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1. Read the sentences. Writes the words for the jobs.

- A person who wins races and prices.

- A person who goes on an expedition.

- A person who writes stories.

- A person who invents things.

- A person who scores goals.

- A person who is in films.

- A person who wants to be president.

- A person who works on a theatre or on a film.

- A person who makes a scientific discovery.

2. Match the verbs with the subjects.

1. win a. an exam

2. pass b. on an expedition

3. do c. a scientific discovery

4. go d. a novel

5. write e. voluntary work

6. make f. a prize

7.score g. something

8. invent h. a goal

3. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

- My sister never gives me any money. She isn’t generous. She is ________.

- Peter isn’t shy. He likes meeting and talking to people. He is very ________.

- Alice always does her homework and helps her mum. She is ________.

- Josh is talking all the time. He is not ________.

- Alice never gets nervous. She is never ________.

- Pam gets up late and doesn’t work hard. She’s ________.

- Bill isn’t generous. He doesn’t think about other people. He’s very ________.
4. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE.

a. Peter and Mary __________________ (often / play) volleyball on Saturdays.

b. Marie __________________ (not / usually / clean) in the morning.

c. We __________________ (never / get up / early) at the weekend.

d. Where _____________ Ely _______________ (sometimes / go) on Monday?

e. My brother __________________ (hardly ever / watch) films on TV.

f. _____________ she _______________ (often / visit) Santander?

g. Alice _____________ (always / tell) the truth.

5. Complete the sentences with the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

a. Sam __________________ (bet) all her money now.

b. We __________________ (not study) French today.

c. What ________________ Peter ________________ (listen) now?

d. ________________ they __________________ (have) dinner now?

e. Why ________________ you ________________ (wear) a dress?

f. I ________________ (get) cold.

6. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the PRESENT SIMPLE


• Josh is a musician. Every day, he 1_______________ (teach) in a music school.

He 2_______________ (like) his job very much but he 3_______________ (not

work) today. Today, he 4_______________ (go) to London! He’s on holiday!

• Peter and Bob are singers. They usually 5_______________ (sing) in London,

but at the moment they 6_______________ (travel) round the country. They

_______________ (give) a tour.


• Mickey is a footballer. He 8_______________ usually _______________ (not

do) any work on Tuesdays, but this Tuesday is different. At the moment, he

_______________ (train) with his team because there is a big match tomorrow

and he _______________ (want) to be in it.


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