geologische Studien in Haiti. Peterm. Mitt! 1899. 1. Aus
der siidwestlichen Halbinsel. p. 25---29. pl. III. 2. Aus der nordwestlichen Halbin-
sel. p. 153--155. pl.x. 3. Geol. Studien zwischen Port au Prince, Jacmel, Bainet
und Grand Goave. p. 201~204. pl. xm.
2169 •. L. Gentll Tlppenhauer. Beitrage zur Geologie Haitis. Peterm. Mitt. 1901. 4. Die
Erzfundstatten von Terre Neuve und Gonaives. p. 121-127. pl. x. 5. Das La Selle
Gebirge, die CuldeSac Ebene nnd das Salzseengebiet. p. 169-178. pl. XIII. XIV.
6. Das Lignitlager von Ma.lssade und der Aufstieg vom Zentralplateau und
Gonaives und von Norden aus. p. 193--199. pl. xv. XVI.
2170. L. Gentll Tippenhauer. Neuer Beitrag zur Topographie, Bev6lkerungskunde und
Geologie Haitis. Peterm. Mitt. 1909. p. 49-57. pl. v.
james Tobin. See 1083.
2171. Aug. Tobler. Die Jacksonstufe (Priabonien) in Venezuela und Trinidad. Verb.
Schw. Nat!. Ges. 103 Jahresvers. 1922. p. 218.
2172. Aug. Tobler. Ein neuer Orbitoid aus dem a.lteren Tertiiir von Venezuela und Trini-
dad. Verb. Schw. Nat£. Ges. 103 Jahresvers. 1922. p. 230-231.
2173. A. Tobler. Die Jacksonstufe (Priabonien) in Venezuela und Trinidad. Eel. Geol.
Helv. 17. 1922. p. 342-346. pl. xrx.
2174. A. Tobler. Helicolepidina, ein neues Subgenus von Lepidocyclina. Eel. Geol. Helv.
17. 1922. p. 380-384. 3 figs.
2175. A. Tobler. Miogypsina aus dem Oligo-Miociin von Trinidad und Borneo. Verb.
Schw. Nat£. Ges. 106 Jahresvers. 1925. p. 142.
2176. A. Tobler. Miogypsina im. untersten Neogen von Trinidad. Eel. Geol. Helv. 19.
1926. p. 719-722.
2177. A. Tobler. Demonstration einiger mittelamerikanischer Rudisten1aunen. Verb.
Schw. Nat£. Ges. 108 Jahresvers. 1927. p. 231.
2178. A. Tobler. Demonstration einiger mittelamerikanischer Rudistenfaunen. Eel.
Geol. Helv. 21. 1928. p. 216---217.
2179. W. van Tongeren. Chemical analyses of. some rocks from Aruba (With some re-
marks on the magmatic province of the Lesser Antilles). Proc. Kon. Akad.
Wetensch. Amsterd. 37. 1934. p. 161-167.
2180. A. Tornquist. Zur Geologie von Jamaica. Peterm. Mitt. 1901. p. 68-69. (after
R. T. Hill).
2181. Carlos de Ia Torre. Observaciones geo1ogicas y paleontologicas en la secci6n
central de la isla. Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 29. 1892. p. 121-124.
2182. Carlos de Ia Torre. (Ammonites from Viiiales). Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana.
45. 1908/9. p. 752--753. .
2183. Carlos de Ia Torre. Excursi6n cientifica a Viiiales. Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana.
46. 1909/10. p. 99~103.
*2184. Carlos de Ia Torre. Osamentos fosiles encontrados en las casimbas de Ia Sierra de
JatibOnico. Comprobaci6n de la naturaleza continental de Cuba a principios de Ia
epoca cuatemaria. Revista de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Q.e Ia Univ. de la
Habana. 10. 1910. p. 78-88. VI pls. (teste ?). (Probably indentical with 2187).
2185. Carlos de Ia Torre. (On Stalagtites of cbalcedone). Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana.
47. 1910/11. p. 151-152.
2186. Carlos de Ia Torre. Excursi6n cientHica a Vifia.Ies. Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana.
47. 1910/11. p. 187-191. Plates.
2187, Carlos de Ia Torre. Excursi6n a Ia sierra de Jatibonico. Osamentas fosiles de
Megalocnus rodens o Myomorphus cubensis. Comprobaci6n de la naturaleza
continental de Cuba a principia de la Epoca cuaternaria. Anales Acad. Ciencias.
Habana. 47. 1910/11. p. 192--203. VI pls. (probably the same as 2184).
2188. Carlos de Ia Torre. (Megalocnus cubensis). Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 48.
1911fl2. p. 117-118.'
2189. Carlos de Ia Torre. Comunicaci6n sobre dos fosiles nuevos cubanos. Anales Acad.
Ciencias. Habana. 48. 1911/12. p. 599-602.
2190. Carlos de Ia Torre. Comprobation de !'existence d'un horizon jurassique dans la
region occidentale de Cuba. C. R. Congr. Geol. Intern. lime Session. Stockholm.
1910 (1912). p. 1021-1022.
2191. C. de Ia Torre. Restauration of Megalocnus rodens and discovery of a continental
pleistocene fauna in Cuba. C. R. Congr. Intern. Geol. lime Sess. Stockholm. 1910
(1912). p. 1023-1024.
2192. Carlos de Ia Torre. Descubrimiento de interesantes fosiles del genero Barrettia
y otros Rudistas, caracteristicos del periodo cretacea, en Camaguey. Anales
Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 52. 1915/6. p. 824-827.

2193. Carlos de Ia Torre. Presentaci6n del esqueleto restaurado del Myomorphus o

Megalocnus rodens. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 2 . .1916. p. 94-101.
2194. Carlos de Ia Torre. Nuevas especies de maniferos f6siles de Cuba y otras Antillas.
Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 2. !916. p. 234-251.
2195. -Carlos de Ia Torre and W. D. Matthew. Megalocnus and other Cuban ground
sloths. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 26. 1914. p. 152 (Abstract).
*2196. jose Marla de Ia Torre. Geografia de Ia Isla de Cuba. Habana. 1854. (teste
2197. Ricardo de Ia Torre, Rene Herrera Frltot y jorge Morton. Una especie minera-
. logica encontrada en Santa Clara por primera vez. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat.
10. 1936. p. 129-130.
*2198. Tourblez. Bulletin concernant le volcan. Journal officiel de la Martinique (cl. partir
de Juillet 1907). (teste 1361).
2199. J. Towler. Pitch Lake of Trinidad. Rep. Consul. U. St. (In: Miscell. Docum. House
of Repres. 2d Session. 47th Congr. Washingtori. 1883. p. 139-141.
*2200. J. Towler. Asphalt of Trinidad. Report Cons. U. St. II. 1884. p .. 660-661. (teste
2200a. Friedrich Trauth. Uber Aptychenfunde auf Cuba. Proc. Akad. Wetensch. Amster-
dam. a9. 1936. p. 66-76.
2201. C. T. Trethmann. The Cretaceous and. Tertiary Question in Jamaica. Geol. Mag.
59. 1922. p. 422--431. '
2202. C. T. Trechmann. The Barrettia Beds of Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 59.1922.. p. 501-514.
2203. C. T. Trechmann. The yellow limestone of Jamaica and its.Mollusca. Geol. Mag.
60. !923. p. 337-367. pi. XIV-XVIII.
2204. C. T. Trechmann. The carbonaceous shale or Richmond Formation of Jamaica.
Geol. Mag. 61. 1924. p. 2-19. pl. 1. II.
2205. C. T. Trechmann. The Cretaceous Limestones of Jamaica and their Molluscs. Geol.
Mag. 61. 1924. p. 385-408. pl. XXII-XXVI.
2206. C. T. Trechmann. The Scotland Beds of Barbados. Geol. Mag. 62. 1925. p. 481-
504. pl. XXI-XXIV.
2207. C. T. Trechmann. The Northern Range of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 62. 1925. p. 544-
551. pl. XXV.
2208. C. T. Trechmann. The cretaceous shales of Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 64. 1927. p. 27-42.
49---<35. pJ. I-IV.
2209. C. T. Trechmann. Fossils from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 66.
1929. p. 481--491. pl. XVIII.
2210. C. T. Trechmann. The Mancbioneal Beds of Jamaica.·Geol. Mag. 67. 1930. p. 199
-218. pl. XII. XIII. (determinations of Corals by Th. Wayland Vaughan).
2211. C~ T. Trechmann. Notes on Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts. Geol. Mag. 69. 1932. p.
241-258. pi. XIV. XV.
2212. C. T. Trechmann. Brimstone Hill, St. Kitts. Geol. Mag: 69. 1932. p. 430.
2213. C. T. Trechmann. The uplift of Barbados. Geol. Mag. 70. 1933. p. 19-47. pl.
2214. C. T. Trechmann. Tertiary and Quaternary Beds of Tobago. Geol. Mag. 71. 1934.
p. 481--493. pl. XXIV. XXV. Map.
2215. C. T. Trechmann. Fossils from the Northern Range of Trinidad. Geol. Mag. 72.
1935. p. 166-175. pl. v.
2216. C. T. Trechmann. The Geology and Fossils of Carriacou, West Indies. Geol. Mag.
72. 1935. p. 528-555. pJ. XX-XXII.
2217. C. T. Trechmann. The Basal Complex Question in Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 73. 1936.
p. 251-267.
2218. C. T. Trechmann. The Complex Question in Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 73. 1936. p.
2219. C. T. Trechmann. The base and top of the Coral Rock in Barbados. Geol. Mag.
74. 1937. p. 337-359. pi. XII.
2220. C. T. Trechmann. The supposed basal complex in Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 74. 1937.
p. 561-562.
2221. William Trelease. Agave in the West Indies. Memoirs Nat. Acad. Sc. Wasbingt.
II. 1913. 55 pp. CXVI pis.
2222. William Trelease. Bearing of the distribution of the existing Flora of Central
America and the Antilles on former land connections. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer.
29. 1918. p. 649-656.
2223. Carlos M. Trelles. Biblioteca Geogrcifica Cubana. Matanzas. Imprenta de Juan
F. Oliver. oct. 1920. IV and 340 pp.

2224. L. Trelles Duelo. Restos fosilizados de uri manati extinguido del periodo oligocene
inferior. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 9. 1935. p. 269---270.
2225. E. L. Trouessart. Catalogus mammalium tam viventium quam .fossilium. Quin-
quennale supplementum. ·1904/5. p. 415. (Barbuda).
2226. Alfredo Truan y Luard und Otto N. Witt. Die Diatomaceen der Polycystinen-
kreide von Jeremie in Hayti, Westindien. Berlin. Friedlander. 1888. 38 pp.
VII pls.
2227. Tylee. On Barbados Naphtba. Pharm. Journal. 4. 1844/5. p. 73-75.
*2227a. Franz Unger. (in) Marti us' Historia Naturalis palmarum. I. Chapt. 2. pp. LIII-LXX.
pis. I - I I I . 1823-1850. (teste 1173, Antigua).
2227b. Franz Unger. Synopsis plantarum fossilium. 1845. p. 228. (Antigua).
2228. Gabriel de Usera. lnforme sabre las Minas de Cobre de Manicaragua. Bol. de
Minas. Habana. 2. 1917. p. 91-103. (? Old manuscript).
2228a. Richard H. Vail. Pinar del Rio Copper Region. Eng. Mining J. 102. 1916.
p. 950-952.
*2229. Fernando Valdes Aguirre. F6siles cubanos. Revista de la Habana. 4. 1855.
(teste 482).
Nicolas Valdes. See 491.
2230. Pedro Vald~s Ragu~s. Formacion geologica de Ia isla de Cuba. Anales Acad. Cien-
cias. Habana. 33. 1896. p. 362-373. .
*2231. Ambrosio Valiente. Tabla cronologica de los sucesos ocurridos en Santiago de Cuba.
New York. 1853. (teste 1772).
Ambrosio Gonsalez del Val1e. See 947.
2231a. E. fi •. Vanatta. Pleistocene fossils from Eastern Cuba. Nautilus. 26. 1912. p. 69.
223lb, E. G. Vanatta. Pleistocene shells from near Sierra Nueva, Santo Domingo. Nauti-
lus. 27. 1914. p. 120.
2232. Angel Vasconl. La mineria de Puerto Rico en 1894. Revista Mintha, Metallurgica
y de Ingenieria. Madrid. 46. 1895. p. 57-58.
2233. T. Wayland Vaughan. Some Cretaceous and Eocene Corals from Jamaica. Bull.
Mus. Compar. Zoo!. Harv. Coli. 34. 1899. p. 227-250. pl. XXXVI-XLI.
2234. T. Wayland Vaughan. A tertiary coral -reef near Bainbridge, Georgia. Science
(ns). 12. 1900. p. 873-875.
2~35. T. Wayland Vaughan. ';[he Copper Mines of Santa Clara Province, Cuba. Eng.
Mining J. 72. 1901. p. 814-816.
-2236. T. W. Vaughan. Some fossil corals from the elevated reefs of Curayao, Aruba
and Bonaire. Samml. Geol. Reichmus. Leiden. 2. Beitr. z. Geol. von. Nieder!.
West Indien. 2. 1901. p. 1-92.
2237. T. Wayland -Vaughan. Notes on Cuban fossil Mammals. Science. (ns). 15. 1902.
p. 143-149.
*·2237a. Th. Wayland Vaughan. Earliest tertiary coral reefs in the Antilles and the United
States. Science. (ns). 15. 1902. p. 506-507. (teste Vaughan).
2238. T. Wayland Vaughan. Bitumen in Cuba. Eng. Mining J. 73. 1902. p. 244-
247. 2 photogrs.
2238a. Th. Wayland Vaughan. A critical review of the literature on the simple genera·of
Madreporaria Fungida, with a tentative classification. Proc. Un. St. Nat. Mus.
28. 1905. p. 371-424. (Jamaica, St. Barts).
2239~ T. Wayland Vaughan. Studies of the geology and of the Madreporaria of the
Bahamas and of Southern Florida-. Yeatb. Carneg. Inst._ Washingt. 11. 1912.
1913. p. 153-162. .
2239a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Remarks on the geology of the- Bahamas and on
Bahamian oolites. } Wash. Ac. Sc. 3. 1913. p. 302-304.
2240. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The Platform of Barrier Coral Reefs. (Abstract).
Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 46. 1914. p. 426--429. ·
2241. T. W. Vaughan, Sketch of the geologic history of the Florida Coral Reef Tract
and comparison with other coral reef areas. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 4.- 1914. p.
2242. T. W. Vaughan. Memorandum on the geology of the groundwater of the island
of Antigua (B.W.I.). West Indian Bulletin. 14. 1914. p. 276-279.
2242a. Th. Wayland Vaughan. Investigations of the geology and geologic processes of
the reef tracts and adjacent areas in the Bahamas and Florida. Yearb. Cam.
Inst. 12, for 1913. 1914. p. 183-184.
2243. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Coral Reefs and reef corals of the southeastern
United States, their geologic history and significance (Abstract). Bull. Geol. S.
Amer. 26. 1914. p. 53-60.
2244. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Preliminary remarks on the geology of the Bahamas,
with special reference to the origin of the Bahaman anc;l floridap. oolites. :Pvbl.
Cam. Inst. Wash. 182. 1914. p. 47-~4,

2245. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Building of the Marquesas and Tortugas Atolls and
a sketch of the Geologic History of the Florida :Reef Tract. Publ. Cam. Inst.
Wash. 182. 1914. p. 57--67.
2246. T. Wayland Vaughan. (Different Results). J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 5. 1915. p. 489
2247. T. Wayland Vaughan. The geologic significance of the growth-rate of the Floridan
and Bahaman shoal-water corals. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 5. 1915. p. 591--600.
2248. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Geological investigations in the Bahamas and South-
ern Florida. Yearb. Carneg. Inst. of WaShington. 13. 1914 (1915). p. 227
2249. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Study of the stratigraphic geology !ffid of the fossil
corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands.
Yearb. Cameg. Inst. of Washington. 13. 1914 (1915). p. 358-369. 14. 1915
(1916). p. 368--373. 15. 1916 (1917). p. 359. 16. 1917. (1918). p. 319.
2249a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The corals and coral reefs of the gulf of.Mexico and
the Caribbean Sea. Science. (n.s.). 43. 1916. p. 250-251.
*2250. T. Wayland Vaughan. Some physiographic features on the Cuban Shore line and
their bearing on strand line oscillation. 1916. (teste 2223.? unde).
2251. Thomas-·,Wayland Vaughan. Some littoral ·and sublittoral physiographic features
of the Virgin and Northern Leeward Islands and their Qearing on the coral reef
problem. J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 6. 1916. p. 53--66.
2252. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Some littoral and sublittoral Physiographic Features
of the Virgin and Northern Le~ard Islands and their bearing on the coral-reef
problem. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 27. 1916. p. 41--45. (Abstract).
2253. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The pre~ent status of Investigations of the Origin of
Barrier Coral Reefs. Am. J. Sc. (4). 41. 1916 .. P· 131-135 ..
2254. T. Wayiand Vaughan. Present status of areal mapping in the coastal plain and of
the paleontological inv:estigatiop. in the coastal plain, Panama and the Windward
Islands. (Abstract). Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28. 1917. p. 205.
2254a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Chemical and organic deposit:S of the s_ea. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Amer. 28. 1916. 1917. p. 935-944. pis. ILVII-ILVIII.
2254b. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Significance of _reef coral fauna at Carrizo Creek ....
J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 7. 1917. p. 194. . .
2255. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The Reef Coral faun~ of Carrizo Creek, Imperial
County, California and its significance. Un. S. Geol. Surv~ Prof.. Paper 98T.
1917. p. 358--395. pl. xcn-cn. · .
2256. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Geologic history of Central America and the West
Indies during Cenozoic time. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29. 1918. p. 615-630.
2257. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Correlation of the Tertiary geologic formations of the
Southeastern United States, Central America and the West Indies. J. Wash.
Ac. Sc. 8. 1918. p. 268---276.. . .
2258. Thomas Wayl41-nd Vaughan. Corals and formation of coral reefs. Ann. Report
Smith. Inst. for 1917. 1919. p. 189-276. XXXVII pis.
2259. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Fossil Corals from Central America, Cuba and. Porto
Rico, with an account of the american tertiary, pleistocene and recent coral reefs
Bull. U. St. Nat. Mus. 103. 1919. p. 189-524. pl. LXvm-cun.
2259a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Introduction in: ,Contributions to the Geology and
l;'aleontology of the West Indies". Pub!. Cam. Inst. 291. 1919. p. 7--6.
2260. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The biologic character at;td geologic correlation of the
sedimentary formations of Panama in their relation to the geologic history of
Central America and the West Indies. Bull. U. St. Nat. Mus. 193. 1919. p.
*2261. T. W. Vaughan. Some features of the Virgin islands of the U.S. Ann. Ass. Amer.
Geogr. 9. 1920. p. 78--32.
_2262. T._ Wayland '"Viit;Jghan. Stu~y of the stratigraphic geol.ogy and of the fossil Corals
and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian islands. Yearb.
Carn. Inst. Washington. 18. 1919 (1920). p. 345-346.
2263. T. W. Vaugha1_1. Arrangements for additional geol. surveys in the West Indies
Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 31. 1920. p. 139 (Abstract). .
2264. T. W. Vaughan. Stratigraphy of the Virgin Islands of the U. S. and Culebra and
Vieques island. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 31. 1920. p. 216-217.
2265. T. Wayland Vaughan. Geological Mapping in the Western Part Of the_ United
. States, Central America and the West Indies. Proc. First Pan Pacific Scientific
Conference. Honolulu. 1921. 3. p. 696-795. . .
2266. T. Wayland Vaughan. Correlation of the Tertiary Formations of Central All\erica
and the West Indies. Proc .. First Pan-Pacific Scientific Conference. Honolulu.
. 1921. 3. p. 819--644.

2267. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Stratigraphic significance of the species of West

Indian fossil Echini. Public. Cam. Inst. Washington 306. 1922. p. 107-122.
2268. T. Wayland Vaughaia. On the relative value of species of smaller foraminifera for
the recognition of stratigraphic zones. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 7. 1923.
p. 517-531.
2269. T. Wayland Vaugban. Stratigraphy of the Virgin Islands of the United States and
of Culebra and Vieques islands, and Notes on Eastern Porto Rico. J. Wash. Ac. Sc
13.. 1923. p. 303-317 .
.2270. T. Wayland Vaughan. Studies of the Larger Tertiary Foraminifera from Tropical
and Subtropical America. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sc. Washington. 9. 1923. p. 253
2271, Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Criteria and status of correlation and classification of
Tertiary Deposits. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 677-742.
2272. T. Wayland Vaughan. American and European larger tertiary Foraminifera. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 173-174. 785--822. pl. xxx-xxxvi.
2273. T. Wayland Vaughan. American and European Tertiary Corals. Bull. Geol. S.
Amer. 35. 1924. p. 823--825.
2273a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Oceanography in its relation to other Earth Sciences.
J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 14. 1924. p. 307-333.
2274. T. Wayland Vaughan. Recent progress in the Study of the Tectonic Features of
the West Indi~ and Central America. Proc. Pan Pacific Science Congr. Australia.
1923 (1925). I. p. 735-741.
2275. T. Wayland Vaughan. A Sketch of the History of Isneous Activity in the Northern
and Northeastern West Indies. Proc. Pan Pacif1c Science Congress. Australia.
1923 (1925). I. p. 851--855. .
2276. T. Wayland Vaughan. Recent additions to knowledge of the correlation Of the
Tertiary Geologic Formations of NE. Mexico, Central America, the West Indies,
. Northern South America and Lower California. Proc. Pan Pacific Science Congress.
Australia. 1923 (1925). I. p. 864--870.
2277. T. Wayland Vaughan. The embryonic and meridional (equatorial) chambers of
American Species of Lepidocycline Eoraminifera. Proc. Pan Pacific Science
Congres. Australia. 1923 (1925). I. p. 871--873.
2277a, T. W. Vaughan. Coral Reefs, and submerged platforms. Proc. 2d Pan Pac. Sc.
Congress. Australia. 2. 1925. p. 1128--1134.
2278. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Notes on the igneous rocks of the northeast West
Indies and of the geology of the island of Anguilla. J. Wash. Ac. Sc. 16. 1926.
p. 345-358.
2279. T. Wayland Vaughan. Species of Lepidocyclina and Carpenteria from the Cayman
Islands. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 82. 1926. p. 388--400. pl. XXIV-XXVI.
2280. T. Wayland Vaughan. Larger ·Foraminifera of the genus Lepidocyclina related to
Lepidocyclina mantelli, Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 71. art. 8. 1927. 5 pp. rv
pis. (Antigua).
2281. . T. Wayland Vaughan. Results-of recent investigations of American Tertiary larger
foraminifera. Proc. 3d Pan Pacific Science Congr. Tokyo. 1926 (1928). 2. p.
?282. T. Wayland Vaughan. Species of larger arenaceous and orbitoidal foraminifera
from the tertiary deposits of Jamaica. J. of Paleont. I. 1928. p. 277-298.
pl. XLIII-L.
2283. T. Wayland Vaughan. Yaberinella jamaicensis, a new genus and species of arena-
ceous foraminifera. ] . of Paleont. 2. 1928. p. 7-12. II pis.
2284. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Studies on Orbitoidal Foraminifera. The Subgenus
Polylepidina of Lepidocyclina and Orbitocyclina, a new genus. Proc. Nat. Ac.
Sc. Washington. 15. 1929. p. 283-295. pl. (St. Bartholomew).
2285. T. Wayland Vaughan. Actinosiphon Semmesi, a new genus and species of orbitoidal
foraminifera and Pseudorbitoides Trechmanni H. Douv. ] . Paleont. 3. 1929. p.
163-169. pl. XXI. (Jamaica).
2286. Th. W. Vaughan. Additional new species of- tertiary larger foraminifera from
Jamaica. J. of Pa1eont. 3. 1929. p. 373-382. pl. xxxiX-)<LI.
2287. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Recent Progress in the Study of Fossil Larger Fora-
minifera in America. Proc. 4th Pacific Science Congr. Java. 1929 (1930). 2. p.
2288. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. American Species of the Genus Dictyoconus. J.
Paleont. 6. 1932. p. 94-99. pl. XIV.
2289. T. Wayland Vaughan. (Discussion). Trans~ Amer. Geoph. Union. 13th Annual
Meeting. 1932. p. 45.
2290. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Antillophyllia, a new 90:r~ l?eneric n~me. Journ.
Wash. Acad. Sc. 22. 1932. p. 506-509,

2291. T. Wayland Vaughan. Report on species of fossils collected in Cuba by 0. E.

Meinzer in Nov. and Dec. 1915. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 23. 1933. p. 261-263.
2292. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Report on Species of Corals and Larger Foraminifera
collected by 0. E. Meinzer in Cuba. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 23: 1933, p. 352--355.
2293. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Studies of American Foraminifera of the genus
Lepidocyclina. Smitb. Misc. Col!. 89. no. 10. 1933. 53 pp. XXXII pls.
2293a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. The biogeographic relations of the Orbitoid Fora-
minifera. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sc. Washington. 19. 1933. p. 922-938 ..
2294. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Notes on Orbitoides browni (Ellis) Vaughan. Proc.
Geol. Soc. Amer. for 1933 (1934). p. 376 (Abstract).
2295. Thomas Wayland_ Vaughan. A Note on Orbitoides browni (Ellis) Vaughan. J.
Paleont. 8. 1934. p. 7().-72.
2295a. Thomas Wayland Vaughan. Helicolepidina spiralis nortoni, a new species of
Foraminifera ... J. Paleont. 10. 1936. p. 248-253. pis. XXXIX. XL.
T. W. Vaughan. See 681. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1535c. 2210. 2380
2296. Thomas Wayland Vaughan and W. Storrs Cole. A new species of Lepidocyclina
from the Panama Canal Zone. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 22. 1932. p. Sl<l--514.
(Antigua). ·
2297. Thomas. Wayland Vaughan and W. Storrs Cole. New tertiary Foraminifera of
the Genera Operculina and Operculinoides from North America and the West
Indies. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 83. no. 2996. 1936. p. 487-496. pl. XXXV-
2298. T. W. Vaughan, Wythe Cooke, D. D. Condit, C. P. Ross, W. P. Woodring and
F. C. Calkins. A s-eological reconnaissance of the Dominican Republic. Geol.
Surv. of the Dommican Republic. Memoirs . 1. 1921. 268 pp. Maps. Photogrs.
(Washington). *(Spanish ed. 1922).
2299. Thomas Wayland Vaughan and john Edward Hofmeister. New species of fossil
coralS from the Dominican Republic. Bull. MUs. Compar. Zoo!. Harv. Coli. 67.
1925. p. 315-326. IV pis.
2300. Thomas Wayland Vaughan and John Edward Hofmeister. Miocene Corals ,froni
Trinidad. Public. Cam. Inst. Washington. no. 344. 1926. p. 105-134. v pis.
2301. T. Wayland Vaughan and Arthur C.· Spencer. The geography of Cuba. Bull.
Amer. Geogr. Soc. 34. 1902. p. 105-116.
Vaughan Cornish. See 551. 552.
2302. VauqueUn. Analyse du Platine a Saint Domingue. Nouv. Bull. des Sciences, publi~
par Ia Soc. Philom. de Paris. 2. 1810. p. 130.
2303. H. de Vaynes van Brakell. Vrijmoedige gedachten omtrent de Nederlandsche
Zeemagt in de WeSt Indien etc. Verhand. en Berigten betrekk.elijk bet Zeewezen
etc. 1857. Tweede afdeeling. p. 3-22. (Aves Is!., W. from Guadeloupe).
2303a. H. J. van der Veer. Microscopic examination of ore samples from the Pinar del
· ·Rio Copper of Cuba. Mag. Colorado School of Mines. 20. 1930. p. 19---17. 28.
8~. .
2304. Ch. Velaln •. Le cataclysme volcanique des Antilles. Revue Scientif. (4). 17. 1902.
p. 769---775.
F. A. Venlng Melnesz. See 1531-1535.
2305. L. W. J. Vermunt. Cretaceous Rudistids of Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. J.
Paleont. ll. 1937. p. 261-275. pl. XXXVI. XXXVII. 3 figs.
2306. L. W. J. Vermunt. Geology of the Province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Geogr. en
Geol. Mededeelingen. Utrecht. Physiogr.-Geol. Reeks 13. 1937. 60 pp: Map. I
pl. (Also Acad. Thesis. Utrecht).
L. W. J. Vermunt: See: 1909.
2307, L. W. J. Vermunt and M. 6. Rutten, Geology of Central Cura~ao. Proc. Kon.
Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 34. 1931. p. 271-276.
2308. L. M. J. Vermunt and M. 6. Rutten. Geology of the surroundings of ,St. Martha"
· -and .,St. Kruis", Cura~ao. Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 34.
1931. p. 558-563.
2309. L. W. J. Vermunt and M. G. Rutten. Some remarks on the Geology of N. Cura-
~oa. Proc. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 34. 1931. p. 1028--1031.
2310. J. H. Vernhout. The land- and freshwater-molluscs of the Dutch West Indian Is-
lands. Notes frdm the Leyden Museum. 36. 1914. p. 177-189.
·~311.. j. Vernier. Note au sujet des circonstances de la destruction de la ville de Saint
Pierre, le 8 Mai 1902. Revue d~ Genie. 1903. p. 303--321 (teste 1351).
2311a. A. Verri. Le eruzioni della Montagna Peiee e del vulcano Laziale. Bol. Soc. Geol.
!tal. 24. 1905. p. 84-88.
2312. A-. E. Verrill. Causes of the sudden destruction of life in the Martinique Volcanic
Eruption. Science (ns). 15. 1902. p. 824-. . . . . . .

. 2313~ A. E. verrm . -Peculiar character of the eruption Of Mt. Pelee, May 8th. Am. J. Sc.
(4). 14. 1902. p. 72--74. . .
· 2314. G. Verschuur. Een bezoek aan Martinique en St. Vincent na de vulkanische uit-
barstingen. (Jan. en Febr. 1903). Tijdscbr. Kon. Nederl. Aardr. Gen. (2).
20. 1903. p. 495-544.
2315. J. Versluys. Over de Hydrologie van oostelijk Cur~ao. Water en Gas. 15. 1927.
p. 141-154.
2316. L. A. A~ de Verteull. Trinidad, its Geography, Natural Resources, Administra-
tion, Present Conditions and Prospects. London. ·2d ed. 1884. xi and 484 pp.
(Ist ed. from !858).
:2311. Antonio Vesa y· Fllart. Acerca de hallazgos de terrenos geologicos secundarios
en la isla de Cuba. Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 46. 1909/10. p. 8~93.
·231-8. Antonio Vesa y Fllart. Relaci6n de ejemplares f6siles, que proceden de Viiiales ...
Anales Acad. Ciencias. Habana. 46. 1909JIO. p. 259-261.
·231 9. Francisco Vidal y Careta. La Diorita de Guanabacoa. Anales Acad. Ciencias.
Habana. 28. 1891. p. 409-412.
ol\2320. Francisco VIdal y Careta. Fi-tof6siles de Ia Isla de Cuba. Anales del Institute S.E.
· de Ia Habana. 1894. (teste 2223).
2321. Miguel. Vil1a. Ponencia de Ia subcomisi6n de edificaciones -sabre el terremoto del
3 de Febrero de 1932, en Santiago de Cuba. Revista Soc. Cubana de Ingen. 25.
1933. p. 211-260.
·2322. Jod -R. VIllalOn. Infonne a.cerca de la naturaleza de los Minerales de hierro de
. Mayari ... Revista Soc. Cubana de Ingenieros; Habana. 4. 1912. p. 31-47.
*·2323. Fernando·Vi1lamll·. Las arenas del area de San Juan. Rev. Agric. 22. 1929. p. 187-.
(teste 1550. Portorico). .
·2324. Arturo Codesa VJnageras. Notas de geologia aplicada. Anales Acad. Ciencias.
Habana. 50. 1913/4. p. 492--503.
I. M. van der Vlerk. See 925a. 950.
2325. A. Vollmer. Die Bahama Inseln .. Peterm. Mitt. 1896. p. 144.
·2326. , G.· H. Voorwijk; Foraminifera- from the upper cretaceous of Habana, Cuba. ·Proc.
Kon. Akad. Wetensch, Amsterd. 40. ·]937. p. J9G--198. III pis.
Vrollk. See 1082.
*2327. B. F. Wade, A. D-. White and S. G. Howe. Report of the commission of in-
quiry to Santo Domingo. Senate DoCument-no. 9. 42th Congr. 1st Sess. 279 pp.
Map. 1871. (teste 2298).
2328. M. -E. Wadsworth. The volcanic dust from Dominica. Nature. 1880. p. 266-267.
P. Wagenaar Hummellncko See 1235.
2329. G. P. Wall. On the Geology of a part of Venezuela and of Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol.
S. London. 16. 1860. p.· 460-470. pl. XXI. Map. · ·
*2330. G. P. Wall. On the Water Supply of the Borough of San Fernando. Printed by
Order of the Borough Council. (Not dated. teste 1394. Trinidad).
2330a. G. P. Wall. (Observations on the geology of the West Indies). Agric. Soc. Trinidad
and Tobago. Proc. 12. 1912. p. 207-208.
G. P. Wall. See: 775. 1952.
2331. G. P. Wall and J. G. Sawklns. Report on the Geology of Trinidad, Part I of the
West- Indian Survey. London. 1860. xr and 211 pp. Map. Sections. Figs;
2331a. G. P. Wall and Jas. Sawkins. Report of Progress, from August 25. 1856 to Febr.
24. 1857 of the Survey of the economic geology of Trinidad Ann. -Rep.
Smithon. lnst. 1856 (1857). p. 281-288. · ·
2332. Thomas H. Waller. A Java from Montserrat, West Indies. Geol. Mag. (2). 10.
1883. p. 290---c293.
*2333. George E. Walsh. Volcanic products that kill. Leslie's Weekly. 96. 1902. p. 520.
(teste 1196). '
2334. William Walton. Report on the Mines known in the;: Eastern Division of Hayti and
the facilities of working them. London. 1825. 47 pp.
2335. _ L. F. Ward. The geographical distribution of fossil plants. 8th Annual Report
U. St. Geol. Surv. 1886-1887. part. 2. 1889. p. 663:---960. (Antigua: p. 819).
2336.· Gerald A. Waring. The Geology of the Island of Trinidad. B.W.I. Johns Hopkins
Univ. Studies in Geology. 7. 1926. p. 1-86. 113--172. pl. I-XV. 111 maps.
2.337. G. A. Waring and C. G. Carlson. Geology and oil resources of Trinidad, British
West Indies. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 9. 1925. p. IOOG--1017. Map.
H. J. Wasson. See 1178.
2338. Edmund Watt, Earthquake·iB Dominica. Nature. 20. 1879. p. 431-432.
2339. Edmund Watt. The Recent Volcanic Eruption in Dominica. Nature. 1880. p. 77.
2340. f,. Watts. Earthquake disturbances in the Leeward Islands). Nature. 52. 1895.
~~. .
*2341. F. Watts. Soils of Dominica. Imp. Dept. ·Agric. Barbados .. 1903 . .(teste 1062).

~2~~~~~ Fr~ncls Watts. Observations on West Indic.m geology. Proc. Agric. SoC. Trinidad
· and Tobago. 12. 1912. p. 35-37. . . . . .
2342. francis Watts and H. A. Tempany. The soils of Montserrat. West Indian BuU.
6. 1905. p. 263-284. .
· 2343. francis Watts and H. A. Tempany. The soils of Nevis. West Indian Bull. 10.
. ,1910. p. 60---79. .
2344. H. Wedding. Die Eisenerze der Inse1 Cuba. Stahl lind Eisen. 12. 1892. p. 545-550.
~344a. Walther Harvey Weed. Copper Mines near Havana. Cuba. Eng. Mining. J. 79.
1905. p. 176-177.
2345. W. G. Weeks. Notes on a new mud-volcano in the Sea off the South coast of
Trinidad. J. Inst. Petr. Tochn. London. 15. 1929. p. 385-390. Discussion:
p. 390-391.
2J45a, K. van der Weg. Het Trinidad Pitch Lake. Geol. en Mijnb. 15. 1936. p.
2346. Wegener. ~inige neue Aufnahmen von Mont Pel€. z. Ges. Erdkunde Berlin.
1903. p. 431-433. pl. XV-XIX. .
2347. Georg Wegener. Am Mont Pele in Marz 1903. Geogr. Ztschr. 9. 1903. p. 545-559.
·2348. D. f. Welnland. (Brief!. Mitth. iiber. Landbildung bei Haiti). N. J. f. Miner.
etc. 18!!0. p. 213-217. .
2348a. Norman Edward Weisbord. Miocene Mollusca of Northern Colombia. aull. Amer.
· · Pal. 14. 54. 1929. · p. 23a:-a06. rx pis. (Hispaniola, Trinidad).
2349. N. E. Welsbord. Some cretaceous and tertiary Echinoids from Cuba. Bull. Amer.
Paleont. 20. no. 70C. 1934. pp. 167-267. pl. r-IX. . .
:2350. J. Herbert Welch and H. E. Taylor. Destruction of St. Pierre, Martinique. N.
York. oct. 1902. 240 pp.
2351. · C. M. Weld. The residual iron ores of Cuba. Bull. Amer, Inst. Mining Eng. 32.
1909. p. 749--762.
2352. C. M. Weld. The Residual Brown-Iron-Ores of Cuba. Trans. Amer. lnst. Mining
Eng. 40. 1909. p. 299--,-312 .
.2353. C. M. Weld. (Iron Resources of Cuba). Trans. Amer. Inst. Mining Eng. 61. 1920.
p. 124-130. See also:. Bull. Amer, Inst. M, E. 141. 1918. p. 1479-1485.
*2354. James W. Wells. A survey journey in Santo Domingo, West Indies. Royal Geogr.
Soc. Suppl. Papers ..3. 1893. p. 589--<304. (teste 2298). .
.2355. J. W. We.lls. Eocene <;<?x;als. part I: from Cuba, Bull. Amer. Paleont. 20. no. 70B.
1934. p. 147-160. pl. I. II.
2356. John W. Wells. Some fossil Corals from the West Indies. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus.
83. art. 2975. 1934. p. 71-110. pl. n-v. (Jamaica. Barbados).
~357_. John _W. W~11s. Corals from Cretac~ous and Eocene of _Jamaica. Ann. Mag, N.
. Hist. (10). 15. 1935 .. p. 183-194. pl. X-XII •.
2358. J. W. Wells. Coral studies. Bull. Amer. Paleont, 23. no. 79. 1937. 16 pp. n pis.
(Hispaniola). ·
~359. J .. H•. ~estermann. Over de geologie 'vim Aruba. Geologie _en Mijnbouw. 10.
1931. p. 145. . . . .
2360. J. H. Westermann. Aruba. Leidsche Geol, Meded. :5. (Feestb. K. Martin).
. 1931. p. 709-714. Map. ,
2361. J. H. Westermann._ Over de Geol<?gie v?Ln Aruba. Handel. 23ste Natuur- en
. . Geneesk. Congres. 1931. p. 264-265. .
2362 •. J. H. Westermann, The Geology of Aruba. Geogr. en Geol. Meded. Utrecht.
Physiogr. Gee!. Reeks. 7. 1932. 129 pp ..m pis. Map. Sections. (Also: Acad.
Thesis. Utr~cht). . .
2363. ·J. H. Westermann. Schets van de geologische gescb.tedenis -van Cura.yao, Aruba
en_ Boi13:ire.. Benevens ~e_n overzicht_. over. bet voorkomen en de ontginning ·
van hunne delfstoffen. Natuur en Mensch. 1934. p. 47-53. 147-152 . 13.
figs. . .
2364. ·T. S. Weston. De~criptioJl. of Rock Specimens from Brimstone Hill and three other
localities in St. Kitts. B.W.I. Geol. Mag. 69. 1932. p. 259--264. ·
2365. Alexander Wetmore. Bones ·of birds colle~ted by Th~9-oor de Booy from Kitchen
MiddeiJ. Deposits in the islands of St. Thomas and. St. Croix. Proc. Un. St._Nat.
Mus .. 54. 1.918. p. 513-522. pl. Lxxxn. . . .
2366. Alexander Wetmore. Description of a Whippoorwill from- Porto Rico. Proc. _Bioi.
S,ec. Washingt. 32. 191.9. p. 235-237. · . .
2367. · Alexander Wetmore. Five new species of birds _from cave deposits _in Porto Rico.
Proc. Bioi. Soc. Washington. 33. 1920. p. ·77-82. pl. II. m.
?368. Alexander Wetmore. Bird Remains ·from the Caves of Porto Rico. Bull. Amer.
_- M~s.· Nat. Hlst. 46. 1922. p. 297-833. . . .
2369. · Alexander Wetmore. Remains of birds from caves in the Republic _of H~ti. Smith.
:(\lisC)- <;ol). 'i'4, 4. > 1922.,-4 pp.


, 2369a •. A. Wetmore. An additional Record for the extinct Porto Rican Quail~Dove.
Auk. 40. 1923. p. 324 .
. 2369b. A. Wet~ ore. Another Record for. the genus Corvus in ·St. Croix. Auk. 42. 1925.
p. 446 .
. 2369c .. A. ·wetmore. The Bir'ds of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Colymbiformes to
Columbiformes. New York Ac. Sc. Scient. Surv. Porto Rico and the Virgin lsi.
9. 3. 1927. p. 245---405. Map. 16 text!. vn. pls. Psittaciformes to Passerifor-
mes. ibid. 1927. p. 407-598. 3 figs. IV pls.
2370. Alexander Wetmore. Bones of Birds from the Ciego Montero. deposit in Cuba.
Amer. ·Museum Novitates. no. 301. 1928. 5 pp .
. 2371. Alexander Wetmore. Z.oological Exploration in Hispaniola. Exploration and Field
Work of tbe Smithonian Inst. in 1927. 1928. Public. 2957. p. 33--40.
237la. Alexander Wetmore. Ancient records of birds from the island of St. Croix with
. observations on extinct and living.birds of Puerto Rico. J. of Agric. of the Univ.
of Puerto Rico. 21. 1937. p. 5-16. I pl. .
237tb. A."'Wetmore. Bird remains from Cave deposits on Great Exuma island in th'e
Bahamas. Bull. Mus. Camp. Zoo!.. Harv. College. 80. 12. 1937. p. 427-441.
1. pl. 16 figs. c ,
2371c. A. Wetmore. Bird Remains from the West Indies. I. Records from-Cave Deposits
on Crooked Island, Bahanlas. 2. Bird Remains from a Kitchen Midden on Puerto
Rico. Auk. 55. 1938. p. 51-55.
2371d. A. Wetmore and Bradshaw H. Swales. The Birds of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic.c Bull. U. St. Nat. Mus. 155. 1931. 483 pp. xxvr pls. 2 figs. (French
translation in the Haiti Journal of Port au Prince, August 26, Sept. 12. 16,
22: 1931). c . . . c c
2372. W. j. L. Wharton. (Deptb of the seaN. of Portorico). Geogr .. J. 4. 1894. p, 257.
c A. D. White. See 2327. . c c c
.2373.c Errol I White, A fossil fish from Barbados. Geol. Mag. 70. 1933. p. 336 ..
2374. R. P. Whitfield. Description of species. of Rudistae from the cretaceous rocks of
Jamaica, W. I. collected by and presented by F. C. Nicholas. Bull. Amer. Mus.
Nat. Hist. 9. J897c. p. J85-o-J96. pJ. VI-XX!l.
2375. R. P. Whitfield. Observations on the genus Barrettia Woodward with description
. of .two new species. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 9. 1897. p. 233,--246.
·2376. f. G. Wiechmann, Volcanic Dust. Science (ns).c 15. 1902. p. 910--911. (Mar-
. tinique) .
.2377 •. C. de .Wiele.• La M6diterran6e des Antilles et.le Bassin Prea.ndin consid6r6s
comme regions d'affaissements. Bull. Soc. beige de G6ol 20. 1906. Memoires.
p. 83,--161. c
*2378. J. Wilkinson. An Enquiry into the Natural History, Chemical Properties and
Medical Virtues of the Rock Oil or Green Mineral Naphtha ofBarbadoes· .... oct.
London. 1830. (teste 674). . . c .
*2379. J. Wilt. Report on the Medical Relief Expeditions to Martinique and St~ Vincent
in Aid pf ~he Sufferers-from the Volcanic Eruptions in May 1902. J. Royal Army
Medical Corps. London. 1903. p. 41-43. (teste 363).
2379•. Day Alien Willey •. The world's greatestiron.-ore deposits. Eng. Mag. 44. 1913. p.
2380. Bailey Willis. Index to the stratigraphy of Nortb America. U. St. Geol. Surv,
Prof. Papers 71. 1912. 894. pp. (witb contributions of Th. Wayland Vaughan).
2381. Bailey Willis. Istlimian Links. Bull. Geol. Soc. · Amer. 43. 1932. p. 120 (Ab-
stract). _ "
2382. ·Bailey Willis. IsthmiancLinks. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 43. 1932. p. 917-952.
2383. George H. Willock. Die Insel Barbados als Erd6lproduzent. Petroleum: 28. 1932.
no. 26. p. 7--8. no. 32. p. 6.
*2384. William F •.Willoughby. Mineral Industries of Porto Rico. Special Repc;;,rts of the
Census Office, Mines and Quan-ies. 1902. (teste 1550).
·~~85. A. N•. Wilmore. Barbados a key -to the physical geography of the West Indies and
Caribbean region. Geogr. Teacher. 12. 19:14. p. 357-363. (teste. 2076).
2386. C. C. Wilson. Mud Flow. Joum. Inst. Petr. Techno!. London. 16. 1930. p.
2387. C. C. Wilson. A note on niud "flow. J. Inst. Petr. Techno!. London. 19. 1933.
p. 878-884.
*2387a. Eugene B. Wilson. Iron ores of Santiago, Cuba. Mines and Minerals. 31. 1910. p.
245-249. (teste 1678a). c c .
2388. Herbert M. Wilson. The Engineering development of Porto .Rico. The Engineering
Magazine. 17. 1899. p. 602-621. Maps. Graphs. Photogrs.
?389. Herbert M. Wilson. Water resources of Porto Rico. U. St. Geol. Su:r:v. Water
· supply "paper ·32. lil99. 48 pp." Ii- maps. xvn pls: · ·

2390. Herbert M. Wilson. Porto Rico. Its topography and aspects. Bull. Amer. Geogr.
Soc. 32. !900. p. 220-238.
2391. N. H. WlncheU. Peleliths. The Amer. Geologist. 33. 1904. p. 3!9-325. pl.
2392. Katherine van Winkle.' Remarks on some new species from Trinidad. Bull. Amer.
Paleont. 8. no. 33. 1921. p. 19-30. pl. I-III.
2393. KatherJne van Winkle. Illustrations and descriptions of fossil mollusca contained
in the paleontological collecti~ns a! Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Pal. 8. no. 36.
1921. p. 347-358. pl. xv. (H1spamola). .
2394. Katherine van Winkle .Palmer. The Veneridae of Eastern America, cenozoic and
recent. Palaeontographica americana. 1. 1927f9. p. 209---428. XLV pis. (Hispaniola.
Jamaica. Trinidad).
2395. Henry Witham. Observations on fossil vegetables. Accompanied by Representation
of their internal structure as seen through the microscope. qu. Edinb. 1831. 48
pp. VI pis. (Antigua). . .
2396. Thomas H. Withers. On a new Brachyurous Crustacean from the Upper Cretaceous
of Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9). 10. 1922. p. 534-541. pl. xvr. xvn.
2397. Th. H. Withers. Some cretaceous and tertiary Decapod crustaceans from Jamaica.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9). 13. 1924. p. 81.,-93. pl. n-IV.
2398. Th. H.· Withers. Decapod Crustaceans from the oligocene of Anguilla. Ann. Mag.
Nat. Hist. (9). 14. 1924.. p. 22&---233. pl. vi.
2399. Thomas H. Wfihers. Barnacles of the Creusia-Pyrgoma-Type from the Pleistocene
of Barbados. Ann. Mag. Nat .. Hist. (9). 17. 1926. p. I---13 .. pl. I.
2400. Thomas H. Withers. Decapod Crustaceans (Callianassa) from the Scotland Beds
of Barbados. Geol. Mag. 63. 1926. p. 104-108. pl. IX.
2401. Thomas H. Withers. Scalpellum sanchezi n. sp., a Cirripede from the Lower
Miocene of Cuba. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9). 18. 1926. p. 616---<321. pl. XXVI.
2402. Thomas H. Withers. Ranina trechmanni, a new Cretaceous Crab from Jamaica. Geol.
Mag. 64. 1927. p. 176-180. pl. VII.
Otto N. Will. See 2226.
2403. f. von Wolff. Der Vulkanismus. Stuttgart. 2. 1929. p. 426--534. (Die Vulkane
Zentralamerikas). ·
•2403a. Dwight E. Woodbridge. Cuban Iron Ore deposits. Canadian Mining J. 32. 1911. p.
. 738--741. (teste 1678a). . .
2404. Dwight E. Woodbridge. Exploration of Cuban Iron-ore deposits. Trans. Amer.
Inst. Mining Eng. 42. 1911 (1912). p. 138--152. See aiso: Bull. Amer. Inst. M. E.
51. 1911. p: 269-282.
*2404a. Dwight E. Woodbridge. The possibilities of the Cuban Iron deposits. Mining World.
40. 1914. p. 511-513. (teste 1678a).
2405•.. Wendell P. Woodring. The PelecypOds of the Bowden Fauna. Johns Hopkins
Univ. Circulars. no. 293. 1917. p. 44-56. .
2406. Wendell P. Woodring. Middle Eocene Foraminifera of the genus Dictyoconus
from the Republic of Haiti. ]. Wash. Acad. Sc. 12. 1922. p. 244-247.
*2407. W. P. Woodring. Stratigraphy, strUcture and possible oilresourcesoftheMiocene
.Rocks of the central plain. Republic of Haiti. Geol. Surv, 1922. 19 pp. Map.
(teste 2421).
2408. ·Wendell P. Woodring. An outline of the results af a geological reconnaissance of
the Republic of Haiti. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 13. 1923. p. 117-129.
2409. Wendell P. WOodring. Tertiary Mollusks of the genus Orthaulax: from the Republic
of Haiti, Porto Rico and Cuba. Proc. U. St. Nat. Mus. 64. 1923. art. I. p. 1-12,
II pis.
2410. Wendell P. Woodring. Tectonic features of the republic of Haiti and their bearing
on the geologic history of the West Indies. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 14. 1924. p. 58-59
2411. Wendell P. Woodring. Tertiary History of the North Atlantic Ocean. BuU. Geol. S.
Amer. 35. 1924. p. 84-85. 425-435.
2412. Wendell P. Woodring. West Indian, Central American and European Miocene and
Pliocene Mollusks. Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 35. 1924. p. 175-176. 867---1386.
2412a. Wendell P. Woodring. Quaternary Reef caps of Haiti. (Abstract). Pan Americ.
Geol. .43. I 925. p. 376----377.
2413. Wencieil P. Woodring. Area patricia, a miocene fossil from the Dominican Repu-
blic. Science. 62. 1925. p. 518--519.
2414. W. P. Woodring. Mioc~e mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. Pelecypods and
.. Scaphopods. Public. Carnegie Inst. Washington. 366, 1925. 222 PP• x-xvm
pis. ·

2415. Wendell P. Woodring. Hints to Travellers in the Republic of Haiti. In: H. A.

Brouwer, Practical Hints to scientific travellers. The Hague. 4.1926.p. 159---171.
2416. W. P. Woodring. American Tertiary Mollusks of the genus Clementia. U. St. Geol.
Surv. Prof. Paper. 147 C. 1926. p. 23-49. pl. XIV-XVII.
2417. W. P. Woodring. Miocene climate of tropical America. J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 16. 1926.
p ..77. (Abstract).
2418. W. P. Woodring. Tectonic features of the Caribbean Region. Proc. 3d Pan Pacific
Science Congr. Tokyo. 1926. 1928. p. 401-431.
2419. W. P. Woodring. Miocene Mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. Gastropoda. Public.
Carnegie Inst. 385. 1928. 564 pp. XI pls.
2420. W. P. Woodring. Ecology of the Mollusks of the Bowden Formation, Jamaica.
Bull. Geol. S. Amer. 40. 1929. p. 259-260 (Abstract).
W. P. Woodring. See 2298.
2421. Wendell P. Woodring, Jobn S. Brown and Wilbur S. Burbank. Geology of tbe
Republic of Haiti. Port au Prince. 1924. 6_31 pp. Maps. Photogrs. Sections.
2421a. Wendell P. Wo-odring and Wendell C. MansiJeld. Some new middle eocene and
lower miocene mollusks. In: 2421. p. 611---613. pl. x. XVI.
2422. Henry Woodward. Note on a new species of Ranina (R. porifera) from the Tertiary
Strata of Trinidad. Qu. J. Geol. Soc. London. 22. 1866. p. 591-592. pl. XXVI,
fig. 18.
2423. S. P. Woodward. Some account of Barrettia, a new and remarkable shell from the
hippurite limestone of Jamaica. The Geologist. 1862. p. 372-377. pl. xx. XXI.
2424. Albert Wright and P. W. K. Sweet. The jurassic as a source of oil in Western
Cuba. Bull. Amer. Ass. Petr. Geol. 8. 1924. p. 516-519.
f. E. Wrlgbt. See 1532.
2425. !(rene) A. Wrigbt. The early History of Cuba. 1492-1586. N. York. 1916. 390 pp.
2426. Ram6n Adan de Yarza. Rocas hipog6nicas de Ia isla de Cuba. Bol. Com. Mapa.
Gee!. Espaiia. 20. 1893 (1895). p. 71-88. pl. I-IV.
*2427. Ram6n Adan de Yarza; Mapa geologico de Cuba. Madrid. 1895. (teste 2223).
2428. Robert B. Young. A comparison of certain stromatolitic rocks in the Dolomite
Serie of South Africa with modern algal sediments in the Bahamas. Trans. Geol.
Soc. Soutb Africa. 37. 1935. p. 153. pl. nr-vi.
2429. Juan L. Zamora. Mineral de manganesp. Anales Acad. de Ciencias. Habana. '1:7.
1890. p. 137-138.
2430. Zayas y Aipbonso. L"lle de Cuba. Bull. Soc. Royale de Geogr. Bruxelles. 36. 1912.
p. 317-348.
*2431. G. Zbyszewkl. La question des anomalies de la pesanteur aux Antilles et leurs
rapports avec les probi.emes structurales d'apres quelques observations recentes.
Rev. Geogr. phys. Geol. dyn. 7. 1934. p. 379-394. II sections. IV maps. (teste 363).
*2432. F. W. Zerban. The salt marshes of the north coast of Porto Rico. Exp. Stat. Rio
Piedras Sugar Producers Assoc. Bull. 4. 1912. San Juan. Porto Rico. 36 pp.
(teste 1550).
2433. Indalecio NUnez Zuloaga. Memoria descriptiva de la Isla de la Mona en el Freu
que media entre Puerto Rico y Santo Domingo. Bol. Soc. Geogr. Madrid. 7.
1879. p. 226-235.
2434. lndatecJo Nt'iiiez Zutoaga. Memoria descriptiva de las Islas del Pa.saje en lo m8.s
occidental del Archipielago de las Virgines. Bal. Soc. Geogr. Madrid. 8. 1880.
p. 6-22.
ANGUILLA. General. 435. 520. 797. 1953. 2057. 2249. 2278.
Palaeobotany. 1217. .
Palaeontology. Invertebrates. 452. 534. 577. 578. 631. 1368. 1369. 1803. 2398.
Palaeontology. Vertebrates. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 1975.
Phosphates. 1668.
ANTIGUA. General. 415. 693. 790. 868a. 1030. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1071. 1215. 1687. 1688.
1690a. 1787. 1788. 2055. 2150b. 2249.
Earthquakes. 7. 463. 712. 2340.
Hydrology. 2134. 2135. 2242.
Palaeobotany. 830a. 831. 1172. 1217. 1678. 1679. 1739. 1985a. 2082a. 2083. 2092.
2227a. 2227b. 2335. 2395.
Palaeogeography. 1763.
Palaeontology. 417. 440. 452. 534. 536. 631.632.634. 638. 1237. 1266. 1368. 1541.
1886. 2150d. 2270. 2230. 2293. 2296.
Soils. 1063. 2137. 2139.
ARUBA. General. 1299. 1474. 1475. 1895. 1897. 2359. 2360. 2361. 2362. 2363.
Hydrology, Springs. 788. 1311. 1429. 1430.
Ores, Phosphates. 189. 706.783.784.785.787. 789.821. 929.970.971.972. 1081.
1085. 1227. 1261. 1310. 1596. 1831. 1833. 2081.
Palaeogeography. 269. 367. 1235. 2310.
Palaeontology. 1702. 1896. 1958. 2236.
Petrology. 2179.
AVES lsi. W. from Guadeloupe. ·1322. 2303.
E. from Bonaire. 569. 677a./2011.
BAHAMAS ISLANDS. General. II. 12. '11;, 16. 32. 373. 428a. 429. 431. 678. 734. 803. 820.
849. 850. 856. 857. 1126. 1313. 1671. 1684. 1967a. 1998. 1999. 2239a. 2242a.
2244. 2248. 2254a. 2325.
Coralreefs. 2239. 2245. 2247.
Earthquakes. 227. 1455. ?1654.
Formation of Bahamas-limestone and ooiithe. 299. 300. 348. 349. 350. 752. 753.
847. 848. 851. 852. 855. 944. 1039. 1278. 1419. 2159. 2160. 2428.
Geophysics. 1125. 1442.
Palaeogeography. 360.
Palaeontology. 671. 672. 1387. 2371b. 2371c.
BARBADOS. General. II. 693.816. 816a. 817.830.872. 1049. 1069. 1070. 1072. 1074. 1075.
1076. 1077. 1078. 1152. 1168. 1228. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1498. 1528. 1529. 1690a.
1758. 1915a. 1970. 2018. 2021. 2060. 2065. 2150c. 2206. 2213. 2219. 2365.
Earthquakes. 7. 104. 1484.
Palaeontology. General. 295. 296. 385. 502. 864. 864a. 88la. 957. 959. 1000.
1392a. 1392b. 1849a. 1849b. 1888. 1957a. 2356. 2373. 2399. 2400.
Palaeontology. Radiolaria. 438. 439. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 1041. 1969a.
Petroleum. 76a. 148. 197. 254. 304. 494. 609. 610. 61 I. 615. 674. 733. 755. 817a.
818. 902. 943. 1079. 1115. 1206a. 1439a. 1542. 1580. 1822._2013. 2154. 2156.
2227. 2378. 2363.
Soils. 1071a. 1073. 1915.
Volcanic Dust. 73. 140. 546. 860. 1229. 1661. 1786. 2026.
BARBUDA. 524. 693. 1178. 1227. 2225. 2340.
BIBLIOGRAPHY. 114. 383. 441. 445. 482. 484. 626. 627. 674. 965a. 966. 1196. 1197. 1286.
1351. 1394. 1468. 1486. 1550. 1678a. 1678b. 1678c. 1678d. 1678e. 1703. 1735.
1800. 1864. 2072. 2073. 2076. 2150a. 2150b. 2167. 2223. 2298. 2421.
BLANQUILLA. 677a. 1437. 1439. 1894. 2011.
BONAIRE. General. 1085. 1299. 1474. 1475. 1480. 1789. 1791.1792. 1793. 1794. 1895. 1897.
Hydrology. 788.
Palaeogeography. 289. 357. 367. 1235. 2310.
Palaeontology. 278. 649. 650. 1432. 1795. 1896. 1958. 2094. 2236.
Phosphates. 706. 784. 785. 786. 971. 1471.

CAYMAN ISLANDS. 234. 865. 1238. 1490. 1493. 1494. 1495. 1849. 1949. 1950. 2279.
COAL. (Incomplete). 113(1). 131. 165. 168( 1). not: 353. 428( 1). 442. 443. 444. 493. 623.
688. 871. 904. 954. 999. 1014. lll6. 1138. 1491. 1550. not: 1911. not: 2130.
2152. 2298. 2331. 2421.
COCHE. 17a.
CORAL REEFS. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 307. 619. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 756. 759. 760. 1043.
1044. 1045. 1069. 1070. 1072. 1075. 1078. 1093. 1094. 1095. l!34. 1139. 1162.
1222. 1223. 1273. 1275. 1313. 1422. 1423. 1444. 1475. 1477. 1479. 1480. 1545.
1546. 1547. 1550 1585. 1588; 1593. 1598. 1599. 1601. 1792. 1794. 1897. 1904.
1979. 1993. 2213. 2214. 2219. 2234. 2238. 2237a. 2240. 2241. 2243. 2244.2245.
2247. 2248. 2249. 2249a. 2250 2251. 2252. 2253. 2258.2260. 2261. 2277a. 2360.
2362. 2363. 2412a. 2421.
CUBA. General before 1900. 11. 13. 14. 15. 476. 487a. 490. 513. 617. 618. 619. &.!'r. 836.
838a. 873. 874. 875. 894. 895. ll23. 1133. 1136. 1140. 1142. 1232. 1234. 1313.
1539. 1701. 1737. 1769. 1912. 1913. 1916. 1922. 1948a. 1989. 2045.2050. 2127a.
2127b. 2181. 2230. 2319. 2426. 2427.
General, 1900 and later. 17. 43. 48. 191. 369. 420. 421. 449. 449a. 563. 831. 700.
726. 945. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1410. 1412. 1454. 1607. 1617. 1619. 1697. 1707.
1720a. 1722. 1797a. 1862. 1890. 1898. 1908. 1932. 1932a. 1980. 2118. 2121.
•2122. 2147. ~ 2250. 2306.
Bibliography. 482. 484. 966. 1703. 1800. 2223. .
Earthquakes. 96. 98. 144. 179. 215. 219. 220. 222. 227. 228. 230. 231. 234. 235.
823. 824. 936. 1117. 1270. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1618. 1620. 1759.1768a.1770.
1771. 1836. 1917. !918. 2119a. 2119b. 2231. 2321.
Geophysics. 854. · .
Guano. 1830. /:.
Hydrology, Springs. 6. 39. 40. 42. 491.. 882. 935. 1612. 161.3.
Mineralogy. 268. 386a. 386b. 472. 495. 506. 1051. 1118. 1119. 1128. 1225. 1231.
1233. i431. 1847. 1932. J956a. 1966a. 1981. 2023a. 2185. 2197.
Mining. 18. 19. 20. 100. 101. 105. 108. 193. 214. 223. 239. 240. 448, 496. 497.
498. 499. 552. 561. 562. 563a. 911. 1387a. J387b. 1420a. 1581. 1605a. 1704.
1705. 2016a.
Ores. 24. 35. 36. 37. 38. 41. 44. 47. 48a. 49. 87. 88. !59a. 159b, 286. 267. 342.
372. 403. 424. 432. 433. 434. 434a. 434\>. 441a. 447. 465. 475. 507a. 509. 510.
514. 515. 549. 553. 557. 558. 584. 585. !0#: _i+5'; 625. 817b. 972a. 1056. 1080.
1091. 1092. 1114a. 1244a. 1281. 1282. 1283. )284. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297.
1320. 1367. 1386. 1396. 1397. 1398. 1418. 1420. 1446. 1447. 1587. 1606. 1611a.
1666. 1797. 1808. 1851. 1919. 2014. 2016. 2024. 2029. 2030. 2031. 2034. 2035.
2036. 2037. 2038. 2039. 2040. 2041. 2042. 2070. 2105. 2!06. 2106a. 2128.
2129. 2228. 2228a. 2235. 2303a. 2322. 2344. 2344a. 2351. 2352. 2353. 2379a.
2387a. 2403a. 2404. 2404a. 2429. . . .
Palaeobotany. 335. 831. 897. 1402. 1483. 1530. 2320.
Palaeogeography. 3. 276. 473. 474. 487. 488. 837. 876. 877. 2068. 2069. 2187.
Palaeontology. General • .483. 748. 1134a. 1388. 15.59. 1714. 1926a. 1929. 1930.
1932. 2229. 223la. 223lb. 2259. 2292. 2355. 2401.
Palaeontology. foraminifera. 278a. 320. 321. 322. 323. 323a. 631 632. 635a.
643a. 844. 645. 646. 647. 648. 650. 815. 955. 1040. 1055. 1367a. 1695. 1713.
1715. 1716. 1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1724. 1905. 1907. 2142. 2143. 2146. 2288.
2291. 2292. 2293. 2294. 2295. 2326.
Palaeontology. Echinodermata. 485. 567. 573. 574. 575, 579. 580. 581. 582. 1086.
1258. 1259. 1370. 1371. 1372. 1372b. 1373. 1927. 1928. 1931. 2349.
Palaeontology. Mollusca, without Rudistidae. 379. 519. 519a. 534. 538. 1696.
1698. 1699. 1700. 1810. 1837. 1838. 1926. 2182. 2190. 2200a. 2317; 2318. 2409.
Palaeontology. Rudistidae. 365. 748. 749. 1453. 1454. 1721. 1906. 2144. 2145.
2192. 2305.
Palaeontology. Vertebrata. 29. 30. 31. 50a. 247. 418. 473. 474. 477. 478. 479.
480a. 48L 490. 503. 804a. 964. 965. 1395. 1503 .. 1507a. 1510, 1538. 1586.
1773. 1775. 1776. 1925. 2184. 2187. 2188. 2189. 2191. 2193. 2194. 2195. 2224.
2237. 2370. . .
Petroleum. Asphalt. Coal. 38. 45. 46. 107. 113. 192. 196. 213. 254. 353. 404. 405.
406. 407.408.409.410. 411.412.413.414. 428. 468.470 ..505. 559. 560. 725a.
902.933.945.947. 1167.1366.!410. 1411. 1580.1589.16Jla. 1670. 1706.1706a.
1730. 1814. 1844. 1845. 1850a. 1911. 1919. 2093. 2130. 2238. 2424.
Soils. 310. 311. 342. 368. 469. 554. 612. 622. 724. 1898a.
.. Various". 439. 555. 556. 560a. 571. 836. 846. 1113. 1120. 1121. 1224. 1485.
1608. 1727a. 1779. 1779a. 1780. 1799. 1924. 2027a. 2183. 2186. 2196. 2301.
2324. 2425. 2430.

CULEBRA. 973. 1042. 1545. 2264. 2269. 2434.

CURA~AO. aeneral. 511. 518. 706.769.888. 1081. 1085. 1276. 1277. 1473. 1474. 1475. 1476.
1477. 1478. 1480. 1599. 1601. 1790. 1895. 1897. 2307. 2308. 2309. 2363.
Earthquakes. 227. 1768a.
Hydrology. Springs. 436. 788. 1910. 2315.
Ores. Phosphates. 168. 189. 783. 784. 785. 786. 970. 971. 972. 1227. !261. 1426.
1553. 1596. 1600. 1784. 1802. 2080. 2081. 2082.
Palaeogeography. 269. 312. 357. 367. 1235. 2310.
Palaeontology. 278. 1303. 1304. 1305. 1432. 1452. 1472. 1479. 1891. 1896. 1909.
1958. 2236.
Petrology. 298. 1299.
DESIRADE. 283. 285. 289.
DOMINICA. (ieneral. 693. 799. 819. 989. 990. 1322. 1939. 2059. 2110.
Bolling Lake. 912. 1205. 1692. 1712. 1783. 2036.
Earthquakes. 138. 235. 712. 813. 2338.
Eruptions. 97. 337. 338. 682. 683. 684. 1676. 2328. 2339.
Palaeogeography. 357.
Soils. 1057. 2341.
EARTH QUAKES. 2. 7. 8. 54. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 75. 76. 78. 80. 81. 83. 90. 91.
92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 98. 99. 102. 103. 104. 109. 112. 123. 137. !38. 143. 144.
153. 155. 156. 157. 158. 162. 163. 164. 166. 167. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 177.
178. 178a. 179. 180. 181. 133. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 190. 194. 195. 19~.
199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 209. 210. 211. 212. 215. 216. 217. 218.
219. 220. 222. 224. 226. 227. 228. 230. 231. 234. 235. 236. 238. 252. 277. 309.
343. 344. 345. 346. 364. 387. 388. 389. 389a. 390. 391.422. 423. 426. 450. 455.
460.463. 508. 548a. 550. 551. 566.661.673.695.711. 712. 716.722. 723. 758.
782. 813. 814. 823. 829. 853. 869. 870. 881. 883. 967. 988. 1044. 1045. 1045a.
1047. 1048. 1050. 1098. 1098a. 1110. 1117. 1170. 124S. 1252. 1270. 1275. 1361.
1377. 1378. 1385. 1401a. 1409. 1415. 1416. 1427. 1454a. 1455. 1460. 1463. 1481.
1484. 1578b. 1578c. 1578d. 1604. 1605. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1618. 1620. 1631. 1632.
1635. 1636. 1637. 1639. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650.
1651. 1652. 1653. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658a. 1659. 1661c. 1665. 1673. 1691. 1709.
1711. 1744a. 1745:'"1746.1747. 1748. 1749.1768a. 1770.1771. 1772.1774. 1781a.
1785. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812· 1813. 1821, 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1836. 1648.
1854. 1856. 1868. 1869. 1917. 1918. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965.
1968. 2007. 2020. 2021. 2067. 2078. 2095. 2096. 2112. 2114. 2115. 2116. 2119.
2119a. 2119b. 2120. 2122. 2125. 2157. 2231. 2321. 2338. 23>10.
(lEOPHYSICS. 384. 853. 854. 1125. 1126a. 1442. 1531. 1532. 1533. 1534. 1535. 1535a.
1535b. 1535c. 2431.
(lRENADA AND (lRENADINES. (ieneral. 508. 516. 693. 710. 792. 795. 1068. 1271. 1393.
1934. 1947a. 2059. 2216.
Earthquakes. 102. 103. 104.
Palaeography. 357.
Soils. 1062. 1068.
(iUADELOUPE. (ieneral. 77. 226a. 272. 284. 285. 266. 287. 289. 362. 466. 685. 718. 719.
720. 756. 757. 759. 760. 780. 781. 880. 1322. 1390. 1408. 1560. 1613a. 1630.
1692. 1788a. 1941. 2056.
,Anthropollths". 660. 828. 1053. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1638. 1658. 1662.
Bibliography. 363.
Earthquakes. 81. 83. 109. 220. 463. 711. 712. 716. 723.,758. 782.869. 1252. 1409.
1415. 1416. 1648. 1658a. 1659. 1813. 1821.
Eruptions. 50. 154. 301. 347. 351. 676. 677. 686. 713. 721. 765. 766. 767. 901.
912. 1195. 1198. 1198a. 1201. 1212. 1341. 1413. 14!3a. 1414. 1592. 1642. 1752.
Hydrology. 288. 290.
Minerals. 74. 714. 715.
Palaeontology. 619a. 761. 762. 1729.
Petroleum. 285. 342a. 1263.
Petrology. 1323.
HERMANOS. 1438. 1439. 1894. 2011.
HISPANIOLA. (ieneral. 4a. II. 159. 307. 314. 353a. 431a. 471. 535. 537. 884. 889. 893.
1114. 1168. 1268. 1444. 1457. 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1524. 1526. 1761. 1971.
1972. 1974. 2010. 2167. 2168. 2169. 2170. 2298. 2408. 2410. 2412a. 2421.
Bibliography. 441. 1864. 2167. 2298. 2421.


CULEBRA. 973. 1042. 1545. 2264. 2269. 2434.

CURA~AO. aeneral. 511. 518. 706.769.888. 1081. 1085. 1276. 1277. 1473. 1474. 1475. 1476.
1477. 1478. 1480. 1599. 1601. 1790. 1895. 1897. 2307. 2308. 2309. 2363.
Earthquakes. 227. 1768a.
Hydrology. Springs. 436. 788. 1910. 2315.
Ores. Phosphates. 168. 189. 783. 784. 785. 786. 970. 971. 972. 1227. !261. 1426.
1553. 1596. 1600. 1784. 1802. 2080. 2081. 2082.
Palaeogeography. 269. 312. 357. 367. 1235. 2310.
Palaeontology. 278. 1303. 1304. 1305. 1432. 1452. 1472. 1479. 1891. 1896. 1909.
1958. 2236.
Petrology. 298. 1299.
DESIRADE. 283. 285. 289.
DOMINICA. (ieneral. 693. 799. 819. 989. 990. 1322. 1939. 2059. 2110.
Bolling Lake. 912. 1205. 1692. 1712. 1783. 2036.
Earthquakes. 138. 235. 712. 813. 2338.
Eruptions. 97. 337. 338. 682. 683. 684. 1676. 2328. 2339.
Palaeogeography. 357.
Soils. 1057. 2341.
EARTH QUAKES. 2. 7. 8. 54. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 75. 76. 78. 80. 81. 83. 90. 91.
92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 98. 99. 102. 103. 104. 109. 112. 123. 137. !38. 143. 144.
153. 155. 156. 157. 158. 162. 163. 164. 166. 167. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 177.
178. 178a. 179. 180. 181. 133. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 190. 194. 195. 19~.
199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 209. 210. 211. 212. 215. 216. 217. 218.
219. 220. 222. 224. 226. 227. 228. 230. 231. 234. 235. 236. 238. 252. 277. 309.
343. 344. 345. 346. 364. 387. 388. 389. 389a. 390. 391.422. 423. 426. 450. 455.
460.463. 508. 548a. 550. 551. 566.661.673.695.711. 712. 716.722. 723. 758.
782. 813. 814. 823. 829. 853. 869. 870. 881. 883. 967. 988. 1044. 1045. 1045a.
1047. 1048. 1050. 1098. 1098a. 1110. 1117. 1170. 124S. 1252. 1270. 1275. 1361.
1377. 1378. 1385. 1401a. 1409. 1415. 1416. 1427. 1454a. 1455. 1460. 1463. 1481.
1484. 1578b. 1578c. 1578d. 1604. 1605. 1609. 1610. 1611. 1618. 1620. 1631. 1632.
1635. 1636. 1637. 1639. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650.
1651. 1652. 1653. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658a. 1659. 1661c. 1665. 1673. 1691. 1709.
1711. 1744a. 1745:'"1746.1747. 1748. 1749.1768a. 1770.1771. 1772.1774. 1781a.
1785. 1806. 1807. 1809. 1812· 1813. 1821, 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1836. 1648.
1854. 1856. 1868. 1869. 1917. 1918. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965.
1968. 2007. 2020. 2021. 2067. 2078. 2095. 2096. 2112. 2114. 2115. 2116. 2119.
2119a. 2119b. 2120. 2122. 2125. 2157. 2231. 2321. 2338. 23>10.
(lEOPHYSICS. 384. 853. 854. 1125. 1126a. 1442. 1531. 1532. 1533. 1534. 1535. 1535a.
1535b. 1535c. 2431.
(lRENADA AND (lRENADINES. (ieneral. 508. 516. 693. 710. 792. 795. 1068. 1271. 1393.
1934. 1947a. 2059. 2216.
Earthquakes. 102. 103. 104.
Palaeography. 357.
Soils. 1062. 1068.
(iUADELOUPE. (ieneral. 77. 226a. 272. 284. 285. 266. 287. 289. 362. 466. 685. 718. 719.
720. 756. 757. 759. 760. 780. 781. 880. 1322. 1390. 1408. 1560. 1613a. 1630.
1692. 1788a. 1941. 2056.
,Anthropollths". 660. 828. 1053. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1638. 1658. 1662.
Bibliography. 363.
Earthquakes. 81. 83. 109. 220. 463. 711. 712. 716. 723.,758. 782.869. 1252. 1409.
1415. 1416. 1648. 1658a. 1659. 1813. 1821.
Eruptions. 50. 154. 301. 347. 351. 676. 677. 686. 713. 721. 765. 766. 767. 901.
912. 1195. 1198. 1198a. 1201. 1212. 1341. 1413. 14!3a. 1414. 1592. 1642. 1752.
Hydrology. 288. 290.
Minerals. 74. 714. 715.
Palaeontology. 619a. 761. 762. 1729.
Petroleum. 285. 342a. 1263.
Petrology. 1323.
HERMANOS. 1438. 1439. 1894. 2011.
HISPANIOLA. (ieneral. 4a. II. 159. 307. 314. 353a. 431a. 471. 535. 537. 884. 889. 893.
1114. 1168. 1268. 1444. 1457. 1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1524. 1526. 1761. 1971.
1972. 1974. 2010. 2167. 2168. 2169. 2170. 2298. 2408. 2410. 2412a. 2421.
Bibliography. 441. 1864. 2167. 2298. 2421.


Earthquakes. 8. 69. 70. 71. 78. 90. 112. 155. 164. 166. 167. 169. 170. 172. 173.
177. 178. 178a. 181. 185. 186. 187. 188. 190. 198. !99. 202. 203. 210. 211.216,
217. 218:' 236. 343. 344. 345. 346. 1377. 1463. 1665. !768a. 1812. 1959. 1960.
!961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965. 2095. 2096.
Ores. 86. 161. 182. 392. 583. 736. 737. 739. 834. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908.
909. 910. 917. 920. 1038. 1056. 1034a. 1281. 1287. 1391. 1481a. 1865. 1866.
1921. 1967. 1973. 2153. 2302. 2334.
Palaeobotany. 328. 329.
Palaeogeography. 276.
Palaeontology. General. 379. 416. 452. 523. 532. 536. 538. 631. 633. 634. 666.
761. 773. 887. 890. 891. 951. 997. 1055. 1163. 1428. 1513. 1514. 1578e. 1614.
1615. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1781. 1803. 1804. 1805. 2022. 2032. 2071.
2226. 2288. 2299. 2348a. 2358. 2393. 2394. 2406. 2409. 2413. 242Ja.
Palaeontology. Vertebrata. 374. 1567. 1570. 1571. 1572. 1573. 1574. 1575. 1576.
1777. 1778. 2369. 2371. 2371d.
Petroleum. Coal. 84. 254. 733. 886. 954. 1116. 1300. 1462. 1482. 1580. 1814.
2152. 2407.
Salt. 1082. 1870.
Springs. 324. 424a. 1155 .
.. va:ilous". I. 22. 208. 273. 486. 708. 802. 846. 919. 1443. 1445. 1660. 1846.2098.
2327. 2348. 2354. 2415.
ILE DE VACHE. 340. 380.
ISLA DE PINOS. 31. 35. 464. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1260. 1751. 1900. 1923. !987a. 2104.
JAMAICA, General. 4b. 291. 302. 303. 452. 678a. 679. 680. 775. 1089. 1122. 1139. 1141.
1153. 1180a. 1401. 1487. 1491. 1492. 1493a. 1496. 1497. 1499. 1500. 1800a.
1811. 1951. 1952. 1982. 2021. 2049. 2054. 2091. 2097. 2180. 2201. 2202; 2203.
2204. 2205. 2208. 2210. 2217. 2218. 2220. 2420.
Bibliography. 226. 1486.
Earthquakes. 4. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 72. 91. 99. 137. 156. 157. 158. 162. 183. 195.
204. 205. 207. 212. 215. ,220. 222. 224. 226. 231. 235. 238. 277. 309. 387. 388.
389. 389a. 390.422.423.425.426.455.460.550.551.566.695.814.883.967.
1044. 1045. 1045a. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1427. 1481. 1578c. 1578 d.l66Jc. 1673.
1691. 1785. 1809. 2007. 2020. 2067. 2078. 2!12. 2!57.
Hydrology. Springs. 1488. 1489. 1493b. 1755.
Ores. Petroleum. 82. 427. 427a. 697. !liSa. 1568. 1674. 1674a. 1707a. 1707b.
Palaeogeography. 2015.
Palaeontology. General. 247a. 248. 249. 522a. 666. 669. 670. 741. 826. 982. 994.
1163. 1165. !262. 1370a. 1372a. 1541. 1555. 1568. 1616. 1708. 1762. 1882.
1883.2022. 2033. 2209. 2238a. 2394. 2396. 2397. 2402. 2405. 2414. 2419. 242().
Palaeontology. foraminifera. 384a. 631. 653. 654. 657. 744. 1055. !265. 1266.
1267a 2268. 2282. 2283. 2285. 2286. 2288.
Palaeontology. Corals. 770. 2233. 2356. 2357.
Palaeontology. Echinoids. 256. 257. 1087. 1088. 1089.
Palaeontology. Rudists. 740. 2177. 2178. 2374. 2375. 2423.
J"llf Petrology. 1129.
f~'~'''/ I
Soils. 1061. ;,;
MARGARITA. 17. 17a. 685. 1580. ijjill-. 20!1. l3t1t
MARIE GALANTE. 285. 289. 466. 693. f
MARTINI QUE. General. 77. 226a. 279. 280. 281. 282. 286. 289. 693. 912. 937. 942. 1351.
1361. 1426a. 1454b. 1622. 1623. 1625. 1628. 1627. 1628. 1628a. 1633. 1634.
2008. 2059.
Bibliography. 363. 1351.
Earthquakes. 76. 145. 171. ISO. 194. 200. 209. 220. 222. 391. 1631. 1635. 1636.
1645. 1646. 1648. 1650. 1652. 1653. 1655. )656. 1709. 1768a. 1848. 1861.
Eruption 1851. 1250. 1351. 1403. 1404. 1405. 1406. 1540.
Eruption 1902-1904. 21. 56. 56a. 57. 58. 58b. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 117. 118. 119.
120. !21. 122. 124. !25. 126. 128. 129. 130. 136. 142. 145. 146. 150. 151. 152.
154. 251. 252a. 258. 297. 313. 339. 372. 378. 437. 512. 517. 525. 526. 533. 564.
565. 620. 628. 629. 630. 661. 701. 703. 704. 704a. 707. 727. 732. 763. 764. 768.
822. 858. 859. 860a. 862. 866. 867. 868. 878. 896. 916. 916a. 918. 921. 926.
927. 934. 938. 939. 940. 941. 974. 1054. 1096. 1099. 1100.1101. 1102. !103.
1104. 1105. 1106. 1106a. 1107. 1107a. 1108. 1109. 1111. 1112. 1127. 1144.
1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1157. 1169. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. 1185a. 1186.
1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1197. 1199. 1201. 1203. 1206.
1208. 1209. 1211. 1212. 1242. 1244. 1246. 1247 !248a. 1249. 1251. 1253. 1259a.
1280. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1292. 1293. 1309. 1321. 1329. 1332. 1333: 1334. 1336.

1337. 1339. 1340. 1343. 1347. 1349. 1350. 1351. 1353. 1358. 1359. 1360a. 1361.
1363a. 1365. 1375. 1380. 1381. 1382. 1383. 1384. 1424. 1450. 1451. 1458. 1557.
1577. 1578. 1578a. 1582. 1583. 1584. 1590. 1591. 167la. 1677. 1693. 1694.
1710. 1723. 1736. 1740. 1741. 1863. 1867. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.
1942. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1984. 1985. 1986. 1990. 1994. 2005a. 2025. 2075c.
2085. 2099. 2100.2109. 2126. 2149. 2150. 2166. 2198. 2304.2311. 2311a. 2312.
2313. 2314. 2333. 2346. 2347. 2350. 2379. 2391.
Eruption 1929-1931. 7. 225. 229. 232. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 264a. 264b.
264c. 879. 1742. 1743. 1744. 1835. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. 1914.
Mineralogy. 1335. 1338. 1344. 1346. 1346a. 1354. 1355. 1356. 1357.
Palaeontology. 572. 632. 750. 751. 1399. 1400.
Petroleum. 280. 342a. 362. 1263.
Petrology. 370. 728. 729. 754. 968. 969. 1154. 1324. 1325. 1326. 1327. 1328. 1330.
1331. 1345. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1360. 1362. 1558. 1966. 2376.
Springs. 377. 1920.
.,Various". 381. 501. 705. 780. 781. 844. 1097. 1322. 1374. 1389. 1603. 1641.
1692. 1750. 1753. 1754. 1820.
MINERALOGY. (Incomplete;- see e.g. ,Mineralogy" under the headingS of the different
islands). 74. 386a. 386b. 431a. 472.715.832.917. 1084.1118.1128.1156. 1180a.
1225. 1240. 1244a. 1299. 1330. 1331. 1335. 1344. 1346. 1346a. 1351. 1354. 1355.
1356. 1357. 1431. 1498. 1756. 1802. 1932. 1956a. 1966a. 1981. 2001. 2002.
2003. 2004. 2023a. 2148. 2197.
MINING. 18. 19. 20. 82. 87. 88. 100. 101. 105. 108. 193. 214. 223. 239. 240. 427. 448. 465.
496. 497. 498. 499. 552. 556. 561. 562. 563a. 739. 911. 1320. 1387a. 1387b.
1420a. 1581. 1605a. 1666. 1704. 1705. 1780. 1919. 1983. 2016a. 2334. 2384. 2425.
MONA. 393. 1223. 1319. 1602. 2004. 2133. 2433.
Los MONGES. 2001.
MONTSERRAT. 234. 235. 238. 693. 710. 1050. 1058. 1401a. 1686. 1454a. 1454b. 1744a.
· 1781a. 1937. 2332. 2340. 2342.
NAVASSA. 913. 914. 1241. 1829.
NEVIS. 435. 693. 710. 797. 1938. 2027. 2340. 2343.
ORCHILA. 221. 1894. 2011.
ORES. General. 2. 17a. 35. 36. 41. 82. 111. 233. 267.342.424. 427a. 441a. 548b. 548d. 548e.
688. 696a. 697. 735. 800a. 834. 904. 905. 908. 909. 910. 920. 1051. 1052.
1084a. 1093. 1094. 1114a. 1138. 1287. 1386. 1435. 1436. 1443. 148la. 1550.
1550b. 1611a. 1674. 1674a. 1680. 1707a. 1707b. 1808. 1808a. 1808b. 1832.
1952. 1967. 1982. 1983. 2014. 2031. 2104. 2105. 2106a. 2232. 2298. 2421.
Chrome. 47. 49. 340. 372. 432. 434. 434b. 2024. 2106.
Copper. 37. 38. 48a. 86. 87. 88. 161. 239. 240. 380. 514. 515. 527. 528. 557. 558.
736. 737. 817b. 907. 1113. 1115a. 1244a. 1446. 1447. 1587. 1599. 1600. 1797.
1862a. 2070. 2128. 2129. 2153. 2228. 2228a. 2235. 2303a. 2344a. 2363.
Gold and Platina. 23. 24. 182. 475. 583. 903. 906. 917. 1014. 1038. 1310. 1391.
1833. 1865. 1866. 2302. 2363.
Iron. 159a. 159b. 161. 174.392. 403. 492. 495. 509. 510. 529.530. 549. 584. 585.
624. 625. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 972a. 1080. 1091. 1092. 1281. 1282. 1283.
1284. 1294. 1295. 1296. 1297. 1320. 1396. 1397. 1398. 1418. 1420. 1551. 1552.
1851. 1866. 1973. 2016. 2029 2030. 2034. 2037. 2038. 2039. 2040. 2041. 2042.
2322. 2344. 2351. 2352. 2353. 2379a. 2387a. 2403a. 2404. 2404a.
Manganese. 432. 433. 434a. 447. 507a. 1056. 1064a. 1550a. 1682. 2035. 2036.
' 2429.
P-ALAEOBOTANY. (Incomplete for Lithotamnium sp.). 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 332. 333.
334. 335. 397. 398. 401. 830a. 831. 881a. 897. 1172. 1173. 1174. 1175. 1176.
1217. 1218. 1392a. 1392b. 1399. 1402. 1479. 1483. 1530. 1599. 1678. 1679.
1849a. 1849b. 1965a. 2082a. 2083. 2092. 2226. 2227a. 2227b. 2320. 2335. 2395.
PALAEOGEOGRAPHY. 3. 10. 11. 12. 28. 269. 270. 274. 275. 276. 312. 326. 327. 336. 354.
355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 454. 473. 474. 487. 488. 540. 725. 837.
838a. 899. 922. 923. 925. 961. 962. 987. 1238a. 1301. 1502. 1504. 1506. 1508.
1509. 1763. 1885a. 1899. 1901. 1954. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1995. 2015.
2023.2043. 2044. 2046. 2047. 2048. 2051. 2052. 2053. 2061. 2062. 2068. 2069.
2074. 2077. 2087. 2107. 2221. 2222. 2234. 2254b. 2255. 2260. 2273. 2293a.
2381. 2382. 2411. 2418.
PALAEONTOLOGY. General (Chiefly Mollusca). 415. 483. 513. 522a. 760. 772. 774. 825.
826. 884. 889. 892. 961. 976. 979. 980. 981. 985. 986. 991. 994. 995. 996.
997. 998. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. 1020. 1026. 1029. 1031. 1032. 1066. 1093.
1095. 1162. 1222. 1393. 1394. 1410. 1417. 1475. 1494. 1497. 1511. 1513. 1514.
1520. 1550. 1559. 1586. 1593. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1722. 1727. 1788. 1794.? 1796.
1885a. 1908. 1926a. 1929. 1932. 1952. 1979. 1993. 2057.2118. 2122. 2147.2201.

2202. 2204. 2205. 2206. 2207. 2208. 2209. 2216. 2217. 2219.1 2229. 223!a.
223lb. 2266 2269. 2271. 2298. 2306. 2336. 2362. 2421.
ForaminileraJz78a. 320. 321 .322. 323. 323a. 384a. 385. 502. 631. 632. 633. 634.
635. 635a. t3Sb. 636. 637. 638. 638a. 639. 640. 640a. 641. 642. 643. 643a. 644.
645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 741.
742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 750. 751. 815. 925a. 950. 955. 9~77 978. 992. 1 /_, U
993. 1003. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1010. 1011. 11013. 1017. 1021. 1025. 040. 1055. £-yu
1152. 1153. 1166. 1171. 1254. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1267a. 1271. 130 . 1304. 1305.
1315. 1318. !367a. 1400. 1439. 1454. 1498. 1689. 1695. 1713. -1715. 1716. --,
1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1724. 1794. 1795. 1890. 1891. 1905. 1907. 1909. 2017.
2141. 2142. 2143. 2146. 2172. 2173. 2174. 2175. 2176. 2177. 2213. 2268. 2270.
2272. 2277. 2279. 2280. 2281. 2282. 2283. 2284. 2285. 2286. 2287. 2288. 2291.
2292. 2293. 2294. 2295. 2295a. 2296. 2297. 2326. 2345. 2406. . /
Radiolaria. 438.439.807.808.809.810. 11003. 11005. 1006. 11013. 1041. ll34ai
Spongia et Coelenterata. 570. 756. 757. 759. 760. 761. 762. 770. 771. 772. 773.
774. 775. 924. 963. 989. 1273. 1275. 1428. 1472. 1498. 1781. 1933. 2055. 2060.
2ll8. 2151. 2215. 2233. 2236. 2238a. 2259. 2290. 2291. 2292. 2299. 2300. 2355.
235~- 2357. 2358.
~chinoderrnata.256.257. 295.296.325.485.567.573.574.575.576.577.578.579.
580. 581. 582. 957. 958. 959. 984. 1002. 1009. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. ll20.
1245. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1370a. 1371. 1372. !372a.
1372b. 1373. 1554. 1555. 1556. 1599. 1794. 1927. 1928;1931. 2071. 2210. 2267.
Bryozoa. 451. 452. 453. 454.
Brachiopoda. 619a. 696. 983. 1009. 1388. 2150d.
Land- and Freshwater-Larnellibranchiata and -Gastropoda. 293. 417. 519. 545.
671. 672. 1023. 2015.
Rudistida. 365. 382. 400. 740. 748. 749. 1067. 1164. 1452. 1453. 1454. 1475.
1121. 1884. 1885. 1906. 1929. 2144. 2145.L2178. 2192. 2202. 2204. 2205. 2305.
2374. 2375. 2423.
Marine Larnellibranchiata (without Rudistida) and Gastropoda; Scaphopoda.
379.416. 519a. 536.538.539.572.663.664.665.666.668.669.670.864. 864a.
885 ..890. 891. 951.982. 989. 1000. 11015. 1019. 1036. 1037. 1124. 1163. ll65.
1214. 1221. 1268. 1273. 1275. 1315. 1432. 1467. 1471. 1517. 1518. 1521. 1541.
1585. 1672. 1761. 1762. 1764. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1810. 1837. 1838. 1865a. 1882.
1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1933. 1957. l957a. 1958. 1970. 1974.
2000. 2022. 2028. 2032. 2055. 2203. 2210. 2211. 2213. 2214. 22!5. 2348a.
2392. 2393. 2394. 2405. 2409. 2412. 2412a. 2413. 2414. 2416. 2419.
Cephalopoda. 421. 1412. 1563. 1564. 1672. 1696. 1698. 1699. 1700. 1926. 2033.
2182. 2190. 2200a. .
Crustacea. 1006. 1025. l578e. 1765. 1803. 1804. 1805. 2094. 2118. 2214. 2396.
2397. 2398. 2399. 24·oo. 24oi. 2402. 2422. ·
Insecta. 352.
Pisces. 440. 479. 480. 480a. 481. 523. 887. 964. 965. 1001. 1237. 1262. 1407. 1471.
1538. 1798. 1925. 2189. 2373.
Reptilia. 276. 545. 1275. 1395.
Aves.545. 2365.2366.2367.2388.2369. 2369a. 2369b. 2369c. 2370. 2371a. 237lb
237lc. 237ld.
Mammalia. 28. 29. 30. 31. 33. 34. 50a. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248.
249. 250. 473. 474. 477. 478. 487. 488. 503. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 804a.
1178. 1387. 1395. 1464. 1503. 1505. 1507. 1507a. 1508. 1509. 1510. 1566. 1567.
1568. 1569. 1570. 1571. 1572. 1573. 1574. 1575. 1576. 1702. 1708. 1751. 1773.
1775. 1778. 1955. 1956. 1975. 2068. 2069. 2181. 2184. 2187. 2188. 2191. 2193.
2194. 2195. 2224. 2225. 2237 ..
Bibliography. 1896. 1930. .
PETR()LEU.M AND ASPHALT. (For g~ographic arrangen;tent see . different islands) .
. 17a. 18. 25. 45. 46. 51. 53. 54. 76a. 84. 89. 101. 107. 133. 134. 135. 148. 149.
160. 165. 166a. 175. 176. 192. 193. 196. 197. 213. 223. 253. 254. 255. 265.271.
280.285.304.305. 342a. 362.376.404.405.400.407.408.409.410.411.412.
413. 414. 443. 444. 445. 456. 457. 459. 462. 468. 494. 496. 498. 504. 505. 559.
580. 587. 590.· 591. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 599. 600. 602. 603. 606. 607. 608.
609. 610. 611. 614. 615. 616. 623. 674. 709. 725a. 733. 755. 777. 778. 816.
817a. 835. 886. 902. 904. 909; 910. 911. 933. 943. 945. 947. 948. 949. 952.
953. 953a. 956. 975. 1018. 1022. 1043. 1079. 1083. 1093. 1094. IllS. IllS. ll67.
1177. 1206a. 1239. 1240. 1240a. 1263. 1300. 1318. 1366. 1376. 1386. 1394.
1410. 1411. 1417: 1433. 1434. 1439a. 1461. 1462 .. 1465. 1466. 1469. 1470.

1482. 1492. 1542. 1543. 1543a. 1561..1562. 1579. 1580. 1589. 16)1a. .166lb.
1663. 1664. 1667. 1670. 1681. 1685. 1704.1705. 1706.!706a. 1725. 1728. 1730.
1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1760. 1801. 1814. 1822. 1827. 1839. IS40. 1841. 1842.
1843. 1844.1845. 1850a. 1853. 1855. 1878. 1879, 1880. 1881. 1911. 1919. 1987.
2013. 2018. 2021. 2084. 2093. 2130. 2154. 2155. 2156. 2199. 2200. 2227. 2238.
2298.2331.2336.2337. 2345. 2345a. 2378. 2383. 2386. 2387. 24Q7. 2421. 2424,
PETROLOGY. 121. 298. 314. 449a. 506. 602. 605. 718. 719. 728. 729. 754. 796. 839. 840.
841. 860. 861. 942. 968. 969. 1129. 1154. 1168. 1222. 1299. 1323. 1324. 1325.
1326. 1327. 1328. 1331. 1335. 1338. 1343. 1345.. 1351. 1352. 1360. 1361. 1362.
1363. 1454, 1497. 1499. 1500. 1550. 1552. 1586. 1593. 1595. 1598. 1599. 1601.
1671a. 1789. 1790. 1794. 1797a. 1799a. 1808c. 1808d. 1862. 1890. 1893. 1894.
1900. 1908. 1932. 1952. 1966. 1979. 1980. 1993. 2010. 2011. 2091. 2118.
2122. 2147. 2179. 2217. 2218. 2242. 2275. 2278. 2298. 2306. 2307. 2308.
2309. 2362. 2364. 2421. 2426. . . .
PHOSPHATES. 5. 85. 168. 189. 500. 524. 687. 688. 706. 785. 913. 914. 928. 929. 932. 970.
971. 972. 1084. 1156. 1227. 1241. 1261. 1276, 1277. 1319. 1426. 1471. 1475.
1553. 1596. 1661a. 1868. 1683. 1738. 1756. 1757. 17S4. 1802. 1829.1849.1933.
2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2072. 2073. 2079. 2081.2082. 2102. 2103. 2131. 2136.
2140. 2232. 2363. .
PUERTO RICO. General. 315. 396. 399.400. 520. 548c. 688.731.833. 840 .. 1137. 1140. 1142.
1160. 1161. 1162. 1219. 1220. 1222. 1421. 1422. 1423. 1517. 1524. 1546. 1547.
1548. 1549. 1550. 1551a. 1552. .1585. 1586. 1808c. 1808d. 1818. 1991. 1992.
1993. 2009. 2164. 2165. 2269.
Bibliography. 114. 482. 484. 898. 1550. 1735.
Earthquakes. 2. 92. 93. 153. 184. 188. 195. 252. 450. 548. 1768a. 1823. 1824.
Lignite. Ores. Petroleum. 24. 74. Ill. 233. 402. 527. 528. 529. 530. S48b. 548d.
548e. 735. SOOa. 811. 812. 839. 841. 842. 843. 1052. 1064a. 1114a. 1138. 1281.
1435. 1436. 1550a. 1550b. 1551. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1808a. 1808b. 1814. 1832 .
.2232. 2384.
Palaeobotany. 1174. 1175. 1176. .
Palaeontology. General. 570 .. 1124. 1221. 1518. 1798. 1816. 1817. 2259. 2409.
Palaeontology. Mammals. 33. 34. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 250. 1505. 1507.
Palaeontology. Birds. 2366. 2367. 2368. 2369a. 2369c. 2371d,
Solis. Guano. 613. 662. 738. 929. 930. 931. 932. 1425. 2163. 2323. 2432 .
.. Various". 27. 306. 316. 317. 318. 319. 394. 395. 547. 730. 845. 846. 1143. 1392.
1819. 2372. 2388. 2389. 2390.
REDONDA. 687. 693. 1156. 1661a. 2002. 2079. 2136. 2140.
ROQUES. 677a. 1894. 2011.
SABA. 7. 115. 237( ?). 308. 366. 693. 706. 783. 1085. 1201. 1324. 1325. 1441. 1594. 1598.
1896. 1940.
SAINT BARTHOLOMEW. 520.534.577.578.631.632.634.693.696.774. 1217. 1440. 1803.
1888. 2057. 2238. 2249. 2284. 2288.
SAINT CROIX. 293. 361. 364a. 364b. 520. 536. 634. 693. 762. 801. 1214. 1545. 1796. 2161.
2162. 2249. 2264. 2269. 2365. 2369b. 2371a.
SAINT EUSTATIUS. 366. 693. 783. 784. 1085. 1202. 1593. 1597. 1598. 1896. 1940.
SAINT KITTS. 26. 235. 238. 386. 435. 693. 780. 797. 800. 832. 1202. 1279. 1938. 2058. 2211.
2212. 2340. 2284. . .
SAINT LUCIA. 76. 102. 104. 467. 673. 693. 791. 1204. 1388. 1464. 1637. 1936. 2059.
SAINT MARTIN. 7. 366. 520. 631. 783. 863. 1056. 1085. 1595, 1598. 1896. 1975. 2057. 2249.
(The) SAINTS. 285. 289. 693. . .
SAINT VINCENT. General. 52. 61. 132.689. 693. 792.861.879. 1207. 1209. 1210. 1211. 1212.
1216. 1692. 1834. 1852. 1935. 1996. 2005.
Earthquakes. 102. 104. 123. 143.
Eruption 1812. 73. 1229. 1621. .
Eruption 1902 (-1904). 21. 56. 56a. 57. 58. 58a. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 117.122. 124 .
.125. 126 127. 139. 141. 145. 147. 152. 313. 371. 446. 458. 546.. 564. 565. 628.
629. 630. 661. 701. 704a. 727. 728. 729. 860. 860a. 861. 916a. 1090. 1101. 1102.
1169. 118). 1182. 1183. 1185. 1187. 1190. 1191.. 1194. 1197. 1199a. 1200. 1202.
1209. 1210. 1226. 1242. 1247. 1248. 1280. 1298. 1309. 1342. 1348. 1380. 1424.
145.0. 1451. 1456. 1458. 1577. 1578. 1578a. 1671a.. 1782. 1828. 1871. 1872.
1875. 1935. 1943. 1944. 1946. 1947. 2025. 2026. 2059, 2099. 2109. 2132. 2166.
Solis. 1064. 2138.

SOILS. I65. 310.311. 341. 469. 589.612. 613.622.724.738.929.930. 931. I057. 1058. 1059.
1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1071a. 1279. 1425. 1448. 1898a. 1915. 2137. 2138.
2139. 2161. 2162. 2163. 2341. 2342. 2343.
SOMBRERO. 5. 85. 500. 520. 693. 1084. 1275. 1395. 1668. 1683 .. 1756. 1829. 1933. 2057.
SULPHUR. 115. 706. 714. 1441. I594. 1598.
SWAN. 1439.
TESTIGOS. 1438. 1894. 2011.
TOBAGO. 602. 685. 804. 1019. 1049. 1060. 2019. 2111. 2214.
TORTUGA. 2011.
TRINIDAD. General. 110. 174. 383. 444. 456. 492. 504. 566. 592. 593. 595. 598 .. 599. 600.
601. 604. 605. 616. 710. 816. 816a. 817. 946. 960. 976. 980. 985. 998. 1003.
1004. 1008. 1010. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1018. 1022. 1026. 1027. 1032. 1034. 1050a.
1236. 1240. 1240a. 1254. 1269. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318. 1394. 1417. 1519.
1522. 1523. 1527. 1613a. 1726. 1727. 1786a. 2060. 2101. 2171.2173. 2207.2329.
2330. 2331. 2331a. 2336.
Coal. Lignite. 131. 165. 442. 443. 493. 588. 623. 871. 999. 1014.
Earth_quakes. 54. 104. 200. 201. 222. 231. 234. 988. 1460.
Mud Volcanoes, recent and fossil. 53. 175. 176. 253. 265. 305. 376. 1269. 1469.
2345. 2386. 2387.
Palaeobotany. 330. 332. 333. 334. 397. 398. 621. 1218.
Palaeogeography. 357. 2023.
Palaeontology. General. 325. 352. 382. 825. 963. 979. 981. 983. 984. 985. 986.
991. 996. 1001. 1009. 1015. 1016. 1020. 1023. 1025. 1029. 1031. 1036. 1066.
1178. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1407. 1803. 1955. 1956. 1957. 2151. 2215. 2300.
Palaeontology. Foraminifera. 635. 635b. 635c. 635d. 638. 637. 839. 640. 641.
642. 643. 643a. 650. 651. 652. 655. 656. 658. 659. 741. 742. 743. 925a. 977.
978. 992. 993. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1011. 1017. 1021.1166. 1171. 1267. 1689.
1834. 1885. 1866. 1887. 1888. 1889. 2141. 2172. 2174. 2175. 2176. 2295a. 2422.
Palaeontology. Mollusca. 666. 1000. 1015. 1067. 1164. 1467. 1511. 1512. 1520.
1521. 1563 .. 1564. 1672. 2023. 2177. 2178. 2348a. 2392. 2393. 2394. 2416.
· Petroleum. Asphalt (with exception of Pitch Lake). 84. 133. 134. 135. 148. 149.
160. 165. 166a. 445. 457. 459. 461. 494. 587. 590. 591. 594. 596. 597. 600. 603.
606. 607. 608. 611. 623. 733. 777. 778. 817a. 902. 948. 949. 952. 953. 953a.
956. 1043. 1115. 1167. 1239. 1433. 1434. 1439a. 1461. 1543. 1543a. 1561. 1562.
1733. 1734. 1760. 1768a. 1801. 1827. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1878. 1879.
1880. 1881. 1987. 2017. 2084. 2154. 2155. 2156. 2200. 2337.
Pitch Lake. 25. 51. 79. 89. 271. 614. 615. 709. 975. 1083. 1376. 1466. 1470. 166!b.
1663. 1664. 1667. 1685. 1728. 1731. 1732. 1853. 1855. 2199. 2345a.
Soils. 589. 1448.. . . · ·
,Various". 462. 685. 835. 900. 1024. 1049. 1291. 1392. 1465. 1725. 2019. 2316.
VIE QUES. 520. 1545. 2264. 2269.
VIRGIN ISLANDS. (See also SAINT CROIX). General. 384a. 364b. 520. 796. 1168. 1179.
1180. 1285. I302. 1545. 1546. 1547. 1988. 1969. 2125. 2251. 2252. 2261. 2264.
Bibliography. 114. 1286.
Earthquakes. 95. I53. 163. 723. 1385. 1711. 1806. 1807. 1826. 1854. 1869.
Palaeogeography. 354. 801.
Palaeontology. 761. 762. 1569. 2249. 2365. 2369b. 2369c. 2371a.
,Various". 699.
VOLCANISM, RECENT AND PLISTOCENE. (See also: Martinique: Eruptions 1851. 1902-
. 1905, 1929-I931. Saint Vincent: Eruptions 1812, 1902-1903). 50. 52. 94.!.430. 676.677.682.683.684.689.705.713.
721.765. 766. 767. 879. 680. 912. 1170. 1191. 1195. 1198. 1198a. 1201. 1202.
1204. 1205. 1212. 1213. 1341. 1400a. 1408. 1413a. 1414. 1454b. 1592. 1598.
1604. 1654. 1676. 1686. 1692. 1944a. 1944b. 1945. 1946. 1947, !996. 2005.
2063. 2064. 2086. 2328. 2339. 2403.
WEST INDIES. General. 270. 289. 292. 430. 521. 522. 531. 548. 568. 667. 675. 691.692.693.
· 694. 772. 794. 798. 827. 1126a. 1126b. 1130.1131. 1132. 1142.1158. 1159. 1459.
1-595. 1599. 1629. 1640. 1815. 1890. 1892. 1902. 1903. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979.
1988.2006.2012.2028a.2064.2075.2075a.2075b.2088. 2089.2090.2108.2112.
2115. 2116. 2117. 2119. 2120. 2158. 2237a. 2243. 2254.2256.2257.2260.2263.
2265. 2266. 2267. 2272. 2274. 2275. 2276. 2278. 2289. 2330a. 2380. 2417.2418.
Earthquakes. 75. 80. 94. 206. 364. 453. 702. 722. 829. 853. 870. 881. 1098. !098a.
1170. 1378. 1578b. 1604. 1605. 1632. 1639. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1647. I849. 1651.
1657. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1799a. 1856. ·1668. 2114.'

Geophysics. 384. 853. ·1098. 1125. 1449. 1531. 1532. 1534. 1535. 1535a. 1535b
!535c. 2431.
Palaeobotany. 1173. 1525.
Palaeogeography. 9. II. 28. 274. 275. 326. 331. 355. 356. 358. 359. 540. 725. 922.
923. 924a. 925. 958. 961. 962. 987. 1028. 1030. 1135. 1230. 1238a. 1284. 1301.
1508. 1509. 1885a. 1899. 1901. 1904. 1995. 2015. 2043. 2044. 2046. 2047. 2048.
2051. 2052. 2053. 2061. 2062. 2066. 2074. 2077. 2087. 2107. 2127. 2221. 2222.
2234. 2251. 2252. 2254b. 2255. 2273. 2293a. 2341a. 2377. 2381. 2382. 2412.
Palaeontology. 451. 534. 576. 640. 663. 664. 665. 668. 747. 771. 772. 885. 892.
950. 995. 1002. 1037. 1245. 1554. 1556. 1690. 1885a. 2000. 2260. 2271. 2281.
Solis. 1059.
Volcanic Antilles. 61. 520. 912. 915. 1110. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1170. 1213. 1351.
1383. 1604. 1944a. 1944b. 1945. 2063. 2403.
,Various". 507. 698. 717. 776. 779. 1850.

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