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A capstone project
presented to
the faculty of the Senior High School
Congressional Integrated High School
City of Dasmariñas, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for graduation

April 2018


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Schools Division of Dasmariñas
Via Verde Village, San Agustin II, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
 (046) 973-2534

Senior High School


This capstone project entitled “EXPLORING HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE

HOUSEHOLD: THE CASE OF FAMILY A.” prepared and submitted by KADYMARS G.
JABONERO and SIMON TIMOTHY SECRETARIO, has been reviewed and recommended
as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in Congressional Integrated High School.

Research Adviser

Date: April 3, 2018

Accepted and recommended by the class adviser and the subject group head for Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) following a successful oral presentation on
22 March 2018.


Class Adviser Subject Group Head
Date: April 3, 2018 Date: April 3, 2018

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation.


Principal IV
Date: April 3, 2018



The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to the

following people who made the completion of this study possible.

First of all, they would like to express their sincere gratitude to the expertise of Professor

Jeffrey A. Lucero, their beloved research adviser who was very helpful and offered invaluable

assistance, guidance and support for them to fully understand and finish the study. He has

imparted sufficient knowledge for them to learn and he always ensure that they understand

everything before they apply the information in their research study;

To Mrs. Josefina A. Briñas, for allowing the research to be conducted and for being

supportive to the congressionalians on striving for excellence;

To Mrs. Marian S. Penales, STEM 12-1 adviser, for the guidance and motherly care that

paved the way for inspiring the researchers to be better each day;

To the supportive families of the researchers, who were always there to support and always

give encouragement to do their task better for supporting them in their financial constraints in

paying all the cost required to finish the paper;

To the friends and classmates of the researchers, who always guided them on their task and

provided the researchers pieces of information on what are the things they should do to make this


Most of all, God, for His wisdom, guidance and love to finish this task on time.






APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ ii

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... viiii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... x

Chapter I: THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ...................................................... 11

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11

Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 12

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ........................................................................................ 12

Significance of the Study .......................................................................................................... 13

Chapter II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ......................................................................... 14

Related Literature...................................................................................................................... 14


Functions of the Family………………………………………………………………….....15

Health Tasks of the Family…………………………………………………………………16

Family Health Assessment……….…………………………………………………………16

Family as Health Support System……...……………………………………………………16

Related Studies.......................................................................................................................... 21

Synthesis of RRL ...................................................................................................................... 24


Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................................. 26

Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................................. 26

Definition of Terms................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter III METHODOLOGY................................................................................................. 28

Research Design........................................................................................................................ 29

The Sample ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Research Instrument.................................................................................................................. 30

Data Gathering Procedure ......................................................................................................... 31

Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 32

Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................................................. 34

Profile of the Key Informant’s Household................................................................................ 34

Family Health Assessment tool .................................................................................. 34

Gordon’s Functional Assessment ............................................................................... 40

The Health Related Problems Present in the Household .......................................................... 34

Inability to Take Vitamins .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Unsanitary Water Supply ...................................................................................................... 46

Unsanitary Drinking Water ................................................................................................... 47

Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition ............................................................................... 48

Poor Indoor Environmental Condition.................................................................................. 49

Proposed Interventions for the Identified Health Related Problems of the Household ............ 50

Care Plan for Inability to Take Vitamins .............................................................................. 51


Care Plan for Unsanitary Water Supply................................................................................ 51

Care Plan for Unsanitary Drinking Water ............................................................................ 53

Care Plan for Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition......................................................... 54

Care Plan for Poor Indoor Environmental Condition ........................................................... 55

Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ 55

Summary ................................................................................................................................... 56

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 58

Recommendation ...................................................................................................................... 61

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 64
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 65


Appendix Page

A Transcript of the Interview…………………………………………… 66

B Research Instruments………………………………………………… 69

C Twenty Health Related Problems……………………………………. 73

D Ishikawa Diagram……………………………………………………. 83

E Certification of the English Critic……………………………………. 88

F Curriculum Vitae of Kadymars G. Jabonero…………………………. 89

G Curriculum Vitae of Simon Timothy Secretario……………………… 90

H Documentation…………………...……………………………………… 91


Figure Page

1 The Assessment Phase in Family Health Nursing Practice:

The Critical Thinking Approach………………………………… 26

2 The Conceptual Framework…………………………………………….. 27

3 The Phases of The Data Gathering……………………………………… 31

4 Data Gathering …………………...……………………………………… 91


Table Page

1 Prioritizing Health Problems…………………………………………….. 34

2 Demographic Data of the Household…………………………………..... 35

3 Top Five Priority Health Problem……………………………………….. 45

4 Inability to take Vitamins ……………………………………………….. 46

5 Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply ………………………. 47

6 Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water …………………….. 48

7 Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition ………………………………… 49

8 Poor Indoor Environmental Condition ………………………………….. 50

9 Care Plan for Inability to take Vitamins ………………………..……….. 51

10 Care Plan for Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply ………... 52

11 Care Plan for Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water ……….. 53

12 Care Plan for Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition ………………….. 54

13 Care Plan for Poor Indoor Environmental Condition…………………….. 55





Researchers, 2Research Adviser
Congressional Integrated High School


Every family, considering their profile and specific condition, have potential and existing health
related problems that are a must to be resolved. That is why this study entitled “Family Health
Assessment: The Case of Family A” was conducted. This study aimed to assess the health of a
family living in the community of South Crest Village, San Agustin II, Dasmariñas, Cavite. This
further examines and acquires an in depth understanding and investigation with regards to the
family’s views and actions when dealing with these health related problems as well as life
struggles. The researchers aimed to identify health related problems and to carefully formulate an
intervention well suited for these problems. Through the interference of the researchers, the family
was able to resolve these health problems and gain a positive outlook towards healthy living and
problem facing. This study is a qualitative case study since it is an in-depth and detailed evaluation
of the health problems of the family. This study seeks to further study the family’s current status
in terms of health by identifying and addressing these health problems. The key informants of this
study is a family consisting five family members: a couple with three children. Gordon’s Health
Functional Assessment and Family Health Assessment Tool were used by the researchers to attain
the profile of the family itself. The data gathering procedure conducted by the researchers was an
audio recorded interview where open-ended questions were asked. These data gathered were then
analysed through transcription and thematic analysis. The prioritized problems identified in the
household are: Inability to take vitamins; Unsanitary water supply; Unsanitary drinking water;
Poor outdoor environmental condition; and Poor indoor environmental condition. These five
health related problems were then attended by the researchers with the appropriate interventions
to be made created through a care plan.

Keywords: Nursing Care Plan, Family Health Assessment, Gordon’s Functional Assessment

Type of Research: Case Study

Chapter I:


Family is the basic unit of a community. According to Cherlin (2008), it is composed of a

male and a female being molded to be as one, working hand in hand to have a good atmosphere

among the family members. Family usually consists of parents and their children, live in the same

household, share a common emotional bond, and perform certain interrelated social tasks.

According to Allender and Spradley (2008), family is a source of emotional support, comfort,

warmth, nurturing, protection and as well as security.

Every family is unique. Healthcare providers like nurses that are exposed to the community

learn how to interact and adapt to the different kind of people living in a community. It is in the

family who develop health values, beliefs and practices. Family influences the health and activities

of their member (Chen, Shiao, & Gau, 2007). With this, it is important that families in the

community are aware of the things and practices pertaining to their health.

The aim of this research was to apply the knowledge of family health nursing through case

a study. Conducting a case study is a way where researchers improve and apply all the concepts.

It is a tool in determining the health status of family through assessment and critical inspection

because of this, health related problems are identified which gives an indication to researchers on

how to intervene just to give a holistic care and improve the deficiency. (McLeod, 2008).

The researchers had chosen one household among the clients that they have interviewed

and monitored during the process of community health assessment. The family that was chosen is

a picture of the majority of the family here in our country: a family living in a poor environmental

condition without enough resources and lack of knowledge on vital health information and also

experiences socio – economic related problems. Tiring as it is but reaching out to this family and

mingling with them makes the researcher feel the sense of fulfillment as they share knowledge,

skills and time to support in uplifting the condition of family. Also, it enabled the researchers from

STEM 12-1 in Congressional National High School, to identify the health problems that subsist in

the family and formulated a plan on how to intervene and provide holistic care to address such

family’s health status through critical evaluation.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study attempted to assess the health of the chosen family which is the case of

Family A, resident in South Crest Village Dasmariñas City.

Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the key informants using the following assessment tools:

a. Family Health Assessment Tool and

b. Gordon’s Functional Assessment?

2. What are the health-related problems present in the household?

3. What are the interventions that could be done to address the identified health related

problems in the household?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on determining and evaluating the health problems only on one family,

specifically the Family A. The health problems’ objective and subjective cues were determined in

all 20 health problems discovered to be present in the family yet only 5 main problems were further

discussed with regards to its causes and solutions. The responses of the family were not limited

making their statements all valid and all a source of further analyzation. Furthermore, the solutions

they have been doing to resolve these health problems were only the solutions they have been

practicing on their household alone. The health problems and ways of coping of the neighbors of

Family A were not included in this study. Also, health problems in the community as a whole were

disregarded by the researchers and focused only on the health problems of Family A alone.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study can benefit families by knowing the common health problems

encountered in a family, and the correct ways of coping with them. It was lead them to a wider

perspective in terms of family health problems and thus, proper knowledge was imparted.

Furthermore, the results of this study contributed to the information of the health authorities in the

community where the family belongs that lead in attending to their community’s family health

problems. In addition, the family that was studied now had a better chance of having their health

problems attended and resolved properly with the assistance of the health authorities.

Chapter II

This chapter showed how did the researchers come up with the proper theoretical

framework and it was because of the read literatures and studies by the researchers which helped

to determine how the research would be done.

2.1 Related Literature


Family is defined as a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two

parents and their children. There are two or more people who share goals and values, have long-

term commitments to one another and reside usually in the same dwelling. (Blessing, 2017).

According to they reveal a point that the family is the primary way to raise children.

The family introduces people to cultural norms, social behavior, education, group interactions,

morals, and pretty much everything else that we can think of. The family also enforces cultural

and social rules and morals by teaching the principle that every action has consequences; break a

rule, get grounded.

The traditional family were consisting of a father, mother and children as the standard family.

However, there are variety changes in family units, some very different from the standard of the

1950s. Today, children are also often raised in single parent homes, by grandparents or by

homosexual parents. Some families opt to have no children, or cannot have children due to some

medical or emotional barrier. The idea that parents and children make a family is a basic definition

In the study of Shyamm (2009), she presented six characteristics of a family: (1) Every family

is a social system. (2) Every family has an own cultural values and rules. (3) It is the first social

group to which the individual is exposed. (4) Every family has a structure. (5) Every family have

certain basic function and last (6) Every family moves through stages in its life cycle.

According to the work of scholars Max Weber, Alan Macfarlane, Steven Ozment, Jack

Goody and Peter Laslett, the huge transformation that led to modern marriage in Western

democracies was "fueled by the religio-cultural value system provided by elements of Judaism,

early Christianity, Roman Catholic canon law and the Protestant Reformation”(Maglaya, 2004).

The term "nuclear family" is commonly used, especially in the United States of America, to

refer to conjugal families. A "conjugal" family includes only the husband, the wife, and unmarried

children who are not of age. Sociologists distinguish between conjugal families (relatively

independent of the kindred of the parents and of other families in general) and nuclear families

(which maintain relatively close ties with their kindred). Other family structures, such as blended

parents, single parents, and domestic partnerships have begun to challenge the normality of the

nuclear family.

Function of The Family

For Ano (2015), affection, love, care and an emotional support will provide the family

a security, identity, affiliation, socialization and control. Ano emphasizes that family is also a sense

of belonging and of history and place. They have their rituals for rejoicing and grieving and even

in systems for earning money, supporting partners and children. Lastly, the family individual roles

such as sharing of labor and chores are required to keep the family running.

Health Tasks of The Family

Clinical Application for Community Health Nursing (NUR 417) presents the health tasks of

the family in the presentation Lecture 3 Family Assessment. First health task is recognizing

interruptions of health or development. Second is seeking health care. Third is managing health

and non- health crises. Fourth is providing nursing care to the sick, disabled and dependent member

of the family. Fifth is maintaining a home environment conductive to good health and personal

development and last, maintaining a reciprocal relationship with the community and health and


Family Health Assessment

This involves a set of actions by which the status of a family as client, its ability to maintain

itself as a system and functioning unit, and its ability to maintain wellness, prevent, control, or

resolve problems in order to achieve health and well-being among its members are measured.

(Haliyash, 2010) Assessing family health in a systematic fashion require four theories as health-

support system: (1) Family Systems Theory (2) Developmental theory (3) Interactionist Theory

and (4) Structural-Functional Theory.

Family as Health-Support System

The idea of Family Systems Theory is that the family is a living social system in which

different factors are affecting its whole self and the members in it. The family’s pattern is circular

and not linear. This means that the members of the family are having an interrelation and

interdependence relationship towards one another that helps each other to achieve the specific

function and goals, may it be individually or as a family. (Salonen, M., Kurki, Järvenpää, &

Tarkka, 2008)

As an overall meaning for the family systems theory, it is the interconnectedness and

interdependence of the family that makes it as a system, when one factor affect a member of the

family, it would ripple to other members and affecting the whole family. It is when the family

would work together for it to achieve a specific goal like the good development of the whole

family. They had to work together like a system in order to achieve it. The thing that may happen

to a member affects the other members of the family. (Friedman 1992; in Oommen, Rantanen,

Kaunonen, & Tarka, 2011)

Another theory for family health is the developmental theory that has the following

assumptions (1) family changes occur according to internal or external resources, (2)

developmental tasks are goals worked rather than specific job, (3) each family is unique in nature,

and (4) family may arrive at similar developmental levels through different process. (Hill, R. &

Hanse, D.A. 1978; in Doherty, LaRossa, Schumm, & Steinmetz, (2009)

This theory implies that the family may have different interaction to different factors like

internal and external. Internal being the ability of the family as a whole like the knowledge of the

members, the resources – may it be financial or manpower, and behavioral norms.External being

the things that the society or governement may give in order for the health of the family to improve

like the technologies, services, and skills that can be learned. This factors affects the totality of the

developmental process of the family. Other factors like the things that always happen between

them like the death of a family member may affect the development of the whole family or any

crisis that may occur during the development.

Third theory for family health is the interactionist theory, it has the following assumptions

(1) complex sets of symbols having common meaning are acquire through symbolic environment,

(2) Individuals evaluates and assign meaning for symbols, (3) Individuals are actors and reactors,

(4) Individual are born to a dynamic society, and (5) Individual learn from culture and become the

society. (Aldous, J. 1990 in; White & Klein, 2008)

The first idea implies that the member of the family learns the different ways of a family

members, like for example a kid who was born in a hygienic family would have a symbol or idea

that the proper way of eating is that you should wash your hands first and that you should always

wash your hand however, a kid who was not born in that kind of family may have different

implication as to what should be done in order to be clean. The learning of proper way is acquire

by the members of the family by the way they see it.

The second idea implies that the members of the family is the one who assess what they

see meaning, the family members may have different perspective about the certain cases they see

at home, like for example when they grew up in an environment that is all unsanitary, they may

clai, that is sanitary because it is how they have been living all their life.

The third idea is that everything they see would be reacted over and over again and when

it is something that is not conducive to health, they would still do it no matter what it is. They

would have repitition on what they are doing.

The fourth idea implies that just because they have been born in that kind of family does

not mean they have an static environment meaning, their environment would result to a change

that may change their way of living as well as perspective.

Lastly, the idea implies that what they see in the environment and society is what they

consider as a norm and results to a continuous action. This means that when the community

practices good segregation of trashes, they would have similar action and it may ripple to another

family and result to an environment conducive to healthy living.


The last theory is the Structural-Functional Theory which has these assumptions (1)

Family is a social system with a function, (2) Family is a small group possessing features of a

small group, (3) It serves individual and society and (4) Individual act in terms of learned behavior

at the time or family socialization prcess. (Friedman 1992; in Oommen, Rantanen, Kaunonen, &

Tarka, 2011)

This theory implies that the family is a single unit and it specifies the characteristics such

as member roles, family forms, power structure, communication process and value system. This

means that each assumption about the family would identify how the family works as a whole. It

serves as a guide on the answer about who the family follows, or what does the family believes in

when it comes to health, or what kind of norms do they do.

In connection to family health, this theory was used in order to develop a nursing care plan

for the problems that were found in order to achieve an optimum health status of the family. This

healthy status of the family is not just the absence of disease or infirmity is should be the complete

physical, mental and social well-being of the family. (World Health Organization, 2006). A certain

assessment was done in order for the objectification of the problems. These problems were

assessed by two levels.

The health status of the family was assessed on the first level, which were divided into four

main categories (1) presence of wellness condition, (2) presence of health threats, (3) presence of

health deficits and (4) presence of stress points/ foreseeable crisis. After that, the health of the

family was further assessed according to their ability to do something about the health problem

that was categorized into five. The following are the categorization of the second level of

assessment (1) Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem, (2) Inability to

make decision with respect to taking appropriate health action, (3) Inability to provide adequate

nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable/at-risk member of the family, (4)

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development and (5) Failure to utilize community resources for health care.

These are all developed by Maglaya & Bailon-Reyes in 1978 and was further reviewed and

updated by Maglaya from 1994 untill the latest which was in 2009. The first level assessment is

finding the health problem while on the second level assessment is finding the cause of the

problems as to why it exist in the family.

It can be notice in the list of categories that the family, as a whole, would have a problem

if one family member shows the kind of attitude, perspective or infirmity on himself/herself.

Relating it to Family Systems Theory, the health status of a family member affects the health status

of the family, meaning they are all interrelated to one another that when an anomaly on a member

happens the whole family is affected.

From the four theories, the family as health support systems was made by (Manciaux &

Belsey, 2009) Which was categorized into four parts (1)Family as a Unit of Health, (2)Family as

a Unit of Care, (3) Helping Families towards Health Promotion, and (4) Supporting Family Health

They claim that the family is a unit of health because the interaction between the members

of it are interrelated to one another making them as a unit of health. They further support it by

putting an example that the family works as one in a way that the health outcome of a member is

a responsibility of another member, for example a family would help on creating a home

environment conducive to health and personal development of the member. Another claim of the

two authors is that the family is a unit of care meaning that when someone has an infirmity, the

job of the family is to take care of the person and make sure that the person gets back to healthy

state. In that way, the family is a unit of care to one another. Third function of the family as a

support system is by promoting the healthful living; this means that the member shall do activities

or set norms that would promote healthful living. An example of that is the constant reminder to

the kids of washing their hands before eating or telling them not to eat junk foods or telling them

to eat vegetables. All of this is a function of the family on ensuring the promotion of health in the

family. Last function of the family is supporting family health, this involves from supporting it

financially and supporting it by work force. This ranges from the ability of the parents to provide

the right amount of money during emergencies or providing nutritious food to the family to the

ability of the family members to be there during emergency or witnessing the happenings in the

member’s life from the birthday up to their adolescence.

All of this shows that the family is system in which the family have interdependence and

interrelatedness in order to attain the optimum healthy state of one another through helping one

another by promoting, preventing, curing and rehabilitating the healthy state if ever needed.

2.2. Related Studies

The strengths-based family assessment is planned to achieve Comprehensive Functional

Family Assessment goals. In completing a strengths-based assessment, Cowger and Snively (2002)

suggest that there are guidelines to help the family identify meaningful and functional strengths.

(1) Give preeminence to the children and families’ understanding of the facts. The children and

family’s definition of the situation and the meaning that they give the situation are the central focus

for the assessment. (2) Believe the children and family to the degree possible. Fundamental to the

strengths-based model is that the clients are ultimately trustworthy. This is somewhat difficult to

deal with in a situation where the social worker is in fact investigating allegations.

Felix (2016) identified existing health conditions and ranked according to degree of

prioritization, from greatest to least on the family that he studied namely (1) presence of breeding

or resting sites of vectors of diseases; (2) presence of risk factors of specific disease;(3) Inadequate

living space.

In the study of Blanco (2016) reveals that the family P cannot provide adequate resources for

their needs because of their low income. They couldn’t even afford to buy a refrigerator to keep

their food fresh. The family member, especially the children are susceptible to the disease that the

rats, mosquitoes, and cockroaches may harbor because of the scattered garbage outside their house.

Fire hazards in their home shows because cooking facilities are improperly kept outside the house

and their house is made up of wood.

The environment affects our health in a variety of ways. The interaction between human

health and the environment had been extensively studied and environmental risks had been proven

to significantly impact human health, either directly by exposing people to harmful agents, or

indirectly, by disrupting life-sustaining ecosystems (World Health Organization, 2009). The health

of a family could be identified in the house and environment that they live in. Safe water and clean

air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health.

Meanwhile people in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over

their working conditions. In housing congestion, according to Gateshead Council, a standard

number requirement of bedrooms is calculated for each household in accordance with its age, sex,

and marital status composition and the relationship of the members to one another. However, it

does not have a direct physical effect to one’s health, poor living conditions can serve as a

mechanism of social stratification, affecting children’s wellbeing and resulting in the

intergenerational transmission of social inequality (Solari and Mare, 2012). In addition, houses in

the community which has been built with strong structural materials such as concrete and cement

indicates that there is a small probability of a health hazard to happen casually due to its resistance

to fire, wind, water, and even decomposition; unlike light materials like wood which breaks and

decay easily (Portland Cement Association, n.d.). Unlike, light construction materials such as

engineered woods, cement and concrete has less health risk for they don’t use bonding agents

which compose of chemicals such as formaldehyde and is emitted into air. Thus, results to a lower

health risk. Not only the housing congestion and materials affect family health. General

environmental sanitation also has a huge impact to health. According to World Health

Organization (2015), inadequate sanitation is a major cause of disease worldwide and improving

sanitation was known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and

across communities. General sanitation includes the source of water supply of the household. The

finding is that the water contamination and the distance from where the household get their water

plays a major role on the health of the families, it specifically pertained to the gastrointestinal

infections that the water supply may have an effect on (Gorham, Yoo, Garabed, Mouhaman, &

Lee1, 2017). Transfer of diseases among the people living in a sanitary environment is signficantly

lower as well a the generation of certain infection (Mara, Lane, Scott, & Trouba, 2010).

Not only the environmental condition affects the family health but social factors too.

Greater support from families, friends and communities were linked to better health (World Health

Organization). McGibbin et al. (2008) examined the relation of individuals’ participation and

illness characteristics. They found out an association of depression and restricted participation

cutting across age ranges. They noted that while they are unable to find out whether depression

leads to restriction, or restriction to depression, that the key informants face their struggle with

illness in a culture that limits the participation of individuals with mental illness. According to

Heibutzki, (2010) negative emotion such as sadness, if not addressed, affects physical well-being,

as well as emotional well-being. Failure to cope adequately with sadness imposes higher stress on

the body, which can result in autoimmune diseases, heart problems, and a greater tendency toward

self-harming behavior.

In line with these is the socioeconomic and educational factor. Having an educational

attainment or education was linked to health outcomes. According to Virginia Commonwealth

University Center on Society and Health (2014), a 25 year old in US without high school diploma

would die nine years earlier than those with college degrees. Also, those with college degrees tends

to practice more healthy behaviors like getting regular exercise, refraining from cigarettes or

getting timely check-ups, immunizations or screenings (Exploring the Social Determinants of

Health: Education and Health, 2011). Employment of a person was strongly linked to health

outcomes of a person. Having a job can help a person provide the necessary needs of his/her family,

as well as, his/her well-being. Employment is necessary for obtaining the adequate economic

resources in order to provide the right amount of physiological needs of the person. On the other

hand, unemployment of a person was strongly linked to poorer health (Waddel & Burton, 2006).

However, it is not the only determinant of health, factors like re-employment and the amount of

wages that was taken into account (Waddel & Burton, 2006).


This family health assessment the cases of family A was the chosen client by the researchers

using convenience sampling in South Crest Village San Agustin 2 Dasmariñas City, Cavite. The

family was being observed prior to the home visit that was conducted by the researchers to identify

the health-related problem. The health problems’ objective and subjective cues will be determined

in all 20 health problems discovered to be present in the family yet only 5 main problems will be

further discussed with regards to its causes and solutions. Those identified problems were used in

prioritization and would be planned to have its intervention through making a care plan. The

responses of the family will not be limited making their statements all valid and all a source of

further analyzation. Furthermore, the solutions they have been doing to resolve these health

problems will only be the solutions they have been practicing on their household alone. Lastly the

family’s ability to maintain wellness, prevent, control, or resolve problems in order to achieve

health and well-being among its members were also measured. Figley and McCubbin (2012) states

that family crisis should be an opportunity for family interventionists to promote family well-


Theoretical Framework

 Recognize Need to Use Data based on Evidence

 Ensure Accuracy and Reliability of Data
 Check for Inconsistencies
 Complete Missing Information


Framework: Use an Organized PROBLEMS AAND
 Sort Data
Comprehensive Approach to
Assessment  Cluster/Group Related Data
First-level – Data on Status/  Distinguish Relevant from First – level Assessment:
Condition of: Irrelevant Data Define the Health Conditions/
 Family/ Household Health Problem (categorized
Members  Identify Patterns (e.g.,
Home and Environment
as wellness states, health
function, behavior,
deficits, health threats,
Second level – Data on Family’s lifestyle) foreseeable crises or stress
Assumption of Health Tasks on each  Relate family data to points)
Health Condition/Problem identified
in first – level assessment relevant clinical data and
Second – level Assessment:
research findings.
Methods/ Sources: Define the Family Nursing
First – level Assessment:  Compare Patterns with Problems/ Diagnoses as
 Health Status of Family/ Norms or Standards Statements of:
Household Member:
o Health Assessment  Interpret Results
Family’s Inability to Perform
o Laboratory/ Diagnostic  Make Inferences/ Draw
Test Results Health Tasks on each Health
o Records/ Reports Conclusion Condition/ Problem specifying
 Home and Environment the Barriers to Performance or
o Observation/ Ocular Reasons for Non –
Survey Performance of Family Health
o Interview
o Laboratory/ Diagnostic Tasks
Test Results
o Records/ Reports
Second – level Assessment

 In – depth interview on
Realities/ Perceptions about
attitude towards Assumption/
Performance on Health Tasks

 Observation: Relate Verbal with

Non – verbal Cues

Continuous Data Validation/Update for Adequacy of

Evidence to Support Diagnosis

Figure 1. The Assessment Phase in Family Health Nursing Practice: The Critical Thinking Approach

Conceptual Framework



1.Assessment done
on the Family A.
2.The existing and
potential health Data Gathering
problems of the
family which Survey Health Care Plan for the
may be a Collection of Data
hindrance in Family of A.
attaining Analysis and
optimum health Interpretation of Data
3.Prioritize family
health problem
and develop care
plan for the
4.Intervention suited
for the family to
address their
family health

Figure 2: The conceptual framework (Figure 2) shows the input, process and output of the study.

The input is basically the needed information for the study; (1) Assessment done on the Family A.

(2) The existing and potential health problems of the family which may be a hindrance in attaining

optimum health (3) Prioritize family health problem and develop care plan for the family. (4)

Intervention suited for the family to address their family health concerns. The processes are the

survey, collection of other data and analysis and interpretation of data. Thus, the output will be the

Prioritize Family Health Problem and Care Plan for the Family.

Definition of Terms

Family A. Family A pertains to the family which was the participant of the study.

Convenience Sampling. Convenience Sampling is the sampling technique used by the researchers

to attain the sample.

Interview. Interview is the data gathering procedure done by the researchers to identify the

existing health problems of the family and their ways of coping up with them.

Neutral Voice. Neutral voice is the manner of interpreting data done to the participants’ responses

for effective and objective qualitative data.

Interventions. Interventions are the main courses of actions of the researchers, inclined to the

health care plan made, to attend to the family’s health problems.

Gordon’s Functional Assessment. Gordon’s Functional Assessment is the research instrument

utilized by the researchers to understand the current health status of the family.

Family Health Assessment Tool. Family Health Assessment tool is the research instrument

utilized by the researchers to examine the household of the family.

Survey. Survey is the method of data gathering used by the researchers to attain data for the Family

Assessment Tool.

Health Problems. Health Problems are the problems that the researchers will identify and attend


Key Informant. Key informant is the head of the family who directly answered the inquiries of

the researchers.

Chapter III

This chapter includes the research method and procedure and time and place of the study.

The research method and procedure include research design, research participants/ respondents

and sampling techniques, research tools, data gathering and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

This study was a qualitative research. This study was a qualitative case study since it is an

in-depth and detailed evaluation of the health problems of a family. This was descriptive-

qualitative research making it effective in describing what these health problems are, what are their

signs and symptoms, and how the family copes with these health problems. This study sought to

further study the family’s current status in terms of health by identifying and eradicating these

health problems. This aided the researchers to further evaluate and examine the key informants’

household in formulating an intervention that effectively provided immediate attention to the

family’s health related problems. Having this kind of research design, the researchers were able to

thoroughly indulge themselves to the living of the family paving the way to gather the most

accurate pieces of information possible in terms of understanding health related issues of Family


The Sample

The key informants of the study were the Aller family. This family, Family A, was chosen

out of ten (10) households assessed by the researchers because of the family’s accessibility,

availability, and convenience. This family had all its 5 family members a participant of the study.

The family is located in the Sparrow St. in South Crest Village, San Agustin II, Dasmariñas,

Cavite. Convenience non-probability sampling was done by the researchers to come up in having

this family as the family to be further examined because this study will be more accurate if the

family to be assessed is accessible and voluntarily participating. According to Etikan (2016), this

is sampling technique where the researchers choose a sample of subjects/units from a population

which are useful especially when randomization is impossible like when the population is very

large. Also, there are only two proponents in this study making their resources, time, and workforce

limited which makes this sampling technique perfect for the nature of this research. This family

was chosen not only because of its convenience to the researchers but also because they are the

family that has the highest level of urgency in terms of the number and severity in health problems.

Research Instrument

This family case study adopted the Gordon’s Functional Assessment and made use of the

Family Health Assessment Tool (Lucero, 2017). The Family Health Assessment tool aims to

further examine the household of the family in terms of the following: profile of the head of the

family and each of the member of the family and their relationship to him/her, age, civil status;

their home; drinking water supply; kitchen; waste disposal; domestic animals; and the community

in general. The adopted version of the Gordon’s Functional Assessment used was the basis of

thoroughly understanding the health status of each family member. On the other hand, Gordon’s

Functional Health Patterns Assessment includes inquiries with regards to the following: health

perception and management pattern; nutritional-metabolic pattern; elimination pattern; activity-

exercise pattern; sleep-rest pattern; cognitive-perceptual pattern; self-perception/self-concept

pattern; role-relationship pattern; sexuality-reproductive pattern; coping/stress-tolerance pattern;

and value/belief pattern of the household.


Data Gathering Procedure

Use the Analyze the

Consent from
possible ways data to come
key figures of
of gathering up with the
the research
the data problems

Figure 3. The phases of the data gathering

The gathering of data done is through a survey guided by the Family Health Assessment

Tool itself and interview method guided by the Gordon’s Functional Assessment where the

participants of the study will be given open-ended questions. The questions prepared by the

researchers with regards to the Gordon’s Functional Assessment were first validated before it was

used for data gathering for accurate answers to be acquired from the key informants and to make

sure that the questions to be asked will supply sufficient information to conduct the said

assessment. On the other hand, a copy of the Family Health Assessment Tool was obtained by the

researchers from a registered nurse which was used to examine the household of the family. Even

before preparing these data gathering prerequisites, the confirmation and approval of the family to

participate voluntarily in this study was given to the researchers. As the researchers conduct the

said assessments through interview, their responses were then recorded and transcribed

accordingly. Interviewing is the data gathering procedure done for it will gather raw and reliable

data direct from each family members. Although it is time consuming, the researchers had very

credible results. In addition to this, objective cues were identified by the researchers by observing

and scanning the household and the family itself. From these, health related problems were then

identified. These identified health problems were then hierarchized in terms of the level of

prioritization through proper scoring.

Data Analysis

The data gathered from the interviews regarding the Family Health Assessment Tool and

Gordon’s Functional Assessment Tool were then analyzed and evaluated. These evaluations lead

to the concrete profile of the family household and the identification of the health-related problems

of the family. After this, the researchers identified five (5) health related problems to be prioritized.

The evaluation of the prioritized health problems was done by creating a Nursing Care Plan which

consists of the following: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Intervention and Evaluation itself.

These prioritized health related problems were further discussed. The assessment part consists of

the subjective and objective cues of that health-related problem. The diagnosis part includes the

problem itself and its typology. The planning part was the long-term or short-term SMART

(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bounded) goals of the researchers to

resolve the health-related problem. The intervention part was the step-by-step procedure to

accomplish the plan created. And only then the researchers could evaluate the interventions created

for the five (5) prioritized health related problem whether the goal is met or not and at the same

time to identify if the interventions were effective or not. However, all the responses of the key

informants throughout the process were not interpreted but perhaps explained through a neutral

voice maintaining its credibility and objectivity.


Table 1. Prioritizing Health Problems

Criteria Weight
Nature or condition of the problem
Scale: Wellness state (3)
Health deficit (3) 1
Health threat (2)
Foreseeable crisis (1)
Modifiability of the Problem
Scale: Easily modifiable (2)
Partially modifiable (1)
Not modifiable (0)
Preventive Potential
Scale: High (3)
Moderate (2)
Low (1)
Salience of the Problem
Scale: Need immediate attention (2)\
Does not need immediate attention (1)
Not perceived as a problem (0)

This table shows the weight of the way of prioritization of the problem. It start on the nature

of the problem, the modifiability of the problem, preventive potential of the problem and the

salience of the problem. The nature is what kind of the problem is it. The modifiability is how the

household can modify the problem with the help of the nursing care plan concerning their current

resources. The preventive potential is how able the family can prevent the diagnosed problem

concerning their current resources. The salience is how does the family sees the problem, whether

they do see it as a problem or not.


Chapter IV

This chapter illustrates the family background of the study which includes, Database of the

Respondent, Family Values and Practices, General Household Data, Activities of Daily Living

which could be an indicative for the present health status of the family as it continues to influence

the each of the family member as well as the identified health problems together with the

intervention or care plan.

The Profile of the Key Informant’s Household

Table 2. Profile of household

Civil Position in Educational

Name Age Sex Occupation
Status the Family Attainment
Mr. 35 Male Single Father Security High School
A guard Undergraduate
Ms. 36 Female Single Mother Housewife High School
F (Respondent) Undergraduate
Child 10 Female Child Eldest Child/ Student Elem. Level
G.F Daughter (Grade 5)
Child 7 Male Child Second Child/ Student Elem. Level
G.A Son (Grade 3)
Child 1 Female Child Third Child/ Not Not Applicable
J.G.A Daughter Applicable

Family Structure, Characteristics, and Dynamics

The Family A, as any other basic unit of the society, is considered as a nuclear type of

family. A nuclear type is a typical type of family composed of a father, a mother and child/children.

This type of family structure is found in almost all societies, although the length of time in which

the family remains in this form varies even within the same society.

The nuclear family can be a nurturing environment in which to raise children as long as

there is love, time spent with children, emotional support, low stress, and a stable economic

environment. In nuclear families, both adults are the biological or adoptive parents of their children

(Jay, 2004).

The A Family resides in South Crest Village San Agustin 2, Dasmariñas City, Cavite. They

lived there since 2007.

Ms. F is superior in the household in terms of decision making while Mr. A provides the

financial needs. But both consult each other in terms of caring their children. They discuss matters

concerning their children’s schooling financially and also with regards to the emotional problems

or aspects within the family. When problem arises, they make sure that both of them will handle

and solve the problem. But then, in terms of matter concerning health, Ms. F is more dominant.

She makes sure that she will comply with the appropriate regimen when certain health issues arise.

She has greater awareness concerning health matters compared to Mr. A since of course believing

it is her duty as the mother. Also, Ms. F’s Aunt supports their family’s shortage in water supply

and electricity.

Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics

The A family’s main source of income is coming from Mr. A’s work which is security

guard. Mr. A earns about Php 3,000.00 a month. Since Ms. F does not work, she is in charge of

the house and in taking care of the children. Ms. F budgets the money in terms of food, education

and miscellaneous where clothes, shoes and slippers comes in. Out of Mr. A’s earnings, most of it

goes to the family’s budget for food. The education of the children is free and they can walk from

their house to the school so only some school supplies are being bought. Usually, there is nothing

to be left for the miscellaneous expense.

With Mr. A’s monthly income, the family strives hard to accommodate everything they

need for them to live. According to NEDA, each individual should at least have Php 2768.60 when

the total monthly income of the family is divided among the total family members. The total

monthly income of Mr. A is about Php 3, 000.00 and when divided among the 5 members, it is

only Php 600.00, thus, they can be considered poor. Ms. F also informed the researchers that they

do not have any financial assets at hand in case of emergency. They typically borrow money from

their relatives.

Mr. A works as a security guard, he works from 3 am until 8 pm every day. Ms. F doesn’t

work and stays in their house. She is the typical housewife where in you can see her wash clothes,

prepare food, sweep the yard and make the house clean.

All of them are affiliates of Roman Catholic. Ms. F mentioned that they seldom go to

church since they have lived in South Crest Village San Agustin 2 for the reason that they have no

time and the distance they have to travel from their place to the church is somewhat far away.

Significant others are called such due to their own role in one’s life. They are the ones very

close to a person or group of persons. For family A, the significant others in their lives are the aunt

of Ms. F living just beside their house and some neighbors which resides within the vicinity area.

They usually run to Ms. F’s Aunt if they face hardships and problems. Ms. F also confirmed how

helpful and welcoming her neighbors are with them. Their neighbors on the left side of their house

is the source of their electricity. They contribute 200.00 pesos for electric bill. While their

neighbors on the right side of their house help them with water supply wherein they contribute

190.00 pesos for water bill.

The family participates in the community activities such as celebrating fiesta and watching

different affairs such as basketball competition.

Home and Environment

The house of Family A is rent-free made of light construction materials such as galvanized

iron sheets and mostly plywood. Ms. F does not know the exact measurement of their house. Her

husband knows it yet he was not there during the interview. In order for the house to be considered

as adequate, the total floor area should be divided among the total members of the family and each

should at least have 2 x 1 meters.

The house only has 1 window located at the back of their house. As for adequacy of

ventilation, the total window area should be at least 10% of the total floor area. Since it only has 1

window for the entire house, that means it cannot sustain the adequate ventilation needed by the

family, but Mrs. F told the researchers that the air goes to and fro-freely inside the house since it

was lied beside the creek that has a river beside it.

The house has only one room which served as their sala/dining room, kitchen and bedroom

but with no bed at all. According to the National Building Code of the Philippines (2000) the

minimum size of room required for human habituation individually is 3.5 square meters (adult)

and 1.5 square meters (child). Mr. A and Ms. F, together with the children, sleep in one room.

They use “banig” in sleeping.


The Family A has only one appliance which is the electric fan since the place has limited

electrical supply that came from their neighbor.

Ms. A uses wood and charcoal in cooking. She is the one who prepares the food. She cooks

inside the house at the back portion. The foods that they usually eat are instant noodles and canned

goods. The family uses plastic plates and stainless spoons in eating. When it comes to storing their

food, they just cover it with a plate. In terms of cooking facilities the family is equip with pots,

“sandok”, and knives that stored in one dish cabinet.

The family’s main source of water was coming from their neighbor. They wash their

clothes and gets their drinking water supply there. They put their water in big jars and pail without

cover. They get water directly from the faucet and they usually don’t sterilize their drinking water


The Family A has a comfort room built at the back of their house. It has a small hole inside

it. They usually urinate and remove bowels there. The toilet type is open pit privy which is once

they finished removing their waste, they will get it and throw it either on the creek or dig out to

bury it. According to Ms. F, they have lack the ability to renovate their own comfort room since

they do not have enough money and enough budget for it yet.

In terms of garbage disposal, they either bury or burn their garbage or send their garbage

through garbage collection. There was no drainage system provided and let it flows anywhere near

the creek. There were some rice grains noted. There is no obstruction present at the drainage system

since it is open and flows anywhere.

The family does not own any transportation facilities. They just walk or ride on a jeepney

whenever they going out.


The family has 2 kinds of domestic animals namely the dogs and chickens. There are 24

numbers of chicken and 2 dogs mentioned by Ms. F.

Health Status of Each Family Member

The researchers met Mr. A on the second home visit but he was busy that time fixing

something on their house, so Ms. F again volunteered to be the interviewee. Ms. F, however, told

us that her husband once experienced having hemorrhoids known as “almoranas” when he was

working in a construction. His major role there was to carry heavy cements and metals that is why

got that illness. But according to Ms. F, “Sinabihan ko na yun, di naman daw niya pinapansin,

tigas ng ulo, kayang kaya naman daw niya, sabi ko ipahinga niya eh ayaw naman rin niya

magpaawat, mas magkakasakit lang daw pag nagpadoktor pa” Her husband condition did not last

long for they treated it early in time by applying some cream as was advised by Ms. F’s Aunt.

Also, her husband has never undergone immunizations at all since it was not that important before.

Ms. F said that her husband is about 5’4 tall and weighs about 55 kilograms. His BMI reveals

normal weight with a value of 20.8. Ms. F told the researchers that her husband has no genetic or

hereditary illness known. He is not a smoker, but he drinks alcohol rarely especially when he is in

his day-off.

Ms. F on the other hand stated that she has no degenerative, chronic, or infectious diseases

as of the present time. She has also not completed immunizations. When she was still pregnant to

her third child, she intake ferrous sulfate that was given by the Barangay Health Center. Ms. F

was 5 feet by 3 inches and weighs 60 kilograms. Her BMI reveals normal weight with a value of

23.4. She has no complaints as of the present time and has not taken any medications as of the

moment. At times of illness, she would just drink paracetamol for fever and mefenamic acid for

pain or treat wounds.

Mr. A and Ms. F children have also their individual medical history and past illness. Child

G. F. has a congenital heart disease as verbalized by Ms. F“Wala kasi kami pampadoktor sa kanya

at mahal din mga gamot na kailangan niya kaya di na namin siya napapainom ng mga gamot

tapos noodles lang nakakain kasi wala pera madalas eh bawal sa kanya yun” This chronic disease

of her once made her life at risk when she experienced convulsion and got unconscious for half

hours in the middle of the night. Ms. F got panicked of what happened and so what she did was

throwing a water on the face of her daughter. But nothing happened. After half hours of being

unconscious, Child G.F woke up and asked for water to drink. The morning after the incident, Ms.

F asked for help to her aunt and they brought Child G.F on the hospital and that why they

discovered that Child G.F has congenital heart disease.

Child G.A, the second child of Mr. A and Ms. F has an asthma. They went to Barangay

Health Center to use nebulizer once when his asthma attacks. Child G.A seldom attacked by his

asthma as stated by his mother.

Lastly their youngest child J.A, who has no any degenerative, chronic, or infectious

diseases as of the present time. She has complete immunizations. Ms. F mentioned that “tiki-tiki”

is the medicine intake by her daughter. She is 3 feet and 11 inches tall and weighs 17 kilograms.

She appears thin. This child has many rashes seen on her legs.

Family Assessment Based on Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern

Health Perception-health management patterns


The family A was free from diseases and no known vices like smoking and drinking except

for Mr. A who drinks alcohol rarely. They also able to recognize the importance of having a healthy


Nutritional-metabolic pattern

The Family A does not have any healthy lifestyle practices and they seldom take any food

supplements or vitamins. Their family daily food intake is mainly rice, instant noodles and canned

goods. Children eat junk foods whenever they were given money. Children have poor appetite

according to Ms. F.

Elimination pattern

The Family eliminates everyday with an average frequency of urine: 2-3 times. According

to Ms. F, all of the family members have no difficulty in voiding. The family members defecate

everyday and some, every other day with no difficulty in defecating noted.

Activity-exercise pattern

Family preferred to stay at home and take a nap if they have free time while their children

play with other children in the community after class.

Sleep-rest pattern

The Family A usually has 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep according to the mother. They

usually sleep at around 9 in the evening and wake up at around 4 to 5 in the morning. They also

take a nap at free time.

Cognitive-perceptual pattern

The family A was oriented to time, place and is able to identify people and significant

others by their first names and also able to respond accordingly and correctly to questions. Verbal

pattern and spontaneity were normally observed as well as memory intact and also no observed

sensory defects.


The Family A perceived situations (health deficits) to be very stressful but remain passive

about things and condition of each member’s past illness.

Roles and relationship

The Family members have an open communication and able to discuss their problems

according to the mother.

Sexual reproductive

Both parents are still in the reproductive age but Ms. F mentioned verbalized “Ay naku

wala na kong time, tama na tong tatlo. Wala na ngang makain eh”

Coping Stress

The Family A especially the parents go hand in hand in terms of decision making since

their children were still young. They gains strength in the “assurance and guarantee” provided by

family members.

Values/ Beliefs Pattern

The family is Roman Catholic in faith but does not go anymore to church since they are

situated far away from the place of worship they attend.


Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention.

The children in the family has not all completed their immunization. Only the youngest

child undergo complete immunization since according to Ms. F statement, the Barangay Health

workers round on their Barangay to give immunization to the infants that was also part of the

program of barangay San Agustin 2.

The family A does not have healthy lifestyle practices. The mother stated it depends on the

amount of money what they were going to eat as manifested by “Eh kung anong meron, kakainin.

Hanggang mga noodles at delata lang kaya ng budget namin”.

In terms of adequate rest and sleep, Ms. F mentioned that they sleep early once their

favorite tv shows ended and wake up early because the work of his husband. It was manifested by

Mrs. F. verbalization. “Maaga kami natutulog. Minsan ng gabi, minsan 8 ng gabi. Maaga rin kamin

nagigising. Minsan 4 ng madaling araw minsan 7 ng umaga dipende sa gising nitong maliit at

trabaho ni mister”

For the Family A, Ms. F waking up her husband and children and start doing the household

chores, and walking are their ways of exercise. The mother usually does the household works and

talks with the neighbors during free time. The children are either in school or are playing with

other children in the community.

The mother recognizes the importance of health in the family, however, because of

financial constraints made them ignores any major health problems that may arise. Furthermore,

they were not able to sustain sufficient supplies of medication or articles which they would need

related to their health care needs. They often use alternative medicines or herbal medicines for

treating their illness and habitually self-medicate if medications are available. The family believes

in the power of herbal plants. They occasionally use herbal plants lodged near the house in treating

diseases or symptoms in the family since she had no choice but to use these plants for the reason

and the best way for this family in barangay health center is far away from their home. But if the

symptoms manifested by the family member become severe, they immediately go to the health

center or to the hospital.

The Health-Related Problems Present in the Household

The Family House Assessment Tool and Gordon’s Health Assessment of the family that

lives in South Crest Village was used to determine their different health problems, etiology, and

signs and symptoms. The researchers have identified 20 different health problems and derived top

five health problems with the help of following criteria: Nature of the Problem, Modifiability of

the Problem, Preventive Potential of the Problem, and Salience of the Problem. These problems

were scored (see complete scoring on Appendix) to identify the problems that should be highly

prioritized. The first five problems are the top five problems arranged in chronological order based

on their ranking with respect to their scores of prioritizations.

Table 3. The table shows the top five priority health problems with the scores and its rank


1 Inability to take medicine 11 1

2 Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply 11 1

3 Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water 11 1

4 Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition 11 1

5 Poor Indoor Environment Condition 11 1


Out of twenty health problems identified in the case of family A, these top five with the

scores of 11 and all got rank 1 were utilized to the appropriate care plan needed for the family. In

the study of Blessing (2017), he revealed that there are ten (10) common family health problem

and out of those 10, these five also belongs to the rank of 9th, 5th, 3rd and 6th respectively.

Inability to Take Vitamins

Inability to utilize community resources for health care related to inadequate knowledge of

community resources for health care in taking vitamins as manifested by the absence of vitamins

and food supplements and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala naman ata kasi minsan

vitamins yung center kaya di kami nahingi, tsaka wala rin panahon kasi lagi nasa trabaho asawa

ko tapos ako naman lagi nasa bahay, pag wala siya pasok pahinga lang siya dito”.

Table 4. Inability to take Vitamins

Criteria Computation Justification

1. Nature of the Not taking Vitamins lessens health

(2)1 2
Problem improvement, making it a health threat.
Supply of Vitamins is free and available
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 making this health-related problem easily
the Problem
3. Preventive Vitamins intake can easily be promoted
Potential (3)1 3 making the preventive potential of this health-
related problem high.

It needs immediate attention for the children

4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 of the family protected from diseases that are
prominent in their household

Total Score: 11

This health-related problem, inability to take vitamins, is a health threat that has the highest

level of modifiability considering the vitamins’ availability and accessibility. It has a high

preventive potential for proper promotion and practice could lead to habitual vitamin intake. It also

has a high salience for it must be immediately resolved for future health problems to be prevented.

Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to lack of inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation in

terms of water supply as manifested by the sponge beside pails with stagnant polluted water that

serves as a water for cleaning plates and the key informant’s verbalization “Diyan na kami

naghuhugas ng plato, nababa naman yung dumi sa ilalim kaya pwede pa panghugas hugas, para

tipid na rin kasi mahal tubig”.

Table 5. Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply

Criteria Computation Justification

1. Nature of the Having an unsanitary water supply is a threat

(2)1 2
Problem to family’s health.
Easily modifiable since waters in their pails
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 can be renewed and replaced with clean water
the Problem
to store.
3. Preventive
Potential It has high preventive potential for its effects
(3)1 3
can be prevented easily.

It needs immediate attention for this

4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 unsanitary water supplies are their medium in
cleaning plates, etc.

Total Score: 11

This health-related problem, unsanitary water supply, is a health threat that has the highest

level of modifiability considering the low level of difficulty in providing a sanitary water supply.

It has a high preventive potential for its effects could be easily prevented when a sanitary water

supply is provided. It also has a high salience for it must be immediately resolved for future health

problems related to water sanitation be prevented.

Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to inadequate family resources, specifically financial constraints/limited

financial resources as manifested by the absence of drinking water containers and the key

informant’s verbalization “Wala kami pambili ng purified at mineral kaya tubig gripo lang iniinom

namin, pagkaigib, iintay lang ilang minuto tas pwede na inumin yun”.

Table 6. Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water

Criteria Computation Justification

1. Nature of the Unsanitary drinking water is a health threat

(2)1 2
Problem to family’s health.
Unsanitary drinking water is easily
2. Modifiability of modifiable since practices of purifying
(2)2 4
the Problem water can be taught and water stations are
3. Preventive Preventive Potential is high since only one
Potential (3)1 3 source of water is needed to fix and
resolutions that can be done are many.

The problem needs immediate attention

4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 since all family members drink water
obtained directly from a faucet.

Total Score: 11

This health-related problem, unsanitary drinking water, is a health threat that has the

highest level of modifiability considering the availability of purified water stations and several

ways of making water potable. It has a high preventive potential for its effects could be easily

prevented when a sanitary drinking water is provided. It also has a high salience for it must be

immediately resolved for all the family members’ health are at stake every time they drink.

Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to lack of/inadequate knowledge of preventive measures as manifested by the

presence of pile of garbage with no segregation, wood and metal scattered, and pails with stagnant

water, and the key informant’s verbalization “May mga nakakalat na kahoy kahoy diyan pati bakal

di namin tinatapon kasi baka mabenta pa, diyan din namin tinatabi mga basura, inaayos lang

naming sila pag nagkokolekta na ng basura, di naman kami mapapano niyan”.

Table 7. Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition

Criteria Computation Justification
Unsanitary surroundings is a threat to
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 family’s health for health hazards can be
It has an easy modifiability since regular
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 cleaning and sanitation can solve this health
the Problem
threat caused by health hazards.
3. Preventive It can be prevented since this problem can be
Potential (3)1 3 eradicated by just promoting cleanliness and
4. Salience of the It needs immediate attention for these hazards
(2)1 2
Problem could lead to health deficits soon.
Total Score: 11

This health-related problem, poor outdoor environmental condition, is a health threat that

has the highest level of modifiability considering the low level of difficulty in improving the

cleanliness of the family’s outdoor environment. It has a high preventive potential for its risks can

be eradicated once proper sanitation is practiced in the surroundings of their house. It also has a

high salience for it must be immediately resolved for different health related hazards not to become


Poor Indoor Environmental Condition

Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to inadequate knowledge of the importance of hygiene and sanitation as

manifested by the presence of trashes and dust in the living room and the key informant’s

verbalization “Tuwing gabi lang kami nagwawalis para isahang linisan na lang, bago matulog

kasi madudumihan lang ulit”.

Table 8. Poor Indoor Environmental Condition

Criteria Computation Justification
A poor indoor environment could lead to
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 health deficits making this health-related
problem a health threat.
This problem is easily modifiable for
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 regular and proper cleaning is enough to
the Problem
resolve it.
3. Preventive It has high preventive potential since proper
Potential (3)1 3 education of hygiene and sanitation could
prevent this health-related problem.
4. Salience of the This needs an immediate attention for it
(2)1 2
Problem could lead to health diseases.
Total Score: 11

This health-related problem, poor indoor environment, is a health threat that has the highest

level of modifiability considering the low level of difficulty in maintaining the cleanliness and

orderliness on the indoor setting. It has a high preventive potential for its effects could be easily

prevented when proper and regular cleaning is practiced by the family. It also has a high salience

for it must be immediately resolved for future health problems caused by poor indoor

environmental may eventually be present.

Proposed Interventions for the Identified Health Related Problems of the Household

In addressing the top five prioritized health problems that the researchers have identified,

care plans were completed that will provide holistic care for the client. A care plan flows from

each patient’s unique list of diagnoses and should be organized by the individual’s specific needs

(RN Central, 2003). The care plan includes the following components such as (1) the assessment

where physical, emotional, sexual, psychosocial, cultural, spiritual/transpersonal, cognitive,

functional, age related, economic and environmental condition of the client are assessed, and these

may be subjective and objective; (2) the diagnosis where the healthcare provider identify and

diagnose the problems to be addressed and prioritized; (3) intervention, made by the researcher

and should provide evidence based care to the client or family member.

Along with the care plan are the Ishikawa or Fishbone Diagram, a visualization tool for

categorizing the potential causes of each problems in order to identify its root causes (Rouse,

2015). The care plans of each problems were arranged in chronological order based on their

ranking with respect to their scores of prioritizations.

Care Plan for Inability to Take Vitamins

Table 9. Care Plan for Inability to Take Vitamins

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention

Subjective: Inability to utilize At the end of the 1-week- The researchers will aim to
“Wala naman community resources intervention, the following achieve the goal set by
ata kasi minsan for health care related objectives must be performing the following:
vitamins yung to inadequate accomplished: Prepare a brochure
center kaya di knowledge of  All of the members of regarding the importance
kami nahingi, community resources the family will be of taking vitamins and the
tsaka wala rin for health care in given a brochure medicines and services
panahon kasi taking vitamins as regarding the offered by the nearest
lagi nasa manifested by the importance of taking barangay health center.
trabaho asawa absence of vitamins vitamins and the  Prepare a Five (5) Item
ko tapos ako and food supplements medicines and services questionnaire
naman lagi nasa and the key offered by the nearest regarding the
bahay, pag wala informant’s barangay health center. importance of taking
siya pasok verbalization “Wala  At least 2 members of vitamins and the
pahinga lang naman ata kasi the family will be medicines and services
siya dito”. minsan vitamins yung addressed in a one-on- offered by the nearest
Objective: center kaya di kami one discussion of the barangay health
 Absence of nahingi, tsaka wala contents of the center.
vitamins rin panahon kasi lagi brochure.  One-on-one discussion
 Absence of nasa trabaho asawa  At least 2 members of with at least 2
any food ko tapos ako naman the family will provide members of the family
supplements lagi nasa bahay, pag an evaluation about the regarding the
wala siya pasok discussion at least 4 brochure.
pahinga lang siya out of 5.  Conduct an evaluation

This health-related problem, inability to take vitamins, was a health threat which was

mainly caused by inadequate knowledge of community health resources for health care in taking

vitamins. This is why the main objective of this nursing care plan was to educate the family with

regards to the health resources offered by the community health centers as well as the importance

of taking vitamins through the use of educative brochures. The family then answered a

questionnaire to measure the level of their learning and eventually provide an evaluation of the

nursing care plan done.


Care Plan for Unsanitary Water Supply

Table 10. Care Plan for Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Water Supply
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention

Subjective: Inability to provide a At the end of the 1-week- The researchers will aim to
“Diyan na kami home environment intervention, the achieve the goal set by
naghuhugas ng conducive to health following objectives must performing the following:
plato, nababa maintenance and be accomplished:  Prepare a brochure
naman yung dumi personal development  All of the members of regarding the
sa ilalim kaya with relate to lack of the family will be importance of sanitary
pwede pa inadequate knowledge given a brochure water supply,
panghugas hugas, of importance of regarding the specifically the
para tipid na rin hygiene and sanitation importance of sanitary knowledge regarding
kasi mahal tubig”. in terms of water water supply, water contamination
Objective: supply as manifested specifically the and effective ways to
 Presence by the sponge beside knowledge regarding save water.
of pails pails with stagnant water contamination  Prepare a Five (5) Item
with polluted water that and effective ways to questionnaire regarding
contamina serves as a water for save water. the importance of
ted water cleaning plates and the  At least 2 members of sanitary water supply,
 Presence key informant’s the family will be specifically the
of verbalization “Diyan addressed in a one-on- knowledge regarding
unwashed na kami naghuhugas one discussion of the water contamination
dishes ng plato, nababa contents of the and effective ways to
beside the naman yung dumi sa brochure. save water.
pails ilalim kaya pwede pa  At least 2 members of  One-on-one discussion
 Presence panghugas hugas, the family will with at least 2 members
of sponge para tipid na rin kasi provide an evaluation of the family regarding
mahal tubig”. about the discussion the brochure.
at least 4 out of 5.  Conduct an evaluation

This health-related problem, unsanitary water supply, was a health threat which was mainly

caused by inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation. This is why the main

objective of this nursing care plan was to educate the family with regards to water contamination

and effective ways to store water. The family then answered a questionnaire to measure the level

of their learning and eventually provide an evaluation of the nursing care plan done.

Care Plan for Unsanitary Drinking Water

Table 11. Care Plan for Poor Home Sanitation: Unsanitary Drinking Water
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention
Subjective: Inability to provide a At the end of the 1-week- The researchers will aim to
“Wala kami home environment intervention, the following achieve the goal set by
pambili ng conducive to health objectives must be performing the following:
purified at maintenance and accomplished:  Prepare a brochure
mineral kaya personal development  All of the members of regarding the importance
tubig gripo with relate to the family will be of sanitary drinking water,
lang iniinom inadequate family given a brochure specifically the importance
namin, resources, specifically regarding the of having a sanitary water
pagkaigib, financial importance of sanitary source and container and
iintay lang constraints/limited drinking water, knowing ways to make
ilang minuto financial resources as specifically the water potable.
tas pwede na manifested by the importance of having a  Prepare a Five (5) Item
inumin yun” absence of drinking sanitary water source questionnaire regarding
water containers and and container and the importance of sanitary
Objective: presence of open pails knowing ways to make drinking water,
 Absence of with drinking glasses, water potable. specifically the importance
Drinking and the key  At least 2 members of of having a sanitary water
Water informant’s the family will be source and container and
Containers verbalization “Wala addressed in a one-on- knowing ways to make
 Presence of kami pambili ng one discussion of the water potable.
Pails with purified at mineral contents of the  One-on-one discussion
Water kaya tubig gripo lang brochure. with at least 2 members of
 Drinking iniinom namin,  At least 2 members of the family regarding the
Glasses pagkaigib, iintay lang the family will provide brochure.
beside the ilang minuto tas an evaluation about the  Conduct an evaluation
Pails pwede na inumin discussion at least 4
yun”. out of 5.

This health-related problem, unsanitary drinking water, was a health threat which was

mainly caused by inadequate family resources, specifically financial constraints. This is why the

main objective of this nursing care plan was to educate the family with regards to ways on how to

make water from sink or faucet potable as well as the importance of sanitary drinking water and

container. The family was then answered a questionnaire to measure the level of their learning and

eventually provide an evaluation of the nursing care plan done.


Care Plan for Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition

Table 12. Care Plan for Poor Outdoor Environmental Condition

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention
Subjective: Inability to provide a At the end of the 1-week- The researchers will aim to
“May mga nakakalat home environment intervention, the achieve the goal set by
na kahoy kahoy diyan conducive to health following objectives must performing the following:
pati bakal di namin maintenance and be accomplished:  Prepare a brochure
tinatapon kasi baka personal development  All of the members of regarding the
mabenta pa, diyan din due to lack the family will be importance of outdoor
namin tinatabi mga of/inadequate given a brochure hygiene and sanitation,
basura, inaayos lang knowledge of regarding the specifically the
naming sila pag preventive measures as importance of outdoor importance of proper
nagkokolekta na ng manifested by the hygiene and waste disposal, dangers
basura, di naman kami presence of pile of sanitation, of stagnant water, and
mapapano niyan” garbages, scattered specifically the proper wood and metal
pieces of wood and importance of proper storing.
Objective: scrap metals, and pails waste disposal,  Prepare a Five (5) Item
 Pile of of stagnant water and dangers of stagnant questionnaire regarding
Garbage with verbalized by “May water, and proper the importance of
no segregation mga nakakalat na wood and metal outdoor hygiene and
beside the kahoy kahoy diyan pati storing. sanitation, specifically
house bakal di namin  At least 2 members of the importance of
 Wood and tinatapon kasi baka the family will be proper waste disposal,
metals mabenta pa, diyan din addressed in a one-on- dangers of stagnant
scattered on namin tinatabi mga one discussion of the water, and proper wood
the lot of the basura, inaayos lang contents of the and metal storing.
house naming sila pag brochure.  One-on-one discussion
 Pails with nagkokolekta na ng  At least 2 members of with at least 2 members
stagnant water basura, di naman kami the family will of the family regarding
placed in front mapapano niyan”. provide an evaluation the brochure.
of the house about the discussion  Conduct an evaluation
at least 4 out of 5.

This health-related problem, poor outdoor environmental condition, was a health threat

which was mainly caused by inadequate knowledge of preventive measures. This is why the main

objective of this nursing care plan was to educate the family with regards to proper storage of scrap

metals and wood as well as proper waste segregation and risks of having stagnant water. The

family was then answered a questionnaire to measure the level of their learning and eventually

provide an evaluation of the nursing care plan done.


Care Plan for Poor Indoor Environmental Condition

Table 13. Care Plan for Poor Indoor Environmental Condition

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention

Subjective: Inability to provide At the end of the 1-week- The researchers will aim to
“Tuwing gabi home environment intervention, the following achieve the goal set by
lang kami conducive to health objectives must be performing the following:
nagwawalis para maintenance and accomplished:  Prepare a brochure
isahang linisan na personal  All of the members of regarding the
lang, bago development due the family will be importance of indoor
matulog kasito inadequate given a brochure hygiene and sanitation,
madudumihan knowledge of the regarding the specifically the
lang ulit”. importance of importance of indoor importance of regular
hygiene and hygiene and sanitation, indoor cleaning of trash
Objective: sanitation as specifically the and dust.
 Presence manifested by the importance of regular  Prepare a Five (5) Item
of trash all presence of trashes indoor cleaning of questionnaire regarding
over the and dust in the trash and dust. the importance of
house living room and the  At least 2 members of indoor hygiene and
 Presence key informant’s the family will be sanitation, specifically
of dust all verbalization addressed in a one-on- the importance of
over the “Tuwing gabi lang one discussion of the regular indoor cleaning
house kami nagwawalis contents of the of trash and dust.
 Absence para isahang brochure.  One-on-one discussion
of Broom linisan na lang,  At least 2 members of with at least 2 members
and bago matulog kasi the family will provide of the family regarding
Dustpan madudumihan lang an evaluation about the brochure.
ulit”. the discussion at least  Conduct an evaluation
4 out of 5.

This health-related problem, poor indoor environmental condition, was a health threat

which was mainly caused by inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation. This

is why the main objective of this nursing care plan was to educate the family with regards to proper

and regular indoor cleaning of trash and dust. The family was then answered a questionnaire to

measure the level of their learning and eventually provide an evaluation of the nursing care plan


Chapter V

Presented in this case study is the distinctive characteristics and health condition of family

A. This case study presented the family structure, socio – economic and cultural factors, home and

environmental factors, health assessment of each member. It also contains data about identified

problems on the living condition of the family and its corresponding interventions.


The Family A is considered as a nuclear type of family. A nuclear type is a typical type of

family composed of a father, a mother and child/children. The A family resides in the Sparrow St.

in South Crest Village, San Agustin II, Dasmariñas, Cavite. They have started living there since


Their house is made of wood and galvanized iron sheets. Ms. F did not know the exact

measurement of their house. Her husband, Mr. A, knows it yet he was not there during the

interview. In order for the house to be considered as adequate, the total floor area should be divided

among the total members of the family and each should at least have 3.5 m2. The house only has

1 window that cannot sustain the adequate ventilation needed by the family.

The A family’s main source of income is coming from Mr. A’s occupation as a security

guard. Mr. A earns about Php 3,000.00 a month. Since Ms. F does not work, she is in charge of

the house and in taking care of the children and the budgeting of money in terms of food, education

and miscellaneous. With Mr. A’s monthly income, the family strives hard to accommodate

everything they need for them to live. According to NEDA, each individual should at least have

Php 2768.60 when the total monthly income of the family is divided among the total family

members. The total monthly income of Mr. V is about Php 3, 000.00 and when divided among the

5 members, it is only Php 600.00, thus, they can be considered poor. Ms. F also informed the

researchers that they do not have any financial assets at hand in case of emergency. They typically

borrow money from their relatives.

All of them are affiliates of Roman Catholicism. Ms. F mentioned that they seldom go to

church ever since they have lived in South Crest Village San Agustin II for the reason that they

have no time for its distance from their house is somewhat faraway. The family participates in

community activities such as celebrating fiesta and watching different affairs such as basketball


The A Family enjoys the community resources since the community itself are active in

conducting activities for the community. The children, though, go to Purok Daanbanwang

Elementary School. The father is usually in a mosque working as a security guard while the mother

is in the house doing household chores.

Their neighbors on the left side of their house is the source of their electricity while their

neighbors on the right side of their house help them with water supply. The A Family contribute

Php 190.00 for water supply. They wash their clothes and gets their drinking water supply there.

They put their water in a pails often without cover. They do not sterilize or purify their drinking

water supply.

A Family has no proper comfort room. They usually urinate and remove bowels in their

Open Pit Privy improvised comfort room. The drainage system of the family is an open type where

in the drainage flows anywhere and is continuous.

The A family is identified to have plenty of environmental problems in which it is evident

that they practice poor environmental sanitation. With this situation and family condition, many

problems were identified such as health threats which include fire hazards, poor home and

environmental sanitation, and improper drainage system as well as health threats which are

improper personal practice as improper hygiene. A nursing care plan was then formulated to

address the different problems identified.

Nevertheless, the family has chances to improve their health condition. There still have

that ability to meet the desired characteristics in their structure and maximize their health potential

of optimum wellness. They are mostly cooperative and participative to the different issues and

interventions they are confronted. Hence, they are willing to submit themselves for the impartation

of information and basic knowledge regarding family health.

The objectives of identifying family health related problems were achieved due to the

compliance and cooperation of the A Family. Together with the family, the researchers as an agent

has helped the family through motivation and support to change their lifestyle and improve their

health status. Although the allotted time for the researchers was not enough to attend to all those

twenty (20) health related problems, the family is now equipped with fair knowledge which they

could use anytime as the need arises.


This study “Family Health Assessment: The Case of Family A” is a qualitative case study that

formulated conclusions answering the research problems of this study.

The A Family consists of 5 family members where the father, Mr. A, is the only one

working that has a monthly income of Php 3,000.00. This amount of income implies that the A

Family is to be considered poor. On the other hand, Ms. F, although has no occupation, she is

dominant in terms of decision making and household duties. Their aunt and neighbors play a big

role in their way of living in terms of water, electricity, and financial support. Their household are

made up of light materials that consists only one room for sleeping, cooking, and dining. All of

the family members have a medical history of acquiring diseases except Ms. F for she stated that

she did not acquired any disease yet. Immunization of the family members are incomplete. They

have no stable lifestyle due to insufficient resources yet recognizes health as a must.

The researchers identified twenty (20) health related problems present in the A Family.

However, the researchers come up with five (5) health related problems to be prioritized through

proper scoring and its corresponding justifications. These five-prioritized health related problems

are namely: inability to take vitamins; unsanitary water supply; unsanitary drinking water; poor

outdoor environmental condition; and poor indoor environmental condition respectively. These

are the health-related problems where interventions were made.

The interventions were mainly imparting knowledge and proper education about the

following: medicines and services offered by barangay health center including the importance

of taking vitamins; importance of sanitary water supply, information regarding water

contamination, and proper effective ways of saving water; importance of sanitary drinking

water source and container, and knowing ways to make water potable; importance of outdoor

hygiene and sanitation, specifically the importance of proper waste disposal, dangers of

stagnant water, and proper wood and metal storing; and importance of indoor hygiene and

sanitation and regular indoor cleaning of dust and trash respectively. These interventions were

concluded by the researchers to be effective in eradicating or lessening the prioritized health

related problems.


The researchers have identified and prioritized problems and needs with the family. The

researchers have also created a care plan on how to deliver the best nursing care for the family to

address their needs. The following below are propositions and commendations recognized by both

the researchers and family after the interventions were conducted:

The family should be aware that organizations in the community are open and present for their

problems to be addressed properly, specifically the availability of medicines such as vitamins in

the nearby barangay health center.

They must enclose all storage of water to avoid pollution through contamination to maintain a

sanitary water supply.

The family must promote proper ways of saving water considering hygiene and sanitation.

The family must realize what danger using polluted water can cause to the health of its family

members and what makes a water polluted.

The family should secure a safe, sanitary and closed drinking water storage for all of its


The A family must remember the importance of sanitary drinking water in a household and

practice ways in making tap water potable.

The A family should maintain a healthy and clean environment. They must clean their

surroundings to avoid the presence of vectors of diseases.

The A family should persevere to perform proper waste segregation, scrap metal and wood

storage, and disposal of their garbage as it was presented during the intervention.

They should be encouraged to regularly clean the dust and trashes inside their house on a daily

basis realizing the health problems it could bring.


The family must also be educated on the importance of hygiene and sanitation in all situations

for this issue is prominent in the interventions made considering that Family A have a very low

level of cleanliness in many aspects.

The future researchers should seek resources and develop a more comprehensive manner

and consider the following recommendations of the researchers of this study:

Conduct data gathering for at least 3 consecutive days for the data to be accurate for some

situations may only happen by chance or coincidence.

Conduct an interview not only in the key informant, the head of the family, but also the other

members to thoroughly understand the living of the family in each of their perspectives.

Make sure that the visiting in this family occurs in a time where the family is complete and not


Attempt to have an access inside the house to further examine the household and to gather a

wider variety of possible or existing health related problems.

Gather pieces of information also with the neighbors of the family to be assessed that have a

built relationship with them for the study to have a different point of view with regards to the

household of the family.

The other families are recommended utilize family case studies like this as an advantage

of foreseeing possible health related problems that may arise in the family and perform the

following ways of preparation or resolution:

Gather information in conducted family health case studies to know the common health related

problems that are faced by other families.

Be educated on the appropriate plans to be formulated in order to attain development and

improvement with regards to a particular health related problem.


Prevent the common health related problems evident on other families from affecting their

household by learning the precautions

Discover different intervention that are effectively performed on the other families and utilize

it when a similar health related problem existed.

Gather pieces of information also with the neighbors of the family to be assessed that have a

built relationship with them for the study to have a different point of view with regards to the

household of the family.

The local health authorities related to Family A are recommended to perform the following

activities to strengthen the health foundation of families in the community:

Inform all the household in the community of the offered medicines and health services of the

barangay health center and provide a list of it if possible.

Constantly promote the cleanliness and sanitation of the surroundings of each household in the


Discover the common health related problems of the community and provide an appropriate

intervention for these for the common good of the community.


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Researcher 1: Magandang araw po Nay ! Mga researchers po kami mula sa Congre Grade 12

students po. Pwede po ba namin kayong mainterview? May mga katanungan lang po kaming

itatanong niyo and mostly about sa Health po ng Family niyo. Pwede po ba?

Respondent: Para saan ba’ yan?

Researcher 2: Para po sa Research po namin. Pananaliksik po dito po sa South Crest Village.

Respondent: Ah O sige pasok kayo. Maliit lang bahay namin dito nalang tayo sa labas at masikip

diyan sa loob, magulo pa. Neng paabot nga ng suklay.

Researchers 1: Ayan sige po umpisahan ko na po yung pagtatanong. Bali po irerecord po namin

itong pag uusap po natin para po sa accuracy ng data po namin ok lang po.

Respondent: Sige sige.

Researchers 2: Ay Nay bali habang tinatanong po kayo ni Kady, Kukuhanan ko po kayo ng vital

signs ayos lang po ba?

Respondent: Ok. sige. O Joy behave ka lang huh. Wag malikot kay ibbp ako ni Kuya.

Researchers 1: Ayan sige po. So bali sa unang katanungan po, kamusta naman po ang kalusugan

niyo po ngayon? May kakaiba po ba kayong nararamdaman or anything na nafefeel na sakit?

Respondent: Hahaha. Pasaway. Edi kung may sakit ka dapat nasa doktor. Hindi, okay lang. Pang

bata ba wala kayo?

Researchers 1: Ahmm, nakakapag bisita pa po ba kayo sa doctor?

Respondent: Hindi na ako nagpapadoktor. Wala naman akong nararamdaman eh

Researchers 1: Dito po sa health center ninyo?

Respondent: Ayan kapag may mga sakit yung bata. Bata lang. Siyempre unahin mo muna bata

eh. Eto (baby Joy) ano naman to eh every meron sila diyan sa center pang bata.

Researchers 1: Opo

Respondent: Pero pag matanda ka, hindi mo na iniisip yun. Unang-una bata eh, Diba Joy?

Researchers 1: Wala po kayong ano, kahit nararamdaman lang po?

Respondent: Napapagod. *laugh* Naubo. Malamig kasi.

Researchers 1: Ah napapagod. Ano pong iniinom niyo po kapag napapagod po kayo o may

iniinom po ba kayo?

Respondent: Meron akong ferrous. Ferrous na ano vitamins.

Researchers 1: Ah vitamins.

Respondent: Bigay sakin yun ng auntie ko. Paano wala naman ata kasi minsan vitamins yung

center kaya di kami nahingi,

Researchers 1: Ah talaga po?

Respondent: Oo, tsaka wala rin panahon kasi lagi nasa trabaho asawa ko tapos ako naman lagi

nasa bahay, pag wala siya pasok pahinga lang siya dito.

Researchers 1: Ah ok po. Ay, nay umiinom po ba?

Respondent: Hindi.

Researchers 1: Naninigarilyo po?

Respondent: Naku, kulang na nga sa pamilya mo. Magbibisyo pa.

Researchers 2: Tama Mommy. Sana lahat ng mommy ganyan.

Researchers 1: Tama. Hand up para kay Nanay.

Respondent: Neng magbihis ka na at malelate ka na.

Researchers 1: Saan po napasok si Neneng?

Respondent: Diyan sa tirona.

Researchers 1: May service po?


Respondent: Nilalakad lang nila yan kasi malapit nga lang, wala naman mangayari sa kanilang

masama, lakad lang naman.

Researchers 1: Kung ire rate niyo po yung kalusugan niyo. 1 yung lowest at 10 ang highest, gaano

po kaya masasabi niyo na healthy kayo pati po yung buong pamilya niyo?

Respondent: Di ko madescribe. Dapat perfect para walang sakit diba?

Researchers 1: Healthy na healthy po ba?

Respondent: Syempre naman. Kailangan eh. Syempre kapag may sakit ka, apektado bata eh.

Kawawa naman. Tulad niyan. *turo sa panganay na anak* may sakit sa puso yan. Butas puso niyan


Researchers 1: Talaga po?

Respondent: Oo. Two years old siya ng ma detect naming butas puso niya.

Researchers 1: Ano pong ginawa niyo noong nalaman niyo pong butas yung puso niya?

Respondent: Syempre, natakot. Kinabahan. Wala kasi kami pampadoktor sa kanya at mahal din

mga gamot na kailangan niya kaya di na namin siya napapainom ng mga gamot tapos noodles lang

nakakain kasi wala pera madalas.

Researchers 1: Ano po? Instant Noodles?

Respondent: Oo, instant noodles. Eh bawal sa kanya yun sabi ng auntie ko.



Health Perception/ Health Management Pattern

1. How is your Health?

2. Do you regularly visit a doctor within a year? Copy of medical reports if any?
3. Are you under medication? Is it prescription or over the counter drugs? What are those
4. Do you use tobacco?
5. Do you drink Alcohol? What type of Alcohol?
6. In a scale of 1-10, 1 being not healthy and 10 as healthy, how would you rate your health
7. How often do you visit the doctor within a year?
8. How many medication drugs do you take?
9. How many sticks or packs of cigarettes do you consume?
10. How many bottles of alcohol? How often?
Nutritional Metabollic

1. Did you lose or gain weight in the last six months?

2. How would you describe your appetite?
3. What are the foods that you enjoy? Don’t enjoy?
4. Do you restrict yourself from eating something? What are those? Why did you restrict
5. Did your doctor, if there is any, restrict you from eating any food? What are those? Why
did you restrict yourself?
6. Do you drink water every day? Are there any other fluids that you drink?
7. What kind of food do you eat ever day? Could you describe it?
8. What is the amount of weight you gain or lose?
9. In a scale of 1-5, 1 being the poor and 5 being the good, how would you describe your
10. How much water do you drink every day?
11. How much food do you think to eat every day?
Elimination Pattern

1. How can you describe your usual bowel movement?

2. Can you describe your stool? The color? The size? The smell?
3. Do you take any medication that may have an effect on your bowel movement? What is it?
4. Can you describe the consistency of your urine? The color? The smell?
5. How often is your bowel movement?
6. How often do you urinate?

Activity-Exercise Pattern

1. Do you have an exercise pattern?

2. Describe your usual leisure activities?
3. What do you usually do in your spare time and what sport do you participate in?
4. How often do you follow your exercise pattern?
5. How many times do you perform your exercise in the span of a week?
6. How often do you experience your difficulty in breathing?
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

1. Describe your pain tolerance, decision making and knowledge level?

2. Hearing difficulty/Hearing aid?
3. Any change in memory lately?
4. How do you define tasty food?
5. Any problems with your vision? If any, do you consult it to your doctor?
6. How do you choose your decisions? What factors influence you in decision making?
7. How do you understand things best? Do you prefer for visual or audio aids?
8. If there are any, what are your difficulties in learning?
9. How often do you make good decisions in your life?
10. How many languages do you speak?
11. How many times do you have your routine eye exam?
12. What is your eye grade?
Sleep-Rest Pattern

1. Describe your sleep routine?

2. Sleep on set problems? Aids? Dreams (Nightmares)? Early awakening?
3. How many hours do you sleep?
4. How long do you rest still?
Self-Perception/Self-Concept Pattern

1. How do you describe yourself? Most of the time, feel good (not so good) about self?
2. Things frequently make you angry? Annoyed? Fearful? Anxious?
3. Do you feel good about yourself?
4. Are you contented to your present body image?
5. In what situation have you ever felt despair?
6. For you, what are your talents? Are you willing to show it to others?
7. Nervous (5) or relaxed (1): rate from 1 to 5.
8. Assertive (5) or passive (1): rate from 1 to 5.
9. In the scale of 1-10, rate your confidence level?

1. Things generally go well at word? (school)?


2. Who do you live with?

3. Describe the environment in which you grew up.
4. If any what is your major role in the family?
5. Do you belong to any social group?
6. How do you interact with others?
7. How often do you feel lonely?
8. In a scale of 1-10, how extraneous the activities your work requires you to do?
9. How many are you in the family?
10. In a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you in your family?
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern

1. Are you satisfied with your sexual/ reproductive practice? Why or why not?
2. When appropriate: Use of contraceptives/ Problems?
3. Do you experience difficulties in your sexual capabilities?
4. Are you satisfied with your sexual relationship?

5. How may times have you given birth?

6. How many times you already got pregnant?
7. When do you have your first menstruation period?

8. How frequent do you engage in reproductive practices?

9. When did you have your first ejaculation?
Coping With Stress/ Tolerance Pattern

1. How do you handle stress?

2. How does your friends and family comfort you during the days that are you stressed?
3. How do you cope with stress, if you do not feel like sharing it to your friends and family?
4. In a scale of 1-10, rate your level of coping with stress?
5. What is your estimated time before you can move on from something that gives you stress?
Value-Belief Pattern

1. What is your religion?

2. Are there any practices in your religion that would ask you to eat something or prohibits
you from eating something? What are those foods?
3. How important your health is to you?
4. Do you care about your health?
5. How often do you follow those practices?
6. If being healthful is important, how much do you invest on the health status?


1. Inability to utilize community resources for health care related to inadequate knowledge of
community resources for health care in taking vitamins as manifested by the absence of vitamins
and food supplements and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala naman ata kasi minsan
vitamins yung center kaya di kami nahingi, tsaka wala rin panahon kasi lagi nasa trabaho asawa
ko tapos ako naman lagi nasa bahay, pag wala siya pasok pahinga lang siya dito”.
Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Not taking Vitamins lessens health
(2)1 2
Problem improvement, making it a health threat.
Supply of Vitamins is free and available
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 making this health related problem easily
the Problem
3. Preventive Vitamins intake can easily be promoted
Potential (3)1 3 making the preventive potential of this health
related problem high.
It needs immediate attention for the children
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 of the family protected from diseases that are
prominent in their household
Total Score: 11

2. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the at-risk member of the family related to
inadequate family resources for care, specifically financial constraints on congenital heart disease
as manifested by the absence of medicines and medical certificates and presence of instant noodles
as food supply, and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala kasi kami pampadoktor sa kanya at
mahal din mga gamot na kailangan niya kaya di na namin siya napapainom tas noodles lang
nakakain kasi wala pera madalas eh bawal sa kanya yun”

Criteria Computation Justification
The problem of having a family member who
1. Nature of the
(3)1 3 has congenital heart disease is perceived as a
health deficit.
It notates partial modifiability because the
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 effects of it can be lessen or treated but
the Problem
cannot be truly eradicated.
3. Preventive It has low preventive potential since this
Potential (1)1 1 disease cannot be eradicated from occurring
but can be treated.
4. Salience of the This needs an immediate attention since the
(2)1 2
Problem effects may be fatal.
Total Score: 8

3. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the dependent member of the family related to
inadequate family resources for care specifically financial constraints as manifested by the absence
of food for infants and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala kami pambili ng mga cerelac at
biscuit kaya breastfeed lang ginagawa ko para tipid, wala rin kami panggastos eh”

Criteria Computation Justification
Breast milk alone as a food source for more
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 than 6 months could harm babies making it a
health threat.
It is easily modifiable since enough infant
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 food supply is enough to solve this health
the Problem
related problem.
Breastfeeding is a good practice and must not
3. Preventive
be prevented since its good for their health as
Potential (3)1 3
well as their finances.

It is not need immediate attention for the baby

4. Salience of the
(1)1 1 is at good health condition.
Total Score: 10

4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to lack of inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation in
terms of water supply as manifested by the sponge beside pails with stagnant polluted water that
serves as a water for cleaning plates and the key informant’s verbalization “Diyan na kami
naghuhugas ng plato, nababa naman yung dumi sa ilalim kaya pwede pa panghugas hugas, para
tipid na rin kasi mahal tubig”.

Criteria Computation Justification
Having an unsanitary water supply is a threat
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 to family’s health.
Easily modifiable since waters in their pails
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 can be renewed and replaced with clean water
the Problem
to store.
3. Preventive
It has high preventive potential for its effects
Potential (3)1 3
can be prevented easily.
It needs immediate attention for this
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 unsanitary water supplies are their medium in
cleaning plates, etc.
Total Score: 11

5. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to inadequate family resources, specifically financial constraints/limited
financial resources as manifested by the absence of drinking water containers and the key
informant’s verbalization “Wala kami pambili ng purified at mineral kaya tubig gripo lang iniinom
namin, pagkaigib, iintay lang ilang minuto tas pwede na inumin yun”.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Unsanitary drinking water is a health threat
(2)1 2
Problem to family’s health.
Unsanitary drinking water is easily
2. Modifiability of modifiable since practices of purifying
(2)2 4
the Problem water can be taught and water stations are
Preventive Potential is high since only one
3. Preventive
source of water is needed to fix and
Potential (3)1 3
resolutions that can be done are many.

The problem needs immediate attention

4. Salience of the since all family members drink water
(2)1 2
Problem obtained directly from a faucet.

Total Score: 11

6. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to lack of/inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation on
drying clothes as manifested by the presence of dried clothes eposed to unsanitary dusts and
garbage and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala, magtatali tali lang kami jan tas sasampay
na namin jan.”

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Unsanitary Drying of clothes is a threat to
(2)1 2
Problem family’s health.
It is a partially modifiable since they can dry
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 clothes inside their house, but their house
the Problem
lacks in available of space.
It has high preventive potential since they
3. Preventive
have a neighbor close to them to dry their
Potential (3)1 3
clothes and they can also just clean their
drying place.
It does not need an immediate attention since
4. Salience of the
(2)1 1 the problem cannot lead to immediate health
Total Score: 8

7. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to lack of/inadequate knowledge of preventive measures as manifested by the
presence of pile of garbage with no segregation, wood and metal scattered, and pails with stagnant
water, and the key informant’s verbalization “May mga nakakalat na kahoy kahoy diyan pati bakal
di namin tinatapon kasi baka mabenta pa, diyan din namin tinatabi mga basura, inaayos lang
naming sila pag nagkokolekta na ng basura, di naman kami mapapano niyan”.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Unsanitary surroundings is a threat to family’s
(2)1 2
Problem health for health hazards can be aggravated.
It has an easy modifiability since regular
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 cleaning and sanitation can solve this health
the Problem
threat caused by health hazards.
3. Preventive It can be prevented since this problem can be
Potential (3)1 3 eradicated by just promoting cleanliness and
4. Salience of the It needs immediate attention for these hazards
(2)1 2
Problem could lead to health deficits soon.
Total Score: 11

8. Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development related to Inadequate family resources such as having no bathrooms as manifested
by the bathroom covered with plywood and galvanized iron sheets located at the back of their
house and the key informant’s verbalization “Nakikiligo kami diyan sa kabilang bahay. Minsan
kina Auntie.”

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Sharing bathrooms is a threat to health when
(2)1 2
Problem done in a regular basis.
It is partially modifiable since they do not
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 have their own bathroom but can take a bath
the Problem
without sharing bathrooms.
It cannot be prevented completely for it has
3. Preventive
low preventive potential. The family will
Potential (1)1 1
always tend to share bathrooms because they
don’t have one.
It does not need an immediate attention for its
4. Salience of the
(1)1 1 effects are minimum but must not be
Total Score: 6

9. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick member of the family related to inadequate
family resources for care, specifically limitations/lack of physical resources manifested by the
presence of only one room for dinner,sleeping, and eating and the key informant’s verbalization
“May mga ubo’t sipon kami ngaun. Hawa hawa kami kasi lagi naman kami magkakatabi at
magkakasama kasi isang kwarto lang buong bahay namin”.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Cough and colds that are frequent are
(3)1 3
Problem considered a health deficit.
It can be treated with medications but is hard
2. Modifiability of to eradicate due to absence of patient isolation
(1)2 2
the Problem making the disease to easily spread in the
It is partially moderate in preventive potential
3. Preventive
since their exposure to cough and colds
Potential (2)1 2
causing environment is unavoidable or
It needs immediate attention since pneumonia
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 or other serious health problems may be
Total Score: 9

10. Inability to provide a home/ environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to financial constraints manifested by the absence of materials for barricading
and the key informant’s verbalization “Yang mga nasa babang yan (turo sa mga bahay sa baba)
madalas niyang kinakalkal mga gamit namin dito, hindi naman kami makagawa ng harang kasi
wala kami pera.” Their house is located near the slope of the river. There are also houses below

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Having a house which is prone to theft may
(1)1 1
Problem lead to a crisis that may affect their living.
The house can be locked at times but cannot
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 be totally safe because of low quality house
the Problem
3. Preventive It has low preventive potential because of the
Potential (1)1 1 house location which is near to possible
intruders and to a cliff.
This needs an immediate attention since the
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 problem has many threats to occur many
times already.
Total Score: 6

11. Inability to provide a home/ environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to financial constraints manifested by the absence of toilet place and materials
and the key informant’s verbalization “Gusto ko nga magkaroon ng maayos na cr kaso di naman
namin kaya, magastos kasi, pagkain nga lang hirap na, kaya ayun nagtiyatiyaga kami sa cr naming

Criteria Computation Justification
Open Pit Privy is a health threat since the
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 illnesses could arise in this type of toilet
The problem is partially modifiable since
2. Modifiability of sanitation in this type of toilet system can be
(1)2 2
the Problem practiced but not totally change the toilet
3. Preventive Open pit privy has low preventive potential
Potential (1)1 1 since they cannot afford to have a better toilet
This needs immediate attention since diseases
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 can be created with this unsanitary toilet
Total Score: 7

12. Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to inadequate knowledge of the importance of hygiene and sanitation as
manifested by the presence of trashes and dust in the living room and the key informant’s
verbalization “Tuwing gabi lang kami nagwawalis para isahang linisan na lang, bago matulog kasi
madudumihan lang ulit”.

Criteria Computation Justification
A poor indoor environment could lead to
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 health deficits making this health related
problem a health threat.
This problem is easily modifiable for
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 regular and proper cleaning is enough to
the Problem
resolve it.
3. Preventive It has high preventive potential since proper
Potential (3)1 3 education of hygiene and sanitation could
prevent this health related problem.
4. Salience of the This needs an immediate attention for it
(2)1 2
Problem could lead to health diseases.
Total Score: 11

13. Inability to provide a home/ environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to inadequate family resources specifically limited physical resources as
manifested by the absence of space for kitchen and the key informant’s verbalization “Isang kwarto
lang kasi lahat, kaya kasama na rin namin kusina namin, kung kaya lang namin mapalawak yung
bahay para medyo hiwalay hiwalay mga sala kusina matagal na namin ginawa” The house of
Family A is a bungalow style of house mainly made up of woods and galvanized iron sheets. The
mother usually using wood and charcoal.

Criteria Computation Justification
Accident Hazards is a foreseeable crisis for it
1. Nature of the
(1)1 1 can lead to destruction of home and scarcity of
It is partially modifiable since old materials
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 can be replaced but not the whole itself due to
the Problem
lack of resources.
3. Preventive It has a moderate preventive potential since
Potential (2)1 2 these are only hazards and not a current
problem but must not be disregarded.
4. Salience of the It needs immediate attention since disasters
(2)1 2
Problem can come without further notice.
Total Score: 7

14. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action related to
inaccessibility of appropriate resources for care, specifically cost constraints or financial
inaccessibility manifested by the presence of instant noodles and canned sardines and the key
informant’s verbalization “Eh kung anong meron, kakainin. Hanggang mga noodles at delata lang
kaya ng budget namin”. Their Family income is worth P3000 a month and they barely cook for it
is costly for them to do so.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Bad family eating habits is a threat to family’s
(2)1 2
Problem health.
2. Modifiability of It is partially modifiable since what they eat
(1)2 2
the Problem only depends on their available resources.
3. Preventive
It has a low preventive potential for having
Potential (1)1 1
low financial resources to buy healthy foods.
It needs immediate attention since health
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 impacts that are fatal can occur in the long run
because of their family diet.
Total Score: 7

15. Inability to provide a home/ environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to lack of skill in carrying out measures to improve home environment and
inadequate family resources specifically inadequate living space as manifested by “Ayan ito lang
yung aming bahay. Dito na lahat kwarto,kusina,sala lahat na. Eh wala pang pera eh. Tsaka na
pag may pera, eh kaso yung pera kulang pang pangkain at gastusin dito sa bahay araw-araw”.
The house of Family A is composed of single room where all of their kitchen,sala and even their
bed are located on it. inappropriate to the number of their family size.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Inadequate living space can lead to a
(1)1 1
Problem foreseeable crisis one day.
It is partially modifiable because they cannot
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 afford to expand the house, but the space can
the Problem
be budgeted.
3. Preventive
It has low preventive potential since they
Potential (1)1 1
cannot avail to have a larger living space.
It must be attended immediately since their
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 living space is not appropriate for the
numbers of the family members.
Total Score: 6

16. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal
development related to lack of skill in carrying out measures to improve home environment as
manifested by “Isa inaasthma, kailangan magpanebulize kasi sobra ang ubo sa gabi , pinapainom
ko na lang ng tubig.” The Family A has a family member with asthma due to polluted environment
and subsequent cough and colds. Presence of dust and bed in the floor in the house.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the The problem of having a family member who
(3)1 3
Problem has asthma is perceived as a health deficit.
2. Modifiability of It can be partially modifiable modification
(1)2 2
the Problem since it can be solved by nebulization.
3. Preventive It has high preventive potential since the
Potential (3)1 3 availability of medical medicine and attention
is good.
4. Salience of the It needs immediate attention because asthma
(2)1 2
Problem attacks every night to the child.
Total Score: 10

17. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem related to attitude or philosophy
in life which hinders recognition or acceptance of a problem on hemorrhoids as manifested by

“Sinabihan ko na yun, di naman daw niya pinapansin, tigas ng ulo, kayang kaya naman daw niya,
sabi ko ipahinga niya eh ayaw naman rin niya magpaawat, mas magkakasakit lang daw pag
nagpadoktor pa” The Family A have a family member who was once diagnosed with hemorrhoids
for he is a former construction worker facing extraneous activities because of his principles.

Criteria Computation Justification
The problem of having a family member who
1. Nature of the
(3)1 3 has hemorrhoids is perceived as a health
It is partially modifiable since rest and
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 avoiding of carrying heavy objects leads only
the Problem
are required.
3. Preventive It has low preventive potential because only
Potential (2)1 2 the father itself can perform extraneous tasks
in the family.
4. Salience of the It does not need an immediate attention since
(2)1 2
Problem this deficit is simply a past health history.
Total Score: 9

18. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to
misconceptions or erroneous information about proposed courses of action in seizures as
manifested by “Di ko na alam gagawin ko pag naulit ulit yun, binabasa ko na lang mukha niya
kasi natirik na mata niya nun tas hilot hilot lang, ganun diba” The Family A has a family member
who experienced convulsion when having a fever aggravated by a heart disease.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the The problem of having a family member who
(3)1 3
Problem has seizure is perceived as a health deficit.
2. Modifiability of It is partially modifiable since its occurrence
(1)2 2
the Problem are seldom and medications are available.
3. Preventive It has a moderate preventive potential since
Potential (2)1 2 this can be prevented but it can be heighted by
the environment.
4. Salience of the It needs an immediate attention since it is side
(2)1 2
Problem effect of having a seizure of the child
Total Score: 9

19. Failure to utilize community resources for health due to lack of/inadequate knowledge of
community resources for health care manifested by the absence of medical certificates and key
informant’s verbalization “Mahal kasi magpacheck up kaya napunta lang kami sa center para
manghingi minsan ng gamot”. The family is not aware that free check-ups are also available in
the barangay health center.

Criteria Computation Justification
Health threat because the absence of regular
1. Nature of the
(2)1 2 check-up in the family may lead to a health
deficit unconsciously.
This can be modified by simply imparting
2. Modifiability of
(2)2 4 education regarding the services that health
the Problem
centers offer.
3. Preventive This has high preventive potential since once
Potential (3)1 3 the family is educated, regular check-up will
be possible.
This does not need immediate attention
because even though they are not aware of the
4. Salience of the free check-up they are aware of the free
(1)1 2
Problem medicines. Therefore, this can me a matter to
discuss after prioritizing the other health
Total Score: 10

20. Inability to make decisions with respect to having appropriate health action due to failure to
comprehend the nature/magnitude of the problem manifested by the 3km distance from their house
and the school and the verbalization of the client “Diyan lang naman sa Tirona. Nilalakad lang
nila yan kasi malapit nga lang, wala naman mangayari sa kanilang masama, lakad lang naman.”
The mother does not understand that the distance of the school could cause respiratory problems,
accidents, and over fatigue for the children.

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the Remote school of children is a health threat
(2)1 3
Problem for the family.
This partially modifiable since they can
2. Modifiability of
(1)2 2 transfer the children to nearby school but still
the Problem
depends on their resources.
3. Preventive It has low preventive potential since the
Potential (1)1 1 family will choose the school for it is
convenient financially.
This must be attached immediately since long
4. Salience of the
(2)1 2 duration of walking daily can lead to fatigue,
cough etc.
Total Score: 7


1. Inability to utilize community resources for health care related to inadequate knowledge of
community resources for health care in taking vitamins as manifested by the absence of vitamins
and food supplements and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala naman ata kasi minsan
vitamins yung center kaya di kami nahingi, tsaka wala rin panahon kasi lagi nasa trabaho asawa
ko tapos ako naman lagi nasa bahay, pag wala siya pasok pahinga lang siya dito”.

Absence of Vitamins

Inability to
seek and


Unavailability of Lack of
Time to Spare Awareness

Absence of People Poor Education of the

to Produce Services Offered by the
Vitamins Barangay

2. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development with relate to lack of inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and sanitation
in terms of water supply as manifested by the sponge beside pails with stagnant polluted water that
serves as a water for cleaning plates and the key informant’s verbalization “Diyan na kami
naghuhugas ng plato, nababa naman yung dumi sa ilalim kaya pwede pa panghugas hugas, para
tipid na rin kasi mahal tubig”.

Improper Water
Storage (Open Pail)



Over Saving of
Water due to Lack of Education

Unhygienic Misconception about Water

Reusing of Water Pollutants

3. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development with relate to inadequate family resources, specifically financial constraints/limited
financial resources as manifested by the absence of drinking water containers and presence of open
pails with drinking glasses, and the key informant’s verbalization “Wala kami pambili ng purified
at mineral kaya tubig gripo lang iniinom namin, pagkaigib, iintay lang ilang minuto tas pwede na
inumin yun”.

Improper Drinking Water

(Open Pail)



Presence of Pails
with Drinking Lack of Education

Drinking Water Lack of Knowledge of the

Directly from Importance of Sanitary Drinking
Faucet Water

4. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development
with relate to lack of/inadequate knowledge of preventive measures as manifested by the presence of pile
of garbage with no segregation, wood and metal scattered, and pails with stagnant water, and the key
informant’s verbalization “May mga nakakalat na kahoy kahoy diyan pati bakal di namin tinatapon kasi
baka mabenta pa, diyan din namin tinatabi mga basura, inaayos lang naming sila pag nagkokolekta na ng
basura, di naman kami mapapano niyan”.

Presence of Breeding
Site for Vectors of

Pails with
Stagnant Water


Potential Breeding
Sites for Vectors of Accident Hazard

Improper Waste Improper Storing of Scrap

Disposal Metal and Wood

5. Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal

development due to inadequate knowledge of the importance of hygiene and sanitation as
manifested by the presence of trashes and dust in the living room, and the absence of broom and
dustpan in the living room, and the key informant’s verbalization “Tuwing gabi lang kami
nagwawalis para isahang linisan na lang, bago matulog kasi madudumihan lang ulit”.

Lack of Knowledge of the

Importance Hygiene and



Improper Practice Presence of

of Cleaning Trashes and

Behaviour in Unsanitary Environment of

Hygiene and the House


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Schools Division of Dasmariñas


Via Verde Village, San Agustin II, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite
 (046) 973-2534

Senior High School



This is to certify that the research manuscript entitled: Exploring Health

Problems in the Household: The Case of Family A. has been read and edited by the
undersigned as the English critic.


English Critic
Contact Number: (0932)546-5694
Date Signed: April 3, 2018


Capstone Project Teacher


Kadymars Galinato Jabonero was born on July 15,

1998 in Dasmariñas, Cavite. She finished her primary

education at Salitran Elementary School with flying colors.

She is studying in Congressional Integrated High school taking

up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) strand. She is now in her grade 12 and is part of the

pioneer batch of K-12 program that will graduate on April 5, 2018. She is currently the President

of Sipnayan Society, one of the Club Organization in her school. She was also a former team leader

and member of Disaster Risk Reduction Management “Rehabilitation Team” wherein their team

was responsible to conduct different health awareness programs and medical mission at her school.

Prior to that, she plans to pursue medical field in college and aspire to be an allied health

professional in the future.

Aside from being an academic achiever, she is also a servant of God. She is part and

belongs to performing team of Whitelight Ministry in Church of God Dasmariñas.



Simon Timothy Secretario is currently a student and is

approaching his legal age on April 25th in the year 2018. He is

a part of the pioneer graduates of K-12 program and is

graduating on April 5, 2018. He was born and raised in the City

of Parañaque. He finished his elementary education and his

Junior High School in Golden Achievers Academy of

Parañaque. He is the First Honor of his school from grade 7 to grade 10. He is a versatile student

fond of participating at the utmost way in different school activities, both curricular and extra-

curricular. He is a consistent honor student and known by his teachers and mentors as an indeed

good student. He does not stresses himself with regards to his studies for he knows that he got

nothing to prove yet something to improve. His ability on research is not at its peak and is actually

just beginning to be nurtured and developed fully. He is willing to learn and opens his mind for all

future opportunities and improvements.



Figure 4: Data Gathering

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