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J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625

Investigation of tyrosine nitration in proteins by mass

Ann-Sofi Petersson,1,2 Hanno Steen,2 Dário E. Kalume,2 Kenneth Caidahl1 and
Peter Roepstorff2∗
Department of Clinical Physiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense University, Odense M, Denmark

Received 18 December 2000; Revised 17 January 2001; Accepted 20 February 2001

In vivo nitration of tyrosine residues is a post-translational modification mediated by peroxynitrite that

may be involved in a number of diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate possibilities for site-specific
detection of tyrosine nitration by mass spectrometry. Angiotensin II and bovine serum albumin (BSA)
nitrated with tetranitromethane (TNM) were used as model compounds. Three strategies were investigated:
(i) analysis of single peptides and protein digests by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)
peptide mass mapping, (ii) peptide mass mapping by electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry and
(iii) screening for nitration by selective detection of the immonium ion of nitrotyrosine by precursor ion
scanning with subsequent sequencing of the modified peptides. The MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrum
of nitrated angiotensin II showed an unexpected prompt fragmentation involving the nitro group, in
contrast to ESI-MS, where no fragmentation of nitrated angiotensin II was observed. The ESI mass spectra
showed that mono- and dinitrated angiotensin II were obtained after treatment with TNM. ESI-MS/MS
revealed that the mononitrated angiotensin II was nitrated on the side-chain of tyrosine. The dinitrated
angiotensin II contained two nitro groups on the tyrosine residue. Nitration of BSA was confirmed by
Western blotting with an antibody against nitrotyrosine and the sites for nitration were investigated by
peptide mass mapping after in-gel digestion. Direct mass mapping by ESI revealed that two peptides were
nitrated. Precursor ion scanning for the immonium ion for nitrotyrosine revealed two additional partially
nitrated peptides. Based on the studies with the two model compounds, we suggest that the investigation
of in vivo nitration of tyrosine and identification of nitrated peptides might be performed by precursor ion
scanning for the specific immonium ion at m/z 181.06 combined with ESI-MS/MS for identification of the
specific nitration sites. Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: mass spectrometry; nitrotyrosine; peptides; protein; immonium ion; precursor ion scanning

INTRODUCTION or generated by protein hydrolysis.4 – 11 The nitrotyrosine lev-

els observed in these studies varies considerably and, lately,
Nitration of free or protein-incorporated tyrosine residues
it has been shown that nitration may be an artifact obtained
is a post-translational modification, which can occur in
during derivatization.5,12 It is, still unclear however, whether
cells during oxidative stress and inflammation, most likely
tyrosine nitration is random or whether it is protein and site-
through generation of peroxynitrite (ONOO ), a potent oxi-
specific. Therefore, methods that can detect nitrated proteins
dizing and nitrating agent produced by the reaction of
and also determine the nitration site are required.
superoxide anion in the presence of excess nitric oxide.1,2
Mass spectrometry (MS) has become an increasingly
Protein nitration has been observed in connection with more
important technique in the determination of protein mod-
than 60 human disorders, mostly detected by immunodetec-
ifications, either of natural or of artificial nature. The
tion with antibodies directed against nitrotyrosine.3 Most of
two ionization techniques widely used in protein studies
the studies published so far were focused on the detection
and/or quantification of free nitrotyrosine either in plasma are matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) in
combination with time-of-flight (TOF) mass analyzers13,14
and electrospray ionization (ESI) in combination with a vari-
Ł Correspondence to: P. Roepstorff, Department of Biochemistry
ety of mass analyzers.15
and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
University, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. E-mail: A number of studies to investigate nitration of tyrosine
Contract/grant sponsor: Swedish Research Council; residue(s) in peptides by ESI-MS have been reported.16 – 20
Contract/grant number: K99-04RM-13192-01. Greis et al.16 treated surfactant protein A with tetrani-
Contract/grant sponsor: Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation.
Contract/grant sponsor: Göteborg University, Sweden. tromethane (TNM), sequenced the tryptic peptides by liquid
Contract/grant sponsor: Jubileumsfonden, Göteborg, Sweden. chromatography (LC) ESI-MS/MS to determine the specific

DOI: 10.1002/jms.161 Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

MS detection of tyrosine nitration in proteins 617

nitration sites. Yi et al.17 used LC/ESI-MS and LC/ESI- Tryptic in-gel digestion
MS/MS to analyze three short peptides nitrated with per- Protein bands were excised from the Coomassie Brilliant-
oxynitrite. They also observed traces of dinitrotyrosine but Blue-stained gel and subsequently reduced, alkylated and
no formation of nitrophenylalanine. MacMillan-Crow et al.18 in-gel digested with trypsin according to our in-house
used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) com- procedure,27 which is a slightly modified version of the
bined off-line with ESI-MS/MS, to analyze the enzymatic procedure described by Rosenfeld et al.28
digest of the nitrated mitochondrial protein manganese
superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Complete inhibition of Purification of samples for ESI and MALDI-MS
MnSOD was achieved when it was treated with perox- Sample micro-purification and preparation for ESI-MS and
ynitrite and the analysis revealed that only three of the in MALDI-MS were performed as described previously.23
total nine tyrosine residues were nitrated. Ducrocq et al.19 Microcolumns were prepared with Poros R2 (Perceptive
used HPLC combined off-line with liquid secondary ion Biosystems, Framingham, MA, USA) in GELoader tips
mass spectrometry for the analysis of angiotensin II treated (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany).29 The peptide mixture
with a variety of nitration reagents. They observed nitration was dissolved in 5% formic acid and loaded on to the
on the tyrosine residue in angiotensin II and that nitration column, and thereafter washed with 20 µl of 5% formic
resulted in total inhibition of the biological activity. Curcu- acid. For MALDI experiments, the peptides were eluted
ruto et al.20 detected, using LC/ESI-MS/MS, mononitration from the microcolumns directly on to the target with ˛-
of angiotensin II after treatment with peroxynitrite. cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (4-HCCA) matrix solution.
Precursor ion scanning is an established tandem MS For ESI experiments the peptides were eluted from the
method for the detection of post-translational modifications microcolumns with 50% methanol–5% formic acid directly
such as phosphorylation and glycosylation, preceded either into the nanoelectrospray needles (MDS PROTANA, Odense,
by LC21,22 or by direct analysis of unseparated peptide Denmark).
mixtures.23,24 Precursor ion scanning requires a fragment
ion highly characteristic for the modified amino acid that Sample preparation for MALDI-MS
is stable enough to survive low energy collision-induced Dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB)
dissociation (CID). We have now extended this method to DHB, obtained from Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto, CA, USA),
the application of the selective detection of protein nitration was dissolved in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)–acetonitrile
in unseparated peptide mixtures. This is, to our knowledge, (1 : 1, v/v) to a concentration of 20 µg µl1 . A 0.5 µl volume
the first time precursor ion scanning has been used for the of the matrix solution was mixed on the MALDI target
identification of nitrated peptides utilizing the characteristic with 0.5 µl of 20 mM diammonium hydrogencitrate solution
nitrotyrosine immonium ion at m/z 181.06. Additionally, (Sigma) and 0.5 µl of sample solution. The sample was
the different mass spectrometric techniques to investigate allowed to dry at ambient temperature.
tyrosine nitration in proteins were evaluated, and a strategy
for rapid screening for nitrated peptides, and also the exact 2,4,6-Trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP)–nitrocellulose
localization of nitrotyrosine residues, is proposed. THAP (Aldrich, Gillingham, Dorset, UK) was dissolved in
methanol to a concentration of 200 µg µl1 . Nitrocellulose
EXPERIMENTAL (NC) was dissolved in acetone to a concentration of 30 µg µl1
and diluted with propan-2-ol to a final concentration of
In vitro nitration
15 µg µl1 . THAP and NC solutions were mixed (4 : 1) and
Angiotensin II, human (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) or BSA,
0.2 µl of the mixture was placed on the target. The solution
fraction V (Sigma), approximately 1–6 mg ml1 , dissolved
spread out fast and formed a thin matrix layer. Equal
in 50 mM Tris (pH 8.8), was nitrated by addition of a 50-fold
volumes of 20 mM diammonium hydrogencitrate solution
molar excess of tetranitromethane (TNM) (Sigma-Aldrich, St
and micropurified sample solution (0.5 µl each, pH 4.5) were
Louis, MO, USA) as described.25,26 The reaction was carried
mixed directly on the thin layer of THAP–NC.
out overnight at 4 ° C, and the modified BSA was rapidly
desalted with a PD-10 column (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala,
˛-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (4-HCCA)
Sweden). Angiotensin II was, without further purification,
4-HCCA dissolved as 20 µg µl1 in methanol–0.5% formic
stored at 20 ° C.
acid ( 1: 1,v/v; pH 1) was used for elution of samples from
Immunoaffinity control of nitrated BSA and the microcolumns directly on to the MALDI target.
non-modified BSA
Dilution series of the model protein BSA and nitrated BSA Protein identification, MALDI-MS
resulting in the application of 1–50 µg were analyzed by Peptide mass maps were acquired in reflector mode on a
electrophoresis on 7% Tris–acetate gels (NuPAGE, Novex, Reflex II MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, equipped with
San Diego, CA, USA). For visualization of proteins half delayed ion extraction and reflector (Bruker Daltonik,
of the gel was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and Bremen, Germany).
for identification of the protein nitration the other half
was visualized by Western blotting, using monoclonal anti- Peptide sequencing, ESI
nitrotyrosine antibody (Upstate Biotechnology, New York, NanoESI mass spectra were acquired on a Q-TOF mass
USA). spectrometer (Micromass ,Manchester, UK) equipped with

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
618 A.-S. Petersson et al.

a Z-spray nanoelectrospray ion source. The samples were

sprayed from a gold–palladium-coated glass capillary
supplied by MDS PROTANA. All spectra were obtained
in the positive ion mode. The potential voltage applied to the
nanoflow tip in the ion source and the nitrogen back-pressure
(<1 psi) was adjusted to produce a flow-rate (of the sample
solution) of about 30 nl min1 , which allowed a long analysis
time (¾30 min on a sample of 1 µl). A potential of 800–1200 V
was applied to the nanoflow tip in the ion source. The cone
voltage was set to 30–55 V and the MCP (microchannel
plate detector) voltage was set to 2600–2800 V. The source
temperature was 40 ° C and nitrogen was used as a drying gas
(flow-rate ¾30 l h1 ). The acquisition and the deconvolution Figure 1. Gel electrophoresis of native and nitrated BSA on
of data were performed on a Mass Lynx PC data system Tris–acetate gels, 7%. Half of the gel was Coomassie Brilliant
(software version 3.2 for Windows NT). For all experiments Blue stained (A) and the other half was used for Western blot
a sodium iodide solution (¾1 µg µl1 in propan-2-ol–1% analysis with a monoclonal anti-nitrotyrosine antibody,
formic acid (1 : 1, v/v)) was used for the TOF calibration. followed by chemiluminiscence detection utilizing a second
For the CID experiments the precursor ion was selected in antibody (B). CM D Color marker (molecular mass standard).
the first quadrupole (Q1) and fragmented in the hexapole
collision cell with a collision energy varying from 20 to 40 eV. group (Fig. 2). In addition to MHC , peaks were observed
Argon was used as the collision gas at a recorded pressure at [M C H  16]C , [M C H  30]C and [M C H  32]C . The
of 6.0 ð 105 mbar. The fragment ions were analyzed in the presence of these ions suggests that prompt fragmentation
reflector TOF mass analyzer at a resolution (FWHM) of and/or chemical reactions take place during the desorp-
¾5000. tion/ionization process. A possible explanation is provided
by examining the UV spectra of nitrotyrosine at different
Precursor ion scan, mass spectrometry pH values.30 The absorption maximum is at 350 nm in acetic
The precursor ion scanning experiments of the digest
medium (pH 3.5), i.e. very close to the laser wavelength
of nitrated BSA followed by peptide sequencing were
(337 nm), and at 440 nm at pH 10. The effect of the pH on
carried out on a QSTAR Pulsar quadrupole time-of-flight
the formation of these ions was investigated using a vari-
hybrid tandem mass spectrometer (AB/MDS Sciex, Toronto,
ety of matrices the acetic matrices, i.e. 4-HCCA, [Fig. 2(A)]
Canada). Precursor ion scans were acquired in the positive
and DHB, and the neutral THAP [Fig. 2(B)]. Differences in
ion mode with a dwell time of 50 ms at a step size of
the abundances of the ions were observed for the various
0.5 thomson (Th) and with the Q2 -pulsing function turned
matrices, with clearly less fragmentation in THAP, but the
on. Nitrogen was used as the collision gas at a recorded
general pattern appeared to be similar. In agreement with
pressure of 6.3 ð 105 Torr (1 Torr D 133.3 pa). As a rough
Sarver,31 we propose that the observed ions are the prod-
rule, the Q0 voltage, which determines the collision energy
ucts of photoinduced chemical reactions involving the nitro
on the QSTAR, was ramped over the m/z range in a manner
group. Thus the fragmentation pattern represents loss of one
corresponding to one tenth of the m/z-value of the precursor
and two oxygen atoms, i.e. NO2 ! NO and NO2 ! N,
ion. It should be noted that optimal collision energies might
respectively. [M C H  30]C most likely represents reduction
need to be determined empirically for different instruments.
of the nitrogroup to amine NO2 ! NH2 . No peak corre-
sponding to the loss of the nitro group was observed at m/z
In this study, angiotensin II (DRVYIHPF) and bovine serum Upon nanoESI-MS, no fragmentation of nitrated angio-
albumin (BSA) were used as model compounds. Nitrated tensin II was observed, as shown in the mass spectrum
angiotensin II was analyzed directly by the different mass (Fig. 3), in which peaks corresponding to the doubly charged
spectrometric techniques whereas nitrated BSA was first ions for mono- and dinitrated angiotensin II were observed
characterized by Western blotting using an anti-nitrotyrosine at m/z 546.38 and 568.85, respectively. In all spectra (MALDI
antibody (Fig. 1). The Coomassie Brilliant Blue-stained gel and ESI) of nitrated angiotensin II, peaks corresponding the
and also the Western blot showed the presence of the mono-, to loss of one and two protons from the molecular ion were
di- and trimers of BSA. The specificity of the antibody for observed. Similar losses were not observed for unmodified
nitrotyrosine was demonstrated by lack of reaction with non- angiotensin II. Attempts to isolate these peaks and perform
nitrated BSA and by the fact that the monoclonal antibody MS/MS did not provide conclusive results. However, the fact
immunoreacted with the nitrated mono-, di- and trimers in that they have approximately the same relative abundance in
a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1). the MALDI and ESI spectra suggests that they are caused by
a side-reaction during nitration rather than a fragmentation
Mass spectrometric analysis of nitrated in the mass spectrometer.
angiotensin II To establish the specific sites of nitration, nanoESI-
The MALDI spectra of nitrated angiotensin II, showed MS/MS was performed after selection of the ions for the
an unexpected prompt fragmentation involving the nitro mono- and dinitrated angiotensin II. The CID spectrum of

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
MS detection of tyrosine nitration in proteins 619

A 1092.5


16.0 Da 16.0 Da


14.0 Da

1060.0 m/z 1095.0

B 1092.5


1060.0 m/z 1095.0

Figure 2. MALDI spectra of nitrated angiotensin II, using two different matrices 4HCCA (A) and THAP-NC (B).

the ion at m/z 546.30 contained a nearly complete A and under ESI and ESI-CID conditions, allowing site-specific
B ion series and a smaller number of Y00 ions, demonstrat- assignment of nitrated residues by MS/MS.
ing that the mononitrated angiotensin II was nitrated on
the tyrosine residue [Fig. 4(A)]. The CID spectrum obtained Analysis of nitrated BSA
with untreated angiotensin II showed a comparable frag- To investigate the possibility of the observation of nitrated
mentation pattern indicating that the nitro group did not peptides in peptide mass maps derived from gel bands,
influence the ion fragmentation (results not shown). The parallel bands for BSA and nitrated BSA were excised
CID spectra obtained after selection of the ion correspond- from the electrophoretic gel and subjected to tryptic in-
ing to the dinitrated angiotensin II (m/z 568.80) showed the gel digestion prior to mass spectrometric analysis of the
presence of a doubly nitrated tyrosine residue [Fig. 4(B)]. resulting mixture.
No evidence was found for the presence of a dinitrated Attempts to identify nitrated peptides by comparing
angiotensin II that contained mononitrotyrosine and nitro- the MALDI peptide mass maps obtained with BSA and
phenylalanine. Mononitration of tyrosine in angiotensin II nitrated BSA did not allow the identification of any signal
but not dinitration has previously been reported using per- which might be derived from nitrated peptides in the latter.
oxynitrite nitration.20 Tyrosine nitration is likely to take place This may partially be due to suppression of the signals
in the 3- and 5- positions in the aromatic ring. No attempts for the nitrated peptides, and partially because the signals
were made to determine which site was preferred in the for the nitrated peptides are distributed on a number of
mononitrated form. signals due to fragmentation of the nitro group. Only after
The studies of nitrated angiotensin II indicated that the identification of nitrated peptides in the ESI spectra (see
molecular ions for nitrated angiotensin II could be observed below) was it possible to assign retrospectively some of
with both MALDI-TOF and ESI. The characteristic ion pattern the weaker signals in the MALDI spectrum to nitrated
observed in the MALDI spectra might be used as a diagnostic peptides. The ESI mass spectra of the mixture derived
pattern for identification of nitrated peptides. However, the by tryptic digestion of BSA and nitrated BSA contained
lability of the nitro group will result in distribution of numerous peaks and identification of potentially nitrated
the signals for nitrated peptides on several peaks with a peptides could be performed by comparing the peptide
concomitant reduction in sensitivity for observation of such mass maps obtained from native and nitrated BSA [Fig. 5(A)
peptides. In contrast to this, the nitro group is fully stable and (B)]. Two doubly charged peptide signals separated by

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
620 A.-S. Petersson et al.

[M+2H] 2+

Relative intensity %

[M+2H] 2+


546 m/z 570

Figure 3. Nanoelectrospray spectrum of nitrated angiotensin II showing that mono- and dinitrated angiotensin II were obtained by
treatment with TNM.

546.30 Y”2 Y”1
Relative abundance (%)

263.16 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
A3 A4 A5 A6
B2 A5 A6
A3 A4
664.40 801.48
Y” 1 272.15 B3 551.30
343.23 829.47
166.09 371.24 579.31 692.39
B5 B6
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Y”2 m/z
263.16 Y”2 Y”1
Relative abundance (%)

B2 B4 B5 B6
A4 A5 A6
50 A4 A5
B2 A6
[M+2H]2+ 596.30 709.39
Y”1 272.16 568.80 846.47
B4 B5 B6
624.28 737.39 874.47

200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Figure 4. CID spectra of nitrated angiotensin II peptides after selection of the doubly charged ions for the mononitrated
angiotensin II at m/z 546.30 (A) and for the dinitrated angiotensin II at m/z 568.80 (B).

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
100 582.3 784.4
464.3 653.4 820.4
547.3 831.7
% 682.4


Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

464.3 636.7 700.4 740.4 820.4

Relative intensity %
547.3 784.4
% 486.8 763.4
∗ ∗ 846.9
∗ ∗
500 600 m/z 700 800

(C) (D)
[M+2H]2+ Y”12 Y”11 Y”10 Y”9 Y”8 Y”7 Y”6 Y”5 Y”4 Y”3 Y”2 Y”1
Y6∗ Y5∗ Y”4 Y”3 Y”2 Y”1 486.79 Y”6 Y”5 Y”4 Y”3 Y”2 Y”1
100 100 274.19 L G E YNO2 G F Q N A L II V R
387.27 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
B2 B3∗ B4∗ B5∗ B6∗ B2∗ B3∗ B4∗ B5∗ B6∗ Y”6
A1 A2 ∗
A1 A2∗ 685.43 Y”7
294.18 813.49
651.41 [M+2H]2+
A2∗ Y”4
Y5” 763.39
A1 Y”9
50 B2∗ B5∗ 50 300.16 571.39
136.10 Y”1 1017.57
322.18 727.40 B3
175.13 954.39
Y”3 B6∗ 508.21 B8
359.28 171.12 TYR-NO2 B4 1025.42

Relative intensity (%)

Y”2 798.45 Y”8 Y”10
B2 B9
Relative intensity (%)

Y”1 246.19 Y6” 712.30 960.56 1225.62

B 3∗ Y”
4 B6 Y”12
175.14 764.50 Y6∗ 565.22 TYR-NO2
485.26 488.33 B4∗ Y5∗ 809.49 B5
A∗1 A2B 614.31 696.41 840.35 B11 Y” 1411.68
86.12 181.09 2 B7 1138.49 1354.67
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Figure 5. ESI mass spectra of the peptide mixtures derived by in-gel digestion with trypsin of native BSA (A) and TNM-nitrated BSA (B), ESI-CID spectrum of the nitrated peptide at m/z

J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625

MS detection of tyrosine nitration in proteins

486.79 2C (C) and ESI-CID spectrum of the nitrated peptide at m/z 763.39 2C (D). Asterisks indicate a nitrated peptide.
622 A.-S. Petersson et al.

22.5 Th, at m/z 464.3 and 740.4 in Fig. 5(A) and at m/z 486.8 A 546.2
and 763.4 in Fig. 5(B), were readily identified, indicating
that the corresponding peptides were potentially nitrated.
Selection and MS/MS of the doubly charged ions at m/z
486.79 and 763.39 in the peptide mass maps of the nitrated

BSA [Fig. 5(C) and (D)] verified the nitration site to be on the
tyrosine residues. One of the peptides (YLYEIAR, m/z 486.8)
contained two tyrosine residues. Based on the abundance of
the B2 and Y005 fragment ions relative to the B*2 and Y*5 ions
(* indicating nitrotyrosine), it is seen that the first tyrosine
residue is predominantly nitrated [Fig. 5(C)]. In addition, it
can be seen in the product ion spectrum that the immonium m/z
B 9
ion for nitrotyrosine m/z 181.06 was less abundant than

the immonium ion for tyrosine m/z 136.10. The N-terminal
tyrosine residue was found to be predominantly nitrated
with the result that the A1 ion from this peptide is congruent
with the immonium ion for nitrotyrosine. Therefore, an
abundant ion at m/z 181.06 was expected. These results 464.2 568.8

indicate that formation of immonium ions for nitrotyrosine 445.8

is suppressed. No evidence was found in the spectra for a
doubly nitrated YLYEIAR. However, the presence of this 450 550 m/z 650 750

compound cannot be entirely excluded since corresponding

Figure 6. Precursor ion scans spectra of nitrated angiotensin
signals may be suppressed. Selection and CID spectra of
II for formation of the immonium ion at m/z 181.06 for
the doubly charged ion at m/z 763.4 corresponding to the
mononitrated tyrosine (A) and at m/z 226.0 for dinitrated
second nitrated peptide resulted in an almost complete B and
tyrosine (B).
Y ion series, confirming the sequence LGEY*GFQNALIVR
containing a nitrated tyrosine residue [Fig. 5(D)]. In this
spectrum, the peak corresponding to the immonium ion of peptides in the peptide mass maps. The results of precursor
nitrotyrosine was also of very low abundance, indicating ion scanning for the formation of the m/z 181.06 ion for
that formation of this ion is unfavorable. the mononitrated and the m/z 226.0 ion for the dinitrated
The results show that comparison of the peptide maps angiotensin II sample are shown in Fig. 6(A) and (B),
obtained with the unmodified and the nitrated BSA allowed respectively. As expected, the immonium ion of nitrotyrosine
the detection of the nitrated peptides. The signals for the at m/z 181.06 is derived from the doubly charged peak at
nitrated peptides were, however, of rather low abundance. m/z 546.2 and the immonium ion of dinitrotyrosine m/z
Therefore, it seems difficult to use peptide mass mapping for 226.0 from the doubly charged peak at m/z 568.8. Some
the detection of in vivo nitration where only a minor fraction additional peaks were found in the precursor ion spectrum
of protein molecules are likely to be modified. of dinitrotyrosine. These ions most likely represent skimmer-
Two alternatives seem to be available for the detection induced fragment ions or minor impurities of truncated
of nitrated peptides derived by proteolytic digestion of angiotensin II, which were hidden in the chemical noise in
proteins. One is LC-MS, provided that the nitrated peptides the mass spectra. Thus the ion at m/z 445.8 was determined
are separated from the corresponding unmodified peptides, by MS/MS to represent dinitrated angiotensin II lacking the
and the other is selective detection of peptides yielding two C-terminal amino acids.
characteristic fragment ions such as the immonium ion Precursor ion scans for the formation of m/z 181.06
for nitrotyrosine by precursor ion scanning. Preliminary ion was also performed on the unseparated peptide mix-
experiments demonstrated that separation of angiotensin II tures derived by tryptic digestion of non-modified BSA
and nitrated angiotensin II was possible by HPLC and that and nitrated BSA (Fig. 7(B) and 7(A), respectively). The
the nitrotyrosine-containing angiotensin II have a slightly former experiment was performed as a control for false pos-
longer retention time than unmodified angiotensin II (data itives. Two peaks could be found which could be assigned
not shown). Thus, LC-MS and LC-MS/MS are indeed a as triply and quadruply charged ions, corresponding to
possibility for investigating protein nitration. the non-modified tryptic peptide T9 (45–63) GLVLIAF-
SQYQQPFDEHVK, at m/z 624.08 (4+) and at m/z 831.69
Screening for nitration by detection of the 3C. The precursor ion spectrum obtained with the tryp-
immonium ion of nitrotyrosine by precursor ion tic mixture derived from nitrated BSA shows the presence
scanning of four potentially nitrated peptides [Fig. 7(A)]. Based on
We decided, however, to investigate the potential of their MS and MS/MS data they were identified as T9 (45–63)
precursor ion scanning for the detection of mono- and GLVLIAFSQY*QQPFDEHVK, T22 (161–167) Y*LYEIAR, T59
dinitrated tyrosine residues by making use of the formation (421–433) LGEY*GFQNALIVR and T66 (469–482) MPCT-
of the immonium ions at m/z 181.06 for nitrotyrosine and at EDY*LSLILNR (Y* indicates a nitrated tyrosine). Two of
m/z 226.0 for dinitrotyrosine. Although of low abundance, these peptides, T22 and T59, were already identified in the
these ions might be used to screen for tyrosine-nitrated ESI peptide mass maps. Two additional peptides, T9 and

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
MS detection of tyrosine nitration in proteins 623

A 3+



Relative intensity (%)




∗ 3+
3+ 2+ 763.66 3+ 846.43
486.76 4+ 2+
2+ 2+

450 550 650 750 850


Relative intensity (%)


450 550 650 750 850

Figure 7. Precursor ion scans for the formation of the ion at m/z 181.06 from tryptic in-gel digests of nitrated BSA (A) and
non-modified BSA (B). The signals observed in (B) represent false positives.

T66, were found to be nitrated using precursor ion scan- In spite of the low abundance of the immonium ion
ning and their identity was confirmed by MS/MS. Figure 8 and a few false-positive signals (readily identified based
shows the CID spectrum of the triply charged nitrated pep- on their MS and MS/MS data), precursor ion scanning
tide T66 at m/z 590.8 seen in Fig. 7(A), clearly identifying followed by analysis by MS/MS to confirm the peptide
the nitration site on the tyrosine residue. The false-positive identity and nitration was found to be a reliable and fast
signals observed for non-modified T9 were also present in method to identify nitrated peptides in complex peptide
the precursor ion spectrum of the digest of nitrated BSA mass maps derived by tryptic digestion of proteins. In this
showing that T9 is present in both the nitrated and the non- study, precursor ion spectra were generated by the software
modified form. A signal at m/z 700.1 was demonstrated by using a Q-STAR-pulsar quadrupole time-of-flight hybrid
MS/MS to be false positive derived from the non-nitrated mass spectrometer. Traditionally precursor ion scans are
peptide TVMENFVAFVDK. Investigation of the CID spectra performed by selecting the precursor ion scan mode on a
of the false positives showed that the peak at m/z 181.06 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. In recent study,32 it
was barely visible. We believe that the presence of this ion is was demonstrated that similar sensitivity were obtained for
the result of several successive fragmentations caused by the precursor ion scanning in the two types of instruments.
high collision energy used for precursor ion scanning. Under
normal CID conditions this ion was not observed. Site specificity of tyrosine nitration in BSA
The reason for the failure to observe the nitrated peptide It is noticeable that even treatment with a strong nitrating
T66 at m/z 590.4 3C in the direct peptide mass maps can be reagent such as TNM resulted in nitration of four out of 21
explained by the presence of a signal at m/z 590.3 3C in the tyrosine residues in BSA. The fifth, Y163, the second tyrosine
spectra of the non-modified BSA [Fig. 5(A)], corresponding residue in peptide T22, was nitrated to a very low degree.
to [M C H C 2Na]3C of unmodified T66, resulting in a lack of The site-specific nitration is supported by previous studies
recognition of the nitrated peptide by comparing the spectra. of in vitro nitration of proteins.33,34 . An x-ray crystal structure
The peak at m/z 846.4 3C corresponding to the peptide T9 is available for human serum albumin (HSA), which is 76%
was not visible in the mass spectrum, most likely because the identical with BSA and with all tyrosine residues conserved
peptide is only partially nitrated, the resulting signal being except two. Two of the nitrated tyrosine residues are placed
of too low abundance. on the surface Y161 and Y424. Interestingly, the peptide T22,

Copyright  2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 36: 616–625
624 A.-S. Petersson et al.

402.30 Y”7 Y”6 Y”5 Y”4 Y”3 Y”2 Y”1


B5 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11
Relative abundance

A2 A8


Y”2 Y”4 Y”6

515.40 715.54
Y”1 289.21 B B4 628.49
389.21 490.24 B7
175.16 B6 Y”7 942.41 B8 B9 B10
734.35 B11
A2 828.61 1055.531142.56
86.14 1255.64
A8 1368.79
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Figure 8. ESI-CID spectra of the peak at m/z 590.8 3C in Fig. 7(A), identifying the nitration site on the tyrosine residue in the
peptide MPCTEDYLSLILNR, derived by tryptic in-gel digestion of nitrated BSA.

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