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Jasmine Couch

Professor Richardson

English Comp 1201

20 January 2019

Research Proposal

The topic I chose to write about was substance abuse, the reason why I chose to
write about this is, because it’s a problem with today's society. A lot of my peers have or
are going through this. A person may not be going through it personally they most likely
are close to someone who is dealing with substance abuse. Nothing personal happened
to me but I know family members and friends who do face this problem. I think by doing
research about this topic I’ll be able to look into the lives of others and be able to
understand. The research I plan on doing about this topic will hopefully answer a lot of
my questions. As an outsider who isn't going through the substance abuse I might be
able to find credible interviews that hit major key points.

I really like the topic I chose, because its a current situation that is happening and
I feel like it doesn't get talked about enough. I feel as if adults don't talk about this issue
because it can possible be their kids or anyone who they are close to. Before doing any
of my research I think substance abuse stems from mental health issues or something
that has personally affected them. Another reason why people abuse substances is
because they think that it will fix their problems which in reality is doesn't. I believe that
this topic will be very eye opening and it might be able to help someone take the first
step on getting help or be able to help someone else.

One of the things I will need to know is that stats, because I need to be able to
make sure the information I gather is correct. Some questions I plan on researching is
how does drug abuse affect society and the common signs that people show when they
are using drugs. I am excited to start my research and be able to be more educated
about this topic and hopefully be able to have all of my questions answered.

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