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Name:_______________________________________________ Date:_____________

Instructions: For this biographical infographic, I will be grading you based off of the rubric I
provided. This handout is to give you with further instruction and a checklist for the information I
want you to include about the person you choose. If you have any questions, please ask!

Biography Information Checklist:

❏ Name
❏ Birthday (and date of death, if applicable)
❏ Background of early life; Historical context (ex. What was life like for them growing up?)
❏ Significant life events
❏ Significant accomplishments and achievements
❏ Character traits
❏ Any interesting details or facts you can find
❏ 1 picture (minimum)
❏ Other (Optional)

Somewhere on your infographic, you need to include a reflection. In your reflection you
need to address: Why did you choose this person? What is something you learned about
them? Has this person taught you anything? What have you learned from this project
that you can apply in real life? (In other words, what is your take away?)

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