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Define and Explain

Science is a discipline based on observation both applied and pure in nature that defines the
systematic approach of knowledge. It is made of methods and theories discovered my humans that
help answer the individual doubts. Much of the experimental findings are based on the principle of
science giving proof to what is in a theoretical thought and providing us a basis for a study to
further discuss an existing idea and to elaborate it further to enable detailed views on a particular
notion or principle.

Engineering as had been defined by the encyclopedia is a discipline, art and profession of
acquiring and applying technical, scientific, and mathematical knowledge to design and implement
materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that safely realize a desired
objective or invention. What we call engineering is actually a practice of what had been
theoretically noted and much to what is done in the real world as to make use of the discovered
principles of the sciences hence it is one of the disciplines known as applied science.

Economics deals with human activity, a social science that is dedicated to study the
production, consumption and flow of money within a society. This branch of science is
significant in a way as to provide the community with proper knowledge in handling funds
and the inflow and outflow of money in a firm, municipality, or commonly in the business
world. Good economics can also be observed within the household like the family budget. It
can also be observed in a small group of people who needs to produce funds for a project.
This social aspect is a necessity to keep the society aware and to avoid wealth mishandling
and economic regression.


The establishment of the demilitarized zone was agreed upon after the Korean War. This led
to the separation of society and social structure of the two areas. The Americans decided on
their own without consulting neither the British nor the Chinese who were supposed to take
part in the planning of the trusteeship placing the north under Communist Russia’s control with
the south under American control, This caused a radical transformation of each country.

North Korea became communist with political system structured like Communist Russia. The
economic structure can be characterized by state ownership of all production, command and
completely closed economic system. The economic system furthermore secluded the country.
With the government controlling everything, there is restriction in activities unpleasant to the
government with intensive punishments like torture.
The south is of republic government and embraced capitalism. South Korean society has
been changed by rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization under market
economy system. Human Rights wasn’t immediately improved after the war. There is limitaions
with the rights of the citizens. Some of which are antigovernment songs; sale, possession, or
reading of books and other publications on the government's banned list; or chanting anti-
American slogans at a student rally.


Three Ego-states of the Person: PARENT, ADULT, CHILD

The parent ego represents a massive collection of recordings in the brain of external events
experienced or perceived in approximately the first five years of life. Since the majority of the
external events experienced by a child are actions of the parent which he/she had been
copying. The child implements this in a way he had been seeing it done without interpretation.
This is a part of a person which calls on the daily routine and the must do and must nots.

Close to one year of age, a child begins to exhibit gross motor activity.  The child learns that he
or she can control a cup from which to drink, that he or she can grab a toy. As Berne interpreted
it, it is principally concerned with transforming stimuli into pieces of information, and
processing and filing that information on the basis of previous experience. Now, the behavour is
being evaluated with some logic.

In contrast to the Parent, the Child represents the recordings in the brain of internal events
associated with external events the child perceives. The way a child feels, thinks, behaves and
attitude towards a situation or person like being scared, happy, pleased and self-centered.

Four life positions of: I’m OK- You’re OK


A child is still dependent to his parents on his first year in life and wants to be pampered by the
YOU’RE OK. This might go on or it will lead to the next position only if it had been resolved by
the child or the I’M NOT OK. Like a child still afraid to walk on his own or afraid to be left alone
feeling unsecured despite the assurance of the YOU’RE OK, he might still feel fear at a grown up
age or he might be able to counter it.


The child feels abandoned from the parent and receives some punishments. The I’M NOT OK
longs to be an infant again and be pampered more than receiving the punishment.
The abandoned child who no longer believes in dependence, being in a rebellious behavior and
striking back whenever he feels to. A futility position.

This position is the only conscious and verbal position. The Ideal position with and has a goal to
be an emancipated adult.

D. What is the significance in the population increase?


Population increase is significant because it would also mean the increase in consumers in
the given place. The human needs are to be provided by businessmen or service providers to
support life and development in the area. In a large area with lesser occupants, fewer services are
needed. Much increase in the density will also mean much opportunity for business related to
necessities (i.e. food and clothing) to succeed. As more and more people leave villages and farms to
live in cities, urban growth results. Concentration, associated with rising density, brings potential
benefits from markets.

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