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Release of Special Edition of Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR)

and Symposium on Gandhi and Health@150 at ICMR Hqrs, New Delhi on

25th and 26th March, 2019

To commemorate the 150th birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi a 2 day symposium

‘Gandhi and Health@150’ was organized at ICMR Hqrs, New Delhi on 25th and 26th
March, 2019 and a special issue of IJMR on ‘Gandhi& Health@150’ was also
unveiled which was released by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 20 th March, 2019 at
Dharamshala. The collector’s edition has articles on Health File of Mahatma Gandhi,
his Medical Legacy as well as ICMR Research contribution over the years following
Gandhian principles. On this occasion, His Holiness the Dalai Lama appreciated
ancient Indian system of medicine and highlighted that Tibetan medical system also
evolved on those lines. He further added that he has been highly influenced by the
Indian virtues of non-violence and compassion and stated that Gandhiji though
studied in England and stayed for quite some time in Africa sacrificed his entire life for
the up-liftment and caring of poor and downtrodden. He remarked that Gandhiji was
the true son of India (Bharat).

While addressing the symposium, Dr Balram Bhargava, Secretary DHR and DG, ICMR
delivered a talk on ‘Gandhi and ICMR’ highlighting important aspects of Mahatma
Gandhi’s life, his virtues and philosophy and how ICMR has followed the path as
shown by Mahatma in dealing with various diseases. He underlined that Gandhian
philosophy and values of physical fitness, balance diet, sanitation, meditation, etc are
still relevant when we are facing the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.

On the occasion Dr Vinod Paul, Member, NITI Aayog, said that Mahatma Gandhi was
a quintessential naturopath and believed in nature cure adopting healthy life style and
balance diet. He said Gandhi’s principles of nutritious food being key to good health
form the ethos of the research and work undertaken both by ICMR and NITI Aayog in
the area of nutrition.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director WHO
South-East Asia said, “Mahatma Gandhi played a transformative role in taking the
message of preventive and promotive health to the masses. Just like everything else
about him, the Mahatma’s messages were couched in simplicity and yet had universal
appeal. She said, health is multi-sectorial and needs focus not just as health but also
on sanitation, water and nutrition. She added that this edition of Indian Journal of
Medical Research has been brought out at an opportune moment and will surely aid in
promoting lifestyles choices based on the principles of healthy living with a focus on
hygiene, a balanced diet and exercise expounded by Mahatma Gandhi, which remain
relevant today. If followed, these can go a long way in realising the vision of a healthy

Dr K. Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Advisor to PM, Govt of India, said that this
book will create a positive impact on the lives of all those who will read it.

Shri Raghvendra Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles and Shri Parmeshwaran Iyer,
Secretary, Ministry of Drinking water and Sanitation present on the occasion
highlighted the Govt of India’s initiative based on Gandhain philosophy particularly
the Swachh Bharat Mission, which in a long way may help in reducing various
infectious diseases.

Dr Henk Bekedam, WHO Representative to India appreciated the ICMR efforts in
elaborating the Gandhian values and virtues in the area of Health, which are so
relevant in today’s time.

There were following 5 Technical Sessions and 4 Panel Discussions during 2 day
symposium, in which eminent speakers delivered informative talks and useful
deliberations were made in the panel discussion.

Technical Discussion:

1. Insights of Mahatma : Gandhian Values & Philosophy towards a Healthy


2. Following the footsteps of Mahatma : Health, Hygiene, Nature Cure, Cleanliness

and Sanitation

3. Gandhi a Known Leader - Unknown Scientist Experiments with Diet and


4. Public Health Legacy of Gandhi / ICMR’s Research linked to Gandhian Values

and Philosophy

5. Gandhi and Mental Health - Self, Wellbeing and Consciousness

Panel Discussion

1. India’s State of Health and Gandhi

2. Swachh Bharat – The Gandhian Principle that is changing the face of India

3. Make in India- Gandhi’s Mantra for Health Innovation

4. Gandhi and International Perspectives

There was a special session on Re-invoking Gandhi - a musical exploration of

Gandhian Values by Dr Deepti Navratna, Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Culture,
Bangalore in the lawns of ICMR on 25th March, 2019. She recited many bhajans which
were so dear to Mahatma Gandhi and have significant impact on societal values. On
the occasion an exhibition was also displayed depicting Gandhian values and
practices as well as his audio clips.

Among the prominent speakers who delivered talk in various technical sessions were
Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, Founder Sulabh International, Shri Kumar Prashant,
Chairman, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Dr Anil Gupta, Founder Director, National
Innovation Foundation & Honey Bee Network, Ahmedabad, Dr Mark Lindley, Visiting
Professor, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabad, Dr Abhay Bang, Director,
SEARCH, Gadchiroli, Dr A. K. Arun, Chairman, National Gandhi Museum, Dr B. S.
Garg, Secretary, Kasturba Health Society and Dean, MGIMS, Wardha, Dr Pallava
Bagla, Science Editor, NDTV India, Shri A. Annamali, Director, National Gandhi
Museum, New Delhi, Dr Sangeetha Menon, Dean and Head, NIAS, Consciousness
Studies Programme, NIAS, Bangalore, Dr Makarand Paranjape, Director, IAAS, Shimla
and Dr Urvakhsh Mehta, NIMHANS, Bangalore.

Dr Shekhar Mande, Secretary, DSIR and DG, CSIR released the ‘Handbook on
National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research’ on 26th March,

Dr P. N. Tandon, Chairman, National Brain Research Institute, Manesar, Dr Manju

Sharma, Former Secretary DBT, Dr VM Katoch, Former Secretary DHR and DG, ICMR,
Dr Indira Chakravarthy, Shri B P Singh, Former Governor, Sikkim, Dr R. Ramanan,
Mission Director, Atal Innovation, Dr N K Ganguly, Former, DG, ICMR, Dr M K Bhan,
Former Secretary DBT, Dr Indu Bhushan, CEO, National Health Authority, Dr Sachin
Chaturvedi, DG, RIS, Officials from Embassies of Germany, South Korea, Taiwan,
European Union, etc were present during various panel discussions.

In Key note address Dr Bindeshwar Patak narrated the sanitation story of Sulabh
International following Gandhian philosophy and virtues that is changing the face of
India. Dr Bang in his talk highlighted the phenomenon of ‘Arogya Swaraj’ which
Gandhi had dreamt and how villages can be empowered for their health issues. He
further said that at the end of his life he started a nature cure clinic in a village ‘Urali
Kanchan’ near Pune to sensitize and educate villagers. Dr Paranjape emphasizing the
inextricable tie between healthy citizens and a great nation said that Gandhiji did
more than any other human being in the twentieth century to make Indians aware of
life-saving issues such as hygiene, sanitation, diet, exercise, in addition to clean air
and water as the basis of life-long good health. Gandhi also laid the foundations of the
bio-sociology and bio-politics of svaraj, or self-rule, as being based as much on a
healthy and upright citizenry as on constitutional rights and political institutions. In
addition to being the “Father of the nation,” he may quite properly also be hailed as
the father of public health and preventive medicine. Speakers also described various
experiments Gandhiji did in relation to food and balance diet so that people can
maintain good health utilizing local food. Gandhi always focused on preventive and
promotive health care instead of getting sick and get it treated.

At the outcome of the Symposium and take the message forward to masses, it has
been decided to develop a mechanism to disseminate the Gandhian teaching and
values to the schools through charts, exhibits, videos and conductance lectures in
phased manner so that student can be sensitized for healthy life style which will go
long way in reducing the burden of many diseases particularly the non-communicable
and life style diseases. The focus is also on setting Gandhi Health Club in most of the
ICMR Institutes and they may me involved to having dialogue with the community at
least once in a month so that health related information can be reached to masses for
improving health of the society and the nation.

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