Concrete Mix Design Calculation For M20

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Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Mix Design as per IS 10262-2009

Procedure and Calculations
Procedure for concrete mix design calculation as per IS 10262-2009 based on strength
and durability, workability, economy is discussed in this article.

To produce concrete of required strength and properties, selection of ingredients and

their quantity is to be found which is called concrete mix design. Proper mix design will
solve every problem arises in concrete while placing or curing etc.. The mix design also
helps to produce economical concrete.

Generally, cement is more costly than other ingredients of concrete. So, quantity and
quality of cement is designed by proper mix design concept. In this article we are going
to discuss about the concrete mix design concept as per IS 10262-2009.

Concrete mix design concept is majorly depending upon the following

o Strength and durability
o Workability
o Economy
o specifications

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Concrete Mix Design Procedure as per is 10262 – 2009

Procedure for concrete mix design requires following step by step process:
1. Calculation of target strength of concrete
2. Selection of water-cement ratio
3. Determination of aggregate air content
4. Selection of water content for concrete
5. Selection of cement content for concrete
6. Calculation of aggregate ratio
7. Calculation of aggregate content for concrete
8. Trial mixes for testing concrete mix design strength

Step 1: Calculation of Target Strength of Concrete

Target strength is denoted by ft which is obtained by characteristic compressive strength
of concrete at 28 days (fck) and value of standard deviation (s)
ft = fck + 1.65 s
Standard deviation can be taken from below table

Grade of concrete Standard deviation (N/mm2)

M10 3.5

M15 3.5

M20 4.0

M25 4.0

M30 5.0

M35 5.0

M40 5.0

M45 5.0

M50 5.0

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Concrete Mix Design

Step 2: Selection of Water-Cement Ratio

Ratio of the weight of water to weight of cement in the concrete mix is water-cement
ratio. It is the important consideration in concrete mix design to make the concrete
workable. Water cement ratio is selected from the below curve for 28 days characteristic
compressive strength of concrete.

Fig: Selection of Water-Cement Ratio for Concrete Mix Design

Similarly, we can determine the

water-cement ration from the 7-
day concrete strength, the curves
are divided on the basis of
strength from water cement ratio
is decided. Which is observed
from the below graph.

Fig: Concrete Compressive Strength vs. Water Cement Ratio

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Step 3: Determination of Aggregate Air content

Air content in the concrete mix is determined by the nominal maximum size of
aggregate used. Below table will give the entrapped air content in percentage of volume
of concrete.

Nominal maximum size of aggregate Air content (% of volume of concrete)

10mm 5%

20mm 2%

40mm 1%

Step 4: Selection of Water Content for Concrete

Select the water content which is useful to get required workability with the help of
nominal maximum size of aggregate as given in below table. The table given below is
used when only angular shaped aggregates are used in concrete as well as the slump
should be 25 to 50mm.

Nominal maximum size of aggregate Maximum water content

10mm 208

20mm 186

40mm 165
If the shape of aggregate or slump value is differing from above, then some adjustments
are required as follows.

Condition Adjustment

Sub angular aggregate Reduce the selected value by 10%

Gravel with crushed stone Reduce the selected value by 20kg

Rounded gravel Reduce the selected value by 25kg

Using plasticizer Decrease the selected value by 5-10%

Using superplasticizer Decrease the selected value by 20-30%

For every increment of 25mm slump Increase the selected value by 3%

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Concrete Mix Design

Step 5: Selection of Cement Content for Concrete

Water – cement ratio is determined in step2 and quantity of water is determined in step
-4. So, we can easily calculate the quantity of cement from these two conditions. But,
the value obtained should satisfy the minimum conditions as given in the below table.
The greater of the two values is decided as quantity of cement content.

Cement Content for Plain Cement Concrete

Plain Cement Concrete (P.C.C)
Exposure Minimum Cement Max Free Water – Minimum Grade of
Content Kg/m3 Cement Ratio Concrete
Mild 220 0.6 –
Moderate 240 0.6 M15
Severe 250 0.5 M20
Very severe 260 0.45 M20
Extreme 280 0.4 M25
Cement Content for Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)
Exposure Minimum Cement Max Free Water – Minimum Grade of
Content Kg/m3 Cement Ratio Concrete
Mild 300 0.55 M20
Moderate 300 0.5 M25
Severe 320 0.45 M30
Very severe 340 0.45 M35
Extreme 360 0.4 M40

Step 6: Calculation of Aggregate Ratio

For the given nominal maximum size of aggregate, we can calculate the ratio of volumes
of coarse aggregate and volume of total aggregates for different zones of fine aggregates
from the below table.

Ratio of volume of coarse aggregate and volume of total

Nominal maximum
aggregate for different zones of fine aggregate
size of aggregate
Zone – 1 Zone – 2 Zone – 3 Zone – 4
10mm 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50
20mm 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66
40mm 0.69 0.71 0.73 0.75

Step 7: Calculation of Aggregate Content for Concrete

We already determine the coarse aggregate volume ratio in the total aggregate volume.
So, it is very easy that, 1 – volume of coarse aggregate will give the volume of fine

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aggregate. Alternatively, there are some formulae to find the volume of fine and coarse
aggregates as follows.

Mass of fine aggregate is calculated from below formula

Similarly, mass of coarse aggregate is calculated from below formula.

Where, V = volume of concrete

W = water content

C = cement content

Gc = sp. Gravity of cement

P = aggregate ration obtained in step6

F.A & C.A = masses of fine and coarse aggregates

Gf & Gca = sp. Gravities of fine and coarse aggregates.

Step 8: Trial Mixes for Testing Concrete Mix Design Strength

Based on the values obtained above, conduct a trail test by making at least 3 cubes of
150mm size as per above standards. Test that cubes and verify whether the required
strength is gained or not. If not, redesign the mix with proper adjustments until required
strength of cube occurs.

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Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Mix Design Types and Its Advantages

Concrete mix design is process of preparation of concrete with suitable proportion of
ingredients to meet the required strength and durability of concrete structure. Every
ingredient of concrete consists different properties so, it is not an easy task to get
economical and good concrete mix. The types and advantages of concrete mix design
are discussed below.

Types of Concrete Mix Design

Concrete mix design can be done by the two ways namely

1. Nominal concrete mix

2. Designed concrete mix

1. Nominal Concrete Mix

Nominal concrete mix are low grade
concrete mixes which are used for
small and unimportant works. In this
method, fine aggregate quantity is fixed
irrespective of cement and coarse
aggregate proportions. Hence, the
quality of concrete mix will be varied
and required strength may not be

In Nominal mix design water-cement

ratio also not specified. Grades of
concrete M20 and below are prepared
by the Nominal mix design. For higher
grade designed concrete mix is

Fig 1 : Nominal Mix Concrete

2. Designed Concrete Mix

The designed concrete mix does not contain any specified ranges in proportions. The
design is done according to the requirements of concrete strength. So, we can achieve
the desirable properties of concrete either it is in fresh stage or in hardened stage.

The fresh concrete properties like workability, setting time and hardened concrete
properties like compressive strength, durability etc. are attained surely by this method.
Use of additives like admixtures, retarders etc. other than basic ingredients are used to
improve the properties of mix.

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Fig 2 :Designed Mix Concrete

Using design concrete mix, one can design various grades of concrete from as low as
M10 grade to higher grades such as M80, M100 can also be prepared. The workability
requirements of each mix can also meet using this method from zero slump to the 150
mm slump. Each mix prepared is tested in laboratory after hardening to verify whether
it meet the requirement or not.

Advantages of Concrete Mix Design

The advantages of concrete mix design are as follows

1. Required Proportions of Each ingredient

2. Quality Concrete Mix
3. Economical Concrete Mix
4. Best Use of Locally Available Material
5. Desired Properties of Mix

1. Desired Proportions of Each ingredient

The main aim of the concrete
mix design is to find out the
desired proportion of each
ingredients which are
cement, coarse aggregate,
fine aggregate, water etc. to
obtain the required properties
of resulting mix.

Fig 3 :Concrete Ingredients

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Concrete Mix Design

2. Quality Concrete Mix

Each ingredient used in the concrete mix design is tested for its quality. The aggregates
with good strength, shape, specific gravity and free from organic content are used. The
water used also is of good quality generally potable water is used.

Concrete with good quality improves its properties such as strength, durability etc. The
design mix which is prepared from suitable ingredients in respective proportions itself
improves the concrete properties.

The concrete mix prepared is tested using compressive strength machines, tensile
strength machines in the form of concrete cubes and cylinders. Hence, recommended
grade of concrete can be obtained using concrete mix design.

3. Economical Concrete Mix

Normally For making concrete in nominal mix, cement is used more than the other
materials to get more strength which effects the cost of the project. It also increases the
heat of hydration and causes shrinkage cracks in concrete.

But using concrete mix design, concrete of required strength can be designed with
accurate quantity of cement. It saves the cost of the project and economical concrete
mix will be obtained and also prevents the formation shrinkage cracks by lowering heat
of hydration.

Fig 4 :Concrete Cubes

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4. Best Use of Locally Available Material

Concrete mix design allow the use of locally available material such as coarse
aggregates, fine aggregates etc. only if it is of good quality. This will reduce the cost of
project and will also encourage rapid construction.

5. Desired Properties of Mix

The concrete obtained through mix design contain desired properties like workability,
durability, setting time, strength, impermeability etc. The design is processed by
considering some important factors like water cement ratio, gradation of aggregates etc.

Depending upon on the construction conditions or requirement, admixtures are used to

improve the properties of concrete. Designed concrete mix fulfills the durability
requirement of structure against several environmental effects and serves good
throughout its functional life. Different cements available can also be used depending
upon the requirement.

Fig 5 :Testing Hardened Concrete Properties

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Concrete Mix Design


Requirements of concrete mix design should be known before calculations for concrete
mix. Mix design is done in the laboratory and samples from each mix designed is tested
for confirmation of result. But before the mix design process is started, the information
about available materials, strength of concrete required, workability, site conditions etc.
are required to be known.

Following are the information required for concrete mix

1. Characteristic strength of concrete required: Characteristic strength is the
strength of concrete below which not more than 5% of test results of samples are
expected to fall. This can also be called as the grade of concrete required for mix design.
For example, for M30 grade concrete, the required concrete compressive strength is 30
N/mm2 and characteristic strength is also the same.

Fig: Characteristic Strength of Concrete

2. Workability requirement of concrete: The workability of concrete is commonly

measured by slump test. The slump value or workability requirement of concrete is
based on the type of concrete construction.

Fig: Workability of Concrete – Slump Test

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For example, reinforced concrete construction with high percentage of steel

reinforcement, it will be difficult to compact the concrete with vibrators or other
equipment. In this case, the workability of concrete should be such that the concrete
flows to each and every part of the member. For concrete member, where it is easy to
compact the concrete, low workability concrete can also be used.

It is also known that with increase in workability of concrete, the strength of concrete
reduces. Thus, based on type of structure or structural member, the workability
requirement of concrete should be assumed and considered in the mix design.

For pumped concrete, it is essential to have high workability to transfer concrete to

greater heights with ease. This case also should be considered in the mix design.

3. Quality control at site: The strength and durability of concrete depends on the
degree of quality control during construction operation at site. Nominal mixes of
concrete assumes the worst quality control at site based on past experiences.
Thus, for design mix concrete, it is essential to understand the quality control capability
of contractor and workmen at construction site in mixing, transporting, placing,
compacting and curing of concrete. Each step in concrete construction process affects
the strength and durability of concrete.

The availability of workmen also affects quality control of concrete. The more skilled
workmen and supervision helps to maintain good quality construction.

4. Weather conditions: Weather impacts the setting time of concrete. In hot climate,
the concrete tends to set early due to loss in moisture, and in this case, the concrete need
to have higher water cement ratio or special admixtures to delay initial setting of
concrete. Recommendations for concrete cooling agents also required to be mentioned
in the mix design for very hot weather conditions.
In cold climates, the initial setting time of concrete increases as the moisture loss rate
is very low. Due to this, water cement ratio is considered appropriately. Admixtures
should also be recommended to prevent freezing of concrete in case of very cold

5. Exposure conditions of concrete: Exposure conditions play an important role in the

mix design of concrete. The exposure conditions such as chemical actions, coastal areas
etc. needs to be considered for the given site. Generally exposure conditions as per code
of practices are mild, moderate, severe, very severe and extreme exposure conditions
for concrete constructions.
The grade of concrete and durability requirements of concrete changes with exposure
conditions. For extreme exposure conditions some standard codes mention minimum
strength of concrete as M35.

6. Batching and mixing methods: There are two types of batching method, i.e.
volumetric batching and batching by weight. These two conditions should be known for
concrete mix design calculations.

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Concrete Mix Design

Fig: Batching and Mixing Methods for Concrete

Mixing methods include manual mixing, machine mixing, ready mix concrete etc. The
quality control of concrete varies with each type of mixing method.

7. Quality of materials: Each construction material should have been tested in

laboratory before it is considered for mix design calculations. The type of material, their
moisture content, suitability for construction, and their chemical and physical properties
affects the mix design of concrete. Type of cement to be used for construction, coarse
and fine aggregates sources, their size and shape should be considered.

Fig: Quality of Materials for Concrete Construction

8. Special Requirements of concrete: Special requirement of concrete such as setting

times, early strength, flexural strength,

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Concrete Mix Design Calculation for M20, M25, M30 Concrete

Concrete mix design is the process of finding right proportions of cement, sand and
aggregates for concrete to achieve target strength in structures. So, concrete mix design
can be stated as Concrete Mix = Cement:Sand:Aggregates.

The concrete mix design involves various steps, calculations and laboratory testing to
find right mix proportions. This process is usually adopted for structures which requires
higher grades of concrete such as M25 and above and large construction projects where
quantity of concrete consumption is huge..

Benefits of concrete mix design is that it provides the right proportions of materials,
thus making the concrete construction economical in achieving required strength of
structural members. As, the quantity of concrete required for large constructions are
huge, economy in quantity of materials such as cement makes the project construction

Concrete Mix design of M20, M25, M30 and higher grade of concrete can be calculated
from example below.

Concrete Mix Design

Data Required for Concrete Mix Design
(i) Concrete Mix Design Stipulation
(a) Characteristic compressive strength required in the field at 28 days grade designation
— M 25

(b) Nominal maximum size of aggregate — 20 mm

(c) Shape of CA — Angular

(d) Degree of workability required at site — 50-75 mm (slump)

(e) Degree of quality control available at site — As per IS:456

(f) Type of exposure the structure will be subjected to (as defined in IS: 456) — Mild

(g) Type of cement: PSC conforming IS:455

(h) Method of concrete placing: pump able concrete

(ii) Test data of material (to be determined in the laboratory)

(a) Specific gravity of cement — 3.15

(b) Specific gravity of FA — 2.64

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Concrete Mix Design

(c) Specific gravity of CA — 2.84

(d) Aggregate are assumed to be in saturated surface dry condition.

(e) Fine aggregates confirm to Zone II of IS – 383

Procedure for Concrete Mix Design of M25 Concrete

Step 1 — Determination Of Target Strength
Himsworth constant for 5% risk factor is 1.65. In this case standard deviation is taken
from IS:456 against M 20 is 4.0.

ftarget = fck + 1.65 x S

= 25 + 1.65 x 4.0 = 31.6 N/mm2

S = standard deviation in N/mm2 = 4 (as per table -1 of IS 10262- 2009)

Step 2 — Selection of water / cement ratio:-

From Table 5 of IS 456, (page no 20)

Maximum water-cement ratio for Mild exposure condition = 0.55

Based on experience, adopt water-cement ratio as 0.5.

0.5<0.55, hence OK.

Step 3 — Selection of Water Content

From Table 2 of IS 10262- 2009,

Maximum water content = 186 Kg (for Nominal maximum size of aggregate — 20 mm)

Table for Correction in water content

Values as per Values as per Correction in
Parameters Standard reference Present Departure Water
condition Problem Content

(+3/25) x 25 =
Slump 25-50 mm 50-75 25

Shape of
Angular Angular Nil –

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Total +3
Estimated water content = 186+ (3/100) x 186 = 191.6 kg /m3

Step 4 — Selection of Cement Content

Water-cement ratio = 0.5

Corrected water content = 191.6 kg /m3

Cement content =

From Table 5 of IS 456,

Minimum cement Content for mild exposure condition = 300 kg/m3

383.2 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3, hence, OK.
This value is to be checked for durability requirement from IS: 456.

In the present example against mild exposure and for the case of reinforced concrete the
minimum cement content is 300 kg/m3 which is less than 383.2 kg/m3. Hence cement
content adopted = 383.2 kg/m3.
As per clause of IS: 456

Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3.

Step 5: Estimation of Coarse Aggregate proportion:-
From Table 3 of IS 10262- 2009,

For Nominal maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm,

Zone of fine aggregate = Zone II

And For w/c = 0.5

Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate = 0.62

Table for correction in estimation of coarse aggregate proportion

Values as
per Values as per
in Coarse
Parameter Standard present Departure Remarks
reference problem

W/c 0.5 0.5 Nil – See Note 1

pump able
Workability – – -10% See Note 2

Total -10%

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Concrete Mix Design

Note 1: For every ±0.05 change in w/c, the coarse aggregate proportion is to be changed
by 0.01. If the w/c is less than 0.5 (standard value), volume of coarse aggregate is
required to be increased to reduce the fine aggregate content. If the w/c is more than
0.5, volume of coarse aggregate is to be reduced to increase the fine aggregate content.
If coarse aggregate is not angular, volume of coarse aggregate may be required to be
increased suitably, based on experience.
Note 2: For pump able concrete or congested reinforcement the coarse aggregate
proportion may be reduced up to 10%.

Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate = 0.62 x 90% = 0.558

Volume of fine aggregate = 1 – 0.558 = 0.442

Step 6: Estimation of the mix ingredients

a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3
b) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Specific gravity of cement) x (1/100)

= (383.2/3.15) x (1/1000) = 0.122 m3

c) Volume of water = (Mass of water / Specific gravity of water) x (1/1000)

= (191.6/1) x (1/1000) = 0.1916 m3

d) Volume of total aggregates = a – (b + c ) = 1 – (0.122 + 0.1916) = 0.6864 m3
e) Mass of coarse aggregates = 0.6864 x 0.558 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1087.75 kg/m3
f) Mass of fine aggregates = 0.6864 x 0.442 x 2.64 x 1000 = 800.94 kg/m3
Concrete Mix proportions for Trial Mix 1
Cement = 383.2 kg/m3
Water = 191.6 kg/m3
Fine aggregates = 800.94 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1087.75 kg/m3
W/c = 0.5

For trial -1 casting of concrete in lab, to check its properties.

It will satisfy durability & economy.

For casting trial -1, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube
assuming 25% wastage.

Volume of concrete required for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3

Cement = (383.2 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.47 kg
Water = (191.6 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.23 kg
Coarse aggregate = (1087.75 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.36 kg
Fine aggregates = (800.94 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.52 kg

Step 7: Correction due to absorbing / moist aggregate:-

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Since the aggregate is saturated surface dry condition hence no correction is required.

Step 8: Concrete Trial Mixes:-

Concrete Trial Mix 1:
The mix proportion as calculated in Step 6 forms trial mix1. With this proportion,
concrete is manufactured and tested for fresh concrete properties requirement i.e.
workability, bleeding and finishing qualities.

In this case,

Slump value = 25 mm

Compaction Factor = 0.844

So, from slump test we can say,

Mix is cohesive, workable and had a true slump of about 25 mm and it is free from
segregation and bleeding.

Desired slump = 50-75 mm

So modifications are needed in trial mix 1 to arrive at the desired workability.

Concrete Trial Mix 2:

To increase the workability from 25 mm to 50-75 mm an increase in water content by
+3% is to be made.

The corrected water content = 191.6 x 1.03 = 197.4 kg.

As mentioned earlier to adjust fresh concrete properties the water cement ratio will not
be changed. Hence

Cement Content = (197.4/0.5) = 394.8 kg/m3

Which also satisfies durability requirement.

Volume of all in aggregate = 1 – [{394.8/(3.15×1000)} + {197.4/(1 x 1000)}] = 0.6773

Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.6773 x 0.558 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1073.33 kg/m3
Mass of fine aggregate = 0.6773 x 0.442 x 2.64 x 1000 = 790.3 kg/m3

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Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Mix Proportions for Trial Mix 2

Cement = 384.8 kg/m3
Water = 197.4 kg/m3
Fine aggregate =790.3 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1073.33 kg/m3
For casting trial -2, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube
assuming 25% wastage.

Volume of concrete required for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3

Cement = (384.8 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.66 kg
Water = (197.4 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.33 kg
Coarse aggregate = (1073.33 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.11 kg
Fine aggregates = (790.3 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.34 kg
In this case,

Slump value = 60 mm

Compaction Factor = 0.852

So, from slump test we can say,

Mix is very cohesive, workable and had a true slump of about 60 mm.

It virtually flowed during vibration but did not exhibit any segregation and bleeding.

Desired slump = 50-75 mm

So , it has achieved desired workability by satisfying the requirement of 50-75 mm

slump value .

Now , we need to go for trial mix-3 .

Concrete Trial Mix 3:

In case of trial mix 3 water cement ratio is varied by +10% keeping water content
constant. In the present example water cement ratio is raised to 0.55 from 0.5.

An increase of 0.05 in the w/c will entail a reduction in the coarse aggregate fraction by

Hence the coarse aggregate as percentage of total aggregate = 0.558 – 0.01 = 0.548

W/c = 0.55

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Water content will be kept constant.

Cement content = (197.4/0.55) = 358.9 kg/m3

Hence, volume of all in aggregate

= 1 – [{(358.9/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] =0.688 m3

Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.688 x 0.548 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1070.75 kg/m3
Mass of fine aggregate = 0.688 x 0.452 x 2.64 x 1000 = 821 kg/m3

Concrete Mix Proportions of Trial Mix 3

Cement = 358.9 kg/m3
Water = 197.4 kg/m3
FA = 821 kg/m3
CA = 1070.75 kg/m3
For casting trial -3, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube
assuming 25% wastage.

Volume of concrete required for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3

Cement = (358.9 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.06 kg
Water = (197.4 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.33 kg
Coarse aggregate = (1070.75 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.07 kg
Fine aggregates = (821 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.85 kg
In this case,

Slump value = 75 mm

Compaction Factor = 0.89

So, from slump test we can say,

Mix is stable, cohesive, and workable and had a true slump of about 75 mm.

Desired slump = 50-75 mm

So , it has achieved desired workability by satisfying the requirement of 50-75 mm

slump value .

Now , we need to go for trial mix-4.

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Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Trial Mix 4:

In this case water / cement ratio is decreased by 10% keeping water content constant.

W/c = 0.45

A reduction of 0.05 in w/c will entail and increase of coarse aggregate fraction by 0.01.

Coarse aggregate fraction = 0.558 +.01 =.568

W/c = 0.45 and water content = 197.4 kg/m3

Cement content = (197.4/0.45) = 438.7 kg/m3
Volume of all in aggregate

= 1 – [{438.7/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] = 0.664 m3

Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.664 x 0.568 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1071.11 kg/m3
Mass of fine aggregate = 0.664 x 0.432 x 2.64 x 1000 = 757.28 kg/m3

Concrete Mix Proportions of Trial Mix 4

Cement = 438.7 kg/m3
Water = 197.4 kg/m3
FA = 757.28 kg/m3
CA = 1071.11 kg/m3
For casting trial -4, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube
assuming 25% wastage.

Volume of concrete required for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3

Cement = (438.7 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 7.4 kg
Water = (197.4 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.33 kg
Coarse aggregate = (1071.11 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.07 kg
Fine aggregates = (757.28 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 12.78 kg
A local correction due to moisture condition of aggregate is again applied on this
proportions. With corrected proportions three concrete cubes are cast and tested for 28
days compressive strength.

A summary of all the trial mixes is given in the following Table.

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Recommended mix proportion of ingredients for grade of concrete

From Compressive Strength vs. c/w graph for target strength 31.6 MPa we get,

W/c = 0.44

water content = 197.4 kg/m3

Cement content = (197.4/0.44) = 448.6 kg/m3
Volume of all in aggregate

= 1 – [{448.6/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] = 0.660 m3

A reduction of 0.05 in w/c will entail and increase of coarse aggregate fraction by 0.01.

Coarse aggregate fraction = 0.558 +.01 =.568

Volume of fine aggregate = 1 – 0.568 = 0.432

Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.660 x 0.568 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1064.65 kg/m3

Mass of fine aggregate = 0.660 x 0.432 x 2.64 x 1000 = 752.71 kg/m3

Concrete Mix Design 22

Concrete Mix Design

Factors Affecting Concrete Mix Design Strength

The mixing of concrete constituent materials i.e. cement, water, aggregates and
admixtures in specified proportions will produce a concrete of adequate strength. The
mix design strength developed for a given type of cement is dependent on the following

1. Water/Cement Ratio
2. Cement Content
3. Relative proportion of fine and coarse aggregates
4. Admixture

Factors Affecting Concrete Mix Design Strength

The above stated design strength variable factors are explained below based on different
theories and specifications.

1. Water/cement ratio
Water to cement ratio (W/C ratio) is the single most important factor governing the
strength and durability of concrete. Strength of concrete depends upon W/C ratio rather
than the cement content.

Abram’s law states that “higher the water/cement ratio, lower is the strength of
concrete.” As a thumb rule every 1% increase in quantity of water added, reduces
the strength of concrete by 5%.
A water/cement ratio of only 0.38 is required for complete hydration of cement.
(Although this is the theoretical limit, water cement ratio lower than 0.38 will also
increase the strength, since all the cement that is added, does not hydrate) Water added
for workability over and above this water/cement ratio of 0.38, evaporates leaving
cavities in the concrete. These cavities are in the form of thin capillaries. They reduce
the strength and durability of concrete. Hence, it is very important to control the
water/cement ratio on site.
Every extra liter of water will approx. reduce the strength of concrete by 2 to 3
N/mm2and increase the workability by 25 mm. As stated earlier, the water/cement
ratio strongly influences the permeability of concrete and durability of concrete.
Revised IS 456-2000 has restricted the maximum water/cement ratios for durability
considerations by clause, table 5.

2. Cement content
Cement is the core material in concrete, which acts as a binding agent and imparts
strength to the concrete. From durability considerations cement content should not be
reduced below 300Kg/m3 for RCC.
As per IS 456 –2000 , higher cement contents is required for severe conditions of
exposure of weathering agents to the concrete. It is not necessary that higher cement

Manipur Technical University

content would result in higher strength. In fact, latest findings show that for the same
water/cement ratio, a leaner mix will give better strength.

However, this does not mean that we can achieve higher grades of concrete by just
lowering the water/cement ratio. This is because lower water/cement ratios will mean
lower water contents and result in lower workability. In fact, for achieving a given
workability, a certain quantity of water will be required. If lower water/cement ratio is
to be achieved without disturbing the workability, cement content will have to be

Higher cement content helps us in getting the desired workability at a lower

water/cement ratio. In most of the mix design methods, the water contents to achieve
different workability levels are given in form of empirical relations.

Water/cement ratios required to achieve target mean strengths are interpolated from
graphs given in IS 10262 Clause 3.1 and 3.2 fig 2. The cement content is found as

Thus, we see that higher the workability of concrete, greater is cement content required
and vice versa. Also, greater the water/cement ratio, lower is the cement content
required and vice versa.

3. Relative Proportion of Fine & Coarse Aggregates

Aggregates are of two types as below:

1. Coarse aggregate (Metal): These are particles retained on standard IS 4.75mm sieve.
2. Fine aggregate (Sand): These are particles passing standard IS 4.75mm sieve.
When comparing coarse and fine aggregates, the coarse aggregate tends to occupy one
third of the volume of the concrete. This means that a change in coarse aggregate would
bring a change in the strength of the concrete.

Proportion of fine aggregates to coarse aggregate depends on following:

1. Fineness of sand: Generally, when the sand is fine, smaller proportion of it is enough to get a cohesive
mix; while coarser the sand, greater has to be its proportion with respect to coarse aggregate.
2. Size& shape of coarse aggregates: Greater the size of coarse aggregate lesser is the surface area and
lesser is the proportion of fine aggregate required and vice versa. Flaky aggregates have more surface
area and require greater proportion of fine aggregates to get cohesive mix. Similarly, rounded aggregate
has lesser surface area and require lesser proportion of fine aggregate to get a cohesive mix.
3. Cement content: Leaner mixes require more proportion of fine aggregates than richer mixes. This is
because cement particles also contribute to the fines in concrete.
The grading of the aggregates in the concrete mix design is an important factor that
would determine the amount of paste that is required for the concrete. If the amount of
voids present is high, more cement will be required to fill it. The use of well graded
aggregates will help to reduce this void content to some extent. This will demand for
less paste.

Concrete Mix Design 24

Concrete Mix Design

4. Admixtures
A variety of admixtures are available in the market that is used to serve various
purposes. The admixtures are used in the concrete mix design when they have to solve
certain concerns. Some of these concerns are:

o To decrease the cost of construction

o To achieve certain properties effectively
o To maintain the concrete quality throughout the process of mixing, transporting, placing and

Among various admixtures available, the strength gain in concrete is achieved through
the use of water reducing admixtures. As mentioned above, the water cement ratio
cannot be decreased to a certain limit as it would affect the workability of the mix. This
property can be achieved by the use of water reducing admixtures that would give both
a cement rich mix and a workable mix without the use of excess water.

A good workable mix can be obtained only by adding 45 to 55% water by the weight
of cement. This will result the water to remain in excess even after the completion of
hydration. These excess water in the pores get evaporated and create voids. These voids
are the primary reason behind the development of failure cracks which weakens the
concrete. Hence decrease in voids by the use of less amount of water can be achieved
through water reducing admixtures.

Mentioned below are some of the admixtures and their respective roles in the concrete
mix design strength.

Table.1: Strength Property Gained by Different Admixture

Type of Admixture Property Gained

• Decrease the water and cement content hence lower the water
High Range Water cement ratio.
1 • Early Strength Gain
• Results in High strength Concrete
• Reduce Chloride-ion penetration

Accelerating • Increase Rate of Hydration- Initial Setting of the concrete

Admixtures • Early Age Strength Development

Water-Reducing • Reduce water-cement ratio

3 • Reduce cement content
• Increase slump


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