Heavy Metals

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Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953

DOI 10.1007/s12665-010-0763-4


Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils around

Balanagar industrial area, Hyderabad, India
G. Machender • Ratnakar Dhakate •

L. Prasanna • P. K. Govil

Received: 18 January 2010 / Accepted: 26 September 2010 / Published online: 10 October 2010
Ó Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract The concentration of heavy metals such as Ba, Keywords Heavy metal  Geoaccumulation index 
Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Y, Zn, Zr were studied in soils Enrichment factor  Degree of contamination
of Balanagar industrial area, Hyderabad to understand heavy
metal contamination due to industrialization and urbaniza-
tion. This area is affected by the industrial activities like Introduction
steel, petrochemicals, automobiles, refineries, and battery
manufacturing generating hazardous wastes. The assessment Soil contamination has become a serious problem in many
of the contamination of the soils was based on the geoac- industrialized and developing countries. This is especially
cumulation index, enrichment factor (EF), contamination the case in regions with high population density where land
factor, and degree of contamination. Soil samples were is intensely used and as a consequence, a polluted location
collected from Balanagar industrial area from top 10–50 cm cannot be set aside (Van Straalen 2002; Fent 2004). Soils
layer of soil. The samples were analyzed using X-ray fluo- are regarded as the ultimate sink for heavy metals dis-
rescence spectrometer for heavy metals. The data revealed charged into the environment, as many heavy metals are
that the soils in the study area are significantly contaminated, bound to soils. The main difficulty lies in complex nature
showing high level of toxic elements than normal distribution. of soil (Chlopecka et al. 1996; Dang et al. 2002; Obiajunwa
The ranges of concentration of Cr (82.2–2,264 mg/kg), Cu et al. 2002).
(31.3–1,040 mg/kg), Ni (34.3–289.4 mg/kg), Pb (57.5– Soil is considered as contaminated when chemicals are
1,274 mg/kg), Zn (67.5–5819.5 mg/kg), Co (8.6–54.8 mg/kg), present or other alterations have been made to its natural
and V (66.6–297 mg/kg). The concentration of above- environment. This is often caused by accidental releases of
mentioned other elements was similar to the levels in the chemicals or the improper disposal of hazardous wastes.
earth’s crust pointed to metal depletion in the soil as the EF Increased inputs of metals and synthetic chemicals in the
was \1. Some heavy metals showed high EF in the soil terrestrial environment due to rapid industrialization cou-
samples indicating that there is a considerable heavy metal pled with inadequate environmental management in the
pollution, which could be correlated with the industries in the developing country like India, has lead to large-scale pol-
area. A contamination site poses significant environmental lution of the environment. These chemicals in the terres-
hazards for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They are trial environment clearly pose a significant risk to the
important sources of pollution and may results in ecotoxi- quality of soils, plants, natural waters, and human health
cological effects on terrestrial, groundwater and aquatic (Adriano 2001; USEPA 2003; WHO 2004). Heavy metal
ecosystems. content of soil is of major significance in relation to their
fertility and nutrient status. Many metals such as Zn, Cu,
and Sr are essential elements for normal growth of plants
G. Machender (&)  R. Dhakate  L. Prasanna  P. K. Govil and living organisms. However, high concentrations of
National Geophysical Research Institute, Council of Scientific these metals become toxic. Other metals, which are not
and Industrial Research, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007,
AP, India included in the group of essential elements, such as Pb or
e-mail: machender_geo@yahoo.co.in Cr, may be tolerated by the ecosystem in low

946 Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953

concentration, but become harmful in higher concentra- urbanization and there is no proper facility is available for
tions (Alloway and Ayres 1997; Nriagu 1988). Soluble solid waste disposal. Figure 1 shows the location of the study
metal compounds and metals held in metal exchange area. Geologically, the area consists of granites and peg-
complexes are considered to be available for vegetation matite of igneous origin belonging to the Archean age. The
uptake. The bioavailability of metal compounds is influ- granites are pink and grey in color, hard massive to foliated
enced by the pH, temperature, redox potential, cation and well-jointed. The soil cover is of well-developed residual
exchange capacity of the solid phase, competition with soil of weathered granite. The soil is yellowish to brown-
other metal ions, composition and quality of the soil reddish. The soil is fairly permeable and the infiltration rate
solution (Mapanda et al. 2005; Moon et al. 2000; Skordas can absorb most of the rain except for more intensive rains
and Kelepertsis 2005). which can cause considerable surface flow and erosion.
Hyderabad is the largest metropolis of India and is a The groundwater occurs in the soil of weathered granite,
center of many multinational industries. The industries decomposed granite and the fractured solid bedrock under
have come up in recent decades around the cities of the ground water table and in semi-confined conditions.
Hyderabad. One such industrial area, Balanagar industrial The average depth of groundwater is about 10 m. These
area with industries like steel manufacturing, battery rocks possess negligible primary porosity, but due to sec-
manufacturing, petrochemical, pharmaceuticals etc., has ondary porosity by deep fracturing and weathering they are
come up in north-western part of the Hyderabad city. Most rendered with a porosity and permeability which locally
of the wastes (solid/liquid) generated during the process form potential aquifers.
has disposed in open areas due to non-facility of proper
waste disposal sites. This causes serious problems to the
environmental system in terms of pollution and contami- Materials and methods
nation of soil, sediment, groundwater, surface water with
heavy metals. Sampling method
The main objective of the study was to assess the levels
of soil contamination with respect to average concentra- Sixteen soil samples were collected from Balanagar
tions of toxic metals in the region, to determine the asso- industrial area in clean polythene covers avoiding the all
ciations between the different toxic elements and their possible contamination. Samples were collected from top
spatial distribution and to identify possible sources of 10–50 cm layer of the soil using plastic spatula. The
contamination that can explain the spatial patterns of soil location of sample collected points is shown in Fig. 1. The
pollution in the area. Second objective of the present study samples were dried for 2 days at 60°C to avoid the mois-
is to make a systematic assessment and evaluation of soil ture content. The dry soil sample was finely powered to
contamination under the influence of a high influx of metal -200 mesh size (US Standard) using a swing grinding mill.
pollutants from the anthropogenic activities. Hence, the Sample pellets were prepared using a backing of boric acid
assessment of metal contamination is of vital importance in and pressing it at 25 tons of pressure for analysis by X-ray
industrial areas (Loska et al. 2004). Contaminants at large fluoscence spectrometry (XRF). A hydraulic press of
contaminated sites often share critical properties such as 60–70 pp was used to prepare pellets for XRF analysis to
high acute and/or chronic toxicity, high environmental determine trace elements. To monitor the quality of
persistence, often high mobility leading to contamination chemical analysis and accuracy of the data, soil reference
of groundwater and high lipophilicity leading to bioaccu- materials, SO-1 and SO-4 issued by Canadian reference
mulation in food web. In this work, the soil contamination materials were analyzed along with the soil samples during
was assessed using various indices, including index of the course of analysis. The analytical data showing the
geoaccumulation (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), contami- metal concentrations are listed in Table 1. It is evident
nation factor (Cf) and degree of contamination (Cdeg). from the data that analytical values are within the range of
the certified values of the reference material.

Study area Instrumentation and analysis

Balanagar industrial area is situated in the north-western part A Philips PW2440 model MagiX PRO, wavelength dis-
of the Hyderabad City and rapidly growing for urbanization persive fully automatic, microprocessor controlled with
and industrialization. Many industries like steel, petro- 168 position automatic PW 2540 vrc sample changer X-ray
chemicals, automobiles, refineries and battery manufactur- Spectrometer was used along with 4 kW X-ray generator
ing have come up within a few decades of time. The for the determination of heavy metals like Ba, Co, Cr, Cu,
industrial area is surrounded by thickly populated Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Y, Zn and Zr in soil samples. The MagiX

Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953 947

35 19


Latitute (Degree)
LATITUTE (in degree)

15 AN AD
PR 14

10 13

70 75 80 85 90 95 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
LONGITUDE (in degree) Longitude (Degree)

0km 2km 4km

Latitute (in Degrees)

B13 B15

17.466 B4

B9 B5
17.464 B2 B7
Sample Location B3

78.43 78.432 78.434 78.436 78.438 78.44 78.442 78.444

Longitude (in Degrees)

Fig. 1 Location map of the study area showing the sample location

Table 1 Results of analytical values of the soil standard reference materials SO-1 (regosolic clay soil and SO-4 (chermozemic a horizon soil) in
comparison with the certified reference values
CRM Ba Co Cr Cu Pb Ni Sr V Zn

SO-1 867 (870) 28.6 (29) 167.2 (170) 60.4 (61) 19.5 (20) 91.6 (92) 328 (331) 130.1 (133) 138.6 (140)
SO-4 691.8 (700) 10.1 (10.4) 63.5 (64) 20.8 (21) 12.9 (14) 23.5 (24) 167.9 (168) 84.6 (85) 93.1 (94)

PRO XRF is a sequential instrument with a single goni- and inter-element matrix effects. International soil reference
ometer measuring channel covering the entire elemental materials from US Geological Survey, Canadian Geological
range. A rhodium (Rh) anode X-ray tube was used, which Survey, International working group, France and NGRI,
may be operated at a 60 kV and current up to 125 mA, at a India were used to prepare calibration curves for trace
maximum power level of 4 kW. Philips software metals (Govil 1985). XRF analytical data of heavy metals
‘‘Super Q’’ was used to take care of dead time correction are given in Table 2.

948 Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953

Table 2 Heavy metal concentration (mg/kg) in soil samples analyzed by XRF data
Sl no. Ba Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Rb Sr V Y Zn Zr

B1 569 21.1 133.3 133.6 34.3 124.7 178.4 66.5 6.6 34.5 461 545.1
B2 695 13.7 264.4 90.7 127.9 65.4 138.9 103.4 87.1 29.9 400.1 407.4
B3 660.5 15.7 120.4 65.5 38.8 81.2 117.2 111 76.6 25.1 542.4 364.1
B4 739.2 15.2 199.7 100.5 55.6 121.8 101.5 134.8 84.1 16.6 882.8 224.4
B5 700.1 17.5 464.2 96.2 40.2 83.9 139.9 103.7 66.8 26.5 561.6 396.3
B6 884.3 22.3 288.8 87.2 34.6 113.5 151.4 90.1 105.6 30.3 5819.5 484.1
B7 1593.8 14.1 212 176.4 53.4 302 167.1 188.1 99.8 33.1 391.4 437.7
B8 735.3 8.6 992.7 43.3 39.7 59.5 156.1 107.3 77.6 30.3 449.8 471.9
B9 743.1 9.6 148 103.7 52.6 110.4 140 114.7 83.2 28.5 648.1 460.4
B10 656.3 16.3 301.7 1040.4 61.8 164.2 140.3 102.1 80.6 23.6 1108.8 277.4
B11 624.1 9.1 84.2 31.3 36.3 57.4 164.8 87.1 89.1 31.5 67.5 335.4
B12 2732.2 15.7 2264.4 957.8 124.4 12748.2 124.6 242.7 156.1 11.6 342.2 442.8
B13 536.5 54.8 167.9 33.5 64.8 57.5 54 68.8 74.4 10.3 175.2 144.5
B14 645.6 11.7 85.8 152 42.9 154.5 127.2 117.1 88.2 23.4 300.4 243.8
B15 576.1 14.1 90.4 166.2 39.6 69.4 211.5 73.3 79.3 45.7 326 710.2
B16 665.7 22.1 133.8 157.9 46.9 100.7 177.5 81.5 78.2 35.7 511.2 525.2

Index of geoaccumulation (Igeo) Enrichment factor

The index of geoaccumulation enables the assessment of The value of EF was calculated using the modified formula
contamination by comparing the current and pre-industrial given by Krzysztof et al. (2003) based on the equation
concentrations originally used with bottom sediments suggested by Buat-Menard and Cherselet (1979). The EF
(Muller 1969), it can also be applied to the assessment of was based on the standardization of a tested element
soil contamination. It is computed using the following against a reference one. A reference element is one char-
equation acterized by low occurrence variability (Saur and Juste
1994; Sutherland 2000; Reimann and De Caritat 2000).
Igeo ¼ log2 Assessment of enrichment or depletion of trace elements
in soil sample, the trace element concentration can be
where Cn is the measured concentration of the element normalized, which is relatively inert with respect to
in the pelitic sediment fraction (\2 lm) and Bn is the chemical weathering, and has no significant on anthropo-
geochemical background value in fossil argillaceous genic source. Zircon (Zr) occurs as an oxide or a silicate
sediment (‘‘average shale’’). The constant 1.5 allow us to and belongs to the lithophile elements, it has a high
analyze natural fluctuations in the content of a given chemical stability during weathering. Most of Zr minerals
substance in the environment and very small anthropo- accumulate in placer deposits, small quantity takes part in
genic influences. sedimentation circulation and absorbed by clay minerals
Modified calculations based on the equation given by (Wang et al. 2008). Zr has been used widely in geochem-
Krzysztof et al. 2003 was applied in the present studies ical studies of mineral weathering as a stable lithogenic
where Cn denotes the concentration of a given element element or for assessment of depletion of more reactive
in the soil tested, and Bn denotes the concentration of heavy metals in sediments (Rubio et al. 2000;Zhang et al.
element in the earth’s crust (Taylor and Mclennan 1995). 2006; Cobela-Garcia and Prego 2003) and to reduce the
For some elements like As, Hg and Sb the average scatter data and allow a precise definition to background
concentration in the earth’s crust is much higher than the value as normalizer. So, in this study Zr was chosen as the
average concentration in the shale accepted by Muller reference element.
(1969) as a reference value. Here, the focus is between The EF of all studied elements can be calculated by the
the concentration obtained and the concentration of ele- following equation
ments in the earth’s crust because soil is a part of the Cn ðsampleÞ
Cref ðsampleÞ
layer of earth’s crust and its chemical composition is EF ¼ Bn ðbackgroundÞ
related to the one of the crust. Bref ðbackgroundÞ

Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953 949

where Cn(sample) is the content of the examined element 2732.2 mg/kg showed more than mean content indicating
in the examined environment, Cref(sample) is the content of the polluted soil. The Igeo obtained ranges from -0.62 to
the reference element in the examined environment, 1.72 mg/kg revealed that nearly all the samples examined
Bn(background) is the content of examined element in the fell into class 0 practically uncontaminated with barium
reference environment and Bref(background) is the content except very few fall in moderately contaminated as per
of the reference element in the reference environment. The Mullar’s six classes of the geoaccumulation index (Fig. 2).
crystal zircon (Zr) value used is 190 mg/kg (Taylor and The EF was also low and ranged from 0.28 to 2.13, con-
Mclennan 1995). firming a moderate enrichment with barium (Fig. 3).

Contamination factor (Cf) and degree of contamination
The average concentration of cobalt is 17.6 mg/kg and
ranges from 8.6 to 54.8 mg/kg. The Igeo calculated ranges
Assessment of soil contamination was carried out using the
from 5.84 to 8.51 mg/kg (Fig. 2) denoted lack of soil is
Cf and Cdeg. The Cif is the single element index, the sum of
contaminated and maximum values classified the soil is
contamination factors for all elements examined represents
heavily contaminated. Similarly the EF ranges from 0.34 to
the Cdeg of the environment and all four classes are rec-
7.20, confirming a significant enrichment of cobalt in soil
ognized. In the version suggested by Hakanson (1980),
in industrial area (Fig. 3).
they enable an assessment of soil contamination through
the reference of the concentration in the surface layer of
bottom sediments to pre-industrial levels (average shale
Chromium is a low mobility element, especially under
C01 moderately oxidizing and reducing conditions and near-
Cfi ¼ neutral pH values. Cr?6 adsorption decreases with
increasing pH, and Cr?3 adsorption increases with
where Ci0–1 is the mean content of metals from at least five increasing pH. On the other hand, Cr?6 is toxic for bio-
sampling sites and Cin is the pre-industrial concentration of logical systems. The average concentration of chromium is
individual metal. 371.98 mg/kg and much higher values were reported in the
Modification factor as applied by Krzysztof et al. (2003) study area ranges from 84.2 to 2264.4 mg/kg in the soil
was used in the present study, which used the concentration samples collected in the study area. The Igeo revealed that
of elements in the earth’s crust as a reference value, similar most of the samples examined fell into classes 2 and 3,
to the other factors. moderately to heavily contaminated ranging from 0.68 to
5.43 (Fig. 2) except very few samples revealed uncon-
taminated. The EF obtained for chromium ranges from
Results and discussion 0.69 to 27.76 (Fig. 3) which again falls under the class of
very high enrichment. Chromium and its compound are
The analytical results obtained for individual heavy metal primarily used in the manufacture of steel and other alloys,
are shown in Table 2. Descriptive statistical data contents of chrome plating and pigment production in the study area.
each metal in the soil are shown in Table 3. High levels of Inadequate disposal of waste containing chromium at
some heavy metals are observed in some pockets only which industrial area in the past decade has contaminated both
are close to some of the industries like steel manufacturing land and groundwater. The source of chromium appears to
and petrochemicals. Barium (2732.2 mg/kg), chromium be anthropogenic from some industries producing steel,
(2264.4 mg/kg), copper (1040.4 mg/kg), nickel (127.9 mg/kg), textiles etc., in the study area.
lead (12748.2 mg/kg), and zinc (5819.5 mg/kg). The data
showed enrichment levels exceeding the normally expected Copper
distribution in soil giving rise to concern over suitability of
soils in the study area. The normal threshold value prescribed in soil is 30 mg/kg
and copper normally accumulates in the surface horizons, a
Barium phenomenon explained by the bioaccumulation of the
metal and recent anthropogenic sources (Kabata-Pendias
Barium is released into the air during the process of manu- 2004). The average copper content in the soil examined
facturing of barium chemicals in the study area. The average was 371.98 mg/kg. The Igeo obtained for copper ranges
barium content is 859.8 mg/kg and ranges from 536.5 to from -0.26 to 4.79 mg/kg (Fig. 2) points toward

950 Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953

Table 3 Statistical analysis of heavy metals contents in soil of Balanagar industrial area
Parameters Ba Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Rb Sr V Y Zn Zr

Minimum 536.5 8.6 84.2 31.3 34.3 57.4 54 66.5 66.6 10.3 67.5 144.5
Maximum 2732.2 54.8 2264.4 1040.4 127.9 12748.2 211.5 242.7 156.1 45.7 5819.5 710.2
Average 859.8 17.6 371.98 214.76 55.86 900.89 143.15 112.01 87.08 27.28 811.75 404.41
Median 680.35 15.45 183.8 102.1 149.55 105.55 140.15 103.55 81.9 29.2 455.4 422.55
Standard deviation 103.79 10.78 551.75 309.91 29.01 3159.86 35.93 45.57 21.08 9.02 1358.92 139.72
Kurtosis 9.47 10.52 10.27 4.65 3.30 15.98 1.79 4.07 7.99 0.51 14.68 0.46
Skewness 3.02 3.00 3.11 2.41 2.02 3.99 -0.62 1.925 2.55 -0.26 3.77 0.11

present in the organically bound form, which under acidic

and neutral conditions increases its mobility and bioavail-
ability (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias 1999). The Igeo values
ranges from 0.19 to 2.09 mg/kg (Fig. 2) fell under classes 2
and 3, uncontaminated to moderately contaminated (Muller
1969). The EF for nickel ranges from 0.52 to 4.26 (Fig. 3),
showing a moderate enrichment of soil.


The species of Pb vary considerably with soil type; it is

mainly associated with clay minerals, Mn oxides, Fe and
Fig. 2 Indexes of geoaccumulation for metals in soil of Balanagar
Al hydroxides and organic matter. In some soil types, Pb
industrial area
may be highly concentrated in Ca carbonate particles or in
phosphate concentrations and a baseline Pb value for sur-
face soil (Gowd et al. 2010). The average content of Pb is
900.89 mg/kg and ranges from 57.4 to 12748.2 mg/kg
shows all the soil samples were contaminated with Pb, the
Pb value for surface soil on the global scale has been
estimated to be 25 mg/kg levels above this suggest an
anthropogenic influence (Kabata-Pendias 2004). The Igeo
obtained for Pb ranges from 0.93 to 8.73 mg/kg (Fig. 2)
indicate more than 75% of samples are moderately to
heavily contaminated. Similarly, the EF ranges from 0.93
to 273.50 also shows the soils in the study area are mod-
erately to extremely high enrichment (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Enrichment Factors (EFs) for metals in soil of Balanagar Rubidium

industrial area
The average content of Rb in soil examined was
moderately to heavily contaminated. The EF for copper is 143.15 mg/kg with minimum and maximum ranges from
also high and ranges from 0.69 to 28.50 (Fig. 3) indicate 54 to 211.5 mg/kg (Fig. 2). The Igeo obtained for Rb ranges
significant to very high enrichment of copper in the soil. from -1.63 to 0.33 indicating the soil are practically
The high values of Igeo and EF for copper may be due to uncontaminated with Rb. The EF for Rb ranges from 0.47
some input through industrial effluents on the surface soil to 0.88 (Fig. 3), indicating the depletion to minimal
due to accumulation over a period of time. enrichment of Rb in soil.

Nickel Strontium

The nickel content in soils ranges from 34.3 to 127.9 mg/kg Strontium is strongly associated with calcium and is
with an average of 55.86 mg/kg. Nickel in soil is usually indicative of calcareous rocks, especially in association

Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953 951

with Sr, Mg and Ba where Ca and other elements indicate samples are moderate, considerable and very highly con-
calcareous rocks, and other elements (e.g., REEs) indicate taminated with Cu. 75–13% of soil samples are very highly
felsic intrusive, bedrock geology may be favorable for contaminated with Pb, Cu and Zn, respectively. The Cdeg
skarn mineralization. Strontium is easily mobilized during for the metal contents in the soil was 25 and indicate
weathering, especially in oxidizing acid environments, and considerable contamination (Hakanson 1980). The maxi-
is incorporated in clay minerals and strongly fixed by mum values of the contamination degree denoted high
organic matter (Gowd et al. 2010). The average strontium contamination. It was found that chromium, copper, lead
concentration in the study area is 112.01 mg/kg and ranges and zinc contributed most to the degree of contamination
from 66.5 to 242.7 mg/kg (Fig. 2). Moreover, the con- index of the soil. The remaining metals negligibly influ-
centration of Sr in soil is within permissible levels, which enced the soil contamination.
indicate its normal concentration and reflect the back-
ground value in soil. However, in the study area Sr content Correlation of heavy metals
in soil was falling in class 0 showing uncontaminated with
Igeo ranging from -2.98 to -1.11. The EF ranges from Correlation matrix (Table 5) of the trace metal data indi-
0.05 to 1.63 indicating the depletion to minimal enrichment cates strong positive correlations (r2 [ 0.50) between Ba
of Sr in the soil (Fig. 3). with Cr–Cu–Ni–Pb–Sr–V, Cr with Cu–Ni–Pb–Sr–V, Cu
with Pb–Sr–V, Ni with Pb–Sr–V, Pb with Sr–V, Rb with
Zinc Y–Zr, Sr with V and Y with Zr and weak positive corre-
lations (r2 B 0.5) between Cu and Ni and vice versa. The
Zinc belongs to a group of trace metals, which are essential significant positive correlations within these metals reveal
for the growth of humans, animals and plants and are their common source viz., industrial contamination, and
potentially dangerous for the biosphere when present in sinks in soils of the study area. The presence of Sr in the
high concentrations. The main sources of pollution are soils has a bearing on the accumulation of heavy metals in
industries and the use of liquid manure, composted mate- the study area, and has influenced the adsorption charac-
rials and agrochemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides in teristics of V, Cu, and Pb. The association of Sr and Ba is
agriculture (Gowd et al. 2010). The average zinc concen- well-known, which is reflected in relatively strong positive
tration in the study area is 811.75 mg/kg, ranges from 67.5 correlation coefficient (r2 = 0.68). Thus, it is observed that
to 5819.5 mg/kg, which is high. The Igeo indicated that the Sr plays an important role in the enrichment of heavy
soils in the study area fall under classes 0 to 6 ranging from metals, particularly Cu, Pb and V, in the study area. The
minimum of -0.65 practically uncontaminated and maxi- geochemical association of Cr–Cu–Zn in the soil shows
mum of 5.77 showing to heavily contaminated (Fig. 2). that these metals are deposited from anthropogenic sources,
The EF ranging from 0.53 to 32.16 indicate moderate to since there is no known geogenic source which can con-
very high enrichment (Fig. 3). The normal threshold value tribute to this type of association in the study area.
prescribed in soil is 200 mg/kg. In India, 47% of soils are
depleted in zinc however, the high concentration of Zn is
found in the nearby industrial areas which clearly represent Conclusion
the source to be anthropogenic and not natural.
Balanagar industrial area is extremely contaminated due to
Contribution of heavy metals to the contamination many years of random dumping of hazardous waste and free
of soil in Balanagar industrial area discharge of effluents generated by the industries. Even if the
dumping and discharging of effluents were totally terminated
The assessment of the overall contamination of soil was from the surface soil, the contamination would still persist
based on the Cdeg. On the basis of the contamination factor for many years in the subsoil. Risk assessment based upon
(Cif) (Krzysztof et al. 2003; Hakanson 1980) the soil was soil quality guidelines limits proves that the soil is a serious
classified as low to moderately contaminated with Ba, Co, health risk to humans. The results of the study show the
Ni, Rb, Sr, V, Y and Zr, and considerably contaminated impact of anthropogenic agents on abundances of heavy
with Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn and highly contaminated with Cu metals in soils of the study area, and it is extremely con-
and Pb. The summary of Cf and degree of contamination in taminated due to many years of random dumping of haz-
Balanagar industrial area, Hyderabad is given in Table 4. ardous waste and free discharge of effluents by number of
More than 80% of soil samples are moderately contami- industries. The high content of toxic metals in the environ-
nated with Ba and Co, about 56% of soil samples are ment induces an increase in their content in ground waters as
moderately contaminated and 25% of soil samples are a result of leaching. The detected levels of total metal con-
considerably contaminated with Cr. About 62–12% tamination in many of samples were found to exceed

952 Environ Earth Sci (2011) 63:945–953

Table 4 Summary of degree of

Elements Maximum Minimum Median Standard
contamination factor and
contamination factor of
Balanagar industrial area soil Ba 1.60 0.31 1.26 0.33
Co 2.04 0.32 1.13 0.45
Cr 4.41 0.16 2.03 1.33
Cu 6.86 0.20 2.10 1.96
Ni 1.62 0.43 1.24 0.37
Pb 15.69 0.07 8.55 4.59
Rb 2.65 0.67 1.02 0.45
Sr 1.68 0.46 1.08 0.33
V 1.30 0.55 1.06 0.18
Y 2.64 0.59 0.93 0.57
Zn 12.02 0.13 1.78 2.73
Zr 2.79 0.56 0.95 0.55
Degree of contamination 55.36 4.51 23.18 13.90

Table 5 Cross correlation matrix of heavy metals of Balanagar industrial area soil samples
Ba Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Rb Sr V Y Zn Zr

Ba 1
Co -0.13 1
Cr 0.83 -0.11 1
Cu 0.57 -0.09 0.58 1
Ni 0.57 0.04 0.56 0.46 1
Pb 0.90 -0.05 0.91 0.64 0.62 1
Rb -0.05 -0.56 -0.12 -0.03 -0.30 -0.13 1
Sr 0.92 -0.29 0.72 0.51 0.53 0.77 -0.15 1
V 0.91 -0.15 0.77 0.54 0.58 0.87 -0.07 0.81 1
Y -0.35 -0.43 -0.43 -0.33 -0.43 -0.46 0.91 -0.42 -0.36 1
Zn -0.01 0.07 -0.05 -0.02 -0.19 -0.09 0.04 -0.11 0.19 0.06 1
Zr 0.10 -0.37 0.09 -0.06 -0.13 0.07 0.85 -0.07 0.05 0.79 0.12 1

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