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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 14 AUGUST ADI3. Conta Sth Seaenes SCIENTOLOGY FIVE PRESS POLICIES (Tech Dit to Star Rate Examine HOO Soc and Assoe See, any HCO Exec Sec and any Special Programmes Director on the Theory and Practical of this Policy Letter and report to me when 96 dome.) ‘This HCO Poticy Lotter modifies pres policy, Wo do not care if Sclentologists communicate to the press bu if they do there are certain points to keep in mind. Certain vested interests, mainly the American Medical Association, a private healing monopoly, with to do all possible harm to the Scientology movement over the would in order to protect their huge medicabpsychiatric income and cestred monopoly ‘which runs into the tens of billions annually. In thoir congresses they complain that We and people lke us cost them 1.1 billion dollars a year that Uhey doa’t receive. Their sole interest is income, Reference: Minutes of Various AMA conferences. Almeat all out bad publicity and attacks are authored by twe men, one armed Keaten, the AMA press ‘man, and one named Field, their head of “investigation”. These men ficod bad tales about Sclentology into preis, magazines, radio, TV. Their cole intrest i a modica: psychiatric monopoly for the AMA. They blind te public to the fact that the ceimes ‘Of poychilatey are medical crimes, not crimes of mental healing. ‘The medical yeh very sal pert of th world of psychiatry, Tey want ial for physical ‘The sole reasons for attack are money and monopoly. If ethics entered into it ‘they would clean up their own fares ‘Their publicity goes overseas. The FDA is used by these people and FDA releases are sent overseas 1 don’t care whether anyone thinks thie shouldn't be or thinks {¢ isn't right, It isn’t, 1s just fact and we have the evidence in black and white. We have always had policies of leaving hooling alone and not attacking medicine and other sreas of psychiatxy. Our pay for ths is reesiving contiaual bad press, Medical doctors practising psychiatry are peculiarly vulnerable, Their physio- logical technology belongs to the 19th Century. It has innumerable cries on its hands, ‘Hiller end Stalin helé power through medical psychiatry. They associate themselves cleiefly with the zich and powerful, They therefore cannot stand up to any heavy attack, Further they have many overt We are modern, 20th Century. We are of the people. We hate Fascism and bbuutality. We are the new replacing te old. We have passed the test of survival. Despite 13 years of attack we have survived, Therefore wo must have something and we must be all right. So much for the justice or truth of puch attacks. ‘THE REPORTER ‘The reporter who comes to you, all smiles and withholds, “wanting x story”, has lan AMA instigated release in lis pocket, He is there to trick you into supporting his preconceived story. ‘The story he will write has already been outlined by @ subreditor from old ‘clippings and AMA releases. He probably knows as well as you do that you are decent and effective. He has no power whatever to alter the preconceived story hs has been ordered to yrite, If he wore atdited or otherwis totally convinced of the great value of Scientology he would still write the same critical stoxy. IT he didn’t he would probably Bet sacked. So the time you spend trying to coavince him of your decency and effectivencis is wasted time, Ho wants a story. The only ways to handle him are to ejoet him or to give him 2 story that he thinks isa story. There are no hal-way measures. Ihe publishes outright lies sue his paper for libel if you like, but don’t be afralé of what he will write, Centtal organization income usually rises duting. bad press ‘ampaigns, So ine can’t reelly harm you whatever he does or says. Your job misimum action fs to refuse to be led into utterances that can be miscanstried, Contrary to what he may want to believe, press doesn't always mould public opinion. No bad product solls, no matier how much advertising it buys or how much good. pros It ha. Bier than preset word-ofmout, advert products dom have word-of-mouth they don’t sell. a We have good word-ofmouth and will continue to have it as long as we give So good service and being decent are supetior to even good press. Be decent, then, snd give good service and good press or bad press, wel sil make 1 ‘We prefer no press because it slows our word-of-mouth amongst the people. However, bad press is no catastrophe. So the'reporier eannot really hurt you and is nobody to be feared, Pitied, rather-for if ho does writo what relly feals, he'll get sacked. That's what makes him sick and cynical, He may know you'se decent and offectve and yet he'll have to go waite what he’s fold to write Even if you handed this policy letter to hien and he said it wasn't trae, hed have to write stories that follow the poiats below. So actually he’s on 2 epot. He'd have to sellout the human race if his editor told him to. But he would write a different story if he found one that fitted his pattern of ‘requirements STORY RULES If you want to give him a story he will publish you have to know these rales, for they are the rules he follows ‘The sules of newspaper writing today are very exact. And this is probably a far Detter analysis ofthe rules thai he has, so you could surely win. ‘To be printed, a story must contain one or more of these things! HARM GBlood, violence, damage, death, sandal) SEX MONEY BIG NAMES ‘The story must be weitten to INVALIDATE something. ‘The story must contain a CONTROVERSY, ‘A story must contein TWO OPPOSING FORCES. Dialostis Metoriatism is ‘the basie philosopty used by the society at this time. This philosophy is cenadely stated in the following statement: “It takes two opposing fotces to produce an idea.” The Scientologist recognizes this as Ris in 2 GPM but it 8 real to odiiorsas TRUTH. ‘Therefore 2 great story to s newspaperman contains neatly all of 1 to 4 above and 5,6and 7. Sawa e Ee “Thao the formula 99 which modem newspapers operate. They don't publish other kind of “news story”. papas her ® ~ ‘You could be elected Queen of the May and the headline would be “Controversy Rips Queen Election. Sexual bias Hinted.” If you inherited 2 billion happily from an uncle who loved you, and were sll set to help the millions with i, the news story would be “Foul Play Hinted in Uncles Death. Rights of Heir Challenged, Sex Life Frobed.” ‘And that’s the ness of the entheta called news, ‘This sounds lke criminal gossip mongering. tis, But its also the total formula of news in this century. It's what the editor bellevesselis papers. It may not even do that but they believe it does. And the publisher, hounded by economies, must sll papers to stay alive A SCIENTOLOGY LIABILITY 1Eyou give hm any sory a all the epetar most wind it ite the above fora ‘or it won't be published. He may not even be after you or mad al you. He just has to ‘write “2 story” along the above lines. If you telk only about Scientology, according to 7 he must fumish snother %© he adds in “the public” and. mikes Scientology oppose “the public He has, then, no choice but to make Scientology dangerous to the public, As fee has @ rule in I about Harm, and te can find no blood, he is driven to inventing someting that harms something or has harmed something, Jin 2 he must have sex 50 he has to invent some sex. In 3 he has to tak about our fees because Money is a great story requirement, In 4 he has to have names and so has to Use my name as the best one known regardless ofall the other people in Scientology. dn 5 he has to make I to 4 invalidative of Sclentolony if thats the only item there sand he expects tho public to buy his papers co he can't invalidate the public In 6 he has to imagine something questionable or just say we've controversial as he must have a Conmoversy, This makes things “timely snd interesting” fr his editor, ‘And 2 ] said shove, he has ta have two Foross so he is driven to use the public as the other one to “oppose” Scientology. ‘Thorefore by the very nature of nows writing and the singloness of Scientology ‘you get bad press unless you release good press stores of your own guidance. Ci naive t0 expect good press. Press isn't going to pat enyone on the head. t's soing to follow its rates of “what isa story” I to 7 above ‘Unfair though it may seer, that’s sil the irness of it. GOOD STORY ‘The best story you can hope for from modem press would have to have all the sbove elements, ‘This sounds deadly for us, But it really isn't. All-we have to know is their formula, release our own stories using it and be sure it isn't us to which Uey asign the blood, ‘8x, money and names, Let It be somebody el's blood, Sex, money and names. Actually we are pretty dull on the first four points. We're too decent, we give too such service, ‘They have to imagine bad things fo get them in a all ‘So let's use their formula if we want press but with a more sccurate viewpotnt.

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