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Suicide Committee Meeting

April 20, 2018


Lori Guzman-Alvarez

Leslie Agostini

Michael Cowen- Not Present

Jody Burriss- Not present

Paul Ouellette

Pat Boutte

Brittany Perry

Kathleen Slicker- Not present

Teresa Kellstrom– VCC- Not present

D’drea Black

Francine Baird—Not present

Kathy Coyle—No longer in community

Sydney DeAnda- Not present

Rupi Bhatti—Not Present

1. Suicide Documentation
a. Forms will be located at the VP office where CPS forms are located at High School Level
b. Forms will be located at the Principal office where CPS forms are located at the
Elementary Level
2. Con Counseling--Paul
a. Will be involved and a lot of work
3. Neme--Paul
a. Will need to set up a lot at school sites
4. Training
a. Leslie will reach out to Admin in July
b. Psychologist, VCC, Nurses need to pick dates
c. SRO---Leslie to talk to Stephen Schuler and see how or what can be done
d. Teachers---Looking into putting it into Keenen
i. Have deadline in September or October
ii. Leslie to talk to Julie and see if she can cover cost
e. Leslie to talk to Debbie Lewis to talk to Clara about getting the counselors trained
f. First Aide Mental Health
i. Loretta is certified
ii. She only charges $20.00 which is for the book
g. Leslie to look into all of this

5. Info for parents

a. Leslie to talk to Victoria and see if it can be placed in MUSD web and parent

6. Concerns- clarification on what can be shared with different schools, and schools outside MUSD
a. It should be shareable
b. Have a drop confidential drop button in Q to identify suicidal contract or issue

Next Meeting:
July 27, 2018
Room 200

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