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OVERVIEW Alternative Irrigation

Systems for
Arid Land Restoration
by David A. Bainbridge

Southern California
E stablishing plants in deserts can be
challenging even with supplemental
irrigation. The low relative humidity,
and easy-to-use French-style watering
cans ($25 each from Gardener’s Supply).
These have a very comfortable handle
extreme temperatures, lack of consistent and a long spout that makes filling deep
rainfall, tremendous rate of evaporation, pipes or pots easy. When possible, hoses
and high wind speeds common in desert can be used. However, dragging them
desert restorationists environments all play important and inter- through restoration sites is hard work and
related roles in water loss from desert soil can cause damage.
and plants. These factors make it critical Water trucks, water trailers, and col-
that restorationists use the most appropri- lapse-a-tanks or saddle tanks designed for
have studied tradi- ate and cost-effective means to deliver use in pickup trucks work well for trans-
water to the root zone of newly planted porting water to remote locations (Figure
plants in order to maximize survival and 1). Whenever possible, I like to use a
growth. In this paper, I discuss the pros and 3,000-gallon water truck with hoses
tional methods and cons of standard and alternative means of because with it I can perform a multitude
watering plants. This information is of tasks including irrigating plants, pres-
derived from experiences that my col- surizing irrigation systems, filling on-site
leagues and I have had using these systems tanks that feed irrigation lines, and spray
developed innovative in the desert areas of southern California irrigating with side or rear spray booms.
and from the experiences of researchers in When small tanks or a water trailer are
other countries. used, a hand transfer pump (Guzzler brand
from Bosworth Co.), a 12-volt pump, or a
ways to efficiently small gas-powered pump (model AP125
Manual Watering from Homelite) can be used to refill water
Water is heavy, awkward to handle, and containers or pressurize hoses and irriga-
quickly becomes expensive to move and tion systems. In situations where a truck
water new plantings. use in remote sites. For example, an acre- with a water tank can be positioned at an
inch of rain weighs more than 100 tons, elevation above the watering site, grav-
which is the equivalent of about 300 ity—rather than a pump—will deliver
pickup truck loads of water. water through a hose (Figure 2).
There are several conventional ways Often it is more economical to have a
to move water: 1) watering cans or jugs, 2) water storage tank on site rather than dri-
hoses, and 3) vehicles. If hand-watering is ving a water truck or hauling a water trailer
necessary, we have found that most people to the site each time. A water truck can be
can carry two three-gallon jugs (about 48 used to fill the tank periodically. We have
lbs.) more easily than carrying one five- used a variety of on-site storage tanks and
gallon jug. We prefer using the ergonomic have found that polyethylene tanks are the

Ecological Restoration, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2002 ISSN 1522-474 0

© 2002 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.


Figure 1. A water truck with animals, including coyotes, rabbits and
a motorized pump and mul- dogs, will chew the tubing and pipes even
tiple hoses stands ready to when open water is nearby, and repellents
water seedlings. Photos to keep the animals away have not
and illustrations courtesy of worked for us. Fourth, emitters are easily
David A. Bainbridge blocked with sediment, salt, and insects.
Finally, drip systems are easily vandalized
and expensive to repair. I recommend
using drip systems only in situations where
routine inspection and maintenance is
readily available.

Irrigation Systems
My colleagues and I have worked with and
tested many irrigation systems used by tra-
ditional cultures. We have also developed
several methods of our own that work well
and use much less water. Most of the irri-
gation systems we have tested are capable
of keeping plants alive on 0.25-0.5 gallons
(1-2 liters) of water per month, although
higher watering rates are desirable and
needed to improve plant survival and
growth. The most desirable amount is very
species and site specific, but increasing the
rate to two gallons per month per plant is
desirable in most cases. The more promis-
ing alternatives we have tested include
irrigation by porous hose, deep pipe,
best. Steel tanks rust and are more expen- Basin irrigation is the old standard. It watering into a tree shelter, perforated
sive. The plastic tanks cost about $1 per gal- requires planting in a hand-dug depression pipe, buried clay pot, wick, porous capsule,
lon of storage capacity. The tanks should be approximately 4 inches (10 cm) deep and and microcatchments. Below is a summary
fenced in or wired in place to keep them 20-30 inches (50-75 cm) square. Planting of our findings with each.
from being blown away by the wind and to in these depressions improves the micro-
reduce the risk of theft or vandalism. We climate for the plant and makes it less
have also found that painting the tanks likely that irrigation water and rain will Porous Hose Irrigation
with latex paint reduces algal growth in the run off and be wasted. We have used basin This method uses a vertically placed sec-
water and sun damage to the plastic. During irrigation as the control treatment for tion of porous hose to wet the soil col-
those times when rainfall is more likely, it most of our irrigation-system tests. Plants umn. The hose can be installed before or
may make sense to attach a water-harvest- in basins that received the same amount of at the planting time by drilling a hole in
ing apron to on-site storage tanks. For water as the other treatments (about 0.25 the soil to the desired depth and inserting
example, at our test installation in Anza- gallon {1 liter} per plant every two weeks) the hose. The hose can be connected to a
Borrego Desert State Park, an EPDM rub- generally have very poor survival (often 2 water bottle, a water tank, or an irrigation
ber apron was able to capture rainfall even percent) at these low application rates. system. However, only the more porous
during a 0.12-inch (3-mm) rain event. Drip systems are popular in arid areas, hoses will work at low pressure (we use a
but our experiences with them led us to fast-rate hose sold by Lee Valley). The
conclude that they are rarely suitable for pores on these leaky hoses will let water
Standard Irrigation Systems remote sites. The reasons are many. First, out even when they are simply connected
Once water is onsite, the choice of an irri- they require too much precious water to a bottle. The tighter hoses work only at
gation system becomes critical. The two (typical flow rates are 1-2 gallons {2-4 7 psi or higher pressure. Our early trials of
standard irrigation systems are basin irri- liters} per emitter per hour). Second, they vertically placed, 12-inch (30-cm) by
gation and drip irrigation, but both are of need regulated water pressure and careful 0.375-inch (1-cm) diameter porous hose
limited value in remote site irrigation. filtration to operate properly. Third, many have been very encouraging. Jennifer


Cogswell is presently conducting an
experiment comparing deep pipe, porous
hose and basin irrigation of coastal sage
scrub plants. It appears that when water
delivery through a porous hose is fairly
consistent throughout the soil column
there are excellent conditions for deep
root growth
In very windy arid areas, trees may be
susceptible to blowing over unless a good
root pattern develops. I think that a wind-
resistant root architecture could be cre-
ated by placing three porous hoses in a
triangular pattern around the planting
hole. These hoses could be left in place
until the plants are established because
the porous pipe breaks down fairly
quickly, usually within two to three years. Figure 2. A typical arid land water setup using 30-gallon drums and hoses. No pump is required,
all water delivery is gravity-fed. Drums must be securely fastened to the bed of the pickup.

Deep Pipe Irrigation

Deep pipe irrigation is a little-known but eter holes should be drilled about 2-3 it does not require pressurized, filtered
very effective method for irrigating arid inches (5.0-7.5 cm ) apart down the side of water. It also has the advantage of using
areas (Figure 3). This method uses an the pipe nearest the plant to facilitate root simple materials that can be installed and
open, vertical or near-vertical pipe to con- growth in the early stages of development. maintained by unskilled labor. Moreover,
centrate irrigation water in the deep root If shallow-rooted, container-grown plants deep pipe irrigation provides better water
zone (Mathew 1987, Bainbridge and are planted next to a deep pipe, the roots use efficiency due to reduced evaporation,
Virginia 1990). Experiments in Africa may not make contact with the wetted soil better weed control, and less runoff even
have demonstrated that a deep pipe drip unless the holes are drilled and the pipes on steep slopes. The efficiency of the sys-
irrigation system is much more efficient filled with water. If a drip emitter wets only tem multiplies the value of expensive
than surface drip or conventional surface the soil in the bottom of the pipe, the water when compared with conventional,
irrigation (Sawaf 1980). Deep pipe irriga- young seedling can be left
tion helps the plant develop a much larger high and dry.
root volume than other forms of irriga- Deep pipes may be
tion, which means that the plant is better filled with water from a
able to survive after watering is stopped. water truck, hose, or water-
Plants started with deep pipe irrigation ing can, or they can be fit-
also respond better to rare summer rains, ted with a drip emitter
perhaps because the deep tap roots and (Sawaf 1980, Bainbridge
extensive root system help maintain the and Virginia 1990). Where
near surface roots by hydraulic lift. materials and technology
Deep pipe irrigation is commonly for drip systems are avail-
done by inserting a 2-inch (5-cm) diameter able, deep pipes with drip
pipe vertically from 12-20 inches (30-50 emitters can be monitored
cm) deep into the soil near the seedling or and repaired much more
tree. The size of the pipe is often deter- readily than a buried drip
mined by the volume of water we hope to system. If a drip system is
deliver at each visit. The pipe is left open used, the pipes can be only
at both ends, but the top should be covered 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) in diam-
with 1 mm hardware cloth to keep out eter instead of the larger
lizards and other animals. (Screen fabrica- pipes needed for hand
tors can make these covers at low cost and watering (Figure 4). Figure 3. Deep pipes can be used to water single or multiple
they can be attached with silicone caulk.) Deep pipe irrigation plants. Two-inch diameter pipe is typically used, which allows
A cap can also be used but this takes more can be used in situations filling from a hose or watering can. Deep pipes are cheap and
labor. A series of 1/8-inch (3.2-mm) diam- where water quality is low— easy to use and maintain.


less-efficient surface irrigation systems. vide a steady supply of moisture to plants
Several pipes may be used for older trees. growing nearby. The water seeps out
The pipes can be collected, cleaned, and through the walls of the unglazed pot at a
reused for many years. rate that is in part determined by the
plant’s water needs.
Most standard red clay pots are suit-
Treeshelters able for irrigation once the bottom hole is
Plant shelters and plant protection can plugged. (Silicone caulk works better
help reduce plant water demand and than rubber stoppers or corks for this pur-
improve survivorship (Bainbridge 1994, pose. Simply place masking tape across
Bainbridge and MacAller 1996). Plants the hole inside the pot, turn the pot over,
with roots in moist soil can often maintain and then, using a caulking gun, fill the
a higher level of humidity inside the shel- hole with silicone caulk.) Buried clay pots
ter than plants grown in the open. This can be filled by hand or connected to a
may help reduce water demand in desert Figure 4. A deep pipe with a drip emitter. pipe network or water tank. A tight-fit-
environments where very low humidity This set-up works well in situations where ting clay or metal lid (aluminum pie tin)
and high winds are common. Shelters also the emitters can be routinely inspected and with drain holes to allow rain into the pot
protect plants from sandblast and her- maintained. should be used. Rocks should be glued to
bivory. These factors enhance survival and lightweight lids to keep lids from blowing
growth of plants in treeshelters (Bainbridge that was used to water a windbreak at Fort away (Figure 5).
1991, Bainbridge and others 1995). Irwin in the Mojave Desert. There are numerous advantages to
Watering plants inside a treeshelter is This drainage pipe can be installed using buried clay pot irrigation. First, pots
another alternative means of irrigation. easily if the proper heavy equipment is are not as sensitive to clogging as drip
Treeshelters can be inserted into the available (typically in areas where farm emitters, although they may clog over
ground around a seedling and used for drains are commonly installed). Using a time (after 3-4 seasons) and require
watering by simply pouring water into specialized plow and pipe roll installer, pipe renewal by reheating the pots. Second,
them. The amount of water can be cali- can be installed very economically in soils the system does not require a pressurized
brated by marking a filling line on the shel- that are deep, have few rocks or caliche lay- water system, which is difficult to estab-
ter. In our experience, irrigating into ers, and are not severely compacted. For lish and maintain at remote sites. Third,
treeshelters has worked very well. The long rows of plants, a tractor operator will animals are less likely to damage or clog
shelter eliminates runoff and focuses the dig a sloping ditch 12-16 inches (30-40 buried pots than aboveground drip sys-
watering on the seedling (Bainbridge 1991, cm) deep into which the horizontal pipe is tems. Fourth, by selecting lids that collect
1994). Generally speaking, the increased laid with vertical standpipes tied to posts at rainfall, any precipitation that does fall
air temperatures in the shelters have not intervals based on the slope and flow direc- can be conserved and used. Finally, buried
been a problem, although plants must be tion. The pipe is then covered with soil. pots are more robust than drip systems
hardened off before transplanting into a The vertical standpipes, which are covered because they do not rely on continuous
desert setting because simply transplanting with 1-mm hardware cloth or standard supplies of power or water to operate.
seedlings grown in a cool coastal site into metal caps, are used to put water in the The controlled water delivery from
the extreme conditions of the desert could buried pipe. These linear system are most buried clay pots provides both young
be fatal. appropriate for areas with: l) gentle slopes seedlings and planted seeds with a steady
The simplicity of this system and the of 10 degrees or less; 2) few rocks to inter- supply of water under typical desert con-
low water requirements make it worth fere with grading and planting; 3) firm, ditions, and in soils that drain quickly.
considering when budgets are limited. I compatible soils (sites with highly erosive Researchers in Pakistan used buried clay
think that combining treeshelters with sandy soils should be avoided); and 4) sites pot irrigation to establish acacia (Acacia
microcatchment basins would be a good, with easy access for water trucks. Drain spp.) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.)
minimal-cost irrigation system. pipes may also be included at the low point trees in an area with 8 inches (200 mm) of
of a microcatchment basin to move water annual precipitation (Shiek’h and Shah
more quickly into the deep soil. 1983). The trees irrigated with clay pots
Perforated Pipe Irrigation grew 20 percent taller than trees that were
Buried perforated, horizontal drainage hand-watered at the same rate. The clay
pipe was fairly successful at an initial Buried Clay Pot Irrigation pot irrigation increased survival from 65
experiment we conducted along Highway Buried clay pot irrigation is an efficient, percent to 96.5 percent. Kurian and his
86 in the Sonoran Desert. This led to a traditional system for dryland irrigation colleagues (1983) also used buried clay
very successful installation of more than a (Bainbridge 2001) that utilizes buried, pot irrigation to grow mesquite (Prosopis
half mile of buried, slotted drainage pipe unglazed clay pots filled with water to pro- spp.) seedlings. In that case, trees irrigated


with clay pots were more than three times
taller than rainwater-fed trees and 70 per-
cent taller than surface-irrigated trees.
By providing stable soil moisture
around the pot, the clay pot system may
also allow seeds in the soil bank to germi-
nate and grow. We have found that
unplanted annuals have germinated and
set seed on clay pot sites while the sur-
rounding area remained barren. Buried
clay pots have also worked well to
increase the germination of native seeds
we planted at our Travertine site in the
Sonoran Desert. This leads me to think
that seeding in combination with buried
clay pots may be a reasonable alternative
to planting container-grown plants—and
may prove to be much cheaper.
Buried clay pots also allow restora-
tionists to place both water and soil
amendments where they will benefit
seedlings rather than weeds. For example,
researchers in India found the dry weight of
weeds in crops irrigated by buried clay pots
was only 13 percent of the weight of weeds
in control plots irrigated by basin irrigation Figure 5. A tin pie plate rests on top of a buried clay pot full of water. The clay pot slowly
(Reddy and Rao 1980). Buried clay pots releases its water into the soil, irrigating the plant placed next to it or seeds sown in the soil.
are also invaluable in areas affected by A small rock is glued to the tin pie plate to keep the plate from blowing away.
salinity or where saline water is the only
water available (Mondal 1983, 1984). by hand watering. We found that wick- 0.2-0.4 teaspoons (1-2 ml) per day. I made
Buried clay pots are worth consider- irrigated mesquite survived longer and subsequent field trials with mesquite and a
ing in areas where water is expensive, grew faster than the hand-watered trans- wick system that consisted of 0.4-gallon
water supplies are limited, drainage is plants. We did not calculate the water (1.6-liter) plastic reservoirs, plastic tub-
rapid, or where salinity and alkalinity are consumption precisely, but it appeared to ing, and 0.2-inch (5-mm) cotton wicks.
a problem. They should also be used to be about 4 teaspoons (20 ml) per day. On The cotton wicks became moldy and bio-
solve problems at landscaping and reveg- the downside, animals chewed up several logical activity developed in the reser-
etation sites. of the wick irrigation systems. voirs, which probably limited water
In 1990 I installed nylon wicks fed by transfer. Nonetheless, plant survival still
a buried pipe reservoir along Highway 86 improved. Woven or braided (not
Wick Irrigation in the Sonoran Desert. Plant survival has twisted) nylon wicks that have been
Wick irrigation systems have been used in been modest—in line with earlier stud- washed with detergent will also work as
India in conjunction with buried clay pot ies—but water use is extremely low and will old, weathered nylon rope.
irrigation (Mari Gowda 1974). A hole or installation costs were also low.
series of holes is punched in the buried In a hot, dry greenhouse at the Uni-
clay pot and a porous wick is inserted in versity of California, Riverside, I set up an Porous Capsule Irrigation
the hole(s). The material wicks the water experiment to test whether a wick irriga- Porous capsule irrigation is an efficient
from the container into the soil and pro- tion system could provide enough water modern adaptation of the buried clay pot
vides a slow, steady source of moisture to for a single palo verde (Cercidium flori- irrigation method (Silva and others
encourage root development and plant dum) seedling that I had planted in a 1981a, Silva and others 1981b, Silva and
growth (Figure 6). bucket of 16-grit silica sand. I hypothe- others 1985a, Silva and others 1985b).
We tried a small field test of wick irri- sized that if wick irrigation would work in Porous capsules are made with porous,
gation on a very dry, east-facing slope at this coarse, readily drained sand it would low-fired clay in a way that makes them
the Travertine site where we compared work almost anywhere. After one month easier to tie into a piped network than tra-
mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) transplants the plant was still growing and exhibited ditional clay pots. They can also be made
irrigated with wicks and others irrigated no signs of water stress, despite using only by gluing two clay pots together. In either


Figure 6. Wick irrigation is an ancient technology for watering plants in Figure 7. Schematic of a microcatchment—another Old World tech-
arid environments. Nylon wicks work best, cotton wicks become moldy. nology. Microcatchments are simple and inexpensive to construct and
have been used to grow many crops in places such as North Africa.
Their primary drawback is that they work only when it rains. They do
not store water for extended periods of time.

method, two tubes must be run to each designed to increase runoff from rain and yield per unit surface area than larger
capsule to allow air to escape when water concentrate its laminar flow into small catchments (about 1200 yd2 {1000 m2}).
is poured in. dams or depressions (Shanan and Tadmor Microcatchments have also been used to
We have found porous capsule irriga- 1979). Rain falling into microcatchments supplement rainfall for water-stressed
tion effective, but more costly to make is effectively concentrated because it runs native vegetation. For instance, we found
and install than buried clay pots or deep down the catchment slope and is then that microcatchments improved the sur-
pipes. The capsules are not as sensitive to “stored” in the soil, where it is available to vival and growth of native transplants in
clogging as drip emitters, although they plants but protected from evaporation. the Mojave Desert (Edwards and others
may eventually clog with sediment or bac- Moreover, microcatchment areas can be 2000). Similarly, Ehrler and his colleagues
terial, fungal, or algal growth. Capsules tailored to provide optimal runoff volume (1978) found that jojoba (Simmondsia chi-
can be set up with relatively large diame- for specific plants and soil conditions. nensis) grown with microcatchments were
ter connectors, perhaps 0.372 inch (1 cm) Microcatchments are simple and larger in volume and produced more flow-
or larger, that would require less filtration inexpensive to construct and can be built ers and seeds than jojoba growing outside
and lower pressure than the small tubing with local materials and labor (cover the catchments.
used with many drip emitters. photo and Figure 7). Because they rely on The primary drawback with micro-
rainwater, they are relatively inexpensive catchments is that they work only if it
and the water has a low salt content. rains. For example, in one of our micro-
Microcatchments Therefore they increase leaching and can catchment test plots only two plants sur-
Capturing and using any rain that falls is be used to reduce soil salinity. The use of vived because it did not rain for almost 18
always desirable. Several types of systems microcatchments techniques in Arizona months. Ideally we would have watered
have been used over the past several has made saline lands that were retired the plants until the next rainfall. This is
decades—microcatchments, pitting, im- from groundwater-irrigated agriculture very easy with catchments but we did not
printing, and the use of straw bundles productive again. have the budget for it. Microcatchments
(Dixon and Simanton 1980, Bainbridge Many crops have been grown in may also be combined with other irriga-
1996, 1999, Edwards and others 2000, microcatchments, including citrus in tion systems that can keep the plants alive
Bainbridge and others 2001). Here I con- North Africa. Evenari (1975) observed and growing during the critical first
centrate on microcatchments—specially that smaller microcatchments (about 120 months. Once established, plants can usu-
contoured areas with slopes and berms yd2 {100 m2}) had higher relative water ally survive for some time without rain


and will respond rapidly following a rain Table 1. Estimated costs for a remote site, one growing season (800 plants) (varies
large enough to fill the catchment basin. widely by site, pay rate, not including transportation or water cost).
Irrigation Method Materials and Labor Water Demand Survival

Conclusions Porous hose

Deep pipe
The efficiency of irrigation systems Clay pot, lid $4.50 moderate high
depends on many factors including soil Porous capsule* $6 low high
type, plant species, plant container type Perforated drain pipe $3 moderate moderate
and preparation, soil structure and soil fer- Microcatchment $15 moderate moderate
tility, weed competition, and site micro- Drip** $2.50 moderate moderate
climate. The most appropriate system for Wick $3 very low moderate
a given site should be chosen after review- Basin $3 high very low
ing survival and growth goals and water *requires water tank, gravity pressure
availability, plant species’ water demand, **requires water tank, filters, pressure (tower or pump), risky without regular maintenance

labor skill and availability, and budget.

The cost of all of these systems is modest
compared to the total cost of installing a
plant at a remote site (Table 1). mental watering was about 2 percent. if pressurized water is available, with open
Plants generally should receive a Conventional surface irrigation provides tubing if not) or refilled periodically with
treeshelter or cage, so the minimal system little benefit over no irrigation unless the a hose or a 3-gallon (12-liter) jug.
in most cases would be the treeshelter irri- watering frequency is greater than once These alternative and little known
gation method. These can be even more every two weeks or involves large irrigation systems can dramatically increase
effective if they are installed within a amounts of water. In contrast, the deep survival and improve plant growth even
microcatchment for supplemental water pipe, perforated pipe, buried clay pot, in severe desert conditions. Supplemental
when it rains. Deep irrigation can improve porous capsule and treeshelter systems irrigation should be provided for as long as
survival and growth and both porous hose have worked well, and the porous tube possible, perhaps once every two weeks in
and deep pipe systems will typically be the system looks very promising. the first three months and then once a
first choice. The deep pipe with treeshel- Buried clay pots and porous capsules month for two summers. These effective
ter systems are inexpensive and durable may also work well for certain applications and efficient irrigation systems should also
and after plant establishment the pipes or and species that require more consistent be considered for much wider use in
treeshelters can be pulled and reused. soil moisture. Most of these systems can be restoration, landscaping and revegetation
For linear plantings the buried slotted tied into pipe networks (with drip emitters because they work well and save water.
drainage pipe irrigation systems have been
very effective. The pipe must be left in the
ground, however, and this may not be suit-
able for many restoration projects. Buried
clay pot systems can be very effective, but Alternative Irrigation Equipment and Supplies
are costly. They may be appropriate where
direct seeding is used or where seeds in the Screen disks for deep pipes
TWP Inc.
soil seed bank are expected to germinate
Porous tubes (soaker hose)
and grow. Buried clay pots with treeshel-
High rate soaker tube from Lee Valley Garden Supply
ters may provide good plant growth from (Drip Master, AquaPore, Moisture Master)
seed at a cost below container planting. French ergonomic watering can
The clay pots can also be recycled. The Gardener’s Supply
porous capsules and wick systems require Saddletanks and collapse-a-tanks
more labor for construction than other sys- Terra Tech
tems but both could probably be commer- Ben Meadows Company
cially produced at competitive costs. Basin Forestry Suppliers
and drip irrigation have limited value in General Supply Corporation
most remote locations. Transfer pumps
Hand pump: Guzzler, Bosworth Co.
Even with the best preparation and
Gas pump: Homelite, eg. AP125
planting, few seedlings will survive trans-
Battery powered irrigation timers
planting to the Sonoran or Mojave Desert A good selection at Lee Valley and Gardener’s Supply
without supplemental irrigation. In our
early trials, survival with only one supple-


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Bainbridge, D.A., R.A. Virginia and N. Soren- Reddy, S.E. and S.N. Rao. 1980. Comparative
sen. 1990. Direct seeding. San Diego, Cali- study of pitcher and surface irrigation
With many thanks to the students and staff
fornia: Systems Ecology Research Group methods on snake gourd. Indian Journal of
who made these discoveries possible. Special
for CalTrans, San Diego State University. Horticulture, Bangalore 37(1):77-81.
thanks to Tom Zink, Mike Allen, Ross Vir-
Bainbridge, D.A., M. Fidelibus and R. Mac- Sawaf, H.M. 1980. Attempts to improve the
ginia, John Rieger, Pam Beare, Chris White,
Aller. 1995. Techniques for plant establish- supplementary irrigation systems in orchards
Matthew Fidelibus, Robert MacAller, John
ment in arid ecosystems. Restoration and in some arid zones according to the root dis-
Tiszler, Debby Waldecker, Jonathon Dunn,
Management Notes 13(2):198-202. tribution patterns of fruit trees. Pp. 252-259
Jonathon Propp and Fred Edwards. Steve
Dixon, R.M. and J.R. Simanton. 1980. Land in Rainfed agriculture in the Near East and
Mitchell at University of California, Riverside
imprinting for better watershed manage- North Africa. Rome, Italy: FAO.
provided critical assistance with international
ment. Pp. 809-826 in Symposium on water- Shanan, L. and N.H. Tadmor. 1979. Micro-
literature research. The California Department
shed management. Vol. 2, July, 1980. Boise, catchment system for arid zone development.
of Transportation has provided critical support
Idaho: American Society of Civil Engineers. Jerusalem: Hebrew University.
for long-term studies.
Edwards. F.E., D.A. Bainbridge, T. Zink and Shiek’h, M.T. and B.H. Shah. 1983. Establish-
M.F. Allen. 2000. Rainfall catchments ment of vegetation with pitcher irrigation.
improve survival of container transplants Pakistan Journal of Forestry 33(2):75-81.
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