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Name: Rhommel Castillo


Write a brief story (you can decide the topic) in which you use MAIN and
SUBORDINATE CLAUSES. Underline each part in which you are using them. Then,
explain the difference between Main and Subordinate clauses. You can add
information from other reliable sources to support your points. Length: Story (200
– 250 words). Difference between clauses (100-150 words)

Once there was a forest in which lived a wolf, a wolf wolverine. In that forest, lived many
animals, and were always alert when the wolf went to hide. The wolf is coming! the
squirrel screamed from the top of a tree, and all the other animals ran to hide

I had not eaten for a while, and the wolf was furious. He went to the door of the house of
the little pigs and decided to stand guard until they had to leave.

- Mr. Hunter, Mr. Hunter, we come to ask for your help.

- What happens?

- The wolf is in the door of the piggies house and will stay there until he eats them. He
cannot do that, they are our friends and we like to play with them.

- I'm going there, said the hunter.

The hunter came to where the wolf was.

- Why do you want to eat the little pigs? They are your friends. The hunter told the wolf.

- I'm really hungry, the wolf replied.

- And why do not you eat something else?

- Another thing? What else can I eat?

- You can eat fruits and vegetables. Come, look.

- Mmm, this is delicious.

- All these are vegetables: potatoes, carrots, peppers, zucchini, eggplant ... the hunter
taught him.

The wolf loved all that new kind of food. The hunter spoke with the piglets to teach him
how to grow it and they became friends again. The wolf stopped being a danger to the
other animals of the forest and they returned to play together all those fun games that
we like so much. And they set up a lovely garden among all!

The difference between the subordinate and the main clauses is the first one is a single
clause on its own can also will give a name like a sentence and another clauses don’t
Name: Rhommel Castillo
function as sentences on their own, generally they have the functionality as part of larger

Normally to express the subordinator clauses we need to use the subordinators like:
although, because, since, while, before, wherever, if, unless, as, whereas.

Explain in your own words the types of Finite and Non-finite clauses

Finite and non-finite clauses:

When we talk about finite clauses we talk about clauses that contain a verb which shows
tense, and non-finite clauses doesn’t show tense, it generally is expressed in subordinate
clauses and we understand the time referred in the context. Generally we use non-finite
clauses with after, although, though, before and if.

Before we explain the meaning of each one, we started to write with one sentence.

I talked with my mom.

I write a book

We explain the time and after we give the explanation of each sentence and why is the
reason that we call finite clauses. That was so easy.

Students can write example and give what time they are writing and underline the main

After of this we can write examples and give it to the students:

After working in Miami, I worked in Florida

You have to read the book before selling it.

You need to explain that these sentences are not explaining tense, and they are

We can refer to the Finite Clauses as the sentences which have the verb conjugated depending
on the Person or Tense as well. For example, She likes the Ice cream. The verb is conjugated
according to the singular person (SHE) so the verb follows the singular rule to add an +S for the
third person in singular. On the other hand, Non-Finite Clauses have no conjugated verbs and
this opens to different forms to use the verb, such as the base form that is used to give
instructions. For saying, Make your bed, Clean the floor, Don’t run and so forth. Although, it can
be used with gerund (the –ing form). For instance, Doing your best will bring good results. There
is no specific Subject to perform the action. To sum up, Finite and Non-Finite Clauses are
different specifically in the Subject performing the action. In the finite Clauses the verb is always
conjugated by the subject describing whether it is singular or plural and the Tense identifying
when it happened. And the Non-Finite Clauses never conjugate the verbs or use a subject, do to
this, the verb can be used in infinite form or gerund form, depending on what the sentence
wants to express.
Name: Rhommel Castillo

Write 3 examples of gender and 3 of number. Then, explain each example using
your own understanding and supporting your points with other


Number is undoubtedly a category of English grammar that is related to noun, pronouns and
adjectives. The numbers are singular and plural. examples like: cat, cats, or me, them. They are
clear examples of numbers.

I have 3 cats. He has a cat

I live in Quito. They live in Quito

Juan eats a mouse. Juan eats mice.


With regard to gender, there are many cases in English where the gender is not as for example:
dog. It is the same for female or male. But cases like people: boy, girl, man, wife, husband and
wife. (ESGOLD, 2018)

ESGOLD. (2018). Obtenido de

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