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Product Design and process Planning Notes

Product and process innovation. A product innovation is the introduction of a good or service that is new or has significantly
improved characteristics or intended uses; a process innovation refers to the implementation of a new or significantly improved
production or delivery method.

Cultivating a Robust Organization: 5 Stages of the Innovation Process

 Idea Generation and Mobilization. New ideas are created during idea generation. ...

 Advocacy and Screening. Not all ideas are worth implementing. ...

 Experimentation. ...

 Commercialization. ...

 Diffusion and Implementation.

Systematic innovation is the process of methodically analyzing and solving problems with a primary focus on identifying the
correct problem to be solved and then generating innovative solution concepts free from mental inertia. ... Therefore it is
generally believed that innovation is a gift and cannot be taught.

For this post, let's break down innovation into two dimensions: Technology and Market, which gives us the following 4 types
of innovation:

 Incremental Innovation. Incremental Innovation is the most common form of innovation. ...

 Disruptive Innovation. ...

 Architectural Innovation. ...

 Radical innovation.
The five innovation models are:

 Employee innovation

 Customer innovation

 Partner/supplier innovation

 Competitor innovation

 Public innovation.

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