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Unidad Técnico Pedagógica

Name: __________________________________________________________
Class: 7th ______ Date: _______________ pts: _____/22 pts

Expecting learning: ___________________________________________________________________________


Before: write 1-6 next to a-f to match the words with their meaning in Spanish. (6 pts)

a. ____to be kind 1. Estar mal o equivocado.

b. ____ to share 2. Ser amable.
c. ____ to mind 3. Sentirse herido, lastimado.
d. ____ sorry 4. Disculpa.
e. ____ to be wrong 5. Preocuparse de algo o alguien.
f. ____ to feel hurt 6. Compartir.

Read the following poem and do the following activities.

Try to be kind

It’s good to share your toys and games

With friends, even if you mind.
But if you don’t want to share today
You should still try to be kind.

It’s good to say sorry if you’re wrong

And you’ll feel better, you’ll find.
But if you don’t want to say sorry yet
You should still try to be kind.

It’s good to forgive when you feel hurt

Even if someone’s been unkind.
But if you don’t want to listen yet
You should still try to be kind.

It’s hard to feel you’re not doing well

Or you wish you could press rewind.
But the most important thing is this,
You should still try to be kind.

Gillian Craig
1. Complete the sentences using words from the box. (5 pts)

Better Share Kind Sorry Hard Forgive

a. It is good to share your toys and games with friends.

b. It’s good to say ____________________ if you’re wrong.
c. You’ll feel ____________________________
d. It’s good to ___________________________when you feel hurt.
e. It’s ____________________________ to feel you’re not doing well.
f. The most important thing is to try to be _____________________________.

2. TRUE/ FALSE. Circle the right answer. (5 pts)

It is good to share with friends. TRUE FALSE

It is good to say sorry when others are wrong. TRUE FALSE
It is not good to forgive. TRUE FALSE
It is hard to feel you are wrong. TRUE FALSE
It is important to try to be nice. TRUE FALSE

3. Put in the right order the following sentences. (6 pts)

a. try your share to things.

Try to share your things____________________________________

b. Say try sorry to


c. People to forgive try


d. Be try kind to

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